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May 20, 1956 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1956-05-20
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Page Four


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Sunday, May 20, 1956

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Sunday, May 20, 1956 THE, MICHIGAN DAILY

for a
end "
er the

An Indian Journalist Provides Some Observations About His Country's
Behavior in the Arena of World Politics
y ROBI CHAKRAVORJTI personal, emotional reactions and racy" because of the aimple fact India's foreign policy over coffee 1 the fact is that India has been
9EHRU a communist?" enters an area which is the grid- that he has signed a military pact or beer tend to take a "moralistic" to achieve a significant pos
is is as expected a question iron of political experts. It involv- with the United States or some approach. An Indian is apt to among similarly situated cour
visitor from India as the es a careful assessment of factors, Western Power. speak in terms of Gandhi's spirit- of the world as well as in rel
ently - fired double - barrel: seen and unseen, understood and T i ual heritage and an American is to the polarised power-cente
do you like this country?" misunderstood, wnich make the Thisi d viewing the problemap most likely to take an emotionally the world. Part of this ca
Do you want to go back?' complex web of international rela- and dhou. A caller s decause disapprobating attitude regarding attributed to the political sta
can answer the last two titut . nul.a e ruenany "softness" towards totalitarian it has been blessed with comr
on a yu igt akl a Neruisdubd omuns ite s poliical institutions are ru'i on communist forces. tO other Asian countries. In
ons s yu mghttacle . Nhru s dbbe comunstbe-democratic lines and not because
-with yes or no, or as is often- cause his foreign policy appears it happens to follow the tortuous Moralistic approaches to an an- foreign policy is certainly an
case, with both. "soft" toward international com- course of the foreign policy of an- alysis of India's foreign policy significant factor.
the first question cannot be munism. Prime Minister of country other country. Foreign policy is hardly explain the phenomen of HrnHER India's foreign p
red with a "few well-chosen X, on the other hand, is applauded after all, only part of the whole "neutralism," which is spreading Y Ed
, because it goes beyond as the "brave defender of democ- picture. It is the cornice-political like-wildfire all over Asia, forcing is right or wrong, only p
itstitutions within the country are Washington to s .ift with the times. events can tell. But, right no
its foundation, Various other factors converge to sucd tapee a dt
produce what is popularly called succeeded to a phenomenal de
F YOU look at India bottom "neutralism." judging from the fact that
Washington and the Kremlin
upwards rather than upside . The first is a "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. wooing New Delhi through d
down, the following facts will Hyde" view of the West and the matic and economic blandishm
emerge: U.S. The West, led by the U.S. Judged from the viewpoint of
1. It has a democratic constitu- presents a double face to the vast cess and the spirit of pionee
tion, which guarantees private and populous Afro-Asian world - individualism, two major elem
property rights and freedom of ex- with the Western countries' demo- in the American value-system
pression. cratic -"internal policies and un- dia's foreign.policy has score
2. It has a democratically elect- democratic, colonial and racial at-
Sed legislature, the last general elec- titude in external areas. To an
Lions in 1951-52, with over 164 Asian intellectual, the West is x~>r
million electorate: the largest dm- looked upon much like the Robert
ocratic elections ever held in his- L. Stevenson hero, who was a WEAR IT TO YOUR
tory. suave, decent gentleman in day- HEARTS CONTENT
time, but turned a murderer at AND WASH. IT
3.The executive, legislature night.,N AHI
and the judiciary are separate en- f AT LEISURE I
aiin the dicaryesepBrte en- The hesitant and cool acceptance
".Far a Af an's wortd tities in the excellent British tradi.. of the West as the flag-bearer of
tion, guaranteeing political liber- s
ties to a degree enjoyed by few democracy" changes the whole
°ry independent countries in Asia "to- picture of cold war from a sharp
of casual living day black-and-white pattern to a {
{ ay hodge-podge policy of gray shad- ,
4. Communists enjoy liberty ings; The ideological overtones of LEISURE COAT s
the same way as other political the global struggle acquire more
parties do, so long as they work than two dimensions n the Inin
e Cotton Cord der the constitutional frame- mind, with various factors, like .
work. The present Indian Admin- colonialism, apartheid in South Af-
istration's attitude towards com- rica, color bar in this country con-
tnists will remind an American fusing the otherwise clear picture.
of the U.S. Supreme Court Justice of democratic knights in shiny
-Holmes' famous dictum, "clear and armor fighting the dark heathens $19
present danger." According to this of communism.
dictum, the communist party was
banned in 1949-50 in some states, p
The Cotton when they adopted the violent i reatmidemocraican i
overthrow of the government as "dictorial" force in terms of a
their immediate aim. The ban was g:orial prn win th ion :
Dacron Cord Suit lifted when they gave up the policy geographical pattern, with iron
prior to general elections In po- iccurtain" as the dividing line; the
191-typical Indian attitude is to view
t 3950 52,the struggle as cutting across neat .
{ India is, thus, as close to the geographical lines. An Indian / 4
U.Inda itai usand anc ae, looks at the coldwar as if he is .
from the viewpoint of domestic viewing a Picasso cubistic paint- F
political functioning. In internal ing; an American, on the other.
political structure, Nehru is not, hand, tends to view international
The Silk and VOOl therefore, a communist. It is only affairs as if he is confronted with
in the field of international rela- a representational painting drawn
tions-the "cornice" of the whole by a local artist.:,r
Suit at $70 to $8 structure-that he appears " soft Lokng another angle, the
towards communists, difference can be explained as a
difference in emphasis. The United........ .
AN AVERAGE Indian and an States, at least until the recent<
average American discussing shift in Kremlin poliies. ha:'.

