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Latest Deadline in the State

VOL. LXVI, No. 156



'U' Political Clubs

U~ Poltica Clu'bs
Set Fall Progra
YR's, YD's, Students for Stevenson
Schedule Speakers, Debates, Rallies
Rallies, debates and nationally-known speakers will be a feature
of the campus scene next fall if all goes well with present plans of local
political clubs.
Young Republicans, Young Democrats and Students for Stevenson
are making definite plans for the fall, while the National Association
for the Advancement of Colored People and the Labor Youth League
are not presently committed to any prescribed course of action.
'Top National Figure'
A series of debates between the YDs and YRs is being planned,
according to YR President Lew Engman, '57. The further possibility
of a "round robin" of debates with groups in other schools was sug-
gested by YD President Bill Peer, '57.
Engman said that the city and county parties are already
cooperating with the campus YRs on a planned rally to feature
" a "top national figure," perhaps,
he suggested, of cabinet rank.
To ti L L] ' 1 Eleven YR members will be at-
T ,)ci~lntis tending the national convention
in San Francisco this summer

Says Time
Not Drected
One of the world's top physicists
yesterday suggested that time is
undirected, that there is no essen-
tial difference between the Past
and the Future.
Prof. George Uhlenbeck said "the
irreversibility of Nature is simply
a human illusion."
Speaking at the annual Henry
Hussel Lecture, the physics pro-
fessor referred to a thermodynam-
ics law Which says that matter
becomes more disorganized as time
goes on. This leads scientists to
believe there is a qualitative dif-
ference between the Past and Fu-
Actually, he pointed out, any
arrangement of matter that ever
existed "is bound to return." Re-
gardless of how "irreversible" a
process is supposed to be, if an
observer would wait long enough,
he would see it revert to its origi-
nal state.
Prof. Uhlenbeck, who is word
famous as co-discoverer of the
electron spinspoke to a capacity
crowd in the °Rackham Amphi-
theatre. He was recently elected to
the National Academy of Science,
one of the highest honors as scien-
tist can receive.
He explained the apparent "ar-
row of. time," pointing from Past
to Future, exists only forthis part
of the universe where there is more
organization than usual.
"Just as on earth, we call 'above'
the direction against the direction
of gravity, the living organism will
call the 'Future' the direction from
the less probable to the more
1 probable," he said.
SGC To Maker
Driving Group
Appointments to the driving
committee are on the agenda for
Student Government Council at its
weekly meeting at 7:30 p.m. today
iit the League.
The appointments are being
made following a motion passed
at last week's meeting. The motion
provided that three students, at
least two from the Council, be
appointed to work with the Ad-
ministration concerning fees, ad-
judication and enforcement of
the new driving regulations which
4go into effect in the fall.
The Council will recommend
that Harlan H. Hatcher, resident
of the University, appoint Janet
Neary, '58, vice-president of SGC,
to the Development Council board
of directors,
Also on the agenda is a discus-
sion of the 1956-57 calendar and
recognition requests for the Michi-
gan Forensic Society, the School of
Nursing Councl and the Society
for the Advancement of Manage-
Men Still Needed
For Orientation

Also on the YR docket is a first
voters program for helping regis-
tered voters in both parties to cast
absentee ballots.
YD's Announce
Peer predicted a "darn active"
YD group next fall, saying that all
efforts would be in the direction
of getting the Democratic candi-
date elected. He said he has noted
a "lot of new interest" in the
organization during the election
Plans are now underway for a
program of student participation
in the city party's activities in
canvassing and phoning voters to
find out whether and how they are
Stevenson Rooters
Students for Stevenson are hope-
ful that Sen.' Hubert Humphrey
(D-Minn.), who has indicated his
interest in coming to Ann Arbor,-
will be one of their speakers next
f all.
Buttons will be available, accord-
ing to President Dave Marlin, '58L,
and an absentee voting campaign:
is being planned.
The problem of the club's rela-
tionship with the YDs if Adlai
Stevenson is nominated will be an
"early topic for' discussion" next
NAACP Not Committed
The NAACP, while as yet not'
committed to any candidates, will
probably have an opinion on the
record in time for the election,
according to local President Clar-
ence Taylor, '58L.
While taking a non-partisan
approach, the NAACP will follow
the policy of "rewarding our
friends and spanking our enemies,"
Taylor commented.
Segregation Big Concern
Candidates' stands on civil rights
and segregation will be major fac-
tors in the club's decisions.
While the group will probably
forego actual campaigning for
candidates, to avoid any charges
of partisanship, Taylor said they
would probably take out newspaper
ads indicating the reasons for their
stand on various candidates or
issues, together with voting records
on various candidates.
"The YDs have invited us to
participate," Taylor commented,
"but the YRs haven't as much as
said 'Good morning' to us" since
the reorganization.
LYL is reportedly making no
plans for group support of individ-
ual candidates, concerning itself
more with issues.

