Sixty-Sixth Year
"Unfortunately, Comrades, Many Britishers Had Been
Antagonized By That No-Good Stalin"
orials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
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Cercle Francais'
A FACULTY member who reviews the annual French play is auto-
matically a suspicious character. Even in the offices of the Michi-
gan Daily, cynics have wondered if such reviewer, watched by Big
Brother, is not the slave of some tradition for encomium sheer and
unglued. The cynics will have to keep on wondering, because, as a
matter of ungilded fact, last night's "Bourgeois !Gentilhomme" cast
New Parking Policy
Aggravates Situation
AVALANCHE of new "No Parking" signs
1 portions of Oakland and Church Streets
ating a serious parking problem for Uni-
y students. Parking is allowed on only one
of the street and, to aggravate matters,,
de changes ever'y 12 hours.
ording to police and traffic authorities
are two primary reasons for the parking
.e side-only regulations: the roads are too
w for- two cars to safely pass if cars are
d on both sides of the road; the two
s are important as fire lanes and a fire
e cannot pass another car with cars
d on both sides.
e reason for switching sides every 12 hours,
ding to authorities, is a city ordinance
biting the leaving of cars on the ,streets
ore than 48 hours. By forcing drivers to
cars every 12 hours the ordinance is more
LOGIC supporting parking on one side-
mly is persuasive, but it must be weighed
st the problem created. The area con-
a great many student apartments. The
nts now. hive no place to put their cars
no way to get rid of them. Consequently
students are simply accumulating park-
ckets (one boasts of 14 already) in the
of "beating the rap."
prohibiting parking on one side the police
put a number of students in a dilemma
can't get out of. Perhaps an alternative
l be to make the streets one-way, allow-
arking on both sides.
e idea of having the side switch (8 a.m.
>.m. on one street, 1 a.m. to 1 p.m. on an-
) is an inconvenience that is hardly jus-
by its purpose. Basically it is done simp-
make it easier for the police to ticket
bhat are left out. To catch a car that is
d on the wrong side is far simpler than
tch a car for 48 hours.
O OBEY the signs is a tremendous incon-
venience. It means, in one case, staying
up till 1 a.m. to move a car or, in the other,
getting up early enough to move it. In many
cases the policy just results in further accu-
mulation of tickets.
The police and traffic departments are urged
to review the new parking policy, considering
it in the light of the student as well as the
needs of the city.
TV and Orwell;
Time Marches On
PROGRESS, a la George Orwell, marches on.
A high school in Wisconsin has installed
small television cameras in their study hall
which feed back to monitors in the main of-
fice where secretaries, in between their regu-
lar duties, can do the.watching for the teach-
ers. This relieves the teachers for other'du-
ties and maintains study hall order as well.
It must be a pleasant feeling to have a glass
eye staring at you constantly; undoubtedly
gives a feeling of security.
Furthermore,.there are microphones in the
study hall that pick up noise as well as loud
speakers from which the secretaries can bark
rebukes to their captives.
Nothing backward about this school; in fact,
it's ahead of its time, to, say, about 1984. Who
knows, someday they may even improve school
facilities and increase teachers' salaries.
It's reassuring to know that students are
being allowed such great freedom from regi-
mentation and pressure in our free, democratic
However, be a little careful what you do
kids; remember,. Big Brother is watching you!
F'acts About Red Air Power
Russian Study Program
versity of Chicago is to be commended on
ewly initiated $2,000 expenditure.
his expenditure will cover transportation
. tuition expenses for University of Chicago
dents to study at Moscow University. The
hiange program is a one-way affair, how-
r, as United States immigration laws do
permit Russians' to study in American
he new study program will enable Ameri-
college students to study in Communist-
iinated Russia and observe, within bounds
mitted by the Soviets, life in Russia. It is
ian excellent opportunity for United States
ege students to acquire an insight into the
ic character of the Russian students, the
Jacoming citizen of the Union of Soviet
ialist Republics.
is also commendable that officials of the
versity of Chicago, and those of Moscow
versity and the Russian government, have
n fit to permit this study program. It will
undoubtedly benefit international relations in
that visiting United States students will be
given an opportunity to compare Russian and
American thinking on many basic problems
confronting the world.
