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May 10, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-05-10

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clr1r c1igwn Ball
Sixty-Sixth Year

Party Bolt

en Opinions Are Free.
'rutb Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

JRSDAY, MAY 10, 1956,


The Liberal Education:
Ideals and Practicalities


FOR THE THIRD time this year, the Literary
College Steering Committee is sponsoring a.
confer'ence on the topic "Why a Liberal Edu-
cation." The discussion tonight will center
on the general area of the function of a literary
If for no other reason than the fact that an
ever increasing number of the 6,314 students in
the Literary College are beginning to question
the practicality of a liberal education, the con-
ference is necessary.
Its value, however, will depend on whether
or not its participants, especially the well-
versed panel, can reconcile the idealistic ad-
vantages of a liberal education with the practi-
cal situation a student confronts on leaving
school. -
THE WHOLE PROBLEM was summed up,
albeit humorously, the other day in a syndi-
cated advertisement written by Max Shulman.
"The school year draws to an end, and every-
body is wondering about the future-everybody,
that is, except the engineers. Today there is not
a single engineer on a single campus who has
not received a dozen fabulous offers from a
dozen corporations."
The phrase "liberal education" has come to
be accepted today in a hurrah-sin-boo-virtue
vein. Its opponents are accused of having no
ideals, of being materialists, of lacking any

kind of a philosophical goal in life, of not being
able to think.
No self-respecting engineer or business ad-
ministration major would admit that his field of
schooling did not incorporate some of the ideals
of'a liberal education.
THERE IS GENERAL agreement that liberal
education is the thing from the standpoint of
spiritual stimulation, formation of ideals and
development of critical thinking.
But as a graduating English major said, "You
can't eat, dreams." Unless the product of a
liberal education wishes to go into sales work
(and it is understandable why he often does
not),=there is little left in choice of occupations
which will satisfy him economically.
Politics, an area in need of capable, intelli-
gent-thinking individuals, is hard to enter in
any way which would enable the individual to
make a living. Teaching also is often prohibi-
tive from an economic standpoint.
NO WONDER it is difficult for so many liberal
education students to understand why they
are receiving something more than the typical
product of one of the "practical" curriculums.
Tonight's panel should have little trouble
proving that a liberal education is an ideal one.
It should also consider the matter of liberal
education as a practical process.

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Truman Lacks Ike's Blessing

Pedagogue to Propagandist

STATEMENTS by three professors of education
at the University bear but an ominous
change in the public school system.
Commenting on a recent article in the At-
lantic Monthly, the educators questioned the
validity of one statement in particular: that
"the school's central- function is academic
The professors called the notion out-of-date.
They said that it does not refer to present
needs and ideas. As one of the educators put
it, the school "has the responsibility to develop
other values" such as "assimilating individuals
into a group and making them feel they are
part of it."
This statement characterizes the growing at-
titude that the schools must help children
adjust to, society. This philosophy at times
goes so far as to assert that the school's pri-
mary duty is to instill ideas of right and wrong
into the students, at the expense of teaching
the three R's.
IN EFFECT, the schools seem to be taking
over the practices that are ordinarily con-
sidered to be the right of the child's parents
and no one else.
What is more, people do not appear to be
fully aware of this change.
One of the professors of education argued
that unless the schools, teach right and wrong,
the result may be "merely to educate crooks."
Of course, there is no question that people

must have moral training. But is the school
rather than the family the- agency to carry
out this training?
HE SCHOOL is ikpersonal. It must do things
en masse. It has neither the time, funds
nor personnel to provide for individual train-
ing. Therefore, a standardized procedure would
be necessary for the schools to carry out moral
Thus, the first effect of a mass ethical train-
ing program would be severe conformity. If
everyone is taught the same principles and
holds the same values each would automatic-
ally be a stamped image of the other'. Such
drastic conformity would quickly stifle pro-
Moreover, unless one can say that there are
filial ethical truths, a mass indoctrination pro-.
gram is inexcusable. Suppose the school is
wrong on some point?
The school could do tremendous damage. In-
deed, it may be doing that damage now. Up-
bringing and moral training must be an in-
dividual matter.
THE SCHOOL'S function is thus shifting from
tutor to indoctrinator, from pedagogue to
propagandist. It interferes far more with the
student's private life. By some standards it
might be considered overbearing.
Or another word that may be used is "op-