Ann Arbor police have finally
given literary form to their pre-
viously undocumented opinion
of University students.
Taken from last night's police
blotter in answer to a complaint
against a "commotion in the
"The pinheads in South Quad
were attempting to shout down
the pinheads in West Quad.
Nearly all the windows were
open with the inmates hanging
over the sills.
"A number of fire-crackers
were thrown from both Quads
and insults were yelled at offi-
cers and Investigator Swover-
land, In general these subjects
were displaying their ignorance,
which is not necessary to any-
one involved with this type of
Considered the source; drove
away and left them to enjoy
this gay type of sport."
SGC Awards
For Activities
Straayer, Young.
Fowler Honored
The first Student Activities
Scholarships, sponsored by Stu-
dent Government Council, went
to Chuck Straayer, '57, Don Young,
'58 and Janie Fowler, '57, accord-
ing to Henry Aughey, '6NR, a
member of the scholarship board
The scholarships were for $150.
Winners were selected from 27 ap-
plicants by a board consisting of
Merrill Kaufman, '56E, Barbara
McGrath, '57, George Davidson,
'58, Aughey, James A, Lewis, vice-
president for student affairs, Wal-
ter B. Rea, dean of men, and De-
borah Bacon, dean of women.
The scholarships, established by
SGC this year, are based on activi-
ties and need, with a minimum 2.5
scholastic requirement
Straayer, a native of Grand
Rapids is executive vice-president
of Inter-House Council, secretary
of East Quad Quadrants and a
member of Sphinx and Druids.
Hailing from East Lansing,
Young is past personnel manager
and present public relations chair-
man of the Union. He was a mem-
ber of the Michigras Central Com-
mittee and also belongs to Phi Eta
Sigma and Sphinx.
Miss Fowler, associate women's
editor of The Daily, is from Port
Huron. She is a member of Wy-
vern, Mortar Board, Phi Kappa Phi
and Phi Beta Kappa.
Panel Topice
"Force. Passive Resistance, or
'Go Slow' in the South?" will be
the subject of a panel discussion at
8 p.m: Thursday in the League.
The panel, sponsored by the
Baha'i Student Group, will consist
of local National Association for
the Advancement of Colored People
President Clarence Taylor, '58L,
Students for Stevenson President
Dave Marlin, '58L, and John
Abernathy, '56L, a graduate of
the University of Alabama.

Du lles,
T o Sta-
Cfut in


re oviet

red Despite
ArILma ents

, iN

Arms Cut Holds Measure of Promise'
Hires Secret __ ______

'Eyes, .Ears'
JACKSON, Miss. ()-Mississip-
pi's State Sovereignty Commission,
watchdog of states' rights, yester-
day voted to hire secret agents to
serve as "eyes and ears" in the
fight to keep segregation.
Along the same lines, the 12-
member commission voted to spend
state money to "buy information"
about activities in the integration
In another move, the commis-
sion hired a full-time publicity di-
rector to explain to integrationists
Mississippi's position concerning
The action was part of what
Gov. J. P. Coleman, commission
chairman, labeled an attempt "to
bring this commission into its full
effect and fruition."
In debating the issue of hiring
undercover agents, the commission
agreed upon secrecy because,
among other reasons "it's possible
we may want to hire a Negro" to
spy upon Negro activities within
Bike Penalties{
Begitin IWeek
Strict penalties for bicycles
without 1956 licenses will go into
effect in about a week, according
to the Ann Arbor Police Depart-
Although students were told that
fines were to be issued, beginning
last week, the police department is
still issuing warning slips which
do not involve any penalty.
The fine for not having a 1956
bicycle license is one dollar.
Police have also warned that
bicycles without the new licenses
may be taken to the police station
in city hall, where students may
then claim them upon paying the
dollar fine.
According to the police depart-
ment, the one-week reprieve is to
give students ample time to pur-
chase the '56 licenses.
Offer Grads
Graduate students with a know-
ledge of German are in line for
foreign study scholarships granted
by the Federal Republic of Ger-
Sixty special scholarships are be-
ing given in gratitude for the help
of the American government and
people in the post-war reconstruc-
tion of Germany.
They are to be issued for the
1956-57 academic year, by the In-
stitute of International Educa-
The scholarships, open to U.S.
college graduates, wil pay 300DM
a month, tuition at any West Ger-
man higher education institution,
plus round-trip travel. No re-
strictions are placed on fields of
Candidates for these awards
may procure applications from 'the
Institute of International Educa-
tion, 1 East 67th St., New York,
or at the Institute's regional of-
fices in Chicago, Denver, Houston,
Los Angeles, San Francisco and
Washington, D.C.
Honorary Dinner
Set for Tonight r