PERHAPS this move will be the first in a
series of exchange programs whereby
American students can learn to appreciate the
economic, cultural and, political backgrounds
of the Russian peoples.
It is urged that the United States relax its
immigration laws at this juncture and expand
the program to a two-way exchange. Such an
exchange program would give college students
in the United States a chance to observe Rus-
sian thinking in action on a collegiate level and
also determine the orientation of Russian stu-
dent thinking. A two-way study program be-
tween the United States and the Soviet Union
would also bq beneficial in that advantages
and disadvantages of, training in both coun-
tries would be brought to the fore.
H'E OMINOUS story of -how
Russia is overtaking us in air
power has been unfolding behind
the closed doors of the special
Senate Air Committee, headed by
Missouri's golden-haired Stuart
Symington, the first Secretary of
the Air Force.
It is an amazing and shocking
story of American failure to keep
abreast of Russia in a field where
the United States was .long su-
So far the details of the story
have been kept secret, but a battle
is developing between Secretary of
Defense Wilson who wants to con-
tinue keping them secret and Sen-
ators Symington and Jackson of
Washington to remove the stamp
of secrecy.
Meanwhile this column has ob-
tained complete details of our lag
behind Russia. Security experts
in the Pentagon have been con-
sulted as to how much can be re-
vealed, and the following facts can
be given to the public. They are
only part of the story. But even
this part is a shocking revelation
of our lag in air power.
* * *
1. THE RED AIR Force has al-
ready outstripped us in building
fast, modern jet planes. Russia
has 12,500 jets assigned to combat
units. We have 'only 9,000 jets
ready to fight.
2. Soviet engineers have develop-
ed more powerful jet engines than
our own. The engines that push
Russia's intercontinental jet bomb-I
er, the Bison, produce an estimated
16,000 to 18,000 pounds of thrust.
The J-57 engines powering our
B-52 long-range bomber put out
only 10,000 thrust pounds each.
3. At the scheduled rates of pro-
duction, the Red Air Force will
completely outclass the U.S. Air
Force in jet power in another two
years. Our aircraft procurement
schedules call for 2,500 new planes
in the fiscal year 1956; only 2,300
in fiscal 1957. This will barely,
replace the 2,000 aircraft normally
lost each year by attrition. Air
Force strategists are convinced
that U.S. air procurement must be
nearly doubled to keep up with
the Soviets.
THE; EXPERTS have projected
present Soviet production sched-
ules into the future, and figure,
that the relative strength of the
USA and USSR will be as follows
in 1958.
The USA will have 250 giant jet
B-52s; USSR will have 500, or
twice as many Bisons.
USA will have 1,800 B-47 fast
medium bombers; USSR will have
slightly less or about 1,000 equiva-
lent Badgers.
USA will have 300 B-57 light jet
bombers; USSR will have 4,000
Soviet light jet Butchers.
USA will have 3,000 subsonic
F-86 fighters; USSR will have 8,000
comparable Red MIG-15 fighters.
USA will have 1,000 transonic
F-100s; USSR wil lhave 8,000 So-.
viet transonic'MIG-17s.
USA will have 500 supersonic
F-101s; USSR will have 4,500 su-
personic Soviet Farmers.
USA will' have 700 F-89 all-
weather interceptors; USSR will
have 4,000 Soviet Flashlights of
the same kind.
That is the shocking compari-
son of future American-Russian
air strength. as compiled by the
experts and as it's being unfolded
behind the closed doors of the
special Senate Air Committee.
Two venerable Southern Sena-
tors who usually agree with each,
other are squaring off for a battle
over old-age pensions and in-
creased social security. They are:
Harry Byrd of Virginia and Wal-
ter George of Georgia, both Demo-
crats and both members of the
Senate Finance Committee.
(Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
and director did themselves proud.
available at any time for public
For some fifteen years, profes-
sor Charles Koella has labored
skillfully and tirelessly to make
each production amatter of rich
scholasticr benefit for the players
themselves and also one of out-
right entertainment for every
audience. One can only regret
that yesterday's success must be
the last before Mr. Koella's retire-
ment from the University.
