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May 18, 1956 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1956-05-18

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Sixty-Sixth Year

SeHo, Ave-What's New?'

When Opinlons Are tree,
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

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Student Government Council
Needs More Student Contact

LACK OF communication between the Stu-
dent Government Council and the students
it represents is one of the most difficult prob-
lems SGC has yet to solve. How this can most
effectively be done was discussed recently at
the Student-Faculty-Administration confer-
ence sponsored by the Union in cooperation
with SGC.
The question of representation was put to
the council members present. How, it was
asked, can SGC claii$ to represent student
opinion to the administration, when members
of SGC have slight, if any, contact with the
student constituents?
One SGC member countered with the fact
that he conducts a personal survey on any
question where he is in doubt on what students
would think of the particular proposal.
THIS PERSONAL survey technique is not
enough. In fact, as Dean of Men Walter B.
Rea pointed out, this is precisely the method
that the University has used for years when it
wantedto consult with the student body.
It should be pointed out that tiis method will
no longer suffice for a University this size,
whether employed by the administration or
SGC. A personal survey amounts to -a small
sample of opinion which in no way can be
considered as representative of a sizeable fac-
tion of student opinion.
A new system for expression of the students
views is long overdue. Letters to the editor, as
on the deferred rushing issue are not enough.
The Student-Faculty-Administration, Confer-
ence was a step in the right direction for in-
creased student participation in the affairs of

SEVERAL EXCELLENT suggestions evolved
in the friendly give-and-take discussion
with University officials, but time limitations
necessarily negated the possibility of drawing
up detailed plans: Properly this is an SGC
problem that must be solved in the near
future if it is to truly reprsent student opinion.
More precisely, Student Government Coun-
cil's problem of communication is not only
getting student opinion but it must also inform
to as to guide student opinion. As Dean of
Women Deborah Bacon pointed out, in any
democracy a large number of people are apa-
thetic.. But there are those in the student
body who just don't know.
This element of the student body has been
neglected heretofore. Yet, in some more direct
way they should take an interest in SGC. This
can only come about if SGC takes an interest
in them.
THE STRUGGLING speakers guild founded
recently by SGC as an attempt to inform
the' students needs encouragement. It is a
direct contact' system whereby speakers from
SGC will come into housing groups to give a
talk on the activities of SGC and answer ques-
The speakers project should be expanded.
The quadrangles should be included and the
spueakers should visit fraternity and sorority
housing groups more often.
This is not the only answer to the problem,
but is the best expedient in view at the present
time. Student Government Council should im-
prove it or work out a better solution.

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International Showmanshp

to the
Disconnected Thinking
To the Editor:
H AD I NOT dedicated myself
but a short time ago to ex-
posing what I feel to be shallow-
principled positions, I would feel
no compulsign to answer the letter
of Miss Gregory (May 13).
Herthinking is typical of many
college students. It is thinking
which I'm afraid would cause (or
perhaps is causing) us to yield to
the growth of a state of some to-
talitarian nature, allowing us no
conception of its growth nor of
the implications of the growth be-
cause the thinking would suggest
a complete action on the basis of
only one aspect of man. She would
apparently have us reach a decis-
ion about some political or social
order on the basis of the economic
aspect of man.
The thinking is a type which I
call disconnected because it tries
to separate man's knowledge from
the man and tries to apply the
knowledge as a thing apart from
the man and his other character-
istics. The thinking results largely,
I feel, from several attitudes in
our society.
One is the attitude that one has
to be a specialist in order to com-
pete successfully in our society.
Another is the attitude that the
problems of the world will be
solved by taking care of our own
and our fellow's economic needs.
And the last is the attitude that
the only way to discover truth is
by doing a thing to see if it is
As a result of this thinking, Miss
Gregory complains that Prof.
Boulding met the "generalities" of
Dr. Sweezy with "nebulous and
unscientific statements" a b o u t'
original sin and the like. She, so
far as her letter reveals to me, fails
to recognize, as Prof. Boulding
does, thateconomic problems are
problems only in that they con-
cern human beings.
In meeting these problems, one
must necessarily, along with eco-
nomic truths, consider religious,
psychological, political, and soc-
iologcial truths. For man is a,
working combination of all, his
problems not being solved from the
standpoint of one or the other,
but from the standpoint of all.
I hesitate to write this letter in
that I have impinged Miss Gre-
gory's thinking and beliefs by
calling her a disconnected thinker
and a shallow-principled believer.
I must admit first that I may have
misnomered that which I saw in
her letter.
Secondly, I must admit of my
own .disconnected thinking and
shallow-principled beliefs which I
sometimes find myself proposing.
But we are college students; our
ideas are still quite flexible: and
when we find our fellows holding
a seemingly untenable position, we
should face it frankly, reach some
understanding, and grow as a re-
sult of the experience.
-Richard Lafuze '58L
Proud Records ...
To the Editor:
IN LAST Sunday's Daily, Assist-
ant Dean of Men John Bingley
stated that "every male honorary
on this campus has a blast each
year." This is a broad generaliza-
tion. As president and past presi-
dent of Eta Kappa Nu (Electrical
Engineering Honorary) we can
state that our organization has not
had a "blast" for the past two
years and to our knowledge has

