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May 24, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-05-24

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SGC Talks
On Freedom
Week Events
Communist Teacher
Problem Big Issue
Laying particular emphasis on
the subject of Communist teach-
ers, Student Government Council
last night discussed problems
raised by current Academic Free-
dom Week events.
Most Council members agreed
that trouble acrose as a result of
inadequate definition of the term
Academic Freedom. IHC president
Bob Warrick, 157E, said that the
definition laid down by speakers
'so far was too tight and didn't in-
elude a broad enough area.
Snyder Comments
Daily Managing Editor Dick
Snyder, '57, commented the fact
that a university pays a faculty
member does not give that uni-
versity the right to subjugate the
professor's views.
Union President Roy Lave, '57,
felt that a faculty member's free-
dom includes the responsibility of
presenting all sides of an issue,
and that the professor's views
should not be given undue, empha-
Snyder said that a professor
does have a right to express his
Student Government Council
President Bill Adams, 57, has"
had, his bicycle towed away by
Ann Arbor police Tuesday.
"I forgot that the city prop
qty line extends one foot into
the sidewalk," Adams explain-
Asked if he had retrieved his
bike yet, he commented, "It's
16 years old-I'm not sure it's
worth the trouble."
Adams claimed his bike had
a Grosse Point license on it al-
- ready and shouldn't have been
SGC has been cooperating
with police In urging studtnts
to get licenses.
opinion, and if his view is Irra-
tional, the opposite one should be
defensible. "If we restrict a per-
son, we're going to be that much
more uncertain about our own
opinion and will be unprepared to
defend it. If we cannot defend De-
mocracy on rational grounds, may-
be it's time for a re-evaluation of
that democracy," he said.
Approves Appointments
The Council also approved ap-
pointments to the Religious Em-
phasis Week Committee. Appoint-
ed were Janet Neary, '58 and Ron
Shorr, '58, from SGC; Hertha Ad-
ler, '58 and Carol Krohn, .'57, from
the Student Religious Associa-
tion; Robin Olliver, '57E, from In-
ter-House Council; Bob Stahl, '58,
from Inter-Fraternity C o un c 11;
Betsy Alexander, '58, from As-
sembly Association; Ricky Erskine,
'57, from Panhellenic Association;
Grey C. Austin from the Admin-
istration; Prof. Frank L. Huntley
of the English department and
Herman Jacobs, from the Board
of Religious Counselors.
SGC fall elections will be held
Nov. 13 and 14. Tom Van dan Bosh
has been appointed Elections Dir-
Block "M" will be moved one
section further toward the end

zone for a temporary one year per-
iod next fall.
Anne Woodard, '57, will attend
the U.S. National Students Assoc-
iation's International Student Re-
lations Seminar in Cambridge,
Mass. during the summer. She was
one of 18 students chosen from 150
applicants from all over the na-
Approve Revised Constitution
In other action taken last night,
SGC approved IHC and Scroll
constitution revisions. The council
also granted permission for local
sorority Alethia to affiliate as a
colony of Phi Mu national sor-
ority. The colony may become
active after a year on campus.
The council approved a motion
that a Cinema Guild Board study
committee be set up. The com-
mittee will report and make rec-
ommendations to SGC in the fall.
The coed sophomer musical shotv
will be held Nov. 15, 16 and 17.1
The Men's Glee Clib will give a
combined concert with the Uni-
a . -t of -14n -a laa ..iV, We .v

Freedom Needs
Res tra ints -Kirk
'Can Exist Only By Moral Sanction;
Checks, Controls By Social Order'
Saying that Academic Freedom which has no limitations is not
Academic Freedom at all, Russell Kirk yesterday outlined its attendant
duties and responsibilities.
According to Kirk, freedom has some relationship to Christianity
in its conception of submission to a higher will and ignoring worldly
He said that it can exist only when it has the sanction of a moral
order and when it can be checked and held in control by a social order.

