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May 05, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-05-05

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Sixty-Sixth Year


hen Opinions Are Free,
'Truth Will Preval"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

7URDAY, MAY 5, 1956


The McKeon Incident
And Military Training,

WITH THE PROSPECT of military service
ahead for the majority of the University's
male students, the Parris Island incident in-
volving Sergeant McKeon is of particular con-
cern. This occurrence and others similar to
it, though fortunately not as tragic, give rise
to the question of the value to the nation, the
military service, and the individual, of the
military training system as it now exists.
Basically, the system is good and is effect-
ive. By intentionally being made rough and
tough, it is designed to produce two qualities,
effectiveness and security necessary to the ac-
complishment of the military mission. Good
training provides a man 'with the skill and
capability for doing his assigned task in com-
bat in the most efficient and effective manner.
It also insures that the combatant conducts
himself so as to afford maximum protection to
himself and others around him during combat.
Essentially. these goals of training are com-
plementary as maximum personal and unit
security is most often achieved by skillful and
effective performance, and rarely can one be
had without the other.
SURVIVAL in combat has been attributed to
60% skill and 40% luck on the part of the

individual soldier. Modern American military
training is trying to get as close to this 60%
as possible.
But no organization, however well disciplined,
will reach perfection in all of its individual com-
ponents. Individuals such as Sergeant Mc-
Keon can and obviously do overstep their
bounds, bringing disgrace and tragedy to the
unit. At times like these, those observing an
isolated incident must avoid generalizing about
the system under which such accidents occur.
In considering the McKeon tragedy, the poor
judgment of a single individual must not be
allowed to damage or destroy a system which
has produced the fine armies of the past and
which will turn out the same caliber of fighting
man in the future, should the nation need
THE MARINE CORPS, which traditionally
runs a taut ship, has taken up slack in its
characteristically effective manner. Military
training throughout the services may suffer
temporarily as a result of Sergeant McKeon's
misjudgment but should not . be drastically
changed in its basic precepts.

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All Mozart Program
Superb Musical Rite
THE TWO HUNDRETH birthday ceremonials for Mozart last night,
even without candles and incense, had all the elements of a loving.
respectful and devotional ritual.
The occasion seemed primarily solemn. And for this reason, as
well as the fact that Thor Johnson's tempo initially seemed all too
rapid and irregular, the Overture to The Marriage of Figaro sounded
an unfortunate opening. The tone of the orchestra was supple and
clear; the strings, silken and mellow, yet none of that agitated rustling
of skirts, the smell, even, of powdered wigs, or that excitement that
precedes the rising of the curtain was present in this rendition.
THE MAJOR WORK of the evening was the Choral Union per-



formance of the oratorio Davidde
pally on the earlier Great Mass in
C Minor. The performance was a
superbly moving one, deeply felt
and powerfully delivered. The or-
chestral and choral balance at all
times seemed perfect, but the chor-
us itself, partly due to its mam-
moth size, sacrificed transparan-
cy of tone and clarity of articu-
lation (especially in the final fu-
gal passage) for grandeur, force
and intensity.
*- * *
THE SOLOISTS in the oratorio
were Lois Marshall, soprano; Jane
Hobson, mezzo-soprano; and Ru-
dolf Petrak, tenor.
Miss Marshall displayed a dark-
er, more dramatic voice than one
remembers from her performances
several years ago. An impeccable
musical taste and sensitive phras-
ing were combined with an excit-
ing, effortless execution of colo-
ratura passages. She far out-
shone the other two soloists, not
only by her technical accomplish-
ments, but by simple beautiful
Miss Hobson's dark voice is
sumptuous in the middle register
but apparently non-existent in the
upper and lower registers. She
sang with agility, but she seemed
out of sorts last night. Her in-
tonation was poor, she sounded
fiat at the beginning of her first
aria (at least where I sat), and
her phrasing and vocal style
seemed mannered.
Mr. Petrak used his small, clear
voice with discretion, singing with
accuracy and much subtlety. It
was a pity 'that he did not have
much to sing.
penitential offering, Vronsky and
Babin performed a light, 2 piand
concerto (k. 242). The adigio
movement contained some of the
loveliest Mozart playing heard
here recently. The greatest tri-
bute that one can pay these two
performers is to say that they
made the work sound like two
highly individual intellects con-
versing with a perfect understand-
ing of each other.
-A. Tsugawa



