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May 01, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-05-01

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Si ty-Sixth Year


i Opinions Are Free.
utb Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Y, MAY 1, 1956


M. I
HI , %- "

Mediocrity Keynote
Maudlin Program
0NLY IN A QUANTITY SENSE are the four hours of schmaltz cur-
rently on the Michigan{screen worth the 80 cents' admission.
"Our Miss Brooks" features svelte Eve Arden in the title role. Its
plot is inevitable almost from the first few scenes: in rapid succession
Miss Brooks finds a room in a red-blooded, average American town
for whose high school she's the new English teacher, crawls under the
inquisitive wing of her Sweet Old Landlady, and is attracted to the
fully-biceped but fumbling biology teacher.
Coyly frank in her search for a mate, Miss Brooks spares no


IHC Symposium Needs
Difference of Opinion

'HE FACT that- the dining room of South
Quad was filled to capacity last Wednesday
the the IHC-sponsored faculty symposium
dicated that the religious topic-"The Ex-
ence of God"-is of great interest to the
adent body. Undoubtedly the speakers, Prof.
illiam Willcox of the history department,
of. Kenneth Boulding of the economics de-
rtment, and Prof. Charles Stevenson of the
ilosophy department, were also responsible
r the success of the symposium.
But some form of difference of opinion re-
rding the fundamental issue-whether or
it God exists-was lacking. The three pro-
ssors said they believe in God, andi they
and three ways of expressing their beliefs.
he most debatable statement, in fact, was
obably Professor Stevenson's demoting of
ligious belief to mere emotion. Those of
e audience who cherish sincere religious feel-
gs seemed somewhat indignant at the ap-
,rent lowering of their beliefs. The decision
the professors to discuss the topic from the
andpoint of Christianity rather than a more
iversal standpoint could also be considered
Nevertheless, for a topic of such permanent
terest, the symposium was lacking in stimu-
tion of thought.
EIC HA) THE KEY to what could have been
a highly thought-provoking discussion-and
vallowed it. The original topic, set for a
abate rather than a symposium, had been
lesolved:. There Is No God." Presumably
its could have resembled the techniques used
several courses in the political science and

philosophy departments, in which the instruc-
tor or professor expounds or debates a given
doctrine, allowing the student to form an
opinion about its value before the doctrine
itself is discussed. In the symposium, for ex-
ample, one professor might have cogently
argued the case for atheism.
It is hard to see the reasons which led the
IHC to give up this idea in favor of con-
siderably weaker format.
Such a plan could not have been labelled
"argument for the- sake of argument," which
would have suggested an audience coming to
watch a fight, but would have been a means of
forming and developing the observer's own.
views in accord with his own logic.
ANOTHER CRITICISM of the symposium
was the prerequisite of a knowledge of psy-
chology and philosophy for a complete under-
standing of the points discussed by the speak-
ers. -Not all college students, even at the
University, have had training in psychology and
philosophy, but most of them have some curi-
osity about religion, even if only to see what
they should believe in. With this in mind, the
symposiums could be conducted on a level
more closely approaching the average inter-
ests and interpretive abilities of University
The IHC has shown a tremendous potential
capacity for stimulating student interest in
matters of such wide-spread interest as re-
ligion. This potential can best be used if a
more elective means - debate - is used to
awaken the student to the pertinent sides of
the question.

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slapstick in the effort. A triangle
situation arises when the widower
father of one of her maladjusted
(but innately brilliant) pupils hires
her to tutor the son.
* * *
ALL, HOWEVER, works out
smoothly. A well-meant conspira-
cy brings the biologist to his
senses, but not until some earthy
and folksy dialogue takes place.
One example:
SHE (dropping a barbell on his
foot) : "Oh, did I hurt your foot?"
HE: "That's all right, I have
SHE: "Well, I guess I started
off on the right foot."
"Miracle in the Rain" has a
plot somewhat less immediately
opvious but no less offensive. Jane
Wyman, a demure office girl in
New York City, lives at home
cheering her bereft mother-and
doing not much else-until Van
Johnson, affable and spontaneous
as ever-picks her up on a rainy
night during a brief Army pass.
THINGS thicken to a molasses
texture as something much bigger
than both of them entwines Miss
Wyman with Johnson. All this is
set off by a ten-cent tour of Man-
hattan; which is not without its
sunny moments for the pair, who
decide: "That's when ya gotta have
faith-when ya hardly know some-
Their engagement is inevitable,
but short-lived: Johnson is killed
overseas. Life without him is un-
bearable for his damp-eyed intend-
ed, who takes up religion with a
distasteful vengeance and col-
lapses (of a common cold) on the
steps of Saint Patrick's. In her
chilling hand is, miraculously
enough, the antique Roman coin
she gave Johnson as a good-luck
The 80 cents might much better
be saved for a detergent.