THE REASONS why President
Eisenhower is not bestowing
any official status or personal
blessing on the trip of ex-Presi-
dent Harry Truman as he departs
for Europe go back to a series of
incidents. They have led to con-
siderable bitterness on the part of
the President toward the ex-Presi-
Mr. Truman will be entertained
by U.S. ambassadors abroad, also
by the Queen of England and oth-
er heads of state. But he will have
no official standing.
At one time after the trium-
phant tour of Bulganin and
Khrushchev through India, Bur-
ma, and the Middle East, various
U.S. ambassadors urged that a top-
level American tour those coun-
tries to counteract the Soviet trip.
Mr. Truman's name was mentioned
among the possible envoys, but the
suggestion never got beyond the
state department which knew how
Truman was regarded in the White
took the good will trip to India
and Pakistan instead, but was not
invited to Burma. He angled for
an invitation, but Premier U Nu
did not extend one.
Background of the Eisenhower
resentment against Truman goes
back to the 1952 Presidential cam-
paign when Truman delivered a
blast against Eisenhower for be-
ing as much to blame as anyone
else for the Russian corridor
around the city of Berlin. Tru-
man pointed out that Eisenhower
had been his chief military adviser
at Potsdam, had assented to the

Berlin agreement, therefore should
not criticize the Democrats for its
Came inauguration day, Jan. 20,
when the President and the Presi-
dent-elect ride to the capitol to-
gether for the swearing in cere-
mony. Here the first hint of Eis-
enhower bitterness cropped out.
AS PRESIDENT Truman stood
in the White House front hall wait-
ing for the President-elect, Eisen-
hower drove up to the front door
but did not get out of the car as
is customary, to greet the man who
was still President of the United
Truman waited in the front hall.
Finally it became apparent that
Eisenhower was not going to get
out of the car, so Truman went
out to the car and they both drove
to the Capitol. They observed the
amenities but that was all.
That spring when Truman came
back to Washington for the first
time, he was not invited to the
White House. He remarked to
friends that he had invited Her-
bert Hoover to the White House
and told him he wanted him to
consider it his second home. He
also placed a White House car at
Hoover's disposal.
WHAT REALLY hurt Truman
was an incident in Kansas City a
year and a half ago when Eisen-
hower came there to dedicate the
new Stockmen's Building. Tru-
man called Ike's headquarters at
the Muehlbach Hotel to say he
would like to call on the President
to pay his respects. He explained

he did not want the President to
be in his home town without pay-
ing him the courtesy of a call. A
Presidential aide gave him an in-
conclusive answer. Truman called
a second time, finally was told
that Eisenhower's schedule was full
and he could not see him.
Eisenhower has taken little pains
of late to hide his feelings to-
ward the ex-President. He has
been especially bitter at Truman's
reference to him as a "part-time
President." Ike repeats this as a
Truman charge that he is a "do-
nothing President."
Recently, Eisenhower told friends
that the chief reason he ran for
President in 1952 was to keep Tru-
man from running again; that he
hoped Truman would run this year
so he, Ike, could have the pleasure
of giving him the trouncing of his
TIMES CHANGE in Washing-
ton. It was only a few years ago
that the most dignified and im-
portant embassy in the nation's
capital was located on Connecti-
cut Avenue just below Dumont
That embassy, which at times
has represented British labor gov-
ernments, has now moved out to
Massachusetts Avenue. The Ar-
chaic building that housed it was
torn down, and last week a new
office building, as modernistic as
any in town, was dedicated. , It
houses not a big business corpora-
tion but a labor union.
(Copyright, 1956, by Bell syndicate, Inc.)