* * *
AGREEMENT is unanimous that
Murray Budney as ourdain (the
would - be gentlemaft) towered
above the rest of a superior
cast. As Michigan's man with a
thousand comedy-faces, he wins
the right to compete with Fernan-
del. Mme. Jourdaii, designed in
1670 as a somewhat shrewish in-
carnation of good sense, was so
attractively played by Helena
Szatukiewicz that Moliere today
would doubtless rewrite the part.
* * *
FROM A CAST of twenty, space
allows mention of only five more:
Xenia Bibicoff's gay and sharp
soubrette; Charles Carlton's mas-
terly explanation of vowels; Mrs.
John Dudd's charming rendering
of the first-act song; Alfred Glass-
er, straight out of the seventeenth
century, equally at ease whether
as fencing teacher or court hanger-
on; Daniel Testa, who makes art
forms out of intrigue and dismal
The costumes, designed and
made by Mrs. Robert Mellencamp,
were superb, particularly in the
hiliarious scene where Jourdain be-
comes a Turksh nobleman.
* * *
THREE reservations, the first
one serious: rehearsals for this
play have been going on all se-
mester, a preposterously long time
in terms of but a single perform-
ince; the program yields ten or a
dozen misprints (some bad);
the mock-Turkish material should
have been explained in the pro-
gram, an addition for which block
paragraphs would have kept ex-
pense to a minimum.
-Edward B. Ham
Very Little
THOSE WHO go to see A Run
for Your Money under the
mistaken notion that it is an "Alec
Guiness picture" are going to be
greatly disappointed. The great
man has but a mere fifteen min-
utes of screen time; and as a bald
headed, moustached newspaper-
man he is almost unrecognizable
during most of it. But Guiness
aside, the film proves to be a bet-
ter-than-average comedy.
Donald Houston is a Welsh coal
miner who goes to London with
his brother to collect the prize
money they have won in a news-
paper contest. They are supposed
to be, met by Guiness, who has ra-
ther reluctantly agreed to cover
their arrival in search of a human
interest story. The brothers miss
Guiness and soon become separat-
From this point on rank confu-
sion reigns. The script writers have
included a large assortment of
wellknown comedy types which
come off principally because of
the fine acting. One extremely
clever bit, a dress shop scene, is
probably the best part of the film.
The end is 'a gigantic chase se-
quence through the streets of Lon-
don, with everyone both running
and chasing. In fact, A Run for
Your Money is nothing more than
highly polished slapstick.
It is only the excellent quality
of the performances that keeps the
film from slipping into sheer
mediocrity. Houston is fine as the
naive coal miner, as is Moira Lis-
ter who plays a "con girl" out to
get Houston's money. Guiness
does as well as can be expected
with his minor role.
The camera work is unusually
fine; and the quick cuts from scene
to scene keep the film pace at a
quick tempo.
A Run for Your Money was made
before the full worth of Guiness
was appreciated. Consequently,. it
never achieves the subtle charm of
a true "Guiness picture." Yet it
is often amazingly funny.
-Ernest Theodossn
to the
THE Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in by
2 p.m. Friday,
General Notices
Medical College Admission Test: Can-
didates taking the Medical College Ad-
mission Test on May 5 are requested
to report to 130 Business Administra-
tion Building at -8:45 Saturday morn-
Selective Service College Qualification
Test: May 7, 1956 is the closing date for
registration for the May 17, 1956, admin-
istration of the Selective Service Col-
lege Qualification Test.
Astronomy Department Visitors' Night.
Fri., May 4, 8 p.m., Room 2003 Angell
Hall. Dr. F. D. Miller will talk on "The
Meaning of Astronomical Research.
After the talk the Student Observatory
on the fifth floor of Angell Hall will be
open for Inspection and for telescopie
observations of Venus and Jupiter.
Children welcomed, but must be accom-
panied by adults.
Freshman Rendezvous: Counselor ap-
plications are due Fri., May 4, at Lane
Hail. Announcement of selection will
be made May 14.
The following student sponsored social
events are approvd for the coming
weekend, Social chairmen are reminded
that requests for approval for social
events are due in the Office of Student
Affairs not later than 12 o'clock noon
on the Tuesday prior to the event.
May 4: Alpha Epsilon Pi, Alpha gam-
ma Delta, Delea Theta Phi, Phi Delta.
