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May 20, 1956 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1956-05-20

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Controversial Internal Revenue

School To lose

After two years on the University campus, the controversial Ad-
vanced Training Center of the Internal Revenue Service is closing
Prof. Charles J. Gaa of the business administration school,
coordinator of the center, attributed its closing to "a change in the
general educational philosophy" of the revenue service.
Opinions as to the success of the project varied from Prof. Gaa's
description of it as "a valuable experiment" to one I.R.S. student's
remark that his time here has been "95% wasted."
The semester program offered graduate level courses in account-
ing, tax law and procedures and finance for promising men in the
revenue service. It is an addition to the regular large-scale in-service
training programs conducted for all revenue men.
Some Coursef Slanted.
This semester the center is being attended by 150 agents-
accountants who make income audits to determine tax liability-and
50 collection officers, who have charge of collecting tax money not
included with the taxpayer's return.
While Prof. Gaa commented that many of the courses taught
have been "slanted toward the needs of the service," one collection
officer complained, "a lot of my courses probably aren't anywhere
near what we would need in our work."
Of his five courses, another I.R.S. collection officer estimated
none were "worthwhile."
He conceded a "remote possibility I might happen to stumble

into a position where I might happen to use the material. Only time
will tell."
Just Passing Time
"Our professors all know we're leaving," another collector com-
mented. "Some of them are just passing time."
"They'd be good courses," another ventired. "if you wanted to
'organize a corporation." Most of the men in the center are career
employees, however.
Agents seem less critical, though some criticized their courses
as being "too academic" and lacking "practical application."
Prof. Gaa explains that "many of the men were expecting to get
more of the day-to-day technical training" given under the regular
in-service program. The aim of the center, however, has beei to
"waken the boys' minds a little bit. We wanted to give them c nfi-
dence and promote professional spirit. How well we've succeeded will
be very difficult to prove."
Prof. Gaa called the separation from famiiles "one of the
important considerations in terminating the center." He added that
the Ann Arbor housing shortage forced the school to discourage
the men from bringing their families with them.
Connected with the problem or families is that of costs. The
men are all on their regular salaries plus a $4 a day allowance,
from which they pay all expenses, including room and board.
Expense Goes On
"The expense goes on at home whether you're there or not,"
one revenue man pointed out.

Another estimated that his five months of schooling were costing 1
him $300.1
Prof. Gaa said it was the government's intention to have the
men break even. "If they took trips home, however, it might be out
of their pocket," he added.
Despite some serious complaint, Prof. Gaa cited questionnairesI
filled out anonomously by last semester's 200 students. Only 16 per-1
cent felt the center should be abandoned and 50 percent said that
if they hadn't already studied at the center, they would apply now.
He added students who have been away from the center for al
while appreciate it more.
Housing accommodatoins for the I.R.S. men have been criticized
as taking space away from regular students during the housing
shortage. Many of the men occupy residence hall rooms or apart-
ments in the Northwood development usually allotted to married stu-
dents and their wives.
Prof. Gaa explained that the use of University housing was a
temporary expedient pending a decision on whether to continue;
the center permanently. If the center had been continued, living
quarters would have been built.
University Vice-President Wilbur K. Pierpont commented that
rooms were assigned to the I.R.S. men before the advent of the housing1
shortage. "At that time it seemed reasonable to assign them space.
There were vacant spaces for men when they .were accepted."
I.R.S. men hb.ve other complaints. "I don't think we should have+

been put three in a room," one remarked. "It makes it awfully hard
to study."
Another expressed a marked preference for two clean sheets a
week instead of the one alloted in the residence halls.
"They could just as well have provided us housing all ii one
place," another ventured. "The nicest thing about the school is
being able to meet others in the same work from all over the country.
But they've spread us across the campus.'
Prof. Gaa explained, "we had to defer to the residence hall
policy that houses have a continuing tradition, and to take an
entire house out of circulation would have put it at a distinct dis-
Appreciation of Values
Assistant Dean of Men Peter Ostafin commented on the integra-
tion of the I.R.S. men into the residence halls. Despite some initial
apprehensions "we found that the older men come with a great deal
of appreciation of values and responsibility about community order.
Some have actually participated to a degree we never anticipated."
Contemplating the situation for the internal revenue service now
that the center will be discontinued, Prof. Gaa anticipated "no
immediate injury." He termed the center "very important" and said
that while he is "very disappointed the experiment is not being
carried further. I have faith it will be revived in some form. I'd guess
that if they do it, it will be in quite a few places rather than in just

||.||| .. . .

