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May 18, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-05-18

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D aii4 t


Latest Deadline in the 5lute




U.S. Fears
Red Chinese
Other Arab League
Nations May Follow
Egyptian Policy Lead
States officials yesterday began
looking into the possibility that
other nations in the nine-member
Arab League may follow Egypt's
lead in recognizing Red China.
They fear this will happen and
they presumably intend to bring
diplomatic pressures to prevent it
if possible.
Announced Wednesday
The Egyptian decisionto estab-
lish formal diplomatic relations
with the Communist regime at
Peiping was announced Wednes-
day without any advance notice
to Washington.
The State Department refrained
from open criticism of the action
-especially since Allied countries
like Britain have recognized the
Chinese Reds for several years.
Relations More Difficult
Nevertheless, there was a feel-
ing in the department that the
Egyptian action considerably
tightens that country's ties with
the Communist bloc and will make
future Egyptian-American rela-
tions possibly more difficult,
Problems of United States rela-
tions with Egypt are now under
consideration in the National Se-
curity Council; there were reports
that they were discussed yesterday
at a meeting of the Council over
which President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower presided.
Egypt is trading 45.000 tons of
cotton this year to the Chinese
Reds for 60,000 tons of steel.
Egypt is the most powerful coun-
try in the Arab League. Follow-
ing its cotton-for-arms deal with
Communist Czechoslovakia last
year it developed very close ties
with one faction of the league
consisting of Syria, Saudi Arabia
and Yemen. Other nations in the
group are Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon,
Libya and the Sudan.
Parade aprs
City Armed
Forces Day
Tomorrow is Armed Forces Day.
All of Michigan will celebrate
ti the day which has been observed
throughout the United States this
Huron Street will be the scene
of the military parade which will
get underway at 10 a.m. Partici-
pating will be the three units of
the University of Michigan ROTC,
the Ann Arbor unit of the National
Guard, three drill teams, drum and
bugle corps, and bands. The route
wlil take the marchers to Main
Street where they will turn to
Liberty. The parade will break up
on North University.
Dignitaries from the Univer-
sity, the city, and Ypsilanti, as
well as Armed Forces personnel,
will review the parade from the
front of the County' Building.
Throughout Michigan the mili-
tary services will present their
might in conjunction with the

Armed Forces day slogan, "Power
for Peace." Selfridge Air Force
Base will hold open house tomor-
t row and Sunday.
The air and ground portion of
the open house will begin at 9:30
a.m. when visitors will view static
displays of aircraft, training aids,
and new weapons. In addition they
will be entertained by the Chrys-
ler Kiltie Band, Selfridge Air Force
Band, and an ROTC drill team'.
In the afternoon America's air
might will be in full display as
the newest in bombers and fighters
take to the skys. Featured will be
the B-52 Stratofortress. Making
its first public appearance in the
greater Detroit area, this plane
will drop the H-bomb in the com-
ing Pacific tests. A full formation
of the eight jet-engine aircraft
will participate in the show.
ead iij o(Iay
For A't Contest

The 's



Po liical

By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-Labor columnist
Victor Riesel turned his bandaged,
sightless eyes to a crowd of news-
men yesterday and vowed a life-
long crusade against mob rule and
racketeering in labor unions. I
"There has got to be a federal
investigation of labor racketeering
which infests unions," Riesel told
a news conference in a hospital
WASHINGTON-The House yes-s
terday turned down Dwight D,
Eisenhower's request for long-term
foreign aid authority and tied new{
restrictions into his $4.900.000,000
aid bill.
LANSING-Frank S. Szymnanski,



TheJuse of force, he maintained,

--Daily-John Hirtzel
HARD CAMPAIGNER-State Representative George Sallade told
young Republicans last night, "We spend too much time shaking
hands with other Republicans."
Republicans Must Fight
For Victory --Sallade

