nrv" IIM E MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, APRIL 29, 1958 THE MICHIGN DAILY.SNDAY,.APRL.29,.195 ..._. ENJOY Carry-Out Service at the Beer & Wine Served el Rio Restaurant 122 West Washington at Ashley Open 11 A.M. to 12 P.M. Union Gets Life Cards Life memberships in the Union are now available in the Union business office. Male students who have paid tuition for eight semesters may pick up their memberships, en- titling them to use of all the Union facilities. Graduating seniors who have not been at the University eight 'semesters may receive life mem- berships by paying $6 for each semester missed. Holders or life memberships will be able to reserve rooms at the Union for themselves and friends when they revisit Ann Ar- bor. Students Find U.S. Lacking In Foreign News Coverage CIASSIFIEDS LOSER TUESDAY DIAL NO 2-2513 . 4 Telephone NO 2-9575 College students feel that Ameri- can newspapers are doing a "good" job in international news but they indicate that they think the papers could be much better. In an Associated Collegiate Press survey, students in cam- puses throughout the nation were asked: "What kind of a job do you think newspapers in the United States are doing in bringing vital foreign news to the people of the United States?" Fifty-four per cent of the stu- dents said that the papers were doing a Good job, 18 per cent said a Very Good job, 21 per cent said it was "So-so," 4 per cent said I II I III u ' a a-f,. pick-up date with a soldier M, i -,a picture Sof very very special greatness! I Also aptIIA.2 ex -FUN! -j , \s I WARNER BROS! ALL-OUT RIOT OF- Cinema ~14 Today at 8 only LOSTHO I N RONALD COLMAN Architecture Auditorium 50c Bad and 3 per cent said it was Very Bad. The students interviewed by the survey nearly always supplement- ed their compliments with a bit of serious criticism. A graduateico-ed at Hunters College in New York City com- mented, "They report the facts as best they are allowed, but editorial policy sometimes deters them from doing their best." A University of Nebraska co-ed declared, "Foreign news is always buried under some crime or sen- sation." At Northeastern (Okla.) State College a junior said, "Newspapers have a tremendous job in doing this, and they are hundered by many things-prejudice, politics, personal sentiment . . . but in spite of this they have done a good job." Organization Notices Congregational and Disciples Guld: Mr Chester Taylor, N.A.A.C.P. will speak on "Its Work," tonight, 7:00 p.m., Mem- orial Christian Church, Hill and Tappan. * * * Deutscher Verein: A movie, "The Wonderful Times" or "Herrliche Zei- ten" will be shown with English Sub- titles, May 1, 8:00 p.m., Architecture Auditorium. The film will last 86 minutes. Episcopal Student Foundation: Cant- erbury General Meetin, today, 5:45 p.m., Canterbury House. Buffet Supper; Speaker; Nominations for President, 6:00 p.m., tonight, Canter- bury House. * * * Gamma Delta: Supper; Program; Elec- tion of Officers for next year, tonight, 6:00 p.m., Lutheran Student Center, 1511 Washtenaw. * * * Hillel Foundation: Advanced Hebrew Class, April 30, 8:00 p.m., Hillel. Petitions for Administrative Council chairmanships must be turned in April 30. Sunday evening Supper Club, 6:00 p.m., Hillel. Lutheran Student Association: Paul Hasvold will speak on "Contemporary Philosophies," today. There will be a supper at 5:45 p.m. after which Mr. Hasvold will speak. * * * Michigan Christian Fellowship: Dr. Luchies, Wheaton College, will speak on "The Disadvantages of Being a Christian," today, 4:00 p.m. Lane Hall. Newman Club: There will be a debate on Church Censorship of movies; "Is The Legion of Decency Realistic?", Newman Club Center, tonight, 8:00 p.m. Refreshments will be served. . w S Student