Phi, Phi Epsilon P1, Phi Sigma Delta,
Pi Beta Phi, Tau Delta Phi, Taylor
May 5 (1 o'clock closing): Acacia
Adams House, Alpha Epsilon' P, Alpha
Sigma Phi, Chi Phi, Delta Chi, Delta
Sigma Phi, Delta Tau Delta, Delta
Theta Phi, East Quadrangle, Evans
Scholars, Gomberg and Kleintueek,
Jordan Hall, Kelsey, Nu Sigma N, Phi
Delta Phi, Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi
Kappa Tau, Phi Rho Sigma, Psi Omega,
Reeves, Sigma Nu, Tau Delta Phi, Tau
Kappa Epsilon, Taylor House, Theta
Delta Chi, Triangle, van Tyne, West
Quadrangle, Zeta Psi.
May 6: Delta Theta Phi, Geddes
House, Korean Students, Phi Delta Phi,
Trigon, Victor Vaughan.
Academic Notices
Geology and Mineralogy Journal Club
presents Dr. Thad G. McLaughlin of the
Water Resaurces Division, Ground
Water Branch, U.S. Geological Survey,
who will speak-on "Ground water in
Colorado," Thursday, May 3, at 4:00
p.m., in room 2054, Natural Science
Building. Coffee hour at 3:30 in room
Political Science 67 Lecture. The class
will not meet on May 4 at 1,0 a.m., the
regular lecture hour. Students are
urged to attend the lecture at 4:15
Fri., May 4 in Rackham Amphitheater.
subject: Situation in the Far East.
Interdepartmental Seminar on Applied
Meteorology, Thurs., May 3, 4 pm.,
Room 4041 Natural Science Bldg. Mr.
Frank R. Bellaire will speak on "Evap-
oration from a Lake Surf ace."
Chemical Physics Seminar, Thurs.
May 3, 4:10 p.m., Room 2308 Chemistry
Building. Dr. Max T. Rogers of Michi-
gan State University will speak' on "In-
terpretation of Electric Dipole Mo-
P h ys i c a l- Analytical - Inorganic
Chemistry Seminar, Thursday., May 3,
:30 p.m., Room 3005 Chemistry-Build.
; ng. Max T. Rogers of Michigan State
University will speak on "Recent Work
on the Halogen Flourides."
Psychologoy Colloquium: Dr. George
Katona of the University of Michigan
Survey Research Center will discuss
"The Instability of Attitudes and Social
Learning" Fri., May 4, 4:15 p.m., Angell
Auditorium B.
Seminar in Applied Mathematies-
will meet on Thurs., May 3, 1956, at 4:00
p.m. in Room 247 West Engineering
Bldg., Prof. P. M. Naghdi, Department
of Engineering Mechanics, will speak on
"The Effect of Transverse Shear De-
formation on the Bending of Shells of
Revolution." Refreshments will be serv-
ed in Room 274 W. Engr. Bldg. at 3:30
Dr. Ralph W. Gerard, prof. of neuro-
physiology, will speak on "Imagination
in Art and Science," Fri., May 5, at
4:15 p.m., in Architecture Auditorium,
under sponsorship of the Art Depart-
ment. Open to the public.
May Festival Concerts (6 programs):
Thursday, May 3, 8:30 p.m. Inge
Borkh, soprano; Philadelphia Orchestra,
Eugene Ormandy, conductor.
Friday, May 4, 8:30 p.m. Vronsky and
Babin, duo-pianists in Mozart Concerto
in F. University Choral Union in
Mozart "Davidde penitents" with solo-
ists Lois Marshall, soprano; Jane Hob-
On this point, your reviewer is
OE M. Staten
L ."'..""''The Joint Saement
THE JOINT statement given out after the kind that would impress Moscow-for thinking
London talks, contains no surprises, pleas- that there has been a decision in Moscow to
ant or unpleasant, and no news of what, if halt the drift towards war.
anything, the British and the Russians learned There is always the general ' argument that
that they had not known before. The estate- if a war in Palestine were allowed to start, no-
ment does, however, appear to show that there body can foresee how far it would spread and
is now considerable support in Moscow for the bhoc it worsd inv howv But uen if such a
Anierican view that the United Nations is the whom itewould involve. Butgeven ifsuchra
proper instrument .for dealing with the Middle war were prevented from growing into a world
East. The S.viet Union had already indicated war, there are compelling reasons why the
this just before Bulganin and Khrushchev went Soviet Union must wish to prevent it.