Ike Defends
Rneent Row
Ofnt Services
Asks Heads To Obey
Top-Level Decisions
WASHINGTON (1) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower declared
with table-thumping emphasis
yesterday the nation's military
planners can and must defend to
the limit their sometimes conflict-
ing ideas on defense of the United
But he also cautioned, in his
first personal comment on the re-
cent upsurge of Army-Air Force-
Navy rivalry, that once top-level
decisions are made he expects all
hands will "loyally support" those
decisions and refrain from debat-
ing them in a way that will "alarm
everybody else."
Fiery Eyes ,
President Eisenhower spoke out
with fire in his eyes and voice at a
news conference in which he also
pictured the newly announced cut
In Soviet armed forces as a
"streamlining" operation-part of
changing defense concepts on both
sides of the Iron curtain in the
light of new weapons and meth-
The President said he frankly
isn't sure what the Russians are
up to.
But he said if it turns out they
really are reducing their armed
might, and not just redeploying
manpower, that "would be ,a very
warmly accepted step and it would
be real progress."
Unique Fervor
President Eisenhower has sel-
dom spoken to correspondents with
more fervor than he did yester-
day in batting down what he de-
scribed as the idea that the coun-
try's safety can be entrusted to
any particular type of weapon
alone - whether guided missile,
long-range bomber or anything
He gave the table in front of
him a series of vigorous rapt as he
declared the whole problem is one
of total national strength, right
down to good schools and prosper-
ous farms-"a unit, an integrated
problem," he called it, "not one of
just little bits of pieces all over
the world."

*The old theory of enlightened self-
interest is not a sufficient guide
to order.
Poor definition of Academic
Freedom can lead to what, Kirk
called "the license of irresponsibil-
ity and the license of indolence."
Theory of Absolute
In the case of the former, a pro-
fessor will operate under the
theory that Academic Freedom is
absolute, and that he has no re-
trictions placed upon him. "The!
idea of absolute freedom is more
widely spread than it ought to
be," Kirk said.
The license of indolence means
that a professor will use his right
to freedom to insulate himself
from new ideas. "We have to hear
the doctrinaire in general, not
just the Communist," he main-
- Mature Scholars A Must
S willexist if a faculty is com-
posed of mature scholars who de-
sire to conserve and extend truth
and if students have full ground-
ing in rudiments so they can ab-
sorb general ideas, he 'said.
"It's a question of indoctrina-
tion versusright reason. rOn the
lower levels of education, the for-
mer is somewhat necessary, but
the task of a university is employ-
ment of right reason. If there is a
lowering of standards, Academic
Freedom will decay," he' said.
No Inventiveness
Kirk maintained that aca-
demic atmosphere does not usually
foster inventiveness. "A man who
has an original idea has a hard
time in a university because he
runs up against the natural con-
servatism there."
In conclusion, he said, "Free-
dom is never taken away, it is
forfeited by those who have ceased
to earn it. This danger can be
alleviated by encouraging the con-
servation and extension of truth
that justifies Academic Freedom."
To Discuss
"Academic Freedom: Dead or!
Alive at Michigan?" will be the
topic of a forum at 7:30 p.m. to-
day in Auditorium B, Angell Hall.
Part of the current Academic
Freedom Week program, the for-
um will be noderated by Prof.
Gerhard E. Lenski of the sociol-
ogy department.
Speakers will be Dean of Women
Deborah Bacon, Prof. Roger W.
Heyns of the psychology depart-
Council president Hank, Berliner,
ment, former Student Government
'56, and Murry Frymer, '56, Edi-
torial Director of The Daily.