(See Magazine Section)


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Latest Deadline in the State


Of Accident
To Continue,
Police Think Alcohol
Cause of Fatalities
Washtenaw County Sheriff Er.
win Klager yesterday promised a
full investigation of Friday's fata
traffic accident to determine if
illegal drinking was the cause.
Assistant Dean of Men Johr
Bingley said his office would also
investigate but would wait foi
police to finish.
Three University students were
killed and a fourth critically in-
jured Friday night on their way
to a Phi Sigma Kappa dinner. Five
were killed in the two-car, head-
on collision.
Police Suspect Drinking
Although nothing definite has
been proven yet, police suspect
Mrs. Dorothy Anton, a witness,
was reached by police officials
yesterday. She will be questioned
' fully tomorrow but Detective Lt.
Melvin Fuller said she indicated
Keith Ryan, 158E, was .driving
recklessly. Ryan's car contained
the four University students.
Fuller said she estimated Ryan's
speed at "more than 80 miles an
hour." In addition, Mrs. Anton told
Fuller that Ryan's car hit the curb
twice before it left Ann Arbor
and was weaving.
Followed Ryan's Car
Mrs. Anton followed Ryan's car
from Ann Arbor to the scene of
the accident, two miles passed a
restaurant on U.S. 12 and six
'miles east of Ann Arbor.
Fuller said Ryan definitely was
not trying to pass another car
when he collided with the car
driven by Mrs. Lena Saltzer of
Ryan was driving in the left
lane, on the wrong side of the
Deputy Sheriff H. B. Robinson,
first officer on the scene, said skid
marks show Mrs. Saltzer tried to
brake before the crash.
No Attempt to Brake'
He said evidence proves Ryan
had not attempted to hit the
brakgs-~there were no skid marks.
University Hospital said yester-
day Thomas Bernaky, '56, the lone
survivor, still has a 50-50 chance
to live.
His condition is still listed as
"very critical."
Ryan, according to Dean of Men
Walter B. Rea, had a health per-
mit which allowed limited social
driving. He was driving in ac-
cordance with University regula-
See STRANGE, Page 6
Expect House
To Pass Bill
WASHINGTON 01)-Quick set-
tlement of Senate-House differ-
ences over the latest draft of an
election year farm bill was fore-
cast by some House leaders yes-
Although sharp differences of
nniinr st.l 0v: nA 4 -1n ,ci ~

An Editorial..
Why care about academic freedom.
Here's why:
In the summer of 1954, two University instructors
were dismissed for not cooperating with University
committees investigating their political affiliations. This
involved academic freedom as well as citizenship rights.
University teachers must sign oaths swearing they
are not and never have been members of a "subversive"
A lecture committee exists at the University to
screen prospective speakers and prevent subversives"
from speaking to the public in University buildings.
Many students right now are afraid to go to a
speech by a controversial speaker because their names
might get on a government black-list.
Do these things mean anything to our academic
Have these events created an atmosphere in which
students and faculty are reluctant or fearful of expressing
opinions because of possible consequences?
Is it possible that, if you do not care about academic
freedom, you too will some day find you cannot say
what you think without fear?
Maybe that's why we need to care about academic
Academic Freedom Week begins tomorrow. The
ability and desire of today's "panty-raidish" student body
to concern themselves with this vital concept of Ameri-
can education will be on trial.
Essay11 Cont est To Head
Freedom Week Schedule
Academic Freedom Week begins tomorrow.
Sponsored by Student Government Council, the week's theme is
"Academic Freedom: A Potential Force at Michigan." The program
will extend through Friday.
An essay contest will highlight the week's events. Entries should
be 2,000 words or less in length 4 nd must be turned in to Mrs.
Ruth Callahan, 1020 Administra-'
tion Bldg., by 5 p.m. tomorrow. 'CHALK GARDEN' THJ

