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May 17, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-05-17

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Li t Itwn
Latest Deadline in the State





Pentagon Drops
New Jet Project
Works On 'Mystery Aircraft
With Greater Potentialities'
WASHINGTON (IP)-The Pentagon said yesterday it has canceled
contracts for a new supersonic fighter plane but is working on a
mystery aircraft with "even greater potentialities."
The canceled project had contemplated development of the
world's fastest long-range interceptor.
News that it had been abandoned was only a few hours old when
Dr. Clifford C. Furnas, assistant secretary of defense for research
and development, told a Senate committee about the fresh under-
Greater Possibilities
Beyond saying that the new warplane has even greater possibilities
--"than the shelved interceptor, Fur-

'Block M'
By Council
Student Government Council
last night expressed its opposition
to a proposed move of Block M' to
the end zone of the football stad-
The Board in Control of Inter-
collegiate Athletics has tentative-
ly approved the move from the
card-and-cheering section's pres-
ent location along the 30 and 40
yard lines, an effort to provide
more space for upperclass stu-
dents, faculty, alumni and 6M'
Club members.
Several Council members indi-
cated they favored shifting the
block one or more sections further
away from the 50-yard-line. SGC
President Bill Adams, '7BAd, and
member Lew Engman, '57, were
authorized to investigate the mat-
ter and represent Council opinion
to the Athletics Board, agreeing
formally only in their opposition
to the end-zone move.
Earlier, Wolverine Club Presi-
dent Mike Jacobson, '58, told the
Council the end-zone move would
be an "unjust- act," causing the
block to "almost be destroyed."
He maintained it would deprive
? prospective block members of the
incentive of better seats than most
students normally are alloted.
The Council approved the nomi-
nations to Joint Judiciary of
Cathy King, '56, Cherry Harris,
58N, Robin Oliver, '57E, Fred
Lyons, '57Ph, and Dick Isheda,
Nelson Sherburne, '58, was
named SGC Administrative Wing
personnel director and Scott
Chrysler, '59E, orientation direc-
Council members Rod Comstock,
'57, Tom Sawyer, '58, and Jim Dy-
gert, '56BAd, were named to the
Office of Student Affairs driving
ban rules committee.
Harlan Givelber, '57, and Geor-
gia Strain, '57, were named as
student representatives on the
University calendaring committee.
Carol Dumond, '57, was named
as a third student representative
on the University housing com-
Farmers Pic
In Omaha Vote
OMAHA (P)-If farmers in
drought-disturbed Nebraska are
rebelling against administration
agricultural policies, they failed
to give the signal in Tuesday's
primary election.
A vote tallying cleanup yester-
day established President Dwight
D. Eisenhower firmly as a near
two 0o one winner over Senator
Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn) in presi-
dential preference balloting.
Strictly speaking, Eisenhower
and Senator Kefauver were not
running against each other. Each
was unopposed on his own party's
The President, in outdrawing
Sen. Kefauver in a style befitting
this predominantly Republican
state, also picked up 17 of the
state's 18 full-vote GOP conven-
tion delegates. Sen. Kefauver could
claim only 5 of the 12 Democratic
delegates named, with the remain-
ing seven still undeclared.
Presidential preference results
are not binding on the delegates,
who run unpledged. Most candi-

nas gave no details.
He told a Senate Appropriations
subcommittee the interceptor con-
tracts were canceled for a num-
ber of reasons, one of which was
a determination that the plane
would be heavier than had been
anticipated. Another reason, he
said, was lack of money for the
$5,300,000,000 research program.
The only reason given by an Air
Force spokesman in an earlier
announcement of the cancellation
was lack of funds for research and
Northrop Aircraft, Hawthorne,
Calif., and North American Avia-
tion, Los Angeles, had held the
Contractor Withdraws
A third contractor, Lockheed
Aircraft Corp., Burbank, Calif.,
voluntarily withdrew from the
project last March because its
work on other Air Force programs
required the full services of its
The Air Force declined to make
public figures on the value of the
contracts or the cost of the can-
cellations. There was no immedi-
ate comment from the companies
Furnas wasn't questioned about
details of the canceled contracts.
The interceptor was to have
been called upon to outfly the
McDonnell 06;01, the Convair F-
102 and Lockheed F104. All these
fighters, capable of exceeding the
speed of sound, are in production
but not yet in operational use,
FIBrinlak's Men
BOSTON ()-Fast-moving FBI
agents, in a two-minute operation,
forced their way into a Dorches-
ter district apartment yesterday
and arrested two missing Brink's
robbers-the last of 11 men alleg-
edly involved in the fabulous $1,-
218,211 robbery.
The FBI said that James Igna-'
tius Faherty, and Thomas Francis
Richardson, both considered dang-
erous, were taken without a strug-
Three loaded guns were found
in the apartment, but the FBI
moved so speedily, the gunmen
were unable to reach the weapons
before they were seized.
The FBI said some coin was
found in the apartment but would
not say how much or whether it
was Brink's money.

