Al$$rliigan IJ| Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "Dick, If I Could Borrow Checkers -Hello? Hello?-" I .When Opinions Are Free,' Truth Will Prevenai Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers 'or the editors. This must b e noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, MAY 8, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: VERNON NAHRGANG Cobo Bright Light On Republican Horizon THE LILPING Michigan Republicans may finally have found an answer to the G. Mennen Williams problem. Mayor Albert E. Cobo's decision to seek the nomination for governor could easily be the first step towards the routing:,of the Soapy regime that has plagued the state GOP these last six years. The man with the green bow tie will have more than a nominal fight on his hands once the campaign gets rolling. Until Saturday's announcement, things look- ed bad for both the Old Guard and the Young Turks of the Republican party. Both 1952 and 1954 were disastrous years. In 1952, even with the aid of candidate Eisenhower, the party took a severe beating, unusually painful be- cause of the UAW-CIO's success in replacing Senatorial incumbent Homer Ferguson with ex-pipe fitter Patrick McNamara. TRADE PAPERS rejoiced again in1954, when the Democrats swept through the House and Senate, reducing the number of Republi- can holders of elective offices to an almost in- significant, number. Party wrath descended upon Michigan leader John Feikens, but it was generally agreed that the absence of the magic Eisenhower name and the presence of 300,000 unemployed workers spelled out sure defeat. The final blow came a year ago, when the traditionally Republican State Board of Agri- culture and the University Board of Regents each received two Democratic members. All this cast, a very dark cloud on the hori- zon, one which showed no sign of being lifted until Cobo's announcement. THE MAYOR has an excellent record as non- partisan head of Detroit's government. But he has an even more impressive power Over the electorate; one thinks twice before opposing Al Cobo. After a nasty difference of opinion concern- ing an attempted strike on the part of the city- owned transportation system workers, the UAW-CIO vowed to put him out of office in the next city election. Despite liberal use of its enormous "war fund" the union failed miserably. Mayor Cobo's home ground is an especially important one when considering state elections. Wayne county wields 37% of the Michigan vote; 2/3 of the Democrats' strength lies there. But given a choice between an unquestionably suc- cessful mayor and a controversial 3-term gov- ernor,,even the most loyal punch press opera- tor is likely to choose the former. W ILLIAMS is firmly entrenched in the minds of the Michigan voters, there is no doubt of that. His flashing smile has beamed over more square dances and charmed more "Michi- gan Mile" (eight furlongs and a wreath of roses) winners than any of his predecessors. But it is time that the millionaire Phi Beta Kappa moves up or out. He has "plain- folksed" it successfully up and down the state for six years, but Mayor Albert Cobo's Wayne County record and supporters seem very likely to bring a cloudburst to the long, long Demo- cratic picnic. --ALLAN STILLWAGON Iv.I ~~"9s6~~ r1rW%*vGI~A aor~ - ~ 4 t MAY FESTIVAL Sunday Concerts Close Superb Series TWO CONCERTS of heavily romantic music brought the 1956 May Festival to an end Sunday. All the works save the last were written in the twentieth century by composers apparently unwilling to accept its presence. The last work, is one of the great products of the, romantic move- ment. The last movement is a particularly fine example of the enlarge- ment of a classical form. Astrict chaconne, the eight-bar theme is displayed 31 times without change of rhythm or key. Yet the inter- weaving of other material is so subtle and so brilliantly effected that one has to concentrate to appreciate the variation process that underlies the whole movement. Brahm's Fourth is an old stand-by for the Philadelphia Orchestra and Eugene Ormandy. After a movement of uncertainty at the very opening the orchestra settled down to an extraordinary performance. The second movement <# S WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND * More About Chotiner issue By DREW PEARSON : Sweezy and Socialism WEDNESDAY NIGHT, this campus will be graced by the most unorthodox thinker to appear here this year. Paul M. Sweezy has accepted the invitation of the Economics Club to debate with Profes- sor Kenneth E. Boulding on "American Capital- ism Today." . Sweezy is a socialist-a Marxian as opposed to a Fabian according to a member of the eco- nomics department. This