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May 11, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-05-11

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At the thirty-third annual Honors Convocation today, hund-
reds of undergraduate students at the University of Michigan will
receive official recognition for their achievements in past years
For some, it will be a climax to an eventful and honor-filled
career of service and scholarship. For others, it will be the only
recognition of many' long nights spent burning the proverbial
midnight oil in an effort to achieve high grades.
Today, both groups, the quiet ones and the "campus lead-
ers" will be honored.
And this is only as it should be, for both contribute to the
proud tradition of high scholarship and effective leadership that
is the University of Michigan.
For the fourth consecutive year The Daily takes this oppor-
tunity to publish a supplement coinciding with the Convocation,
The purpose of. the supplement is to provide a record of student
honors, together with a description of their many activities.
Every effort has been made to see that the list is as complete as
In many cases, however, space limitations made it impos-
sible to include members of all campus organizations. In these
cases, officers of the organizations have been listed.
Also included are all of the students who will today receive
recognition at the convocation. And mention is also made of
those who have been elected to campus scholastic and service
honorary societies.
The Daily salutes those honored today, because, in carrying
on these traditions, they have paid a continuing tribute to the
To all of you: Congratulations and Thank You.
Year-Old SGC Boasts Past,
Notes Future Work Areas

U' Grants"
Still Held
More than 150 students at the
University have been able to keep
their Regent-Alumni Scholarships
for eight semesters ormore.
The scholarships are for full tui-
tion and are awarded to deserving
students living in Michigan. They
are maintained for as long as the
student holds a ,B minus average.
Below is a list of students who
have received these scholarships
for at least eight semesters.
Robert Adams, Janet Andrews,
Charles Arnold, James Aurand,
David Baad, Roger Bachmann, Re-
becca Badger, Elizabeth Baranski,
Gordon Barnes, Frederick Baum-
gartner, Eleanor Becker, Sally
Blackman, Charles Bleha, Jerry
Borsum, Frederick Bowdle, Yvonne
Bristol, Russell Brown, Verna
Brownlee, Ruta Bulderis, Howard
Cameron, Mary Carlson, Jane Ces-
ler, Shirleyan Chennault, David
Cherry, Jon Collins, Grace Cool,
Carol Copp, Fred Coulter, Yvonne
Cousins, Christine Crawford, Rita
Czewski, Cynthia Diamond, Char-
les Dillman, Janet Dixner, Thur-
low Dye, James Dygert, Mary Eck-
ert, Mark Eilers, Paul Engelder,
Carolyn Evans, Alice Failey.
Colin Fisher, David Fleisher,
Lawrence Frohman, Robert Gard-
ner, Gerald Gase, Casmir Gogul-
ski, Edward Gorman, Judy Gre-
gory, Barbara - Grinke, Richard
Grunawald, Armin Haere, Doug-
las Hamburg, Robert Hann, Patric-
ia Hansen, Norman Hawk, Ruth
Hayward, Priscella Heft, Noreen
Helliwell, Richard Helmer, Natalie



David Steinman
To SpeakToday
Bridge Designer Will Deliver Talk
On Spiritual Challenge of Atom Age
The thirty-third annual Honors Convocation will be held at 11 a.m.
today in Hill Auditorium.
David B. Steinman, designer and chief engineer of the bridge
across the Straits of Mackinac, will be the speaker at the gathering,
designed to honor all undergraduates with a 3.5 or better average.
Students outstanding in special fields will also be honored.
Steinman, whose topic will be "The Spiritual Challenge of the
Atomic Age", was chosen by the Honors Convocation Committee, head-
ed by Erich A. Walter, assistant to the president.
Steinman, an internationally known bridge engineer, was honored
by France last year by being one of five named Laureat due Grand Prix
International de' Invention,
Among the many bridges of
which he was designer or consult- Co ehereau
ant are the Florianepolis Bridge in
Brazil, the Mount Hope Bridge in
Rhode Island, the Henry Hudson o Appear
Bridge in New York and the Thou-
sand Islands Bridge across the St.
Lawrence river. As Organist

In its one year of existence
Student Government Council has
enjoyed a period of concerted ad-
Probably the acts of greatest
importance in achieving this pla-
teau were the driving ban revision
and the adoption of deferred sor-
ority rushing. As a result of a
student - faculty - administration-
townspeople meeting, new, driving
regulations were adopted. Start-
ing next fall every student over
21 and in good academic standing
will be allowed a car on campus.
The action concerning sorority
rushing helped to bolster the rise
of SGC. Although the Council's
decision t6 begin deferred spring
rushing was appealed to the Board
of Review, it was still upheld.
The proposed counseling study
is considered by many SGC mem-
bers to be one of the Council's
biggest steps forward.
In the future, SGC plans to
extend its activities more toward
the academic field. Problems such
as increasing enrollment are ad-
vancing even more problems in
counseling and teaching. The
Council plans to work further into
academic relations between the
student and the University.
Executive Committee
Hank Berliner, '56, president
Joel Tauber, '57, vice-president
Bill Adams, '57BAd, treasurer

