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April 29, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-04-29

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1 I

Sixty-Sixth Year

"Want.A Lift?"

hen Opinions Are Free,
Truth Will Prevail

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

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AY, APRIL 29, 1956


Richard Nixon's Decision:
Two Views-

Changing Principles
!how No Definite Stand
f{ICHARD NIXON is a peculiar personality.
People either endorse him whole-heartedly
r they can't stand him. There seems to be
omething profoundly unreal about the Vice-
'resident which provokes violently negative
eactions, and yet there is something else that
.as drawn people to his side like a magnet.
He's almost like a big-business smooth-talk-
ig advertising man in politics.
He represents nothing. True, the Democrats
ccuse him of being extreme right, but his
ecord does not bear this out. He will just as
eadily support the left-wing one day as he
as supported the extreme right the day be-
ore. It somehow seems difficult to picture
.im with a set of hard ideals, either good or
ad. He's just "likable" in the sort of over-
weet radio commercial sort of way. .
It has been pointed out that if someone.
ould coin the word "Nixonism" it would have
o meaning. Nixon stands for nothing.
His speeches when analyzed, say very little,
ut have the folksy huckster flavor of a TV
,uizmaster. For example:
AND REMEMBER folks, Eisenhower is a
great man. Folks, he is a great man and
vote for Eisenhower. is a vote for what is
opd for America."
Even more of the subtle ad copy-writing
echnique stands out in the following passage.
"I have just been thinking what would have
appened if Mr. Stevenson had been President
or the last three years. We,'of course, do not
now the answer to that question, but of these.
rinciples I am sure: Indecision, weakness, re-
reat and surrender do not bring peace in deal-
ig with dictatorial, aggressive Communism."
Here one sees the same trick that the soap
ompanies and patent medicines use-when the
eeling is left that something has been said
hen actually there was nothing said. One
lust read the passage twice to realize that
ixon has not even come close to accusing
tevenson of indecision and weakness.
Nixon is the epitome of the yes-man: shal-
w, open, and able to switch instantaneously
rom one set of principles to another.
Nixon's plan to seek re-election with Eisen-
ower is regretable. If the Eisenhower-Nixon
eam is elected for another four years, Eisen-
ower's health makes it likely that Richard
ixon may someday find himself President of
his country. America needs something more
han a hot-shot non-entity at its helm.

As Political Leader,
Nixon Gets Results
VICE-PRESIDENT Richard M. Nixon an-
nounced his candidacy for renomination
this week and there appears to be no one
this week. Although his record may appear
unimpressive to many, there are good reasons
why President Eisenhower calls him "a great
leader of men" and the rank-and-file Republi-
cans favor him over other candidates.
It is not for his views that he is favored,
for they are indeterminate. It cannot be for
what he has accomplished for that has been
primarily in the line of maneuver and, be-
yond this, has been very little publicized.
But Richard Nixon is admired as a person.
He embodies much that is held in high esteem
by Americans, especially in the middle class to
which he belongs and which is recognized by
the Republican Party as its best .source for.
members. He is young, loyal, frank, and enter-
More than anyone else, he has set the poli-
tical style of the Eisenhower Administration
with its stress on public relations and sin-
cerity. He improvised the campaign formula
of 1952, "Korea, Communism-corruption-con-
trols," and was the leading strategist in that
There is little doubt about his capacity as a.
political leader. He gets results. Were it not
for him, the President's first tax, program
would have been torn to shreds in the House
Ways and Means Committee. Chairman Daniel
Reed of New York finally called off opposition
to the bill after swords with Nixon.
NIXON HAS been particularly useful at times
when the President could not count on
regular Republican leadership. When the
Asia-first Republicans complained about the
Korean truce negotiations; Nixon was success-
fully able to gain their support for the settle-
ment, one of the Administration's most prized
He cannot be classified as either a right-wing
or a left-wing Republican. He is therefore able
to act valuably as an intermediary.
Although Democrats see Nixon as a reac-
tionary, isolationist, and a trifler with national
security, his record shows he has been as liberal
as most Democrats on issues of federal funds
for construction, school aid regulation of
trusts, and even more, liberal on civil liberties.
There undoubtedly will be campaigns to get
other Republican leaders to enter the vice-
presidential race at the party's national con-
vention in San Francisco this August. How-
ever, with the President's support, there ap-
pears to be no;man who can defeat him. There
is no need for the,President to take the second
best when he can have the best in the form
of Richard Nixon.


