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May 10, 1956 - Image 1

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Liberal Education,
Ideals and Practicalities
See Page 4

icl: I 4r

Latest Deadline in the State


op #


VOL. LXVI, No. 151





SGC OK's Auto
Ban Committee
$2,900,00 Proj ect Includes
Addition, Deferred Maintenance
Student, Government Council yesterday approved a motion to
set up a three-member sub-committee to work with the Administra-
tion and Joint Judiciary Council in settling problems related to fees,
enforcement and adjucation for the new driving regulations.
Acting on the recommendation of Assistant Dean of Men Karl
D. Streiff, Council member Tom Sawyer, '58, moved that the sub-
committee be composed of at least two SGC members, and that it
report back to the Council with its recommendations.
Lewis Outlines
The motion came after Vice-President for Student Affairs James
A. Lewis had outlined some of the problems facing the Administra-

Ike Defeats 'U' Explains
Kefauver Fire Dept.
In Primary Financing

Senator George

To End Career

" 1SS1n1 U,
Student Safe
-In Navy
The search for William Frank
Matzen, '58E, missing since last
Friday morning, came to a fortu-
nate ending yesterday.
The former University student
was reported by Navy officials at
Little Rock, Ark., as' having "en-
listed in the Navy at Shreveport,
La. for a four-year term Monday
Ann Arbor police and local Boy
Scouts were just preparing a cor-
plete search of the campus and
river areas when the Navy recruit-
ing substation at Shreveport pro-
duced the answer to the mysterious
Matzen told his father he left
his dormitory Friday morning and
hitch-hiked to Shreveport. He said
he was not aware he had left his
wallet and identification behind
until he was well on his way.
Matzen, who had plans for the
ourver employment in Califor-
nia. admitted his decision to leave
was a spontaneous. one caused
mainly by academic difficulties.
Navy spokesmen at Little Rock
said Matzen was in "excellent"
condition when given a pre-induc-
tion physical. He scored 90 per cent
on a pre-enlistment mental test,
the highest grade recorded at the
station in over a year.
Matzen was first sent to Little
Rock from Shreveport for process-
ing. After being sworn in, he was
placed on a plane in Little Rock
and arrived in San Diego at 1:40
a.m. yesterday to begin basic
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third
of three articles describing the re-
actions of education experts to a
proposal to withdraw incompetent
students from the public schools.)
An article in the current Atlantic
monthly magazine recommends
that students unable to do the
academic work should not be al-,
lowed to attend school.
In the article, "What Shall We
Do With the Dullards?" the author
says that in the "usual" high
school class, the most incompetent
students set the standard for the
entire class. "As many as possible
of the latter group should be in-
duced to leave school early," au-'
thor Caspar Green suggests.

mtion with regard to setting of fees
and providing adequate enforce-
ment and parking facilities. Lewis'
said that if the University doesn't
reach a legal arrangement with
the city regarding enforcement
jurisdiction, it !will go ahead with'
enforcement plans of its own.
He also stressed the Adminis-
tration's desire to have student
help in working out the areas out-
lined in the motion.
Students Operate
The new driving regulations, ef-
fective in the fall, provide that
students over 21 may operate an
automobile at the University with
permission of the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs.
In other action taken yester-
day, the Council approved ap-
pointments to the Human Rela-
tions Board, the Cinema Guild
Board, the Housing Study Com-
mittee and the Elections Commit-
Bob Leacock, '57 and Sally Wil-
kenson, '57, were named to the
Housing Study Committee.
Asse mbly
,To Be Held
More than 900 students will re-
ceive recognition for their aca-
demic records at the Honors Con-
vocation at 11 a.m. tomorrow In
Hill Auditorium.
Main speaker for the occasion
will be David B. Steinman, designer
of the Straits of Mackinac Bridge.
Steinman's topic will be "The
Spiritual Challenge of the Atomic
A number of honored guests will
be present including Gov. G. Men-
nen Williams, Regents Vera B.
Baits, Eugene B. Power, Roscoe O.
Bonisteel and Alfred B. Connable
and Owen A. Emmons, President
of Michigan Schoolmasters' Club.
Nearly all of the students being
honored have received at least a
3.5 point average for the last two

