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May 11, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-05-11

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Sixty-Sixth Year

"Never Mind-I Think I Get The Idea"

'When Opinions Are Free,
Trutb Will .Prevall*

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Mature Runs True
To Form in 'Frontier'
FOR MAXIMUM enjoyment of "The Last Frontier," a Cinemascope
Western with all the properties inherent to standard Cinemascope
Westerns, it's recommended that moviegoers arm themselves with term
paper rough drafts to be proofread, argyles to be knit, or pop-type beads
to be fingered. The film is absorbing enough to allow completion of
any bothersome leftover tasks.
Victor Mature shines as a "man of the forest," as the advertisements
bill him-illiterate, crude, boisterous, but innately a Good Guy. With
his two sidekicks, a Friendly Indian and the sage, aging Irishman
who brought him up, he stumbles onto an Army fort in the wilderness



Intercollegiate Athletics:
Is Professionalism the Cure?


INTERCOLLEGIATE athletics have been sub-
jected to a healthy re-evaluation following
the suspension of Ohio State. Both the Ohio
State Lantern and the Michigan State, News
have concluded that evils exist in the system.
The Lantern claims that "they (the evils)
are integral parts of the mask of hypocrisy
behind which we try to shield big-time football
The problem, as the State News sees it, is
"Basically the universities are trading the play-
er his college education for four years of hard
work. They are helping him through school-
in various ways-not because he is a brilliant
student but because he is a football player.
"That he, is getting an education is a fine
by-product. It is not the main reason why
he was recruited for the student body."
BQTH PAPERS propose the same solution to
what ails intercollegiate athletics-profes-
sionalize it. "Call a spade a spade" demands
the Lantern; "Pay the players, they deserve it."
The State News suggests ". . . changing the
player's role from student-in extracurricular
activity to employee-performing-job."
The view that professionalism is the panacea
of athletic ills is fairly wide-spread. It has
been advocated b the presidents of several
large institutions.
Telling universities that the cure for the com-
mercial aspects of the athletic program is to
completely professionalize the program is like
telling a person with a cold that he can cure
it by catching pneumonia. Sure he'll cure the
cold - but he'll find the pneumonia even
' IT IS TRUE, as the Lantern claims, that to
completely professionalize college football
would remove the mask of hypocrisy-but it is
also true that it would move the universities
into big-time entertainment with the attend-
ant surrender of those values which univer-
sities are supposed to create and foster.
The proposal to professionalize is the admis-
sion of failure, the admission that universities
have a bear by the -tail which they cannot
The way to cure the evils of intercollegiate
athletics is to remove them-to admit that
they are irremovable would be to admit that
athletics control universities-this admission
doesn't have to be made here.
WHAT ARE THE EVILS? They differ from
school to school. At many universities
the main' sore spot is outright subsidy, flag-
rant violation of admissions standards, viola-
tion of amateur codes,, dishonesty ands corrup-
That Is not the problem here. If violations
exist they have never been proved and as Prof.
Marcus Plant, faculty representative to the Big
Ten, recently noted-rumor is hard to stop and
more difficult to use as a base for action. It
is probably true, as our/athletic administration
claims, that athletics at the University are
conducted on a high level.
But even if the amateur code is adhered to
there are problems in big-time intercollegiate
athletics-problems that revolve mostly around
value judgments. Value judgments are tough-
er to handle than violations of rules-they are
more subtle, but also more important.
It'is not true, as freshman football coach
Wally Weber recently claimed, that the foot-
ball player is treated just like any other stu-
dent-he receives free tutoring which is not
available to the average student, there are a
great many more people intimately concerned
with his health and academic standing than
concern themselves with the average student.-
W ITH WHAT values ought we to be con-
The first point is that sports are good and
intercollegiate athletics are good-there is no
quarrel with those who stress the beneficial
apects of sports when confronted with the
The objection is to the overemphasis and
bigness--specifically to the high stakes for
which the games are played.
The stakes are money, millions of dollars of
gate receipts, television revenues, increased do-
nations from satisfied alumni; coaches jobs
depending on winning teams; glory and pres-