fact differentiates him from campus speakers so far this year-he is an intellectual heretic. But, besides being unorthodox, Sweezy is also controversial. On January 3, 1954, he was brought before a New Hampshire investigating committee under authority of that state's Sub- versive Activities Control Act. The Act defines a subversive as one who ad- vocates the violent overthrow of the United States government by force or violence. A former Harvard professor, Sweezy testi- fied he wasn't a communist, never had been, didn't know any, never went to meetings, and that he had never advocated the violent over- throw of our constitutional government. He refused to answer questions concerning his ideas and associations, saying that this information wasn't "pertinent to the New Hampshire law." Again on June 3, 1954, he was called before the New Hampshire attorney general. This time Sweezy told the attorney general that he was "outside the scope of his inquiry" when asked about participation in the Progressive Party and a lecture on "Socialism" he delivered at the University of New Hampshire. Sweezy was convicted on a contempt charge. Public opinion was generally on his side during the trial. The Nation felt, "Investigations sanc- tioned to defend constitutional government are being utilized to deny political freedom to those who may hold unpopular views, or any opinions at all. Freedom of speech, press, and associa- tion become devoid of meaning when their ex- ercise may provoke official investigation and the threat of prosecution for perjury or con- tempt." Essentially Sweezy's thought advocates that a socialist labor party in this country must use its political power to acquire an ever increasing share of economic power. "What I am advo- cating," says Sweezy, "is that those of us who are convinced that in the long run socialism is the only possible answer politically, and by far the best conceivable answer economically, should begin right now to explain why, to every- one we work with for the realization of more limited aims." Wednesday night in the Rackham Amphi- theatre, Paul Sweezy will give us "whys" forI his opinion and we may ask him "whys" about it. Even if no "therefores" are reached, the minds of the University will at least have had a choice of the thought menu. -JIM ELSMAN THE ISSUE in the case of Mur- ray Chotiner, campaign mana- ger and personal attorney for Vice President Nixon, is quite simple. It can be best understood by making some comparisons. In 1933, shortly after Franklin Roosevelt took office, several im- portant Democrats who had help- ed elect him came to Washington and set up law offices. They start- ed to practice law legitimately, but naturally their position of influ- ence helped their law practice. President Roosevelt then an- nounced that if they were to prac- tice law they would have to re- sign from the Democratic Nation- al Committee. They had every right to practice law, he said, but not to use the Democratic Nation- al Committee as a means of get- ting business. * * I WAS IN FDR'S press confer- ence when he made this statement. I recall that some Democratic stal- warts who had helped elect him didn't like this at all. 0. Max Gardner, Democratic committee- man from North Carolina, said the President was quite right and re- signed immediately. But Arthur Mullen of Nebratka called at the White House and squawked before he would resign. Others who re- signed were Robert Jackson of New Hampshire and Bruce Kramer of Montana, all on the Democratic National Committee' Harry Truman continued the Roosevelt rule. However, he got smeared when an attorney named Col. James Hunt, using an auto- graphed photo given him by Tru- man, started using Truman's name. Truman actually had noth- ing to do with Hunt. This was the first big five-per- center case, and the same Senate committee which treated Chotiner so gently was ruthless in probing five-percenter Hunt. The same committee also rode roughshod over Gen. Harry Vaughan for mak- ing phone calls from the White House on behalf ofaJohn Maragon and friends, just as did Charley Willis and Max Rabb for Murray Chotiner. The same Senate Com- mittee did not press Chotiner for the names of the clients for whom the phone calls were made. * * * THIS COLUMN was the first to expose Vaughan's and Maragon's influence operations; and I per- sonally testified before the Senate Committee. This was the root reason why I was called some choice names by the White House. Murray Chotiner is just as much a part of the Republican Com- mittee as Roosevelt's friends whom he fired were a part of the Demo- cratic Committee-perhaps more so. I happen to have the record of Chotiner's expenses paid him by the