Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS' STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "Maybe This Isn't The Best Way To Get Security" LETTERS to the EDITOR i DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN en OpinIons Are Free, Trutb Will Prevail Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors: This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: PETER ECKSTEIN Educational T elevision: Not the Answer to Expansion. ALTHOUGH it'may have unique application THE INHERENT danger in educational tele- in some areas, television as an education vision lies in the motives that encourage medium is to be feared.- It represents failure its use. The stress has not been on its value of the educational system to keep up with to the educational system, at least not primari- expanding student bodies. ly. The basic motive has been one of meeting Yesterday's announcement that closed cir- bigness, circumventing lack of qualified teach- cuit television will be employed by the Uni- ers and providing substitutes. The advantages versity shortly should serve to put those on of audio-visual education have appeared more guard who clierish our academic reputation. as rationalizations This sort of thinking does So far the danger may be more apparent not produce a meaningful educational system. than real Medicine and dentistry are two There are many problems in-education today subjects which allow for constructive use of that must be met by compromise-but there educational television-in limited ways. A can be no compromise with the values that commnon benefit cited is that more students underlie our education-and educational tele- can observe surgery closely since the TV cam- vision on any but he most limited scale repre- era can provide a better vantage point than sents such a compromise. a gallery. This has merit. --LEE MARKS -.x p V ^- n ;' ~ 3 USE OF EDUCATIONAL television beyond these limited exceptions should be soundly condemned as a watering down of education. Arguments that it must be implemented b - cause of lack of teachers, large classes and lack of classroom facilities would be shame- ful arguments for a University of this calibre to make. For an academic institution that is currentl j spending millions on essentially non- academic projects (such as the huge athletic plant) the arguments would be especial evi- dence of poor value-judgment. It may be reasonable to assume that subject matter, per se, can be taught by television as well as by lecture or classrodm. But the actual subject matter is probably a small part. of the education a student receives. More important is the contact with professors and scholars, contact with attitudes and ways of thinking, contact with great minds. Contact, instead, with a few knobs and an electronic tube is no substitute. In many intangible ways television is a poor replacement for even the large lecture. Consistency in A INTERCOLLEGIATE athletics should be cry- ing for consistency. The latest episode in a recent series of repri- mands finds the University of Washington hit hard with a two-year probation. Last Sunday, Pacific Coast Conference faculty representatives slapped the university with what is equal to a $52,000 fine-quite a difference from the one- year Rose Bowl probation leveled at -Ohio State by the Big Ten. Ohio State was told basically to clean up house. Washington, however, will not be able to claim conference titles or compete in NCAA championships for two years. Also, the Hus- kies must forfeit rights to televising of any of their athletic contests. Whether the "Torchy Torrance Slush Fund"1 was deserving of a strict two-year suspension period is not the key point. What is import- ant is the amazing lack of consistency on rul- ings and enforcements in amateur athletics. THE NCAA follows one pattern. The AAU seems to be following a different set ofI definitions. 1 The confusion over the amateur; status of miler Wes Santee has come to a head -even to the point that the whole William Civic Ballet Returns Dance to Ann Arbor MONDAY night the newly formed Ann Ar- bor Civic Ballet put on an hour's program of dancing, thereby filling a theatrical niche that Ann Arbor has had empty for many years. The company has been working for a few months only, and if the best professional polish was lacking, the spirit of enthusiasm, nonethe- less, was evident. There was a time when Ann Arbor audiences could see the world's greatest dancing stars. Martha Graham, Pavlova, the Astaires, Ruth St. Denis, and dozens of others, were frequent local visitors. In the past decade, lack of adequate stage facilities, and rising costs have all but kept dancing non-existent in Ann Arbor. It is nice to know that the Civic Ballet is working to bring professional dance back, and they deserve the support and interest of both students and townspeople. -ERNEST THEODOSSIN Lthletic Rulings and Mary track team was suspended last week from AAU competition because two of its mem- bers ran against Santee. Meanwhile, it was only last week that three