Impatient moderation was the "leads to more confusion, misun-
keynote of a three member panel derstanding and possible violence,"
discussion last night on desegre- though he suggested that the
gation in Southern schools, threat of forde can often be as
Speaking on the second anniver- effective as its actual exercise.
sary of the Supreme Court's de- Defending the NAACP's slogan
segregation ruling, panel members for desegregation "Free by '63,"
did disagree on whether the use Taylor said "we progress most
of force, passive resistance or "go rapidly when we set goals. We
slow" is the best way of carrying realize it's long past due," but the
out the decision. group is willing to wait for com-
Passive Resistance ;- -_________________
Local National Association for
the Advancement of Colored Peo-
ple President Clarence Taylor, A utom ation
'58L. called for use of passive
resistance along the lines of the
Montgomery, Alabama bus boy-
cott. "Our minds have been stir-
red" by the protest, he said. It "
has made us think about problems .. 31aiPE alit
we never would have thought of
S-- -- ---By RENE GNAM


Republican State Representative George Sallade of Ann Arbor 32, who survived a wartime Guad-
told the Young Republicans last night that the Republican party was alcanal plane era h and came
"by no means a favorite" in Michigan and that it would have to wage------------- obal a }Ntr

a "bang-up aggressive" campaign
election in November.
"Unfortunately, the. Republic
branded with a do-nothing labeli
Priest Talks
On Russian
6 f
Soviet imperialism and its (le-
velopment through history, was
the subject of a talk given yester-
day by Rev. Father Michael Hor-
oshko at the Gabriel Richard Cen-
Father Horoshko described com-
munism and its imperialism as
"an outgrowth of historical pro-
cesses dressed in Soviet uniform.
"The early empire, centered in
Kiev, accepted Byzantine Christ-
ianity, based partly on the Greek
civilization, which stressed the
dignity of man."
The later Muskovite empire
emphasized the importance of the
state. The Czar was absolute ruler,
"questioned neither by God nor
Father Horoshko . added that
modern Communism is an out-
growth of the Muskovite philos-
ophy, and quoted the words of
Lenin which branded the idea of
man's dignity as "erratic individ-
The reason for this change in
philosophy was the influence of
Oriental standards brought to Rus-
sia during the Tartar invasions,
Father Horoshko commented.
Panty Raiders
Strike At UC
BERKELEY, Calif. (P)-Whole-
sale water fights among Univer-
sity of California men students
developed Wednesday night into
uncontrolled "panty raids" on
sorority houses, during which some
girls were stripped of their night-
All available Berkeley and cam-
pus police battled until 2 a.m.
Wednesday to bring the estimated
2,000 rioters under control,.
Twenty-two sorority and girls'
boarding houses were broken into
Vandalism caused an estimated
loss of $10,000.,
University authorities acted to
identify the individuals responsi-
ble and to prevent a recurrence.
The Daily Californian called it
a "night of debauchery" and de-
manded severe disciplinary and
financial reprisals against all fra-
Trouble started at 5:30 p.m.
with a good-natured water fight
on the hottest day of the year be-
tween students dressed in shorts
and bathing trunks. Water fights
continued until 10:30 p.m. when
the crowds of men began their