never had one. We are sure that
we are not the only male honorary
on campus that was offended by
Dean Bingley. In our opinion he
should be more specific when mak-
ing statements to this effect. Most
male honoraries are proud of their
records on campus and do not care
to be slandered in this way.
--Richard S. Maslowski, '56
David C. Thomas, Grad..



Police Cooperation

IN REFERENCE to the constantly recurring
bicycle difficulties in Ann Arbor, one can-
not overlook the -fact that the Ann Arbor
Police Department has been cooperative in
handling its part of the problem. In addition
to being courteous, the police department has
been most lenient as regards issuance of tickets
and impounding of bicycles which are im-
properly equipped.
City regulations implicitly state that all bi-
cycles must be licensed before they can be
ridden on other than private property. These
regulations also require all bicycles to be
equipped with, lights. when ridden at night. Al-
though a great number, of students ride un-
licensed, unlighted bikes, the local police de-
partment has not been as strict as it might
have been.
As a special service, Ann Arbor police en-
abled students to purchase licenses at the
University's Administration Building. The
police department has given the students more
leeway than was necessary. Final date for
registering bicycles was changed in order to
give students more time to purchase licenses
and lights.
E POLICE department maintains that
licenses are an easy means of identifica-
tion. Unlicensed bicycles, when reported stolen,
are hard to identify, as students usually do
not keep a record of the serial number on their
bicycles. As an average of five or six bicycles
arereported stolen each day, and as the police
department picks up several abandoned bi-
cycles each day, the problem of identification
of these bicycles is an ever-present responsibil-
Rather than immediately impound all im-
properly equipped and/or unlicensed bicycles,
the police department has issued warning

tickets. At the same time, the Ann Arbor
Police Department and the City Clerk's Office
have urged students to comply with the law.
As a result of this urging, arnd that of Stu-
dent Government Council's Campus Affairs
Committee's education campaign, 5,895 bicycle
licenses have been issued since April 16.
MAY 21 has been set as the date on which
local police will impound all bicycles which
do not comply with existing regulations. If,
on May 21, students complain about the harsh-
ness of it all, they should stop for a moment
and consider the past leniency of the Ann
Arbor Police Department.
Quad Residents
Supply Entertainment
SOUTH QUAD residents can be guaranteed
entertainment almost every night of the
week. It might be an honorary tapping, the
setting off of a string of fire-crackers, or even
someone playing an amplified electric guitar.
However, residents usually supply the enter-
tainment themselves. Starting with, say, a long
wolf howl from one of the windows. This
immediately draws attention to the possibilities
presented by open windows, and in no time
at all quad residents are aiming derisive re-
marks at West Quad,
West Quad has to stand on its honor, and
immediately answers back, This continues for
sometime, with such events as three part sing-
fing and clever rhymes. Much enjoyment i'
derived from this.L
Rough luck for the guys who have to study
or sleep.

