SUNDAY, MAY 6, 1956 THE MCHIGAN DAILY w i /Y4M 1" TUE M1d ITA1 T JAnY. PAG*~E TC g :1'11'Tennis, MacKay Excels for Netters In 8-1 Victory Over Indiana T ck Squa Is in; Golf Team (Continued from Page 1) In the final match Larry Brown, hampered by a hand injury, lost to George Fryman 6-2 and 6-3. This was the lone defeat of the day for Michigan and the only loss that the Wolverines have suf- fered out of their last 36 matches. Netters Win Doubles The doubles play was by fat the most exciting action of the day. IBailey Runs 3:,58.6 Mile; Tops Land LOS ANGELES (P)-Jim Bailey of Australia defeated his famed countryman, John Landy, in a special seven-man mile race yes- terday and both eclipsed four min- utes. Bailey was timed in 3:58.6, a new American record. Landy hit the wire in 3:58.7. Ron Delany of Vil- lanova was third in 4:05.6. Bailey, 26-year old student at the University of Oregon, became the first man to break the four minute mark in the United States. He broke the American record of 4:00.5, set in April 1955, at Aus- tin, Tex., by Wes Santee of Kan- sas. Landy, who holds the world rec- ord of 3:58, put up a desperate fight but lost the lead to Bailey about 110 yards from the finish and could not overtake his rival. Landy's comment: "Jim comes from Australia, too, so we're quite happy." A roaring crowd estimated at more than 40,000 turned out under bright skies to see the race, a special attraction in a dual Pacific Coast Conference meet between Southern California and UCLA. Bailey, the NCAA champion, took an opening lead but soon De- lany took over the pace. He sur- rendered it to Landy at the end of the second lap. The 26-year-old Landy opened up a wide lead over Delaney. Then Bailey moved into contention with 220 yards to go and went on to win. After assuring themselves of the victory by virtue of their 5-1 score in the singles, the rietters fell be- hind in every one of the doubles matches. MacKay and Potter, lax in their first set lost to Field and Petrick, 3-6. They came back strong to take the next match 6-3 and even the series. In the last and deciding set each team held service for ten games making the score 5-5. Then Mac- Kay and Potter broke Petrick's service and went on to win 7-5. These two promising sophomores from Indiana proved to be the strongest opposition of the year that last year's Big Ten doubles champions have faced. Jaffe and Harris after going down 4-1 came back to outlast Fryman and Huddleston in the longest set of the day, 11-9. They had no trouble in winning the second set 6-1 from the demoral- ized Hoosiers. Jensen, Brown Win In the final match of the day Jensen and Brown defeated Dill- man and Dentice; 6-2 and 6-3. They had it the easiest of the three doubles winners even though they also fell behind at the out- set. Now that Indiana has been eli- minated Coach Murphy looks to- wards next week's match with Il- linois as a test of Michigan's su- premacy in the Big Ten. The Illini were not expected to be a threat when the season open- Rained Out For the second consecutive Saturday the Michigan baseball team was rained out of action in a double-header. The scheduled games with the University of Wisconsin were canceled and will not be replayed. The team will have to wait until this weekend to try to im- prove its 1-1 Conference rec- ord. --Daily-John Hirtzel SEVERAL MICHIGAN GRIDDERS warm up before yesterday af- ternoon's scrimmage in front of Mr. Fred C. Matthaei's heli- copter. Coach Bennie Oosterbaan got an excellent over-all view of his football prospects as he watched pre game practice from the helicopter. GRIDDERS SCRIMMAGE: Kramer Stars in Drills Needles, Top Choice, os Derby LOUISVILLE, Ky. ()-Needles threaded his way from next to last place through a charging field of horseflesh yesterday and with a mighty stretch rush won the $167,- 550 Kentucky Derby, just like his daddy did in 1949. A big favorite of the roaring crowd of some 100,000 excited spec- tators jamming ancient Churchill Downs, the