SUNDAY MAGAZINE' (See Second Section) Y Latest Deadline in the State ~aitr V~r*. SHOWERS, COLDER VOL. LXVI, No. 142 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, APRIL 29, 1956 SIX PAGES British Disclose Murder Scheme 1956-57 CONCERTS: Top Artists To Appear Next Season RussianSai lors Tesify Soviets.Forced Friends i Anti-Communists Drew Lots To Kill Soviet Leaders Visiting in England LONDON (I')-High British officials said yesterday anti-Commu- nists had plotted to assassinate Russian Prime Minister Bulganin and Soviet party boss Nikita Khrushchev during their just-concluded 10- day visit to Britain. London newspapers, the first to break the story, gave it wide play. One account said a secret anti-Communist band drew lots one night to choose a single man would have rocked the world. The British officials said UN :Leader Visits Egypt On Mission Hammarskold Tries for Peace CAIRO, Egypt (AP)-Dag Har marskjold met with Egyptian lea ers yesterday in an effort to tran late the cease-fire agreement wi Israel into an enduring Midd East peace. The close-mouthed United N tions Secretary General flew he from Beirut, Lebanon, for wh likely will be the last round of i mission before reporting to t Security Council.He was loseti in short order with Egyptian Fo eign Minister Mabmoud Fawzi. Tension Lower ,Hammarskold came here aft obtaining the pledges of Egyi Israel and Syria to a cease-fi along their borders, and cond tional pledges from two other Ar states, Lebanon and Syria. TJ result has been a decided loweri of tension. He was primarily interested ' his second visit to Cairo in ph: sical arrangements for maki the cease-fire stick along the I raeli-Egyptian front. Suggest Observation Suggestions for such arrang merts have included an increa in the number ofUN truce observ ers, mobile patrols, observati posts for UN personnel at strat gic border points, and the wit drawal of troops from immedia contact on either side of the d' marcation line. on troop withdrawals, the Egy] tians have suggested pulling t troops back about 500 yards. B Hammarskjold is reported to ha urged simply that the opposi troops be kept out of sight fro each other with the actual di tance of withdrawal determin * by local geography and circu stances. Paper Sights Detroit Area 'White' Groups Pro-segregationist citizen's cour cils of Alabama are attempting I organize chapters in the Detro metropolitan area, according I the Detroit Free Press. Dearborn Mayor Orville Hut bard told newsmen he had bee invited to "a White Citizens Cour, cil organizational meeting" i Highland Park and was unable ti attend. "I've had letters from peop telling me that Citizens Counci are being organized in Detroi Lansing, Flint and Highland Park Hubbard said, according to th Free Press. The Dearborn mayor denie knowledge that such organizin might be taking place in h: city. "We don't need one here,' he said. "Citizen's Councils are fc places where they have problems. The white supremacy group, tb Free Press learned, has tried t place an advertisement appealin for new members in the Inde pendent, a Dearborn paper, ant an unnamed Detroit daily. The Citizen's Councils were formed in the South to fight the Supreme Court ruling ordering in- tegration in the schools. for an assassination attempt which -US'& ' d of the plot reached Scotland Yard and set off extremely tight security, measures. Plot by Eastern Europeans A British government source said an assassination plot' was arranged by men 'believed to re- present two small organizations of migres from Eastern Europe. British security men watched he ports and checked on visa ap- >lications to keep out all known nti-Communist extremists. A For- ign Office spokesan said local >olice also took "logical action against the large number of people iostilet to the Soviet regime." All Tips Checked Even the most far-fetched and nelodramatic of the tips reaching Scotland Yard were checked. In addition to the usual bomb-from- he-roof and poison-in-the-pud- ding reports, there were some more ntricate and detailed, like the >lan to mine the River Thames outside London. But throughout the 10 days, nothing more materialized than a few fireworks set off by British pranksters and a few insults hurled at the visiting Russians by some outspoken critics. Poland Will Return 'Pay To Heroes VIENNA, Austria (P-Poland's Communist government yesterday took a new step -on the path of righting some of 'the gravest wrongs of the -Stalin era. It promised restoration of pen- sions and honors to the survivors of the heoric non-Communist Pol- ish home army. This is the resistance group which staged the vain and bloody Warsawsuprising againsththe Nazi occupiers in 1944 while their Rus- sian "liberators" stood idle out- side the capital. Members Discriminated Radio Warsaw reported that Premier Josef Cyrankiewicz ad- mitted before a session of Parli- ament that members of the home army had been discriminated against and persecuted since the Communists took over the country 'i 1954. Cyrankiewicz said an investigat- ing committee had established the injustices against the non-Commu- nist resistance fighters of Gen. Bor Tadeusz Komorowski and their families. 