New Farm
Bill Passed
By Congress
Sets Billion Dollar
Per Year Soil Bank,
Additional Benefits
WASHINGTON (A') - Congress
completed action yesterday on the
second farm bill of this session,
a measure setting up a billion-dol-
lar-a-year . soil bank and giving
farmers other new benefits.
The House passed the compro-
mise legislation on a 304-59 roll
call vote. The Senate approved it
Now the bill goes to the White
House for President Dwight D.
Eisenhower's signature. He is ex-
pected to accept it as a substitute
for farm legislation he vetoed
April 16.
The President objected to the
first bill mainly because of its
provisions for a return to high,
rigid crop supports. The new bill
does not contain these provisions.
Has Only Chance
Representative W. R. Poage (D-
Tex.);, floor manager for the com-
promise legislation, urged it on
the House as "not the second best
farm bill we have had before us
this year" but "probably the third
or fourth best, but the only one
which seems to have a chance to
become law."
The compromise was hammered
out Monday and Tuesday by a
Senate-House Conference Com-
mittee working from two different
versions of the legislation.
Start This Year
The soil bank program will get
under way this year, but not on
any substantial scle, since most
spring crops have l'4eady been
Congress refused Presidett
Eisenhower's request for authority
to advance farmers up to 500
million dollars this year for land
they promise to put in the soil
bank next year.
The bill provides for supporting
oats, rye, barley and sorghums, the
small feed grains, at 76 per cent
of parity this year without any
planting or marketing restrictio .
Support For Corn.
Corn produced outside the big
commercial corn belt would be
supported at 82 per cent of the
parity rate for commercial corn.
The rate for commercial corn, al-
ready fived by administrative or-
der, is 83.7 per cent of parity.
Parity is ,a price level deemed
fair to the farmer in relation to
his over-all production costs.
The bill provides an additional
500 million dollars to be used in
helping dispose of farm products
not now receiving direct price sup-
Truman Hits
q g
Of Reporters
NAPLES (AP)-Harry S. Truman
said yesterday he didn't want to
embarrass anybody-but that in
fact he never held' "squirrel-head-
ed" generalship responsible for the
way allied landing were carried
out below Rome in 1943-44.
He had been quoted as saying
the Salerno and Anzio landings
were unnecessary "and planned by
some squirrel-headed general" and

also that there were a lot of easier
places that could have been chosen
for beachheads.
Wouldn't Say That
"I would make no comment like
that," the former president told
"I had been listening to the con-
versation of several people who
had been there. I am very sorry
about it. But it's an embarras-
sing situation and I hope you'll
clear it tip."
Truman's secretary, Eugene
Bailey, earlier had reported Tru-
man made "a complete denial" of
the quotations attributed to him
Tuesday night. When reporters
asked Truman himself about that,
he said:
"I don't want to embarrass any-
body, especially people who are
with me and reporting on me. I
never scold anybody when things
don't go straight and I wish you
would clear it up."
Denies Misquoting ,
'Tmna 7m- Acci+.a Pr-v/_



Mead Sees
S Increasing

Foreign Aid
Bill Passed
Committee Slashes
Eisenhower's Request
WASHINGTON "P')-B a lop-
sided vote of 24-4, the House For-
eign Affairs Committee gave its
final approval yesterday to a for-
eign aid bill slashed $1,109,000,000
below President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower's $4,900,000,000 request.
The formal committee action
sent the big bill to the House.
Leaders scheduled it for floor de-
bate June 6.
Administration supporters were
clearly concerned about the effects
of such a large fund slash in the
program to bolster free world
countries against communism.
But it remained uncertain how
they would try to counter it. They
could fight to restore a big amount
of the cut on the House floor-
where there is considerable senti-
ment for an even bigger reduc-
tion-or concentrate their efforts
on the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee, which acts on the bill
after it passes the House.
Representative J. M. Vorys of
Ohio, a ranking Foreign Affairs
mmittee Republican, said there
wA_ be "plenty of time for re-
conr.:itering and counting of
noses" before the bill comes be-
fore the House.
NO Coercion
He indicated there will be no
oncerted administration push to
restore the funds in the House un-
less GOP leaders think they can
get the votes to win.



Cases for and against the control of lectures at state universities
were aired last night in the last of three Inter-House Council spon-
§ored Faculty Debates.
The debate was, in effect, a discussion of the place of the
Lecture Committee, which "helps administer the speakers program," at
the University.
Dickinson Defends
Defending the duties of the Committee, Prof. Z. Clark Dickinson,



of the economics department and a member of the
"Our group enforces the rules of the Regents for