INDIANAPOLIS (9,) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower topped Sen-
ator Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn.) in.
Indiana's presidential popularity
poll but the Tennessee Democrat
claimed yesterday he won "a great
vctory" anyway,
The first Hoosier presidential
primary in 28 years, marked by
multiplied confusion and an ex-
ceptionally light vote, failed to
turn up any signs of farmer up-
rising against the Eisenhower ad-
That was one thing both Demo-
cratic and Republican leaders in
the state agreed on-although the
Democrats are saying now the far-
mers will turn against President
Eisenhower in November and the
Republicans are saying they won't.
Party leaders also had agreed
in advance that President Eisen-
hower would roll up a bigger vote
than Sen. Kefauver in a state
which usually goes Republican
both in primary and general elec-
tions. And he did that.
Ofscourse, he snowed under his
nominal opposition on the GOP
slate, Lar Daly of Chicago, a fur-
nature manufacturer and "Ameri-
ca Firster."
President Eisenhower 353,938
and 61 per cent.
Daly 13,417 and 2 per cent.
Sen. Kefauver 216,971 and 37
per cent.
'Soapy eSeeks
LANSING (P) - Governor G.
Mennen Williams, who made his-
tory as the first Democrat to serve
three terms as Michigan's chief
executive, announced yesterday
that he will seek a fifth term in
what he described as "one of the
greatest jobs in the world."
His announcement, made at one
of his .daily press conferences,
came as no surprise to members of
either party.
Neither did the simultaneous an-
nouncement by Lieutenant Gover-
nor Philip A. Hart that he, too,
will seek reelection.
Williams used the occasioni to
repeat earlier statements that he
is not running for any office on the
national ticket.
The 45-year-old governor said
he saw "no practical possibility"
of a Williams draft at the Demo-
cratic national nominating con-
Even if there were a draft, he
said, he could see no way to run
on the national ticket after his
nomination for governor.
Under Michigan law, a guberna-
torial nominee can disqualify him-
self only by moving out of the
state or by becoming physically
unable to run.

The University's reasons for
their offer to pay 18 per cent of
the annual operating costs of the'
Ann Arbor Fire Department were
'explained yesterday by Regent''
Roscoe O. Bonisteel.
"We want to work out a program
beneficial to both the city and the
University," Regent Bonisteel said,
"and in which both parties are
treated fairly."
From a strictly legal standpoint
the University, being a constitu-
tional corporation, is exempt from
all forms of taxation, including a
tax on the property in Ann Arbor
they occupy.
Defer Expenses
However, the University feels
the benefits it derives from the
Ann Arbor fire and police protec-
tion create an .obligation for them
to help defer the expenses re-
quired to operate these city agen-
"After all, the recent extensions
in the fire and police departments
wouldn't be necessary if the Uni-
versity wasn't here," Regent Bon-
isteel said.
University and city officials
have been holding conferences
and meetings the past few months
to determine what sort of an ap-
propriation would be equitable for
both parties.
'U' Decides
The University decided on the
18 per cent figure last week. If
the city council, which now has
a workiig committee investigating
the offer, gives their approval it
would result in $60,000 in addit-
ional revenue for the city during
the fiscal year beginning July 1,
City officials requested the Uni-
versity for aid and Regent Boni-
steel said, "I think the request on
the whole is a fair one, and so is
the University's offer"
Though most University offic-
ials felt the offer "extremely gen-
erous" some city officials were dis-
appointed and "feel the University
could see their way to pay more
in lieu of the terrific benefits they
'U' Contributes
If the City Council does decide
to accept the .18 per cent figure it
will result in the University'con-
tributing money for the first time
to costs of operating the Fire De-
University help until now has
consisted of loanin a high pres-
sure fog truck and an aerial-ladder
truck to the city.
LS&A Topic,
The question of the value of a
liberal education will be explored
at the Literary College Steering
Committee Conference at 7:30 p.
in. tonight in Rm. K, L and M of
the Union,
With discussion centering around
the topic, "Why a Liberal Educa-
tion: the Function of a Literary
College," both members of the
audience and the three man fac-
ulty panel will have a chance to
voice their opinions.
ProfE Marvin Felheim of the
English department will open the
discussion with a definition of
what a liberal education has tra-
ditionally meant,.