Dame, was appointed auditor gn
in order to win the Gubernatorial ei' Automation will eventually lead
eralAof MichiganilesternauabyygleadI
eral of Michigan yesterday b iH Cleels to thought control and state regu-
an congress has been incorrectly vernor G. Mennen Williams. lation of industry and business,
in spite of the facts," Sallade said. 'Frank Marquart, educational dir-
6"Governor Williams has been able RAIFORD, Fla.-One convic a ' ector of local 212, United Auto
to get away with this most often" was shot to death and 11 wounded Workers of Detroit, told a student
yesterday in a short-lived mystery assembly last night.
Because of this, Sallade felt that riot at state prison. 5-Speaking before the Dissent
Republicans often become apolo- Warden Dewitt Sinclair said 225 L '( t Forum Marquart said, "In our
gists "When they don't have to be. of the 2,539 prisoners were the country we can have very rapid
"In the past year we have pass- troublemakers but that they re- , DAVE TAIt technological progress, but only
ed a highway improvements act; fused to say why.if accompanied by a great deal
a fair employment practices law, The shooting came when a small What was probably the final of insecurity and suffering d"
as well as other measures to group of prisoners armed with meeting of the Inter-House Coun- Marquart said automation dis-
strengthen civil rights; labor leg- baseball bats tried to force their cil in its present form was held places workers and throws them
islation with increased unemploy- way through an open gate to get last night. , out of jobs. He quoted unemploy-
m tbeeisan bilgi into . Pesdent Bob Warrick, 5 ot fjosrH~uoeLueply
ment benefits and bills giving to the dining room. dedhoped to h tiicati ent figures for the past few
large sums of money to higher of the new Coistitution by the years in Detroit to back up his
education. WASHINGTON - Thomas L. Houses in time to hold a meeting point.
He explained that the Univer- Black, Newark, N. J., chemist, of- the new House President's "Automation," he said, "will
sity had even received a greater testified yesterday he became ak accelerate the process by which
sum of money for ope-rations than Soviet spy in the early 1930s be- counclcnax w eei production increases faster than.
Governor Williams had recom- cause he wanted to go to Russia.,' a tin' purchasing power-the capacity to
mended. He said he kept it up for nearly ironically. this final bow of the produce will outstrip the capacity
lla Heath l, a10 years afterward because of IHC will nexer go on record as to consume. "This," he emphasized,.
nia ste fa m a fear that he would be killed if he official, due to lack of a quorum. "has been the major problem of
Initid steps of a mental health , Warrick explained, however, that our economy for the past few
program were another of Con- Black, who appeared before the many of the Houses did not elect years."
gress' accomplishments, he said.
"Now pie need a candidate who Senate Internal Security subcom- new representatives for next year Marquart said finding markets
will go out and tell the people our mittee, identified himself as the in anticipation of the new struc- for excess products is an increas-
accomplishments.el 'he governor man who recruited Harry Gold tre.. ing problem. In this respect, "Auto-
is a past masteir at this. into a Russian atom spy ring in It wa announced at the in- mation will lead to a chain re-
"He will take the credita193 formal meeting that the final IHC action of social changes."
He wl~l ake he. reduas , , ,debaLe will be held at '7:30 p.m.,u
though 144 congressmen had debatewillyW nsdld East 7:30d.m He said, "We are going to have
nothing to do with it," Sallade 'WASHINGTdON - hse Nagy ednesda in East Quad. more and more burocracy, state
added, said yesterday it is co nsidering The 'topic "Control of Lecturers regulation and eventually thought
Heddeclared that there hadn't establishment of a new guided is a Necessity at State Universi- control will be a part of the Am-
missile range extending thousands ties" is being presented in con-
been a Republican governor elect- fmlsrmCafrm tminetnwthAdmiFeem erican society.
ed in ten years and "we just can't of miles from California out into nection with Academic Freedom Due to automation, many people
afford to have a front porch cam- the Pacific Oean. Week, sponsored by StudentGovP-pwill never have jobs again, he said.
paigner." eakement Council. "Machines are installed to cut
As it is now, he said that Re- Gp Leaders ekagkne fiti d labor costs. Everytime the unions
publicans "spend too much time - bI' Speaking o the affiiknative side make progress by getting better
haig adswthoherepb v a 'vill be Prof. Z. Clark Dickinson of -
shaking hands with other Repub- rI-I he economics department and conditions for workers, big busi-
icans.a ness counteracts this progress.
i b 11.. ... .......negate. si eFrt r es.C ton... W..."Wthutunins" e cmmnt

