AtrdligantEig Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 'You Using A Pinch Of Salt In Your Recipe, Dearie?" en Opinwons Are Free, Tr'th Will PrevaiR AT THE ORPHEUM: Adorable' Says Women Can Do No Wrong THERE IS always the slight suspicion throughout Adorable Creatures that it was manufactured expressly for American consumption; i.e. to conform to the American idea of French "amour toujours"-just-as- long-as-the-husband-is-out-of-town. The film does the job admirably. Nowhere but in France, continues the legend, do feminine charms receive their proper homage-nowhere but in France can a woman really be a woman, and if this necessitates half a dozen bedroom scenes, Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. NIGHT EDITOR: MARY LEE DINGLERSATURDAY, MAY 19, 1956 Red China Policy: U.S. Still Muddlling Through TWO VERY recent events should serve as a warning to the United States. The recog- nition of the Communist government by Egypt and the British announcement that they in- tend to widen trade with Red China despite American objections, indicate that American failures to face facts may put us in an isol- lated position concerning Red China in the not-too-distant future. Egypt, most influential of the Arab nations, and the first Arab State to extend recognition to Red China, has driven the opening wedge for the others to follow. The British trade move could be taken by the Japanese as an opening to renew rela- tions with their Asian neighbors. Trade is Japan's lifeblood and China is a vast and tempting market. Why, the Japanese will ask themselves, should we restrict our trade at American insistence when other nations do not and receive no United States protest? OF WHAT significance are these moves to the United States? Little by little, the world is coming to accept the Chinese Communist regime as being the government unquestionably in power in Pei- ping and the only government of China proper, Not only do the majority of southern Asian nations have diplomatic relations with Com- munist China, but so do a sizeable portion of American allies in Europe. To this will soon be added the bloc of Arab states. This, of course, is in addition to Soviet Russia and her satellites, all of whom recognize the Peiping government. With the recognitions of Red China come the withdrawals of relations with Chiang Kai- shek's regime on Taiwan. The gradual move away from supporting Chiang contributes to the isolation of the American stand as we insist dogmatically on continuing to back the Na- tionalist government. IT IS CONCEIVABLE that the British action will encourage others who had previously deferred to American wishes in order to insure the continued flow of American aid, to quietly enter into normal diplomatic relations with Peiping. The absence of concern and lack of fore- sight in this matter in Washington is disturb- ing. -It won't be too long before the United States is backed into a corner by her failure to conduct foreign policy on a long-range rather than a situation-to-situation basis, meeting each problem as it comes up instead of anticipating and possibly avoiding it. The alternatives open to the United States at present are three: enforce our policy of non-recognition with our allies, cutting off their financial aid if they do not conduct themselves as we demand, take the lead our- selves by recognizing Red China and obtain- ing the best bargain possible for that recog- nition, or drifting along in an uncharted course until such time as we are forced to take action which may well be dictated from circumstances over which we have little or no control. OF THESE three choices, the third is the least desireable, giving the United States very little control over her international destiny. But this is the road the Department of State chooses for us to follow. One of these days it is going to become rudely apparent to the Washington politicians and bureaucrats that America can no longer muddle through with an unimaginative foreign policy and some un- pleasant decisions will have to be made. -RICHARD HALLORAN so much the better. Vive la France, where the woman knows how to emerge (graciously) from her bath, while the gentleman waits (gallantly) with her robe. THERE IS a plot that gives all of this a justification, but it seems to be the tacit agreement that the legend is justification for itself. The woman reigns supreme in all her roles, and the male is left in helpless admiration. Sincerity, needless to say, is a matter of the moment. The film opens with the male, an unimpressive specimen, who decidedlyscomes out second-best in a series of encounters with the more interesting of the