Religious Association: Folk Dancing at Lane Hall, April 30, 7:30 - 10:00 p.m., in the recreation room. A special program of Italian Dances Will be featured and members of Circolo Italiano are cordially invited Undergraduate Mathematics Club: Professor Samelson will speak on May 1, 7:30 p.m., 3210 Angell Hall. Unitarian Student Group: Professor Kenneth Leisenring will speak on "Al- bert Schweitzer's Ethics," tonight, 7:30 p.m., 1917 Washtenaw. Rides will leave from Lane Hall, Stockwell, and Martha Cook Bldg. at 7:15 p.m. * * * Women's Golf Club: Instruction meet- ing, April 30, 4:30 p.m., Women's Ath- letic Bldg. Please bring your $wn golf balls. Westminster Student Fellowship: Sup- per, 5:30 p.m., Presbyterian Student Center, today. "Music in Worship" will follow at 6:45 p.m. Young Friends Fellowship: "The Na- ture of Quakerism" will be 'discussed by members of the Ann Arbor Friends Meeting, today, 1416 Hill St. MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES1 LINES 1 DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS 2 .66 1.47 2.15 3 .77 1.95 3.23 4 .99 2.46 4.30 Figure 5 average words to a line. Classified deadline, 3 P.M. daily. 11:00 A.M. Saturday Phone NO 2-3241 HELP WANTED SALESWOMEN Demonstrate toys on party plan. Complete selection, top line, un- limited earnings. All hiring for Christman season (Aug. 13 thru Dec. 7) being completed now. Car necessary, no collection, no de- livery. For information call De- troit collect, BR-3-7237, or write George's Toy Service, 13401 Fenkell, Detroit 27. Personal interview at; your home by appointment. )112H HELP WANTED-Part-time for noon and/or week-ends. Experience desir- able. Call in person at the Virginian. 313 S. State. )120H WANTED-Cook and helper for chil- dren's camp June 17 through Labor Day weekend. Salary, board and room. Weekend off from noon Sat. to 3:00 p.m. Sunday. Irish Hills Ara, 35 miles from Ann Arbor on Wamblers Lake. Contact Mr. Edwin LeButt, Jud- son Collins Methodist Camp, Onsted, Mich. Phone Onsted 71 F 3 collect after 6:00 p.m. )117H ADVERTISING SOLICITOR (local) for Christian Civic quarterly magazine. Excellent commission for man or lady of good character. Good job for stu- dent. Write Box 474, Ann Arbor, Michigan. )118H WANTED-Registered Nurse for Chil- dren's camp June 17th through Labor Day weekend. Salary, board and room. Week end off from 1 P.M. Saturday to 3 P.M. Sunday. Irish Hills area, 35 miles from Ann Arbor on Wampers Lake. Contact Mr. Edwin LeButt, Judson Collins Methodist 'Camp. Phone ONsted 71-F-3 Collect, after 6 P.M. )115H COOKS HELP WANTED. 12-14 hrs. per week. Assisting in preparation and serving in exchange for meals, snacks, and house privileges. Apply Mrs. Ed- wards, Nelson International, House, 915 Oakland. NO 3-8506. )114H WANTED-Cab drivers full or part-time. Apply 113 S. Ashley. Ann Arbor Yellow and Checker Cab Company. Phone NO 8-9382. )70H FOR SALE MAY FESTIVAL Season tickets, two, Main Floor, $10.000 each. Phone NO 2. 4684. )190B FESTIVAL TICKETS, pair, choice, cen- ter aisle, any concert, call 2-3844. )187B 2ND LINE Martin Tenor Saxophone. Retails for $245, like new, used 4 months, must sell now, $190. NO 2-7166. )188B NEW SPAULDING Top Flight Woods and Irons, Phone NO 2-8095. )182B JAZZ RECORDS half price. Wasserman, NO 3-4145, Ext. N-43. )170B ARMY, NAVY type oxfords-$6.88, sox 39c, shorts 69c, military supplies. Sam's Store, 122 E. Washington. )123B FOR RENT APARTMENT For Summer. 4 large rooms . . . completely furnished from June 15 to Sept. 15. Call NO 3-6580. )61C 4-ROOM APARTMENT, bath, study and utility. Fireplace. Use of full base- ment. Downtown location. $100.00 per month. NO 5-5686 between 6 and 8 P.M. Also furniture bargains. )57C WUERTH ENDING TODAY STANLEY KAMER Pesent .. AS A STRANGE R