'Measures To Be Taken He assured a questioner that measures would be taken im- mediately to restore pensions and that members of the home army and their families "will also be given all their rights." The Warsaw revolt of the un- derground forces was crushed by the Nazis because only the West- ern Allies offered help, and that by long distance, while the Rus- sians waited. Kurt Baum, the Vienna Philhar- monic Orchestra, the Cleveland Orchestra and the Vienna Choir Boys will be among featured artists for the 1956-1957 Choral Union Concerts. Also announced yesterday were programs for the Extra Concert Series, featuring M a n t o v a n i, Chamber Music Festival, annual "Messiah" performances and May Festival for thecoming year. Five symphony orchestras and three pianists are scheduled for the regular series, which will open Oct. 4 with Herva Nelli, soporano, and Kurt Baum, tenor, of the Met- ropolitan Opera. Charles Munch will conduct the Boston Symphony Orchestra on Oct. 15. Von Karajan To Appear Herbert von Karajan, bringing his famed Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra to America for the sec- ond time, will be heard Oct. 21. R o b e r t Casadesus, appearing Nov. 5, will be the first pianist to perform. 'Andre Cluytens will conduct the world-renowned Vienna Philhar- monic Orchestra on Nov. 20, which will be followed by pianist Arthur Rubinstein, Jan. 14. Vienna Choir Boys will return for a concert, Jan. 20, followed by Humphrey Blasts GOP For Tactics WASHINGTON (P)-Sen. Hum- phrey (D-Minn) yesterday accused Republican spokesmen in 'Minne- sota of employing "gutter poli- tics" in exploiting a statement he said he never made. Humphrey exhibited a letter from Boston University express- ing "sincere regrets" for what Dean Duncan MacDonald of the graduate school said was a "mis- representation" of Humphrey's remarks at an April 16 panel dis- cussion Humphrey said that on the panel he declared any w i d e s p r e a d drought could change the agricul- tural position from one of surplus to one of scarcity. 'That Will Not happen' "I said I hope that will not- and let me emphasize the word not-happen, even though such a tragedy might teach a lesson both to this administration and to city people who show little concern with agricultural," Humphrey said in a statement. He added that the word "not" had been dropped from some ac- counts of his remarks. The University's publicity de- partment put out a release on what Dean Duncan said were "off the record remarks." Release Misquoted The release quoted Humphrey as saying "if there is a drought in the Middle West it will result in the prices of pork, beef and milk go- ing up in cities like Boston and New York. "I, personally, hope this hap- pens as it might teach the admin- istration a lesson." An Associated Press story carried this quotation on the basis of the university re- lease. Duncan said in his letter the release was a "completely false" representation of Humphrey's ex- pression on the panel. Humphrey said in his statement that this "amazing distortion of the truth" had been widely circu- lated in Minnesota. Farm Bill Veto Called New Republican Victory WASHINGTON (M)-President Dwight D. Eisenhower appears to have out-maneuvered congressional Democrats who thought they had him over a political barrel because of his farm bill veto. In the nearly two weeks since the President's rejection of the measure there have been few signs of the kind of farm belt rebellion against the action that some Democrats were counting upon. Republican Complaints Lessened Similarly, Republican complaints against the veto have died to a whisper in Congress. There is every indication of almost solid GOP ToGo CONDUCTORS-Arthur Fiedler, left, conductor of the Boston Pops Orchestra; and Andre Cluytens, conductor of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, will appear in the 1956-57 Choral Union Concerts. Solomon, England's piano virtuoso,I Feb. 21. Thor Johnson will conduct the Cincinnati Symphony Feb. 26. Choral Union Concert Series; will close March 10 with George} rSzell conducting the Cleveland Orchestra. $ Mantovani To Conduct The Extra Concert Series opens. Oct. 11 with the Mantovani and his New Music. Charles Munch will reappear with the Boston Symphony Orch- estra Oct. 17, and Elizabeth Schwarzkopf, renowned German soprano, will sing on Nov. 14. Leonard dePaur will direct theI dePaur Opera Gala, Jan. 10 in a concert featuring selections from three Broadway hits, "The Four Saints," "Carmen Jones" and "Porgy and Bess." Extra Concert Series will close March 3 with Arthur Fielder con- ducting the Boston Pops Tour Orchestra. 'Messiah' To Be Heard The two annual "Messiah" per- formances will take place Dec. 1- and 2 in Hill Auditorium. Lesterj McCoy will wield the baton for the University Musical Society's Choral Union of 325 voices and the Musi- cal Society's Orchestra. "Messiah" soloists will include:t Adele Addison, soprano; Eunicef Alberts,Acontralto; Howard Jar- ratt, tenor; and Kenneth Smith, bass.f See ORCHESTRAS, Page 6 t SOLOIST-Kurt Baum, Metro- politan Opera tenor, will open Choral Union Concert Series. D .C. 