IHC CONSTITUTION See Page 4 Ip AbF 114 UIWVV t FAIR AND COOL Latest Deadline in the State ------------- VOL. LXVI, No. 155 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1956 SIX PAGES Eden Still Mum About Frogman aRussian Relations; Deplores Debate' i Says Telling. Seeret Might Injure LONDON M)-Prime Minister Anthony Eden angrily refused last night to explain the mystery- of Britain's missing frogman. He hinted that telling the secret might chill relations with Russia. "In this business," Eden told Parliament, his face grave and his voice deeply serious, "I do not rest only on the national interest. "There is also a very important international interest." Commons Packed The House of Commons was packed and hushed. Sir Winston Churchill, hunched in a front row seat, stared at his successor. "I confess," said Eden, "that what I care is that the outcome of our discussions with the Soviet leaders should, in truth prove to be, as I have said-the beginning of the u ss B s beginning." tius iian boss onIn complete quiet, Eden went l1 Reds Mani J Ann ce )I0A, ..viiita5-, Armed ilson Forces Claims 'Sympathizes With French MOSCOW (P)-Premier Nikolai Bulganin told the French yester- day the Soviet Union understands their troubles in North Africa and believes a just and peaceful solu- tion can be reached. Bulganin made a declaration on France's difficulties with national- ist rebels in Algeria, and her set- tlements with other nationalists in Tunisia and Morocco, on the eve of a visit to Moscow by Pre- mier Guy Mollet and Foreign Min- ister Christian Pineau. Le Monde Answered His statements were in written answers to questions by the Paris newspaper, Le Monde. They were distrbiuted here by Tass, the So- viet news agency. "We sincerely welcomed the settlement of the Tunisian and Moroccan problems achieved by negotiation," said Bulganin. As to Algeria, where more than 300,000 troops are trying to put down a rebellion, Bulganin said, "we well munderstand its complex- ity, but we are convinced that this problem too can be ?solved by peaceful means and that it will find its solution." Kicks Props Bulganin thus gave a slight kick to the props under the So- viet's anticolonialism campaign, a Russian policy which is of major concern to the French in North Africa. U President Addresses Phi Kappa Phi "Contributions made by friends, students, and graduates have made the University one of the highest ranking institutions in the field of scholarship," said University Pres- ident Harlan H. Hatcher at the Phi Kappa Phi banquet last night in the Union. r President Hatcher said that the capacity of the nation to support the people more fully than ever before is evident. He pointed to the state's investment of $28 mil- lion for the University's general budget plus over $8 million for building. "I am pleased," declared Presi- dent Hatcher, "that the state has expressed so much confidence in the University." Phi Kappa Phi is a national honorary society, founded in 1897, which is open to students in any department of study. It is com- prised of the upper 10 per cent of Safeguard Possibility "I intend to safeguard that pos- sibility at all costs. I believe that that is the policy of the Soviet leaders and it is for that reason that I deplore this debate and will say no more." The frogman is officially listed as "missing-presumed dead" in the cold waters of Portsmouth Harbor while diving near the crui- ser that last month brought Soviet Premiers Nikolai Bulganin and party leader Nikita Khrushchev on a visit to Britain. Eden Regrets ' Eden earlier told the Soviets that he regrets the incident, but beyond saying that no minister of the government was responsible for it, he kept silent. The Conserva- tives' leader told Commons yester- day, "I have not one more word to say than I announced on Wednes- day." No Authorization At that time, the Prime. Minis- ter said Crabb was operating "without authorization" in diving into. Portsmouth Harbor. The British Admiialty has said he was engaged in diving tests. Labor party chief Hugh Gaits- kell, in demanding that the goy- ernment explain the mystery, said he did not want to endanger the British secret service. House Votes Finance Bill WASHINGTON tom)-The House yesterday passed a bill appropri- ating $1,983,512,568 for the Agri- culture Department for the fiscal year starting July 1, and set three records in doing so. It was the biggest appropriation ever voted for the department, it was passed in less than two hours, and it was the first time in modern history that no member even tried to amend a farm money bill. Passed by voice vote, the meas- ure now goes to the Senate. The size of the money bill was due to inclusion of $929,287,178 for restoration of capital impairment of the Commodity. Credit Corp., which has been incurring losses on price support and surplus disposal programs. In past years, these, losses were handled by the book- keeping process of cancelling CCC notes held by the Treasury. Joint Chiefsf Head Voices A reernent Radford Says We Can Hold Position WASHINGTON (M) - Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson, in a new pronouncement on air power, said yesterday the United States has a superiority over Russia and he thinks it can be held. The same opinion came from Admiral Arthur W. Radford, chair- man &3 the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who told the Senate Foreign Rela- tions Committee: "I believe we can stay ahead of them." Confident Statements z Their statements, more confi- dent in tone than some recent testimony by U.S. air generals, may be some reflection of what President Dwight D. Eisenhower had in mind when he informed his news conference May 4 that- the country would feel a lot better about its air power position when the full story was presented. Both Sec. Wilson and Adm. Rad- ford' testified before Washington had