Farm I HE MICMGAN DAILY FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1856 THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1956 12 MAN TEAM: CBS Plans '56 Campaign Coverage EIfltri By AL STILLWAGON CBS News has announced the formation of a special 12-man roving television and radio report- ing team specially equipped to cover the 1956 political campaign. John F. Day, director of CBS News, reports that the new unit, called the "CBS News Campaign Cavalcade," will swing into action sometime during the last week of February. The "Cavalcade" will cover the most important state preliminaries, will follow the dark horse and favorite candidates, and, in general, will pursue the cam- paign excitement wherever it may be happening. "Frankly, this is an expensive, highly complicated venture, andj is in addition to our plans for com- prehensive coverage of the Na- tional Conventions," Day declared. "But we're convinced that 1956 is going to be the most exciting and unpredictable political year in American history. It will take a team of the size and calibre of our "Campaign Cavalcade" to do justice to the story." Top-flight coverage at all times will be provided by the presence at all times of two CBS News cor- respondents. The organization will schedule their talent on a rotating basis, utilizing the work of such journalistic veterans as Eric Sev- areid, chief Washington corres- pondent; Griffing Bancroft; Ned Calmero; Lou Cioffi; Charles Col- lingwood; Walter Cronkite; Doug- lass Edwards; Larry LeSueur and Robert Trout. The non-rotating members of the crew will include an assign- ment chief, a reporter, two film cameramen, a lighting technician and film sound engineer, a radio MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES LINES 1 DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS 2 .66 1.47 2.15 3 .77 1,95 3.23 4 .99 2.46 4.30 Figure 5 average words to a line. Classified deadline, 3 P.M. daily. 11:00 A.M. Saturday Phone NO 2-3241 LOST AND FOUND U GRADUATE MIXER Friday, February 17 DANCING from 9 to 12 P.M. STAG or DRAG RACKHAM ASSEMBLY HALL 50c per person THE MEDDLERS ORCHESTRA Us 80WOMene - Are You Eligible? ?_ DANCING Friday and Saturday Nights " Freddie Bentz and the Rainbow Combo. " Vocals by Lovely Mary Lou Members / Ai t £ and Guests v'-t jw 4JXJ5' Phone 2-3972 You Must be 21 Don Bailey 34E iet Your Singing Host 314 E. Liberty RADIOSHOW Broadcasting every Friday Night at AI SHOW 11 p.m. from the Rainbow Room. ___Specializing in Hall Rentals and Banquets I DRAMATIC ARTS CENTE presents AENRIK IBSEN A - Opening Per fornwances! Te"dqht and Tomoerrowe pjV jV 8:15 P.M. DRAMATIC ARTS CENTER . .. , R engineer to record oratory and interviews, a business manager and two general assistants. The team's chief responsibility will be to furnish all members of the CBS radio and television net- works with a constant supply of local and national political news. Their work will also be available to the more than 6 consumers of CBS Newsfilm in the United States, Canada, and Europe. Most will be channeled to headquarters in New York City in the form of tape recordings and films, but the "Campaign Cavalcade"' also plans a large number of live broadcasts both as special features and cut- tings on regularly scheduled shows. Day emphasized the fact that routine "newsreel-type" political reporting was not the function of this special unit. "We are not go- ing to be satisfied . . . with stick- ing a camera into the candidate's face, hanging a microphone around his neck, and letting him talk and talk. When our unit covers a can- didate," he continued, "it will not only find out what he said, but why he said it, whether he meant it, and what the effect is on the voters. In short, we're going to go deep into this -campaign scramble and come up with