'To Get First Ballot WASHINGTON (M-District of Columbia residents get a chance to vote officially Tuesday for the first time in 82 years. But it will be a complicated af- fair and only for national conven- tion delegates, featuring an indi- rect Stevenson-Kefauver clash for six Democratic convention votes and for major party committee- men. It is a two-party primary au- thorized by Act of Congress to re- place an unofficial party-con- ducted selection system. Washingtonians still can't vote for president, members of Cong- ress or even local government of- ficials. The last time they voted for local candidates was in the 1870's. Positions Open Petitioning will begin tomorrow for positions on the Homecoming Central Committee and extend un- til May 7. Positions available are publicity co-chairmen, decorations co-chair- men, display co-chairmen, tickets co-chairmen, and chairmen of building and grounds; programs and patrons, band, finance and the position of secretary. - s r t c f x f f Home support for new farm legislation the President would find accept- able. This, plus some Democratic backing, may deliver to the Presi- dent's desk in the next few weeks a soil bank measure designed to put some government checks in the hands of farmers before they go to the polls in November. Democratic leaders have said they won't go along with the Presi- dent's advance payment plan. Under it farmers who sign up to take land out of cultivation would get immediately 50 per cent of the amount due them when they com- ply fully with the contract. Republicans Convinced Congressional Republicans are convinced that in a showdown many Democrats will hesitate be- fore voting against a proposal which would give farm income a shot in the arm. While the soil bank program holds out some hopes for income increases, Republicans are count- ing politically also on rising farm prices between now and election time.' These prices went up one per cent between mid-March and mid- April, continuing an upward trend which began in December. Sen. Aiken (R-Vt.) said he thinks they will continue to rise. He said that is one reason he be- lieves Democrats will make certain that this session passes some farm legislation. "The Democrats just can't af- ford to let farm prices go up 10 per cent this year-as they are likely to do under present law - without passing some legislation they can contend made those price increases possible," he said. Senate Faces Highway Bill WASHINGTON (P)-Sen. Albert Gore (D-Tenn) said yesterday the principal Senate-House difference over the big highway construction bill is how to apportion money to the ,states for the 40,000-mile in- terstate system. Sen. Gore, author of the Senate version of the bill, said in an in- terview he was sure a satisfactory compromise would be worked out, but that the appartionment pro- blem could prove a real stickler. House Passed Bill The House passed its bill by a whopping 388-19 vote Friday 'and sent it to the Senate, which has passed a different bill. The House measure calls for a 5% - billion - dollar Federal - state spending program over the next 13 years.' It is designed to moder- nize the nation's road system so it can handle the vastly expanded traffic load. Bill Has New Taxes The bill also provides 15 billions in new U.S. taxes over a 16-year period to help pay the federal share of the cost. The Gore bill, passed by the Senate laZY May, sets up a five- year, 18-billiow-dollar federal-state program. Both the Gore and the House versions allot most of the new money to the interstate system. Group Leader Applications Applications for orientation group leaders for next fall will be Estes Says Ike Put Top On Progress By The Associated Press Sen. Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn) critizing Eisenhower administra- tion policies, says the Republican party has "placed a ceiling on pro- gress." Republicans in their turn say GOP policies have given the work- ing man a greater share of the national income. Kefauver, completing a swing through Oregon and Washington,. hopped across-country yesterday toward another busy week of cam- paigning in Florida. Adlai E. Ste- venson moved into Portland, Ore., to start a series of West Coast appearances. Harriman To Campaign The two are so far the only avowed candidates for the Demo- cratic presidential nomination. But Philleo ltash, Wisconsin Dem- .ocratic state chairman, predicted in Milwaukee yesterday that Gov. Averell Harriman of New York will "open his active campaign" for the nomination in a speech there May 5, Harriman has said repeatedly he is "not an active candidate," and added a week ago that it was "highly questionable" he would ever change that status. Nash Read Copy But Nash said he had read a draft of Harriman's addres pre- pared for a Jefferson-Jackson Day dinner and added, "We have in the making a really great nation- al event." A statementbyHouse speaker Sam Rayburn indicated he hopes for morethan a favorite son candidacy also by Senate Leader Lyndon B. Johnson (D-Texas). Rayburn's statement, another in a series of sharp exchanges with Texas Gov. Allan Shivers, in a contest for control of the Texas delegation, took issue with a sug- gestion that Shivers head the delegation and Johnson be the favorite son. Senior lass officers _Try For Positions Candidates for senior class posi- tions in the literary college and engineering college were an- nounced by Bill Gardner, presi- dent of the Senior Board. Ron L. Boorstein, Duke Greg- ory, and John C. Wrona are the candidates for president of the literary college. Candidates for the vice-presidency are Donald B. Booth, Clifford H. Hart, William