to the
Prof. Ham's Review...
To the Editor:
THE TONE of Prof. Ham's re-
view of the French Play sug-
gests that he is willing to be
criticised himself. I do not wish
to be bitter, but merely hope to
clear up a misunderstanding.
It should be noted first though,
that Prof. Ham is completely right
when he says that the cast and
directof "did themselves proud."
The performance was superb and
as a personal friend of Prof. Koel-
la's I could not help feeling proud
myself at having had the occas-
ion of associating with such a
fine person over the past four
years. The play was a triumph
for the director-a triumph which
he rightly deserves.
In view of this, Prof. Ham's
"reservations" seem ridiculous.
And especially his comments on
the rehearsals show a lack of un-
derstanding of what it means to
train Americans to act in French.
It is necessary for Prof. Koella
to work line by line over and over
again, with each player so that
the proper pronunciation and in-
tonation may be achieved. The
play is not in a half-presentable
form until after spring vacation.
In light of this, it is amazing
that Prof. Koella is able to have
the play ready in so short a time.
Whether the play runs for one
night or one year, the first per-
formance must be up to Prof.
Koella's high standards-a feat
that would be impossible if re-
hearsals were conducted .over a
shorter period.
There is an attitude which pre-
vails among many of the senior
members of the French Depart-
ment that it is not necessary to
speak French in class. This not
only turns French into a dead
language but makes it necessary
for directors of French plays to
work extra hours to give the actors
training they should have received
in the classroom
-John Shepherd, '56
Honoraries and Tapping
To the Editor:
ONE HATES to write a letter to
the Daily concerning an edi-
torial because it is an acknowl-
edgement that people really do
read the editorial page. But Er-
nie Theodossin's dissertation on
honoraries, their tapping proced-
ures; commercialism, "puberty
rites," the "Mother of the Year,"
and many other scintillating sub-
jects has aroused some ire.
The editorial is mistaken in that
it stretches the truth, uses poor
analogies, and comes to an absurd
conclusion. It's a shame to burst
the bubble of clever, analytical
journalism, but several mistakes
should be corrected. "They burned
the face of a young man," the
editorial states, referring to the
Druids. Actually, the man burned
was an old member, and the burn-
ing occurred when a torch ex-
ploded while being lit. (Obviously,
the flame was to be used to skew-
er the neophytes while they ro-
tated on a spit.) The "mashed in
front tooth" of another was the
result of a misplaced stp while
entering a car. Other distortions
appeared in the article, but why
waste newsprint listing them. Too
much waste occurs on the left side
of this page.
Theodossin's editorial obviously
misses the point of honoraries and
creates a grossly erroneous im-
pression of their aims and pro-
cedures. The two or three hours

spent in public where they are
subjected to the laughter of pass-
ers-by are very inconsequential
when compared with the lifetime
associations and benefits the mem-
ber gains.
-R. T. Good, '56 BAd.
More Aichithanks *
To the Editor:
Helzberg, Co-Chairmen of
Michigras, are always thanking
people for the work they put into
Michigras. I think it is about
time somebody thanked them for
all the time and work they them-
selves put into Michigras, to make
it the success it was. So to Paula
and -Barney, thanks.
Low Intellect? . .
To the Editor:
IN REPLY to Mr. Eisenberg's in-
quiry as regards his maturity
and ability to thnk rationally-
and come to a "logical decision,"
we should like to suggest that he
has answered his own question in
the subsequent paragraph in which
he points out the "low intellec-
tual level" of Business Adminis-
tration and Engineering students.
As Engineering students, we are
grateful to have someone of Mr.
Eisenberg's insight and ability to
direct our future efforts. Without
Mr. Eisenberg's maturity and his
ability to think rationally and
lozi allv Alou rfforts in annlvina