A cautious note of optimism was
struck yesterday by Prof. Henrya
L. Bretton of the Political Sciencet
department over Russia's announ-
cement of a cut in armed forces.
"The announcement contains a
measure of promise," Bretton said.'
Ike, 'Estes
Uncon tested
In Nebraska
OMAHA (1)-Republican Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower and
Democratic Senator Estes Kefau-
ver of Tennessee appeared lastt
night to be pocketing by defaultz
presidential preference victories in2
Nebraska's primary election. I
Neither was opposed on his par-1
ty's ballot and early returns
showed no write-in challengers ofi
Kefauver Showst
More significantly, perhaps, Ke-
fauver and his Democratic write-
in compatriots were grabbing a
slightly larger percentage of the1
total vote in the predominantly
Republican state than did thef
Democrats in the 1952 primary,z
according to the early and still
inconclusive returns.
Any signs of a farmer revolt
against administration agricul-I
tural policies might show in al
switch from Republican to Demo-
cratic ballots, most observers said.
Party line crossing was permitted1
in all but the 13 larger cities,
where advance registrations werej
Write-in Votes '
Unofficial returns from 139 of
the state's 2,127 precincts gave
Eisenhower 5,240, Kefauver 3,545.-
Vice President Richard M. Nixonx
held 5 write.-in Republican votes.
Democratic write-ins included
55 for Adlai Stevenson and . 1 for
New York Governor Averell Har-
Translated into percentages, the
Republican votes for ,president
outweighed Democratic votes about
59 to 41.
In the 1952 Nebraska primary,
the Republican advantage was 65
to 35. Two years ago, Republicans1
polled about 67 per cent of the
primary vote.
Although not strictly a populari-l
ty contest between the Republi-
can President and Democratic
Sen. Estes Kefauver, the presiden-
tial voting was being watched fore
any omens of political sentiment,
especially in rural areas of the
predominantly Republican state.Z

"But it should be recognized that
the Russian land army has been
numerically far superior to the
combined land armies of the West-
ern Powers," he added.
Because of this, he said, a re-
duction does not necessarily mean
a weaker Soviet Union. "It may, in
fact, have the effect of strength-
ening Soviet military power by a
streamlining of her military
forces," Bretton thought.
Prof.. N. Marbury Efimenco of
the political science department
declared that the announcement
was part of an "all out effort" to
show that a change in attitude
has taken place since the Stalin
Naturally Suspicious
However, Efimenco expressed
the belief that the West would be
naturally suspicious of such a
move. Since Russia has broken
promises before, the West would
have to be cautious.
"Yet, the fact of doing it is more
important than the motives in-
volved as long as there is evidence
that they are reducing their arm-
ies," the political science profes-
sor said.
Efimenco felt that we would
have to follow the Soviet's ex-
ample. "The position of the U.S.
as a leader of the free world can-
not be maintained without taking
steps to reduce the size of our
armed forces," he said.
The Russian action "advertizes"
that they are peacefully minded.
Political Pressure
Politically it is advisable to fol-
low the Soviets as well, Efimenco
added. Political leaders are sub-
jected to great pressures to cut
"the cost of the budget" and limit
the size of the armed forces.-
"It is possible," Efimenco said,
"that new weapons may counter-
balance any cut in the army." A
massive army is a vulnerable de-

fense unit when we think in terms
of World War II. With H-bombs
and A-bombs and long range in-
ter-continental missiles a large
ground force is a hindrance.
Efimenco added that he did not
think the announcement came as
a surprise. It has been an item in-
cluded in the London talks for the
past year.
Board Asks
Post for Head
Of Assembly
Board of Governors recommend-
ed yesterday that Jean Scruggs,
'57, president-elect of Assembly,;
be appointed to a position on the
Board as representative of the
women's Residence Halls.
It was also decided that the
present policy concerning termi-
nation of residence hall contracts
during the middle of the year will
be continued.
The Board of Regents, who must
make the appointment of Miss
Scruggs, was asked in the recom-
mendation to clarify their by-law
regarding qualifications of student
members of the Board.
A question had been raised
about the acceptability of a wom-
en's representative that lives in a
housing unit not under the juris-
diction of the Board of Governors.
Miss Scruggs resides in Martha
Cook which is independent of the
Board's authority,
The Presidents of Inter-House
Council and. Assembly have cus-
tomarily been voting members of.
the Board.
In other action the Board de-
cided to meet in a special meet-I
ing next week to consider approval
of the IHC's revised Constitution.