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THE Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form -to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in by
2 p.m. Friday.
TUESDAY, MAY 1, 1956
General Notices
Veterans who expect to receive edu-
,ation and training allowance under
Public Law 550 (Korea G. I. Bill) must
fill in VA Form 7-1996a, MONTHLY
CERTIFICATION, in the Office of Vet-.
erans' Affairs, 555 Administration Build-
ing, between 8:30 a.m. Tues., May 1
and 3:30 p.m. Friday, May 4.
Graduating Seniors who wish to rent
caps and gowns should place orders
rnow at Moe's Sport Shop, 711 N. Uni-
The 50th Annual French Play. For
this jubilee Le Cercle Francais presents
"Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme" a comedy-
ballet in 5 acts by Moliere Wed., May 2
at 7:30 p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. Box Office Tues., May 1, from
2-7 p.m., and Wed., May 2, 10 a.m. to
7:30 p.m. Members of the Cercle Fran-
cals will be admitted free of charge
by returning their membership cards.
Agenda, Student Government Council,
May 2, Michigan Union, 7:30 p.m.1,
Minutes of the meeting of April 25.
Officers' reports: President, Vice-
President, Treasurer - Campus Chest
Coordinating and Counseling; Recog-
nition:,Bacteriology Club; Revised Con-
stitution: Gothic Film Society.
National and International: Air Char-
ter, Letter from Japan, Peruvian Stu-
Campus Affairs: Student- Faculty-
Administration Conference; Progress re-
port-bicycle problem.
Old and New Business.
Members and constituents time.
Meeting May 9, 23 in Michigan Union;
May 16 in Michigan League.


Chotiner and the Committee

'57 Election Responsibility

UNIORS in the literary and engineering col-
leges will today and tomorrow elect officers
10 may serve their class for half a century.
One important fact that most students do not
alize, and that the candidates, in their cam-
ign speeches and their platforms, have ne-
acted, is that the ensuing year-the student's
st year at the University-is the least im-
rtant in his work as a class officer.
The class of '57 isn't going to be able 'to
eate major renovations in the program of
e college, and,"benefits" for the seniors are
ansient and short-lived.
But the projects and the service the officer

can extend to his class after graduation will
continue for a minimum of five years-until
the first class reunion in 1962.
The classes may elect new officers at the
reunion,-or, as is the cage with many classes,
the original group continues in the position for
an indefinite period of time.
Thus, the present Junior class has a decided
responsibility during the present elections. Each
member of the class of '57 must weigh the
qualities of the candidates and take it upon
himself to vote intelligently for his -officers--
they will be representing him for many years
to come.

WHEN the senate investigating
w committee tackles Vice-Pi'esi-
dent Nixon's close friend and con-
fidant tomorrow, they will have to
be extremely smart. For Chotiner
is not only an attorney; he is one
of the shrewdest public relations
men on the West Coast.
He not only managed Nixon's
campaign for the Vice Presidency,
but his campaign for the Senate in
1950, helped his first campaign for
Congress in 1946, and conceived
the brilliantly executed cloth-coat-
little dog TV report to the nation
in which Nixon broke down criti-
cisui of his $18,000 personal ex-
pense fund.
Cross-examining Chotiner will be
Sen. John McClellan of Arkansas
who can be a penetrating prober
when he wants to be, but who has
latent sympathies for the Nixon-
GOP side. Strongly backstopping
Chotiner-if he needs it-will be
such potent Nixon pals as Sens.
Joseph McCarthy and Karl Mundt
of South Dakota. Chotiner ought
to come away unscathed.
Behind his career, however, if
the committee probes deep enough
are some highly interesting cir-
* * *
THE IMMEDIATE circumstance
is that Sam and Herman Kravitz,