Penitente (K. 469), based princi-


Paternalistic Condescension

WHAT ALGER HISS said last week to the
Princeton Debating Society, wasn't of much
significance or importance. In fact, his speech
on Geneva and Yalta was described as "one
of the dullest speeches in the 192-year history
of the American Whig-Cliosophic -(debating)
The significance, however, lies in the fact
that the convicted perjurer was invited by the
group to speak on a college campus-even
though Princeton trustees disapproved and its
alumni protested angrily.
Apparently, the Whig-Clios were more inter-
ested in hearing what a man of intelligence--
a man who has had much experience in foreign
affairs-had to say about Yalta and Geneva.
In the meantime, they were disregarding the
reddish tinge that colors his past record mak-
ing him a dangerous, unsavory radical in the
eyes of alumni and trustees.
Although the trustees did alloyw Hiss to
speak on the campus, Princeton's president,
Harold W. Dodds, explained this action to the
public with, "It is often not enough to tell a
child that the fire is hot. To learn the personal

significance of the fire, the child must some-
times burn himself."
The decision of the university authorities to
allow Hiss to speak on campus is commendable,
but their attitude leaves something to be de-
This "selfless" move of paternalistic-conde-
scension on the part of the trustees and alum-
ni brings us to the question: What are they
trying to protect? Surely it isn't the students
who have been taught in Princeton's great
halls of learning to distinguish between right
and wrong.
Could it be Princeton's untainted reputation?
Could members of the administration and past-
members of the school's student body want to
bar a perjurer from speaking so that he would
not cast aspersions upon an institution so well-
known for its educational standards and liber-
alism? Paradoxical, isn't it?
Perhaps the child, to whom President Dodds
referred, after learning the significance of the
fire, will be better able to explain it to adults
who have never been burnt.

Controversy Over Soil Bank


T HE BACKSTAGE maneuvering
over a farm bill has been hap-
pening with such lightning speed
that the press, let alone the pub-
lic, cap't keep up with it. Seldom,
however, has politics been so
wrapped up in any legislation, even
in an election year..
With dire reports coming from
the farm belt following Ike's veto
of the farm bill, the Republicans
were almost frantic in their de-
sire to pass something to put im-
mediate cash in the farmer's pock-
et. Secretary of Agriculture Ben-
son was also frantic In his desire
to get credit for the soil bank.
Appearing before the House Ag-
riculture Committee, Benson was
asked by Chairman Harold Cooley,
North Carolina Democrat:
"Mr. Secretary, you have pre-
sented something you call the soil
bank. But you overlook the fact
that in 1934 we spent $637,000,000
starting to build up the soil of
this country. And from that year
on, we continued to build up the
soil. Every year that you've been
in office, however, you have asked
us for less and less money for soil.
You asked us last year for $175,-
000,000 and we voted you $250,-
* * *
"AND NOW suddenly you want
what you call a soil bank.
"I remember last February," con-
tinued Cooley, "I wrote you a let-

ter asking you in detail about set-
ting aside an acreage reserve in
the form of a soil bank. And you
kept my letter from February un-
til July. Then, after conferring
with all your assistants, you final-
ly answered that it was too expen-
sive and impractical. ,
"Now, can you tell me today,"
concluded Cooley, "one authority
you need for a soil bank that you
don't already have in the bill pass-
ed 20 years ago by the Demo-
Benson turned to his lawyers
for advice. Before they could an-
swer, Cooley continued:
"I can think of two-authority
to make long-term contracts with
farmers and authority to protect
the future basic allotments of
f armers.
* .nen.
"ALL RIGHT," said Cooley, "you
send me in writing the authority
you need and we'll pass it."
Benson, however, didn't warm
up to the idea at all. He wanted
a brand new bill. The White House
also asked for authority to make
advance payments to farmers out
of the soil-bank program to the
tune of $500,000,000.
This pre-election bonus outrag-
ed Democratic leaders in general
and Congressman Jamie Whitten
of Mississippi in particular.
"If a Democratic president were

to recommend paying the farmer
part of his 1957 income in 1956.
just before the November election,
as Eisenhower has Tecommended,"
observed Whitten, "the press would
carry big headlines accusing the
Democrats of trying to borrow
the farm vote-which incidentally
would be borrowing it with the
farmer's own money loaned against
his own next year's depleted in-
HIS DANDER up, Whitten call-
ed his appropriations subcommit-
tee and OK'd a $1,200,000,000 ap-
propriation based on the old Hen-
ry Wallace soil bank bill which
had been on the statute books for
20 years. This would have given
an immediate payment instead of
borrowing against the future.
The House Rules Committee,
however, rejected the appropria-
tion on the ground that the Henry
Wallace law needed amendments.
By this time Cooley had gone
back to North Carolina where he
faces a tough primary battle on
the race issue, due to the fact that
he refused to sign the "Southern
Manifesto" against the Supreme
Court. Reached on the telephone,
Cooley dictated a 29-line amend-
ment to the Henry Wallace soil
bank law which brought it com-
pletely up to date.
(Copyright 1956, by Bel Syndicate, Inc.)