With Hands, Not Heart

rs in
n be
w, it
t has
n are
, In-

ALFRED SLOTE is currently one
of the most promising products
of the University's creative writ-
ing classes. His first novel "Den-
ham Proper" was a sensitive, well-
Wrought work of fiction, exhibiting
both- compassion and deep human
insight. "Lazarus in Vienna," his
second book, is skillfully fashion-
ed, too, but it seems-much more
than the first one-to have been
shaped mostly with the hands
rather than the heart.
This Is, in many ways, a very
exciting book. It is written in
crisp, clean words, the words are
nicely moulded and the dialogue
Is interesting. The theme is the
search for a ghost; the plot is one
of suspense and Vienna is, as us-
ual, a colorful old-world city. And
the underling atmosphere-Evil
-is one that has been popular
with the public since Adam.
The most disturbing thing about
this book is its characters, and
therein lies the tragedy. For char-
acters, unfortunately, are the
building pegs of a novel. Mr.
Slote's characters are not nice
enough to be likeable, and they
are much too evil to be tragic.
Still, as a study in human de-
pravity, this is a book worth read-
ing. It will, at least, give to the
uninitiated a glimpse of the thin-
ness of the civilized veneer that
coats the twentieth-century man,
and it will show the reader that
the biggest loss the caveman suf-
fered in evolving toward the pres-
ent day was, quite simply, his hair.
Baldness has replaced the fur
coat, but chromed-steel has yet to
make a shining knight of the bar-
THE STORY involves a furtive,
illicit love affair between an1
American army officer, Lt. Rich-1
ard Whitney, and a local and veryI
beautiful Viennese girl, Brigitte
von Kunstler. The time is in the
immediate post-war period of the
occupation army.
The plot is compounded by Dr.
Schleicher, an unscrupulous pro-
fessor of psychiatry, together with
the ghost of his late, but most bril-
liant student, Peter Menaeleus.
Suspense, and it is masterful sus-
pense, runs throughout the novel
because of the fact that Brigitte
is Dr. Schleicher's daughter, and is
only further heightened because
she is also the widow of Peter
Local color is derived from such
characters as Max Kosta, Erik von
Kunstler and an adolescent by the
name of Kuno, Max is the owner
of a restaurant with a private
gambling room in the rear. He had
once helped Jews buy 'passports
to Dachau. Erik, an invalid war
hero, and the present husband of
Brigitte is the eternal Nazi inter-
ested only in re-establishing the
old order,
THIS, THEN, is the line up in a
book that, for sheer tension,
approaches a whoodunit mystery.
The mystery is just who caused
the extermination of Peter Menae-
leus during the Nazi regime. Lt.
Whitney and Capt. Bagroff, a Rus-
sian army doctor, unravel the mys-
tery to their mutual satisfaction.
But it is the culprit himself who
reveals his guilt to the one person
it could hurt the most,
"Lazarus in Vienna" opens with
a lecture by Dr. Schlbicher on
the subject of love:
"Can I tell you how to listen?
To what to listen?-Can I make
you understand that listening is
born in the heart and that in the
heart is born the successful or un-
successful resolution of any case?"
the doctor asks. "No, for nine-
tenths of you my speeches here
each Saturday will be so many
words. You Will listen but be-
cause my control tower is in order
you will only need to listen with
your head. No love is required.
And love, gentlemen"-concludes
the good doctor-"is the basis o

psychoanalytical medicine."
It is a tragedy, of course, that
Dr. Schleicher didn't practice what
he preached, And the reader leaves

this book feeling that it is a fur-
ther pity the author obviously
didn't attend the doctor's lecture.
Compassion in a writer is a fine
thing, but compassion is a much
finer thing when blended with
All of which brings us back to
the two principal and finest char-
acters of the book. Lt. Whitney
and Brigitte were, in their own
way, in love. Here, too, the auth-
or overlooked something that every
schoolboy knows: to love happily
and with abandon under the ap-
ple tree is a gift of the very naively
young at heart. And even if the

Newest flight of fashion...

Inspired by our own Southwest,
exotic little poplin shells, perch
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IA (4

.. . University product
Lieutenant and his mistress were
too hardened and too hurt to love
happily they still might have tried
loving seriously. Seriously enough,
at least, to have fought for their
future. It could have been a very
wonderful marriage.
MR. SLOTE in this book has ex-
hibited many of the talents
that go toward making a crafts-
man in the art of writing, We
sincerely hope that he will use
nicer characters in his next crea-
tion, or else come up with more
fiction and less truth regarding
his fellow man.



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Mr. Chakravorti is an Indian
Journalist who was awarded the
University Press Club of Michi-
gan Foreign Journalism Fel-
lowship in 1954. He studied for
one year in the University's
journalism department a n d
spent another year interning on
Michigan newspapers. He is
now returning to his native
India, where he plans to con-
tinue with newspaper writing.

viewed the communist danger as
primarily a military threat. To an
Indian foreign official, it is an
ideological threat, the military
threat being only marginal.
From a pragmatical point ofI
view, India's "neutralist" policy
can be described as a shrewd use
of its geographical strategic posi-
tion and tremendous power poten-
tial for a clever bargaining on the
diplomatic counters of the inter-
national arena.
Whichever way you look at it,

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