'Bubbles' For Physics Developed
No Nero 'Black Chiffon' Players
T7 . of # f
Arrive, Start Rehearsals
A University physicist 'has de-
veloped a device which will open
the way for new developments in
the field of nuclear physics.
The instrument is a liquid
xenon-filled bubble chamber de-
veloped by Prof. Donald A. Glaser,
an improvement over the bubble
chamber developed three years ago
by Prof. Glaser. (Xenon, a rare
gas taken from air, is used as a
source of colored light in street
With the xenon chamber, physi-
cists will be able to observe the
passage of uncharged, or neutral,
nuclear particles from a high-en-
ergy atom smasher in action and
reactions which often last for less
than a ten-millionth of a second.
May Answer Questions
University physicists believe that
the devlopment will answer many
questions necessary to an under-
standing of the elementary nature
of nuclear particles.
The basic bubble chamber works
on a principle long-observed by
scientists: If a pure liquid is heat-
ed in a clean container, the tem-
perature of the liquid may be
raised high above its normal boil-
ing point at normal pressure, but
if it is disturbed, it will boil ex-
Using this principle, the device
is a metal chamber with two par-
allel glass sides--one for observa-
tion and one for illuminatioi. The
pressure and temperature of the
liquid inside are closely controlled.
The chamber is readied for an
experiment by raising the liquid
contents above the boiling point
at high pressure, then dropping
the pressure suddenly. In the few
thousandths of a second before
the liquid boils violently, it is "sen-
sitive" to any charged particle,
* such as an alpha particle (a he-
lium atom nucleus), an electron,
proton, or meson, recording the
passage of the -particle with a
stream of bubbles.
No Satisfactory Explanation
No satisfactory explanation for
in diameter and one-haalf inch.
deep, and they are planning tho d ro Pge
construction of one 20 in ches long . : c a from e i >_
In comparison to former methods,
a propane-filled bubble chamber Southern libe a becomes unten-
would have to be 8 feet long and
a cloud chamber, the ancestor of As an illustration of this point,
the bubble chamber, would have Wbite cited the defeat of Gover-
: to be 4000 feet long, nor James Folsom of Alabama by
University physicists hopec.to a high official in thy; White Citi-
place the larger xenon ciamber in tn Council because "he had not
a beam of particles produced by 'taken a strong enough stand in
the University of California's the Autherine Lucy incident at
Bevatron, the most powerful atom the University of Alabama.
smasher in the world next year. Southern Liberals
According to Prof. Glaser, the 'This will cause the Southern
xenon chamber will make possible liberals to say as little as pos-
detailed study of both charged sible on the segregation issue," he
and uncharged pc rticles and radi- commented.
ations that are released when pro- Although ome Southern lib-
tons meet antiprotons. erals, such as Senator John
Matter -Annihilated Sparkman, were unsuccessfully
In this reaction, matter isa opposed on this issue in past elec-
nihilated, providing scientists withL tions, "but as things become more
a ring-side view of 'an event pres- tense," White explained, "some
ently on the frontier of modern Southern liberals may be defeat-
chamber may rank with the in- d
s ~nuclear physics. And if this happens," he con-
It is believed that the bubble tinued, "there will be a large, very
conservative voting bloc in the
iotncfem Senate which will tend to affect
Where the atom smasher made our politics overall."
available beams of high-energy As to the difficulties facing
projectiles with which to bombard Northern Democrats, White com-
targets, the bubble' chamber has imented, "They 'can't afford any
ed atomic particles by trails of made possible the mass production large scale defection because the
edhamer. rof photographs showing what hap- elections will swing to the Repub-
chamber. pens in these collisions. lican Party. Therefore, they must
satisfy the Negroes that they are
of the products of radioactivity), in Russians Interested for the Supreme Court's deci-
addition to the variety of charged More than 25 institutions in the sion,"
particles. country are adopting it, one uni- "At the same time," he con-
In the xenon chamber, some of versity has a three million dollar tinued, "Northern Democrats must
bubble chamber program, and the think of winning the Presidential
these uncharged particles interact Russians are working hard in the election, although the chances
with the atoms of the liquid xen- field. At the International Con- aren't great. And if the issue
on, which is nearly as dense as ference on High Energy Physics in produCes a bolt from the party
aluminum, creating two electrons, Geneva this June, a half-day will as in 1948, tle chances will be
which leave the bubble trails, be devoted to the bubble chamber less."