Committee, said
the educational

those of
ers from
give the
"I bel
invite a
the worl
not fea
son ren
was nee
of a few
to make
He c
and edu
the plar
gents an
He als
rules do
from br
the mee
more, th
which h
sial lect'
tions fc
from ca
the inte

s of the University and not<
f political groups."
Preston W. Slosson, of the
department, opposing the
of lecturers observed that
so-called subversive speak-
n campus creates "the best
nda in the world we can
ieve that any student or-
on should be allowed to
nd listen to any person in
Ld they want and we should
ir the consequences," he
Free Advertising
g whether the University
"furnish soapboxes for
nist orators," Prof. Dickin-
marked that "protection"
ded, "from the maneuvers
vstudents who are learning
careers of revolution."
alled upon the Lecture
tee "in a public spirited
cational way to implement
n and policies of the Re-
nd administration."
o observed that Committee
not prevent organizations
inging anyone to speak if
eting is closed. "Further-
he duties of the Committee,
andles very few controver-
turers, must keep organiza-
ollowing communist lines
ampus in due respect for
erests of students and the
udents Should Know
reeing with the protection
nt Prof. Slosson said stu-
hould "be exposed to every
al wind that blows."
what if more subtle cases.
mmunism are preesnted?
people are much too smart
ly advocate violent over-
of the government. But
e speaking to the most in-
t and critical audience in
rld," he said.
Dickinson agreed that lec-
are speaking to a critical
e at universities but said

S even .Die
As Dredge
MILWAUKEE (MP)-A 120-foot
dredge, bucking like a bronco in
waves 10 to 15 feet high on wind-
raked Lake Michigan, broke a
boom cable while being towed to
shelter early, this morning, heeled
over and plummeted to the bot-
Seven of the 19 men aboard the
flat-bottomed craft lost their lives
in the cold, white-capped waters
before dawn. Two others were
missing and presumed drowned.
"The heavy seas came on us,"
said 47-year-old Edwin Selvick, an
operating engineer from Des
Plaines, Ill. "It was just a matter
of three or four minutes after that
she turned over. Everybody dove
in the lake. Then she turned over."
The tragedy occurred in pitch
darkness about four miles due
east oT Cudahy, a suburb just
south of Milwaukee. The dredge
was being towed to a haven in
Milwaukee Harbor by the 65-foot
tug E. James Fucik.
16 Illinois
Delegates .
Leave Alai'
fourth of the Illinois Democrat
delegation yesterday expressed
"very strong sentiment" for Sen-.
ator Stuart Symington of Miss-
ouri, but decided to go unpledged
to any candidate seeking the pres-
idential nomination at 'the Dem-
ocratic National Convention.
The action of the 16 downstate
delegates was taken at a meeting
called by former United States
Senator Scott Lucas, a delegate to
the August convention in Chicago.
The meeting, termed a personal
project of Lucas, was not sanc-
tioned by Democratic state head-
Lucas said the meeting was not
a move to hamper the candidacy
of former Illinois Governor Adlai
E. Stevenson, the party's 1952 can-
didate for president who is seeking
the 1956 nomination.