southern schools-Auburn, the University of Florida, and Louisville-were put on probationY by the NCAA. Auburn's penalty was a three- year suspension, including two seasons away from any Bowl competition. This is the -stiffest ruling ever handed out by the NCAA. And now added to Ohio State's probation is that to the University of Washington. The various governing bodies seem to be hopping on the bandwagon, but just where are they headed? Is the making of a few examples going to bring a solution to the problem-and if so, will it be the best solution? Are some of the possible ."borderline" cases going to revamp on their own? Has this been the fair way? IT'S TIME for leaders in the whole amateur and intercollegiate athletic field to get their heads together and work together for con- sistent rulings concerning financial aid to ath- letes. -DAVE GREY .1 l' " ; ;, .. tJ s r r w}B wAs+iietG Pns'r" oe . WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: ZhtvO, Koner May Visit U.S. By DREW PEARSON< ILANS for President Eisenhower to invite his wartime friend, Marshal Zhukov, together with Marshal Konev, to Washington just before election are progress- ing. However, there is an important split among Presidential advisers. Ike's political advisers view such an invitation as a master stroke 'comparable to his famous an- nouncement that if elected Presi- dent he would go to Korea. The presence of Zhukov, his old arniy buddy, and Marshal Konev would cause millions of voters to think twice before voting against a President who is able to talk on a first-name , basis with Russia's top military leaders. THE AMERICAN people have foremost on their minds the ques- tion of peace, according to these political advisers, and such a visit would seem a guarantee of peace. Ike's foreign - policy experts, however, are opposed.. His mili- tary advisors also are dubious. They fear such an invitation would lull the West to sleep; make it diffi- cult to get sufficient military ap- propriations for defense by en- couraging the belief that the Kremlin leaders are reasonable, peaceful men. Odds are, however, that Zhukov and probably Konev will be invit- ed to come to the U.S.A. around September. SOUTHERN BITTERNESS over segregation has reached such in- tensity that few white Southern- ers with political influence have dared buck that bitterness. One exception is the former Governor of Louisiana, James A. Noe, who almost got into a fist fight in his home town, Monroe, when white citizens councils be- gan disenfranchising between 4,000 and 4,500 Negroes. They did this by claiming Ne- gro voters had received help in making out their registration cards, especially in interpreting portions of the Constitution. This aroused the dander of ex- Governor Noe. Going down to the parish registrar of voters. Mrs.: May Lucky, he challenged the right of the vote challengers to take Negro voters off the regis- tration rolls. "LET ME see my card," he said. "I didn't have my glasses the day I filled out my card, and I'm not sure I did it unassisted." Noe claimed that any citizen who challenged a Negro's right to vote had to show evidence of a thorough investigation before the Negro could be disenfranchised. He demanded that the Louisiana Attorney General send a represen- tative to Monroe to protect the rights of all citizens. Arriving in Monroe, as a re- sult, came special assistant Attor- ney General William M. Shaw: "Are you a member of the White Citizen's Council?" asked Noe. "Yes," replied Shaw. "Are you," Shaw countered, "a member of the NAACP?" * * * AT THIS, the big, bulky ex- Governor of Louisiana hauled his 230 pounds around the table and almost let fly at Shaw. After some tense moments, calm was restored. However, when several hundred Negroes tried to get back their voting rights, they were kicked out of the courthouse by the sheriff and told that only 20 Negroes per day could examine their registration cards. Since the elections are only two weeks off, this will permit only about 240 Negroes to attempt re- instatement. In the interim, Ne- groes are holding prayer meet- ings praying that their right to vote may be restored. * * * A BRAND NEW cheese and but- ter scandal is being quietly un- folded by Rep. L. H. Fountain of North Carolina and once again it. looks like farmers were left holding the bag. As usual, food manufacturers got away with thou- sands of dollars in windfall pro- fits.' The deal hinges on Secretary Benson's hiking of farm price sup- ports on April 18, two days after Ike killed 90 per cent supports by vetoing the farm bill. By Benson's action, the price paid cheese manufacturers by the commodity credit corporation was raised one cent a pound, while butter went up two cents a pound. The purpose: To aid farmers by making it possible for manufac- turers to pay them more money for milk and butterfat. However, Benson made the in- creased prices retroactive to April 1. This made the new support levels applicable to all cheese and butter produced during the first half of April, whic/h was still lying around