stories that are accurate, exciting and meaning- ful." "CBS News Campaign Caval- cade's" schedule is intentionally flexible. It will be ready at any moment to scrap its immediate plans and race to the scene of a news break. However, the Caval- cade is tentatively scheduled to cover the major state primaries including New Hampshire, Minn- esota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Ohio, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, Oregon, Florida and California. It will also analyze domestic and foreign issues which may influence the policies of both the Democratic and Republican parties, and later, the election proper. Present plans include enough stories and proposed areas of cov- erage to keep the "Caravan" mov- ing from the latter part of. Feb-, ruary until the start of the Dem- ocratic National Convention in Chicago on Aug. 13. Planes will move the team and its thousands of pounds of baggage, camera and radio equipment on the long hops between major cities and will be supplimented by station wagons, at least one of which will be equip- ped with a specially designed cam- era platform. Air Sirens Cease Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti resi- dents .will not be hearing air raid sirens. The sirens, tested a year ago, will not be installed anywhere in Washtenaw county because the ex- pense is too great. It would cost the county $50,000 to $60,000 to obtain the necessary instruments. LOST-Key chain with seven honorary keys. Reward. Call Dick Alden, Ypsi-; lanti 6030R. )124A LOST: Six Inch P & E slide rule in an leather carrying case. Between Dent Bldg. and 1600 Washtenaw. Phone NO 3-4141. )123A LOST-Concord College Class Ring on Thompson or Jefferson Sts. near West Quad. Reward. NO 2-9888. )122A FOUND-Pair brown rimmed glasses in brown leather case. Call Room 331, Mosher. )121A LOST DURING FINALS-Universal Ge- neva wristwatch. Please call Jim, 225 Adams. NO 2-4401. )120A LOST: 3 keys on chain with tag adver- tising a Dairy Co. State St., Maynard St. District. Phone NO 3-1511, ext. 794 until 5:00. Evenings NO 2-2889. )118A LOST Thursday near Virginian one small 1957 Ring. Please call NO 3- 0521, Ext. 708. )119A PERSONAL FINE ARTS CLUB is taking a trip to the Museum of Detroit. Leaving 10:30 A.M. this Saturday. Anyone interested meet in Tappan Hall at that time. )92F A PENNY A DAY brings Time (6c), Life (8c), Sports Illustrated (8c), or nu- merous other mags your way. These are incredibly low rates! Student Periodical, NO 2-3061. )89F PROFESSIONALS-improve your speak- ing ability. Business or social pur- poses. 3-1531 Ext. 296. )87F FOR RENT WILL SHARE large campus apartment with two male students. Phone NO 8-7348. )45C FOUR MAN APARTMENT Four and one-half rooms with kitchen. Will trade for two or three man accommodations or informa- tion leading to above. Phone NO 8-7348. )44C CARS FOR RENT AVIS rent-a-car or truck for local or long distance use. Reasonable daily, weekly, or hourly rates. Nye Motor Sales, Inc., 210 W. Washington St., NO 3-4156. )l0S FOR SALE ROOM DIVIDERS, set of five, excellent condition. rSmall desk, coffee table, twin bed. Must sell. NO 3-6018. )129B I PAIR of Cut-throat Finches. Tropi- cal fish and supplies. University Aquarium. NO 3-0224. )172B FOR SALE: Collegiate Furnishings for Apartment-tables, drapes, beds, etc. NO 2-6983. JO ANNE. After 5. )128B SEVEN FORMALS, only worn once or twice. Size 12 to 14 (tall), $5 to $20. Phone NO 3-2624. )108B SIAMESE KITTENS for sale, 5 months old, papers available. Siamese Cat Stud Service. NO 2-9020. )121B MENS Humber English Bicycle; ABC Automatic washing machine; Wolver- ine alto saxophone; phone 2-3303. )125B ARMY, NAVY type oxfords-6.88, sax 39e, shorts 69c, military supplies. Sam's Store, 122 E. Washington. )123B BOARDERS BOARDERS WANTED-Medical Frater- nity. Corner Hill & Forest. Inquire Steward, NO 2-2252. )128 BOARDERS WANTED -- Good food. Reasonable rates. Call Art Cieslak, NO 2-9431. )11S HELP WANTED BABY-SITTER, 12:30-5:30 P.M. Monday, Wednesday or Friday. Michigan at Wells, near Packard. Please call NO 3-6321. )77H WANTED. Camp Counselors for YWCA Camp near Ann Arbor. 