Republican committee from June 1, 1954, to Jan. 23, 1956. It shows. he received $5,085 in ex- penses, largely for telephone calls. His heaviest expenses occurred during the 1954 Congressional campaign, which the Eisenhower administration lost both in the House and Senate. (Copyright, 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) especially was presented in one of the finest readings of orchestral music I have ever heard. * * * THE OPENING number on the evening concert was by someone named Yardumian, described in the program as one of Philadel- phia's most promising composers. Unless he improves considerably he has little hope outside Phila- delphia. I do not feel I am alone in this judgment for the work, "Cantus animae et cordis," was given a cordial but scarcely ani- mated reception. After the Yardumian, a piano appeared from the basement on a conveniently located elevator, al- leviating the curiosity of those who may have wondered about how they get a piano onto the stage through those two little doors. The result was more than worth the commotion. .Byron Janis sat down at the piano and played Rachmaninoff's Third Piano Con- certo. In response to prolonged applause Mr. Janis performed the amusing little "Black Key," playing the famous double sixth run at the end in a way that showed he had not been seriously tried by his previous exertions. * * * THE ENTIRE afternoon was de- voted to a complete performance, with reduced orchestra, of Schon- berg's Gurre-Lieder. This enor- mous cantata is one of those things that everybody talks about, but nobody does, at least not very often. Thor Johnson, who conducted the afternoon concert, did a fine job with a complex and prolix work. Ichonberg wrote the Gurre Lieder before he deserted the ro- mantic movement for his "twelve- tone" system for which he is most famous. The opening, a somewhat pas- toral motive, depicting the Danish countyside about the ill-fated castle, Gurre, appears periodically throughout; subtly becoming more and more ominous as the doom of Tove become imminent. The music as the horrified peasant, Bauer, watches Tove's coffin pass is quite effective. The final Chorus "See the Sun Rise" is perhaps too long, but quite lovely. It bring the work to the customary sonorous conclusion. --J.P. Benkard AT THE MICHIGAN: Mario All Passion "MARIO! Mexico! Man-Woman Madness!" screms the ad- vertisements for Mario Lanza's comeback picture, "Serenade," a two-hour collection of every musi- cal cliche Hollywood has invented. The Plot: healthy, Italian Da- mon Vincenti (Lanza), a young man with a voice "that God gave me," meets up with Kendall Hale (Joan Fontaine), a high-society strumpet who has no talents out- side of the bedroom, but who picks up young artists, keeps them for a few months, and then tosses them aside on the eve of their public debut. Cautious at first, Damon eventually flies into Ken- dall's arms while the two cham- pagne glasses she has just filled fizzle. * * * DAMON IS singing in his New York debut when Kendall walks out on him and he dashes off stage in the middle of the Dio Ti Gio- codi duet from "Otello" and flees to Mexico. There, Damon collapses, loses his voice and, in general, goes to pieces until shapely, devoted Jua- na Montes (Sarita Montiel) nurses him back to health, gives him con- fidence to sing and helps him stage a return to the theater. Jua- na gets jealous of Kendall and runs across a busy street and gets run over by a motor vehicle, re- covering in the middle of Ramon's final concert. '* *1 * MARIO, looking like a svelte Egyptian pyramid, overdoes every- thing terribly. When he acts, his body convulses, his hands tremble, his lips jar, his nostrils quake and his eyes dilate. When he sings, he not only acts with all the afore- mentioned embellishments, but also demonstrates enough power to make Ethel Merman sound like a 12-year-old choir boy. Miss Fon- taine has little to do except wear a few dozen chic gowns designed I THE Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent In TYPEWRITTEN from to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for the Sunday edition must be in by 2 p.m. Friday. TUESDAY, MAY 8,1956 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 65 General Notices Regent's Meeting. Because of the anticipated volume of business which must be transacted at the Regents' meeting of May 24 and 25, it is earnestly requested that all those having com- munications ;or presentation at this meeting submit them to the President not later than May'15 instead of May 16. The preparation of the individual copies of the agenda which must be sent to the Regents at least a week in advance of each meeting is requiring more time than in the