I ''

NATO powers1
siderable headshak
the alliance. The
like the American
French have moved
from the central h
Africa. The Germ
scription law beca
popular and becau
below the official
is a strong dispos
membership in NA'
security but, as at
with the Sovietsa
As Germany anc
countries most vul
the way they are be
themselves whethe
I should like to arg
ing is not the fo
superstructure that
WHAT ARE the f
consist, to spea
can guarantee to
Soviet military agg
of the members of
fundamental idea i
assisted by its NATi
tary forces in bein
at once will deter ag
This was the o
North Atlantic alli
slightest reason fo
mental guarantee i
it ever was before.
Editorial Direct

Review of NATO Strategy
EETING in Paris of the that the United States would go immediately
has been preceded by con- to war if an aggressive attack against the NATO
ing about the prospects of territory were launched.
Iceland Parliament would Upon this fundamental guarantee there has
troops to go home. The been erected a super-structure, not originally
d large parts of their army contemplated when the alliance was formed,
ront in Germany to North consisting of an international army. The
ans are putting -off a con- superstructure was added on the assumption
use military service is un- that if the Soviet Union decided for a war of
se business is booming. Just aggression, it would use the Red Army to in-
surface in Germany there vade and conquer Western Germany, the Low
ition to treat the German Countries, Scandinavia and France. This as-
TO, not as vital to German sumption was adopted before the Soviet-Union
bargaining point in dealing .had developed serious nuclear power of its
about reunification. own. It was adopted in the days when the main
d France are the two big military instrument of the Soviet Union was
lnerable to the Red Army, its infantry.
ehaving has made many ask
NAT i dg N THIS ASSUMPTION, which was most
r that what is disintegrat-. strongly held in the bad days of the Kor-
undation of NATO but a ean War, the NATO powers decided to build
t is obsolescent.\ up a large European army which was to in-
clude strong West German forces. The troubles
foundations of NATO? They of NATO have been almost wholly concerned
k plainly, of a North Ameri- with this army superstructure. Insofar as there
go to war if there is a are signs of disintegration in NATO, it is a
ression across the frontiers disintegration of the plans for this superstruc-
the NATO alliance. The ture. Neither the French nor the Germans,
s that if the United States, the nations presumably most interested in the
O allies, has adequate mili- NATO army; seem to be taking it very serious-
ig, the commitment to act ly.
ggression. It is often said that their lack of interest is
original conception of the due to the wiles and guiles of the new softer
ance, and there is not the Soviet tactics. This is, I think, a superficial
rthinking that this funda- explanation. The real explanation is that there
ls any less firm today than are few people left in France and in West
There is no doubt at all Germany, or indeed anywhere, who think that
World War III could take the form of an
attempt to invade Western Europe. It is not
that the Western nations have been ;ulled
;* into thinking that there is no danger of war.
They are very much afraid of war. But they
are afraid of a different kind of war. They
itorial Staff do not think that the war they are afraid of
AD, Managing Editor will be begun or will be decided on the ground
AD JIMng DYGERT in the middle of Europe.
or CityGEditor
.Magazine Editor THIS VIEW is not confined to the masses of
... .........Feature Editor the people, who, it is often supposed, are
.................Associate Editor beguiled by the new Soviet propaganda. The
...................Sports Editor view is general, though not universal, that
.........Associate Sports Editor invasion by the Red Army is not the real
.......Associate Sports Editor military problem - given the abundance of
.Women's Editor
. ,..Associate Women's Eio nuclear weapons on both sides and the nuclear