in manufacturers' ware- houses as of April 18. * * * i WHY BENSON did this is a mys- tery, since not a penny of the retroactive payments to cheese and butter manufacturers could pos- sibly benefit a farmer who had sold his milk to a manufacturer prior to April 18. For the manu- facturer, on the other hand, the retroactive payments meant a pro- fitable windfall. Then on April 23, right after the price-rise announcement, they dumped butter on Mr. Benson to the tune of 4,300,000 pounds in one day. The two-cent increase is retroactive for all butter pro- duced after April 1 and riot sold to the CCC. (Copyright, 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Rao Speech .. To the Editor: V.K.R.V. Rao, Director of Delhi School of Economics, addressed a group of Indian students at the International Center here at the U-M campus last Suniay evening, May 6, '56. Universities can no longer be wrecked by one speech; the Delhi School of Economics has reason to be grateful that it cannot. The aims of Professor Rao's speech here should have been to leave the group of students wiser. He did not succeed in his objective. The trouble with the speech was not its commonplace and uninspir- ing old cliches-that, in itself, was both unexpected and a bad thing- but that Professor Rao still man- ages to engender the suspicion that the Indian Government may con- tinue with firm policies only until it reaches a really awkward road- block, when it will turn aside. He said boldly that the Govern- ment will be judged on its record "not for six or eight months butj for five years," that the 2nd five- year plan will provide the base for its succeeding plans upon which turns the future of a subconti- nent," that "the battle against poverty is on," and that "you can- not fight poverty and inflation without pain"; but he hastily added that "least of all do we want to go back to periods of chronic unemployment." He talked of the objective of reducing rural unem- ployment by bolstering up the cot- tage and handicraft industries with just sufficient caution to balance his proper enthusiasm, and of plans for transport and steel ex- pansions etc. with just sufficient enthusiasm to contrast with thel caution of much of the rest of his speech; but "what is tanalising in all this is that if once our balance of payments and the foreign ex- change deficiency arising from theI plan could be put right ... there is hardly any limit to our future." The main problems cannot be shrugged off in this way; of course, there would be no limit to any- body's future if what he spent did not depend on what he earned. This was the address by no less than the Director of the Delhi School of Economics whose pom- pous and unreal attitude could hardly have filled an astute ob- server with more surprise and dis- illusionment. The result, I fancy, was none too fine. Although judgement. should be deferred until next week at least the fear may linger that a man who can carry quite so much wool to Michigan may also accept that the carriage of foreign jute goods to India is an unavailable feature of international trade. -Omesha Khanna, Grad. (Econ.) Liberal Education . . To the Editor: IN A YEAR when a national mag- azine has published on "the natural superiority of the Ivy League school" and universities throughout the United States have been affected by drastic growth, the liberal education tradition is necessarily subject to reconsidera- tion. Student observers in Ann Ar- bor have begun asking questions such as: Can the classical con- cept of the liberal education be sustained at a large state school? If undergraduates at the Univer- sity were more aware of a liberal arts tradition, as students attend-. ing eastern, schools so often are, would their sense of educational self-fulfillment be greater; would they be more concerned intellec- tually? In a college whose community is redistributed at the end of two years with transfers to specialized schools, can the consciousness of a liberal education be instilled? How truly are the distribution requirements of LSA in the lib- eral arts tradition? Would a re- quired humanities survey course -a survey of western thought - be profitable? Would more strin- gent regeuirements, insisting upon the student sampling many fields, give him a more "liberal' 'educa- tion? In order to answer theseques- tions it is essential to know what is meant by a liberal education. Cardinal Newman has defined itj as: "the process of training by which the intellect instead of be- ing formed or sacrificed to some particular trade or profession, or study or science, is disciplined for its own highest culture." Newman's educational philoso- phy is of nineteenth century vin- tage, but many people still believe in the advyantages of disciplining the intellect. Some thinkers, though, contend that this idealism is out of tone with our technolo- gical democracy, that this aim can be meaningful for few Americans. They further claim that this philo- sophy is impregnated with intel- lectual elitism and therefore un- demberatic. Certainly