Editorial Staff
DAVE BAAD, Managing Editor
Editorial'Director City Editor
DEBRA DURCHSLAG. ........Magazine Editor
DAVID KAPLAN,.«,................. Feature Editor
JANE HOWARD ...................... Associate Editor
LOUISE TYOR..................... Assoelate Editor
PHIL DOUGLIS:................. Sports Editor
ALAN EISENBEhG ............ Associate Sports Editor
JACK HORWITZ . .... Associate Sports Editor
MARY HELLTHALER...............Women's Editor
ELAINE EDMONDS .........Associate Women's Editor
JOHN HIRTZEL........ Chief Photographer
Business Staff
DICK ALSTROM................. Business Manager
BOB ILGENFRITZ.......Associate Business Manager

tige of the school; the lure of post-season va-
cations at bowl games.
THERE IS a thin line between the cause and
effect relationship of money, prestige, bowl
games with the sport itself. The athletic ad-
ministration and Prof. Plant claim that the
money and bowl games are simply side results
of the game and in no way incentives to play
the game.
However, since they are the stakes for which
the games are played it is perhaps more reas-
onable to assume that these benefits are, to a
considerable extent anyway, some motivation
for the game.
A manifestation of the dangers in playing
for high stakes can be found in the outbreak
following the Ohio State game. The over-
inflated emotions of the spectators and the
flaring tempers of the players on both teams
may be traced in good part to the consequens
of losing-no rose bowl, abject disgrace in the
eyes of spectators. Sure there are flareups in
intramural sports too-but intramural sports
participants aren't trained, as varsity ath-
letes should be, in sportsmanship and temper
TWO OBSERVATIONS may be made con-
cening the persistent rumors of irregulari-
ties and rule-violations:
First, conceding that they are unproven and
possibly false, they are still a direct result of
big-time football and clearly detrimental to
the sport and the university.
There is some truth in saying you can't stop
rumor but not as much as those who say it
would have us believe. By de-emphasizing foot-
ball much of the incentive for rumor disap-
pears, as the Ivy League has successfully de-
Second, whether or not the irregularities ex-
ist, as long as the stakes remain excessively
high there is tremendous incentive for them
to exist. That in itself is a danger-we can-
not be sure, no matter how vigilant we may be,
that the incentives provided will not some day
lead to irregularities.
TO)TAKE another focal point-the Univer-
sity is dangerously close to the full-time
entertainment field. To thousands the Uni-
versity's name carries the same connotation
as the Green Bay Packers or the Pittsburg
Steelers. This is not a desirable connotation
for an institution of higher learning.
There is no cause for destroying the funda-
mental athletic set-up; it is a good one. The
dangers that exist can be cured, at the Uni-
versity anyway, on a more moderate scale.
The first step that ought to be taken in de-
emphasizing athletics is withdrawal from the
Rose Bowl Pact. It has become more import-
ant othan the game itself-few people care
whether Michigan wins or loses beyond the
effect it has on our Rose Bowl chances.
DROPPING OUT of the Pact would reduce
a great deal of the pressure and take the
University somewhat out of the limelight. Last
year's team had a record to be proud of but
because it didn't get a bowl bid it will be
remembered as the "also-rans."
The Rose Bowl epitomizes many of the evils
of big-time football.
A'second step would be changing the Regent
By-Law that forbids using athletic revenumt
for non-athletic purposes. As worthwhile as
a complete and fine athletic plant may be, it
is a perversion of values to place it ahead of
the much needed classroom construction and
lack of professors not now provided by the
state. It is possible to have a good athletic
plant without striving to have the biggest in
the country.
WE MAY POINT with pride to our plant
but we take second place to many when
considering teacher-student ratio, a good meas-
ure of academic effectiveness.
The effect of the by-law is to plow the profits
back into the business-the profits themselves
are a further incentive to more profits. Con-
trol of athletic funds should be subject to
authority beyond the Board in Control of In-
tercollegiate Athletics. It should be subject
to review in such a way that its use is de-
termined by what is best for the university

Let's keep our intercollegiate athletic pro-
gram. Let's keep it sound and healthy. But
let's not, as others have done, let it keep us.
New Books at the Library
Hughes, Langston-The Sweet Flypaper of
Life; N.Y., Simon & Schuster, 1955.
Huxley, Aldous-The Genius and the God-
dess; N.Y., Harper & Bros., 1955.
Jhabvala, R. Prawer-Amrita; N.Y., W. W.
Norton, 1956.
Kegley, Charles W. and Bretall, Robert W.-
Reinhold Niebuhr; N.Y., Macmillan, 1956.
Labaree, Leonard W. & Bell, Whitfield J.-
Mr. Franklin; New Haven, Yale U. Press, 1956.
Lewis, Oscar-High Sierra Country; N. Y.
& Boston, Duell, Sloan & Pearce-Little, 1955.