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to the
Art Coverage .
To the Editor:
THIS IS to express my apprecia-
tion of the excellent coverage
the Daily has been giving the
Museum's art exhibitions in recent
weeks. I can assure you it has*
made a big difference to us and to
our student public.
Incidentally, would you be kind
enough to brief Mr. Thomas Bern-
aky and others who handle our
shows to be more explicit in their
communication, and attribute ex-
hibitions to the Museum of Art and
not just to Alumni Memorial1Hall?
Alumni Memorial Hall is a place,
merely, and naturally has nothing
to do with the processes of plan-
ning, arranging and paying for
art exhibitions: all this is done by
the Museum of Art, and good jour-
nalism demands no less than com-
plete and accurate reference in
such matters. The Daily has high
standards, but it may as well aim
at the top as at a point somewhere
beneath it.
I am sure you will instantly
agree to all this', but in case you
wonder how I got this way I men-
tion that long before I became a
professor and a museum director
at the University of Michigan I
was an art reporter and an assist-
ant art critic on both the Boston
Herald and the oldNew York Her-
ald, and myself learned the funda-
mentals the hard way.
-Jean Paul Slusser
Frivolous Attitude . .
To the Editor:
WE WISH to voice our hearty ap-
proval of the recent letter
wrtten by Mr. Walsh of the Law
School. He has described the
prevailing attitude among the law
students with the perceptive abili-
ty possessed only by those who
have received an authentic liberal
education from the Ivy League
schools we respect so much.
Personally we have been doing
as much as possible to further
these objectives. The Law Club
is the center of the frivolous at-
titude, aid for that reason we
have moved to an apartment
where we can more fully devote
our time, not only to the daily
assignments, but to independent
research as well.
Students of The Law must de-
vote full time to their studies if
they are to later help in preserv-
ing a well-ordered society. For
that reason we are doing the fol-
lowing, to wit: boycotting the
forthcoming "Crease Ball" and re-
moving the offensive advertise-
ments which destroy the dignity of
that edifice so graciously donated
by W. W. Cook. We are initiat-
ing a movement whereby all law
students shall turn in their I.D.
cards and refuse to attend those
athletic events' which disrupt a
well-organized study program.
Recognizing the fact that some
social activity is desirable, as well
as the mixing of the sexes for
limited purposes, we are advocat-
ing Saturday night lectures by
prominent faculty members on the
importance of the lawyer's wife
in furthering the career of her
-Roger A. Law, '57L
-James F. Sams, '57L

on --

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Butler: AmN r

REPUBLICANS and Democrats
may cut each other's throat,
but there's, one thing they're neut-
ral about-calling me a liar. Us-
ually the Democrats, however,,
reach for more headlines in hurling
their epithets.
Paul Butler, chairman of the
Democratic National Committee,
had some4t ings to say about neu-
trality and veracity at a recent
session of the Democratic National
Committee. Nettled by Kefauver's
charges that he had leaned toward
Stevenson, Butler told assembled
"I want you to know that I have
'been, neutral, I am neutral, and I
will continue to be neutral. And I
deeply resent anyone saying that
I'm not neutral.
"I don't like to single out a
member of the press," Butler con-
tinued, "But Drew Pearson has
published a completely erroneous
set of facts."
*. *
BUTLER THEN emphatically
denied that he had had anything
to do with forcing Mary Farmer
to withdraw from the Kefauver
delegation in New Hampshire, as
reported by this column March
5, after she had joined the staff of
the Democratic National Commit-
tee in Washington.
"Miss Farmer wasn't contacted
by me either directly or indirectly,
but resigned on her own initiative,"
Butler said.

At the luncheon which followed,
Chairman Butler came over to the
table where Mrs. Myrtle McIntyre,
Democratic National Committee-
woman from New Hampshire, was
seated with Ted Dudley of CIO-
PAC, Mrs. Clara Shirpser, a com-
mitteewoman from California, and
Mary Farmer, the girl who retired
as a delegate in New Hampshire.
Mrs. McIntyre turned to Miss
"Mary." she asked in Butler's
presence, "Didn't I call you and
tell you Paul Butler had told me
that you had to leave the delega-
tion in two or three days or you
couldn't keep your job on the Na-
tional Committee?"
* * *
"YES, YOU DID," replied Miss
"Butler, however, stood by his
denial. But Mrs. McIntyre was
"Paul, you told me that," she
repeated. "I put her on the dele-
gation and you told me I had to
take her off. How could I forget
what you said? It was of the ut-
most importance to us in New
Hampshire that she stay on. Yet
you now deny that it ever hap-
"I'm positive I'm right," re-
plied Butler.
"Only one of us can be right,"
replied Mrs. McIntyre, "and I'm
positive that I'm right."

