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May 08, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-05-08

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it 43UU



Latest Deadline in the State



President Urges
More Foreign Aid
Asks $4,900,000,000 Insurance
Against Russian World Buildup
WASHINGTON (P)-The administration urged Congress yesterday
to invest an additional $4,900,000,000 in foreign aid as insurance
against "augmented dangers to the free world."
"Military assistance is still needed and defense efforts cannot be
relaxed in any degree," John B. Hollister, director of the International
Cooperation Administration, told the Senate Foreign Relations com-

Soviet Emphasis on Economic Measures
"Although today Soviet tactics are placing greater
economic overtures to the less developed nations, there is

emphasis on
no indication

To Consider
S'U' Proposal
Would Give City
$60,000 More
A University offer to pay 18 per
cent of the annual operating costs
of the Ann Arbor Fire Department
was referred to a special working
committee by the Council last
The offer, which University of-
ficials thought would receive im-
mediate approval, would result in
$60;000 in additional revenue for
the city during the fiscal year be-
ginning July 1.
John S. Dobson, former council-
man and chairman of the coun-
cil's special committee, explained
that "approval of the agreement
would result in the University con-
tributing money for the first time
to costs of operating the Fire De-
'U' Loaned Truck
University help until now had
consisted of loaning a high pres-
sure fog truck and an aerial ladder
truck. The University's announce-
ment of the offer yesterday in-
cluded a proyision that ownership
of these would be transferred to
the city of the proposed agreement
met approval.
The offer is part of a proposed
agreement between the City
Council's special revenue commit-
tee and a committee of the Uni-
versity Regents.
Bicycle Action
The Council also took further
action on the bicycle parking and
riding problem.
An amendment passed last night
to the bicycle ordinance states
the City Council shall from
time to time designate certain
areas in the city in which it shall
be unlawful to ride or park bicycles
on -the sidewalks, streets, or the
area between the two.".
The police department shall post
warning signs in the designated
AU' Instructors
To Give Talks
At Conference
The Adult Education Institute
sponsored by Michigan State Fed-
eration of Women's Clubs and
University Extension Service opens
here today.
About 300 people, mostly wom-
en's club representatives, are ex-
pected to attend the two-day con-
eMain speaker today will be Prof.
James L. Zumberge, of the geology
department, who will speak at 10
a.m. on Michigan's heritage of
natural resources and the par it
has played in the development of
the state.
Following him will be English
Prof. Arthur J. Carr who will de-
scribe the cultural revolution being
wrought by the popular paperback
books. He will speak at 11 a.m.
These talks will be held in the
Rackham Amphitheater.
In the afternoon session sched-
uled for 2 p.m. in the Rackham
Lecture Hall, Prof. Preston W.
Slosson, of the history department
will tell about the confusion and
rapid changes in the world situa-
tion. /

Also speaking today will be Prof.'
James Wallace, of the music litera-

that the danger of military aggres-
sion is over.
"Communist military buildup in
any parts of the world and Com-
munist distribution of modern
weapons provide augmented dan-
gers to the free world."
The administration is asking
foreign aid funds for the fiscal
year beginning July 1.
Its new budget is $2,200,000,000
more than Congress voted last
year. Hollister, who runs the for-
eign aid program, said about three
billion .dollars worth of the new
money would be used for military
Danger Remains
Under questioning by Senator
John Sparkman (D-Ala.), Hollis-
ter said "there always is danger"
of a renewal of fighting in Korea.
Without American help, he said,
Korea cannot "maintain in the
field the largest free world army in
Asia, facing a strong enemy across
a narrow demilitarized strip.
"The enemy may strike in new
aggression at any time," Hollister
Union Panel
To Discuss
'U' Athletics
Feeling the need for more "stu-
dent-faculty liaison," Larry Ratt-
ner, '57, announced- yesterday the
Union will sponsor a panel dis-
cussion, "What Place Intercollegi-
ate Athletics in the Modern Uni-
versity?" at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow
in the Union Ballroom.
"The need for this sort of thing
has been shown by the Inter-
House Council's faculty sympo-
siums and the literary college's
conferences," Rattner said.
"But the Union forum," he con-
tinued, "is much more interested
in University affairs. We will
bring in people from all depart-
On the panel tomorrow will be
Prof. Marvin Felheim, of the
English department, Lee Marks,
'57BAd, of The Daily, Prof. Marcus
L. Plant, of the Law School, and
freshman football coach Wally
Each of the panel members will
give an eight-minute speech to
start the forum on intercollegiate
athletics. Later, after formal dis-
cussion, the program will be open
to questions and comment from
the floor.
"It's a new thing with the Un-
ion," forum chairman and modera-
tor Rattner said. "We hope it
can be put on a monthly basis."
He pointed out that, although
tomorrow's forum is open to the
public, there is room for only 300
people in the Union ballroom.