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Chotiner Client Was Racketeer

sometime during the Civil War
Nature Boy Mature fancies the
suave blue uniforms worn by the
soldiers at the fort, and decides
he'd like to wear one himgelf. But
the captain, played nondescriptly
by Guy Madison, withholds this
honor until Mature proves himself
worthy. For the time being Victor
must content himself as a scout,
on the trail of a menacing band
of redskins led by one Red Clud.
, s *
THERE IS, of course, a woman:
Anne Bancroft, spouse of Robert
Preston, the local cowardly colonel.
Her charms aren't lost on fringe-
jacketed Mature, who vows to make
her his woman, all obstacles to the
Convinced of civilization's vir-
tues by the captain, Mature de-
clares: "I'm gonna find me a
woman, get married, make some
children, and get civilized" From
then on the movie deals with the
unraveling of this process.
True to form, Mature shapes up
as he's expected to. There are
bouts with the bottle, inspiring him
to knock out guards and to accost
Miss Bancroft, and there are times
when he murmurs, with disillu-
sionment: "Sometimes she looks at
me like I was a bear." But these
things are to be expected.
* * *
IN THE END, after thunderous
shooting and vibrant martial
music, the hero gets what he
wants. The colonel is conveniently
killed in battle, Victor earns his
blue soldier's suit, and the once-
distant widow drifts into his
gentled arms.
For devoted Western fans, this
film is probably as good as any:
its Technicolor, at least, is pleas-
ant enough. But for other seg-
ments of Hollywood's public, tastes
can much better be gratified before
other screens.
-Jane Howard
to the
Letters to the Editor must be signed
and limited to 300 words. The Daily
reserves tlw right to edit or withhold
any letter.
Library Praise,
To the Editor:
T HE EDITORIAL in Sunday's
Daily about the Library was,
I think rather petulant and un-
necessarily critical. Considering
the size of its operations and the
handicaps under which it works,
I think that the circulation de-
partment does a remarkably fine
job. Naturally, mistakes are go-
ing to be made, but it is my ex-
perience that they are corrected
promptly. The people in the cir-
culation department are courte-
ous and hard working; they de-
serve our thanks, not our criticism.
-Prof. William Steinhoff

MORE IS leaking out regarding
the gentleman whom the New
York Times describes as Vice Pres-
ident Nixon's "Anchor Man," Mur-
ray Chotiner. All of it indicates
both the closeness of Chotiner to
Nixon and the.interesting manner
in which Chotiner's law practice
zoomed from coast to coast after
Nixon became Vice-President.
Here are some additional close
associations Chotiner had with the
man who has a fair chance of
becoming President of the United
Just before the 1952 GOP con-
vention-Chotiner sent 23,000 let-
ters out to leading Californians
under Senator Nixon's frank, tak-
ing a poll regarding Eisenhower
and Governor Warren. It had the
effect of cutting the ground out
from under Warren, thus paving
the way for Nixon for Vice-Presi-
* * *
DURING THE GOP convention
Chotiner, according to Mrs. Nixon's
magazine memoirs, was with her
husband in his hotel suite when
Brownell called to say that Nixon
had been picked for second place.
After the election-when Nixon
asked Truman to let him go to
Mexico for the inauguration of
Ruiz Cortinas, Chotiner went along
as his assistant. Truman was still
in office, and at Nixon's request
space was made on the govern-
ment plane for Chotiner to ride.
from Washington to Mexico City.