Dick Good, '57BAd, Student
Janet Neary, '58, National and;
International Affairs
Rod Comstock, '56E, Coordinat-

ing and C
Joe Col
Tom Sa
Lew En,
Council m
Dave Ba
dent, Asse
Bob W
Tom Ble
House Cou
Todd Li
gan Union
An Ho

:ounseling Helen Higby, Grant Hildebrand,
fins, '58, Campus Affairs John Hodgman, Donval Hornburg,
awyer, '58, Public Rela- Marilyn Howard, Carol Jaeger,
Hugh Kennedy, Stanley Kennedy,
Cathy King, Ernest Klein. Kenneth,
gman, '57, was the other Kleyn, Robert Knutson, John Kov-
iember. .al, Dwight Kraai, Eugene Kreuz-
-Officio Members berger, Charles Kroll, R o b e r t
ad, '56, managing editor, Kruger, Wayne Kuhn, Donald Lar-
Daily son, Gilbe'rt Lavey, Sylvia Leach,
Ann Leacock, Peter Lucyshyn, Ed-!
te Grimm, '56E, presi- ward McCliment, James McDon-
mbly Association ald, Chris McKenny, Carole Magee,
einbaum, '56, president, Sam Manzo.
ernity Council Helen Matekel, Mark Menzel,
Frank, '56, president, Robert Messner, Mary Miller,
League Maurice Miller, Dale Mohr, Marcia
Townsend, '56, president, Nelson, David O'Brien, Shirley Os-
ic Association terman, Mary Park, Pascal Pas-
eha, '56, president, Inter- coff, George Pavlik, Brewster Pea-
incil body, John Peck, Bernice Pericin,
ef, '56, president, Michi- George Petrie, Keith Pohl, Man-
jane Potter, Betty Powell, ClrN-1
topher Pyrros, Tom Ray, Melvin
Ringelberg, John Rogers, Ronald
tcher Tea Rogers.
Laura Salmon, Martha Sanders,
at had its birth only Charles Schaefer, Sally Schimmel,
rs ago will be repeated Helen Schols, Gerald Schuur, Rich-
dago rda Shields, Janice Siefert, Milton,
nday. Silverman, Janet Smith, John,
ent and Mrs. Harlan H. Smith, Margaret Stein, Margaret
will open their home Stiles, Nancy Swartz, Charlotte
ts honored at the Con- Thomas, Ronald Todd, Ronald
and their families for a Town, Laura Tweedie, Richard1
m 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Voren Kamp, Richard Weber, Ro-,
See STUDENTS, Page 6 s

UNIVERSITY LANDMARK-Angell ball is home for several hours per day for the thousands of
students enrolled in the College of Literature, Science and the Arts. Facing the Administration
Building on State Street, the structure is noted for its imposing Greek Architecture,
Traditions Reign t Convocatio
yof a college campus far more public Gilbreth delivered her address on
Thirty-two times in the history commendation and recogition of "Research and Its Importance" to
of the University, the highest- their achievements come to the . a .
ranking seniors have marched atatthlete or the officeholder than warmly appreciative audience of
11 o'clock on a spring morning to the ones who have distinguished 800 seniors in the upper ten-per-
from Alumni Memorial Hall to Hill themselves academically. cent of that class.
Auditorium. "The holding of an Honors Con- Lord Halifax warned a later
Each of those thirty-two times 'vocation," the President contin- assembly against repeating the er-I
the auditorium, packed with stud- ued, "is but one means of equal- ror of 1919, pleading for "sound
ents and their parents, townpeo- izing these conitions." international order after the war
ple, faculty and alumni guesets, The Convocation is now ranked with a force behind it sufficiently
has been the scene of a program with Commencement exercises as and ready to prevent its violation."
now deeply entrenched in Univer- oe thel ea ost impota Alistair Cooke, chief American
sity tradition, academic ceremonies. correspondent for the Manchester
First Convention in 1924 Graduate students were origin- Guardian, made Ann Arbor his-
Convocation procedure today is ally included in the ceremonies, tory in 1952 saying, "Much that
similar to that of the first but in 1949, the emphasis w a s now passes for Americanism, in-
ceremony on May 13, 1924. On switched to spotlight undergrad- deed., the fetish of the word itself,
that day, President Marion Le- uates.is no more than the bawling of a
Roy Burton began by leading the Local historians and past issues child who cannot bear to leave the
regents onto the stage, clad in of the Daily recall outstanding nursery."
black robes and strikingly bright Convocation years. New names, and new ideas will
academic ribbons and hoods. They Woman Speaker highlight today's Honors Convoca-
were followed by a solemn proces- . tion, but tradition remains the
sion of faculty members, In 1938, the campus feverishly theme of the distinguished occa-
After the Processional and thednussed the amazig news that a smo f t
Aftr he roessonl ad hewoman was to appear' as guestson-
National Anthem, honor students speaer, T l ady inq uest w-a--
werepresntedby te den o speaker. The lady in question was
wereu penteb tLillian Galbreth, consulting en-
gineer and educator, more recently ; r
Next, then as now, was the con- co-author of t h e best-seller Assoc i at ion
vocation address, always given by "Cheaper by the Dozen." M r s.
a nationally prominent figure. Fol- Richard B. Madden, '56L, presi-
lowing the organ postlude, the , dent
audience filed out to catch the last owuocattonFrancis M. Small, Jr., '57L, vice-
noon chimes from Burton Tower . president
Originated By Burton 7 John D. Herbert, '57L, secretary-
r._... ,,.g -...i . B .y r . treasurer.