MRS. McINTYRE considered
setting the facts before the en-
tire committee when it resumed
after lunch, but Martha Ragland
of Tennessee dissuaded her.
NOTE-A Republican who has
also differed from me recently is
Elliott Bell, publisher of Business
Week, when I reported that he
had ambitions to become Secretary
of the Treasury in the next Eisen-
hower cabinet. Mr. Bell tells me
he has no such ambition, that he
is very happy running Business
Week, is not reorganizing its staff
with a view to eventual departure,
and intends to remain in and on
that job indefinitely.
IKE WENT out of his way to
recognize correspondents of small
newspapers at his last press con-
ference. He gave an early nod to
Sarah McClendon-of various small
Texas papers, who has sometimes
had a hard time getting recognized
in the past.
He also recognized Larry Ferns-
worth of the Concord, N'.H., Moni-
tor, and put off Scotty Reston,
head of the New York Times
Bureau, until the last question.
Reston, who has probably got more
questions answered at press con-
ferences than many newsmen,
kept popping up for recognition
but Ike gave the others a turn be-
fore getting around to him.
(copyright, 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

THE Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in by
2 p.m. Friday.
SUNDAY, APRIL 29, 1956
General Notices
Petitioning for the Joint Judiciary
Council will open Mon., April 30 and
close Fri., May 11. Petitions may be
picked up in 1020 Administration.
Veterans who expect to receive edu-
cation and training allowance under
Public Law 550 (Korea G. F. Bill) must
fill in VA Form 7-1996a, MONTHLY
CERTIFICATION, in the Office of Vet-
erans' Affairs, 555 Administration Build-
ing, between 8:30 a.m. Tues., -May 1
and 3:30 p.m. Friday, May 4.
Science Research Club May meeting'
in the Rackham Amphitheatre at 7:30
p.m. on Tues., May f. "Some Sampling
Plans for Use in Life Testing," Cecil C.
Craig - Mathematics: "A Second .Look
at Sea..lamprey Control in .thp Great
Lakes," James W. Moffett -/ZoOlogy;
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.
Dues for 1955-56 accepted after 7:10
Election of officers,
Student Rectial: Phyllis Legband
cellist, recital at 4:15 p.m. Sun., April
29, in partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Bachelor of
Music. Mrs. Legband is a pupil of Olives
Edei, and her program will be open to
the public. She will be assisted by
Helen Mendelson in Vivaldi's Sonata in
E minor fro Cello and Piano, and
Brahms' Sonata in F major for Cello
and Piano.
Student Recital. william Cole, tenor,
at 8:30 p.m. Sun., April 29, in Aud. A,
Angell Hall, recital in lieu of a thesis
for the Master of Music degree. A
pupil of Chase Baromeo, Cole will per-
form compositions by Mozart, Beethov-
en, Schubert, Brahms, Wolf, Faure,
Rachmaninoff, Tschalkowsky,, Moussor-
gsky and Prokofieff. Open to the gen-
eral public without charge.
Faculty Concert: Robert Courte, viol-
ist, and Lydia Courte, pianist, at 8:30
p.m. Tues., May 1, Rackham Lecture
Hall, in a program of compositions by
Beethoven, Brahms, and Ross Lee Fin-
ney. Open to the general public with-,
out charge.
Academic Notices
Aeronautical Engineering High Alt-
tude Seminar. L. M. Jones of the Upper
Atmosphere Research Group will speak
on "Instrumentation and Results of
Michigan Rocket Methods, III" on Mon.,
April 30, at 4:00 p.m., in Room 1504,
East Eng. Bldg.
402 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the
Application of Mathematics to Social
Science Mon., April 30, Room 429 Mason
Hall from 4:005:30 p.m. Prof. M. O.
Kendall (London School of Economics)
will speak on "Further Contributions
to the Theory of Paired Comparisons"
Open to public.
Doctoral Examination for Robert
William Buggert, Musicology; thesis:
"Alberto da Ripa,rLutenist and Com-
poser," Mon., April 30, East Council
Room, Rackham Bldg., at 4:00 p.m.
Chairman, L. E. Cuyler.
Doctoral Examination for William Ar-
thus Bradley, Civil Engineering; thesis:
"The Determination of Moments and
Deflections in Plates by the Moire
Method and by Finite Differences with
Application to the Square Clamped
Plate with Square Cutouts," Mon., April
30, 307 West Engineering Bldg., at 1:00
p.m. Chairman, B. G. Johnston.
Events Today
Free Films. "Nature's Half Acre" by
Walt Disney. 4th, floor Exhibit Hall,
Museums Bldg., April 24-30, at 3:00