species, if not the deadliest. The "hero" starts out with a married woman who makes a handsome appearance in a double bed. He turns to a shrew who prefers a single, is taken up by a twice-married lady philanthropist! and is finally captured by the famous little-girl-grown-up type he has lived next door to all his life. We leave the fond couple as they ride away into a life of mar- ried bliss, which the narrator promises "is not the end." BASICALLY the idea is the "La Ronde theme in a slightly blander version. In other words, we fol- low the vagaries of love as it manifests itself with more passion than meaning, more intensity than durability. In La Ronde, however, the cycle from one love to another was presented with a definite note of cynicism. There is no cynicism in "Ador- able Creatures." Women are ex- actly what the title calls them, andya little dirty dealing on their part is just one of their many fascinations. The moral of this story is that the woman can do no wrong, especially if a bed hap- pens to be around:. Adorable Creatures is not film art, but it is a good evening of entertainment. It is a film of sit- uations, and these situations are classic humor. Meant to do noth- ing more than take students' minds off finals, it fills the bill. --Debra Durchslag DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN THE Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN from to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for the Sunday edition must be in by 2 p.m. Friday. SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1956 VOL. LXVIII, No. 75 General Notices Effective Mon., May 21 and until further notice, Lot No. 19 on Forest Avenue will not be available for parking because of the paring ramp construc- tion activities. The lots on Church Street which have been temporarily used during the spring for Staff Parking will also be closed. The University Musical Society an- nounces 26 concerts to be presented in several series, during the season of 1956-1957. Orders for season tickets for most series are being accepted and fil- ed in sequence, later filled in the same order and mailed September 15. Late Permission: All women stud- ents who attended the play "Black Chiffon", had late permission until 11:20 p.m. Concerts I WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Fancy Real Estate Dealer By DREW PEARSON p TODAY AND TOMORROW: Another Soviet Initiative ~By WALTER LIPPMA N RETURNING to Washington after two weeks in London and Paris, I cannot help feeling that we may be missing one of the main points of the Soviet decision to demobilize about a million men. "I do not think," said Mr. Dulles at his press conference on Tuesday that "what the Soviet Union is here doing... Is calculated appreciably to alter their military power." Mr. Dulles was implying that for this reason the Soviet move had no bearing upon the military policy of the NATO countries. Since the Soviet military power will be just as great as before the reduction ,the menace to be guarded against will be just as great as ever. This is not, I believe, the way the Soviet announcement will read in Western Europe. The question there is more likely to be this: If the Soviet Union can demobilize something like a quarter of its men under arms and still be just as powerful as ever, how many men could' be demobilized-or, in the case of the Germans, not conscripted - without making Western Europe less secure. THE MORE it is proved by Mr. Dulles that the Soviets have lost nothing by economizing military manpower, the more impressive will be the example they have set. For Britain, France and Germany are short of industrial manpower. Military service is regarded as a wasteful and tiresome thing. The action of the Soviets will be judged not so much as a gesture for peace but to see whether it is an example of military realism. The question is whether in the revolution of military technology amidst which we are living, the Soviet Union is seizing the initiative in the strategical thinking about that revolution. There has been much discussion here in Washington as to whether the Soviet Union has a lead in certain fields-as for example guided missiles. But what we need to ask our- selves also is whether the Soviet Union is adapting its high policy more quickly than we are to the new military developments. THE SOVIETS have been ahead of us in realizing the political consequences of what &YgVAM4Editran 1SafAf Editorial Staff happened in 1949 when they broke our mon- opoly and began to develop nuclear weapons. They saw, as our official policy-makers so long refused to see, that the unavoidable conse- quence would be the growth of