THE WHITE HOUSE isn't miss-
ing a'trick these days in the
field of international showman-
ship In addition to the proposed
visit of Marshal Zhukov to Wash-
ington shortly before elections
next fall, the scheduling of the
Presidents of the American Re-
publics Conference in Panama was
one of the shrewdest pieces of in-
ternational political diplomacy
seen in some time.
It was so carefully and quietly
worked out that not even most
Latin American diplomats in
Washington had any idea Presi-
dent Eisenhower would fly to Pan-
ama June 25 for a meeting of Pan
American Presidents.
Usually there is a lot of hem-
ming, hawing, and diplomatic red
tape before such a top-level meet-
ing. But in this case only the Pres-
ident of Panama and a few strate-
gists around the White House
knew what was in the works.
EVERYTHING was well greased
in advance. On May 2, the Pan
American Union passed a resol-
ution commemorating the 130th
anniversary of the first Pan Am-
erican Conference called by Simon
Bolivar. It decided that Pan Am-
erican ambassadors should meet
in Panama June 22.
The White House, however, had
the presidential meeting all plan-
ned out in advance. Approximately
48 hours later, invitations were be-
ing issued by the President of Pan-
ama to the Presidents of the Am-
erican Republics. President Arias
had been told in advance to issue
the invitations and had been told
Eisenhower would accept, as he
The President of little Panama
would never have invited the Pres-
idents of such potent South Am-
erican nations as Brazil, Argen-
tina and Chile without weeks of
previous sounding out-unless he
knew Eisenhower was coming. But
he also knew that if Ike accepted,

every other president would accept,
} too.
Asked who inspired the confer-
ence, President Arias replied with
a knowing smile:,
"The idea was thought up by
Simon/Bolivar in 1826."
ening and our diplomatic ship of.
state in Europe leaking at the
seams this writer would like to
suggest that the Panama meeting
of presidents might set a new land-
mark for closer ' cooperation be-
tween the United States and Latin
What some of our top diplomats
haven't realized in the past is that
every time the United States builds
up Africa with foreign aid it hurts
our immediate neighbors in Latin
Thus, the more coffee is pro-
duced in Africa, the more Brazil
and other coffee countries suffer.
The more cocoa is produced in
Africa, the more Ecuador suffers.
Tropical Africa and parts of Asia
arethe big competitors of tropical
South America.
On the other hand, few areas
in the world have such a com-
pletely dovetailing economy as
tropical Latin America and indust-
rial North America.
Without deserting our real
friends in Europe, maybe we had
better begin building up our old
friends below the Rio Grande.
** *
ning for the Senate in Illinois
against GOP Sen. Everett Dirksen,
is a cousin of Casey Stengel of
the New York Yankees . . . One
man who was glad Vice President
Nixon was given the go-ahead sign
,by Ike for renomination- is Joe
Glazer, the political minstrel tof
Akron, Ohio. His record, "The
Ballad of Richard Nixon," has
been selling like hotcakes. Glaz-
er's now branched out with rec-
ords on "The Giveaway Boys,"