P. Johnson and Jerry R. Mohrig. Diana Cook, Vatalio J. Grodnick, Marl Kamen and Ann Preston are the candidates for secretary with Harlan E. Givelber and Jerry Goebel the candidates for treas- urer. Glen Carlson, Sheldon Levin, Brian Moriarty and Don Pattersen are competing for the presidency of the engineering college. Vice-president candidates are Phil Ardussi, Ron Krause, John Moore and Richard Souslin. For the combined office of secretary- treasurer Edward White is the only candidate. . USSR- Seamen Say They Intend ToStay Here, Tell of Familes Waiting, Beggin WASHINGTON (A)-Three Rus- sian seamen, declaring they plan to remain in this country, testi- fied yesterday they thought "pres- sure" caused five of their com- panions to return to Russia. "Somebody put pressure on them," said Viktor Tatamikov, adding "I am sorry. They will perish. They will cut wood in the slave labor camp.",! The three seamen went before the Senate Internal Security sub- committee to tell their story only a day after they had spurned di- rect appeals from Soviet Ambas- sador Georgi Zarubin that they return to Russia. Families Waiting Michael Ivankov - Nikolov, 35, quoted Zarubin that "our families were waiting for us, begging us to come back and that all weuld be forgotten." "But the expression on his face contrasted with everything he said," Ivankov-Nikolov added. Ben Ermenko, the third witness, told a similar story. He said Zar- ubin told him "my family is wait- ing for me and the government continues to pay them my salary." Seamen Appeared A fourth seaman, Viktor Solov- yev, had appeared previously be- fore the subcommittee, which is looking into Soviet activities in the United States. All were crewmen on the Soviet tanker Tuapse, which was im- pounded by Nationalist China in 1954. They and the five who re- turned to Russia suddenly on April 7 had obtained political asylum in this country last October. The flight of the five, under con- ditions which some have described as "kidnaping," caused the United States to expel two Soviet repre- sentatives to the United Nations on grounds they acted outside the scope of their authority. Since returning to Russia, the five have told ijewsmen there they acted voluntarily. But this was dis- puted by the four who remained. Speedy Time MarchesOn, But Not Here Daylight saving time arrived at 2 a.m. today, but not for residents of Michigan. The annual problem, condemned as summer madness in rural areas and welcomed by city folk, will involve all or substantial parts of 16 states and the District of Columbia. Most adherents of the new schedule are concentrated in the northeastern and upper midwest- ern areas of the country. Since'. these are among the most heavily populated, nearly half of the na- tion's total population will observe the new schedule. Clocks Advance Hour In case anyone has forgotten, clocks in areas converting to day- light saving time, or "D.S.T." as it will affectionately be known, will turn their clocks one hour ahead. The advantage to this lies in the addition of one hour to summer evenings. This extra sixty minutes should be helpful to such things as extra-inning baseball games. To add to the confusion of this time change, many areas have shown their independence by start- ing daylight saving time on some date other than today. Adopted in 1916 The normally conservative Eng- lish invented daylight saving time, where it was adopted in 1916 while Britain was suffering from a World Wart I shortage of coal and elec- DRAMA SEASON: Supporting Performers Budget Bureau To Make Suggested Alterations WASHINGTON (P)-The White House announced yesterday the Budget Bureau is taking two of the steps recommended by the Hoover Commission to put government on a more business-like basis and reduce its cost to taxpayers. The steps involvetan expansion of the Budget Bureau and efforts to modernize the government's accounting system. President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Budget Director Percival F. Brundage also endorsed the Hoover Commission proposal that appropriations be based on "accrued expenditures"-that is, that Congress vote money on the basis of goods and services to be re- ceived by departments and agen- cies during the coming year. There would be provisions for supplementary authorizations and 1rlimitations as required. Appropriations Limited Appropriations now are made in terms of obligations, with amounts appropriated serving as a limit on goods and services to be ordered. The two actions taken by the : Budget Bureau itself were: 1. Enlargement of the bureau by about 30 employes-subject to Congress granting the $400,000 yearly required. 2. Establishment of a staff Of- fice of Accounting, headed by Asst. Director Percy Rappaport, to de- velop an over-all accounting plan designed to enable top officials to know better what is going on and Additional performers have been announced for the 1956 University Drama Season. They are Stephen Chase, Janet DeGore, Truman Smith, Richard Ward, Phillip Lindsay, Louis Ed- monds, Milton Selzer, Pamela Simpson, William Weaver, Paula Bauersmith, Michael Laurence and Bradford Dillman. Chase will portray Judith An- derson's husband in "Black Chif- fon," opening the season May 14. "The Member of the Wedding," opening May 21 with Ethel Wat- ers in the starring role, will have