In Congress
May Accept
Greeks Riot'
Against U.S.,
Great Britain
Four Killed, More
Injured in Athens'
Worst Mob Disorder
ATHENS, Greece (P)-Sympathy
for two Greek Cypriot gunmen
condemned to die on a British gal-
lows boiled up here yesterday in
rioting against both Britain and
the United States. Four persons
were killed and 191 injured before
troops and police restored order.
The rioting was Athens' worst DEBATE ON CAP]
since the 1944 Greek revolution. Prof. Kenneth Bo
A mob shattered the windows in each addressed an
the U.S. Information Service of- club in Rackham A
fice, dedicated to improvement of
understanding among the Western
Allies. (A, 1 !nE Ii




-Daily-vern Soden
ITALISM-Socialist economist Paul Sweezy and
ulding of the economics department as they
overflow crowd at a meeting of the economics



Greeks Fight
Angry Greeks fough't police in
an attempt to break into the build-
ing, but finally were driven off
by counterattacks, during which
the police said they fired into the
air. The office had closed for the
day, and no Americans were in-
jured there.
The rioters did not explain why
they singled out the information
center, but apparently staged thej
attack as a protest against the
United 'States' refusal to support
Greece's claim to Cyprus.
Idea Sparks
That idea sparked a window-
smashing riot by 4,000 Greek stu-
dents here Dec. 14, 1954, against
a buikling housing five U.S. agen-
cies-the U.S. Army, Navy and
Air Force missions to Greece, the
U.S. Information Agency and the
U.S. consulate.
Hard on the heels of Wednes-
day's Athens mob action, a throng
of 1,000 tried to storm the British
consulate in Salonika, Greece's
second city, 190 miles northwest
of Athens. Police turned them
back in a fight which left at least
18 persons injured.
Athens Quiet
Under heavy guard, Athens was
quiet last night.
A British flag was burned early
in the outbreak-an offshoot of
agitation within both this country
and the Greek majority on the*
British island colony of Cyprus
for union of Cyprus with Greece.
S t n e s, clubs and gunfirb,
mingled in the fighting. Of the
injured, 63 were policemen. Sev-
eral suffered bullet wounds.
IHC To Meet
Fate of the proposed new Inter-
House 'Council Constitution prob-
ably will be decided at their meet-
ing tonight in South Quad.
A sharp controversy over the
wording of the document may
cause a lengthy debate before a
vote can be taken.

Can Overcome Depressions
"Herbert Hoover never knew what hit hime" during the Great
Depression, Prof. Kenneth Boulding of the economics department said
Ilast night.-
"But to be honest, Roosevelt didn't either," he added during his
defense of capitalism before standing-room-only meeting of the
Economics Club in the Rackham, Amphitheater.
"Now, however, we do have the knowledge. to take all the real
sting out of the socialist criticism of capitalism."
Socialist economist Paul Sweezy, on the other nand, said that the
United States' best course in its economic competition with the