Born in New York in 1886, he
received a Bachelor of Science de-
gree from the City College of New
York in 1906 and holds three de-
grees, Civil Engineering, Master of
Arts and Doctor of Philosophy
from Columbia University, He has
been awarded 12 honorary de-
Steinman has achieved countless
honors, among them the Norman
Medal, the highest award of the
American Society of Civil En-
gineers. In 1953 he received the

Guest organist at today's Honors
Convocation will be Pierre Cocher-
eau, organist at the Cathedral of
Notre Dame in Paris.
His program will include im-
provisations on given themes and
an improvised prelude and post-
Born in 1924
Born in July, 1924 in St. Mande,
France, his early education led to
a bachelor degree before he enter-
ed the National Conservatory in
Paris. At the Conservatory he ma-
jored in harmony, history of music,
composition and studied organ un-
der Marcel Dupre.
In 1942 he became organist of
St. Roch in Paris, and in 1955 he
was appointed organist at the
Cathedral of NotreDame. In
1951 he was named director of the
National Conservatory of Music
and Dramatic Art on Le Mans,
First American Tour
Although this will be his first
American tour, Cochereau has
played concerts throughout France,
Belgium, Switzerland and Italy.
His recordings include the great
organ works by Bach, Vierne, Du-
pre, Liszt, Couperin and Brahms.
His latest recording for Editions de
L'Oisseau-Lyre won the. G r a n d
Prix du Disque as an outstanding
recording for the year 1955.
CocherehuInas a four manual
pipe organ in l.ls home which he
designed himself. He spends many
hours practicing there, but when
he has some free time he likes to
spend it at the movies, studying
photography and running his elec-
tric trains.

IMIon th
four year
again to
to studen
team fro

...Convocation Speaker
highest award of the Research So-
ciety of America for his work on
suspensioi bridge aerodynamies.
In 1952 he was presented with the
highest award of the National So-
ciety of Professional Engineers.

Committee Chairmen
Bob Leacock, '57, Social
Educational Welfare


President Burton originated the
Honors Convocation, feeling strong
Honors Convocation, f e e 1 i n g
strongly that "in the small world

President Harlan H. Hatcher,
Prelude, Improvisation - Pierre
The Star Spangled Banner -

Varsity Athletes Awarded 'M' Letters


Following is a partial list of
student organizations and their
leaders for the 1955-56 school year.
Where two names are listed, the
first was president during the fall
semester and the second president
for the spring semester. Organi-
zations not included in this list
will be found elsewhere in the sup-
ACOLYTES-Charles E. Canton,
eze, Grad.
ETY-Robert Wilcox, '56.
Baumgartner, 56E.
ARCHITECTS-Gerald Arvin,
ETY-Willis L. Everett, Grad.

