Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MIcH. * Phone No 2-3241 £Let's See -Four Oranges Plus Three Apples, Minus One Monkey Wrench, T imes Two Bushels - m Opinions Are Free, ruth Will Prevai Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express' the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. AY, MAY 16, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: JIM ELSMAN Rao's Historical Analysis Misleading and Discouraging T HE NAIVETE displayed by Dr. V.K.R.V. Rao in his remarks during the panel discussion marking the close of the Asian-American Se- minar last Friday is most discouraging. Prof. Rao's c'omparison and interpretation of American and Indian history was interesting but rather misleading. The Indian delegate, demonstrating his annoyance with the Ameri- can term "neutralist" when applied to India, charged that the United States had been a "neutral," meaning that she did not take sides in international conflicts, from her birth as a nation to American entrance into World War I. He asked that we not deny to India the same policy which we ourselves followed in the early years of the American nation. What Dr. Rao failed to note was that the circumstances under which the United States and India obtained their respective independ- ence from the British Empire were vastly dif- ferent. In 1776, the world was a widely separ- ate conglomeration of nations each able to follow an independent path in varying degrees, according to the dictate of geography. IN SUCH a world the United States was able to develop without the fear of major foreign aggression. The Atlantic and Pacific moats were more than ample protection. Britain was the only power capable of attacking the United States and we had defeated them twice within thirty-five years. Russia was far from the colossus she is today. France was in the throes first of the Napoleonic Wars and then of the Revolution. Germany was s'till a loose con- federation of principalities. Spanish and Por- tugese power had long since been broken. In Asia, Japan was in seclusion and China dis- interested in almost. anything save herself. two of the greatest land powers i nthe modern world, two powers with demonstrated aggressive expansionist tendencies. Even a superficial loo k taRussian history of the past two hundred years would indicate to Dr. Rao how persistent Russia, Czarist or otherwise, has been in its drive to the south through the Khyber Pass. India cannot afford to have the complacent attitude of smug self-sufficiency Dr. Rao would have us believe she has. South'Asia can too easily be overrun by the hordes of the Chinese and Russian armies. R. RAO criticized, and quite rightly, several aspects of American twentieth century for- eign policy, showing where failure of the United States to take early action led only to drastic consequences. He cited American inaction during the initial stages of German, Italian, and Japanese aggression in the 1930's. But what Dr. Rao asked was that we make similar mistakes again and allow his nation to do the same. Dr. Rao's thinking reminds one of Neville Chamberlin's "peace in our times" statement made after the appeasement at Munich in 1938. Dr. Rao spoke of Indian intervention in Korea, bringing about a truce on that bloody batttlefield. It would be interesting to know what he thinks would have been the effect on India had the United States not gone into Korea to fight for the principle of collective security. Dr. Rao appears to have little faith in this feature of modern power politics. Having taken this stand, one also wonders if China and/or Russia begin a conquest of India, will India look to the United States for help or will she want to go it alone? Dr. Rao may have read somewhere a saying by one of American Revolutionary days more illus- trious figures-"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." -RICHARD HALLORAN r g Its .a is - 5: +Va I Y plers(p4i ppm P T S t zip SVr ) .r' I. . y. 4 .6I) .1 S'TP-t" ~. _T : '= ;. ; . . _: , u,:: '" x .<. 0'95% 'r'4'~ ( *Ip4Cr~hbi ~9i5~C~. WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Soekarno In Washington By DREW PEARSON LETTERS to the EDITOR Letters to the Editor must be signed and limited to 300 words. The Daily reserves the right to edit or with- hold any letter. Mis-reporting .. . To the Editor: THE FEATURED article on the U.S.-Asian Panel (May 11) is an excellent example of mis-re- porting. What happened during the last hour of a three-day series of panels is accurately reported. But to take the words of one mem- ber of the panel who resorted to oratory to prolong the last session so that he 'could state the case of India again (he had stated the same positions directly and indir- ectly throughout the discussion) should have been apparent to the reporter who had sat through all the sessions. Granted the incident was dramatic and the substance of what was said by the Asians, news- worthy. But to lift it out of context and give the general public the im- pression that the panel was a fail- ure, that it failed to deal forth- rightly and effectively with "mis- understandings" between the East and Wset was, to put it