the clothing manufacturers who
had already been blacklisted for
cheating the Army, were in in-
come-tax trouble. Doubtless that
was the chief reason why, with a
battery of seven eastern lawyers
at their command, they reached
across the U.S.A. to Beverly Hills,
Calif., to hire an attorney with
power in high places.
Last, week the Kravitzes repeat-
edly invoked the fifth amendment
when asked about their various
troubles, and Chotiner has already
told.the Senate Committee that he
would invoke the right not to an-
swer because of lawyer-client rela-
Senator McCarthy would have
beat his breast and protested in
front-page headlines if witnesses
had done this to him. Nixon, when
a member of the House Un-Ameri-
can Activities Committee, was also
ruthless with witnesses refusing to
answer. In the Kravitz-Chotiner
case, however, .McCarthy actually
went on the Senate floor to alibi
publicly for Chotiner.
THIS COLUMN and various Sen-
ate committees have exposed oth-
ers who collected legal or lobbying
fees because of influence, from
John Maragon up. So here are
some of the interesting things in

the life of Murray Chotiner which
the senators may want to investi-
First, let's see whether he really
has influence. Here is the record:
On Jan. 4, 1953, Chotiner gave a
check for $1,500 to the Statler
Hotel in Washington as down pay-
ment for 25 rooms for Nixon's
inaugural guests.
On Oct. 6, 1953, Chotiner began
sending out letters to obtain a re-
alignment of the Republican Party
in California, to take it away from
Senator Knowland and Governor
Warren, then about to become
Chief Justice, and put it under
Nixon and Governor Knight.
Sept. 5, 1955, Chotiner was made
Associate Director of the "Len Hall
Campaign School" by the Repub-
lican National Committee. He lec-
tured on campaign tactics to 48
GOP State Chairmen before they
went to Denver to ask Ike to run
* * *
more time in Washington. He be-
came one of the most trusted ad-
visers of the GOP National Com-
mittee. Bob Humphreys, director
of Campaign activities for the
committee, described Chotiner's
work as a "smash hit."
(Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)





to the


In This Corner And Out

THERE'S A PILE of dusty books in the corner
and a little calendar on top of it. The books
are a reminder of some unfinished work, the
calendar of new directions.
All right Dick-just this, then I'm through.
You take a large risk when with the limited
wisdom and, experience of a college man, you
proceed to display to a critical reading public
your opinions and impressions-in many cases
in areas which others have explored longer
and much more fully.
But it's a calculated risk, and despite the
validity of some of the criticism, there is no
reason to believe that one's opinions even at
a college age will not maintain some consisten-
cy and stability through later years.
THERE WAS, for one; the problem of 'tradi-
tion', a word that has at times made me
shudder. So many people, it seems, find an
excuse for their own narrow vision in the
halters of tradition, and will battle to the last
any attempt to remove those halters.
Whereas tradition per se can be in many
areas a source of strength and direction, it is
too often applied to other areas where the
years have clouded its practicality, or where
it serves only to maintain an originally poor
And so we are left on this campus with such
Impracticality as an all-male union and an
all-female league and no true social center.
And we are left with the ludicrous antics of
so-called honoraries, who, following the ex-
ample of some sadistically immature ancestors,
each tapping season still push their chosen
athletes and "campus leaders" through the
humbling throes of traditional inanity, ignor-
ing all too often any beneficial purpose such
organizations can perform.
The problem of intercollegiate athletics is
another which has through the years reached
lamentable proportions at the University. For
some reason students and alumni have com-
bined in the worship of physical ability, the
latter to such an extent that one wonders
whether the hardships of a post-college world
haven't left their sense of values demented.
Unfortunately it is the athletes who have
and will continue to suffer from this hero
worship, who are in danger of adopting the
unrealistic belief that there will be 100.000
people cheering them on long after they have
lost the agility of gripping a football.