and 4:00 p.m., including Sat. and Sun,
with extra showing Wed. at 12:30.
Placement Notices
The following schools will have repre-
sentatives at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments to interview teachers for the
school year 1956-57.
Monday, April 30:
Wayne, Mich. - Teacher needs: Ele-
mentary; Elementary Art; Elementary
Music, Vocal; Elementary Instrumental
(with violin) Music-man pfd.; Driver
Training; Junior High Vocal Music;
Junior & Senior High Social Studies/
English; Math/Science; High School
Tuesday, May 1-
Flint,'Michigan-Teacher needs: All
East Detroit, Mich.-Teacher needs:
Elementary; Elementary Speech Correc-
tion; Junior High Comm./Math; Art/
English; English/SS; Boys' Special
Room; Mech. Drawing; Gen. Science/
Math; Handicraft/Art; Vocal Music/
Girls' Phys. Ed.; High School Wood
Shop; English; Comm. Law/Typing; In-
strumental Muise; Vocal Music; Social
Studies; Economics; Girls' Phys. Ed.;
Reading; Librarian; Art/English; Math.
Walled Lake, Mich. - Teacher needs:
Junior High English/Social Studies;
Art; Science; Algebra/9th Grade; Math;
Gen. Business; Home Economics; Li-
brarian; Senior High English; Social
Studies; English/Social Studies; Driver
Ed.; Math; Biology.
Saint Clair Shores, Mich.-Teacher
needs: Elementary; Elem. Vocal Music;
Girls' Phys. Ed. Consultant; Junior
High Math; Junior High Vocal Music.
Wednesday, May 2:
Battle Creek, Mich. - Springfield
School - Teacher needs: Elementary.
Pontiac, Mich. - Teacher needs: Ele-
mentary; English; Art; Visiting Teacher;
Girls' Phys. Ed.
Wyandotte, Mich. - Teacher needs:
Elementary (Kdg. to 6th); Junior High
Social Studies; Speech Correctionist;
Librarian; Mentally Handicapped
(man); Art/Music (Elem); Physical Ed/





Foreign Aid and the UN

Associated Press News Analyst
THIS IS A MOMENT in world history where
a concrete display of American altruism
might go far toward creating a situation which
democracy would have a better chance to ex-
pand, and communism a lesser one.
There is one way in which such a display
might be attempted toward which Congress
and successive administrations have been cold.
That would be to turn over as much or all of
foreign economic aid to the United Nations.
on it at his lews conference last Wednes-
day. 'He said he favors having the United
Nations take a more active interest in the
handling of foreign aid.
He didn't spell it out. An active interest
might consist of a contribution of advice from
UN agencies already at work in the field.
It might result from larger participation by
Editorial Staff
DAVE BAAD, Managing Editor
Editorial Director City Editor
DEBRA DURCHSLAG ................ Magazine Editor
DAVID KAPLAN ............ .......... Feature Editor
JANE HOWARD................. Associate Editor
LOUISE TYOR ........................Associate Editor
PHIL DOUGLIS ......................... Sports Editor
ALAN EISENBERG ,............Associate Sports Editor
JACK HORWITZ .............. Associate Sports Editor
MARY HELLTHALER.............. .. Women's Editor
ELAINE EDMONDS ......... Associate Women's Editor
JOHN HIRTZEL .................. Chief Photographer
Business Staff
DICK ALSTROM...................Business Manager
BOB ILGENFRITZ .......Associate Business Manager
KEN ROGAT.................... Advertising Manager
MARTY WEISBARD .................Finance Manager
MILT GOLDSTEIN................Circulation Manager

the United States in the work these agencies
are doing.
1 HE UNITED NATIONS has a small program
almost parallel to the American economic
aid program. The UN activity is largely financ-
ed by the United States.
But the United States, by will of Congress,
wants to keep strings on its major expendi-
tures i nthis field. It has used the foreign aid
program to enforce observance of its other
policies by foreign recipients.
For that reason, some countries like India
have accepted help only with reluctance. They
don't like the attitude of "See, it pays to line
up with America." It runs against their pride
and. their philosophies. They react the same
way Americans would if some giant business
founded a university purely for the purpose
of turning out only capitalist-minded gradu-
T HERE IS ALSO a sneaking suspicion that
the foreign aid program, especially if it
develops the long-range aspects now proposed,
will not be a complete success until it looks
less like pure self-interest.
Secretary Dulles addressed himself to a con-
nected idea when he suggested the European
satellites might begin the road back to self-
determination by sticking to Titoistic com-
munism while weakening their connection with
international communism directed from Mos-
Vast areas of the world are going through a
revolution, intent primarily on independence,
willing to take chances with international com-
munism's help as against the already experi-
enced effects of Western colonialism.
A MERICA'S alliance with Western colonial