neutralism in all countries that do not themselves possess nuclear weapons. It could not have been otherwise. When a country is unarmed for modern nuclear war- fare, when it has no deterrent power and no defensive power, it must move towards a neu- tral position between the nuclear powers. The Soviets saw this and very promptly made their own the encouragement of neutralism. This piece of military realism on their part has increased enormously their political in- fluence in Asia. We have just begun to come around to it in the past few months. In the visit of President Soekarno of Indonesia and the coming visit of Pandit Nehru, we are be- ginning to try to repair the damage of an ill-judged policy. THANKSTO Churchill's genius, the West was ahead of the Soviets in realizing the politi- cal consequences of the second military revo- lution, that of the hydrogen bomb. This second revolution has led us to the acknow- ledgement at the summit meeting in Geneva that the great nuclear powers themselves are in a military stalemate and that they cannot contemplate war as an instrument of their policies. We are now in a third phase of this evolution in strategical thinking. It has to do primarily with the adaptation of Western European mili- tary policy to the military stalemate which was acknowledged at Geneva. The NATO army is in trouble because of a growing skepticism as to whether it reflects a right estimate of the coming military situation. I was surprised to.find how far this skepti- cism has gone, how deep is the questioning in high quarters abroad as to the true military value of much that never has been questioned before. As an example of how drastic the re- examination is, there is serious thought being given in Great Britain to the abolition of Fighter Command - of the glorious service which in 1940 won the Battle of Britain. T HE ARGUMENT today is that Britain can- not be defended successfully by interceptors against the modern super-sonic bombers. The re-examination does not stop there. It has begun to reach out towards the ground forces in Western Germany. It is against this background, I believe, that the Soviet action needs to be interpreted. The question is not really whether the Soviets are beguiling and deceiving us but whether they are going to persuade Western Europe that they know how to show the way to security and prosperity. Certainly in this matter of reducing military personnel, the door on which they are pushing is already ajar. (1956, New York Herald Tribune Syndicate, Inc.) CONGRESSMAN Victor Wicker- sham, the Oklahoma Democrat who complains that a congress- man's salary is too low to live on, continues to amaze both his col- leagues and Washington realtors by the way he's able to roll up profits. Not only does he seem to have an uncanny instinct for knowing in advance where the Government is going to place new buildings, but he has a knack for acquiring real estate for next to nothing. Take, for instance, his acquisi- tion of 882.5 acres of land adja- cent to the Everglades National Park in Southern Florida. It didn't cost him a single, solitary cent. * * * HERE, according to the Con- gressman's own explanation, is how he managed this real-estate legerdemain. Wickersham heard that the late D. A. McDougal, once of Sapulpa, Okla., (home town of Mrs. Tom Dewey) had left 17,650 acres near the Everglades National Park when he died. So Wickersham made a deal with the widow and two McDougal daughters to take an option to purchase for $10 an acre, or a total of $176,500. This was a bargain, inasmuch as oil has been found in and around that area. The astute congressman, who humbly says he was "reared on a cotton, wheat, and dairy farn" near Mangum, Okla., then scared up some other realtors to whom he sold 90 per cent of the land for 100 per cent of what it cost him. In return, he kept 5 per cent or 882.5 acres as his fee. THOSE who came in on the deal were Gene Olmi, Dr. W. T. Burch, and Tim McCue, all of Alexandria, Va.; Edgar F. Burch of Ft. Lauderdale; and Allan Bru- zee of Washington. In other words, they put up the money, Wickersham got a nice chunk of land free. Wickersham also acquired 376 acres on the Potomac River which the Geological Survey now covets; also bought eight acres near Colo- rado Springs, where the Air Force Academy is being located; negoti- ated for land in Virginia near the future Central Intelligence Agency building; and owns two tracts of land in Western Maryland be- Survey site and thebnew Atomic Energy Commission building. * * * THE CHANGABLENESS of Ezra Benson in wanting to sell his cot- ton surplus, then not selling it, then promising to sell it, then with- drawing