-Jane Howard

of our other so-called educational institutions.
Nevertheless the protests heard here after the
unfortunate climax to last season's football
madness were absent when the University
voted "for" continuing the Rose Bowl pact.
And there's a new field house going up soon,
and a new press box at the stadium, and even
more seating, and some "experts" are already
wondering whether Bennie is capable of lead-
ing his charges to Pasadena.
AND WHAT ABOUT the classroom, that once-
upon-a-time center of university activity.
Actually, despite the unfortunate pressure of
size, the University is working hard at this
problem. That Michigan will grow, double,
perhaps triple is an accepted conclusion. It
cannot be pretended that this will not serious-
ly hurt the value of a college education, or
that all colleges will not suffer because of it.
Yet, if any other solutions are found to
avert this, the University has already shown
that it is anxious to implement them. The
new north campus, increasing physical facili-
ties to meet the size, is a positive contribution
to be "ready" when the time comes.
However a new building can, in itself, do
little to educate its students. One of the
saddest fatalities in this age of mass-every-
thing and avoidance of individuality has been
the free-thinking, free-speaking instructor. Too
many University professors unfortunately
avoid any individuality, and cast evil eyes at
those colleagues who seek it.
Of the latter there are still many repre-
sentatives at the University, a decreasing num-
ber to be sure, but still here to lead, perhaps
in some more cordial political and intellectual
atmosphere, a revival of controversial, ener-
getic thought.
And finally there are the students-the many
who congregate in the Mason Hall lobbies,
thoughts filled with the past and coming week-
ends, or those who forsake the wide, invigor-
ating experiences of the University for over-
emphasis of some particular area--even if this
area is the printed matter in the hundreds of
books they must comprehend to achieve their
And there are the other students, who see
their "experiences" widely, who struggle to
understand the ideologies of the day, and pro-
mote perhaps naively, perhaps wisely, what they
are certain is the key to all our difficulty.

Tangled Political Issues in Indochina

By The Associated Press
LOST behind the headlines of
more dramatic news, a little
diplomatic conference is going on
in London that may decide wheth-
er the teeming Southeast Asia
mainland has war or peace.
For more than a week now,
Soviet and British representatives
have been discussing the 21-
month-old armistice agreement
ending the war in Indochina.
The agreement was signed at
Geneva in 1954 by leading Com-
munist and non-Communist na-
tions, with Britain and the Soviet
Union serving as cochairmen of
the conference empowered to see
the agreement sticks. The pact
created the two states of Viet
Nam, divided into the Communist
north and the pro-Western south.
gal issues are involved in the Lon-
don talks, by British Minister of
State Lord Reading and Russian
DeputykForeign Minister Andrei
Gromyko. Their aides say, how-
ever, that they are making some
progress, apparently because both
sides seem genuinely eager to the
The immediate problemt centers
around the maintenance of ar-
mistice control machinery. French
officers have been serving with
North Vietnamese representatives
in mixed subcommissions whichj
control the three-mile demilitar-
ized zone along the 18th Parallel
dividing the country. The French
have served notice they intend to

southern anti-Communists -- and
maybe something bigger.
* * *
THE DIEM regime did not sign
the 1954 armistice. It was done on
their behalf by the French. Diem
additionally has refused to parti-
cipate in elections, due in July, to
unite the country, claiming there
is no real political liberty in the
north and voting there would be a
Reading and Gromyko face the
task of finding a success to the
French control authority.
The United States, which has
more influence with Diem than
any other Western power, is trying

behind the scenes to get his gov-
ernment to cooperate in every way
possible to preserve the armistice
control machinery.
* * *
DIEM has come some way to-
ward meeting the request. He
has promised to provide protection
for the Indian-Polish-Canadian
commission, which has the job of
seeing that the terms of the ar-
mistice are faithfully carried out.
But the armistice will remain
in danger so long as Diem main-
tains his refusal to take over fully
the physical and legal responsi-
bilities which the French have ex-
ercised in the past-