Football and the Iron Curtain

Iron Curtain . .
To the Editor:
ONE IS led to wonder these days
just where the so-called Iron
curtain really lies. Perhaps it can
be presently found at the borders
of the United States.
1 An exchange of students from
Harverd and Chicago Universities
with students of the Soviet Union
for a year's study had to be can-
celled last week because of the
provisions of the McCarran Immi-
gration law Despite this, one Chi-
cago student is still going to Mos-
cow to study for a year.
The M Carren Act provides that
a non-official visitor from the
USSR must be fingerprinted and
shown not to be a member of the
Commun.st party. These two pro-
cedures are uniquely American,
not being required by any other
country to my knowledge Finger-
printing it even regarded outside
the U.S. as reserved solely for
criminals. Therefore. the Soviet
students couldn't come, nct wish-
ing to submit to procedures hardly
in keepine with rules of hospi-
tality practiced abroad.
The incident is not an isolated
one eithex Last week also, the
Russians who met ten Americans
at the Elbe River in Germany
eleven years ago, linking the
Soviet Armies, were denied admit-
tance to this country (as guests of
the ten Americans) for the same

U.S. They won't though if the
McCarran Act continues in force.
If there is a Soviet Iron Cifrtain
today, it is like Swiss cheese in
comparison with our curtain which
more closely resembles the real
--Paul Dormont, Grad.
Football Suggestion.. -
To the Editor:
SUGGESTION to the football
coaches and players: forget
about practice one of these after-
noons and go up to watch Michi-
gan State practice instead. I guar-
antee you it will be an extremely
worth-while and enlightening ex-
The difference between State's
training techniques and ours is
almost unbelievable. Here at Mi-
chigan all the best players are on
one team. Naturally this team
runs roughshod over the oppo-
sition. They are able to gain con-
sistently with brute force line
plunges, so they use this type of
play with sickening rekularity.
An occasional end run or pass
is mixed in, but it is obvious that
this type of attack works onlybe-
cause the varsity players are so
much better than the scrubs, since
the scrubs get stopped cold using
the same plays against the var-
sity. And so our team learns a
whole system of offense that con-
sistently goes nowhere against
good Big Ten teams.

lateral, hand off, or pass. They
run so many wide plays that when
they do hit the middle of the line,
there is often a big hole there.
And the important thing is that
both the first and second teams
use these plays with considerable
effectivenessagainst each other.
To say that State's techniques
are better than ours is a great
understatement. They are in a
completely different class. Anyone
who still thinks Bennie Oosterbaan
belongs here as head coach should
first see one of our practices and
then go up to East Lansing and
see what I saw.
-Charlie Carroll, '56
'Switch' Parking .. .
To the Editors:
IN REGARD to the Daily's recent
article on our "efficient" Traf-
fi3 and Safety Commission and
police department, an important
assertion must be reviewed.
The Commission found it neces-
sary to reorient the parking on
these narrow streets, and in doing
this were justified. But in defend-
ing their actions through infantile
arguments they have reduced the
regulation to an absurdity.
"Switch" parking is a burden on
any resident, and unless absolute-
ly necessary should be avoided.
The police department and com-
mission say it must be done this
way because how can a sign say
"No Parking This Side Every Other

e Plaisir'
THIS IS another of those cine-
matic conglomerations in which
three short stories, with little in
common but the name of their
author, are placed end-to-end in
an attempt to achieve some sort
of unified effect.
The three de Maupassant stories
selected for this one are not par-
ticularly good, not particulary bad.
The array of French actors is the
most impressive part, but the
brevity of their separate roles
leaves most of their impressiveness
to the expectation aroused by the
theater marquee.
THE FIRST story, "The Mask,"
stars Claude Dauphin as a doctor
interrupted in his frolicking at a
dance in Montmartre to revive a
dancer unable to take the strain of
a lively quadrille. The dancer,
wearing a mask to hide the wrink-
les of his age, is taken home, and
his wife philosophizes to Dauphin
in the de Maupassant manner to
fill out the episode's 15 minutes.
"The Model," the second episode,
is scarcely longer. It boasts Simone
Simon (looking as youthful as she
ever has) and Daniel Gelin, who is
youthful enough to require a beard
to look his part. She is a model, he
is a painter; they enjoy a brief
idyllic romance, he tires of her,
and a full-scale catastrophe is re-
quired to reunite them. Most of
the time the two stars spend rush-
ing somewhere or breaking some-
thing, neither of which allows
them much time to act.
.* * *
"The House of Madame Tellier,"
and it 'features two of France's
best film stars: Danielle Darrieux
and Jean Gabin. Madame Tellier,
highly successful and respected in
her not-so-respectful business,
locks her doors on Saturday and
troops her young ladies off to the
country to attend the first com-
munion of her niece.
The fete is a success, and the
brother (Jean Gabin), having had
a bit too much to drink, evinces
no small amount of interest in
Madame Rosa (Danielle Darrieux),