it, has Congress Jamie Whitten of Mississippi really sore. "I seem wrought up and I am," he said frankly to Benson's assist- ant Secretary, M. L. MeLain, at a special Appropriations Subcom- mittee meeting called after Con- gress learned that Benson had re- fuset to sell 628,000 bales of cot- ton after receiving foreign offers for it which Benson cinsidered too low, "Your failure to sell," the con- gressman pointed out, "has forced drastic slashes in cotton acreage. As a result 55,000 families have been forced off their farms. Mean- while, foreign countries are ex- panding their acreage at our ex- pense." - C CONGRESSMAN Whitten had in mind the following chapter of reversals in the variegated, un- predictable cotton policy of the Eisenhower Administration: Last August, Secretary Benson wanted to sell U.S. cotton surplus abroad at competitive world prices, but Secretary of State Dulles said no. He argued, among other things, that it would alien- ate Egypt. On Feb. 28, Benson announced that U.S. surplus cotton would be sold abroad. Critics claimed this was done in order to win over two Mississippi votes, Eastland and Stennis, against the Democratic. (Copyright, 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) i Student Recital: Fern Law, soprano. recital at 8:30 p.m. Sat., May 19, in Aud. A, Angell Hall, in partial fulfill- ment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Music degree. A pupil of Harold Haugh, Miss Law will &ng com- positions by Handel, Bach, Mozart, Gounod, and a group of English songs. Open to the general public. Academic Notices Recommendations for Department Honors:Teaching departments wish. ing to recommend tentative June grad. uates from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and the School of Education for department honors (or high honors in the College of L.S.&A.) should recommend such stud- ents in a letter delivered to the Office of Registration and Records, Room 1513 Administration Building, by noon, Mon., June 11, 1956. Attention June Graduates: College of Literature, Science and the Arts, School of Education, School of Music, School of Public Health, and School of Busi- ness Administration: Students are ad- vised not to request grades of I or X in June. When such grades are ab- solutely imperative, the work must be made up in time to allow your instruc- tor to report the make-up grade not later than noon, Mon~, June 11, 1956. Grades received after that time may defer the student's graduation until a later date. F ..1 BACK TO CONGRESS: Ford Rejects Gubernatorial Bid By JERRY DeMAAGD Daily Staff Writer THE Republicans have staked their hopes for a strong guber- natorial candidate on Detroit's Mayor Albert E. Cobo, with ex- chief police commissioner Donald S. Leonard lurking in the back- ground. These are major person- alities thought capable of captur- ing the governorship from G. Mennen Williams. Two other possible candidates, Representative Bently and Repre- sentative Jerry Ford of Grand Rapids had been considered to a draft movement for the post. Representative Ford of the 5th district has stated his reason for refusing to run for governor of the State of Michigan in a special letter to The Daily. * * * HE SAID, in part: "I have ruled out any possibility of running for Governor this year. In fact, I have 800 petitions for the August 7th primary all set to send out to supporters in the Fifth District next week. This makes it definite that I will seek reelection to the House of Representatives in the fall election. "There are a number of reasons why at this time I feel it is wiser to seek reelection to my House seat than make the bid for Gover- nor, * * * tingx Average' of 93 per cent in favor of Eisenhower Administra- tion measures over the past three and one-half years. I hope to be able to continue supporting these successful policies in the House of Representatives." EVEN THOUGH Rep. Ford has declined to make a bid for gover- nor the people of Michigan should keep him in mind as a capable statesman and possible guberna- torial candidate in several years. His popularity, in his own dis- trict was adequately demonstrated when in 1952 he was re-elected to the 83rd Congress by a majority of 55,000 votes outrunning the en- tire Republican ticket in his dis- trict and President Eisenhower by 7,832 votes. Rep. Ford, born in Omaha, Neb. from which his family moved to Grand Rapids, is a 1935 Graduate of the University. He was selected the University's most valuable player in 1934, was elected to Michigamua, senior honor society, and received a law degree from Yale in 1941, which was followed by 47 months in the Navy. LETTERS to the EDITOR