111LrS D.ALE~, Mich., (R)-The
low groans of a ghost named
Golly are making spines tingle
in the Hillsdale County Court-
County Clerk William M.
Glasgow said he and his staff
have heard the ghostly moans
acoming "at different times and
places" in his office in the 50-
year-old building.'
That's how the mysterious
groaner got his name. He'd
moan eerily, and a startled of-
fice workerwould exclaim,
"Golly, the ghost."
The board of supervisors
thinks the tornadic winds of
the last few weeks may be to
blame. Golly will go, says the
board, if we ever get some calm
spring weather.
Okay,~s Farm
Money Bill
Appropriations subcommittee ap-
proved yesterday a record-break-
ing farm money bill which would
provide more than two billion
dollars for the Agriculture Depart-
ment and its agencies in fiscal
Approval was voted at an execu-
tive session. Chairman Richard
Russell (D-Ga.) told rporters af-
terwards the subcommittee ac-
cepted most of the increases voted
by the House Monday and added
some of its own.
Among the Senate boosts was a
25-million-dollar increase in agri-
cultural conservation payments to
farmers this year.
This was a forerunner to the
much larger soil bank payments
which may begin next year and
which may- run to as much as
$1,200,000,000 annually.
The Senate did not reach the
bill yesterday but is scheduled to
take it up today, ,
A bill setting up the soil bank
program and containing other new
farm legislation was waiting yes-
terday to be called up, on the
Senate floor.
Sen. George Aiken (R-Vt.) and
Sen. S. L. Holland (D-Fla.) said
they would make a last-ditch ef-
fort to reshape the bill to meet
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's
They will concentrate on elimi-
nating or modifying a section pro-
viding for mandatory higher price
supports for feed grains and corn
grown outside the commercial corn

U.S. Sending
Saudi Arabia
More Arms
fense Department confirmed yes-
terday it is sending Saudi Arabia
another shipment of military
It added that sale of the equip-
ment, mainly ammunition and
spare parts, was arranged months
While the Pentagon wouldn't
disclose the value of the shipment,
the State Department said less
than a million dollars was in-
A Pentagon spokesman told of
the shipment when asked about a
New York Post story that military
cargo for Saudi Arabia was being
loaded abo'a^r d the 6,714-ton
freighter Monterey at a North
Carolina port.
Officials said the sale to the
Arab country was originally ap-
proved last Aug. 25, along with a
controversial order for 18 M41
Walker Bulldog light tanks. Ship-
ment of the tanks last February
raised an international furor,
As was the case with the tank
order, this latest shipment was
paid for on Nov. 26, officials said.
A State Department press offi-
cer, Lincoln White, said the items
being loaded at Sunny Point, N.C.,
do not include any major weapons
such as tanks or jet planes,
White said the cargo was cover-
ed in a State Department announ-
cement last February that 16
million dollars worth of arms,
orders from the Middle East had
been approved. These included
about seven million dollars worth
from Saudi Arabia.
Relief Group
DETROIT (M--Wayne county
authorities today called for- for-
mation of a central disaster au-
thority to prevent recurrence of
confusion that followed tornadoes
in suburban Allen Park and Lin-
coln Park Saturday,
County auditors and civil de-
fense and police officials, meeting
in special session, were told that
a lack of coordination and central
direction was the major cause for
the confusion.
,Agencies responsible for relief
efforts related that vital equip-
ment was halted at emergency
road blocks and that 42 separate
agencies operated during the
emergency without coordination.



