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May 20, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-05-20

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. I

Sixty-Sixth Year

"How Are 1hinns In Your Shyp, Sami?'

To The Editor
Letters to the Editor must be signed and limited to 300 words. The Daily
reserves the right to edit or withhold any letter.


Opinlons Are Free,
nuth Will Prevail'

EdiTorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors, This must be noted in all reprints.

Montgomery Bus Boycott
Conducted A dmirably

THE VISIT to Ann Arbor of two officials of
the Montgomery Improvement Association
brought the campus a bit more insight into
the problems of the South.
The bus boycott, or "protest," as they prefer
to call it, is significant in two ways. first it
represents one of the few successful attempts
on the part of the Southern Negro to make his
weight felt in any degree commensurate with
his numbers. Denied the franchise by inequit-
able application of arbitrary laws and by
economic and even physical pressures, at least
one group of Southern Negroes is ably demon-
strating the economic interdependence of the
Economic power-long used to relegate the
Negro to a sharecropper, "tote dat barge" status
-has proven itself a two-way sword, and the
Montgomery busses are losing $3000 a day.
Another significant feature of the Mont-
gomery protest is its moderation. Despite years
of abuses at the hands of bus drivers, ranging
from insults' to sluggings, Negroes have gone
about the five-month boycott without bitter-
ness or incitement to violence.
Its method has been passive resistance at
its finest, typified by the comment of Rev.
M. L. King, Jr. after a stick of dynamite was
exploded on his front porch: "Let us not
answer hate with hate, violence with violence,
But we will continue to stay off the busses."
THE DEMANDS of the zssociation have been
as moderate as one can imagine under
the circumstances. But the mayor and city
commissioners have refused to grant what
the Association wanted, even though it could
be done under existing law-a law requiring
the odious segregated busses. All the Associa-
tion has been asking is courteous treatment by
drivers. a first-come, first-served allotment of
seats beginning at opposite ends of the busses,
and employment of Negro drivers along pre-
dominantly Negro routes.
Although the Chicago-owned bus company
long ago expressed its willingness to meet the
Association's terms, the mayor and city com-
missioners refuse to give in. Scores of 'the

leaders of the movement have been arrested
under an archaic anti-labor law of dubious
Constitutionality forbidding boycotting, but the
weary Negro community retains its inspired,
but non-fanatical, morale.
The Association, after months of frustration,
has understandably widened its demands. The
Constitutionality of the segregated busses law
has been challenged though it may be years
before the case is ultimately decided. But the
manner and attitude of the Association re-
mains patient and moderate, and the issue of
the boycott itself will presumably be settled
- under the law as it stands.
YET one reservation must creep into any
discussion of the Montgomery protest. The
long-term welfare of the Southern Negro will
ultimately be based on better attitudes on
the part of the white community. The Im-
proyement Association has done much to mini-
mize ill will, but ill will has been generated
simply from the threat to the power structure
of the city which the boycott represents,
Improvement Association Treasurer E. D,
Nixon said in Ann Arbor that hostility among
the whites has been low, though he refrained
from mentioning that his own home has been
the target of a crudely-made bomb. The growth
of the Myontgomery White Citizens Council and
the increased hostility of the-city officials have
further testified to the worsening of race re-
lations, at least in some quarters,
If the boycott has begotten fear, however, it
has also begotten respect. Prominent members
of the white community have secretly donated
to the cause; violence has not been marked;
a number of whites have cooperated in the
boycott, some by^ driving their Negro employees
to and from work, others themselves abstain-
ing from bus riding.
The inevitable negative by-products of the
boycott, then, have been kept to a minimum,
and the Negroes of Montgomery are adding
a proud chapted to the history of their race's
struggle for equality of opportunity.

