EDUCATIONAL TELEVISION See Page 4 Y AL. 4ti t r4T9 DadIl wpr, t WARMER, SHOWERS Latest Deadline in the State 0. VOL. LXVI, No. 150 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1956 SIX PAGES Asians Claim U.S. Values Decaying By DONNA HANSON Industrialization in the United States is undermining its social values, Asian participants in the first two of five Asian-American Seminars being held here claimed yesterday. Asia, on the other hand, wants to have an advanced society which encompasses industrialization but also retains its basic values, R Prof. V.K.R.V. Rao, Director oYf the School of Economics at the Uni- versity of Delhi, said. "Asia looks with respect on sacrifice of material things and is more spiritually inclined. In the United States the greater value 'UT Student Mis i Se Ike Leads Kefauver In Indiana By The Associated Press Early returns from Indiana. night showed President Eis hower, as expected, polling m votes in the Republican presid tial preference primary thanE Estes Kefauver (I-Tenn.) was Ling in the Democratic.. However, an, exact compari was not possible because of a cision to postpone counting Democratic votes in Lake Cou until Wednesday. This coui which contains the industrial of Gary, was looked on as the 1 gest Democratic stronghold in state. President Eisenhower had 2 573 votes in 2,884 of the 4,359 diana precincts counted. America First Daly had 8,899 vo Sen. Kefauver was unopposed the Democratic side and had 1 377 votes in 2,948 precincts. Florida, Ohio, West Virginia New Mexico also held prima yesterday. In Florida, Gov. Leroy Col got off to a substantial lead in race for Democratic renomina against five opponents. The campaign issue was over meth to be used to preserv racial seg gation.° Gov. Collins is considered a m erate on the issue. The vote from 265 of 1,7791 eincts gave Collins 78,130 votes. nearest competitor at that st was Sumter"L. Lowry with 24, In Ohio, Michael V. Disalle,: mer federal price control boss, t an early lead in his try for Democratic nomination for go' nor. So did C. William O'Neil his try for the Republican go- norship nomination. his given to the successful man who has wealth in material things," Prof. Rao contended. Visiting Ann Arbor under the auspices of the U.S. National Commission for UNESCO the five representatives are discussing the problems of industrialization and technology in the United States in order to promote international understanding. Hasn't Sacrificed Values last Asked by Prof. Rao how concen- sen- tration of big business affects de- nore mocracy, Meyer Kestnbaum, presi- den- dent of Hart, Schaffner and Marx, Sen. claimed that America hasn't sac- get- rificed individual rights or spiritual rights or spiritual values through ison industrialization, de- Instead, through our economic of advancement, we have "substitut- tnty ed machines for, slaves eliminat- nty, ing hard, menial labor' and are city now on "the verge of eliminating big- poverty." the Former chairman of the Com- mittee for Economic Development, 21,- Kestnbaum added, "If you need In- rapid progress, you need a certain Lar amount of governmental regula- otes. tion. Capitalism, however, isn't on a form of state socialism. 37,- "As long as we have our free- dom to choose our jobs and what and we want to buy, we do not have ries socialism." Business Not as Powerful lins "Big business," he added, "isn't hi as powerful inAmerican life-not tion as powerful as it thinks." big Speaking for his own country hods on the problem of economic ad- 'gre- vancement, Prof. Rao explained that India lacks economic and so- nod- cial organs necessary for capital- ism. The unemployed masses con- pre- stantly exert pressure on the gov- His ernment for economic develop- tage ment, he added. 959. They want to be assured the for- government is going in the right took direction. the "Russia has great industrializa- ver- tion but a totalitarian, undemo- 1in cratic government and holds it- ver- self up as an example of what India can do. SGC BANQUET-Prof. Algo D. Henderson of the education school traced six possible areas for future student government exploration in a talk at the Student Government Council banquet yesterday at the Union. Drawing examples from Antioch College in Ohio, of which he was once president, Prof. Henderson outlined these areas as political, social, recreational, economic, cultural and educational. Bill Adams, '57, president of the Council, pre- sented certificate awards to members of committees and the administrative wing who have done outstanding work in the past year. NO PERSONAL TOUCH: TV TeachingHas Value, Drawbacks, Faculty Says By MIKE KRAFT Television as a teaching method has value-up to a point- University faculty members indicated yesterday. Prof. W. Earl Britton of the engineering English department, expressing a commonly held attitude, remarked, "TV is perfectly suitable if used for large lectures, but it's difficult to see it replacing small classes and personal student-teacher relationships." Repeatedly stressed was the need for personal contact between Polic* White Calls Cobo Threat To Williams By DICK TAUBj "Mayor Albert E. Cobo's recent decision to run for Governor is clear evidence that the Republican party is marshalling all its forces to beat Governor Williams this fall," John P. White of the political science department said yesterday. However, White explianed that there would still be a difficult race ahead for the