In Oregon
PORTLAND, Ore. (0) - Adlai
Stevenson got a new life for his
Democratic presidential bid yes-
terday with a victory over Senator
Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn) in their
Oregon write-in test.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
unopposed on the Republican ticket
outpulled his two potential rivals
whose names didn't show on the
ballot in Friday's primary.
Stevenson, showing state-wide
strength, collected 60 per cent of
the Democratic presidential write-
ins, as against 40 per cent for Sen.
Eisenhower Wins
President Eisenhower, with his
name on the ballot, piled up a
popular vote of about 86 per cent
of the Republican turnout.
Vice-President Richard( M. Nix-
on came up with the unsolicited
write-in backing of 20percent
for a return place on the 1956 Re-
publican ticket.
Phil Hitchcock, Portland church
leader, conceded the Republican
nomination for the Senate to
former Secretary of the Interior
Douglas McKay.
C o n g r a t u 1 a t i ng McKay, he
pledged to work for their com-
mon cause: To unseat party-
switching Senator Wayne Morse
(D-Ore), a sharp critic of both
President Eisenhower and McKay.
Latest Returns
Latest GOP returns from 2,112
complete precincts of the state's
2,519: \
President Eisenhower, 185,583;
Vice - President Nixon, 32,878
These were the results of the
Democratic balloting from 2,104
precincts :I
Stevenson, 72,356; Sen. Kefauv-
er, 47,927.
Sen. Morse, 155,719; Smith, 32,-
Sen. Kefauver last night sent
Stevenson a telegram saying:
"Hearty congratulations on your
victory in Oregon. I feel and hope
that our contest in Oregon
strengthened the Democratic party







To Highlight~
State Week
Michigan Week, which opens
here today and ends Saturday,
will be highlighted by the fourthl
annual Michigan Writer's Con-
ference, a play-writing contest,
and a summary of audio-visual
materials about the state.
University President Harlan
Hatcher is serving as chairman
of the Michigan Week Cultural
Activities Board, planner of the
Announcement of the nationally
famous Avery Hopwood awards
for creative writing will highlight
the Michigan Writers' Conference,
being held Thursday and Friday.
Editors Included
The conference, sponsored joint-
ly by the University extension
service and the English depart-
men, will include well known edi-
tors and literary agents.
Participants will be Harriet Ar-
now, author of the best-seller
"The Dollmaker," Philip Rahv,
editor, critic, and lecturer, 'Prof.
Allen Seager, of the English de-
partment, John F. Muehl, author
of "Interview with India,," and
Knox Burger, book critic of the
New York Times,
Contest Open To All
The conference will feature the
reading and criticism of any man-
uscript submitted in the fields of
fiction, non-fiction, and poetry.
The play-writing contest, spon-
sored jointly by the Cultural Ac-
tivities Board and the Community
Theater Association of Michigan,
is open to any resident of the

-Di lly-Bill van Oosterhout
PASSING IN REVIEW-ROTC Cadets, National Guard Units,
American Legion drill teams, and high school bands marched
together yesterday in the parade honoring' Armed Forces day.
University President Harlan Hatcher;.'Guy Larson, Ann Arbor city
administrator; Sinclair Powell, Ypsilanti city manager; and mili-
tary officials watched the procession from a reviewing stand'
alongside the County Building.
Studies Foreshadow
Foreign Policy Change
WASHINGTON P)--A revofutionary shift in United States
foreign aid policy is foreshadowed by'studies now being made in key
agencies of President Dwight D. Eisenhower's administration sunder
prodding from the White House.
The switch, if carried through as now indicated, will mean a
reduction in the military forces of some allied countries, particularly
on the frontiers of the free world in Asia.
Officials say their thinking tentatively indicates such reductions
" would be justified on two grounds:
First, the rel security of all
free world countries in the atomic
age rests mostly on the protection
re T oM orro T of the United States nuclear strik-
ing power.

