cl 4r ir. Ug n Bally FROM THE OTHER SIDE: 'Not A Pretty Story' Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 - Gibson pinions Are Free. z Will Prevail" vials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. ,FEBRUARY 17, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: MARY LEE DINGLER Doctors' Report No Forecast To Eisenhower Decision, STOCK MARKET and the odds that ight Eisenhower will seek re-election shot dl following this week's report by his s, but Republican optimism seems some- premature. by heart specialist Dr. Paul Dudley the six physicians declared that "medi- he chances are that the President should e to carry on an active life satisfactorily other five to ten years." White added, however, that "the choice not ours." se words were among the most meaning- >ken at the doctors' news conference, for resident's immediate physical condition e only a part of the problem he faces in ng whether or not to run again. Mr. Eisenhower himself put it, "I think probably trust my own feelings more : will the doctors' report." DISCUSSION of that report must assume non-political character, i.e. that Dr. was speaking only. as a physician, not Republican who knew the President's in. Otherwise the conference is clearly empt to prepare the public for announce- that the President will seek re-election, ing him of a major talking-point against Republican politicians and editors who it is his "duty" to run. .s apparent that Dr. White and Mr. ower have discussed the 1956 campaign. eart'specialist, when asked if there were hysical bar to the President's re-election, 1 "The strain of the campaign is some- that he will speak of when and if he ny decision to make. Hetwill tell of that btedly later." s does not mean that when the President the doctor's views on a campaign he itted himself to~ undergoing one this at least one for his own candidacy. It uggest that Dr. White may know signifi- more than he is telling. IF HE DOES NOT know Mr. Eisenhower's entions, or if the doctor's report was not n to conform to them, then the transcript s revealing even to a layman. It was not e-sided partial accounts may have indi- example, Dr. White said the report was on "what we have seen of the job and ay he has carried on during the last five . . . We thought he should be able to on as active a life as he is leading now on il job. (Emphasis ours@. culation quite natuarally arose as to er' the President has been "bearing the ad" during the recent weeks studies. idential news secretary Hagerty replied can refer you to is the schedule for the ve weeks, and if they are not full work-. hedules of the President, I don't know is, with the exception of dinners and events." Referal to the President's schedule, as summarized in The New York Times, reveals that on the day of the news conference he "Met with the Cabinet, visited 'people's capital- ism' exhibit. White House announced he would "go to Thomasville, Ga., Wednesday" for a week's vacation. For the time being Mr. Eisenhower may well be able to fulfill the requirements of office with a schedule no more rigorous. "Peace and prosperity," in addition to mak- ing an effective campaign slogan, have made the burden of the President during the past few months far lighter than it has been many times in the past few decades. Bothr the farm problem and the means of answering Soviet friendship gestures, Eisen- hower's major concerns today, are not so urgent that he has been forced to do more than put his' final approval on a policy largely formulated by subordinates. T1HE SITUATION contrasts sharply with some of the trying days of Franklin Roosevelt's administration: "The First Hundred Days," a time of urgent economic crisis and a flood of governmental response; the immediate pre-war period, when issues of neutrality and co-opera- tion with the Allies were more pressing with every move the Axis made, and American policy had to be continually redefined; the war itself, with many problems of mobilization and mili- tary strategy of such far-reaching implications that their consideration could not be delegated; the final year, with an election campaign, plans for the ultimate, costly victory.and for peace in the face of an avaricious ally. After 12 years in office Franklin Roosevelt was dead, an old man at 63. Dwight Eisenhower ip now 65. At the end of a second term he would be 70. Dr. White is one to minimize the importance of "stress and strain" on a heart patient. "Some of us," said Dr. White, "and I personally, do not think that stress and 'strain is the cause of the disease, but it can be, of course, an aggravating factor." Not all doctors agree with his interpre- tation, however. A questionnaire sent out by a team of heart researchers found that most doctors attributed coronary troubles to tensions. Despite the disagreement among the heart specialists, the strains of the Presidency are likely to bear hard on any man. The President himself recently commented, "At times unquestionably I feel more tired than I think I would have in the past, but that may be also just advancing years." While it may be perfectly true that the President can "be active in much the same way" he has been during the last few weeks, the demands of the Presidency and the health of a 65-year-old man who has had a heart attack are unpredictable. These and many more con- siderations other than.the report of his doctors will weigh on Dwight Eisenhower's mind as he ponders his decision. -PETE ECKSTEIN (EDITOR'S NOTE: In the final week of last semester, The Daily printed a six part series on some of the failures and