Detroiter. For one thing, Williams is in a strong posi- tion. He is still very popular. "During last election he polled 48 per cent of the out-state vote. By choosing a Wayne County man, the Republicans may lose even more of this vote to Williams," he added. Leads Party "Williams is in a better position than many Democrats. He usually runs about 4 per cent ahead of his party. Republicans could carry the state and Williams would still be able to win as he did in 1952." "Republicans will have. one dis- tinct advantage," .White said. In 1952 there were two separate bal, lots-one' for the President and one for other officials. Now be-I cause of a new law, there will only be one ballot. "This will give the Republicans a chance for some coattail hiding." White said that not many Re- publican leaders think the nomi- nation would go to Donald Leon- ard. "He was beaten badly last time and most don't seem to think he would make a good candidate," he said. Strengthen Chances e ilegii AIR-POWER DEBATE: ilson Says Reds Not Far Outstripping U.S. WASHINGTON (RP)-Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson struck out yesterday at critics he called "fear mongers," and denied that Russia is "far outstripping the United States in terms of air power." Wilson told a Senate Appropriations subcommittee that the Pentagon has ordered an increase in production schedules for the B52 intercontinental jet bomber. He said, too, that total defense spending in the next fiscal year will anmount to "nearly 100 million dollars per day." The total: About 36 billion dollars. Wilson stressed that there has been "no change in the interna- tional situation which would require us to increase our forces over-all or make it possible for us at this time to reduce our forces." In the case of the B52, howeverr he said an increase in production goals has been ordered. Schedules Raised Tomatoes Wilson testified that production es schedules for the eight-jet B52r have been raised to 20 a month compajed with the old goal of 17.h A ge a both goals-six a month. ALGIERS, Algeria (P) - Ten Without being specific, Wilson thousand students and war vet- said he expected the 20-a-month -Brans, protesting France's failure goal would be reached "earlier than to put down the 18-month-old Al- originally planned" because "pro- gerian rebellion, bombarded French duction experience has been so ministers with tomatoes and stones favorable." at a V-E Day ceremony yesterday. He said he was prompted to re- None of the officials was hit, veal these figures, though he would but police in the heavy cordon have preferred to keep them secret, guarding them were plastered with "because of the confusion and tomatoes. doubt that have arisen on this Targets of the rioters were Rob- matter .." ert Lacoste, French resident ,min- "I believe it is 'desirable to set ister in Algeria; Michael Cam- the record straight," he said. peix, secretary of state for Algeria; The House Appropriations Com- Marcel Jacquest Chevallier, mayor mittee last week approved $33',- of Algiers. 635,066,000 in new funds for the Throughout a military parade Defense Department. The money and during the ceremony of plac- ' bill is to go before the' full House ing a wreath on the monument later this week. honoring war dead there were Chairman Dennis Chavez, (D- shouts of "Lana live the ormv" aCrch Dean Rea, Police Fear Suicide Health Officials: 'May Be Amnesia' By BILL HANEY and ALLAN STILLWAGON E I f t t l 6 f 1 1{ A University student was report- ed missing yesterday by Dean of Men Walter B. Rea and Ann Ar- bor Police. William Frank Matzen, '58E, who has not been seen since 1 a.m. Fri. day, May 4, disappeared from South Quad's Taylor House with inadequate clothing and no money or identification, D e a n Rea, who' previously thought the boy was just missing, told police at 12:20 p.m. yester- day, "We now feel that this boy has possibly committed suicide." Matzen was last seen in the South Quad lobby by Frank Sin- clair, '59E, who described him as wearing a T-shirt, khakis, and Segregation 1956 Issue (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the fifth in a series of six articles on segregation in the United States as viewed from the standpoints of ."iucation, law, anthropology, poll- ical science and history.) By MARY ANN THOMAS Since many Southern states are objecting violently to desegrega-. tion ordered by the Supreme Court in its May, 1954 and April, 1956 rulings, the dispute is very likely to become a hot issue in this No- vember's national elections. Commenting on the problem, John P. White, an instructor in the political science department, observed that "the main impact of this issue is that it has created a crisis for the Democratic Party because both of the most hostile Socialistic Pattern "Nehru, however, advocates a socialistic pattern of society in his Five Year Plan, whereby the large industrial developments will be in the hands of the government while the small industries will be operat- ed by the people." The plan provides that Indian industries, which require large capital, will be built by the govern- ment and later turned over to pri- vate enterprises. Based on values of freedom of democracy, Prof. Rao asserted, this plan has no rigid pattern, and should reduce financial centrali- zation, leading to a rise in econom- ic status. At tomorrow's session the panel will begin discussing the social aspects of industrialization pro- ducing changes in human