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April 28, 1956 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1956-04-28

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Sixty-Sixth Year

.....as ..
aen Opinions Are Free,
Trutb Will Prevail'

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

'URDAY, APRIL 28, 1956


OSU Football Probation
Unfortunate and Fortunate

"You Mean ese Secrets Have Been Stolen Already?"
WIT % Rhal
4* I
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Cinematic 'Swan'
Is Grace-f ul Film
SOMEWHERE in the Mediterranean, right this very minute, a blond
princess and a not-so-blond prince are sailing about in a yacht on
a royal-type honeymoon. But we needn't despair, for at the State
theatre, right this very week, the same lady is sailing across the silver
screen, again a princess. The publicity boys for "The Swan" think
that is a pretty neat tie-in but let's leave it alone right there.
"The Swan" stars Alec Guiness and a girl named ... er . . . Kelly
or something like that. They are both very charming people as pre-
sented in this adaptation of the Ferenc Molnar play, and the Old
World flavor comes across very nicely. The essential appeal of the
film is its gentle, civilized manner, aided by the fairy-talequality of the
script, and the performances of the two stars.
** * *
IT IS A DIFFERENT kind of fairy-tale, however, for the plot has
a few points to make about the impossibility of bridging the gulf be-




OHIO STATE'S one-year football probation
slapped on them by the Big Ten is both
.nfortunate and indirectly fortunate.
The unpleasant aspects of the situation are
basically three-fold. First, the athletes, ad-
ninistrators, and alumni involved in the ex-
treme over-emphasis of football by financial
aid should not get all the blame; our society
nust take a great deal of the burden. With
American ideals emphasizing. the winning spi-
'it and doing the best job possible, it is not
urprising that athletics has been caught some-
what in a web. Americans all want to identify
hemselves with a winner, with the better, or
he best, in all aspects of their lives.
Unfortunately, this competitive spirit can get
ut of hand.
Secondly, the probation for Ohio State is
he second in Big Ten history, all within the
ast three years. In 1953, the-then-Michigan
tate College was handed a nine-month sus-
ension for its fund-gathering "Spartan Foun-
ation." it is unfortunate that educational
nstitutions, such as these two and some in
ther conferences, must be involved so deeply
,nd out of proportion.

A ND THIRD, the Ohio State situation is un-
fortunate for collegiate football in general.
A potentially good team will have to play a
season with a cloud-somewhat gray-over its
On the more positive side, one can perhaps
look to the future. The openly unhealthy situ-
ation at Columbus has received its just return.
Head football coaches have been known to
have "short careers" in recent years at OSU.
Coach Woody Hayes said and did a little too
much, and the smell of roses has been whiffed
away because of it.
Also, there is the chance that all schools
learn by the situation and that maybe some
means of solution to the over-emphasis prob-
lem can be reached.
Certainly a complete re-evaluation of the
whole amateur and intercollegiate athletic set-
up would not be out of place. Some consisten-
cy and uniformity of definitions and rulings
are needed. A reasonably liberal stand toward
financial aid should be taken and a clear, stiff
line drawn for offenders in the future.
Maybe then all the fine educating, physical,
and social qualities of intercollegiate athletics
wouldn't be lost in the shuffle.

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Dulles Paris Trip Unnecessary

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ONE OF THE several duties of a United
States Secretary of State is to strive to
establish and maintain cordial relations with
foreign nations. Thus a Secretary of State of-
ten accomplishes by so-called "peace missions,"
handshaking junkets to 'other lands. But a
Seecretary of State can go overboard as far as
traveling is concerned.
This, it appears, is the case with John Foster
Dulles. Dulles leaves for Paris next week on
what appears to be an unnecessary, probably
unfruitful, journey. It is unnecessary because
others have visited Paris for the. same reason
and have done exactly what Dulles would do
-make rhetorical statements on the threat of
the USSR and why the free nations should
band together against such a threat.
On the basis of Dulles' past "accomplish-
ments" in the field of diplomatic relations, the
trip will probably be unfruitful as all that
will result will be an agreement that we mare
NATO stronger. Actionwise, nothing will re-

OUR WELL-TRAVELED Secretary says he
wants to keep the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization alive; he doesn't want it to "dry
up." What Dulles means by 'drying up' is not
known. At present, we have this statement of
"clarification" from the Secretary: in the fu-
ture, NATO "either grows or tends to dry up."
Isn't it conceivable that NATO could remain
at its present status without either growing
or drying up? Not that it shouldn't grow-
principles of NATO are fine, its objectives are
wonderful, but how will Mr. Dulles help?
Secretary Dulles fears the Soviet threat to
the world. This, he states, is why he is visit-
ing Paris in an attempt to strengthen NATO.
If Mr. Dulles hopes to help NATO, his state-
ments should carry more weight and thinking
instead of being merely an expression of tru-
isms. In fact, why doesn't Mr. Dulles stay
home for a change and let NATO help itself?