Lead Taken
By Tydings
in Primary
Ike, Estes Claim
National Votes
BALTIMORE (P) - Millard E.
Tydings claimed victory last night
in his comeback bid for Mary-
land's Democratic senatorial nomi-
Tydings, a senator for 24 years
before his 1950 defeat, hooked up
with George P. Mahoney in a tor-
rid race7which found them dead-
locked 76-76 in the state's unique
nominating unit vote.
Contractor Losing
But he held a slight edge in
popular votes-the deciding factor
in the event of a init vote tie-
and insisted the margin could not
be erased by figures from the few
still-unreported polling places.
Returns from 1,235 of 1,277 poll-
ing places showed 137,207 votes
for Tydings to 128,116 for Maho-
ney, Baltimore paving contractor
making his fourth bid for state-
wide office.
"I have 76 sure votes," said
Tydings. "With the popular vote,
that ensures my nomination."
Polling Favorable
Mahoney headquarters acknowl-
edged the unit vote tie but a
spokesman said the candidate
would withhold any "premature
statement" until the final tally
was in.
Most of the unreported polling
places were in Baltimore County,
considered a Mahoney stronghold.
At one stage in the tabulations,
with 740 polling places in, Tydings
held an 80-66 margin in unit votes.
Others Trailed
The other three candidates -
Andrew J. Easter, George W. Wil-
liams and Thomas L. Christian -
trailed hopelessly.
The fierce . Tydings - Mahoney
battle overshadowed interest in the
presidential preference primaries,
where President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower and Senator Estes Kefauver
(D-Tenn.) had the state's nomi-
nating votes tucked away.
Since neither write-in voting nor
crossing of party lines is legal in
Maryland primaries, the presiden-
tial preferenceresults were dis-
carded as indicators of relative
Democrats outnumber Republi-
cans in the state by 752,500 to
Plan Changes
In Orientation
Next fall, for the first time at
the University, freshman and
t r a n s f e r students' orientation
groups will be made up of both
men and women.
Moreover, according to Robert
L. Garfield, director of orienta-
tion, next fall will see one of the
largest entering classes, with ap-
proximately 3100 new freshmen
and approximately 1200 transfer
Each of the orientation groups
next semester will have both a man
and a woman leader.
Although the women have al-
ready been interviewed for the
positions, about 300 men are still
needed for group leader positions,
Garfield said.
Applications for orientation lead-
ers must be filed out this week,
between 3 and 5 p.m., in' the Stu-
dent Offices of the Union.



Johnson Unlikely
on nActive Candidate
WASHINGTON (P)-Senate associates said yesterday they doubt
Senator Lyndon B. Johnson (D-Tex.) will become an active candidate
for the Democratic presidential nomination despite prospects of strong
Southern support for him in early balloting.
Sen. Johnson's preliminary victory over Texas Governor Allan
Shivers for control of the 56-vote Texas delegation to the party's
national convention brought open predictionsThere that many Southern
delegates from other states will swing behind him.
Johnson in Position
If he ratifies his precinct caucus victories in county conventions
Tuesday and the state convention May 22, several senators said Sen.

EdA cation-by-Television'




Outstanding A m e r i c a n s and
Asians will participate in an Asian-
American Seminar and two public
panel discussions beginning today
through Friday.
Held under the auspices of the
United States' National Commis-
sion for the United Nations Edu-I
cational, Scientific and Cultural{
Organization, the seminar and
public meetings offer observers
and participants the opportunity
to better understand Asian and
American attitudes, values and
The Asian participants have al-
ready spent a week each in San
Francisco at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology.
The closed seminar topic is
"Human Values in Social Change
in South and Southeast Asia and
in the United States: implications
for Asian-American Cooperation."
The panel dsicussion on "Asian
and American Views on Capital-
ism, Civil Rights and Human
Values," will be open to the public
and will be held at 8:00 p.m. Fri-
day in the Rackham Lecture Hall.