U. S. Wealth
Says Deant
Foundations play an important
role in our American capitalist
society, Charles Odegaard, Dean
of the College of Literature,
Science and Arts said yesterday in
the third Asian-American Semi-
Pointing out that iuch of
American accumulated wealth is
used for public purposes, Dean
Odegaard cited as examples the
Ford Foundation and the Rack-
ham Foundation.
Harold Keele, former chief coun-
sel of the Cox Committee, further
explained the role of foundations
to the five visiting Asian represen-
tatives saying "they represent a
unique expression of American at-
titude toward wealth."
Commenting upon the American
capitalist society, Prof. V.K.R.V.
Rao, Director of the School of
Economics at the University of
Delhi, said that capitalism has a
secure future in America as long
as "men get as much pleasure
giving away money as they are

Soviet Union would be "to getj
ourselves a socialist system." j
He said that at present rates of
growth, the Russian economy will
outdistance the American in 23
Sweezy derided present United
States prosperity as being "arti-
ficially" based on "war and the
preparation for war," while ad-
mitting that Russia's military es-
tablishment is also a large factor
in bolstering its economy.
Even Popular
The difference, he asserted, lies
in the way the two systems would
meet the economic problems of
disarmament. Sweezy charged that
only socialism could meet the chal-
lenge of such a decline in the de-
mand for goods, through an im-
mediate reduction in prices-
something profit-seeking capital-
ist businessmen would not toler-
Prof. Boulding answered that
government in a capitalistsystem
could cut taxes to bolster any -de-
clines in spending and accomplish
"exactly the same thing.
"It might even," he added, "be
As to the problems of control,
Prof. Boulding said it is not reas-
onable "to assume that .planners
won't make any mistakes and that
those mistakes won't be worse"
than those of capitalism.
The Russian experience, he said,
illustrates that socialism can be
plagued by "monkey - business
cycles," economic fluctuations due
to changes in governmental poli-
Greater Freedom

Senate. Dean
For Service
Reasons for Decision
Not Cited By Senator
WASHINGTON (P) - Veteran
Walter F. George (D-Ga.), the
Senate's dean with more than 33
years of service, bowed out of the
race for renomination yesterday,
The 78-year-old head of the
Senate Foreign Relations' Com
mittee and Democratic spokesman
in Congress on foreign policy indi-
cated willingness to accept next
January an offer by President
Dwight D. Eisenhower to name
'him as personal ambassador to
the North Atlantic Treaty Organi-
In that post' he would have a
major. role in tentative planning,
now under way, to expand the
NATO military alliance to cope
with political, and possibly eco-
nomic, problems,
A little sadly, Sen. George an-
nounced to a Capitol Hill news
conference that he will not run
again "for good and sufficient rea-
sons which I will not elaborate."
A mile away President Eisen-
hower was telling his own news
conference that George was one of
the wisest and most distinguished
of men "in his efforts to promote
peace and bipartisanship in inter-
national affairs."
Previously, Dr. Worth Daniels,
Sen. George's physician, had said
in a statement that he had advised
Sen. George against making a
strenuous campaign. Daniels said
Sen. George had a heart difficulty
and diabetes in mild form and
"needs to take care of himself."
Reports from Georgia, where
the Augusta Chronicle broke the
story in a copyrighted article, in-
dicated that Sen. George was fac..
ing possible primary defeat by for-
mer Gov. Herman Talmadge.
Sen. George's retirement appar-
ently leaves the way open for Goy,
Talmadge to succeed him.
Sen. George madeit clear that
he would not resign before his
term ends in January.
Druids Tap
Druids, sons of magic,
Foretellers of the future,
Priests and judges-very know-
ing, wise-
The fires in the Stonehenge
Are set alight
With flames to heaven raised;
Look upon the Awenyds,
Called from out thy mighty
The uninformed who would seek
thy light
Hence to thine Oak,
There to test their worthiness
With eyes to heaven raised,
Invoke a blessing from the
Perpetuate thy.heroic deeds,
Keep ever bright thy burning
The glory and wisdom of leaders
of old,
Stalwart Druids, true and bold.
Wuldorfaest treow "
Wisdomes tacen
Do us drycraeftig,
Vulcans Tap
Mighty Vulcan, holding court in
his forge, Mt. Aetna, sat embit-
tered at man's misuse of his be-
loved fire.
Now come to him his faithful
followers saying, "Mighty Vulcan,
hear these candidates for admis-
sion to our sacred order." These

being engineers, the only forms of
mankind the God would hear, were
forthwith put to the test, and
having passed the ordeal and
proven their worthiness, were ad-
Bob Schiller, Mars; Tom Ren-