Scizo: Too Many} Free Boks

tween the peasants and the royal
types. Grace is cast as Alexan-
dria, a princess without a king-
dom, who lives with a very crusty
family. All her life, Alexandria's
mama has educated her to be a
queen, but when the story begins
nobody has come along resemb-
ling a king.
Enter Alec Guiness as Crown-
Prince Albert, a worldly and so-
phisticated fellow who has a throne
coming to him in the near future,
i.e. when his mama kicks off. Al-
bert comes to look over Grace's
possibilities, but her inexperience
with men coupled with his bored
attitude combine to make social
ineptness the rule of the day.
There is a tutor in this house-
hold, however, played haltingly
by Louis Jourdan. He is a French-
type tutor, learned and modest,
but extremely impassioned. He is
in love with the princess but,mel-
heureusement, he is of a distinctly
lower social class. This pains him;
this pains her. And that is the
cozy triangle.
The complications that develop
make up the "Swan" story (I al-
most said "Swan song," but I don't
want to offend) and the final reso-
lution is different enough to make
it interesting.
* * *
Kelly displays her famous regal
qualities and amazingly fine feat-
ures to good advantage. Her act-
ing, too, is enjoyable, although of
a perhaps limited scope in the.
film. The big moment for the
princess is a love scene with Jour-
dan, and she does this one with
especial grace and feeling.
Guiness, as always, is a pleas-
ure to watch, although Miss Kelly,
in her way, is a sight for sore eyes,
too. His Albert is a smooth and
polished figure; the well-known
Guiness tricks abound, but the
role is a departure from the clown
we know. The final portrait is a
very appealing one and the prince
emerges as a person we would like
to know ourselves.
"The Swan" is a relaxed and
touching film; its box office ap-
peal, however, will probably be
because of those confounded nup-
-David Newman

Gives Moral
THE HEAD magistrate of the
town of Gray in France feels
that a dancing exhibition taking
place in his town might be slight-
ly indelicate. He sends his Public
Prosecutor to investigate the spec-
tacle, and especially the perform.
er, "Mllq. Gobette."
The next evening, when the
Prosecutor finally gets back on
the job, the Judge commissions
him to discover who the shameless
man was that spent the night with
Gobette, dividing his time between
investigations and throwing empty
champagne bottles out the window
of her room. In all honor, the
Public Prosecutor must confess the
shameless man was he.
And so it goes, for this is a truly
remarkable woman(. When the
Judge orders her out of town, as
a direct result of his Prosecutor's
investigations, Gobette reasons
that ;the magistrate logically owes
her a bed, and so takes over his
household, mainly through the
theory that, possession of the
sleeping-quarters is nine-tenths of
the law. The Judge is won over
to her philosophy at the very
moment the Minister of Justice
chooses to visit him.
GOBBETTE IS a spirited and
loyal girl, however, and one not
prone to be overcome by authority.
Through a constant and amazing
confusion of identity and profes-
sion, she works her way, and si-
multaneously, the Judges% -from
the lower areas of their respective
fields to the topmost rungs. Aided
by a rebellious doorman, she is
able to run rampant and scant-
panted over the, very Ministery
itself. The moral is . proved
again, that where determination
lies, so does success.
Silvana Papmanini is Gobette,
and probably the only actress in
the world who can say: "There
was a touching scene during which
I lost my dress"-and have the
entire audience believe her. After
all, who can doubt his own eyes?
-Culver Etsenbeis





ON TUESDAY Mr. Dulles ar
the spring conference of t
powers which is meeting inl
he would join those who wishe
the non-military side of the
developed. There is a wides]
Europe and in Canada that
given a new lease of life only
exclusively a militaryalliance
Mr. Lester Pearson has beer
a long time. Gen. Gruenther s;
the time'has come to "movee
fields" under Article II of th
President Gronchi of Italy and
ister of France, M. Mollet, are
vocates of this view. So, too,
The question is what can a
NATO do on the civilian side
ourselves this question, the firc
is that there is no obvious a
warning not to try to invent
NATO to do, not to look abou
of made work, a kind of boo
the NATO organization busy.
W HAT, we must ask ourselv
very much needs to be d
alone can do? The answer, I v
is that the NATO powers ver,
find means of forming comm
the world that is outside of
way to put this would be to;
having become a military pom
Editorial Staff
DAVE BAAD, Managing
Editorial Director Ci
DEBRA DURCHSLAG..............
DAVID KAPLAN..............
JANE HOWARD..................
LOUISE TYOR...................
PHIL DOUGLIS . .... ...........
ALAN EISENBERG .......... Asso
JACK HORWITZ ............. Asso
MARY HELLTHALER,............
ELAINE EDMONDS ....,.... Associa
JOHN HIRTZEL..................C
Business Staff
DICK ALSTROM ...............