Johnson will be in a position as
Texas' favorite son to pick up votes
from Southern delegations which
have little liking for any of the
present front-rank contenders .or
the nomination.
But Senators John Sparkman
(D-Ala.) and Mike Mansfield (D-
Mont.) said in separate interviews
they do not believe Sen. Johnson
will permit this movement to be
expanded into a down-the-line bid
for top place on the ticket.
'Not His Purpose'
Senator John J. Sparkman (D-
Ala.), the 1952 Democratic vice
presidential candidate, said Sen.
Johnson "has said it is not his
purpose to become a candidate and
I believe him."
Dulles Sees.
NATO Trust
WASHINGTON ) Secretary
of State John Foster Dulles said
yesterday that confidence was
widespread during the Paris meet-
ing of the North Atlantic Treaty
Just back from the meeting,
Dulles told welcomers at the air-
"There was general confidence
that the Atlantic community will
meet the demands for its own po-
litical evolution, and thus meet
the challenge of our times."

GARGOYLE SELLS-Gargoyle went on sale yesterdayi
brightly-colored booth on the Diag. Most of the copi
sold and the few remaining ones will be on sale today
same place according to Gordon Black, '57, Business Man
New Farm bill Readie
For* Quick Senate Act
WASHINGTON (/P)-Senator Allan J. Ellendei (D-I
yesterday his agriculture committee was going to do a rush j
new farm bill and have it ready for Senate action early,next
The committee voted to dispense with further public he
the House-passed measure and take it up in a closed session b
Sen. Ellender took the Senate floor to invite his colleague
their amendments, and any statements they wished to ma
at that time:
'We've Had Enough Testimony'
"I believe we've had enough testimony and that we're
take the House bill or delegate from it or add to it," Sen.
"If we get into further extended
hearings, in my judgment we will BBo -
not have any agriculture legisl- L1
tion this session."
New farm legislation has beenE
knocking around in Congress for
more than a year. The House
passed a bill in 1955, but the Sen- MONTGOMERY, ,Ala.
ate didn't act until this year andl
their combined version was vetoed lengthening Negro boyc
by President Dwight D. Eisenhower buses in Montgomery ma
April 16. the first clear-cut decis
Must Act 'Quickly' the U.S. Supreme Cour
The House passed a new bill last segregation.
week, giving President Eisenhower A suit challenging con
a soil bank program but not the ality of Montgonery City
authority he asked to make ad- bama State segregation

By Brandon
Townsley, Mann
Advance Plans
Closed-circuit television will soon
be used by University departments
for instructive purposes, Arthur L.
Brandon, Director of University
Relations, predicted yesterday.
Brandon, chairman of the ni-
versity Television and Radio Corn-
mission, revealed that, "Soon two
or three departments of the Uni-
versity will teach with closed-cir-
ter Song cuit television.
in this "One school is now making plans
s were for installation," he said. "This
in the will be our first credit-giving step
sager, in the education - by - television
Dr. William R. Mann of the
dental school said, "We have made
provisions for television facilities
in our blueprinted dental build-
ing, now up before the state legis-
Assets Listed
ion Several assests of educational
television were advanced by Dr.
Mann as they related to his field.
La.) said "More students could see a larger
ob on the area of the demonstrations," Dr.
week. Mann speculated, "by using, per-
arings on haps, a 50-inch television moni-
omorrow. tor."
s to have Dr. Mann added, "We would also
ke, ready be able to kinescope a demonstra-
tion, thus having it for future ref-
erence. These films could be used
ready to for refresher courses in the exten-
Ellender sion and foreign fields."
Medical School
Dr. Harry A. Towsley of the
t -medical school revealed that edu-
9 LL cational television planning "is be-
ing developed" for the medical
#science building which is also in
the University's capital outlay re-
quest before the Legislature.
(P)-The "Television is another audio.
tt of city visual aid in education. It could be
ty produce especially valuable in demonstrat-
ing and in teaching microscope
ion from techniques," Dr. Towsley said.
t on bus "There isn't anyone that I
know," Brandon clarified, "that
stitution- feels television-in-education will
and Ala- be a substitute for the classroom
laws will and the teacher. It is only a sup-

r Andersonville' Honored

Civic Ballet Gives Pren
The Ann Arbor Civic Ballet
made its premier performance last -
night in the Ann Arbor High r,
School Auditorium,