mildly, mis-reporting. It was the general concensus of' the panel members and observers that basic issues had been faced and discussed with candor and light: Had the Michigan Daily selected typical and significant comments this would have been evident. The purpose of the US Commis- sion on UNESCO was achieved. It remained for the press, and a uni- versity newspaper at that, to foster misunderstanding. It is easy to explain away this type of reporting (time, space, dramatic incident, etc.) but when are we going to grow up and as- sume responsibility for reporting the facts in their proper context? True, this article will not change the attitudes of those who were there, nor influence many in this sophisticated community, but it is this type of reporting on a nation- al and international scale which create the atmosphere of misun- derstanding and distrust. M. D. McLean U.S. Member of the Panel Rock 'n Roll . . To the Editor: RECENT r'ock and roll shows in Boston and in Brooklyn's re- nounced Paramount Theater have produced mass subway and street rioting. Already parts of Alabama and the entire city of Boston have pre- cautionary steps to end this mass hysteria by banning rock and roll from the air. I think they should be highly commended for their tireless effort in the direction of a more well-adjusted adolescense. A theory to be contended with is, that this musical perversion ,which leads not only to a false and limited taste in music, but also has definite after-effects of vandalism and terror is in reality a subversive plot to undermine the youth of America. If we, the college people can't see into the future beyond our very smug and sheltered noses, as to a proper solution I feel the country is about to experience a grave crisis. I think it is the moral obligation of each and every University of Michigan student to aid in the stamping out of this treacherous menace, Speak out now, voice your opin- ions through your local news- papers. The time has come for some form of concrete action. Join the Anti-Rock and Roll party which is already 1,500 strong on this very campus. For when the No- vember elections comes around it will be an Anti-Rock and Roller who will be seated in the White House. -Norman A. Levy, '57 . India, today comparable to cording to Dr. same security. OFFICIAL BULLETIN in a stage of history somewhat the United States in 1776 ac- Rao, does not enjoy nearly the She has common borders with Women's Residences and Enrollment WOMEN'S RESIDENCE halls have been the scene of disillusionment and unhappiness these past weeks. With the annual task of room-drawing have come too many groans, too many bitter complaints. The dissatisfaction is not entirely unfounded. Coeds are again faced with the problem of crowded quarters, of living three and four in a room that has closet, drawer, study and sleep- ing space to comfortably accommodate two. Women affected by this squeeze can be di- vided into two groups: those already living in dormitories and those who will be coming in, COEDS in the first category feel it unfair that they be subjected to crowded conditions which limit even further the already over-bur- dened dormitory. facilities such as telephone and bathroom. They complain over the nar- row choice of rooms left for their selection and wonder what benefits they are getting from the increase in dorm fees. Women, especially freshmen, entering dorms are always faced with adjustment problems. Crowded conditions don't facilitatergetting along with new roommates, don't aid the for- mation of good study habits. Come September, many a freshman will look about her in dismay as she contemplates life in the converted double, triple, or triple suite and the universal comment will be. "But I ap- plied for a double!" Her first thoughts, along those of everyone whom the housing problem affects, will be to find someone in the Univer- sity's hierarchy of officials upon whom to blame her uncomfortable situation. THE TROUBLE is, there's no one who can really be blamed-the problem is far too. complex. Its root is simple enough. The tidal Wave of students entering the University in the last few years has far surpassed the Univer- sity's expictation., The logical solution, say many, is to limit enrollment, put rooms back to the way they were originally planned and everyone will be happy. There is ,however a serious drawback to that plan. Such measures would involve; cutting down the number of out of state ap- plicants only, since 'the University is largely State supported. For many years officials have been able to boast that the University has educated more out-of-state students than any other institu- tion of its kind in the country. They are proud and rightly so that their student body has such a cosmopolitan atmosphere. Yet they are not oblivious to the housing problem. Besides pressure from the Dean of Women's Offices, they are forced to listen to the clamors of state legislators, who want to considerable limit out-of-state applicants. IN THE FACE of this, they are trying to be as -fair as possible in the selection of future students. Extensive testing programs for in- state applicants are being