THE Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN from to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in by
2 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Graduating Seniors who wish to renv
caps and gowns should place orders
now at Moe's Sport Shop, 711 N. Uni-
Late Permission: All women students
who attended the May Festival Concert
Thursday, May 3, had late permission
until 11:15 p.m.
Regent's Meeting." Because of the
anticipated volume of business which
must be transacted at the Regents'
meeting of May 24 and 25, it is earnestly
requested thatrall those having com-
munications for presentation at this
meeting submit them to the President
not later than May 15 instead of May
The preparation of the individual
copies of the agenda which must be
sent to the Regents at least a week in
advance of each meeting s requiring
more time than in the past, because of
the number of communications In-
American Chemical Society Lecture,
Mon., May 7, 8:00 p.m. Room 1300
Chemistry Building. Dr. A. L. Wilds of
the Department of Chemistry, Univer-
sity of Wisconsin will speak on "Re.
actions of Diazomethane with -Acid
Chlorides. A Case Study in the Unex-
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Constantine
Christofides, Comparitive Literature
Thesis: "Bossuet on Politics, History
and Jansenism," -Mon., May 7, ast
Alcove of the Assembly Hall, Rackhan,
Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, E. B.
Placement Notices
The Following Schools have listed
vacancies for the 1956-57 school year.
They will not send representatives to
our office to Interview at this time.
ARMADA, MICH. - Teacher needs:
1st, 4th, Kdg./1st combination, 4th/5th
combination; 6th/7th combination,
needs: Elementary (Kdg. to 5th).
CHATHAM, MICH. (Rock River
Township Schools) - Teacher needs:
Commerce (Typing, Shorthand, Book-
keeping); Physics/Math; Band/Junior
High English or Social Studies.
DAYTON, WASH. - Teacher needs:
Elementary (2nd, 4th, 8th); Elem. Vocal
Music; High School Girls' Phys. Ed./
Health/Library or English.
EAST GARY, IND. t- Teacher needs:
Elementary (1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th);
Junior High Math.
FLUSHING, MICH. - Teacher needs:
Elementary (3rd/th Combination, 5th
6th combination); Librarian; Math;
English; Science (Chem./Physcs/Gen.
Science); English; Social Science/Jr.
High Geography; Commercial; Girls
ICoach/Phys. Ed./Teaching.
needs: Elementary (Kdg. to 4th); 8th
grade Social Studies/English; Primary
HOOPA, CALIF. - Teacher needs:
Elementary; Phys. Ed. Boys; Phys. Ed.
Girls; Phys. Ed.-History-Gen. Bus.-Gen.
Science; Home Ec. Girls'; English;
Science-Math; Music; Voc. Shop Teach-
JACKSON, MICH. - (Vandercook
Lake Public Schools)-Teacher needs:
Elementary; Commerce; Home Econom-
ics; Jr. High English; Industrial Arts,
LEWES, DEL. - Teacher needs: Ele-
MODESTO, CALIF. - Teacher needs:
Vocal Husic (7-8 Grades); High School
HIome Ec.; Gen. Science; Girls' Phys.
Ed.; Printing/Graphic Arts/Metal Shop;
Wood Shop; Chemistry; Art; English
(9th to 12th grades, Drama, Speech,
Developmental Reading.)
PONTIAC, MICH. (Waterford Town-
ship Schools) - Teacher needs: Vocal
Music; Commercial; Librarian; Speech.
PORTLAND, CONN. - Teacher needs:
Elementary; Art; Vocal Music; High
School English; Biology/Gen. Science;
Vocational Home Ec.; Industrial Arts.
RIVERSIDE, ILL. - Teacher needs:
English; Math; Math/Chem; Industrial

Arts/Science or Math; Chemistry; Vocal
Music; Girls Phys. Ed.
SEASIDE, ORE. - Teacher 'needs:
Elementary (5th, 6th, 7th, 8th).
needs: Elementary (kdg. thru 8th).
For additional information contact
the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad..
ministration Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.
Representatives from the following
will be at the Engrg. School:
Thurs., May 10:
Owens-Illinois, Toledo, Ohio-Juniors













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