"The Dixon-Yates Song," and
"Love That Team." .. .
Ed Barrett, new Dean of the
Columbia School of Journalism, is
the man who pioneered more ef-
fective propaganda for the U.S.A.
than anyone in recent years. Bar-
rett was Assistant Secretary of
State in charge of the Voice of
America and one of the few State
Department officials willing to
permit'this writer and the Cusade
for Freedom to start sending bal-
loons behind the Iron Curtain ...
Charlie Willis, ex-White House
aide, tried to persuade FCC Com-
missioner Rosel Hyde to get the
Firestone Hour reinstatedawhen
NBC chucked it off in favor of
Sid Caesar. Willis was pulling
wires for his father-in-law, Harvey
Firestone. Firestone, however, de-
served consideration, for his pro-
gram had been on the air 22 years
with classical music. Commissioner
Hyde refused to intervene and
Willis got sore.
** *
er had been conscientiously hold-
ing press conferences once a week,
and while Secretary of State Dul-
les holds press conferences every
week that he is in Washington,
Attorney General Brownell has
not held a single press conference
since last October.
"The Attorney General will hold
press conferences when requested
by the press," his information
spokesman at first alibied.
However, repeated requests of
Brownell's office for a press con-
ference have got nowhere. Finally
the information spokesman
changed his tune.
"I guess the conference will be
called when Mr. Brownell calls
one," is the alibi now given.,
Note-Maybe Brownell is afraid
he will'be heckled about using an
Immigration Service airplane to
fly from Houston to Governor
Shiver's ranch on a purely political
(copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

(Continued from Page 2)
University Leture: Prof. Burton Dre...
ben of the Department of Philosophy,
University of Chicago, will lecture on
"Another Look at the Frege - Russell
Reduction of Mathematics" on Fri.,
May 18 at 4:15 p.m. in Angell- Hall Aud.
C. Open to the public. Auspices of
the Department of Philosophy.
Amuerican Society for Public Admin-
istration. Social Seminar - Matt Luk-
ens. Final social seminar for the 1955-
56 academic year of the Michigan Chap-
ter of the A.S.P.A. Fri., May 18, at 8
p.m., in the West Conference Room of
the Rackham Building. The speaker
will be Matthias E. Lukens, President
of the A.S.P.A., and Assistant Executive
Director of the New York Pork Author
ity. His informal talk will touch on
both of these fields.
Astronomy Department Visitor's Night
Fri., May 18, 8 p.m., Room 2003 Angel
ll. M FredT. Haddock will talk on
"Radio waves from the Sun and Space.,
After the talk the Student Observa-
tory on the fifth floor of Angell Hall
will be open for inspection and for
telescopic observation of the Moon, Jup-
iter and Saturn. Children welcomed,
but must be accompaled by adults.
Scenes from Opera, presented by
School of Music opera class, 8:30 p.n,
Fri., May 18, in Aud. A, Angell Hall.
Scenes from wagner's Die Meistersinger
von Nuernberg, Smetana's Bartrd
Bride, Gounod's Faust, Richard Strauss'
Der Rosenkavalier, with student soloists.
Open to the general public without
Student Recital: Fern Law, soprano
recital at 8:30 p.m. Sat., May 19, iin
Aud. A, Angell Hall, in partial fulfill-
mnent of the requirements for th,
Bachelor of Music degree. A pupl of
Harold Haugh, Miss Law will sing com-
positions by Handel, Bach, MoArt
Gounod, and a group of English songs.
Open to the general public.
Student Recital: James Miller, tenor,
will present a program in lieu of a
thesis for the Master of Music degree,
at 4:15 p.m., Sun., May 20, in MAd,
A, Angel! Hall. A pupil of Thelma
Lewis, Miller will sing compositions by
Scarlatti, Busatti, Handel, Beethoven,
Franck, Hahn, Head, and warlock. Ope
to the general public without charge.
Student Recital: Hildred Kronokken,
soprano, recital at 8:30 p.m., Sun., May
20, In And. A, Angel Hal, in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the
Master of Music degree. Miss Kronio-
ken studies voice with Harold augh,
and her recital will be open to the
Academic Notices
Psychology Colloquium: Dr. 0aar
Rogers, of the University of Chicago,
will discuss "The Necessary and Suffi-
cient Conditions for Therapeutic Per-
sonality Change," on Fri., May 18, At
4:15 p.m. Aud. B, Angell Hall.
Astronomical Colloquium. Fri., May
18, 4:15 p.m., The Observatory. Dr. 0,
Righini of the Arcetri Observatory, Italy,
will speak on 'Solar Research at the
Arcetri Observatory."
Doctoral Examination for James A.
Kokoris, Economics; thesis: "The Eco
nomic and Financial Development of
Okayama Prefecture, Japan," Fri., May
18, 105 Economics Building, at 4:0
p.m. Chairman, C. F. Remer.
Doctoral Examinaiton for George Emil
Riday, Education; thesis: "A Com-
parative Study of the Counseling Meth-
ods Employed by the Graduates of
Andover Newton Theological School and
Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary,
Fri., May 18, 4019 University Hgh
School, at 4:00 p.m. Chairman, H:C.
Doctoral Examination for Dolores
Darlene Saunders Dundee, Zoology;
thesis: "Aspects of the Biology of
Pomatiopsis lapidaria (Say) (Molusco:
Gastropoda: Prosobranchia)," Fri., May
18, 2089 Natural Science Building, at
9:00 a.m. Chairman, H. van der Scalle.
Doctoral Examination for Marian Em-
ily white, Anthropology; thesis: " o.
quois Culture History in the Niagara
Frontier Area of/INew York State," Fri.,
May 18, Room 4017, Museum Building,
at 11:00 a.m. Chairman, J. B. Griffin.
Doctoral Examination for James Henri
Howard, Anthropology; thesis: "The,
Ponca Tribe," Fri., May 18, 4017 Mu-
seums Bldg., at 4:00 p.m. Chairman,

