PROFESSIONALISM IN COLLEGE ATHLETICS See Page 4 Itia 43atly a 0 f 0 Latest Deadline in the State SHOWERS, WARMER VOL. LXVI, No. 152 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1956 SIX PAGES House V otes Air Force Budget Cut Passes Bill Appropriating New Money For Defense Department WASHINGTON ()-The House yesterday voted 377-0 to appro- priate $33,635,066,000 in new money for the Defense Department for the fiscal year starting July 1, 1956. It passed and sent to the Senate a bill providing that amount after refusing to add an extra billion dollars for the Air Force. 'Losing Battle' In closing debate, Chairman Clarence Cannon of the Appropria- tions Committee told the House "We are slowly but surely losing our battle with communism." The amount approved was the exact amound recommended by' Cannon's committee last week and is $512,784,000 less than President Ra( O 1Il"f ) Claims Failure a Panel U.S .-Asia IHC Says Yes on New Constitution By DAVE TARR Members of Inter-House Council last night unanimously approved a revised edition of their proposed new Constitution and submitted it Y to the House for ratification. The new proposal must now be approved by a majority vote in two-thirds of the House Councils and the Board of Governors to be enacted. In a substitute motion form the body accepted a streamlined ver- sion of the Constitution approved last week. Voted 22-18 At that meeting, IHC voted ap- proval, 22-18, of the Structure Reorganization Committee report containing the ,proposed Consti- tution. However, the vote was not the sufficient two-thirds necessary to submit it to the Houses. Bob Warrick, '57E, IHC presi- dent, said he was "quite happy the difficulties encountered last week could be worked out. I hope the Houses will ratify it within two weeks so that we may hold a meeting of the rew organization this year." Reduced Version This second Constitution, re- duced seven pages in length, pre- vented an expected lengthy debate over the document's wording by combining, eliminating and trans- ferring to By-laws many sections. Bill Hanks, '56BAd, chairman of the Reorganization Committee, said "That seven people were will- ing to study until four in the morning to work out the details is indicative of the strong in- terests in developing a good resi- dence hall student government." Neither Warrick or Hanks saw any treason to doubt that the Houses would ratify the proposed Constitution. If it is ratified the present 55 member body will be replacd by a 23 member council of house presidents. Particeipants In Freedon- By TAMMY MORRISON Speakers for Academic Freedom Week, May 21-25, have been an- nounced by Jim Dygert, '56BAd, chairman of the Student Govern- ment Council sponsored event. Academic Freedom Week will open May 21 with a talk by Har- lan H. Hatcher, president of the University, at a luncheon to be attended by representatives from the University. a representative * from the city, the week's speak- ers, essay contest judges and SGC members. Prof. Amos H. Hawley, chairman of sociology department and Prof. Warner G. Rice, chairman of the English department, will debate on the topic "Do We Have Aca- demic Freedom at Michigan?" at 7:30 p.m. May 22 in Auditorium A, Angell Hall. Russell Kirk, who has written extensively on academic freedom, will speak at 4:15 p.m. May 23 in Auditorium A., Angell Hall. ' At 7:30 p.m. May 24 in Audit- orium B, Angell Hall, there will be a forum on the topic "Academic Freedom: Dead or Alive at Michi- gan?" Prof. Gerhard Lenski, of the sociology department, .will moder- ate, while panel members will be 4tisenhower requested. Much of the cut, however, was of a book- keeping nature and did not involve so-called "hardware" and procure- ment programs. The total is $1,741,832,374 more than the department was given this year. The attempt to add the billion dollars to the Air Force, for pro- curement of long-range B52 bomb- ers, was led by Rep. Flood (D-Pa.) a committee member. Keep 'Air Supremacy' Floodsaid this is no time to "sacrifice" air supremacy for a balanced budget and warned of Russia's growing air power. His amendment was defeated by a one-sided voice-vote after other committee members said the Air Force already has as much money as it can use and is working on a bomber superior to the B52. The money voted for plane pro- curement was the exact amount requested by the President. More Strength The new money, plus carryover funds, would give the Defense De- partment $46,233,000,000 during the new fiscal year and contem- plates military strength of 2,865,- 200 on June 30, 1957, compared with 2,810,100 on June 30 of this year. Here's how the new money would be allotted: ARMY-$7,497,582,000, a budget cut of $263,843,000 but $167,629,000 more than this year. NAVY-$9,999,534,000, a budget cut of $48,066,000 but an increase of $871,774,444 over this year. AIR FORCE-$15,479,125,000, a budget cut of $187,375,000 but an increase of $379,361,830 over this year. Cite Pro blems Of Mackinac Bridge Plans David B. Steinman, chief