carried out; records of all outt-of-state applicants are very care- fully weighed and considered. The position of the officials is obviously not a happy one. Their attempt to ride the middle of the road, to maintain the equality of the institution is hindered by purely physical lim- its, and their decisions can not please every- one, It is 'said that every problem has two sides; this one is no different. Perhaps coeds who are now disgruntled would feel better if they looked at their plight in a different light, if they considered it as part of a transition period and an honest effort on the part of those in charge to uphold the standards of the Uni- versity. --ROSE PERLBERG T HE WELCOME accorded for- eign dignitaries as they drive down elm-shaded Constitution Avenue was never more important than today when President Eisen- hower receives the President of the youngest but third largest republic in the world-Soekarno of Indonesia. President Soekarno has been a bit nervous about this trip; just as his country has been nervous about the precarious political path it has trod in these days when every Eastern nation is besieged and beleaguered by communism. Before leaving for Washington, Soekarno went to his birthplace in East Java to ask his mother's blessing on the pilgrimage. And he visited his father's grave in the Jakarta Moslem Cemetery to pray for success in Washington and strengthened friendship with the U.S.A. * * * IT WAS the U.S.A., as he and other Indonesians well remember, which played such a large part in winning independence for the young republic. The battle cries that inspired the Indonesian revo- lution against the long colonial rule of the Dutch were similar to those of 1776. Indonesian patriots even featured pictures of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson on banners and postage stamps. The final coup de grace in win- ning Indonesian independence oc- curre dwhen Matty Fox, New York motion picture executive and friend of Indonesia, together with Joseph K. Borkin of Washington persuaded various Senators to cut off Marshall Plan funds to the Dutch if those funds were used in the war against Indonesia. Since then, Borkin has sometimes been called by Indonesians "The Ameri- can Father of Indonesian Indepen- dence." He shares paternity with Sen. Owen Brewster of Maine, now retired, who circulated the Senate petition to cut off Dutch funds. That's part of the story behind President "Eisenhower's gesture in sending his personal plane all the way to Hawaii this week to bring the President of one of the key republics of the Far East to Wash- ington. INDONESIA is a major oil source, the second producer or tin in the world and first in the production of rubber, quinine and black pep- per. Indonesia has a multi-party political system and a constitution guaranteeing freedom of speech, press, 'religion and equal rights for men and women of all races. The major parties are Moslem, Nationalist, Socialist, Catholic and Labor. Soekarno (he doesn't use a for- mal first name) is an anti-com- munist independent. A former en- gineer, 54 years old, he was jailed several times by the Dutch for "revolutionary" activity. Under 'the Dutch, his country had a shocking death and, illiteracy rate, but Soekarno has reduced both., A political progressive, Soekarno clings to the five philosophical ("Pantjasila") principles of Indo- nesia: belief in God, humanitar- ianism, nationalism, democracy and social justice.' Soekarno sums it up: "The be- lief in God and free choice of re- ligion affirms the democratic prin- ciple of freedom of worship. De- mocracy gains strength and mean-, ii g when it is coupled with social justice in economic matters. These two, in turn, are incomplete with- out a humanitarian regard for theI rights and interests of one's fellow man." * *' * SENATOR Lyndon Johnson has come back to Washington with new stature, even if his office staff did have to enlist elevator opera- tors and hired help from the Capi- told Building to get a welcoming crowd at the airport. He is also full of fight, and when Lyndon fights for the U.S.A. rather than just the State of Texas he is superb. It's when he forgets that Texas joined the United States and figures that the United States joined Texas that he gets into trouble. Lyndon's first test over which comes first, the United States or Texas, faces him immediately, with the appointment of a Senator to fill the vacancy of the late Senator Barkley 6n the potent Finance Committee. This is the committee which passes on tax laws and which could change the Texas- prized 27/2 per cent oil depletion allowance which puts the oil-gas men ahead of the rest of the nation when it comes to taxes. * * * THE SENATOR with top senior- ity to take Barkley's place among those who want the post, is Paul Douglas of Illinois, former eco- nomics professor of the University of Chicago and the most skilled economist-finance expert in the Senate. However, Douglas is dead op- posed to the tax favors given the oil-gas industry. And hitherto, Johnson has skillfully kept such opponents off the tax-writing Fi- nance Committee.. At the moment he has been discreetly