V. H. Jones.
Doctoral Examination for Robert Lloyd
Stephenson, Anthropology; thesis: "Ac-
cokeek: A Middle Atlantic Seaboard
Culture Sequence," Fri., May 18, Room
4017, Museums Building, at' :00 p.m.
Chairman ,J. B. Griffin.
sDoctorial Examination for William
Howe Rueckert English Languageand
Literature; thesis: "The Rhetoric of
Rebirth:' A Study of the Literary Theory
and Critical Practice of Kenneth
Burke", Sat., May 19, west Council
Room, Rackham Bldg., at 10:00 a.m.
Chairman, N. E. Nelson.
Doctoral Examination for Orville La-
vern McCurdy, Chemistry; thesis: "The
Structure of Alstoniline Oxide and the
Synthesis of Several Analogs of Al-
stoniline," Sat., May 19, 3003 Chem-
istry Bldg., at 10:00 a.m. Chairman, R.
C. Elderfield.
Doctorial Examination for Joseph
Courtney McCully, Mathematics; thesis:
"The Operational Calculus of the La-
guerre Transform", Sat., May 19, 247
West Engineering Bldg., at 9:00 a.m.
Chairman, R. v. Churchill.
Doctorial Examination for Avedis Kri
kor Sanjian, Near Eastern Studies;
thesis: "The Sanjak of Alexandretta
(Hatay): A Study in Franco - Turco -
Syria Relations", Sat., May 19, East
Council Room, Rackham Building, at
9:30 a.m. Chairman, 0. F. Hourani.
Doctorial Examination for Harold Aus-
tin McNitt, Philosophy; Thesis: "John
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Soekarno's First U.S. Visit

Associated Press News Analyst
INDONESIA'S President Soekarno, although
this is his first visit, is probably better known
in the United States than any other chief of an
underveloped nation except Nehru of India and
Rhee of South Korea.
Editorial Staff \
DAVE BAAD, Managing Editor
Editorial Director City Editor
DEBRA DURCHSLAG ........,....... Magazine Editor
DAVID KAPLAN ,. . .................. Feature Editor
JANE HOWARD ...,................... Associate Editor
LOUISE TYOR .............. Associate Editor
PHIL DOUGLIS ...,, .....~...... Sports Editor
ALAN EISENBLRG .......,... Associate Sports Editor
.JACK HORWITZ .....,. ,.. Associate Sports Editor
MARY HELLWHALER >........ s. Women's Editor
ELAINE EDMONDS ....... Associate Women's Editor
JOHN HIRTZEL ..,...... ..... Chief Photographer
Busine'ss Staff
DICK AI4STROM .................. Business Manager
BOB ILGENFRITZ ..... Associate Business Manager

