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May 11, 1956 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1956-05-11

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FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1956

Small (5' 2"), blond Honors Con-
vocation student representative
Claudia Moore Smith has an un-
usual opinion about the Univer-
sity's size:
"I love its bigness," she says
with an enthusiastic s m 11 e.
"There's so much variety and op-
portunity-and a niche for every-
one if he wants it."
Claudia herself has found many
niches in almost every aspect of
campus and academic life. Her
activities have ranged from being
president of the education school's
senior class to leading a seventh-
grade Girl Scout troop for three
Soph Cab Chairman
She was chairman of two al-
campus clothing drives and chair-
man of Soph Cab, the forerunner
of Soph Scandals-"that seems
such a long time ago," she re-
marks, "even before they had men
in it."
Laughingly searching her 21-
year old memory, Claudia says she
was Maize team's patron's chair-
man for Frosh Weekend four years
ago, "and we won that year, I re-
In Many Activities
In another "niche" of her many1
activities, Claudia has been a work
camp committee chairman and a1
social action committee chairman
for the Student Religious Associa-
tion. She was on the SRA Coun-
cil for two years, beside being on






Seminar's Purpose Lost,
Asian Representative Says
Continued from Page 1)

Anyone harboring a stereotyped
vision of slide-rule bound engi-
neers doesn't know Roger Ander-
The tall, amicable honors con-
vocation delegate belies all pos-
sible hunts of "unworldliness" that
allegedly come with his profession.
It would be hard to find an equally
cosmopolitan Michigan man.
Andersen is one of two student
members of the honors convoca-
tion committee. The committee,
which annually plans the program
of the convocation, determines
which awards are to be given, in
what order, chooses speakers, and
completes other arrangements.
"The emphasis is definitely on
scholarship, which is as it should
be," says Andersen. "It is the
only opportunity for many people
on campus who spend the major
part of their time here getting a
3.9 or a 4 point to be recognized.
He claims that his own average
is "not very high. "I'm not even
sure what it is now." It is doubt-
ful that there is cause for con-
cern, however; it is necessary to
have maintained a 3.5 average to
be recommended to the honors
convocation committee.
'You've Got to Stay in School';
Andersen is also a member of
Andersen, who has servel dur-
ing the past semester as chair-
man of Joint Judiciary Council, t
is alsota member of Tau Beta Phi

"We look on the problem of
maintaining democracy to please
ourselves, not you," he empha-
sized. "We will keep our demo-'
cracy, even if you go fascist."
Commenting upon the possibili-
ty of external Soviet threat, Prof.
Rao asserted that his country did+
not fear Russia, supported as India
is, with a large population and
Need No Alliances
"We don't need military alli-
ances. We are on good terms with
China and embrace her-from a
Then looking at the American
panel members, Prof. Rao shouted,
"Just because we don't follow your
particular angle of approach, don't
call us un-democratic.
"We are not neutralists, we are
activists. Just because our demo-
cracy differs from yours, don't call
us names."
Sam Sary, Member of Cambodia's
Royal Council and former Vice-
Prime Minister, was the Seminar's
final speaker. He quietly addressed
his first remarks to Prof. Rao,
who, throughout the sessions had
been discussing the Indian's high
esteem for human values,
Omits Important Factors
"My colleague, Dr. Rao, has
been emphasizing the human
values found in his country, but
he omitted two important factors
-serenity and calmness. One can
discuss the most passionate sub-

jects with a calm manner," he
added quietly.
Closing the discussion, Sary told
of Cambodia's position toward the
Soviets saying, "We fight Com-
munism primarily with ideas and
secondly with arms."
The Asians are visiting the Unit-
ed States under the auspices of
the U.S. National Commission for
UNESCO. These Eastern leaders
are endeavoring to learn more
about the American way of life
through these panel discussions.
The group will journey to Wash-
ington, D.C., Saturday, where they
will hold their final discussions be-
fore returning home.
cordially invites you
to a public talk
Place: 736 South State
Tonight at 8S P.M..




-Daily-,John Hirtzel
CLAUDIA MOORE SMITH-Honors Convocation representative,
who combines activities with the highest grade average in the
school of education.