of s


L0111P .0P
Split Panel Plan Derided
te integration until the cen-By Ellender
nial of the Emancipation Proc-
tudents for Stevenson Presi- Chief Executive Asks
t Dave" Marlin, '58L, said in-
ration might come faster if no 500 Million Dollars
ie limit were set. He suggested
gress might be "more perman- Advance To Farmers
" if more emphasis were put on
nverting men's minds." WASHINGTON (R) - President
larlin called it "very frustrat- Dwight D. Eisenhower's proposal;
tali waled ve'ycomplste- to give farmers 500 million dol-
to realize we haen't complete- lars in advance soil bank pay-
secuAerenation"6Ldec ments this year was derided as "a
ohn Abernathy, '56L, declared political lollipop" in the Senate
t "force, 'go slow' and passive yesterday
istance can all be used con- Beginning debate on a new farm
ctively We should use what- Binnator Allan J. Ellender (D
ris the most effective under bill, ScntrAlnJ.Elne D
circumstances." La) attacked the President's plan'
e called the Montgomery bus as "sort of an agricultural will-
ies caledtheeMngomssueysbuo'-the-wisp."
test a "tremendous success, The Senate Agriculture Commit-
erseaid tere are "some areas tee chairman added: "I do not be-
xe described contempt of court lieve it either common sense o
ings as "force" and said they sound policy for Congress to offer
ould be used effectively yet our farmers a political lollipop this
oitly." year at the cost of paying for that
Advises Caution lollipop next year."
bemathy, who has spent 13 Replaces Vetoed Bil
rs in Alabama, advised "cau- The new legislation, passed in
n," saying "the youth of the slightly different form bythe
uth will probably be more House, would replace a catch-al
aptable to a national program form bill President Eisenhower
civil rights than their parents." vetoed a month ago.
He warned that the fight for It doesn't provide for making
egregation has "to some de- 1956 soil bank payments to farm-
e already created more hatred" ers who promise to withdraw crop
the Negro than existed before. land from cultivation and place it
ile advocating a "firm stand" in the "bank" next year, but Re-
iinst segregation, he held that publicans are expected to push
u reach the point of diminish- hard for an advance payments
returns early." amendment.
A shower of miscellaneous
amendments 'developed shortly
AH CVMeets after the debate got under way,
HJC s Senate To Meet Early
In an effort to reach a final vote
on the bill before the weekend
f An the Senate agreed to meet today,
two hours ahead of the usual time,
and to limit debate to an hour on
a oeach amendment. Three hours
were allotted to discussion of the
bill as a whole.
By SUSAN KARTUS President Eisenhower asked
The Piltdown hoax was the topic Congress for authority to advance
Dr. Kenneth Oakly's lecture on farmers up to 50 per cent-or
lution yesterday. about 500 million dollars-of the
Dr. Oakly, connected with the benefits they would receive from
tural history branch of the a soil bank program next year.
tish Museum, spoke on the re- The soil bank theory is to pay
erpretation of human evolution growers for cutting down on the
e to the discovery of the first production of crops already in
ill fossils ever found in Europe. surplus and devoting the with-
is find was believed to be the drawn land to conservation pur-
ssing link of evolution, referred poses.
as Piltdown man. Growing Season Advanced
Amateur Discovered Remains Without advance payments, the
n 1912 an amateur English administration c o n t e n d s, few
entist discovered in a gravel pit farmers could benefit from the
cimens of a thick human brain soil bank this year because the
e and fragments of a lower growing season is so far advanced.
v. The remains were ape-like Among the new amendments
some respects and man-like in were three by Senator H. Alex-
ers. They were believed to be ander Smith (R-NJ) that would
half-million years old, knock out the two-price rice plan
Due to the fact that there was now in the bill and special sec-
little fossil evidence to prove tions to limit import of long-staple
erwise, the theory developed cotton and to direct exports o
at these remains provided the surplus United States cotton at
nsition between ape and man. reduced prices.
First Debunking __d___d__r____.
After World War I, however,
sils were uncovered that chang- . IS a
the entire picture. Through the Union Snack