Before the coming GOP con-
vention-Chotiner acted for Nixon
in selecting one-third of the Cali-
fornia delegates to attend the con-
vention. According to the San
Francisco Chronicle, Chotiner sat
in the St. Francis Hotel on the
night of March 2, just two months
ago, and, with Bernard C. Brennan
of Los Angeles, represented Nixon
in picking the Nixon-California
. f *
CHOTINER HAS also signed let-
ters acting as the attorney for the
Vice-President as recently as
March 22 of this year.
Thus, some of the most intimate
events :in Nixon's life have been
connected with or entrusted to
Murray Chotiner, right up to the
Here is the background of some
of Chotiner's other clients:
Marco Reginelli of Philadelphia
and Camden, N. J., was arrested 16
times between 1917 and 1942. He
was convicted six times, ending in
three prison sentences and three
fines. When his citizenship was
challenged, he retained a man of
influence, Chotiner, to block his
deportation. Chotiner had nothing
to do with it, but the character of
his client is shown by the fact that
deportation proceedings touched
off gang warfare and killed five
men in South Philadelphia and
South New Jersey.
* * *
FIVE MEN-Joseph "Joe Italy"

Suero; Joseph "Joe Bananas" Bel-
lona, Marshall Venezrale, Anthony
Benedetto, and Emanuel Gottobrio
were killed in the battle to take
over Reginelli's numbers racket.
The Philadelphia police bureau
in a confidential letter dated July
19, 1949, reported that the New
Jersey Italian mob was "headed
by Marco Reginelli, alias 'The
Little Guy,' who is absolute czar of
the Italians in the South Jersey
and Philadelphia area."
The Federal Narcotics Bureau
furnished the Kefauver Crime In-
vestigating committee with a list
of Fafia members. On the list was
Marco Reginelli.
* * *
chief of the Miami Crime Com-
mission, describing northern mob-
sters moved to Florida, told the
Kefauver Committee:
"Closely associated with them at
the Sands Hotel was Marco Regi-
nelli of Camden, N. J., also known
as 'The Little Guy' who also ap-
peared to be a party in interest in
their gambling operations
Reginelli's police record shows a
conviction in 1942 under the Mann
Act for transporting Mrs. Louise
Abate from New Jersey to Florida
for immoral purposes. Mrs. Abate
was found dead last year in a
motel in Margate City, N. J. Regi-
nelli was questioned about the
death, but the coroner finally de-
cided that death was caused by
acute alcoholism.
(Copyright 1956, by Bell syndicate, Inc.)



THE Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN from to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 pam.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in by
2 p.m. Friday,
THURSDY, MAY 11,1956
General Notices
Applications for Student Teaching In
Elementary Education for the Fall
Semester 1956, can be had in Room
1437 University Elementary School.
Graduating Seniors who wish to rent
caps and gowns should place orders
now at Moe's Sport Shop, 711 N. Uni-
Undergraduate Honors Convocation.
The annual Convocation recognizing
undergraduate honor students will be
held at 11 a.m. Fri., May 11, in Hill
Auditorium. Dr. David B. Steinma,
engineer and bridge designer, will speak
on the subject "The Spiritual Challenge
of the Atomic Age."
Honor students will be excused from
attending their 10 o'clock classes. All
classes, with the exception of clinics
and graduate seminars, will be dismissed
at 10:45 for the Convocation. However,
seniors may be excused from clinics and
Academic costume will be worn by
faculty members, who will robe back-
stage and proceed to their seats on the
stage.nHonor students will not wear
caps and gowns. Main floor seats wil
be reserved for them and their families
and will be held until 10:45. Doors of
the Auditorium will open at 10:30. The
public is invited.
Because of an error in assembling the
material for the Honors Convocation
program, the name of Janet Lee Brad-
shaw was ommitted. The Honors Con-
vocation Committee sincerely regrete
this +error and offers its apology to
Miss Bradshaw.
More Ushers are urgently needed for
the Glee Club Spring Concert at., May
12. If you can help us please report to
Mr. Warner at the east door of Hill
Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. Sat.; May 12 .
The 50th Annual French Play: Pic-
tures of Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme are
one display on the main floor of the
Romance Language Building. Members
of the cast and others who want them
please place your orders with Mrs. God-
speed, 112 Romance Language Bldg.
Student Government Council. Sum-
mary of action taken meeting on May
9, 1956.
Minutes of meeting of May 2.
Constitutional revisions for Educa-
tion School Council, Junior Interfra-
ternity Council, Junior Panhellenic As.
Recommendation-that there should
be an all-campus religious emphasis
program during the next school year;
that an executive committee consisting
of representatives from student groups,
Faculty Senate, Administration and the
Association of Religious Counselors be
established to .plan and carry out such
a program.
A sub-committee of three students,
at least two to be from Student Govern-
ment Council, to serve with th Admin.
istration and the Joint Judiciary Coun-
cil toward the solution of significant
administrative problems (registration
fee, adjudication, enforcement) related
to the implementation of By-Law 8.06
(driving regulation). This committee is
to report to the Council with recom-
To Cinema Guild Board: Polly Van
Schoik, Timothy J. Reardon, Margaret
E. Moore, Gaylord Richardson, Caryl
Dumond (Chairman).
To Human Relations Board: One
year, Art Saxe, Garnett Hegeman, Nancy
Murrell, Isabel Francis; one semester,
Michael Fisher, Connie Rudich, Gloria
To Student Housing and Environ-
mental Health: Bob Leacock, Sally
Wilkinson. ,
Free University of Berlin Scholarship
for 1956-57-Herthe Striker.
Activities: May 15-W.A.A. Lantern
night; May 16-19-Inter Arts Union
exhibit, Rackham; May 19 - Poetry
reading, Union; May 19-20-SEA, In-
tercultural Outing, Saline Valley Farms;
May 27-Little Symphony concert, An-
gell Hall.
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society Initia-