Musical Digression . ,. To the Editor: IN REGARD to the letter of Norman A. Levy (May 16, 1956) concerning rock and roll music. I strongly agree with Mr. Levy and would like to reinforce his previous statement. The Para- mount Theater in New York is all the evidence needed to justify the fact that rock and roll music is a moral evil which taints the souls of men and induces them to crime and destruction. The very fact that the noble state of Alabama, already renown for its integrity in actions exem- plified in another case, has taken the initiative is ample reason why we should unquestionably support this wise movement. Rock and roll is a musical di- gression which appeals to adoles- cences. Entangled in their struggle for independence, they overlook the deteriorating effect that this music has on their immature minds. Rock and roll music is too "down to earth" and besides a syllabus is not needed to interpret it. For these sound reasons, we as democratic Americans should de- prive them of this freedom and point thumbs down on rock and roll music. -Barbara Roberson, '58 Only T rue A.rt... To the Editor: T AM a foreign exchange student -'who has had the privilege of living in this country only two short years. Consequently, when I speak on a controversial issue concerning Americans, I feel that I am neither biased nor swayed. I am sort of an involved, and yet objective, observer. Concerning the recent article "Rock and Roll," I would like to say but a few choice words in opposition to it. After witnessing and hearing all types of American music, I have found rock and roll to be a most valuable contribution to the only true art form of your country- that being jazz. Rock and roll seems to be more than music. Rather than a sub- versive plot, as it was so inappro- English 150 (Playwriting) will meet promptly at 7:00 p.m. in Room 1429 Mason Hall, Tues., May 22, for reading of a long play. Doctoral Examination for william Howe Rueckert, English Language and Literature; thesis: "The Rhetoric of Rebirth: A Study of the Literary Theory and Critical Practice of Kenneth Burke", Sat., May 19, West Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 10:00 a.m. Chairman, N. E. Nelson. Doctoral Examination for Orville La- vern McCurdy, Chemistry; thesis: "The Structure of Alstoniline Oxide and the Synthesis of Several Analogs of Al- stoniline," Sat., May 19, 3003 Chem- istry Bldg., at 10:00 a.m. Chairman, R. C. Elderfield. Doctoral Examination for Joseph Courtney McCully, Mathematics; thesis: "The Operational Calculus of the La- guerre Transform", Sat., May 19, 247 West Engineering Bldg., at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, R. v. Churchill. Doctoral Examination for Avedis Kri. kor Sanjian, Near Eastern Studies; thesis: "The Sanjak of Alexandretta (Hatay): A Study in Franco - Turco - Syria Relations", -Sat., May 19, East Council Room, Rackham Building, at 9:30 a.m. Chairman, G. F. Hourani. Doctoral Examination for Harold Aus- tin McNitt, Philosophy; Thesis: "John Dewey's Democratic Liberalism: Its Philosophical Foundations," Sat., May 19, 2208 Angell Hall, at 10:00 a.m. Chair- man, W. Frankena. Doctoral Examination for William Jesset Weichlein, Musicology; thesis: "A Comparative Study of Five Musical Settings of La Clemenza di. Tito", Mon., May 21, West Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 4:00 p.m. Chairman, L. E. Cuyler. Doctoral Examination for F. Gerard Adams, Economics; thesis: "Some As- pects of the Income Size Distribution: A Statistical Study," Mon., May 21, 105 Economics Building, at 4:00 p.m. Chairman, D. B. Suits. Dortoral Examination for Malcolm Theodore Carron, Education; thesis: "The Origin and Nature of the Con- tract Colleges of Cornell University. A study of a Cooperative Educational venture between a State and a Private University," Mon., May 21, 2442 Uni- versity Elementary School, at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, A. D. Henderson. 4 "i v rI LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS by Dick Bibldr '4 DAVE BAAD, Managing Editor MURRY FRYMER RJIM DYGERT Editorial Director City Editor DEBRA DURCHSLAG ................ Magazine DAVID KAPLAN ..................... Feature JANE HOWARD ......................Associate LOUISE TYOR ....................... Associate PHIL DOUGLIS..................... Sports ALAN EISENBERG ......Associate Sports JACK HORWITZ . ...., Associate Sports MARY HELLTHALER . ..... Women's ELAINE EDMONDS ......... Associate Women's Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor A JOHN HIRTZEL ........ . Chief Photographer Business Staff DICK ALSTROM........ .. Business Manager ., I t II 5I I thnT'i Ell I