eng- ineer of the Straits of Mackinac Bridge, discussed the problems faced by the bridge engineers last night in a talk at the Rackham Amphitheater last night. His speech, "The Mackinac Bridge-Conquering the Impos- sible," was accompanied by slides depicting the planning and de- velopment of the project. Mr. Steinman will address the Honors Convocation today in Hill Auditorium. -Daily-John Hirtzei PROF. WILLIAM R. STEINHOFF answers an audience question at last night's Literary College Steering Committee Conference. '' Conference Discusses LS&A College Problems By KEITH DeVRIES -of a.Literary College" was hardly Literary College Steering Com- touched upon as the three man mittee's Conference last night at faculty panel and the audience the Union turned into a heated plunged into more controversial discussion over the responsibility subjects. for a lack of communication be- tween faculty and students. The announced topic of "Why a Liberal Education: the Function Drut-lidsTa From the Stronghenge circle Aided by the witches cauldron Mystic plans were brewed in darkness. Many twigs were examined Many rocks were overturned Subjected to heat from blazing torches 'Give Attention' "All I'm asking is that students give as much attention to academic work as they do to activities," Prof. Marvin Felheim of the English department said. '"I've had students fall asleep in my classes after staying up all night working on The Daily or on Michigras," he continued. "I've never known anyone to fall asleep at The Daily after studying all night." Prof. RogerW. Heyns of the psy- chology department complained that students in activities hold all the "prestige positions" while those .New Farm Bill Sent To Sentate, Aiken Indicates May Be Headed For Ike's Veto WASHINGTON (A)-The Senate Agriculture Committee sent its new farm bill to the Senate floor yesterday, but Senator George D. Aiken indicated it may be headedE for another presidential veto, Aiken, who often speaks for the administration on farm policy, said he would recommend that President Dwight D. Eisenhower refuse to sign the bill unless a section boosting livestock feed grain prices is eliminated. Vetoed Last Month President Eisenhower vetoed a farm bill passed by Congress last month. He objected, among other things, to provisions boosting live- stock feed grain prices. The Democratic-controlled Ag- riculture Committee approved the new measure. The House has al- ready passed it in somewhat dif-' ferent form, and senate action is expected next week. But Senator Allen J. Ellender, chairman of the Agriculture Com- mittee said he expected the Senate to give quick approval to the com- mittee's version, Gives Ike Power The bill gives President Eisen- hower the soil bank plan he asked for to assure farmers up to $1,- 200,000,000 a year in benefit pay- ments for withdrawing land from the production of crops already in surplus. But the Senate committee, like the House, refused to give the President authority to pay 500 mil- lion dollars this year on land to be withdrawn next year. Without advance payments, the adminis- tration contends, few farmers could Observed by men of knowledge who have "distinguished them- and magic. selves academically" and "partici- Those decayed, were burned and pated in the liberal educational destroyed. tradition are honored on only one Finally from the murky grove day," From the Cave where Fingal Intellectual Deadening perished Students in the audience charged The Order of the Mighty Oak that the causes of lack of aca- emerged demic interest stemmed from in- Causing the earth to shake and tellectual deadening brought on by shiver overly large classes, badly-chosen Causing nations and peoples to required courses and faculty dis- cower interestedness. All to bend the twig and sapling The other member of the panel, And to capture the sturdy ay- Prof. William R. Steinhoff of the wends: - English department, admitted that Back - Beating Buffalo - Berry "we suffer as much from lack of Barber, Deadly-Dynamo Dwarf- communication from faculty to Chestnut Deppe, Enterprising El- student as vice versa." der Engman, Headline-Hunting He added, however, that stu- Hop-Tree Heilpern, Jouncing June- dents don't take enough advantage berry Jaffe, Mashie Manuvering of the opportunities to meet with Moosewood Mac'Michael, N e c k - their instructors. Knocking Nutcracker Nyron, Over- A student then retorted that his powering Osage OrwigP Pow-Pow- instructors were the first to walk ing Poplar Potter, Purse-Pulling out of a classroom and that the Peanut Pusch, Rampaging Red- only times that they would meet wood Rotunno, Swig-Swaging Sas- with students was during their safrass Shannon, Sapient Sheep- limited office hours. berry Straayer, T w i n - K il1 i n g Only Human Thornberry Tippery, Torrid Twirl- Prof. Felheim asked students to nig Tealewood Thurston, Versatile remember that "we on the faculty Vibernum Vick, Wee - Waddling are only human." W h i p p l e tr e e Wander, Water- Explaining that instructors