Chavez Hints
At Funds Cut
To, End Feud
Asks Armed Forces
To Work Together
WASHINGTON (-) - A double
crackdown was threatened yester-
day to halt a public feud among
the United States armed. services
-a great dispute over how the na-
tion should prepare to defend it-
self in the nuclear age.
After unnamed sources, evident-
ly within the Army, passed docu-
ments to newsmen charging that
present emphasis on air power
could lead only to "national dis-
aster," there were these quick de-
1. Secretary of Defense Charles
E. Wilson called the public policy
row "a most unfortunate business"
and said he would look into it
personally. Hinting at possible
action, he said the armed forces
"don't have to practice psycholog-
ical warfare on each- other."
Chavez Warns
2. Senator Dennis Chavez (D-
NM), chairman of a Senate De-
fense Appropriations Committee,
warned that Congress might cut
the funds of the armed forces un-
less "petty jealousies" are done
away with.
"They ought to quit being prima
donnas and work for our common
purpose, the defense of our coun-
try," he said.
Although the Army-Air Force
differences are the latest to boil
over, there are hot, disputes also
between the Navy and Air Force.
Recently the Air Force declared
the Navy's big carriers could de-
liver only a "small" strategic
The Navy, backed by President
Dwight D. Eisenhower and Wilson,
has pictured its aerial might as
Studies Circulating
Sharply worded staff studies cir-
culating in the Pentagon were,
quoted yesterday in several news-
papers, including the New York
Times, New York Herald-Tribune
and St. Paul Pioneer Press.
Some represent the views of in-
dividual staff officers, some the
settled official opinion of an armed
U' Orchestra
Tio Close Year
University Symphony Orchestra
will perform its last concert of the
..n -, at .. a RO n m 'n,.a. aw ..a




Three Prizes Will Be Awarded
Prizes of $50, $25 and $10 will be
awarded. The winning essay will
be published in The Daily Friday.
Judges for the contest will be
Prof. Wesley Maurer, chairman of
the journalism department, Prof.
Ferrel Heady of the political
science department and Dave
Baad, '56, Daily managing editor.
University President Harlan
Hatcher will speak at a luncheon
at 12:15 p.m. tomorrow in the
Union. Guests will be University
and 'city representatives,'.Academic
Freedom- Week speakers, essay
contest judges and SGC members.
Debate Will Be Held
"Do We Have Academic Free-
dom at Michigan?" will be the
topic of a debate at 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday in Auditorium A, Angell
Hall. Speakers will be Prof. Amos
H. Hawley, chairman of the soci-
ology department and Prof. War-
ner G. Rice, 'chairman of the

'Member of the Wedding' To Open He

Second attraction of the Uni-
versity Drama Season, "Member
of the Wedding," opens tomorrow
night for six days.
Starring Ethel Waters in her
original role as Bernice Sadie
Brown, performances will be at
8:30 p.m. daily with matinees
Thursday and Saturday at 2:30
A few seasons back when "Mem-
ber" opened in New York, the New
York Journal American said "Sel-
dom has Ethel Waters been more
lady-like than she is as Bernice.
Her performance is so tremendous
and so true."
Frankie, the young girl in "Mem-
ber", will be portrayed by Janet
DeGore, a member of the play's
original cast. Other members of
fm,- .. M , e

"The Chalk Garden," brilliant
comedy success from the current
Broadway season, will , replace
"Marching Song" as the third
Drama Season production, open-
ing May 28. :
The change in the line-up was
disclosed yesterday by Mrs. Lucille
W. Upham, manager of the Sea-
Gladys Cooper, Barbara O'Neil
and Betsy von Furstenberg will
star in the play, with Miss Cooper
and Miss von Furstenberg re-cre-
ating the roles they played on
Broadway this winter.
Ann Arbor will be the first city
in the country to see the Enid
Bagnold comedy since its New
York engagement.
A back ailment made it neces-

Danger Diminished
Second, the dangers of even
small wars have been diminished
by Russia's new policy of present-
ing a more friendly face to the
non-Communist world.
The impulse behind the new
look at foreign aid policy lies in
large part,' however, in the field
of cost.
There is evidence that Congress
and the country are becoming in-
creasingly reluctant to vote the
funds necessary to do the job the
administration thinks necessary.
Program Changes
The program now before Con-
gress had a rough time this week
at the hands of the House Foreign
Affairs Committee and the ad-"
ministration is being compelled to

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