Future of Fraternity Row'
To Be Discussed at Meeting
The future of the North Campus Fraternity Row will be dis-
cussed at a dinner meeting May 21, Tim Leedy, '57 BAd, announced
At that time, Vice-president James A. Lewis, Assistant Dean of
Men in charge of fraternities, William Zerman and members of the
IFC and Fraternity Advisors Housing Committees will examine "ele-
ments relative to the establishment of Fraternity Row."
This is the first high-level meeting that will have been held for
the past few months; progress is °
slow due to the complexity of the 'ABOLISH ROSE BOWL
problem and of fraternity govern-
ment. -..



However, Prof. Robert Fox,
principal of the University Ele- Problem Present
mentary School, countered that Fraternity and rising costs
"this is the lazy way out of a plague the Alumni corporations at
system. every turn. In the city, at least
AuthorSpakssix houses are prohibited by zoning
author Speaks ilaws to repair or improve upon
"The author talks about child- property because of restrictions on
ren who don't have a purpose, who multiple housing. Attempts by
don't seem to want to learn. I I established or incoming groups to
think it is up to the schools to help' buy land are thwarted by the same
teach these children a purpose. laws or excessive prices. "We've
"It is a problem to know how to got to go to North Campus, Leedy
provide for all the range of differ- said, "there is just no land in Ann
ences," Prof. Fox agreed,.but indi- Arbor."
cated that it is being solved, A thorough study of the prob-
Proposal Undemocratic lems by the IFC Housing commit-
"If I were to criticize his points tee is nearing completion, and the
of view, I would criticize him from Fraternity advisors association
the view that his proposal is un- maintains a committee of six to
democratic. examine every angle.
If everyone has the right to vote, But this does not mean that a
he said, it follows that everyone decision is near at hand. On the
should be educated. "Everyone has contrary, very few persons have
potential for learning except the definite opinions. Some are in

Panelists Criticize, Suppoi

Sweezy also criticized the Sovi-
rt IntercollegiateAthletics ets, finding fault 'with the "degree
of individual liberty and security"
in the country. He said, however,
By VERNON NAHRGANG that "any system which succeeds
in solving its basic economic prob-
Complete faculty control over the academic program and the lems will inevitably move toward
abolition of the Rose Bowl Pact were among constructive criticisms greater freedom and tolerance in-
of the University's Intercollegiate Athletic program made at the initial ternally."
Union Forum yesterday. Recent changes in Russian poli-
Four panelists presented their pro-con viewpoints of the athletic cy he saw as a sign that "a very
program's place in the University, spurred on by an eager audience of considerable degree of decentrali-
almost 30 persons in the Union Ballroom, zation is underway" as part of a
"The faculty should have complete control of admission of stu- "continuing search for the right
dents," Prof. Marcus L. Plant, of the Law School said. balancebetween centralization and
"The faculty should have complete control of academic standards," Market control of reso rce al-
he continued, ". . . (and) of the grading. Then the athletic program location under capitalism, Sweezy
would not become too far removed from the academic program." contended, is irrational, wasteful
Drop Rose Bowl and inefficient.
Another criticism came from panelist Lee Marks, '57BAd, of And while he does not favor "un-
The Daily, who suggested the University drop the Rose Bowl Pact. resc t consu indtso eeignty
"It's become more important," Marks said, "than the regular solism ycan "irdeouromhad
games, and it's the cause of a lot of the prestige, money and im- vertising pressure and be just as
portance placed on athletics." responsive to human demands as


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