'If interested call 2-2581. Mrs. Gross. )74H. WANTED--Cab drivers, full or part time. Apply 413 S. Ashley, Ann Arbor Yellow and Checker Cab Company. Phone NO 8-9382. )70H THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN HAS OPENINGS FOR SECRETARIES, STENOGRAPHERS .TYPISTS ' Medical Technologists in the fields of CHEMISTRY, BIO-CHEMISTRY BACTERIOLOGY Good vacation, sick leave policies. Liberal fringe benefits, excellent working conditions. Apply: University of Michigan Personnel Office 3012 Administration Bldg. Ann Arbor, Michigan )71H BUSINESS SERVICES WILL TAKE PRE-SCHOOL CHILD for day care. Licensed home near' cam- pus. 708 Arch. Phone NO 3-8818. )33J RICHARD MADDY - VIOLINMAKER. Fine, old certified instruments and bows. 310 S. State. NO 2-5962. )31J Read Daily Classifieds ROOMS FOR RENT LOOKING FOR ROOMMATE. Half block from campus. Cooking privileges. Gary Paulu, 417 E. Liberty. )16D DOUBLE ROOM, two boys, clean linen furnished, close to campus. 319 E. Jefferson, NO 2-1859. )14D WOMANrSTUDENT to share apartment, earn rent by light duties. 1221 S. State, Apt. 1. )15D SUITES and rooms for men, one and one-half blocks from campus. For further information call NO 3-4237 or NO 3-1485. )16D ? DOUBLE. with washbowl. Call NO 2- 1147. At Hill and E. University. )28D MEN STUDENTS-Single at 518 E. Wil- liam. Singles and doubles at 426 Ham- ilton Place. CAMPUS TOURISTS Phone NO 3-8454 )19D LARGE double in basement. Need 1 man to share. $6 per week. 1001 S. Forest. 2-7639. )23D USED CARS 1954 VOLKSWAGEN 2 door Sedan. Seat Covers, Luggage Rack. Excellent con- dition. Call NO 2-7646. After 5 P.M. )114N 1955 FORD FAIRLANE Club sedan. 11,000 Miles. Tutong, Fordomatic, Fully equipped. NO 2- 1684. )113N BUY WITH CONFIDENCE-Fully re- conditioned used cars. 1953 Mercury Tudor, Mercomatic, radio and heater, $1095; 1951 Mercury Tudor, overdrive, $575; 1955 Ford Tudor, 8 cylinder Ford- omatic, $1595; 1953 Chrysler Newport Hardtop Coupe at $1345. See us now. Fitzgerald Inc., Lincoln-Mercury, 3345 Washtenaw, NO 3-4197. )112N WUERTH TODAY thru SUNDAY Adventure that thunders thru the sky! U 327 -Admission $1.6 S. Fourth Ave. (Masonic Temple) 5 Students 99c I) BOX OFFICE OPEN DAILY 10-5 Phone NO 2-5915 for reservations now! Are You Taking Your CHICK to GU LANTICS BLOCKBSUSTER SPENCER TRACY N JONNSO~ ROBERT MITCHUM :~ SEC NDS- AVAMC IEl ---- ALSO The Great Pulitzer THE GREAT PULITZER PRISE PLAY ".. I Today and Saturday E~i 'C' Dial NO 2-2513 r-hvmloo '111'0 story as r . Exciting... 41 Se nseful...As you WaI-ve se e! flEljleOLOR SPECIAL = L " g* ADDED ATTRACTION 0 Uf l I. 0ST% A&A ~~ato ' FEB. 25 8 P.M., HILL AU D. I EUROPE 20 Countries, 75 Days Abroad By air, all expenses, $1255 (NY) Europe for Collegians 255 Sequoia, Pasadena, California I I -11 oCitEle I i PAUL featuring PAUL BRODIE and His Orchestra W~as V+OV ' - 3 ' r. so&~~yAplseIk from "Malady Tm.'-TECHNtCOLOR ° IS North Lounge - Union Tonight 9 to 12 $1 per Couple . COMING I DANCE * DINE * DRERM Today For One FORIB -Su 30 Full Week ORPHEUM 1:30 P.M. 65c "From innocent happiness to knowing anxiety ... love has no special age nor language" - Colette \ .1 ' Winner Grand Prix ORIG NALdu Cinema ~ Ma~f~niElk Mrancais4 l 2I . I KARL ROBINSON IN PERSON, Presents TONIGHT! The FABULOUS s t-. r .w a r ,rz ( r4 TI-rn n BRAZIL A true-to-life, wonderfully colorful film story of our ....... . .......... ..... ....._ ........:r....:.. -ru c it in n i r-N c ^ n c n -r c c-r ; ; 4 - :: .U