strapping Florida-bred colt brought the first Derby to that palm tree state. The result was never in doubt midway down the long home stretch as Needles stuck it into the opposition, ^ finally overhauling Calumet Farm's Fabius with less than a sixteenth of a mile remain- ing in the mile and a quarter race. Jockey Dave Erb was the "eye" of Needles and his bay charger, who has confounded old Derby- town with his dislike for training chores, rolled under the finish line three quarters of a length ahead of Willie Hartack and Fabi- us, one half of the Calumet entry from Kentucky. Come On Takes Third Third place, another length and a half behind, went to the surpris- ing Indiana-bred colt, Come On Red, who wasn't even supposed to start this 82nd Derby unless the track was muddy. It wasn't, as sunshine and 80- degree weather bathed the premi- ses, and made the track fast as greased lightning, although Need- les' time for the mile and one quar- ter was 2:03 2-5, well off Whirl- away's record of 2:01 2-5 in 1941. This was the second time in the long Derby history dating back to 1875 that a son, a daddy and a grandpop have nabbed the roses in the great classic for 3-year-olds. Ponder's dad, Pensive, a son of English Derby winner Hyperion, won America's most colorful horse scramble in 1944 . Although his time yesterday wasn't among the fastest Derbies, it did the job sufficiently, and makes Needles a threat for the two other triple crown classics, the Preakness May 19 at Pimlico in Baltimore and the Belmont in New York June 16. cin Sports May 7 h Bend, Ind. y, May 9 -here-2:00 p.m. May 11 1:30 p.m. 5 p.m. May 12 --Daily--John Hirtzel CARRY ON-Michigan's Pete Gray slips the baton to teammate Rob Varian, who is about to anchor the Wolverines' mile-relay team to victory. Action is from yesterday's triangular meet here with the Chicago Track Club and Marquette, which Michigan won by 35 points. SCops 81 Points in Meet Loses Buckeyes, Purdue Beat 'M' Golfers Special To The Daily LAFAYETTE, Ind. - Yesterday just was an off day for the Wol- verine linksters. The golfers saw their five game win streak and a Big Ten unde- feated record go by the boards as both Purdue and Ohio State trounced Michigan in a triangular meet at Lafayette. The Wolverines lost to Ohio State by a 23-11 count, and then to Purdue by a 23-19 score. Ohio State took first place honors, by downing the Boilermakers by a 23-13 margin in the triangular meet. Only Fred Micklow and Bob Mc- Masters had respectable rounds for Michigan. Micklow came in with a very respectable 153 for the day activities, and McMasters carded a 156. Joe Campbell of Purdue, last year's National Intercollegiate golf champion returned to his great form after a very poor round in last week's match, taking medal- ist honors for the meet with a 149. Ohio State displayed a great deal of balance in their victorious effort, with three golfers scoring 153 or less. Fritz Schmidt had the low score for the Buckeyes with a 152, followed by Rick Jones and Mel Woelfling at 153. OSU had only one man who fin- ished with a score of 160 or worse, while five of the Wolverine links- ters failed to break the 160 mark. Despite the wide spread in points, the meet was much closer than it appeared on the score card. All of the scores of the three squads were quite high. Coach Bert Katzenmeyer com- mented that Ohio State gave a very impressive display of their over-all balance, which is deflnite- ly their strong point. However, he still feels that the three squads are still nearly equal, and that on any given day, any one of the three could take the first place honors. Michigan golfers, Steve Uelac, John Schubeck and McMasters ar- rived at the meet late last night, and the all day drive took its toll on their play. Micklow took Wolverine medal- ist honors for the third meet in a row. HAIRSTYLING TO PLEASE YOU?! Try our 11 haircutters for workmanship-service I The ,Daseola Barbers near Michigan Theatre O- By DALE CANTOR Concluding its