-Daily-Bill Van Oosterhout
ROGER ANDERSEN--Honors convocation delegate and future
industrial engineer.

the Congregational Disciples Guild
council and editing their paper.
A member of Alpha Lambda Del-
ta, Claudia was elected president
for this year. She is also a mem-
ber of Wyvern, Mortarboard, Pi
Lambda Theta, an education
school honorary, and Phi Kappa
Commenting on honoraries, Clau-

dia's blue eyes take on a serious
She says "Activity-scholarship
combinations have a definite place
on the campus and important
contributions. The bonds among
honorary members is often strong-
er than a sorority bond because of
greater interest in people and the
campus as a whole."


(Continued from Page-4)


will sing works by Bach,
sorgsky and . Respighi.
general public.

Rossini, Mous-
Open to the

Student Recital: Alice Dutcher, mez-
so-soprano, recital in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the Bachelor of
Music degree at 8:30 this evening, in
Aud. A of Angell Hall. A pupil of Harold
Haugh, Miss Dutcher will sing works
by Bach, Rossini, Moussorgsky and
Respighi. Open to the general public.
Youth String Fetival, 3:30 p.m. Sun.,
In Hill Auditorium, sponsored by the
University of Michigan School of Music
and Extension Service, in cooperation
With the State Unit of the American
String Teachers Assocation. Michigan
Youth Symphony, assisted by orchestra
members from seventeen high schools,
conducted by Orien Dailey, will per.
form works by Mozart, Tschaikowsky,
Teleman, Peter Hadcock, and Rimsky-
Korsakow. Open to the general public
without charge.
Student Recital: Eileen Ann Schu-
macher, soprano, pupil of Harold Haugh,
4:15 p.m. Sun., May 13, in Aud. A,
Angell Hall, compositions by Purcell,
Mozart, Faure, Strauss, Menotti. The
recital Is sung in partail fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree , of
Bachelor of Music, and will be open
to the- public.
Academic Notices
Graduate Faculty Meeting Wed., May
16, at,4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi-
theatre. Ballots for nomination of
panel for the Executive Board of the
Graduate School have been sent to
members of the Graduate Faculty and
should be brought to the meeting.
Mathematics Colloquium. Fri.,, May
11, at 4:10 p.m. in 3011 A.H. Prof. L. J.
Savage of the University of Chicago,;
will speak on "Symmetric Measures in
Product Spaces."
Astronomical Colloquium. Sat., Mai
12, 2 p.m., the McMath-Hulbert Observ-
atory, Pontiac. Dr. R. Righini of the
Astrophysical Observatory, Arcetri, Italy,
will speak on "An Attempt to Evaluate
the Carbon Isotope Ratio from the
Solar Violet Cyanogen Bands."
Doctoral Examination for Clyde
Thomas Hardwick, Political Science;
thesis: "Cooperative Purchasing Tech-
niques for Municipalities," Fri., May

11, 4609 Haven Hall, at 2:00 p.m. Chair-
man, Morgan Thomas.
Doctoral Examination for Neil Alan
Carrier, Social Psychology; thesis:
"Stress, Personality, and Performance on
Course Examinations," Fri., May 11,
7611 Haven Hall, at 8:00 a.m. Chairman,
W. J. McKeachie.
Doctoral Examination for Irma Schno-
oberger, Botany; thesis: "Studies in the
North American Sphagnaceae," Fri.,
May 11, 1139 Natural Science Bldg., at
2:00 p.m. Chairman, K. L. Jones.
Doctoral Examination for Dale Mills
Grimes, Electrical Engineering; thesis:
"Reversible Susceptibility in Ferro-
magnets," Fri., May 11, 3201 East
Engineering Bldg., at 1:30 p.m. Chair-
man, Gunnar Hok.
Doctoral Examination for Richard
Scott Mitchell, Mineralogy; thesis:
"Polytpyism of Cadmium Iodide and
Its Relationship to Screw Dislocations,"
Sat., May 12, 4065 Natural Science Bldg.,
at 10:00 a.m. Chairman, L.. S. Ramsdell.
Doctoral Examination for Raymond
Natsuo Hiramoto, Bacteriology; thesis:
"In Vitro and In Vivo Idocalization
Studies with Antilymphoblastoma and
Anti-Ehrlich Tumor Antibodies," Sat.,
May 12, 1566 East Medical Bldg., at 8:00
a.m. Chairman, W. J. Nungester.
Events Today
Tennis Club will meet Fri., May 11
at 3:00 p.m. at Palmer Field. In case
of rain there will be no meeting.
Placement Notices
The Following Schools have listed
vacancies on their teaching staff for
the 1956-1957 school year. They are not
sending representatives to the Bureau
of Appointments for interviews at this
Blissfield, Mich. - Teacher needs:
English/Public Speaking.
Brown City, Mich.-Teacher needs:
Commercial; Coaching & Driver Ed.;
Music-Instrumental; Home Economics;
Industrial Arts.
Channing, Mich. - Teacher needs:
Commercial; Basketball Coach.
Charlottesville, Virginia - Teacher
needs: High School Vocal Music/Music
Consultant for Elementary Grades; In-
strumental Music (Band & String In-