'U i t - - _____rF . -a fr

,rsetaEonco moor u- The following men were recip-
ular A tivities En om pas ents - Erich A. Walter nts of M' letter awards forpar-
SpvoiroAl des: "h ticipation in Michigan athletics'
i Spiritual Challenge of the this year.
- , CHESS CLUB-John Penquite, Atomic Age" - David Stein- Baseball, track, golf, and tennis
57BAd manlistings are carryovers from last
CHINESE STUDENTS CLUB - Improvisation on given themes stings are carryover s sls
Pak Kuen Wong, Grad.; David Ing, Pierre Cohereau son's play will not be completed
ITLINO-Frnk er e ochndBereau sringsato eas hssa
Grad. The Bat the time of publication.
Postlude, Improvisation - Pier- FOOTBALL 1955
Rizzo, '57. re Cocherean Louis Baldacci, '56; Terry Barr,
CONGREGATIONAL AND DIS- '57; James Bates, '56Ed; James
CIPLES GUILD - Marguerite E. Bowman, '56Ed; Tony Branoff,
Long, '57SM. 11 r 'g n la '56; Charles Brooks, '57; George
DEBATE TEAM - Moyne L. Corey, '56; Clement Corona, '57;
Cubbage, Grad, n James Davies, '57E; Dale Eldrid,
B assich sj'571 tD; Lawrence Faul, '57;
DEUTSCHIER VERtEIN - Mar- *,5A~;Lwene Fu,'7
.DEUTACHrkERES8; -erald-L.James Fox, '56Ed; Jerry Goebel,
jorie A. Brooks, '58 Gerald L. Lewis En ;man 57 and Ruth '57: John Greenwood, '57Ed.
r Loessel, 59.
LeslS JC Bassichis, '57, will be next year's Thomas Hendricks, '56Ed; Rich-
ENGSH J A d B-Honors Convocation student re- aid Heynen. '58Ed; Edward
osep . Hynes, Gra presentatives, according to Erich Hickey, '56Ed; David Hill, '56;
EPISCOPAL SUTDENT FOUN- A. Walter, assistant to the presi- Richard Hill, 57; Earl Johnson,
DATION-Kathryn Arndt'6 dent'56; Carl Kamhout, '56Ed Stanley
EVANGELICAL AND REFORM- Engman, ch irran of the Camp- Knickerbocker, '56Ed; William
ED STUDENT GUILD-Robert C. us Affairs Comnmittee of Student Kolesarb'56:Ronald;Krameri57
Eisemann '58 Government Council, is also presi- esa56:RonaldKramer 57;
dent of the Young Republicans James Maddock, 57; Thomas
FINANCE CLUB-Richard Mey- Club. Maentz, 57; Robert Marion, 56;
x ers, '56E. , Club. .G. Edgar Meads, '56; John Morrow,

ert Sullivan, '58; Randolph Tarrier, Robert Brown, '56; Richard Flodin,
58; Peter "Tillotson, '58; William '57BAd; Peter Gray, '57Ed; Thom-
Wright, '58. as Hendricks, Jr., '56Ed; David
HOCKEY 1955-56 Hessler, '55; John Johnson, '57;
Neil Buchanan, '57BAd; Baden Hobart Jones, '56NR; Ronald
Cosby, '57E; Richard Dunnigan, Kramer, '57; Howard Liverance,
'57; Jay Gould, '56; Bernie Hanna, '55; James Love, '55; Allan Lubina,
'57E; Lorne Howes, '57; Jerry Kar- '55; J. Stanley Menees, Jr., '57BAd;
pinka, '57; Neil McDonald, '58; Johh Moule, '55; David Owen,
Donald McIntosh, '58; William '58E; Grant Scruggs, '55; Thomas
MacFarland, '56BAd; Robert Pitts, Skimming, '57; Laird Sloan, '57E;
'57; Thomas Rendall, '57E; Robert Junior Stielstra, '55; John Vallor-
Schiller, '57E; Ed Switzer, '58Ed. tigara, '55; Ronald Wallingford,
SWIMMING 1955-56 1'56; Daniel Walter, '59M.

Donald Adamski, '58E; Charles
Bates, '56Ed; John Delaney, '59D;
Joseph Haselby, '57; Robert Knox,
'58D; James Kruthers, '56E; John
Murphy, '57; David Myers, '57;
John Narcy, '57Ed; John O'Reilly,
'56; Lawrason Thomas, '56E;
James Thurlow, '58E; Harrison
Wehner, '57.
Charles Anderson, '56Ed; Dan
Deppe, '57; Lloyd Hamady, '57;
Don Haney, '56BAd; Franklin Hirt,
'57E; John McMahon, '58D; John
Marchello '58A&D: R u p e r t

Milbry Benedict, '57Ed; Tony
Branoff; '56; James Clark, '57Ed;
Daniel Cline, '55; Donald Eaddy,
'55Ed; Ralph Fagge, '56BAd; Mar-
cus Ferrelli, '56BAd; Bruce Fox,
'57E; Glenn Girardin, '57; Allan
Levy, '55; Richard Peterjohn, '57-
Ed; Donald Poloskey, '57; Frank-
lin Ronan, '56; Eugene Snider,
'58Ed; Frank Szalwinski, '57E;
William Thurston, '57Ed; Kenneth
Tipperf, '57; Howard Tommelein,
'56BAd; James Vukovich, '57;
Mruin Wisnijewki '5S

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