third week of spring drills, the Michigan foot- ball squad went through a two- hour scrimmage yesterday after- noon at Ferry Field. Hard running by right halfback Ron Kramer and freshman full- back John Herrnstein highlighted the afternoon session, but the crowd on the sidelines was com- pletely captured by the appearance of a helicopter over the practice field. The plane, owned by alumnus Fred C. Matthaei of Detroit, landed his maize and blue helicopter in the adjoining practice field. Coach Bennie Oosterbaan climbed aboard and flew over his athletes as they warmed up for the practice scrim- mage. However, Kramer, after partici- pating in the track meet, caught the attention of the crowd once' again by scoring five touchdowns in the long drill-one on a 70- yard dash and another on a 50- yard run. He also crashed through for two more on shorter plunges and pick- ed up a counter on a forward pass from freshman quarterback Bob Ptacek. Herrnstein Scores Herrnstein counted on a 60-yard dash after veteran Ed Shannon, playing at the right halfback slot, had scored on a short line buck on the Varsity's opening march. Quarterback Jim Van Pelt tossed two scoring passes to freshman end Gary Prahst and two more to sophomore end Dave Bowers, who received beautifully all afternoon. Captain Tom Maentz was absent from yesterday's drills because of an injury incurred during Thurs- day's scrimmage. Maentz will prob- ably miss the remaining drills also, but, as Coach Bennie Oosterbaan said, "We already know what he can do." This Weeli Monday, TENNIS-Notre Dame-South Wednesda TENNIS-Western Michigan- Friday,I BASEBALL-Illinois-Here-1 TENNIS-Illinois-Here-2:1 Saturday, (Continued from Page 1) strup in the stretch. The winning clocking was 4:20.7. Coleman took the half-mile in 1:56.2, two Marquetters also finish- ing ahead of the Wolverines' Rob Varian, whose gun-lap kick proved insufficient. Kramer Debutes Ron Kramer made his debut for the season, and though completely out of practice still managed to score a point for his team by tak- ing fourth in the shot put, won by Dave Owen in 52'2%". Michigan Captain Ron Walling- ford deserted his competition to take the two-mile in a breezing 9:14.2, beating Chicago's ex-Loyola runner, Bob Kelly, by over 100 yards. Bob Brown also turned in a full day's work. He impressed Canham and the assembled fans by winning the 220 easily and kicking hard to take second in the 100 to the Maroons' Jim Caffey. Pete Gray, the Wolverines' half- mile ace, received his first unveil- ing since being smitten with the mumps. He ran the third leg of the vic- troious mile-relay quartet, appear- ing to be rather fatigued- by the effort though niaintaining a fairly solid lead. Landstrom Vaults 14'3" The Blue continued its winning ways as Eeles Landstrom pole- vaulted 14'31, missing 14'8" three times. And in the best Wolverine event, Mark Booth won the high jump, Brendan O'Reilly and Stan Menees tying Chicago's Floyd Smith for second. Booth did 6'6", the three run- ners-up topping 6'4". This gives Record Breakers Parry O'Brien and Dave Simes set new world records in the shot put and the 220 yard low hurdles respectively in two widely separated meets yester- day. O'Brien put the shot 6111", while Simes, Duke University's sensational sprinter, ran a stun- ning 22.2. Booth the edge in his running competition with Smith, three wins to two. Another active athlete was Hen- dricks, who in addition to his second spot in the low hurdles, won the highs over Chicago's Mit- chell Watkins in :1U.. Hendricks also took third in the broad Jump. In a couple of freshman-only events, Don Kohl led all the way into the stretch in the 440, where he was passed by Milt Robinson. The winning time was :51.3. Kohl came back to win the frosh 220, however, edging Californian Johnu Magnuson in :23.0. ed but due to their recent play must be considered as a contender. As a tune-up for this contest the Wolverines will meet Western' Michigan, always a power in the field of