values. NO 'CHANGE OF HEAL teacher and student. "We must s National Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - Government' chart-watchers yesterday came up with a sheaf of favorable business' reports, including a 912,000 rise of employment in April. Simultaneously unemployment' dropped by 270,000 to 2,564,000 in spite of continuing layoffs in the automobile industry, the commerce and Labor Departments reported.' * * * 'LANSING - Gov. G. Mennen Williams yesterday urged President Dwight D. Eisenhower to declare Detroit and six other Michigan communities as surplus labor areas. Areas designated as having a labor surplus because of high un- employment are entitled to certain priorities in the award of defense contracts. * * * DETROIT-Henry Ford II re- signed yesterday as board chair- man of the Ford Foundation, the huge philanthropic organization set up by his father and his grand- father. He will be succeeded as chair-j man by Rowan Gaither, current1 president of the foundation. till consider the value of personal contact," Prof. Warren Ketcham of the School of Education main- tained. "Education isn't just storing up knowledge," he said, "for we have to retain personal contact, which is the greatest support a student gets. This is lost with television." Pointing out television's advan- tages, Prof. Garnet Garrison of the speech department called televi-- sion" a wonderful asset to spe- cialized instruction in dentistry, medicine and the physical scien- ces," Growing Enrollment Mentioning the University's growing size, he described the medium as "a way of meeting de- mands of increased enrollment. He added that "it is not a substi- tute for good instructors, but it would make better use of the ones we have. Other would then carry on the discussion sessions." He also stressed the advantages of using kinescopes to record lec- tures of vising speakers and out- standing personalities. Prof. Donald Pearce of the Eng- lish department, who has partici- pated in a number of presenta- tions, remarked, "I see no reason why television can't be assimilated into the Universtiy's teaching if it is done in a way that wouldn't replace personal sessions. Supplementary Method He predicted that the medium would be used as a supplementary teaching method, "only effective in large scale use, replacing lec- tures normally given to large nuni- bers. He called the medium "no good" for recitations, warning that stu- dents would be undereducated if they could discuss only with a machine." Repeatedly mentioned was tele- vision's ability to enable large numbers of people to witness dem- onstrations. Prof. Burton L. Baker of the Medical school pointed to an eye operation as an example, In discussing the medium as a teaching aid he added, "We have to work with it for a while, for there is much gained from personal con- tact, especially in medical school," Take that out of teaching,'' he said, "and we might as well give the student a book and send him home." ria nges Tap From 'neath the heels of dusty feet, Within the vitals of the Arch, The great bronze seal called loyal men Tn the dpod of snigtto nrrh. chance for victory in the state, as- I suring, of course, that he gets thej nomination. "As Republican standard bearer, he would probably be as strong a vote-getter in the whole state as he will be in Wayne County. Bretton also expressed the belief that Leonard would be defeated in, the primary. SGC To Meet The Student Government Coun- cil will hold its weekly meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in the Union. Foremost on this week's agenda is the approval of the final recom- mendations for driving bans and the enforcement of fees. ' Also on the agenda is the dis- cussion of .the regulation of the |proposed student traffic court and ! the appointment of new members to certain SGC boards. Prof. Henry L. Bretton of the' N.M.) of the Senate group asked political science department said Wilson to comment on various me- that Cobo's decision, "Will greatly pnteon "how ar ledhindt we are ten fi ~~vnpthp Pnii~i~n~ i tchical knowlege to some other country." "You are talking about the fear mongers now," Wilson said. He added that his statement to the subcommittee was, in part at least a reply to such charges. Less Difficulty The secretary then noted criti- cism of the B52 program in current hearings of a Senate Armed Serv- ices subcommittee. - Wilson said the Air Force has had "less difficulty with the B52 in its early phases than with any other airplane in recent years." This was an apparent reference to testimony last week by Gen. Curtis LeMay, chief of the Strate- gic Air Command, that 78 B52s have been built but that only 46 have been accepted by the Air Force. Gen. LeMay told the Armed Services group that the otherswere rejected because of a defect in a small component part. To this Wilson said: "There will be no loss of production and only a tempor- This meeting, as in the past, is ary delay in our program which open to all interested students. will be made up," and ''Put the army in power." When he left the monument through a passage cleared by struggling police, Lacoste-obvi- ously enraged by the demonstra- tion-shouted back at the crowd: "Test your patriotic courage in the Aures or the Nementchas." Those are the iountains where the armed nationalist rebels rove in -strength, Later the crowds, apparently led by striking Algiers university stu- dents, clashed with police on one of