Soekarno, like the other two, has been the
leader of his country's fight for independence
for 30 years.
He was almost as familiar with Dutch jails as
'Nehru was with British,
HIS FEELINGS about the Dutch are very
strong, and are likely to extend themselves
to anyone who associates with the Dutch.
That is why he has been supicious and fear-
ful of the United States, despite the important
influence of this country on the final indepen-
dance agreement. Soekarno and a vast pro-
portion of informed Indonesians felt American
economic aid to the Netherlands after the
war had prolonged the Dutch ability to hold on
in the islands.
After independence, 'Indonesia was afraid of
America. Some American promoters displayed
a strong desire for exploitation, Indonesians
were not prepared merely to substitute Ameri-
can control of their e.conomic interests for the
British-Dutch hegemony, American economic
aid was refused,
THERE SEEMS to be a slightly better atmos-
phere now, which Secretary Dulles is anx-
ious to nurture through the Soekarno visip.

Berlin wiretap Definitely American Job

(EDITORS NOTE: David Learned is
a University student studying under
an exchange program at the Univer-
sity of Free Berlin.)
ca has probably by now read
something of the wire-tapping
tunnel here in Berlin. On discov-
ery, it was immediately, of course,
attributed to American espionage
agencies in Berlin, and much prop-
aganda was made of it. This tun-
nel has somewhat unfortunately
a future in propaganda, too:
The thing is, it is actually an
American job, in your writers'
humble opinion, and the Com-
munists are making propagand-
istic hay out of it. Before I go any
farther, I should offer some proof
for the first part of this state-
ment; the second part is self evi-
First. a thee a stend of the

have left, by any stretch of the"
THE TUNNEL itself is expertly
built with arching steel plates. The
room where recordings were made
looks perhaps like the lay concep-
tion of an equipment room of an
electronic computer or a telephone
company laboratory. There are
about fifteen yards along one wall
of electronic equipment.
Of course the room is moisture
proof and served with conditioned
air from an air conditioning in-
stallation, Homart plastic pipes
leading to and from it for water,
to be sure, and a Honeywell power
switch switching the installation's
power. This room is built right in
the tunnel at its eastern end. The
rest of the equipment is American,
with the exception of some English
The tan itself Bell Telenhone

AS ONE RUSSIAN officer was
reported to have said, "There are
cheaper and better ways." It's
plain that there are cheaper ways
for the Communists to make suc-
cessful propaganda than to build
a thoroughly American wire-tap
tunnel and make it look like an
American job under the given geo-
graphical circumstances there pre-
senting themselves.
This tunnel was built to last,
and obviously with no intentions
of having it discovered. The fact
that General Dasher couldn't get
assurance from all American ag-
iencies in Berlin that they hadn't
done the job and then deny it, but
had to send to Washington for an
explanation instead is only too
indicative that it's American.
That in itself was a great prop-
aganda piece in East Germany.
The West Berlin papers have all

being against the reunification of
This is unfortunate. Incident-
ally, it was encouraging to see the
youth of East Berlin call "Pro-
fessor" Gerhart Eisler recently in
an East Berlin "Youth Forum"
meeting on his claim that there
are no spies or agents of the Ger-
man Democratic Republic in West
Germany. Many East Berliners
and East Germans probably have
this tunneling story figured for
what it's worth, however.
Although espionage is illegal,
it seems to be here to stay wheth-
er partially discovered by this
power or that, or not. But what
also is illegal, one couldn't say
more or less, is the allowing the
review of German troops in the
four-power city of Berlin. ,
* :' *
THIS OCCURED, this time in
full bloom, the day after the tun-
nel was onened for insnection On



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