tennis, this coming Wed- nesday at the Varsity courts at 2 p.m. YANKS, REDLEGS WIN: Tigers Overpower Red Sox 16-4 By The Associated Press BOSTON - The Detroit Tigers banged out 20 hits off three Boston pitchers as they trounced the Red Sox, 16-4. Harvey Kuenn drove in four runs while Bill Tuttle and Charley Max- well garnered four hits apiece for the Tigers. Billy Hoeft chalked up his second victory of the year and had a perfect day at bat. Mantle Hits Two NEW YORK - Mickey Mantle clouted his eighth and ninth home runs of the season while Hank Bauer and Yogi Berra each got one in New York's 5-2 victory over Kansas City. Mantle also got a bunt single to boost his batting average to .433. Mickey McDermott gained his first decision as a Yankee hurler. Sets Record But Loses BALI/MORE-Pitcher Don Fer- rarese set a new American League record yesterday-13 strikeouts by a first-time starting pitcher, but lost a 2-1 decision to the Cleve- land Indians. Jim Hegan, Indian catcher, doubled home the winning run in the first half of the ninth inning. Redlegs Nip Pirates CINCINNATI-Gus Bell's 10th inning single scored. Rocky Bridges from second base to give the Cin- cinnati Redlegs a 7-6 win over the Pittsburgh Pirates. Ted Kluzewski, who had been benched for six games, homered in the last half of the ninth to knot the score and send the game into extra innings. Wally Post, Joe Nuxhall, and Frank Robinson also homered for the Redlegs. New Gym Stars Freshman gymnast Jim Hays- lett, participating in the Junior National AAU in Chicago, placed in free exercise, fourth in long horse, 5th in high bar, and 5th in all-around competi- tion. Frank Newman, freshman, took third place honors in tram- poline competition. Stobbs Halts White Sox WASHINGTON - Chuck Stobbs held Chicago to six hits as Wash- ington beat the White Sox, 4-2. Jim Lemon slammed a home run and two doubles to aid the Senators' cause. Minnie Minoso smacked his first home run of the season for the White Sox. Grand Slammer Fatal ST. LOUIS-Ken Boyer's grand slam home run in the first inning was enough to give the St. Louis Cardinals a 4-1 triumph over the Brooklyn Dodgers. Cardinal pitcher Tom Poholsky gave up only three hits, one of which was Duke Snider's homer in the seventh, his second of the season. . .. . . ~~ . BASEBALL-Purdue (two games)-Here-1:30 p.m. TRACK-Indiana-Here-1:30 p.m. GOLD-Ohio State, Purdue and Northwestern-Here- 8:00 a.m. TENNIS-Ohio State-Columbus, O. 11 .m THE PIPE CENTER'S FEINER GLASS& PAINT CO. 216 W. William Street Ann Arbor, Michigan Telephone NO 8-8014 We Have All Kinds of Glass-Mirrors and Furniture Tops. We Have the Nationally Advertised Paints. You Can Park Right in Front of Our Store. WE HAVE BEEN SERVING THE COMMUNITY FOR 67 YEARS New Line of Imported SPRING HAIRSTYLES! , " Dunhill *"Danish * Scotchr AsFo "CDutch 77ePife Cehtei' 118 E. Huron-Across From the Court House i They're-smare -suave -individualistic 11 Haircutters to please The Dascola Barbers near Michigan Theatre TUXEDO RENTAL SERVICE-QUANTITI ES UNLIMITED i '_ "I a I f-1 I I, Li a: 1 ~ s^ .. for graduates.-wkk a major in -matheMatics ~~ en iee n ors --..: '1 - -, -th ~ I~1 flD~k~a4~offers oppm At MiT's Lincoln Laboratory in Lexingion, RAND is helping to develop programs for the new SAGE system of continental air defense. The SAGE system, perhaps the most advanced and comprehensive effort toward complete automation yet attempted, is centered around the largest and most intricate digital computer designed to date. At Santa Monica, RAND's System Development Division is using IBM's 701 and 704 computers in a scientific program for the Air Defense Command. 11 ,t. . . ... }. p.i. 11. SUMMER FORMAL fainous "After Six" OWN YOUR OWN-it may be cheaper than .renting ! These super stain-shy, crease resistant white formal jackets are only $26.95. Other Jackets, in orlon-rayon and dacron- rayon blend from $32.50. 61 11C. rtunities in cemputer programming at lexington, Mass., and Santa Monica, Calf. 11 I II I