NEW YORK M)-A husband and wife yesterday became the first
such writing team ever to will a Pulitzer Prize.
They were cited for the poignant Broadway stage hit, "The Diary
of Anne Frank."
Albert Hackett and Frances Goodrich won the drama award for
their stage adaptation of the diary of a 13-year-old Jewish girl who
died in a Nazi concentration camp in World War II.
'Andersonville' Wins Fiction
MacKinlay Kantor's "Andersonville," an historical recital of the
+horrors of a Confederate prison
camp of the Civil War, won the
1956 Pulitzer Prize for fiction.
The Watsonville, Calif., Regis-'
ier how ter-Pajaronian, with a circulation
of ,80, asselected as winner of
the Public. Service Award in jour-
Detroiter Gets Award
x- Other journalisic winners were:
stress of an edition deadline-Lee
Hills, executive editor of the De-
troit Free Press for his coverage
of the United Auto Workers' ne-
gotiations for supplemental em-
ployment pay.
-# deadline-Arthur Daley" of the
New York Times, for his coverage!
of sports in his column "Sports of'
the Times."
Charles L. Bartlett of the Chat-
tanooga, Tenn., Times, for his
series exposing a conflict of in-
terests and leading to the resigna-
. : tion of Harold E. Talbott as sec-
" t n+ r~ of -l~ 4Il. A ~nr.

vance payments this year on crop be heard by a Three-judge panel plement where certain large classes
land to be withdrawn from produc- in Federal court Friday. are involved."
tion next year. The complaint, bearing the
"It's important that' we act names of six Negroes and filed as es San Fro
quickly," Sen. Karl D. Mundt (R- an outgrowth of the mass boycott Recently returned from the West
S.D.) told the Senate. "A matter now in its sixth month, seeks a Coast, Brandon there acted as a
of a few weeks will be of great declaratory judgment holding the consultant on an educational tele-
importance to some farmers." antirace mixing laws invalid. vision experiment which Univer-
________________________________________________sity administrators and faculty
members are keeping a watchful
Now in the formative stage at
San Francisco State College, the
been financed by the fund for Ad-
* vancement of Education, a Ford
Termed 'Fantastic Foundation subsidiary, to find
ways of meeting future college en-
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of three articles describing the re- rollment, which is predicted to
actions of education experts to a proposal to withdraw incompetent students double present numbers by 1970.
from the public schools.) Open-Circuit Project
By TED FRIEDMIAN Advising on television admin-
istration, Brandon helped blue-
A professor of educational psychology has termed an article in the print the Project along with psy-
current Atlantic Monthly "pure fantasy." chologists, sociologists,4, group-
In the article "What Shall We Do with the Dullards?" author testing experts, and other research
Caspar Green charges that "the most incompetent students tend to specialists.
set the standard and tone of the class ... The sensible program would Besides comparing the academic
be to fail them as soon as they do not do the work ... performance of the television' and
"When any individual reaches the stage of interfering with the jclassroom' groups, other research
good workmanship of others, he should be withdrawn frbm school." objectives have been delineated:
roposal Fantasti'See EDUCATIONAL, Page 6
Prof. William Clark Trow, of the educational psychology de-
partment, declared yesterday "his proposal is fantastic. He (the Petitions em
author) says that there are other institutions in the country to takePetitionstOpen
care of the incompetent students."*
This has not been demonstrated, Prof. Trow said. For Director
Then, referring to a further argument that these students can!
be better trained by working, Prof. Trow said "his other fallacy is that Petitions for publication and
then en he absorbed in the labor market. distribution of the Student Dir-

The Ballet was organizedbin
January to provide Ann Arbor bal-
let students with an opportunity
to continue their work in ballet.
It is a non-profit organization in
which teachers donate the time
and working space and the pupils
contribute their own costumes.
In the future the group will bring
a professional ballet troupe to Ann
Arbor as a part of their new pro-
gram. They have also scheduled
another full length program in the
late fall in cooperation with the
Ann Arbor Civic Orchestra.

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