tion Dinner: Mon., May 14, 6:30 p.m.,
Michigan Union Ballroom. Remarks by
Pres. Harlan Hatcher. Members invited.
For reservations call: 3-0215, 3-5508, or
Tickets for Individual Drama Season
Plays on sale today, 10 a.m. in Mendels-
sohn Theatre box office. Opening Mon.
evening, each play runs through Sat-
urday with matinees Thurs. and Sat.
Good seats are available for evening and
matinee performances. Box office hours
are 10 a.m.-5 p.m. today and tomorrow
and from Monday on from 10 a.m.-8:30


; I








Colorful Drawings and Paintings at Art Exhibit

x 1

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
third in a series of three articles on
an exhibit by two members of the
Design School faculty.)
Daily Staff Writer
IF ONE VISITS the first floor of
the Architecture and Design
Building before May 20, he sees a
colorful and varied exhibition of
drawings and paintings by two in-
structors in the Visual Arts Pro-
gram, Robert Beetem and Albert
The first picture in the exhibition
is a multihued watercolor. Bee-
tem applied rubber cement and
then blues, reds and a bright dia-
gonal of yellow. Removing the
rubber cement created a pattern
of white space.
The next six are watercolors.
Each is in deep reds and purples,
"following a theme of a lone fig-
ure caught in an atmosphere of
shapes," Beetem commented.
THE FIRST of Weber's oils is
impressive in its simplicity, both
in color and line.
It resembles a floor plan, a'
honeycomb of cells outlined in
bold Gothic line, each filled with
a blue, against a deeper blue back-
ground. Several shapes are form-
ed like Gothic arches, enhancing
the effect. Traces of orange com-
plete the canvas.

collage is material-usually paper
or cardboard-pasted on the can-
vas or board.
* * -*
THIS AND the following paint-
ing, done in casein, create a mood
of darkness and death. Sharp-
edged figures and black shapes
mingle in the show's most somber
Beetem's casein still life, a shirt
thrown over the back of a chair,
in simple direct lines, precedes
two charcoal sketches.
The drawings are violent, move-
ment-mad works. Jagged areas of
white, created by using an eraser,
add to the effect as did the white
areas in Beetem's first water-color.
THE LAST three items in the
exhibition are big, colorful works,
two in oil and one in casein.
The first depicts an abstract
figure in rich reds and browns. The
second is a forceful, huge canvas,
covered with bright, hot reds and
oranges, applied with thick paint
that rises in spots like a relief.
These two are executed in the
technique Beetem recently has de-
veloped from his study of Vene-
tian oil glazes.
THE LAST picture is a calm
study in muted colors. It suggests
an artist and his model, both re-
laxed, sitting, observor and observ-




BY BEETEM... Observer and observed.

glances over the strong lines and
shapes superimposed, and lights
on a massive grey bull, his head
up, eyes staring from between
pointed horns.
THE PAINTING'S final coat is
a shiny glaze, which sharpens the
already intense blue and heightens
the subject's dramna. There is a
reason for the technique used.
Weber's next oil, while abstract.

pecially rightly so. For they are
potentially profound - meaning
that they have the ability to cre-
ate a thought-provoking or imagi-
nation-stimulating atmosphere.
AS REMBRANDT'S self-por-
traits epitomize man in his many
aspects, and so go far beyond the
limits of mere portraiture, these
drawings create a definite picture,
and yet suggest varied interpreta-



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