past, because of thevnumber of communications in- volved. .There seems to be some confusion as to when classes end for the second semester of the present University year. According to the official Academic Cal- endar for 1955-56 classes end on the evening of Tuesday, May 29.: Examin- tions begin Friday morning, June 1, and end Thursday afternoon, June 14. Herbert G. Watkins, Secretary Michigan Linguistic Society will meet May 12, 'Saturday, :30 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. Professor Warner G. Rice, Chairman of the Department of English Language and Literature will preside at the following program meet- ing. "Linguistics and Reading," by Charles C. Fries; "Some Problems in Editing The Middle English Diction- ary,'" Hans Kurath; "I Would Have Did It But I Was Too Scairt," O. L. Abbott. Reservations for the luncheon at 12:15 in Room 101-102 Michigan Union may, be made by contacting Professor Hide Shohara, 2019 Angell Hall, Extension 431 before Thursday ngon. School of Music Honors Convocation 4:15 Wednesday afternoon, May 9, Audi- torium A Angell Hall. Guest speaker: Henri Temianka, violinist, Paganin Quartet, "The Present and Future of Music." Academic Notices Freshmen and Sophomores, College of LS&A. Those students who will have fewer than 55 hours at the end of this semester and who have not yet had ther elctions approved for the Fall Semester should make an appointment at the Faculty Counselors Office for Freshmen and Sophomores, 1210 Angell Hal. f you do not have your fall elections apprved before the final examination period, it will be necessary for you to do this the half day before you are scheduled to register next fall. Be- cause registration will being on Mon- day, September 17, the "half, day be- fore" Monday morning will be Saturday afternoon, September 15. Seminar in the Resolution of Conflict (Economics 353, Problems in the Inte- gration of the Social Sciences) will meet Tues., May 8, in the Conference Room of the Children's Psychiatric Hospital. Dr. Theodore Larson of the Architecture Department will speak on "Integrat'on' in Design as a Fector in Conflict Reso- iution." Mathematics Club. Tues., May 8, at x p.m., West Conference Room, Rackham Building. Dr. M. Auslander will speal on "Group Extensions." Doctoral Examination for Emma Hirsch Mellencamp, Fine Arts; thesis: "Renaissance Classical Costume (1450- 1515)," Tues., May 8, 204 Tappan Hall, at 4:15 p.m. Acting Chairman, Marvin Eisenberg. Doctoral Examination for Robert Os- car Schuze, Sociology; thesis: 'Eco- nomic Dominance and Public Leade'r- ship: A Study of the Structure and Process of Power in an Urban Com- munity," Tues., May 8, 5607 Haven Hall, at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, Morris Janowitz. Doctoral Examination for Elizabeth May McClintock, Botany; thesis: "A Monograph of the Genus Hydrangea," Tues., May 8, 1139 Natural Science Bldg., at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, Rogers Mc- Vaugh. Botanical Seminar. Dr. S. H. Min- shall, Science Service Laboratory, Lon. don, Ontario, will speak on "Some Phy- siological Effects of CMU on Plants." 4:15 p.m., 1139 Natural Science. Wed., May 9. Sociology Colloquium: Robert 0 Schulze, of Brown University, will speak on "Who are the Community Power Elite?" on Tues., May 8, at 7:30 p.m., on the third floor in Rooms D andi E at the Michigan League. Open lecture. T U'.- a.. 4 4 I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I FROM THE OTHER SIDE: The Upward Trend of Crime . INTERPRETING THE NEWS: NATO's Economic Efforts T HE COMMITTEE appointed by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to make plans for a coordinated economic effort in the cold war is going to run into many difficulties. If the efforts of the individual nations, par- ticularly the United States, are allowed to lag pending international action, which promises to be slow, Russia will be handed an important advantage., Indeed, there is a serious question whether NATO can ever agree on methods of helping noncommitted and underdeveloped countries outside its own ranks. There is a question whether, if it should agree, it would be able to do the job properly. The character of the or- ganization itself is against it. Editorial Staff DAVE BAAD, Managing Editor MURRY FRYMER JIM DYGERT Editorial Director City Editor DEBRA DURCHSLAG...............Magazine Editor DAVID KAPLAN ....................... Feature Editor JANE HOWARD ...................... Associate Editor LOUISE TYOR ....................... Associate Editor PHIL DOUGLIS ........................ Sports Editor ALAN EISENBERG ............ Associate Sports Editor JACK HORWITZ .............. Associate Sports Editor MARY HELLTHALER.............. .. Women's Editor ELAINE EDMONDS..........Associate Women's Editor JOHN HIRTZEL................. Chief Photographer Business Staff DICK ALSTROM...................Business Manager BOB ILGENFRITZ ...... Associate Business Manager KEN ROGAT ................... Advertising Manager NATO IS DESIGNED to provide a background of military strength against which Western diplomats can work for peaceful settlements. The nations which need help-primarily East- ern nations-would consider cooperation with such an organization a violation of the neu- trality they are trying to maintain. They would be afraid of Russia's reaction. As a means of further unifying the NATO countries, however, the new movement is im- portant even though it may not produce much more than consultation. Formation of a "one for all and all for one" economic organization paralleling the military organization would be very difficult, especially in view of Britain's obligations to the Commonwealth nations. It i's doubtful that congressional approval could be obtained in the United States. CONSULTATIVE ORGANIZATION, however, in which the nations could discuss mutual interests and mutual difficulties, trying to avoid monetary and trade practices which hurt each other, would be valuable to the economic sta- bility of the whole anti-Communist front. New Books at the Library Wendt, Gerald-You and the Atom; N. Y., Whiteside-Wm. Norrow, 1956. Williams, Jay-A Change of Climate; N. Y., Random House, 1956. Sloane, Eric-Eric Sloane's Almanac & Weather Forecaster; N.Y. & Boston, Duell, Sloan & Pearce-Little Brown, 1955. Solon, Gregory-The Three Legions; N. Y., Random House, 1956. (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following article was written by a present in- mate of the State Prison of South- ern Michigan. Earl Gibson, editor of the prison weekly, "The Specta- tor, wrote a six-part series which appeared in The Daily for Jan. 16- 20. In the future, the Daily will publish other articles of Gibson's on the problem of today's prisons and today's prisoner.) By EARL GIBSON ACCORDING to the latest Uni- form Crime Reports, published by the FBI, the total percentage of crime committed in the United States between the years 1950 and 1954 rose 20 per cent, whereas the total population itself rose only aboue five per cent during the same period. In all probability, how- ever, the net result of this reve- lation, and of the assurance of continued percentile increase in crime, will be renewed cries for and the subsequent building of more prisons. Once upon a time, epilepsy was considered a sacred sickness, a visitation from on high of divine judgment. All that was done in those days for epileptics was eith- er to build more hovels for them or to disregard them entirely. Cer- tainly nothing could be done for the disease itself, since mortals could not interfere in divine mat- ters. Although many of these epi- leptics, to be sure, were hopeless mental degenerates, many others, aside from the annoying seizures, were intelligent and eminently worth saving. * * * WITH THE progress of medical science, however, studies were made of the etiological factors in the various epileptiform afflictions, and gradually, where once there had been ignorance and supersti- tion, there appeared some glim- of epilepsy was not dealth with by either disregarding the disease or solely by bui-lding more and more places for storing away the afflicted. * * * NOW THE FACTORS, both en- vironmental and hereditary, which lead to the development of the criminal are doubtlessly much more complex and subtle than those which produce epilepsy, or any other disease, for that mat- ter, and more difficult to isolate. But still,nwhat a different picture we find in the field of criminology and penology! With but few, and relatively recent exceptions, the problem of dealing with (detected, mind you) criminal activity has been carried out on the basis of an outmoded metaphysico-legal philosophy, the prime panacea of which, in the last analysis, resolves itself into the application of the lex talionis and tribal retribution:l incarceration and capital punish-' ment. To use another analogy, you may attack the vermin problemI in several ways. You may, for instance, fill your cellar with more and more, larger and larger rat traps, baited with bigger and big- ger pieces of cheese. True, you may catch more rate, and you may gloat over even finer and fatter specimens of the animal-- but you are not solving the rat problem. At best, you are only producing a super-breed of wiser and bigger rats. : A. I LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS by Vicik bibter i t, , . l .- ,- v CI 1 : ~ ." r . ' ' .._ .rte i i 'I .i