successes of American prisons. It was written by Earl Gib- son, editor of the State Prison of Southern Michigan 'Spectator', who is presently an inmate at the Jackson institution. In response to numerous requests for biographical information of the author, The Daily has asked Mr. Gibson to write his personal story.) By EARL GIBSON IF ONE were consciously to build a city district to encourage vice, One would pattern it after my dis- trict in the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In 1911, the year I was born in this district, it was as low and as lousy as any in the country; a heterogeneous cesspool of depravity and political corrup- tion. Nor have its environs responded, I'm told, over the last two score years to efforts of moral regenera- tion; it still caters to every lech- ery and lust that man or woman could contrive. * * * THOUGH I had never known my father to take a drink or to be unemployed, he did have a mania for gambling, the conse- EARL GIBSON "two and two always came out five." quence of which was that my mother had to make every dollar do the work of two. I was four- teen when she, her tolerance at long last exhausted, broomed him out .the back door the last time he came home on a payday nearly broke. He never came back. Mother went out and got her- self a job. She had four kids to support; and she, reared in an orphanage, had no relatives to whom she could turn now and then for a buck or two. The full "Let's See--What'll I Wear Today?" IqwsM C rIi I responsibility was hers to'carry alone. I, being the oldest, quit school and pitched in the few dollars a week an errand boy's job earned me. We managed, and the years passed. , , * THE END OF the Jazz Age, the Grand Experiment and the Torrid Twenties, and the Gibson brood, still under the watchful eye of a God-fearing, hard-working moth- er, seemed unaware of or at least uninfluenced by the adverse en- vironment of the district. Each member of the family was managing to grow up without get- ting his or her name on a police blotter, or otherwise to stub a toe. I only wish I could blame my father or environment for what came afterwards, because I would like to find someone or something besides me to blame for my troubles. Even though I was bor and raised in the tenderloin, even though I scratched, slugged and kicked my way around in it, I don't think I became incapable of seeing beyond it. No, I don't think the district's atmosphere had too great an affect on my moral health. It was1934 when I began to feel the weight of the Depression years. I lost my job. For weeks on end I sore-footed the streets in vain searching for another, as were eleven million other jobless, including those of the professions, the skilled trades, the experienced laborers of the rank and file, clerks, salesmen, flunkies, the as- tute and the dummies; all were seeking a source of income. I was of the dummies, having for employment recommendation only five grades of school and my willingness to perform an honest job of work. (It was then that I acquired the life-long habit of claiming ten grades of school, thus avoiding the embarrassment I felt when eyelids would leap with my oral or written admission of having just five grades under my educational belt). I tried hard to believe as al- ways that good and bad breaks had a habit of balancing up. But the belief waned with my hopes when I realized finally that there was no work for me. MOTHER WAS still working, but earning starvation wages and the pressure of feeding, clothing and housing five was terrific. So I eased her load somewhat by leaving home and joining the mi- grating army of the unemployed. I drifted with It, going from one . end of the country to the other. Hunger often twisted its memory into my stomach, but I never stole to appease it; and there never was a time when I preferred skullduggery to work. Fpr three purposeless years I drifted. I worked the Kansas wheat harvest, the California fruit belts, in an Arkansas'logging mill, another in Virginia, gandy-danced in Utah, fought forest fires in the great northwest, migrating always. But sick to death of the high- ways, boxcars, and handouts, in Denver in 1937 I joined the U.S. Army. In 1939 I married a Denver girl, and in 1940 I was honorably dis- chargedfrom the army. In 1942, in Denver, I rolled a sleeping drunk. Why? It's said that a thief can always find a way to rationalize his immoral con- duct. And I suppose the classifi- cation fits me too because I could have come up with a conscience- soothing tale, but I didn't then and I won't now. I accepted full moral responsibilityn("coppedout" as we say) and went off quietly to the Colorado State Prison at Canyon fity. * * * WHILE THERE I got a "Dear John" from my wife, which pre- ceded the divorce papers by a week. Paroled after having served 'Handcuffed For Words' Earl Gibson sent along this letter with this final article of his series: "I am handcuffed for words that would adequately express my thanks to the readers of The Daily who hadrsuch nice things to say about my series of articles. If I were to spread my feelings out or fluff 'em up, they would still boil down to the old reliable and nearly al- ways inadequate: "Thank you." So, to such nice people, I say "thank you." Sincerely, Earl Gibson. eleven months, six weeks after hitting the bricks I was back in the same prison, where this time AT TH3 MICHIGAN: Disney/% Scores* In 'Outlaw' MOST children, and not a neg- ligible number of grown-ups, are suckers for the horse and/or dog story. Walter Farley has prob- ably made a small fortune with his "Black Stallion" series and Al- bert Payson Terhune is still go- ing strong among the younger set. And with the advent of TV, Rin' Tin Tin, Lassie, Trigger et al are back in the chips. THE LATEST ."boy-and-his- horse" epic to hit the motion pic- ture business is "The Littlest Out- law," made by Hollywood's ack- nowledged king of the animal world, Walt Disney. Disney has the unique talent of making his pictures, while frank- ly sentinental, equally palatable to both children and adults. "The Littlest Outlaw" is no exception. Young Pepito is a stableboy on the estate of a general of the Mexican army. The general owns a beautiful jumper, Conquistador, who refuses to take the wall jump because Pepito's stepfather has tried to force him over it with spikes. The general's daughter is thrown while trying to force Con- quistador over the jump. In a fit of rage, the general orders the horse destroyed. Pepito, knowing the horse to be innocent, steals him and runs away. The rest of the picture is an account of the pair's adventures, cglminating in a magnificent bull fight scene where Conquistador proves his worth. Without the aid of Cinemascope, Stereophonic sound or any other tricky technique, Disney h a s caught- the blazing grandeur of the Mexican countryside and the color of its, people. Particularly noteworthy are scenes of a festi- val in San Miguel, the blessing of the animals and the climactic bullfight. * * * MOST OF THE acting could probably be better, but two of the people Pepito meets could well be filed under "Unforgettable Char- acters." One is a soft-hearted bandit that treats Conquistador's slashed leg; the other is San Mig- uel's kindly padre who holds a lengthy and amusing debate with himself on the theological impli- cations of hiding a stolen horse in his church. "The Littlest Outlaw"is def- itely not a movie for the cynical nd sophisticated. But those who like an occasional trip back to a world where the bond between boy and animal is ; supreme will en- joy it very much indeed. -Tammy Morrison 4,' a / INTERPtETING THE NEWS: Economics Replacing Force LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Says Letter Writer "Indo By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst MILITARY EXPERTS set considerable store by maneuvers, especially where an effort is being made to coordinate different forces, such as now is being made in Southeast Asia. There is a question, however, whether the military benefits of the current operation will be sufficient to offset its probable, political damage. Asiatics will be quick to notice that, although Thailand is the chief operations center, only two small Asiatic nations are participating, that these have been armed by the United States, and that while Britain, Australia and New Zea- land are active, the great proportion of strength involved is American. France did not accept her invitation to join in, and Washington sought to explain the absence of Pakistan, the other member of the Southeast Asia Pact, by saying she received her invitation too late. The explanation came amid Editorial Staff Dave Baad!......................... Managing Editor Jim Dygert ... ...........City Editor Murry Frymer ................. .... Editorial Director Debra Durchslag ..................4.. Magazine Editor David Kaplan ......................... Feature Editor Jane Howard ......................... Associate Editor Louise Tyor .......................... Associate Editor Phil Douglis ........................ Sports Editor Alan Eisenberg ............... Associate Sports Editor Jack Horwitz ..... ..... Associate Sports Editor Mary Hellthaler ................... Women's Editor Elaine Edmonds ........... Associate Women's 'Editor John Hirtzel ...........Chief Photographer Business Staff Dick Alstrom.................. . ... Business Manager reports that Pakistan is wavering in her allegiance to the world anti-Commu ist front. United States naval forces have been active in the South China Sea along the lanes from Japan and Okinawa, in the Gulf of Siam along with British Commonwealth forces and on land in Thailand with Filipino infantry. All air forces are joined. The United States also has chosen this time for a big Marine practice attack on Iwo Jima, the island south of Japan for which the Marine Corps paid 6,000 lives in World War II. ALL THIS military activity makes the rest of Asia itchy. In India, particularly, there isI a dislike of military emphasis in the cold war. Burma and India feel strongly against the Southeast Asia Pact, accepting the Communist line that military pacts lead to war. Red China, of course, is taking advantage of the opportunity to spread this propaganda. In the meantime, observers are pretty well agreed that propaganda and economics now provide the battlefield between communism and the West in Asia, although the possibility ofj further military adventures by Red China are not entirely discounted. Thailand, South Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos are glad of SEATO. The rest of Asia, however, is inclined to look at Western military forces as part of the survival of, colonialism, and as provocative to the Communist bloc. Coinciding with a sluggish congressional re- action to the administration's proposals for in- creased and long-term economic aid programs, this is no time for leaving any impression that the West's chief reliance is force. New Books at the Library Dobie, J. Frank-Tales of Old-Time Texas; Be More Specific... To the Editor: RECENTLY you published a let- ter by Richard A. Moeller, senior in the journalism depart.