Red China
CAIRO (P) - Egypt yesterday
became the first Arab country to
recognize Communist China.
The decision was announced af-
ter a Cabinet meeting.
There have been several trade
and cultural agreements between
Cairo and Peiping, but until now
all the Arab states had recognized
the regime of Chiang Kaishek,
with headquarters on Formosa, as
the government of China.
All countries in the Soviet
sphere of influence recognize Pei-
ping. Other nations doing so are
Yugoslavia, India, Burma, Paki-
stan, Britain, Denmark, Norway,
Sweden, Israel, Afghanistan,
Netherlands, Indonesia, Ceylon,
Finland, Nepal and Switzerland.
The government of Premier Ga-
mal Abdel Nasser has taken the
so-called neutralist course in the
cold war. That means recognition
of both East and West and trade
with both sides.
Egypt last year obtained arms
from Red Czechoslovakia through
Soviet Black Sea ports for its
buildup against Israel. At the
same time, Egypt is dickering With
the West for projects such as the
proposed Aswan Dam on the Nile.
The recognition decision cli-
maxed more than a year of moves
towards closer relations by the two
Osta fin May
Get New Job
A report that the name of Peter
A. Ostafin will be submitted to the
Board of Regents next week for
appointment to a new position in
student housing was confirmed
yesterday by Dean of Men Walter
B. Rea.
Ostafin, who is now Resident
Director of South Quadrangle and
in charge of Men's Residence
Halls, would assist Vice-President
for Student Affairs James A. Lewis
on student housing in the Ann Ar-
bor area.
John W. Hale, Resident Dir-
ector of West Quadrangle will be-
come Senior Resident Director of
Men's Residence Halls replacing
Dean Rea said that Mark Noff-
singer would replace Ostafin as
Resident Director of South Quad-
The submission of George Lang-
eler's name for the position of,
Resident Director of Fast Quad-
rangle was also confirmed.
He will replace Philip R. Lucasse
who is leaving to become Dean of
Men at Calvin College in Grand

--Daly-Peter Song
BUS PROTEST GIFT-Clarence Taylor, '58L; president of the
local chapter of the NCAAP, presents title to a 1949 Studebaker to
E. D. Nixon, Treasurer of the Montgomery Alabama Improvement
Association, while assistant treasurer C. W. Lee watches. The car
was the gift of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ferber of Chelsea and will be
used in connection with the current Negro boycott of the Mont-
gomery buses.
Ms Boycott Leaders See
No Weakening CofMorale
Two leaders of the Montgomery Improvement Association said
here yesterday they have noticed no weakening of morale or de-
termination in the Association's five-month protest against treat-
ment of Negroes on the Alabama city buses.
Association Treasurer E. D. Nixon and Assistant Treasurer C. W.
Lee are in Ann Arbor to take possession of a car donated to the
cause via the campus chapter of the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People.



Gargoyle Editor Gves
Views of Publicationl
Editors of college humor magazines are often subject to scorn
and derision, according to David Kessel, Grad., editor of Gargoyle.
Strangely enough, Kessel commented, much of the criticism
centers around material printed in the magazine. Taste is the main
"One often draws a narrow line between that which is objection-
able and that which is suitable," Kessel commented, obviously re-
ferring to material in the last 'issue.
"This year Gargoyle suffered from lack of a diversified view-
point," Kessel said. "The editorial staff was largely non-functioning
and members were seldom avail-
able for advice and assistance."
n diio)rs "If the people who sit around
and complain about Gargoyle
would come to the organizational
meetings and offer some construc-
tive criticism," he claimed, "the
Garg would be better able to meet
requirements of students."
a#Asked to explain the nude sket-

Nixon commented that the 1
Do-It- Yourself
Ship DesIt
Rogert T. Brown struck a blow
yesterday for the do-it-yourself
A 26-foot cabin cruiser was
launched from his living room
where it was built with half an
inch to spare,
For six weeks while the boat
was being built the neighbors
wagered it "won't make it" through
the 9-foot, 5112-inch gap in the
wall set aside for a picture window.
Brown, a building contractor,
figured that while workmen were
building his house he could build
a cruiser inside.
With the neighbors as an audi-
ence, the .new craft nosed majes-
tically past the fireplace, through
the window opening and down a
ramp to water 60 feet away



Negroes' "courage to stay off the
4busses in the wintertime makes me
look forward to our staying off
while it's warm.
"We still have two mass meet-
ings a week," Nixon added, and
churches are filled during the
meetings just as they were when
the "bus strike" began Dec. 5.
Boycott Will Continue
The boycott of the privately-
owned, city chartered bus comp-
any will continue "until we get
justice," Lee predicted. "Nobody
can guess what tomorrow will
bring in this war of nerves."
The Association has been de-
manding that Negroes be allowed
to sit in the white sections of seg-
regated busses when there are no
empty seats in the Negro sections
and that "mistreatment by drivers"
be ended.
Since the group's demands have
been rejected by the city for
months, last week four suits were
filed in federal district court in
an attempt to test the Constitu-
tionality of the state and city laws.
Until that time, Lee said, the group
was willing to work for "reason-
able accomodation within the
framework of present law."
"The city," Nixon maintained,
"could have met the demands of
the Association without changing
one law.
"However much we believe in
complete integration," Lee added,
"we realize we're in a situation
that can't be improved overnight."
Few Reprisals
Lee noted "very few reprisals
against those who participated in
the protest." While there have
been "some job dismissals, they
have not been wholesale."
He suggested that "the majority
of white people in Montgomery are
still friendly to Negroes and have
a kindly attitude. If they didn't,
something would have happened."j
As for the Association's attitude,
it is a "passive resistance move-
ment," Lee asserted. "We strictly
advocate no violence and no hatred
for those who oppose us, but we
are determined to carry on until
justice comes.
"There's a limit to human en-
durance, and the ills that have