From the diverging paths of the alone. More hope
electrons, it is possible to chart The AEC is currently building a Pointing to factors more-hope-1
the energies and paths of the ori- liquid-hydrogen chamber of sev- ful for the Dempcratic Party,
ginal particles. eral cubic feet volume at Brook- White said that "party identity is
The paths of the neutral par- haven. A major cost of this in- not lightly changed." Referring
ticles do not leave trails, but the stallation will be the plant re- to the first Negro swing to the
density of the xenon causes the quired to cool and liquefy the hy- Democratic Party in 1932, he ob-
collisions to occur in a shorter drogen. served that it "took a tremendous
time than would be possible' with Prof. Glaser's work has been upheaval-the depression and eco-
the "usual" liquids-hydrogen or supported by the University's Me- nomic questions - to cause the
propane. morial-Phoenix Project, and Hor- swing,"
Prof. Glaser and his associates ace H. Rackham Fund, the Nation- "So it is probably premature to
have tested a pilot model of the al Science Foundation and the think Negroes as a bloc are going
xenon chamber measuring one inch Atomic Energy Commission. to swing to the Republican Par-
ty." White said. But he pointed
I out that minor defections may
Annual Education Confeene swing the balance in some states.
Turning to GOP policy on the
! , s u en ( '7 . h E egregation issue, the political sci-
To Discuss Science Teachmuiimetsst:;
rnce instructor believes there is
little doubtdthat the Republican
The 28th annual Conference on f} ,n , Party will adopt a pro-civil rights
for observing paths of high-spe
bubbles left in the glass-walledc
the bubble formation has been}
made, but one theory suggests
that the kinetic energy of the
particle imparts enough heat to"
the liquid to cause local boiling.
This formation of bubbles lasts'
for only a few millionths of a
second, so recording must be done'
with cameras. Stereoscopic cam-
eras are used to provide three-di-
mensional views. After the pho-
tography, the bubbles continue to
grow, and the entire liquid erupts"
in violent boiling. '
The advantages of the new li-
quid xenon-filled bubble chamber
is its ability to detect uncharged,
particles, such as neptrons, neu-
tral mesons and gamma rays (one
Cast members of the opening
Drama Season play, "Black Chif-
fon," began arriving on the cam-
pus yesterday, and rehearsals
started today in Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre.
Among the performers coming
in are Deirde Owens, Pamela
Simpson and Paul J. Phillips. Head
of the supporting cast Murray
Matheson, and stage manager
William Weaver, will arrive later
in the 'week. Settings and costumes
for this first of the Season's five,
plays are already being made by
designers Robert and Emma Hirsch
Mellencamp. "Black Chiffon"
opens on May 14. Season tickets
will be on sale at the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre box office daily
U I r" -1
U.S. i oGrant
Competitions for United States
Government-scholarships for grad-
uate study abroad for 1957-58 are
now open.
Approximately 49 University stu-
dents have had applications sent to
the Institute of International Edu-
cation in New York City for the
next year.
The programs under the F'ul-
bright Act and the Convention for
the Promotion of Inter-American
Cultural Relations will give ap-
proximately 1,000 American citi-
zens the chance to study abroad,
Countries where U.S gi-aduates
may study under the Fulbright Act
are Australia, Austria, Belgium and
i Luxemburg, Burma, Chile, Den-
mark, Finland, France, Germany,
Greece, India, Italy, Japan, the1
Netherlands, New Zealand, Nor-
way, the Philippines and the
United Kingdom.
Eligibility requirements for these,
foreign study fellowships are
United States citizenship, a college
degree or its equivalent at the time
the award is to be issued, know-
ledge of the language of the coun-
try of application sufficient to
carry on the proposed study, and
good health. Preference is given
to applicants not more than 35
years of age.
y Final selection of Fulbright
gvantees is made by the Board of
Foreign Scholarships, 10 leading
educators and educational admin-
istrators appointed by the Presi-
Competition for the 1957-58
academic year closes Nov. 1, '56.
frome 10 a. till 5 p.m. Tickets foir
individual performances of the
five plays, to be presented through
June 16, will be placed on sale
Friday morning,. Drama Season
patrons who ordered tickets by
mail and did not enclose a stamped
self-addressed envelope are, re-
quested to pick up their tickets as
soon as possible at the box off ice.
SWill iscuss
LSA Education
A Literary College Steering Com-
mittee conference on "Why a+
Liberal Education - the Function7
of a Literary College" will be held
at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in Rm. 3K
of the Union.
Panel members Prof. Arthur M.
Eastman and Proi. Marvin, Fel-
heim, both of the English depart-
ment, and Prof. Roger W. Heyns
of the Psychology department and
assistant to the Dean of the Liter
ary College will open the discus-
Prof. Felheim will define the tra-
ditional concept of liberal educa-
tion, Prof. Heyns will discuss how,
this concept is interpreted by the
Litearary College, and Prof. East-
man will consider problems in thea
Literary College and the Justifica-
tion for liberal education.
The discussion will then be
opened to all students and faculty
attending the conference.
It is expected that questions
concerning the liberal arts tradi--I
tion at the large state school and
the value of a liberal education
will be raised,
Officers of G&S
Chosen for Fall
John Montgomery, '57E, was re-
cently elected president of Gilbert
and Sullivan Society.
Other new officers include Dick
Booth, '57, vice-president, Pris-
cilla Torsleff, '58, secretary, and
Ann Olson, '58, treasurer.