THE Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN from to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding p'ublication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in by
2 V.m. Friday.
THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1956
General Notices
There seems to be some confusion
as to when classes end for the second
semester of the present University year.
According to the official Academi
Calendar for 1955-56 classes end on the
evening of Tues., May 29. Examinations
begin Fri. morning, June 1, and end
Thursday afternoon. June 14.
Herbert G, watkins, Secy.
Graduating Seniors who wish to rent
caps and gowns should place orders
now at Moe's Sport Shop, 711 N. Uni-
Undergraduate Honors Convocation.
The annual Convocation recogniing
undergraduate honor students win'be
held at 11 a.m. Fri., May 11, in Hil
Auditorium. Dr. David B. Steinman,
engineer and bridge designer, will speak
on the subject "The Spiritual Challenge
of the Atomic Age."
Honor students will be excused from
attending their 10 o'clockeclasses. All
classes, with the exception of clinics
and graduate seminars, will be dismissed
at 10:45 for the Convocation. However,
seniors may be excused from clinics and
Academic costume will be worn by
faculty members, who will robe back-
stage and proceed to their seats on the
stage. Honor students will not wear
caps and gowns. Main floor seats will
be reserved for them and their families
and will be held until 1045. Doorsof
the Auditorium will open at 10:3. The
public is invited.
The 50th Annual French Play: Pie-
tures of Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme are
one display on the main floor of the
Romance Language Building. Members
of the cast and others who want them
please place your orders with Mrs. OWi-
speed, 112 Romance Language Bldg.
The following student sponsored social
events are approved for the coming
weekend. Social chairmen are reminded
that requests for approval for social
events are due in the Office of iStudent
Affairs not later than 12 o'clock noon
on the Tuesday prior to the event.
May 11: Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha
Omicron Pi, Chi Omega, Couzens Hall,
Delta Delta Delta, Delta Gamma, Delta
Theta Phi, Kappa Delta, Kappa Kappa
Gamma, Kappa Sigma, Martha Cook
Bldg., Phi Delta Phi, Sigma Alpha Mu,
Stockwell House and Chicago House.
May 12: Allen Rumsey, Alpha Epsilo.
Phi, Alpha Epsilon Pi, Alpha Kappa
Kappa, Alpha Phi, Alpha Tau Omega,
Chi Phi, Delta Chi, Delta Theta Phi,
Gamma Phi Beta, Ruber House, Jor-
dan, Kappa Alpha Psi, Phi Chi, Phi
Delta Epsilon, Phi Delta Phi, Phi Kappa
Psi, Phi Sigma Delta, Phi Sigma Kappa,
Prescott, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma
Alpha Mu, Sigma Delta Tau, Sigea Phi
Epsilon, Strauss, Tau Kappa Epsilon,
Theta xi, van Tyne, West Quad, Zeta
Beta Tau.
May 13: Adelia Cheever, Alice Lloyd,
Fletcher Hall, Jordan, Phi Delta Phi,
Scott House.
Research Seminar of the Mental
Health 'Research Institute. Dr. N. Ra-
shevsky, Professor of Mathematical
Biology, University of Chicago, will
speak on "Mathematical Models and
Principles in Biology," May 10, 1:30-3:30
Conference Room, Children's Psychiatric
Panel Discussion, Asian-American
Seminar. "Asian and American Views
on Capitalism, Civil Rights and Human.
Values," 8 p.m. Fri., May 11, Rackham
Lecture Hall. Open to public.
Student Recital: Meredyth Manna,
soprano, program in partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Music at 8:30 p.m. Thurs.,
May 10, Rackham Assembly Hall. Pupil
of Arlene Sollenberger, Miss Manns will
sing compositions by Bach, Mahler,
Donaudy, Respighi, and Chausson. Open
to the general public.
Carillon Recital by Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, and Julia
Hollyer, senior in the School of Music,
7:15 this evening. Prof. Price will open
the program with compositions by
William Byrd, Robert Johnson, Martin
Peerson and John Bull; Miss Hollyer
will play O Du Allerheiligste, German
Pilgrim's Song arranged by Prof. Price,
Sonata by Scarlatti, Impromptu for
Carillon by Timmermans, and Passa-
caglia for Carillon by Hart. The pro-
gram will close with Professor Price's
performance of his own Fantasy No. 5
for Carillon.
Student Recital: Alice Dutcher, mez-
zo-soprano, recital in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the Bachelor
of Musicddegree at 8:30 p.m. Fri., May
11, in Auditorium A of Angell Hall..
A pupil of Harold Haugh, Miss Dutcher
will sing works by Bach, Rossini, Mous-
sorgsky and Respighi. Open to the
general public.
Academic Notices
Freshmen and Sophomores, College of
LS&A. Those students who will have
fewer than 55 hours at the end of this
semester and who have not yet had their
elections approved for the Fall Semester
should make an appointment at the
Faculty Counselors Office for Freshmen
and Sophomores, 1210 Angell Hall. If
you do not have your fall elections
approved before the final examination
period, it will be necessary for you to
do this the half day before you are
scheduled to register next fall. Be-
causeregistration will being on Mon-
day, September 17, the "half day be-
fore" Monday morning will be Saturday
afternoon, September 15,
Literary College Steering Committee:












The Russians in London
THE SOVIET visits to London were carried the maintenance of the West European oil
out on two planes, one being a public en- supply from the Middle East, were fighting
counter in propaganda and public relations, the matters.
other a serious exchange of views between .the Malenkov. at least, seems to have ack-
two governments .. nowledged explicitly the validity of these two
Much has been written about the public en- British interests. A few days after his return
counter, about the silence of the crowds and home, the Soviet government issued its state-
about the row at the Labor party dinner. We ment in support of the U.N. mediation.
can readily exaggerate the significance of The talks with Bulganin and Khrushchev
that side of the affair. In France or Italy, with brought further confirmation of the shift in
their large Communist parties, a cool and Soviet Middle Eastern policy. It transpired
rather unfriendly public reception would have that the Soviet Union does not itself need or
been news. But in Britain the Communists want the oil of the Middle East. We are not
are negligible as a political party. The ele- faced, therefore, with a conflict of vital inter-
ments of -a popular front, such as Moscow ests between the Soviet Union and Western
now hopes for, do not exist. Europe each seeking the, oil of the Middle
There is a general agreement in London that East. Moreover, the Arab states do not have
talking with Malenkov, Bulganin and Khrush- ir the Soviet Union an alternative customer
chev is quite a different thing from what it for their oil,
has been to talk with Molotov. The conversa-
tions seem to have gone well in the sense that THERUSSIAN visitors, I was told, said frank-
the speaking was plain, unemotional and mat- ly that they would make trouble for Brtan
ter of fact. The language was that of un- in the oil fields in order, to nullify the Baghdad
adorned, unself -conscious and unashamed pow- pact. In their eyes, this pact is a military
er politics-'of alliances, bases, oil, bombers, arrangement leading to the establishment of
missiles, steel and ships. In terms such as United States Strategic Air Force bases in Iraq
these, the conditions not of friendship but of and Iran. They were given assurances that
co-existence were freelydiscussed. the pact was purely defensive. But it is not
probable that they believed these assurances.
ALTHOUGH there was no formal agreement, There is something here for diplomacy to do.
there seems to have been progress towards We can have cautious confidence that for
a meeting of minds about the Middle East. the near future at least the danger of war
Ther'e is some reason to think that the ground in the Middle East has been reduced. The
was prepared for this during Malenkov's ex- danger lay in the encouragement, which came
ploratory visit to England. He had then been near to being the incitement, of Nasser by the
told in the plainest terms, particularly by the Soviet Union, bent on forcing its way into the
T.hr'1v sdm h_ t m th iivrvivl of Isael ,nrd Miidle East.


Art Combines Method and Content

. Y,


(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sec-
ond in a series of three articles on
an exhibit by two members of the
Design School faculty.)
Daily Staff Writer
chitecture and Design Build-
ing is at present graced with the
recent works of two instructors
on the Visual Arts faculty.
Drawings and paintings in half-
a-dozen dfferent media line both
walls, in an exhibit scheduled to
remain until May 20.
* * *
THE CREATIVE efforts of both
Albert Weber and Robert Beetem
reflect a search for new ideas and
more expressive techniques. Beet-
em said "Most of my own paint-
ings here combine related experi-
ments in materials and content."
He said that it is most import-
ant for a painter to reinforce the
subject and meaning of his work
with the technique and media
He commented that modern cri-
ticism often sees antagonism be-
tween the form and the content in
a work of art, between the means
used to express an idea and the
idea itself.
"I believe great art fuses these

due to the difficulty of thinking up
titles. Rather the restricting na-
ture of titles for the spectator kept
either artist from labeling his
comes easy to our time; one can
see an exhibition by reading la-
bels-title, medium, artist, style."
He said that while categorizing
is valuable in studying art it is
not in experiencing a picture. One
can prejudice his viewing of pic-
tures by mental labelling, for this
results in seeing according to pre-
This labelling may occur in both
those greatly experienced in seeing
art-persons equipped with a full
set of labels--or with the layman,
who merely thinks he knows what
a bull or tree or man should look
* * *
AGAIN WARNS Beetem: "The
danger lies'dn substituting a stereo-
type or generality for the indivi-
dual, particular experience which
results from a given work of art."
He felt the absence of a title
can help to force the spectator to.
look actively and alertly at the
painting or drawing, judging it on
,its own merits and not on the pre-
conceptions he has formed from





Both idea and method are inter-
A similar correlation occurs in
Beetem's oils. He has long ad-
mired the sixteenth century Vene-
tian use of oil glazes and has ex-
perimented on possble adaptations
for use in his own painting.
have developed which utilize the




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