Not Disappointed. *
To the Editor:
schools in the states of Michi-
gan, Kansas, and New York, we
heard nothing but high praise of
the various schools at the Univer-
sity of Michigan. When we en-
rolled at the University, we there-
fore had high hopes of associat-
ing with a group of students who,
like ourselves, not only had high
hopes of studying seriously, but
also hoped to participate in the
various aspects of social life which
abound on this- campus.
We were not disappointed. Dur-
ing that first fall, of course, the
conversation between classes and
at lunch was not about our stu-
dies, and certainly not p~bout Kra-
mer hitting a home run in Satur-
day's game, but about how many
touchdowns he would make.
We soon realized that we could
enjoy our social life and still com-
plete our studies. Since one can
have a good time and still finish
his studies, it is inexcusable for
one not to enjoy himself. If we
wish to practice the art of graci-
ous living, we may drop into the
P-Bell or the Old German (Res-
taurants!), where we will meet our
friends and fellow students.
These are but a few examples
which we can give of the balance
between our studies and our so-
cial activities. From our numer-
ous acquaintances it is our obser-
vation that this balance exists
throughout the University. We
would never have considered writ-
ing this letter, but for the letter
by Jerome K. Walsh, Jr., '57L, of
April 28, 1956.
We wish to point out several
falacies in the conclusions pointed
out in the above-mentioned let-
Dancing and movies are primar-
ily social functions, but concerts,
plays, and even some movies pro-
vide means for increasing our
knowledge of musical and theatri-
cal literature as well as oppor-
tunities for social enjoyment.
With reference to the "objec-
tionable" posters which were re-
ferred to in the letter, we realize
that our instructors were once stu-
dents themselves, people very simi-
lar to us, and that they can take
joke from us just as we can
take jokes good-naturedly from
each other and from them. We
will always respect our instruc-
tors for their knowledge, advice
and instructinn hut will treat

University Lecture: Prof. M. G. Ken-
dall, Department of Mathematics, Lon-
don School of Economics, "Can Eco-
nomics Become an Exact Science?"
Tues., May 1, 4:15 p.m. in Aud. A,
Angell Hall. Sponsored jointly by the
Departments of Economics and Mathe-
matics and the Institute for Social
Rev. Father G. C. Anawati, Director
of the Dominican Institute of Oriental
Studies, Cairo, Egypt, will speak on
"Islam and Christianity," May 2, Aud.
B, Angell Hall at 4:15 p.m., sponsored
by the Dept. of Near Eastern Studies.
The public is invited.

Faculty Concert: Robert Courte, viol-
1st, and Lydia Courte, pianist, at 8:30
p.m. Tues., May 1, Rackham Lecture
Hall, in a program of compositions by
Beethoven, Brahms, and Rdss Lee Fin-
ney. Open to the general public with-
out charge.
Student Recital: Raymond Young,
graduate student in Wind Instruments,
recital in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the degree of Master of
Music at 8:30 p.m. Wed., May 2, Rack.
ham Assembly Hall. His major instru-
ment is the euphonium, which he
studies with Glenn Smith. Compositions
by Barat, Mozart, Beethoven, Cords,
Nux, Hindemith, and Rossini; open to
the general public without charge.
Academic Notices
Seminar in Conflict Resolution (Prob-
lems in the Integration of the "Social
Sciences, Economics 353) Tues., May 1,
in the Conference Room, 3063, of the
Children's Psychiatric Hospital. Dr.
Ann Douglas, of Evanston, Ill., will
speak on "Conflict Resolution in the
Mediation Process."
Sociology Coffee Hour: Coffee will be
served and the election of doctoral
representatives to the Student-Faculty
Committee will be held at 4:00= p.m.
Wed., May 2, Sociology Lounge. Gradu-
ate students and staff are urged to
Doctoral Examination for Wallac
John Bonk, Library Science; thesis:
"The Printing, Publishing, and Book-
selling Activities of John P. Sheldon
and His Associate in Detroit," Wed.,
May 2, East Council Room, Rackham
Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, R. H.
Gj eisness.
Events Today
Science Research Club May meeting
in the Rackham Amphitheatre at 7:30
p.m. on Tues., May 1. "Some Sampling
Plans for Use in Life Testing," Cecil C.
Craig - Mathematics; "A Second Look
at Sea-lamprey Control in the Great
Lakes," James W. Moffett - Zoology;
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.








by Dick Bibler

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