No Reduction
In Russian
Power Seen
Ao Changes Justified
In Present American
Military Program
WASHINGTON (P)-Secretaries
Dulles and Wilson declared yester-
day the United States must keep
its guard up despite Russia's an-
nounced intention to slash its
armed forces by 1,200,000 men.
Secretary of State John F. Dul-
les expressed the view the cut
would not materially reduce Sov-
iets' power to wage atomic war and
might even increase it. Men taken
out of uniform could be put to
work making nuclear weapons, the
secretary of state said.
No U.S. Change
Secretary, of Defense Charles E.
Wilson said the Russian move
would not, by itself, justify any
appreciable change in our present
military strength." Nor, he said,
would it justify changes "in our
present programs for cooperating
with our Allies in the defense of
the Free World."
Sec. Dulles said the United
States "welcomes" the Soviet an-
nouncement "if this proves to be
an evidence of an intent to forego
the use of force in international
Caution Shown
The statements of the two Cab-
inet members were weighted on
the cautionary side. Both appear-
ed to be concerned lest the Soviet
move generate too much of a
sense of security in this country
or among its Allies.
Whether their views were shared
throughout the administration
could not be known until other of-
ficials found occasion to express
their opinion publicly,
Only A Step
Sec. Wilson, in a statement at
his news conference, said that the
Moscow announcement "would
seem to be a step in the right di-
rection, but it alone will probably
not appreciably alter Soviet mil-
itary power, nor does it clearly
disclose what their intentions
might be,"
He told a questioner that "one
way they could demonstrate their
intentions" would be to subscribe
to the United States proposal for
mutual inspection of military
Quarles and Twining
Sec. Dulles spoke out at a news
conference while two Air Force
officials, testifying on Capitol Hill,
said they saw in the Russian an-
nouncement nothing that would
materially weaken the Red air
force's atomic striking power or
the means of increasing it.
Secretary of the Air Force Don-
ald Quarles and Gen. Nathan F.
Twining, Air Force chief of staff,
joined Sec. Dulles in urging that
the Soviet announcement of plans
be treated with extreme caution
until all the facts are known.
They told a Senate Appropria-
tions subcommittee the Russian
move called for no change in the
Air Force's request for 16% bil-
lion dollars in the next fiscal
Quarles said only 30,000 of the
1,200,000 men apparently are
scheduled for dismissal from Rus-
sia's air divisions. He said the cut
"would appear to be a belated
new look" by the Russians at their
military situation.

Mozart Work
To End Series




Townsfolk To oin U'
In discussions Forums
Mayor William E. Brown has 'proclaimed May 21-25 Academic
Freedom Week in Ann Arbor.
The concluding paragraph of his proclamation reads: "I hereby
proclaim May 21-25 Academic Freedom Week for Ann Arbor in con-
junction with the observance of that week by the University of
Michigan, urge all citizens of the City to join in the week's program at
the University to help point up that all of us consider this topic of
extreme importance."
Opens Monday
The Student Government Council-sponsored event will open
Monday with a luncheon at which Harlan H. Hatcher, president of
i the University, will speak.

Greek Heads' Dinner

World NewsRoundup
By The Associated Press
Deadly Jet Crash,. .
OTTAWA-Fifty-two nuns and a priest were reported dead or
missing after an RCAF jet aircraft crashed into a convent near the
village of Orleans, Ont, seven miles east of here yesterday night.
Auto Cut-back,.
DETROIT-Harlow H. Curtice, president of General Motors
Corp., yesterday cut back his prediction on auto production this
year and forecast additional lay-offs in the industry.
He said this year's output probably would come to 5,800,000
cars instead of the 6,500,000 he forecast earlier this year.
H-Bomb Test Today..
ABOARD USS MT. McKINLEY-The Task Force 7 command
yesterday decided that the Cherokee H-bomb test could be tried today,
subject to last hour weather changes which still could compel one
more postponement.
* * * *r

Attending will be representatives
from the University, a representa-
tive from the city, the week's
speakers, essay contest judges, and
SGC members.
Tuesday there will be a debate
on the question, "Do We Have
Academic Freedom at Michigan?"
Iat 7:30 p.m. in Auditorium A,
Angell Hall. Speakers will be Prof.
Amos H. Tawley, chairman of the
sociology department and Prof.
Warner B. Rice, chairman of the
English department.
Kirk Will Speak
Russell Kirk, who has written
extensively on the subject, will
speak on academic freedom at 4:15
p.m. Wednesday in Auditorium A,
Angell Hall.
"Academic Freedom: Dead or
Alive at Michigan?" will be the
topic of a forum at 7:30 p.m.
Thursday in Auditorium B, Angell
Hall, Moderator will be Prof. Ger-
hard Lenski of the sociology de-
partment. Speakers will be Dean
of Women Deborah Bacon, Prof.
Roger W. Heyns of the psychology

RIhee Wins In Korea . .

- -.


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