heard the news of Russia's in- tention to slash her armed forces by 1,200,000 men. The Kremlin an- nouncement came several hours later. It said three Red air divis- ions would be among those dis- banded. Concern Mounting Concern has been mounting in Congress that the Soviet Union was outstripping the United States in the struggle for sky mastery. Several Pentagon chiefs have said recently that Russia was "closing the gap" in some phases of air power. Sec. Wilson asked for a fresh assessment when he appeared be- fore the senators to support the administration's $4,900,000,000 for- eign aid bill for the fiscal year beginning July 1. Payments Due Subscription payments for The Daily are due now. Failure to pay by May 15th will result in withholding of credits. Payments may be made at the Student Publications Bldg. through Friday, May 18. After this date. payments must be made to the Cashier's office of the University I Administration Bldg. --_________________________ __ ___- 4' Ca ital Bill Gives Half 'U' Request' Money To Be Used For Construction By JIM ELSMAN When the State Legislature okayed the University's capital- outlay bill last Saturday, $8,190,000 was appropriated of a $17,571,000 request. This capital-outlay program pro- vides money for the planning, con- struction, and completion of plant facilities fob the year 1956-57. Individual appropriations of the' $8,190,000 total broke down like this: Planning money-Sums of $180,- 000, $28,000, $20,000 and $34,000 were given to a school of music building, a physics and astronomy structure, a fluids engineering project, and a psychiatric research building, respectively. A grant of planning money from the Legislature allows the Univer- sity to commence blueprinting the building with an architect. Continued construction money- Will Cut Military Strength By More Than Million Men Russia Calls on U.S., Western Powers To Follow Example 'To Strengthen Peace' MOSCOW (P)-The Soviet Union announced last night it would cut its armed forces within a year by 1,100,000 men and use the manpower in industry and agriculture. A government statement said "other governments such as those of the United States, Britain and France wishing to contribute to the strengthening of peace, cannot but follow this example." It made no reference to armed forces slashes by Western powers since World War II. Disband Divisions The U.S.S.R. also reported it would disband three air divisions, put .75 ships of the Soviet navy into mothballs and disband a number Niof military training schools. It Air Superiority -Daily-John Hirtzel JESSE OWENS-Famed track star congratulates winners of the 880 yd. relay which opened the five-day 1956 Greek Week. Oenwls Emhsizes U.S. Opportunies By ALLAN STILLWAGON F ,,rn d ,' tA.b +k ., TRC C O tlin d rlthe h eaves r onsibilities a 1 i I ramea racK sar .esse vwens unQio iu vy izP~ioA11,T, of Aeria yeteray a Fery FeldTo both the undergraduate library of America yesterday at Ferry Field. and a fluids engineering building Owens spoke before over a thousand affiliated meni and women wr ie uso 20000 gathered to witness the beginning of the 1956 Greek Week. A social science and language "A major role of this country is that of leadership development," building received $1,400,000, $400,- he said, "the rest of the world is looking to the United States as the 000 more than Governor G. Men- yardstick of nations." nen Williams' recommendation, Manpower Pool $1,424,000 less than the original He stressed the opportunity that lies ahead of a nation with a University request. pool of manpower such as ours. "The people of Malaya, India, and Largest s i n g 1 e appropriation the Philippine Islands have the -- went to the medical science build- same desires, the same dreams fs ing in the sum of $2,000,000. This we, but they lack people withf fI t.was two-thirds of the request. knowledge necessary to achieve Sitz ex Also, a fire station and train- these desires. We cannot neglect ing laboratory on North Campus! the opportunity to provide this was awarded $250,000; North knowledge."W- Campus development in general Owens told of his recent trip to India during which 25,000 people often watched as he.advised hun- dreds of young men at the United States' track clinics. Indian Paper He recalled the Indian news- paper men who told him, "You have committed a sin in our coun- try," when he took a hungry child, an untouchable, from the street to feed and bathe it. Owens finished with a plea for support of the 1956 Olympic fund campaign. We want to send the greatest team this country has ever seen to Melbourne," he said. DETROIT (,')--Michigan, bat- tered by 20 twisters over the week- end, got neither a tornado nor a warning of one yesterday and the U.S. Weather Bureau could see none in the immediate offing. The Small Business Administra- tion at Washington today declared seven flood and tornado plagued Michigan counties disaster areas. Included in the disaster area designation were the counties of Genesee, Kent, Ionia, Oakland, Ot- tawa, Wayne and Saginaw. was given $100,000. Five University requests were granted no funds from the Legis- lature: school of education build- ing, dental building, heating plant on North Campus, a parking structure, and an architecture building. University Hospital was granted a sum of $9,000 for psychiatric re- search though the University had not requested it, nor had the Gov- ernor recommended it. To complete the Hospital's con- struction budget, $63,000 was ap- propriated for a children's hospi- tal-pediatrics unit. Some Fun While a crowd of students and faculty members watched from the safety of terra firma,+ three psychology students chased a Rhesus monkey on the roof of the Romance Language Building, yesterday evening. + The monkey escaped during cage cleanup time in Mason. Hall at 4 p.m. From then on it was a chase. Swinging along