the main streets in Algiers. Chairs and bottles from side- walk calfes sailed through the air. At 'least one shot was fired. Police cleared the area slowly by hurling tear gas grenades. A dozen arrests were made, but no serious injuries were reported. Union To Hold Athletic Panel Four panel members will repre- sent four different points of view at the Union-sponsored forum, "What Place Intercollegiate. Ath- letics in the Modern University?" scheduled for 7:30 p.m. today in the Union Ballroom. One panel member, freshman football coach Wally Weber, plans to discuss "the real importance" of athletics, the improvement of the individual and the "athletics for all" program. Prof. Marcus L. Plant of the Law School said yesterday he would be concerned with the prop- er proportion of athletics in the Unversity and the means of faculty control. Another panelist; Lee Marks, '56BAd, of The Daily, will note the dangers inherent in the over-em- phasis of intercollegiate athletics in the University. Prof. Marvin Felheim of the English department will also par- ticipate. Following the eight-minute speech by each of the panelists, a formal discussion period will be held with opportunities for ques- tions from the audience. Oratory Winner John Schubeck, '57, Monday be- came the champion of Michigan in the ellege rivisinn of the Hearst Ensian Out Today WILLIAM MATZEN ...,missing since Friday brown shoes. The only article of clothing missing from his room was a light yellow windbreaker. Matzen's wallet, - identification, and glasses, were left on the desk in his room. His bank account has not been touched for more than a month. University officials were ex- tremely' concerned because of his health condition. Matzen had re- entered the University in Febru- ary after dropping out temporarily because of mononucleosis, a glan- dular disease whose symptoms in- clude chronic fatigue. He has been reading late at night and sleeping during the day. He recently remained in his room for five days and was extremely thin because of illness and inade- quate eating. Health Service consultants re- vealed the possibility that Matzen may have been the victim of a unique type of amnesia. Police felt that this was not "just an ordinary case of a boy missing classes for a few days." "It seems funny," said Detec- tive Lt. George Stauch, "that an individual would take off under circumstances like this without money, clothes or identification." He did not have a girl friend, according to his friends. A mem- ber of a math class in which Matzen was having difficulty said he was disappointed because he was riot getting the high marks he felt he should. Police investigations - indicate that he was probably very de- pressed the past two weeks. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Matzen of Blue Island, Illinois, have arrived at the Uni- versity to help in the search, but so far have been able to shed no light on his possible whereabouts. His sister Barbara, '59, said Mat- zen had given her no indication he was going anywhere. City police began a full-scale investigation yesterday, and ac- cording to Detective Stauch will begin a search of the Huron Riv- er this morning. Matzen is described as 20 years old, about 6 ft., weighing 150 pounds (before illness) with brown crew-cut hair and hazel eyes. He m.v he wearin a snre nair of lb f C'1 17' 1 groups in the dispute' find them- r ro t ,osson .i xri tatns selves in the Democratic Party." "Therefore," the young teacherna l is nd of national politics continued, "if I there is a defection on the part teu c tons of Stalin of either of these groups, it is the1 Democratic Party that will be the By ADELAIDE WILEY and KEITH DeVRIES vicim and the Republican Party The current Russian denunciations of Stalin represent "not a that stands to be the beneficiary." change of heart, only of the face," Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the "As far as the presidential pri-c maries are concerned," White history department told the 24th annual Adult Education Institute said, "there will be. a possible ef- yesterday. feet on Adlai Stevenson's chances The Institute, which is being held here for a two-day session, is because of his well-known mod- sponsored by Michigan State Federation of Women's Clubs and Uni- erate stand. He might lose some versity Extension Service. supporters, although this is not Prof. Slosson said that "Russian policy is not yet touched with a yet established." demonstration of good will. "But on the other side of the Paw of the Bear coin," he added, "Stevenson could "The Russians have cdnceded Austria, which is minor, but kept a conceivably be given more sup- bear's paw on a third of Germany," he remarked. "They've never port, in that some Southern vot- shown a genuine interest in control of armaments on an international ers have evaluated the candidates ,, and think his position is not as basis." extreme as those of other candi- Asking whether the present hostile line-up of nations meant a dates, Harriman, for instance." third world war, Prof. Slosson said, "I have to give an admittedly White pointed out that the unsatisfactory answer-not necessarily. man-in-the-middle' will be the "After all, if the free nations can keep properous and united, it Southern liberal who tries to take would be suicidal for Russia to attack. And the present gang in charge a conciliatory oolicv wherever nos- o fRusia now seemsver c autious." i s a 7 l E 7 J 1 { . . "..