Jerry Davies, '56, publicity man-
ager, and Thelma Kavaituiu, '57,
were high vote-getters for their
These people will remain in
office for the fall semester. Their
official duties begin immediately.
The Society also announced that
"Ruddigore" is the name of their
fall semester show.
Fra ternity
Initiates 19
Alpha Kappa Psi initiated 19
hmen into full membership last
Thursday evening in the Chapter
Those initiated were:
Lawrence Zuckerman, James
Morse, John Lagonico, Paul Schre-
ur, Robert Dan Wagner, Francis
Griffin, William Penoyar, Demp-
sey Dupree, George Peterson, May-
nard Hall, Paul Sterner, Constan-
tine Ballas, Samuel Bohinc, An-
thony Dubart, Theodore Cutler,
Barton Forsythe, Achiel Wanket,
Louis DuBois, David Gwinnell.
Harlow Curtice, President of
General Motors Corporation, has
accepted an honorary membership
into Alpha Kappa Psi. He will
be formally initiated at the na-
tional convention to be held in
Detroit on August 30 through Sep-
tember 1 of this year.
Religious Day
Causes Codiflicit
University officials are urging
students to begin planning now
about problems that will be caused
by the Jewish Day of Atonement's
falling in the middle of orienta-
tion week next fall,
Prof. Arthur Van Duren, chair-
man of L.S.&A. freshman and
sophomore counselors, is advising
students who will be affected to
get their programs approved this
There will be opportunities for
both returning students and those
entering the University next fall
to work on their prgrams with
their counselors during the sum-
Students signing up to be orien-
tation leaders are being notified
of the date conflict.
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Teacher Education wilf be held the top i' unuwupit rk)gx ,, 43,
tomorrow at the University in the {Objectives, Designs, and Results,"
at 2 o'clock.
Rackham Building. "Selected Teacher Education
Topic of the general session at Research Projects in Michigan."
10 a.m, will be "Status and Prob- will be discussed by Prof. Chester
lems of Science Teaching in Michi- McCormick of Wayne University's
gan." The presentation will be education department and Prof.
made by George G. Mallinson, William C. Morse of the Univer-j
director of graduate studies, West- sity's educational psychology de-
ern Michigan College.
John R. Mayor, University of
Wisconsin science director. will Jaanese Editor
speak at the luncheon meeting at
12:15 in the League. Mayor's topic To Speak T oday
will be "A New Force in Educa-
tion." ANN ARBOR - A colloquium
Kenneth Bordine, director of sponsored by the University's Cen-
teacher education, Central Michi- ter for Japanese Studies will be
gan College, and Donald Currie, held at 4:15 p.m. Wednesday in
director of placement, Michigan Rm. 2446 Mason Hall. Guest speak-
State Normal College, will present er will be Goro Kambayashi, editor,
- in chief of the Japanese publica-
plank in its platform.
He went on to explain that such.
action may put them in a posi-
tion to lose the support of the
Southern states. "In recent years,"
White said, "Republicans have us-
ually been able to control Con-
gress by a conservative coalition
with Southern Democrats. If the
GOP makes a move for the sup-
port of the Negroes, they will of-
fend their friends in the coali-
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"However, as I pointed out," he
continued, "Negroes got into the
Democratic Party on an economic
issue. They wanted the liberals
economic politicies the Democrats'
still favor. The question is whe-
ther the Republican Party will be
able to get the Negro vote back
on the segregation issue alone;
and this is in favor of the Demo-
cratic Party."
I IOTI -15ullgel OIIUIIJU. I I
Organization Notices
Coed Soph Show, rhere will be a 1 NAACP: Meeting tonight, 7:00 p.m.,
Central Committee meeting, tonight, Rins. K and L, Michigan Union.
5:00 p.m. League.d
by A. Michelson
Room and Board or Board only
, 1
Hillel Fondation: Assembly Meet-
ing, tonight, 7:00 p.m., Hillel-
The films, "One People" and "Ameri-
cans All" will be shown tonight, 8:00
p.m., Hillel. Assoc. Professor Ronald
Freedman will conduct a discussion.
*4 *
international Students Association
and International Center. Dr. Djohan,
President of the University of Indonesia,s
will speak May 10, 4:30-6:00 p.m., Mich-
igan Union Ballroom. Special guies's
will be participants in UNESCO-spon-
sored Asian-American Seminars.
Panhellenic Association: Registration
for Fall Rushing for all eligible women
students at the Michigan League Under-
graduate Office.
* * *
Ullr Ski Club: Meeting on Ski Pro-
ject Development, tonight, 7:30 p.m.,
Rm. 3N, Union.
Westminister Student Fellowship:
"Coffee Break," 3:30-5:30 p.m., Pat
Pickett's apartment, 217 S. Observatory.
League Seminar on "Jeremiah," today,
4:10.pn., League.
Midweek vespers, 7:15 p.m,, tonight,
Presbyterian Student Center.
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