,, Local Cupid Seeger To Appear Here Inter-Arts Union will sponsor Singer Seeger, who also lays a concert of folk music by interna- Snh e , e dw oralsf;ny tioall faousPetr Sege, Fbthe banjo, is noted for his fine tionally famous Peter Seeger, Feb. renditions of foreign and domestic 24, at 8:30 p.m., in Slauson School folk songs and ballads. Auditorium. Inter-Arts Symposium will fea- The Student Covernment Coun- ture plays, dances, music, art, and cil-approved concert is to raise poetry, and fiction readings. All funds for an Inter-Arts Sym- phases of the program are created posium, to be held in May. and executed by students. Organization Notices American Institute of Architects: Saturday morning Sabbath services, Student' Chapter will meet, Feb. 20, 9:00 a.m., Hillel. 4:00 p.m., Rm. 246, Architecture Bldg. Student Zionist Organization Execu- * * * tive meeting, Feb. 19, 4:30 p.m., Hillel. East Quad Radio Club: WCBN-EQ-- Student Zionist Organization, Feb. There will be an organizational meet- 19, 7:00 p.m., Hillel, Bernard Lazarwitz ing for all members of the East Quad will speak on The Effects of Present radio station on Feb. 18 at 10:30 a.m. Population Shifts on Egypt and Israel. in the Benzinger Library downstairs in Student Zionist Organization will East Quad. This is an imprtant meet- sponsor Israeli folk dancing, Feb. 19, ing and everyone must attend if pos- 7:00 p.m., Hillel. sible. Anyone who has not auditioned Sunday night Supper Club, followed by has some interest iq radio should by record dance, 6:00 p.m., Hillel. attend to get an idea of the station's * , * operation. To be a staff member you 11 Sircolo Italiano: Meeting, tonight, need notlive in East Quadrangle. 8:00 p;m., Aud. A, Angell Hall; the * * *film, Cristo Prohibito or Strange De- Episcopal Student Foundation: In- ception will be shown, No charge for formal open house for all Graduate stu- admission to members. dents, tonight, 8:00 p.m., Canterbury House. ** Student Choir rehearsal at St. An- Lutheran Student Association: Party drew's Church, Feb. 18, 1:00 p.m. tonight, 8:00 p.m., Lutheran Student ** * Center, Forest and Hill streets, Hillel Foundation: Friday evening , n H Sabbath services followed by Oneg Shab- Wesleyan Guild: "Leap Year Party," batt, 7:15 p.m., Hillel. Feb. 18, 8:00 p.m., Wesley Lounge. By Peter Song T'S SOOOOOOOO BIG-Girls of Jordan Dormitory were pleas- ntly surprised early this week when a giant 7'x9' Valentine was elivered.. Constructed of wood, paper, and colorful ribbons it as decorated with a red border and white lace. Red ribbon's At on a pink background neatly balanced the centered heart. ave Gerarduzzi, '58E, sent the "card" to Ruth Spitale, '57. ngenuity? Indeed! 'Cha 'onOford i f SHOCPROSF ARCH CUSHION; Ott n f "" r-, HusErtI.1 ' U.Is 4H I * WHITE " CHARCOAL " NAVY A RED 9 BLUE $395 DENIM Your favorite shoe for Campus, Phys. Ed., or just taking it easy! White and Navy. Now available in narrow widths. NOW AVAILABLE for free loan to student A.S.M.E. chapters and other col- lege groups, a 16-mm. sound-color movie, "Mechanical Engineering at Du Pont." For further information about obtaining thisfilm; write to E. I.du Pont de Nemours & Co. (Inc.), 2521 Nemours Building, Wilmington 98, Del. REG. U.s. PAT. Off GETTER THINGS FOR BETTER LIVING ... THROUGH CHEMISTRY WATCH "DU PONT CAVALCADE THEATER" ON TV Students selected for the program after campus inter- views include candidates for the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees. Assignments are related to their academic inter- ests. Last summer 270 students from 93 institutions participated in the program. In this way, ties areaoften established which can lead to permanent employment after graduation. In addition, many other students are hired directly by individual Company wnits to help out during vaca- tion periods of our regular employees. For this "vacation relief work," assignments are likely to be varied; but these students also gain valuable insights into industrial practice, and many acquire experience related to their fields of study. Altogether, about 750 college students, from both technical and nontechnical fields and at all levels of training, obtained experience with us during the summer of 1955. So you can readily see, Dave, that the Du Pont Company attaches a lot of importance to summer jobs for college students. Sizes 3 to 1' "Keds are washable" *1 S andaU ,, 306 SOUTH STATE HEY, SLOW DOWN! WATCH THESE LUCKY DROODLES! 1 wil I I I ------- - - ---------------- WHAT'S THIS? For solution, see h, * qq paragraph below. When the little Flatiron Building was the world's most famous skyscraper Budweiser led all beers in sales. And... oQ (7 QUICK WAY TO BETTER TASTE: It's illustrated in the Droodle above, titled: Lucky smoker opening fresh pack. (He's merely doing away with a little red tape.) Better taste is what he's after, and better taste is what he'll get. Luckies taste better, you see, because they're made of fine tobacco . . light, mild tobacco that's TOASTED to taste better. Break out a pack of Luckies yourself. You'll say Lucky Strike is the best-tasting cigarette you ever smoked! DROODLE§, Copyright 1953 by Roger Price 7 ?=AUCK ~~i'SrED lfasf bed COLLEGE SMOKERS 1 PREFER LUCKIEST I dwe sez I T T T TT TTT Y r - n ltii 1 1 1 i vTDW" ANM EUSER. SU3CMl. tC, $T. OUIS " NEWARK " LOS ANGELES still leads the world's beers in sales and quality because ...because it's Budweiser 1 : I I ' ® A 4