Difficulty Forseen
In Private Housing
Foreign students will again face
face a definite problem in securing
housing next semester, according
to Kathleen Mead, house director
of the International Center.
The population of foreign stu-
dents at the University now Is4
1,178, with an enrollment increase
to approximately 2,000 expected
for next year. Along with this in-
crease of students will be a greater
demand for foreign student hous'
nig which must be mt by the
Need Private Homes
Since many of the students are
graduates, they must be placed In
private homes, "and due to so
many houses being pulled down be-
cause of University expansion,
parking lots and city inspection,
it is very difficult finding enough
rooms for them," she said.
Referring to the housing prob-
lem faced by foreign graduate stu-
dents last fall, Mrs. Mead said
roomless students were forced to
sleep in cots in the recreation room
of Madelon Pound house, a part
of the'International Center.
"The League-and the Union both
have dorm rooms which we em-
ployed for the same purpose," Mrs.
Mead added.
These facilities were used until
Mrs. Mead located rooms and
apartments for the students.
Enough Rooms Then
"There were really enough rooms
to take care of the foreign stu-
dents .at the time," according to
B. V. Govindaraj, Grad., vice-pres-
ident of the International Stu-
dents' Association, "but the land-
lords were withholding them in
the hope of getting higher rent.
"This is substantiated by the
fact that in a month's time, there
was a general influx of rooms,"
he added,
Govindaraj indicated that this
housing problem might well re-
cur next year, especially if "more
American studentsattend the Uni-
versity because the landlords, if
given the opportunity to rent to
Americans, will do so rather than
rent to the foreign students."
Undergrad Difficulty
Undergraduate foreign studets
have difficulty securing dorm
rooms since their room reserva-
tions are supposed to be submit-
ted by June, "and many of them
don't know if and when they are
coming here for sure," Mrs. Mead
Commenting on Ann Arbor land-
lords' atitudes towards accepting
foreign students, the House Dir-
ector said there have beens a few
difficulties because the students
are foreign.
"Some landladies feel it is a
privilege to house foreign students,
whereas others only rent to them
because they don't bring their
homes up to the calibre American
students demand," Mrs. Mead
Foreign Students' Attitude
As to foreign students' attitude,
a survey taken by the Interna-
tional Center last year indicated
more than one student out of
three living in rooming houses
found them only "fair" or "un-
The survey explained this indi-
cation by pointing out the im-
possibility of many definite ar-
rangements prior to their arrival.
By the time they arrive, it said, the
better quality and more conven-
iently located accommodations

have often been taken.
The report also said some land-
ladies refuse to take foreign stu-
dents, particularly those with dark
skins. "The International Center
handles this problem by listing


Show Stopper

LAWRENCE, Kan. (R) - Five dents sh
University of Kansas students doctrina
were out on bond and a sixth was "So w
under jail sentence yesterday in for com
the wake of a panty raid of a Those p
Baker University sorority house to open
at nearby Baldwin. throw0
Dr. Laurence C. Woodruff, dean they are
of students, said investigation of telligent
the Tuesday morning episode was the wor
continuing and might require sev- Prof.
eral days. tudencix
He earlier had said the univer- audienc
sity would expel all known partic- that "
ipants. moted y
Robert 'M. Hershberg, 18 years vnersity
old, freshman from New York City,
was fined $100 and sentenced to 30
days in jail after pleading guilty
in County Court Tuesday toaJI
charge of disturbing the peace.
Robert Ray Hopkins, 19 years Ne
old, freshman from Russell, Kan.,
who was charged with intent to do Junior
bodily harm, was released under member
$1,500 bond. The complaint alleg- for the:
ed he sprayed Louis Fundis, Bald- Electe
win City marshal, with a fire ex- Vana, '
tinguisher. Vice-pr
Four other students charged '59, Phi]
with malicious destruction . of Tannen
property were released on $1,000 Epsilon;
bonds. '59, Sign
Civic Center I
By BILL HANEY the issu

all views that are
year in and year out
rily warrant use of

C Elects
W Officers
r Interfraternity Council
s last night elected officers
Fall semester 1956-57.
ed were: President, Kent
59, Delta Kappa Epsilon;
esident, Jerry Schneider,
Epsilon Pi; Secretary, Don
baum, '59E, Delta Kappa
; Treasurer, Dave Reiter,
ma Alpha Mu.


Bond Issue Defeated

ue "because the figure is
t -. «...,.-....i...."9

Ann Arbor City Councilmen were
"extremely disappointed" last
night after their proposed $2,600,-
000 general obligation bond issue'
to improve Veterans Memorial.
Park was defeated.
A sntall volume of voters cast
3,404 votes against the proposal,
while only 675 favored the billj

way out of proportion."
However the members of the
council had already contacted
personally over 1,500 citizens, ac-
cording to Councilman Norman J.
Randall, and couldn't change their
proposal after presenting one
stand to that many people.
"Even though we felt a lower
figure would certainly be accepted
u.re AMn t foal a q.. nnn Ann hn

"The most that will be done now
that the issue is beaten is limited
to tearing down the old Fair-
grounds buildings," Randall said.
Any work on the Park must now
be financed through the regular
budget of the Parks Department.
Any further recommendations on
developments for the area must
now come from that department.
Received Outside Support

_* MEN.~ '

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