University property, the monkey reached the Romance Language Build-+ ing, stationing himself on the1 roof.; 'Rhesus' made the mistake of ducking his head into a waste- paper basket at 9:01, however, and five hours of Frank Buck- ism came to a happy conclu- sion. Talks Stress Management By MIKE ROSEN The trouble with many of to- day's businessmen who are in management positions is that they don't realize that the management job is a communication job. Ernest H. Reed said in his key- note address at the consumer fi- nance management problems study course last night in the Michigan Union. "The best manager is one "who successfully understands how his employees feel and what they think about, including their atti- tude towards their boss," Reed stated. Fourth Year This year's study course, the fourth since its inception in 1953, is currently in session, with head- quarters at the School of Business Administration. Reed, manager of the division of education and personnel of a large manufacturing concern, em- phasized the relationship between top level and second level manage- ment in his speech entitled, "Man- agement-Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow." He stated, "In a recent poll tak- en in my company, it was found that the percentage of agreement between top and second level man- agement as to what each should be expected to do was an amazing 51 per cent. No Difference It makes no difference if we know what they're to do. They must know." In summary, he com- mented that all it takes is a simple, individual training program-not a big, fancy one with slides, movies, and "on the job training." Gieseking Concert To Close Series Walter Gieseking, international- 1 irnon niann viruoson will nr- also said it would reduce its mili- tary budget, but gave no figure. The statement, read to corre- spondents at a Foreign Ministry news conference, said: "By undertaking tnese new re- ductions the Soviet government is striving to contribute to-the prac- tical carrying out of the disarma- ment program now undertconsid- eration in the United Nations." The armed forces cut, to be in effect by May 1, 1957, involved 63 army divisions and 3 air divi- sions, including more than 30,000 men now stationed in Communist East Germany, and did not in- clude the 640,000 the U.S.S.R. re- ported demobilized last year, the statement said. Arms Cut Leonid F. Ilyichev, the Foreign Ministry press cllief, said he did not know how many men would be left in the Soviet armed forces af- ter the cut is completed, nor would he say how much of a percentage cut would be made in the military budget. There was no informa tion, either, on what type of ships would be put in mothballs or on how much sea power would remain. The statement said in part: "The Soviet government would be ready to consider the question of a further reeduction in case the United States, Britain and France carry out a proportionate reduc- tion in their armed forces and armament." Pressure Brought The cut is bound to bring pres- sure on the Western powers. It could spark more opposition in West Germany to the buildup of a 500,000-man West German army, plus opposition in other countries to burdensome military budgets. An overriding reason for the cut, however, could be the man- power squeeze. The Kremlin has announced its intention of catch- ing up with- and outstripping American industrial might as soon as possible. The program is cal- culated for about 10 to 15 years but Russia badly needs manpower. Not only did Stalin waste man- power, but Soviet war losses were huge-possibly costing more than 20 million persons. Most of these were young people. Ike Appoints George NATO Representative WASHINGTON ()-S e n a t o r Walter B. George (D-Ga) last night accepted President Dwight D. Eisenhower's invitation to serve as his personal representative in development of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization into some- thing more than a military unit. The White House announced Sen. George's acceptance after the 78-year-old chairman of the Sen- ate Foreign Relations Committee had conferred with the President for and hour. Senator George an- nounced last week that he will not seek renomination. President Eisenhower promptly offered him a post as his personal rpnresenttiv with th .nk nf HATCHER WIELDS TROWEL: Time Capsule Cemented in Activities Buildi ng By RENE GNAM Buried: one time capsule-containing: 1955-56 academic calendar, spring 1956 Union-League calendar, 1955-56 student directory and faculty-administration directory, booklet of University regulations, last Friday's Daily with honors supplement, -a listing of student organiza- tions, copy of "League Lowdown" and "'M' Handbook," two identifica- tion cards selected at random from lost cards returned to the Admin- istration Building, Student Legislature Study Committee minutes and proposal for Student Government Council, minutes of first meetings of Student Activities Building Committee of SGC, and clippings from The Daily noting progress of the SAB Committee. Hatcher Cements Capsule At 4:23 p.m. yesterday, University President Harlan H. Hatcher cemented a time capsule in a wall of the Student Activities Building. In commending student, action in initiating and carrying out plans for the Student Activities Building, President Hatcher said "This represents what we have ... come to expect from students." President Hatcher compared the cementing of the time capsule to the 1951 cornerstone laying of the Kresge Research Building, and the 1952 groundbreaking ceremonies at North Campus' Cooley Me- morial Building. SAB Contains Offices The Student Activities Building, scheduled to be completed by Feb., 1957, will contain office rooms for many major campus organiza- tions and activity groups as well as provide rooms for those groups Can AI .I P!'. . 7l~ rc. BRAWWW", -WIll"'t .. . .......