Visitor's Day in The East German Zone


(EDITOR'S NOTE: David Learned is
a University student studying under
an exchange program at the Free Uni-
versity of Berlin.)
JUST TWICE every year western
visitors are received in the Ger-
man Democratic Republic. Out-
side of these two times the iron
curtain becomes quite a tangible
thing to anyone who has a desire
to visit a part of East Germany.
Leipzig, the city with a longer
than 700-year fair tradition, is
the one city to which western visi-
tors to the Russian Zone are al-
lowed relatively free access.
Leipzig today is to western visi-
tors very much the town Germel-
shausen of the German version of
the "Brigadoon" legend. It ap-
pears only for a short while at
very long intervals, and then dis-
appears again under its political
swamp until the next fair.
At the time of the fair, every-
thing is cleaned up (to a cer-
tain extent), and the inhabitants
are very happy to see fair guests.
Guests who all seem to have a
lot of East German money, a good
percent of which is bought before-
hand on the western market at
one to four instead of one to one.
This is the westerners' oppor-
tunity to buy silks and other goods
made in China, as well as optical
equipment made in the once, and
na.mh em m illnrAfom,c. nnti...

allotment of ration stamps for such
things, but at least during the fair
it's there to buy.
Rationing is still quite a real
thing in East Germany. A family
is alloted 110 pounds of coal a
month; one extra month's worth
is alloted if the fsamily puts up a
fair guest. Pensioners are al-
loted 300 grams of butter ("fat
stamps") a month, where students
can buy about 450 grams. It's
also this way with sugar, coffee,
and meat. When one eats in one
of the still non-state owned res-
taurants, one gives out ration
stamps for the fat on the steak
as well as the meat itself.
When there's meat, etc., to be
had, one can buy it in the state
stores for prices the ordinary
worker can't often afford to pay.
One can now eat very well in the
Auerbachs Keller where Mephis-
topheles with Faust, according to
the story, bewitched the three stu-
dents; the place is now state
FOREIGNERS can eat in such
places, but cannot order any meat
dishes in non-state restaurants or
stores. In the non-state stores
of any sort the selection of goods
is poorer, 'and what goods are de-
livered to these stores from the
"peoples' own" factories are de-
livered only after the state stores
have been well provided for.

even in the greater cities of East
Germany is the effect to be felt.
For a month before the fair,
color film, for example, could not
be bought in the capital city, Ber-
lin. What about Leipzig? One
could buy the stuff by the case if
he wanted to.
And then when we returned to
Berlin after the fair and visited
the "Democratic Sector" a few
days later, we could again find
color film. Such goods, food and
small luxuries, are concentrated
in Leipzig by special trucks and
trains from wherever they are to
be found in the Zone to show the
westerners and the representatives
of newly acquired European and
Asian "peoples' democracies" what
a land of milk and honey this
communistic land is.
* * *
THE FAIR exhibitions them-
selves could be summarized as
being deceitful; in many cases the
people of the Zone can buy the
things newly displayed only years
after they were to be seen at the
fair as "a product of one of our
peoples' own factories." The "Hall
of the Soviet Union" is naturally
the most pretentious exhibition
halls one finds there. ,
It's a huge white marble (inside
and out) structure with a great
gardened antrum back from the
huge entryway. In the center of
the circular antrum stands a great

rivers driven by pumps instead of
a propeller.
Outside of this hall was a special
side exhibition of an American
weather balloon with a lurid en-
lightenment of the what, how, and
why of this infernal machine. Then
of course there were the usual
pictures !of spying and sabotage
evidence, and of the spy organi-
zations to be found especially in
West Berlin, among them, inci-
dentally, the American secret
service house next door to our
foreign students' home here in
Dahlem in Berlin.
* * *
ONLY TO mention a part of
Germany which unfortunately
can't be seen in the usual summer
tour of Germany will I say some-
thing about the city's heritage.
There is a huge monument on the
order of the Washington Monu-
ment to the memory of the people
who fought to stave off Napoleon's
advance in 1813.
Then there is a beautiful Rus-
sian church built to the memory
of the Russians who had fought
with the people of Leipzig to save
the city at that time. And the St.
Thomas church, the home of the
world famous St. Thomas Choir,
of which Johann Sebastian Bach
was a member and director is to
be found there. Bach's sarcopha-
gus is there in the nave of the



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