Chisholm, Minnesota - Teacher needs:
Vocal Music; Elementary (2nd, 3rd, 5th);
Junior/Senior High Vocal Music; Art;
Speech/Debate/Theater; Business Ed.;
Home Ec; Junior High English.
Cudahy, Wisconsin - Teacher needs:
High School English/Art; English/
Speech; Speech Correction; English/
Latin and Spanish; Vocal & Instrumen-
tal Music; Home Ec.{
Dexter, Mich. - Teacher needs: Ele-!
mentary Art.I
East Moline, Illinois -Teacher needs:
Business Ed. (Shorthand/Typing/OfficeI
Machines/Clerical Practice).
Grant, Mich. - Teacher needs: Ele-
mentary (1 day 4th grade/% day elem.
Music, 6th grade).
Gainesville, Georgia - Teacher needs:
High School English; High School
Spanish; Math; Chemistry or other
Glen Ellyn, Illinois - Teacher needs:
Elementary (4th grade, 5th grade);
Math/Science (grades 6-8),
Harrisville, Mich. - Teacher needs:
Elementary (Kdg. or early el.); Social
Studies; Commercial.
Holland, Mich. - Teacher needs:
Elementary Vocal Music Consultant;
Home Economics--Junior high.
Holt, Mich. - Teacher needs: Science
(Chem/Physics); Gen. Science; Teacher-
Counselor (woman preferred); Mentally
Handicapped (elem.).
Kenosha, Wisconsin - Teacher needs:
High School French.
Le Mars, Iowa - Teacher Needs: High
School English/Speech/Journalism; So-
cial Science.
Lenox, Massachusetts-Teacher needs:
High School Latin (woman); Music--
Piano (woman); Girls Physical Ed.; 9th
Grade English (woman).
For additional information contact
the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
ministration Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.

Four Students
Given Awards
At Assembly
Four University education stu-
dents received awards at the edu-
cation school's 21st annual As-
sembly yesterday in the Rackham
Assembly Hall.
The Assembly honored outstand-
ing students who are candidates
for the teacher's certificate.
Charles E. Scholl, Grad., was
given the Burke Aaron Hinsdale
Scholar Award, which is presented
each year to a doctoral candidate,
and Richard C. Creal, Grad., re-
ceived the William H. Payne Schol-
ar Asgard, which is given to a can-
didate for a master's degree.
Raymond J. Pitts, Grad., was
presented with the Clifford Woody
Memorial Award, which is given
to assist a graduate student and
Gilbert E. Seeley, Grad., received
the Cleo Murtland Scholarship
Award, given to a student or form-
er student of the University who
is engaged in graduate study or
teaching in the vocational fields
of the state.

engineering honorary and Pi Tau1
Sigma, mechanical engineering
fraternity. An ex-presidient of Phi
Gamma Delta, and presently trea-
surer of the Engineering Senior
Class, he believes that "everybody
should do as many extra things
as they can, but you've got to re-
member that first you've got to
stay in school."
The future industrial engineer,
"a mechanical engineer with a
few Bus Ad courses," says that
the high number of technical
courses in his schedule makes it
necessary to "broaden myself
through working with people." He
obviously enjoys putting this theo-
ry into practice, for everyone who
comes in contact with him is im-

mediately put at ease by a broad,
boyish smile.
His ideal Saturday night? "A
few hours of sailing and a beach
party, or maybe a dance at the
fraternity." The person most
probably effected by this dream
is a Miss Marilyn Verduin, a senior
education major at Albion college.
Bright Future
His positively stated outlook on
national problems carries itself in-
to local areas. "I was up all night
after the recent elections . . . SGC
has had an excellent first year."
Andersen believes that the suc-
cess of any organization. depends
first upon gaining interest and
predicts a bright future for SGC.






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Summer employment opportunities are available for twenty-
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Far further details, call or -write
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