the time has come for more careful scrutiny of the meaning and aim of a liberal edu- cation. A sten in the right direction has (Continued from Page 2) of the League House Judiciary this week, May 9. More Ushers are urgently needed for the Glee Club Spring Concert Sat., May 12. If you can help us please report to Mr. Warner at the east door of Hill Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. Sat., May 12 . Michigan Linguistic Society will meet May 12, Saturday, 1:30 p.m.. Racklam Amphitheater. Professor Warner G. Rice, Chairman of the Department of English Language and Literature will preside at the following program meet- ing. "Linguistics and Reading," by Charles C. Fries; "Some Problems in Editing 'The Middle English Diction- ary,'" Hans Kurath; "I Would Have Did It But I Was Too Scairt," 0. L. Abbott. Reservations for the luncheon at 12:15 in Room 101-102 Michigan' Union may be made by contacting Professor Hide Shohara, 2019 Angenl Hall, Extension 43 before Thursday noon, Foreign Language Group. Panel dis- cussion on "Psychoanalysis and Litera. ture," with James G. Miller, Mental Health Research Institute; Herbert Penzl, Department of Germanic Lan. guages and Literatures; and John V. Hagopian, Department of English. Thurs., May 10, 8 p.m, West Conference Room, Rackham Building. Refresh- ments. Agenda, Student Government Council May 9, Michigan Union, 7:30 p.m. Minutes of the previous meeting. OFFICERS REPORTS: President-Driving Ban, fees, enforce- ment. Vice-President-Religious Emphasi Week. . Treasurer-Financial report, Finance Committee; Elections Committee, 'ap- pointment. COMMITTEES: Coordinating and Counseling-Con. stitutional, revisions - Jr. Panhelleni. Jr. IFC, Education School Council. Phi Epsilon P. Education and Social Welfare - Aca- demic Freedom Week. Student Representation: Appoint. ments-Cinema Guild, Human Rela- tions, Housing and Environmental Health, Calendaring Committee - Uni- versity. National and international Affairs- WUS Convention, NSA Congress, Administrative Wing Report - Janet Winkelhaus. Activities: May 27, University Little Symphony concert, Angell Hall, 4:1 p.m. Old and New business. Constituents time. Members time. Adjournment. Lectures Dr. N. Rashevsky, Prof. of Mathemat- ical Biology of the Univ. of Chicago, will speak on Wed., May 9, at 8 o'clock in Auditorium C of Angell Hall, under the sponsorship of the Mental Health Research Institute, Department of Psy- chiatry. The title is "The Geometriza- tion of Biology. Concerts Choral Concert: The Michigan Sing. ers and the Ann Arbor High School A cappella Choir joint recital on Sun., May 13. at 3:30 p.m. in the new high school auditorium located across from the football stadium. Open to the pub- lic without charge. Academic Notices Freshmen and Sophomores, College of LS&A. Those students who will have fewer than 55 hours at the end of this semester and who have not yet had their elections approved for the Fail Semester should make an appointment at the Faculty Counselors Office for Freshmen and Sophomores, 1210 Angell'Hall. If you do not have your fall elections approved before the final examination period, it will be necessary for you to do this the half day before you are scheduled to register *next fall. Be- cause registration will being on Mon. day, September 17, the "half day be- fore" Monday morning will be Saturday afternoon, September 15. Literary College Steering Committee: Student-faculty conference entitled "Why a Liberal Education?-the Func- tion of a Literary College," Thurs., May 10, 7:30 p.m. in the Union. Speak- ers: Prof. Arthur Eastman, Prof. Mar.. vin Felheim, Prof. Roger Heyns. In- formal discussion following panel. Everyone welcome. Botanical Seminar. Dr. S. H. Min- shall, Science Service Laboratory, Lon- don; Ontario, will speak on "Some Phy- siological Effects of CMU on Plants." 4:15 p.m., 1139 Natural Science. Wed., May 9. Placement Notices PERSONNEL INTERVIEWS: Representatives from the following will be at the Engrg. School: Thurs., May 10: Sargent and Lundy, Chicago, fl.- all levels in Nuclear for Design, Eco- nomics, and Application of Power Pro- ducting Reactors. Sat., May 12: Convair Div. of Gen. Dynamics Corp., San Diego, Calif.-follow-up visit for all programs and degree levels interest- ed. Particularly concerned with ther- modynamics for Summer and Regular Research and Development. For appointments contact the Engrg. Placement Office, 347 W.E., Ext. 2182. PERSONNEL REQUESTS: A Girl Scout Council in this area has an opening for a Field Director, with a B.A. degree, preferably with emphasis i nthe Social Sciences. Should be 23-40 years old. Hours could be arranged so that further education might be obtain. ed at either Michigan State Normal College, Wayne University, or the Uni- Iversity of Michigan. Union Steel Products Co., Albion, Mich., needs a Mech. Engr. for the con- veyor and process air conditioning lines. American Chem. Paint Co., Ambler, Pa., is looking for a man or several men for the metalworking chemicals divisionn A tchniical ra.ate