sounding out other Senators to see if he can find someone with more seniority than Douglas who would like the job. Seniority is a time-honored cus- tom in the Senate. It was why race-baiting Sen. Eastland of Mis- sissippi became chairman of the Judiciary Committee when all Democrats knew it would lose them votes. So Senate colleagues are watch- ing to see whether seniority or Texas oil men will rank first when it comes to filling the vacancy of the Finance Committee. (Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.). I" THE Daily Official Bulletin Is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN from to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for the Sunday edition must be in by 2 p.m. Friday. WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1956 VOL. LXVII, NO. 72 General Notices Choral Union ushers are hereby re- minded that the walter Gieseking Con- cert which was postponed from March 19. will be given oti wed., May 16. You are expected to be present. Selective Service Examination: Stu- dents taking the Selective Service Col- lege Qualification Test on May 17 are requested to report to Room 140, Busi- ness Administration, Thurs., morning at 8:30. Late Permission: All women students who attended the play "Black Chiffon' had late permission until 11:10 p.m. League House Judiciary: No sheeting of the League House Judiciary Wed. May 16. Physical Therapy Curriculum: Meet. ing of all sophomores planning to con. centrate in Physical Therapy or inter. ested in knowing more about the cur. riculum on Thurs., May 17 at 7:15 p.m. Come to Room 1142, University Hospital. If interested but unable to attend please call NO 3-1531, Ext. 242. Lectures American Chemical Society Lecture, Wed., May 16, 8:00 p.m. Room 1300 Chemistry Building. Dr. Henry Taub of the University of Chicago will speak on "Oxygen Isotopes in the Study of Mechanisms of Redox Reactions." Lecture, auspices of the''Dept. o Anthropology. "Human Evolution and the Piltdown Hoax." Dr. Kenneth Oak. ley, British Museum. 4:15 p.m., Thurs May 17, Aud. C, Angell Hall. "Employment Opportunitiesin F- nance," symposium Thurs., May 17, at 3:00 p.m. in Room 140 Bus. Ad. Bldg. Prof. M. H. Waterman and Prof. G. W. Woodworth of the Finance Department, and R. B. Vokac of the Placement office will discuss employment opportunities in Commercial Banking, Investment Banking, Investment Counseling, and Corporation Finance. A question and answer period follows. Research Seminar of the Mental Health Research Institute. Dr. Dorwin Cartwright, professor of psychology, will discuss his previously presented paper on "A Formalization of the Con. cept of Balance," Thurs., May 17, 1:30- 3:30 p.m., Conference Room, Children's Psychiatric Hospital. Concerts Walter Gieseking will give his post- poned concert in the Choral Union Ser- les in Hill Auditorium, Wed., May 1, at 8:30 p.m. Concert-goers are respect- fully requested to use for admission the tickets which they purchased for the original date in March. For .further information call, or ad- dress: University Musical Society, Bur- ton Memorial Tower. Student Recital: Joyce Elaine Wright, saxophonist, recital in lieu of a thesis for the'Master of Music degree, at 8:30 p m. Thurs., May 17, Rackham Assembly Hall. A pupil of Laurence Teal, Miss Wright will perform works by Handel, Heiden, Ravel. Moussorgsky, Ibert, Glas- ounov, and Pierne. Open to the general public. Academic Notices Graduate Faculty Meeting Wed., May 16, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi- theatre. Ballots for nomination of panel for the Executive Board of the Graduate Schoolhave been sent to members of the Graduate Faculty and should be brought to the meeting. Freshmen and Sophomores, College of LS&A. Those students who will have fewer than 55 hours at the end of this semester and who have not yet had their elections approved for the Fall Semester should make an appointment at the Faculty Counselors Office for Freshmen and Sophomores, 1210 Angell Hall. If you do not have your fall elections approved before the final examination period, it will be necessary for youto do this the -half day before you are scheduled to register next fall. Be- cause registration will being on Mon- day, September 17, the "half day be- fore" Monday morning will be Saturday afternoon, September 15. Department Colloquium, 7:30 p.m., Thurs., May 17, Room 1300 Chemistry Building. K. Wyckoff will speak Ont "Studies on the Yohimbyl Alcohol. Physical. Analytical- Inorganic Chem- istry Seminar, Thurs., May 17, 8:15 p.m., Room 1300 Chemistry Building. R. E. Machol will speak on "Order-Disorder Transitions." Interdepartmental Seminar on Applied- Meteorology, Thurs., May 17, 4 p.m., Room 4041 Natural Science Bldg. Prof, Edw'ard R. Baylor will speak on "The Response of Microcrustacea to Radia- 'tion". Doctoral Examination for Rico Nicho- las Zenti, Education; thesis: "A Con- parison of the Results Obtained by the Mitchell and Kuder Interest Measures. which Administered to Male Freshmen at the University of Michigan," Wed., May 16, Room 3K, Michigan Union, at 10:00 a.m. Chairman, P. A. Hunsicker. Doctoral Examination for Clayton Dale Dickinson,- Metallurgical Engineer- ing; thessi: "A Study of the Fundamen- tals of the Effect of Deoxidation on the Creep Characteristics of Plain' Carbon Steel," Thurs., May 17, 3201 East Engi- neering Building, at 2:30 p.m. Chair- man, J. W. Freeman. 