to London. The joint statement now confirms They must know in Mos9ow that on a show-
it in rather clear and explicit words. It also down Great Britain and the United States
turns what was only a unilateral declaration would intervene to prevent Col. Nasser from
into an international commitment. driving Israel into the sea and Britain out
On the record this is a decided step forward. of the Middle East. They must know, too,
For the question of war or peace in the Middle that Anglo-American sea and air power can,
East is fundamentally a question of whether if necessary, dominate the Eastern Mediter-
the Soviet Union wants or does not want Col. ranean and the Persian Gulf, and that there
Nasser to embark on military adventures against is nothing short of war that the Soviet Union
Israel and against Britain. Because of pres- could do to prevent it. They must know, too,
sures from within Egypt, if for no other reason, in Moscow that once the United States is
Col. Nasser is almost certain to attempt ad- forced to establish a military beachhead in the
ventures sooner or later if, on the one hand, Middle East there would be little prospect of
the Soviet Union keeps sending him arms, and a withdrawal. The net result would be that
force against an Anglo-American intervention. the Soviet Union, having frivolously let war
if, on the other hand, it interposes its, own break out, would have brought the Americans
force against an Anglo-American'intervention. more deeply and more permanently than ever
As against that, there is no serious risk of -before into the Middle East.
Nasser's trying a military adventure if the
Soviet Union in the United Nations concurs in HE SOVIET rulers do not, I believe, like to
forbidding adventures. fool themselves, and for that reason we are
entitled to believe that they mean it when they
THE QUESTION, obviously, is whether there say that they will work through the United
has been a genuine shift in Soviet policy- Nations to prevent war, and even to find a
a shift one might say, from unlimited support settlement. Not only does this avert the dan-
of a Moscow-Cairo axis to a United Nations ger of a great war but it also averts the danger
policy of restraint and conciliation. I do not, to them of our intervention in a local war.
of course, know the answer to this question. That is not all.' In the United Nations policy
But ITcan imamin estronn eaons-and1 of the ahnr liva-xn -+arannmni n bymrn n ad
New Process Lacks Definition
Daily Staff Writer
"AUTOMATION" is a flew word
-meaninglessto most per-
sons, awesome and perhaps fear-
producing to others, inspirational
to the remainder.
Its processes, increasingly adapt-
ed in industry, are cutting down
the essential labor force(in cer-
tain employment fields, providing
new jobs in others and bringing
added leisure time to all concerned.
There is no accurate definition
of the word Automation. It's too
new. At present, there is little
information publicly available on
the subject. Books, magazine ar-
ticles and treatises on Automa-
tion are yet to be written.
Automation, as it was originally
conceived in 1948 by Delmar Har-
der, an executive of Ford Motors,
was a term applicable to the des-
cription of transference of auto-
mobile parts from one metalwork-
ing-/ machine to the next on the
assembly line.
ALTHOUGH a relatively small
number of particularists still in-
sist that the term should be re-
strictively used to describe com-
pletely automatic machines that
produce corrections of, and effect-
ively report on their own activi-
by Dick Bibier
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ties, the meaning of Automation
has had an immeasureable growth.
In the eight years following Har-
der's definition of the term, Auto-
mation has come to describe al-
most all automatic processes and
the machines which produce and
achieve them.
These machines and processes
include those which solve mathe-
matical problems and computa-
tions and those which boost pro-
duction by accomplishing more
than one phase of a job other-
wise employing several workers.
* * *
SUCH USAGE of the term im-:
plies that any machine eliminat-
ing the employment of several men
belongs under the heading, "Auto-
Automation, by implication,
would then be used to classify all
processes otherwise accomplished
by one or more individuals.
Automation, it has been assert-
ed, will lead to a 30-hour week.
Antomation is also supposed to
mean easier work than before.
Men will merely push buttons and
pull levers that operate huge ma-
chines. These robot machines will
the ndo the work.
It can be seen that Automation
can relieve many men from their
jobs; ' at the same time, new jobs
are being created.
Highly trained maintenance and
repair men are needed for the spe-
cialized giants of industry. The
machine operators must receive
extra training in their control and
THIS IS the training and edu-
cation which colleges and univer-