Gubernatorial Political}

Oregon Reflects National Politics

EMPLOYEES of the Rural Elec-
trification Administration who
shelled out $5 apiece to attend
REA's annual "birthday party"
last week aren't at all sure they
got their money's worth.
The "birthday party" is an REA
tradition, held each year in com-
memoration of President Roose-
velt's establishment in 1935 of the
agency which has done so much to
put electricity on the farms of
That^background ewas largely
forgotten, however, as this year's
"birthday party" turned into a
rootin' tootin' political rally for
REA administrator Ancher Nel-
sen, who is running for Governor
of Minnesota on the Republican
** * s
TWO CABINET members were

on deck to give Nelso
political send-off. At
eral Brownell read
letter frotn President
and Secretary Ezra
gave a brief prayer
divine blessing on I
In deference to Se
son who is a sincer
teetotaller, word wa
duck the whisky b
the table during Ben
This ukase, however,
One voice finally
remind the gatherin
was a birthday party
celebrate the rural e
goals established 21 y

n the proper
ttorney Den-
a good-luck

not forget that it was envisioned
by the late Senator George Norris
and created by President Roose-

Taft Benson He sat down. A quartet sang
asking for "happy birthday to REA," Then
gelsen. the crowd, or part of it, returned
cretary Ben- to the problem at hand, pushing
e and strict the departure of Ancher Nelsen
s passed to to be the next Governor of Minne-
ottles under sota. They sang:
ison's speech. "So long, Ancher Nelsen,
was ignored.
piped up to Best wishes to you,
ig that this Good luck, Mr. Nelsen,
supposed to In all that you do."
electrification The REA birthday cake was cut.
ears before. Finally all the dutiful REA em-
ployees who had paid $5 to attend
has flowed the celebration got out on the
said James dance floor and traipsed to the
resenting an music.
a. "But let's (Copyright, 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

To the Editor:
AS A parting gesture, I am a
graduating senior) I should like
to commit myself to a few sugges-
tions, which I had always planned
to make sometime or other, but
persistently forgot.
1) Most of our campus buildings
are remarkably bare and devoid of
any decorative interest, or else he-
inously conceived. It strikes me as
very plausible that hallways, ends
of corridors, staircases; in the
dorms, academic buildings and the
union, could be very effectively
decorated over a reasonable num-
ber of years, if SGC or an admini-
strative branch would hold a con-
test in which, say five or so en-
tries were commissioned for exe-
cution. If we are afraid of atroci-
ties perpetrated by campus 'tal-
ent', it would be quite possible to
put the 'murals' on beaverboard or
some similar material. Talent, in-
terest in the fine arts (the same
goes for sculpture) would be stim-
ulated, and, who can tell some-
thing better than 'decent' might
well come of it.
2) It is not possible for the ad-
ministration to publish a blacklist
of landlords and apartments. We
all know that though the situation
is generally bad, some landlords
manage to be more than usually
preposterous in their demands, or
worse in their facilities' and serv-
ice. The Daily could provide a.
committee or investigators who
could publish a responsible print-
ed report, or, if space be lacking,
mere suggestions of 'places to
avoid', which would put a sadly
needed pressure on landlords. If
this suggestion be followed up at
any time, I suggest a visit to 514
S. Forest.
3) Ceterum censeo bestiarium
esse delendam, - in other words,
I suggest that the small rotund ex-
crescence of a zoo be eliminated
behind the natural science bldg.
and during our season of spring
rites the presidents of honorary
societies be kept there to temper
their cannibalistic impulses. Not
that I think that the animals are
very particularly uncomfortable
there, but that it is a waste of ef-
fort and fairly tasteless to keep
them cooped up for no reasonable,
or aesthetic purpose. I aii fairly
sure that they provide no close
facsimile of the 'call of the wild'
or the nature of Nature.
Gabor von Varga, '56
How Many Interviews?
To the Editor:
AS ONE of the professors of edu-
cation whom Ted Friedman in-
terviewed on the subject of a re-
cent article in the Atlantic Month-
ly, ,I would like to commend him
for the reports on the interviews
but deplore his follow-up editorial
In the latter, Friedman twisted the
discussion away from the point of
the article, which was that the
"dullards" should be thrown out of
school, to his own apparent fear
that the schools may be inculcat-
ing the democratic way of life.
Furthermore, he seems unaware
of the psychological techniques de-
veloped to help pupils in their in-
dividual and social adjustments,
which he misinterprets as instill-
ing "ideas of right and wrong," and
which he sees as being done at the
expense of teaching the three R's.
It is, of course not an either-or
matter, and even the three R's can-
not be taught to fearful or hostile
children. And his concept of "the
home" is apparently uninfluenced
by any sociological knowledge of

the differing characteristics of
American homes, some of which
fortunately throw little responsibil-
ity to the school.
All of which suggests that even
three interviews are not enough,
-Prof. Wm. Clark 'row