'I { {" ;,;' ,{ [. ,{ 1 'ALEXANDER THE GREAT': k Rossen Begins Notably, Ends Up with Old Cliches INTERPRETING THE NEWS: uissian Peace Offensive By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst NTEVER BEFORE has Russia put such drive into her efforts to make the rest of the world relax. For a year now she has been doing one thing after another to meet the Western demand that she show her intent by deeds. Only once, by grasping the opportunity to inject her influence into the Middle.East, has she let the old expansionist policy take the spotlight from her peace offensive, though she has held back from any definitive settlements. ONE THING the West had demanded was a peace treaty for Austria. After blocking it at every turn for years, she came across. To back her argument against big-power maintenance of military bases beyond their relinquished some of her powers in Manchuria, although the effect of this was dulled by the fact that the beneficiary was Red China, which Russia continues to arm. She made peace was Yugoslavia. TfO MATCH leveling off of military prepared- ness in the United. States and elsewhere, she cut her military manpower last year, and now, to offset the failure of recent disarma- ment talks in London, she has announced a further and much larger cut. She and the Communist bloc nevertheless retain something like a 2-1 edge in this department. She has reached a fishing agreement with Japan designed to go into effect along with a peace treaty which she obviously intends, at long last, to negotiate. No reliance can be placed on Russian deeds or.i wnrr'1'AQ hm4TPI71~r ac. 1no' a.- -cha is, +hcafr'ankly', By ERNEST THEODOSSIN Daily Staff Writer Robert Rossen, the man who wrote, produced and directed the current "Alexander the Great," seems an immediately fine choice for dramatizing the life of the great historical military figure. With so many Hollywood people almost totally devoted to the ac- quisition of money, Mr. Rossen is one of the few American cinema artists with a semblance of artistic integrity. He has been associated with many of Hollywood's best products of the past decade, hav- ing scripted "A Place in the Sun" and having previously performed his present triple function for "All the King's Men." In producing "Alexander the Great," Mr. Rossen has not tried to rewrite history. He has spent three years in research, hired a staff of competent technical ex- perts, and has kep himself within recent "The Conqueror," an abor- tive monstrosity purporting to ex- plain the exploits of Ghenis Khan by the latter's presumed love for a hip-swiveling Tartar princess. * * * DESPITE all his historical pre- cautions, however, Mr. Rossen has produced a flat dramatic piece. He has gotten together a fine cast of distinguished performers-Richard Burton, Claire Bloom, Frederic March and Danielle Darrieux -- people who have proven them- selves to be very skilled thespians. But he has done almost nothing with them. In writing his story, Mr. Rossen started out with the idea of ex- plaining the motivations of his characters with the tools of mod- ern psychology, a process subject to criticism, but, within limits, capable of achieving merit. About half way through his 142- minute film, however, he has dis- battles, bacchanalia and palace episodes. Mr. Rossen seems not to care that what he is presenting has already been overworked to death. For example, his large-scale bat- tles, of which he has had the poor dramatic taste to include many, consist of armies drawing up in opposing lines, charging, and then having a camera pan in for a few falling horses, swort thrusts and a great deal of banging of helmets, shields, and armor. In his banquet scenes, Mr. Ros- sen never gets away from the idea that ancient peoples with wealth and social position congregated in large groups only for the purpose of an orgy. He is undoubtedly subtle in not emphasizing the standard grape clusters held over decadent senator's reclining and open-mouthed figures; but he is not above employing dancing girls and those inevitable jewel-encrust- tings and the piles of extras. Mr. DeMille's neice, choreographer Ag- nes DeMille, was once quoted as saying that her uncle couldn't rec- ognize people in the street unless they were standing in a crowd. Few of us operate in this manner, and the fact that Mr. Rossen has chosen to do so is very lament- able. From Mr. DeMille one 4hpects hokum; from Mr. Rossen, one does not, and his present effort seems, hence, like so much more of a tragedy. Also, Mr. Rossen has been extremely niggardly with his mon- ey, doing everything in as eco- nomical manner as possible. He sets up Darius in the desert so he won't have to reproduce Per- sian palaces; he keeps his camera on groups of people who extend backwards, but not to the side; and everything that he films in Athens takes place beside a few marble pillars. His special effects, w' I A A I