have Whipping White Ash Wehner, only limited time, he said that he Wheedling Whistlewood Wiley, felt that they would be as much Women-Wooing Wahoo Williams, help to students by devoting time Split-Second Shooting Shagbark to preparing for classes and in- Shearon, Go Get'um Ash Gregory, creasing their knowledge instead Klobbering Kingnut Karpinka. of spending all of their time con- The Druids have Spoken! sulting with students. Union Conference To Gather Groups By VERNON NAHRGANG Eighty guests from allphases of the University are expected to attend tomorrow's Student, Faculty and Administration Conference at the Union. Co-sponsored by Student Government Council and the Union, the conference begins at 10 a.m. and, including a dinner, will last until 4 p.m., in rooms 3A, K, L, M, N of the Union. Discuss Common Problems Purpose of the conference, according to Chairman Roger Dalton, '58E, is to discuss common problems of the. three groups involved. "In the past," Dalton said yes- , terday, "the conferences have been merely an exchange of ideas. The students came to the discussions not having seriously considered the problems. "This time we would like to see something concrete accomplished, more than just a throwing of ideas back and forth," Dalton con- tinued. "Perhaps a study com- mittee might even be started." Lewis Opens Program Vice-President of Student Af- fairs James A. Lewis will open to- morrow's program with a short talk on the value of the conference. Student government forum will be chaired by SGC President Bill Adams, '57. Student conduct meetings will be led by Joint Judiciary Chairman Roger Anderson, '56E. . Former SGC head Hank Berlin- er, '56, will organize the third dis- cussion, concerned with University expansion. Conference guests will remain with one of these groups through- out the day, including the lunch. Agendas and background briefs have been prepared for each of the three groups. At 2:30 p.m., conference parti- cipants will return to a general meeting where- group leaders will report on each group's progress and recommendations. Co-ops Buy New House A new house has been purchased by the Inter-Cooperative Council, president W. Stuart Hunter, Grad., announced yesterday. The new structure will be the eighth ICC dwelling on campus. Located at 917 S. Forest, the house has a capacity of 19 roomers. Although the $22,500 bid has been accepted by the owners, the purchase is still subject to the approval of the University. "'Ve hope to have this ready for occupancy by next September," Hunter said. At last night's ICC meeting, the results of the recent elections were announced. Hunter is the new In- ter-Cooperative Council president; Randall Longcore, '57, is vice- president; and Myra Levin, 58, is treasurer. benefit from year because advanced. the soil bank this the season is so far IFC Gives Fraternity1 $100 .Fine By ALLAN STILLWAGON Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity wasi fined $100 last night by the Inter- fraternity Council Executive Com- mittee.1 The Committee also passed al motion refusing to allocate funds' to send their Student Government1 Council to the National Students Association Conference in Chica- go, August 21-31. Various ex-of- ficio groups have been asked by SGC to cover the expenses of their, delegates in order that SGC funds might be used to send younger Council personnel. The groups rationale was that funds from SGC's student tax were sufficient to cover the costs for all Council members.- 'Scavenger Hunt' The Alpha Epsilon Pi fine came1 as a result of a pledge "scavenger hunt" to the University of Iowa7 during the weekend of April 29.1 Four local pledges were delegated to bring back street signs, a police ticket, and signatures from Iowa's. President and Athletic director. They were arrested by police for disturbing the peace and re- ceived fines totaling $230. The money will be contributed by the IFC to Iowa's scholarship fund, Tim Leedy, '57 BAd, IFC1 President, announced. "Any ac- tion of a group of students in a fraternity involves definite re-; sponsibility of the organization for the conduct of the individuals," he said. "It is the exception that always occurs which can destroy months of h- :d work building up fraterni- ty public relations," he added. This was the first such discip- linary action taken by the IFC since they levied a $100 fine on Sigma Chi for the violation of rushing rules two months ago. Eisenhower In Hospital For Checkup WASHINGTON (R) -President Dwight D. Eisenhower entered the Army's Walter Reed Hospital late yesterday for a full-scale physical examination. It is to include a new check on the condition of his heart. The doctor's findings are to be announced tomorrow. They are sure to have political significance with the President a candidate for relection. He suffered a heart at- tack Sept. 24, 1955. Te Solemn Face The President checked into the hospital at 5:55 p.m. Hatless and wearing a brown suit, he had a solemn look on his face as he stepped from his limousine, but