eof flourine and nitrogen the
ative age of the fossil could Bar Contest
4etermined. Consequently it
s proved that the skull couldn tToday
sthe first great debunking ;ofss o a
ssibly be 500,000 years old. This o e stefrtgetdbnigof
e Piltdown theory. Clever, students have until 5
The next fallacy appeared in p.m. today to think up a name for
e dentation. Due to the fact the newly opened Union Snack
at the teeth were worn to a Bar, according to Union Public
tness never before evidenced in Relations Chairman Don Young,
es, it was assumed that the '58.
w was that of a man. But inves- That is, they have until 5 p.m.
ations proved that the teeth if they want a chance at the $100
d been ground artificially, and savings bond prize the Union is
at the jaw was modern, offering for a suitable title for its
The final result of the Piltdown new eating and meeting place.
'gery was that none of the fos- Just opened this week, the snack
s found in the pit were genuine, bar occupies a large portion of the
ae remains were that of an basement floor of the Union addi-
angutang, not from England at tion.
, but transported from Tunisia. It features the services of a
Union cafeteria plus a new soda
r n r ebar. It also has comfortable booths
O Prob ems and air conditioning.
'To Be Discussed Beginning tomorrow, the Union's
0 e2 'weekly "Little Club" will be held
The last in this semester's dis- in the new snack bar from 9 p.m.
___v --J - . ...w ;_.-.- to m idnight.

labor Vote Needed Today is the last day for stu-
Labor vote, Sallade thought, was dents to sign up for oientation
one group Republicans should try
to attract. "I can't understandme group leadnr posts for next se-
I the state-wide party attittude to- mester according to Donald Kost-
ward organized labor.e. I 9
"We should go to labor leaders Engineering students in partic-
and tell them that we are in favor ular, Koster said, are urged to
of organized labor and are inter- apply between 3 and 5 p.m. today
ested in improving the workers in the Student Offices of the Union
situation." I for orientation work next fall.
Sallade expressed resentment Next year's group leaders will
toward party leaders who "were receive free meals during the per-
always attacking union officials, iod, he continued, and they will
because of how they spent a dollar be leading mixed groups for the
here and a dollar there." first time.

the negative side Prof. Preston W_.
Slosson of the history department ed, "workers would be subjected
Moder. or w. ill be Alfred W. Storey:d; wres ol b uetd
odator wl bepAlfreWtr to unlimited exploitation." He par-
of Vthe peechdepartment s allelled today's situation in Russia
Inohruofcilbsiesi to what conditions would be like
was announced that petitions are in America without unions
still being accepted fo' committee mAmrica _ithut______

A leadership training conference
for orientation of new house offi-
c ers will be held tomorrow in the
Three groups concerned with the
president-vice-president, the sec-
retaries and the treasurers willj
hold separate conferences.

0pera Excerpts
Scenes from The.Bartered Bride,
Faust, Der Rosenkavalier and Die
Meistersinger von Nurenberg will
be presented by the School of
Music at 8:30 p.m. today in Audi-
torium A, Angell Hall.


I ]
Delta Tant Delta
Delta au:Delta tn the 1956
Interfraternity Council Sing last
The avini ig group was sup-
ported by Kappa Delta sorority.
anad directed by Tom Shill, '56.
w-ho arranged the medley , A
Western Requiem."
Top honors for sworit ,ppuIt
'ent to Sigmn Delta Tau for
thi mu.ic boosting of Signa
Alpha Epsilon's "Cindy."
Trigon ' as judged sec'na fois
t prentation of "Th Ne Ash-
molean Marcmin Sodi t' aid
Student Conservator Band"
, ra' D'Ii Ti',I'.i~crY §Vr T ' ,y ri '1

Victoous in IFC Sing


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