- ment who sees "Red" keenly" enough to make a career of it. The material success of such men men as David Lawrence, George Sokolsky, Fulton Lewis, Jr., (ham) Herbert Philbrick, and many others in recent years testifies as to the opportunities and re- wards open to diligence in the field. Nor is it necessary to be unduly concerned about facts since ob- jectivity of calm rationality be- comes a questionable, if net indeed a suspect virtue in an hysterical atmosphere of fear such as the United States has been experienc- ing. How one can be a true con- servative and at the same time employ methods of innuendo and intimidation (forms of violence) is a question that has not yet been answered to my satisfaction. Even t' ---~h Mr. ..oeller's letter was noteworthy for its lack of specific documentation, I do not mean to accuse him of insincerity or of unworthy personal ambition. He did say, "Within the limits of my college experience I can testify to the fact that speakers' lists are loaded to the Left in most un- varying consistency." Possibly a more meaningful qualification would have been, "From tl ? view- A Misinterpretation ... To the Editor: A PIECE of reporting in the Wednesday, February 15 issue blotted what I think is a fine collegiate newspaper. And until the mistake is rectified in some manner, the blot "All obscure any future attempt to report ideas which may be developed by people over .the country and, more par- ticularly, by the professors of this campus. No doubt, a quote has been lifted from Professors Kauper's lecture yesterday, and a deduction made made as to the central theme of the speech. The quote is, "No one can doubt that the moral force of the court's decision in the school segregation cases was enhanced by the unanimity of the decision and by the relative simplicity and straight forwardness of the Chief Justice's opinion. The 'eduction is from this statement that there is a need for ur *? d consistency. Nothing' exists in this quote to indicate the need nor, in fact, was said during the entire lecture about a need for these qualities. A need for unity could be de- duced by the observer cf a unani- mous decision only if the observer feels that the point decided by the court is morally worthwhile, and if he has a high regard for the weight of conformity in accom- plishing such worthwhilk ends. Obviously such a deduction oc- cured by the process described. And it is applied not only to the quote. ctrinated' pared this freedom to the trends in the other preferred freedoms. The professor described free speech as being pragmatically in- terpreted until the new justices appeared in the '30's who placed an absolute value thereon. With the death of a portion of this court'& justices in the late '40's, the trend is back to a more prag- matic evaluation. I protest, strongly, the rather shameful distortion of Professor Kauper's lecture to the shade of the reporter's morals. The pro- fessor said nothing about a need for unity and consistency in the courts. I trust that you will make every reasonable effort to inform your reporters of the value of recogniz- ing the importance of your posi- tion, a public trust devoted to ac- curate communi--Tn of facts and other's ideas. -Richard Lafuze, '58 L Criticism .. To the Editor: I DO NOT know Mr. Marks, so my general antipathy to him is not to be taken personally. I was delighted to see Assistant Dean Taggart gently chide Mr. Marks for usual sleazy job of bringing the news to the students. Dean Taggart's tone is one of resigna- tion at being annoyed-°by people like Mr. Marks who don't bother to find out whether what they say is accurate or not. - My other complaint of Mr. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN THE Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which'*the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for the Sunday edition must be in by 2 p.m. Friday. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1956 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 4 General Notices Late Permission: Because of the Myra Hess Concert on wed., Feb.' 15, all women students wil have 11:15 late permission. Late Permission: Because of the hockey game on Wed.,. Feb. 15, all womenstudents will -have 10:45 late permission.. General Undergraduate Scholarship application forms may be obtained at the Scholarship Office, 113 Administra- tion Buillding Basement. Applicants may be enrolled in any of the under- graduate units of the University and should have an academic average of "B" or better and financial need. Ap- plications must be completed by March 1, 1956. Men Singers: The University Choirs have openings for tenors, baritones and basses. Rehearsals MTTF at 3:00 p.m., Aud. D, Mason Hall, and Wed., 7:00 p.m., Aud. A, Mason Hall. See the conductor after the rehearsal. 1 hoUr credit given if elected. Student Government Council: Sum- mary of action taken at meeting of Feb. 15, 1956: Approved: Minutes of meeting of Jan. 18. Feb. 17-Inter House Council-Assem- bly, Polgar show, Hill Auditorium; .Feb. 17-Apothecary Bal, League, 9-12; Feb. 24, Inter Arts Union, Pete Seeger, folk music program, Slauson Auditorium; Mar. 10, Foresters' Club, Paul Bunyan dance, 8-12, Union; Mar. 20, Sociedad Hispanica, movie, Architecture Audi- torium; Feb. 24, Mar. 16, April 13, May 25, International Center, Regional en- tertainment evenings, European, Afri- can, S. American, N. American; Feb. 29, Mar. 1, "Family of Man" film to be presented by SGC ,Lane Hall, Com- munity Adult Education. Senior class officers to be elected Y S' t.7 T . _ , ,r, .. k:... _r r,. _a r I I