AN ACCURATE reflection of the present
national political picture is to be seen in
the results of the most recent of the state
primary elections, held Friday in Oregon.
Latest returns show President Eisenhower is
still the popular figure with Republicans that
he was four years ago, in spite of gas bills,
farm bills and other "political lollipops." Run-
ing unopposed on the GOP ticket, the presi-
dent was supported heavily by party backers.
An even further indication of feeling toward
the present administration can be seen in the
results of the' senatorial primary. Douglas C.
McKay, until recently a member of President
Eisenhower's cabinet, holds the lead-but not
a very strong lead.
It was something of a last-minute decision,
that former Secretary of the Interior McKay
made in March to leave the cabinet and run
for the senate seat in his home state, Oregon.
Speculation of the reasons for his action ran
high, wlih one suspicion leading all other:
that McKay was running in order to test
opinion of the administration.
McKAY'S OPPOSITION in the senatorial
race came from a former state senator,
Phil Hitchcock, who it is thought was purposely
put up as a further test of McKay's and the
administration's strength. McKay, in eight
Oregon elections, has never been defeated, and
a loss now would indicate disfavor of the
Oregon Republicans, however, indicated that
although they were behind Eisenhower, they
were not too happy with the present adminis-
tration. They showed this by giving McKay's
opponent, Hitchcock, a large number of votes.
Another vote-getter on the Republican ticket

was Vice-President Nixon, who received a large
block of write-in votes, showing that Oregon
Republicans favor another Ike-Nixon team in
spite of the refusal of these Republicans to give
strong support to McKay and the present ad-
ON THE Democratic half of the primary
voting, Adlai Stevenson held the lead over
Estes Kefauver, But again it was evident
that Stevenson's lead is not a very large one.
This has been the same in most of the
primaries held so far. In spite of a Minnesota
defeat, Stevenson has the edge over Kefauver
in th overall picture, but the latter cannot be
counted out at this time. The- popularity of
these candidates indicates that one of them will
surely receive the Democratic nomination un-
less there should be a complete deadlock at the
party convention this summer.
Another reflection of national, trends is
seen in Wayne Morse's popularity in Oregon.
A former Republican, the present senator re-
ceived a number of votes second only to
President Eisenhower's wide majority in the
presidential race. Morse's easy victory shows
his immense popularity in his home state, and
at the same time indicates the wide favor for
the Democratic ticket in spite of the Ike-
Nixon popularity,
REGON, THEREFORE, stands out among
the primaries as presenting a complex but
accurate picture of national politics: Eisen-
hower and Nixon are favorites as a team, but
there is great apprehension about the present
administration and a strong admiration of the
Ilemocratic candidates on each level.

Singing Piano.
To the Editor:
WE WISH TO express disagree-
mtnt with one point of' Mr.
Tsugawa's penetrating review of
the Gieseking concert, in which he
states that Gieseking's approach
"is neither monumental, nor lyri-
cal." On the contrary we feel that
Gieseking's style is essentially lyr-
ical; one seldom hears the piano
sing as it did throughout the whole
Michael Marmura, Grad.
Jim Wilkes, Grad.