isn e ,,f t 41 ,a ,,, 4 4 k ,. Tragedy in Korea a THE UNTIMELY death of P. H. Shinicky, Korean Democratic party leader and presi- dential candidate is a tragic loss to the Re- public of Korea. Shinicky provided the only opposition to President Syngman Rhee in the latter's quest for reelection. That Shinicky could have defeated the 81 year old incumbent is hardly possible, but the forthright stands against Rhee made by Shinicky as Speaker in the National Assembly and during the current campaign were healthy signs that the strangle- hold Rhee has on Korea might be weakening. It would be presumptuous at this point to charge that Shinicky's death at this most in- opportune time; resulted from anything other than natural causes. On the other hand, it is worth noting that elimination by assassina- tion of previous foes of Syngman Rhee is not unknown. Information emanating from Korea is, to all appearances, rather limited and is likely to continue to be with the tight control exercised over the press by Rhee's Minister of Information and mouthpiece, Dr. Hongkee Editorial Staff Karl. The facts surrounding the demise of Shinicky are not clearly known and it is pos- sible that they never will be. In all fairness, judgement must be reserved until enough is known to make a responsible decision. THE TRAGEDY in the situation lies in the fact that Rhee is now even more assured of being returned to power. The Rhee regime has masqueraded behind the mask of democracy for years, making a pretense of democracy in order to win the sympathy of the United States and her military, political, and financial aid. Democracy in Rhee's Korea is a farce. Free- dom of speech and the press is non-existent, the power of the police pervades the country, the National Assembly is little more than a rubber stamp debating society. Economic development in Korea has been seriously retarded by the policies of the Rhee government. Rhee's deep- seated anti-Japanese hatred dominates' his policies in international trade. Japan could provide Korea with size- able quantaties of industrial products in ex- change for a portion of the usually excellent Korean rice crop in a trade mutually bene- ficial. But Syngman Rhee's emotions have taken precedence over the needs and welfare of the Korean people. Though Koreans do not relish the memory of the days of the Japanese occu- pation, they are far less concerned with that than they are with the problem of raising their standard of living from its present abysmally low level. N INTERNATIONAL relations, the Iron Man has not infrequently acted in a most high- handed and arbitrary manner. This has been true not only with neighboring Japan but with his staunchest allies, the United States and Nationalist China. His ludicrous economic policies cause us to pour millions of United k Ni 'DRAWINGS AND PAINTINGS': Exhibit Displays Artistic Synthesis 'I .By JOHN WEICHSEL Daily Staff Writer DRAWINGS and Paintings, by Al Weber and Bob Beetem, In- structors, Department of Art." This unpretentious sign now stands on the first floor of the Architecture and Design Building. On the walls hang over two dozen works by two equally unpreten- tious gentlemen, Albert Weber and Robert Beetem, members of the Visual Arts faculty. The exhibit, a collection of the recent works of both artists, will be shown until May 20. WEBER RETURNED last June from a trip to Europe where he painted and studied in Vadrid and in other locations on the continent for three years. His works in the Architecture and Design Building are, as Weber said in discussing the exhibit, a THIS CONTINUAL discarding is a mental and emotional "spring cleaning." It manifests itself in the artist and his work through sim- plification which allows a move- ment "toward a more original and primitive awareness," as Weber puts it. The artist must rid himself of his established notions and habits as, Weber commented, "he would remove a veil from his eyes." This veil consist of superficiali- ties interfering with the artist's perception of the external world from* which he draws so much of the raw material for his creative effort. * * * ONLY if the artist sees clearly and originally, Weber noted, can his environment "make its proper impact on the sensibilities and the spirit of the artist, and move him to a very personal creative ex- pression." mean as much as the picture," the artist expressed his relationship, and the correlation of most artists, to their work: "The painter, working, is alone DAVE BAAD, Managing Editor MURRY FRYMER RJIM DYGERT Editorial Di.ector City Editor DEBRA DURCHSLAG ................ Magazine1 DAVID KAPLAN ....................FeatureI JANE HOWARD.................... Associate1 LOUISE TYOR ...................... Associate1 PHIL DOUGLIS... ..... ....... ........ SportsI ALAN EISENBERG...........Associate Sports JACK HORWITZ............Associate Sports1 MARY HELLTHALER Women'sI ELAINE EDMONDS ........Associate Women's1 Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor JOHN HIRTZEL... ... .. Chief Photographer B7t fl,-Pc .Staff ,..