GOP Leader
Denies Guild
Calls Accusations
'Absolutely False'
MADISON, Wis. (P)-State As-
sembly Speaker Mark Catlin Jr.,
a Republican candidate for the
United States Senate nomination,
yesterday was accused of accept-
ing at least $5,725 from prison in-
mates to use his political influence
to win their release.
Shortly after the charges were
made public by the Wisconsin Su-
preme Court, Catlin's father, a
former state assemblyman and
Olympic athlete, collapsed and
died of a heart attack at Apple-
ton. Catlin said his father "couldn't
possibly have known about the
charges" before he died
Catlin, 46-year-old speaker of
the State Assembly in 1955 and an
attorney, termed the accusations
by the Wisconsin State Board of
Bar Commissioners "absolutely
Wants Referee Apponted
In a formal statement he urged
the Supreme Court to appoint a
referee "to dispose expeditiously.
of these charges so that I, other
legislators similarly situated, and
the entire bar may be protected
against character assassinations of
this nature."
Catlin is a candidate for the
GOP nomination for the Senate
seat now held by Senator Alex-
ander Wiley (R-Wis) who is cir-
culating nomination papers al-
though he hasn't formally an-
nounced his intentions.
Catlin learned of his father's
death at about the same time the
state's highest tribunal released
the complaint against him.
The elder Catlin, 74, collapsed
in Appleton, about 120 miles
northeast of Madison, while on
his way to the law office he shared
with his son. He was dead on ar-
rival at an Appleton hospital.
Files Four Charges
The board filed four charges
against the younger Catlin-still
technically speaker of lihe lower
house even though it is in adjourn-
ment-alleging that he accepted
$5,725 from four inmates at Wau-
pun State Prison and unspecified
sums from five other prisoners or
their families to use his influence
to gain their freedom.
The board said that none of the
prisoners was released due to Cat-
lin's alleged efforts in their be-
The four inmates named in the
complaint were Louis Fazio, and
John and Jerome Mandella, each
sentenced in 1946 from Kenosha to
life for murder; and Americo de
Pietto, sentenced in 1954 from
Kenosha to from 1 to 10 years
for assault with intent to rob.
Senate Group
Kills Increase
In Federal Aid
WASHINGTON ()-The Senate
Finance Committee voted 8-4 yes-
terday against a proposal to in-
crease assistance grants to the
aged needy by raising federal
grants to the states.
The proposal, in the form of an

amendment to Social Security leg-
islation, was offered. by Senator
Russell (D-La). He told reporters
he is sure the Senate will eventual-
ly adopt it, since it has 46 cospon-
sors among the 96 senators.
The aged needy now get vary-
ing amounts each month, depend-
ing on how much the state in
which they live chips in toward
the total.
At present, the federal govern-
ment puts up $20 of the first $25

ches, Kessel repeated what he had
told a Daily reviewer-
"He's a new cartoonist, and
hasn't gotten to the lesson on
clothes yet,"
Kessel clamied that despite the
scorn and derision Gargoyle is
rated as one of the top three col-
lege humor magazines in the
He refused to name the other
two or tell who rated them. "Clas-
sified, sorry," was all he'd say,
Bus Protest Panel
E. D. Nixon and C. W. Lee of
the Montgomery, Alabama Im-

IWorld News Roundup
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON . A record-breaking farm money bill carrying
more than two billion dollars of spending authority was approved
yesterday by a Senate Appropriations subcommittee.
Chairman R. B. Russell (D-Ga.) told a reporter after a closed-
door session that most of the increases voted by the House Monday
had been accepted and that the Senate group had added some of
its own.
These included a 25-million-dollar boost in the agricultural
conservation payments to farmers this year under the existing farm
OTTAWA The Defense Ministry yesterday blamed a false
alarm for sending up the jet plane that crashed into a nun's rest
home and killed 15 persons.
Ralph Campney, minister of defense, said the plane was one of
two CF100 jets ordered to take off Tuesday night to intercept a
plane spotted by radar but not immediately identified. Before the
interception was carried through, the "enemy" plane was identified
through flight plans as an air force transport returning from the
* ,, *
WASHINGTON - Indonesia's President Soekarno received a
rousing official welcome to Washington yesterday and he promptly

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