from this
B. Polhill,
REA co-op

* *
Jr., repr
in Georgi

Sixty-Four Thousand Too Much


(Continued from Page 2)
winds and double bass, Debussy's La
Mer and Schumann's Symphony No. 4
in D minor, Op. 120. Open to the publi
without charge.
Academic Notices
Subject: Approval of Elections, FaU
To: Orientation Group Leaders and
Registration Assistants. r i
Insofar as your school or college will
allow it is recommended that you have
your elections for Fall 1956 approved
before the end of the current semester.
This notice concerns those who have
applied for or expect to apply for work
in the above areas for Fall 1956.
Mathematics Colloquium: Tues., May
22, at 4:10 p.m. in 3011 A.H. Prof. G. Y'.
Rainich will speak on "Conditional in-
variance and theories of light."
Doctoral Examination for Brt K. H,
Lum, Pharmacology; thesis: "Anesthetic
Agents in Hemorrhagic Shock", Mon
May 21, 103 Pharmacology Bldg., a
10:00 a.m Chairman, Lloyd Beck.
Doctoral Examination for F. Gerard
Adams, Economics; thesis: "Some As-
pects of the Income Size Distribution
A Statistical Study," Mon., May 21,
105 Economics Building, at 4:00 p.m.
Chairman, D B. Suits.
Doctoral Examination for Don al d
George Comb, Epidemiologie Scienc;
thesis: "The Role of Bacteria in te Nu-
trition of Entamoeba histolytica °
Mon., May 21, 3002 School of Public
Health, at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, B. J.
Doctoral Examination for Manuel
Henry Guerra, Romance Languages and
Literatures-Spanish; thesis: "The
Theatre of, Manuel and Antonio Mach
ado", Mon., May 21, 303 Romance Lang-
uages Bldg., at 3:15 p.m. Chairman, F.
S. Escribano.
Doctoral Examination for S e y a
Nurettin Ege, Chemistry; thesis: "A
Study of the Demanow Rearrange-
ment", Mon. May 21, 3003 Chemistry
Building, 3:00 p.m. Chairman, P. A.
S. Smith.
Doctoral Examination for Leon Goff
Williams, Psychology; thesis: "Percep-
tual Structuring of Sequences of Statis-
tically Dependent Events", Mon., May
21, 7611 Haven Hall, at 1:00 p.m. Chair-
man, J. D. Birch.
Doctoral Examination for Neil Wil-
lam Beach, Zoology; thesip: "A Study
of the Planktonic' Rotifers of the Oc-
queoc River System, Presque Isle Coun.
ty, Michigan". Mon. May 21, 2089 Na-
tural Science Bldg., at 9:00 a.m. Chair-
man, F. E. Eggleton.
Doctoral Examination 'for William
Arthur Watson, Psychology; thesis:
"Contrast, Assimilation, and the Cen.
tral Tendency Effect," Mon., May 21,
7611 Haven Hall, at 4:00 p.m. Chairman,
A. B. Kristofferscn.
Doctoral Examination for Edith Marie
MacLennan, Anatomy; thesis: Cortical
Association Systems Related to Audi-
tory Functions", Mon., May 21, 4558
Medical Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Chairman,
E. C. Crosby.
Doctoral Examination for William
Waldron Steinberger, Physiology; thesis:
"An Electrical Study of the Neuromus-
cular Junction with Specific Reference
to Effects from Carbon Dioxide," Mon.,
May 21, 4017 East Medical Bldg., at
10:00 a.m. Chairman, C. F. Brassfield
Doctoral Examination for William
Jesset Weichlein, Musicology; thesis:
A Comparative Study of Five Musical
Settings of La Clemenza di Tito", Mon.,
May 21, West Council Room, Rackham
Bldg., at 4:00 p.m. Chairman, L. E
Doctoral Examination for Malcolm
Theodore Carron, Education; thesis:
"The Origin and Nature of the Con-
tract Colleges of Cornell University,
A study of a Cooperative Educational
venture between a State and a Privat
University," Mon., May 21, 2442 Un-
versity Elementary School, at 3:00 p.m.
Chairman, A. D. Henderson.
Doctoral Examination for Lena Pearl
Duell Vincent, Education; thesis: "The
Religious Concepts and Attitudes of One
Hundred College Students," Tues., May
22, 4023 University High School, at 10:00
a.m. Chairman, W. C. Trow.
Doctoral Examination for Bruce Le-
Roy Nary, Speech; thesis: "A Study of

Maajor Lincoln Dramas in Relationship
to Selected Lincoln Biographies," Tues,
May 22, West Council Room Rackhar
Bldg., at 4:00 p.m. Chairman, W. P.
Doctoral Examination for Lewis Vin-
cent Pankaskie, Musicology; thesis:









Daily Television Writer
A FEW YEARS ago it seemed as
if every new television panel or
quiz program ,was a Mark Good-
son-Bill Todmln Production. "I've
Got A Secret," "What's My Line?",
"Two For The Money" and "The
Name's The Same" were all Good-
son-Todman offsprings.
John Guedel was and still is
producing all of Art Linkletter's
programs and the Groucho Marx
"You Bet Your Life." Of course
Max Liebman was well known as
a television producer.
At that time the television ver-
sion of "Stop The Music," which
never did reach the heights of
the radio "Stop The Music," and
"Down You Go," another panel
show which was never really
popular, were produced by Louis
G. Cowan,. The recent television
adaptation of "Quiz Kids," which
failed after a few programs, also
came out of the Cowan stable.
YET TODAY Louis G: Cowan is
an executive at CBS. He is con-
sidered the genius producer of
television. And it's all because of
the animal known as the $64,000
The "$64,000 Question" was all
right. It was a good gimmick and
quickly became America's Number
1 television program. Cowan fol-
lowed it up with "The Big Sur-
prise" hoping that he could strike
gold twice with the same idea.
Unfortunately he did.
Last month the "$64,000 Chal-
lenge" was born. According to the
latest ratings Cowan has struck
gold three times with essentially
the same type of program, This
is also unfortunate for as long as
Cowan has the Midas touch with
$64,000 he may keep turning out
these types of programs as fast as
he can think of them.

There will be about four or five
of them and they will accept chal-
lenges on their -respective subjects
from people in the night club
* * *
AND HOW about the idea of a
program entitled the "$64,000
Challenge Challenge" where two
champions in one field challenge
each other, Or "$64,000 Question
Rides Again" or "$64,000 Question
Builds A Flying Machine."
Cowan has a great advantage
over his sponsors for a sponsor
couldn't afford to cancel a show
and leave someone stranded for-
ever on the second plateau.
So it seems as though Louis G.
Cowan has been victorious over
Goodson, Todman, Guedel and
Liebman for the laurels of the
genius producer on television,' ;
* , *
man helped Cowan in finding a
recent set of contestants for his
"The Big Surprise" The minister
who was answering questions on
Judaism and the rabbi who was
being tested on Christianity were
seen on "I've Got A Secret" earlier
this season.
However there is still another
country to be heard from. The
Herb Wolf organization, which
produces the so-so "Masquerade
Party," has entered the big money
quiz show sweepstages. They have
sold a program called "20 Steps
To A Million" to CBS-TV and it
will probably be seen within a
And you guessed it-the top
prize for a contestant is $1,000,000.
As the title indicates it will take
twenty successful weeks for a
contestant to receive the million.
And if the show is a success let's
hope that Wolf doesn't try to
follow it up with challenges and
night club acts.
* *._*.

Dunniger made their television de-
but by appearing as the co-stars
of a Thursday night variety show.
In recent years Winchell has not
had his own night-time television
program and Dunniger has only.
been seen regularly as a summer
* *.*
LAST Wednesday night Win-
chell took over the Arthur God-
frey Wednesday night show for
one week while Godfrey was on
vacation. Godfrey will take a
permanent vacation from the
Wednesday night show in a few
During the last half hour of
the Winchell show Dunniger was
making his second appearance in
his new weekly series.
The original Winchell-Dunniger
show was seen on NBC. Wednes-
day Dunniger was on ABC while
at the same time Winchell was on
This type of arrangement could
very easily break up a beautiful



k i



by Dick Bibler

Associated Press News Analyst
O REAL ass ssment of Britain's unilateral
decision to expand her trade with Red
China can be made until it is clear what type
of shipments she intends to make and what
benefits she gets in return.
A fairly good guess is that the British gov-
ernment, althougr under great pressure from
busineses interests, has no intention of going
far enough to stir up a hornet's nest in the
United States.,
Britain has been pressing for months for
relaxation of the American embargo list. An-
thony Eden was promised a review when he
visited Washington in February. It has been

of NATO nations plus Japan, which permits
a country to take exception to the embargo
list provided the committee is notified.
IfHE United States maintains a complete em-
bargo on trade with Red China. In addi-
tion, she has maintained a list of materials
which may not be shipped by ,nations which
accept mitual aid funds from her.
Several nations have been trying to get this
list whittled down as least to the point where
restrictions will be no greater than 'against
Russia and her European satellites.
Because of the Battle Act, which authorizes
the President to withdraw aid from any vio-
lator, most of the countries cannot act uni-

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