he smiled on spotting Major Gen- eral Leonard D. Heaton, the hos- pital commandant. "Leonard, how are you?" Presi- dent Eisenhower asked, shaking hands. Medical Report Due A staff of doctors plans to start the actual examination this morn- No Answer To Question Of Neutrals Seminar Adjourned After 45-Minute Inquiry Into Problem By DONNA HANSON The Asian-American Seminar "has failed to serve its original purpose," Prof. V.K.R.V. Rao, rep- resentative from India, emphati- cally declared yesterday. Turning toward an audience of about twenty-five organization rep- resentatives from all over Michi- gan, Prof. Rao made the accusa- tion that the seminar failed be- cause "we (the Asian and American panel participants) have not cleared up misunderstandings which I have come 10,000 miles to do." Referring specifically to the question: Is it possible to be neu- tral and still conform to demo- cratic ideals, Prof. Rao charged that the chairman had repeatedly postponed discussion on this issue "from the first meeting to the third-then from today's morning session to this afternoon, and now you say it is too late." Discussed Culture Up to this point in yesterday's entire morning and afternoon ses- sions, the panel, composed of rep- resentatives from five Asian coun- tries and six Americans, discussed labor movements, culture and'hu- man values. It was at 4:00 p.m'. when Chair- man Samuel P. Hayes, Jr., of the economics department, announced the final adjournment of the Semi- nar, when Prof. Rao, Director of the School of Economics at the University of Delhi, made his dec- laration and appealed to the audi- ence for support of his accusation -which he received. The assembled group then de- cided. to extend the meeting an extra 45 minutes to discuss the American misunderstanding to- ward the' Asians on neutrality. Dr. Bahder Djohan, President of the University of Indonesia, spoke for his country saying that Indo- nesia could be both democratic and neutral. Possesses Democracy "From the very beginning we have been possessors of absolute democracy," Dr. Djohan said. "You are of the opinion that if we aren't on the side of America, we are on the other side." In answer to an American panel- ist's query asking if he thought by being neutral, Indonesia would not be adequately fighting the ag- gression of Communism, Dr. Djo- han replied, "At the present, we don't feel that Communism is a threat. "Until the danger arises, we can be free,'independent and neutral." Chairman Hayes then recognized Prof. Rao who rose and addressed Hayes saying, "I am glad I was at last able to catch your eye. I didn't think you were interested in India's position on this issue." Prof. Rao, who had been the Seminar's most frequent speaker throughout the five meetings, be- gan discussing India's position on the neutrality question claiming, "We are not neutralists. See SEMINAR, Page 6 Mighty Sphix Grabs Slaves Once again the Pharaoh has commanded his legions to cross the great desert and invade the land of the barbarians to pick slaves for the Pharaoh's Court. Once again the East has learned to fear the Pharaoh's might. Into the temple, where gathers the Court, came neophyte slaves to the Great Court of Sphinx. IHere they learned of many things. Here they learned to dedicate themselves to Michigan, and to No Sweat Delinquent bicyclists who have failed to obtain their Ann Arbor bicycle licenses have little to fear from the city police. According to Lt. W a l t e r Krasny, of the Ann Arbor police department, bicycles will be impounded today only from city sidewalks. City jurisdiction does not extend into University- owned property. Tickets will be given, how- ever, on non-licensed bicycles. TO OPEN FALL, 1957: Begin Construction on New Library By GERALD DeMAAGD The new $3,680,000 University undergraduate library scheduled for completion in the Fall of 1957 and ready for occupancy that same winter is now in its first stages of construction. "The library is designed to encourage people to read good books," director of the University Library, Fredrick H. Wagman pointed out' yesterday. Open Stack Plan The construction drawings call for an open-stack plan designed to make all books easily available to students, he said. The library will enclose four large reading rooms, one on each floor. The top door of the five storied building will contain the transportation library and a 136 ft. room lined with tackboard for use of fine arts students. "We hope the library will be an intellectual center for the undergraduates," Wagman said. The library will serve as a labora- tory for the social humanities and sciences, the director said. "We are trying to bring together a collection of the best books that are representative of our past civilization as well as current thought and creative expression," he said. k n w _ r - Its main purpose is to reserve a quiet place to read and study. ing. He will leave the hospital " {:iv ::: :.. .. :::. . "' "- i::~ ' : ? :'. ::.::i:ii :::: :::t: : :: ::i::i: .:: a1 lg E :111:11