NATO-Next Step
inounced that at able to form and conduct a foreign policy.
he fifteen NATO To say this is to differ with those who think
Paris next week, that the new function should be in the eco-
d to see whether nomic field. Mr. Dulles is, I think, quite right
alliance can be in holding that NATO is not the best organi-
pread feeling in zation for dealing with economic affairs within
NATO can be the Atlantic community. There is a better
if it ceases to be agency for that, the OEEC, not only because it
. includes Switzerland and Sweden but because
ni sayingthis for in, economic affairs it has an expertness and
aid recently that an experience that NATO does not have.
ahead into other' Mr. Dulles is suggesting that NATO might
ie NATO treaty, be used to deal with economic affairs outside
i the Prime Min- of Europe. Mr. Mollet and others have pro-
both ardent ad- posed that economic aid to the under-devel-
is the German oped countries be administered through NATO.
I wonder. Is it not certain that the attempt to
use NATO, which is primarily a military alli-
d? what should ance, to administer economic aid would en-
? When we ask counter, the- bitter opposition of the unaligned
st thing we note countries of Asia and Africa? Can anyone im-
nswer. This is a agine Burma or Ceylon or Egypt or India or
t something for Indonesia allowing NATO to play a leading
t for soeeindpart in its economic development?
nadoogle, to keep
WE COME BACK then to the political field.
Here something new.in the way of con-
eis thertatsultation very much needs to be worked out.
one that NATO
venture to think, When we look at NATO today, keeping in
y much need to mind the purpose for which it was organized
on policies with seven years ago, we find a great change. In
NATO. Another 1949 our primary concern was with the defense
say that NATO, of Western Europe, which was then in effect
yer, needs to be disarmed, against invasion and conquest by
the Red Army.
In 1956 the greatest concern of the Western
Powers is not the military defense of NATO
territory but the safeguarding of the vital in-
terests of the West in Asia, the Middle East and
Africa. Seven years ago our eyes were on the
frontiers of the NATO countries. Now our eyes
Editor are on countries far outside of NATO and not
[ DYGERT included in the guarantees of the NATO pact.
ity Editor
.. Magazine Editor The principal military powers on which the
.... Feature Editor military force of NATO rests are today the
Associate Editor United States, Great Britain and France. All
Associate Editor three are deeply involved outside the European
.Sports Editor
ciate Sports Editor territory of NATO-the French in Africa, the
eiate, Sports Editor British in the Middle East, the United States
.. Women's Editor in the Far East. If they are involved in war
ate Women's Editor
Chief Photographer outside of NATO what can they expect of their
allies in NATO? And what can their allies in
NATO expect of them?
.Business Manager
'0-r~n- R..~ne_- Ther r oblemsnr her1whic nhj, ,verymuch

have been taking' place in the
House folding room where John
Maragon, the ex-influence peddler,
is now employed. They occurred
before he got his job, and involve
the man he is supposed to have
replaced-Ralph Scalzo.
Actually Scalzo lost his job on
Jan. 30, two months before Mara-
gon was hired. Nevertheless, GOP
Congressman William Ayres of
Akron made headlines by charging
that Scalzo was fired to make
room for Maragon.
Here are the interesting facts,
however, as to why Scalzo was
The House folding room is a
place where Congressmen get
speeches folded and mailed out
to voters free. They can also get
booklets on baby care, and various
Government documents mailed to
the home folks either at cost or-
up to e certain limit-free.
House doorkeeper Luke Hicks has
now obtained sworn affidavits to
the effect that extra documents,
beyond the Congressman's quota,
were delivered to the office of
Congressman Ayres under the di-
rection of Scalzo, the man Ayres
didn't want fired.
"On several occasions," states.
an affidavit by Otis Small, a la-
borer in the folding room, "I was
ordered by Ralph Scalzo to deliv-
er to Congressman Ayres 300 'How
Our Laws Are Made.'
* * *
"THE SECRETARY in the Con-
gressman's office told me to put
them down by one of the desks in
the office. There was no order
taken by me and none signed by
the secretary."
Another folding-room laborer,

William H. Brooker, reports that
last summer Scalzo told him to
deliver about 100 copies of the
$2 Agriculture Yearbook to Ayres.
plus about 40 or 50 maps, about
500 copies of "How Our Laws Are
Made," and three cases of a book-
let on infant care.
Congressman Ayres was entitled
to 40 free copies of "How Our
Laws Are Made." Beyond that he
was supposed to pay 15 cents each.
A congressman is allowed 400
copies of the Agriculture Yearbook
and 50 maps in toto. The allot-
ment for baby care booklets is
much more generous-500 per
This was the reason Scalzo was
fired. It was not to make room
for John Maragon.
* * *
THE U.S. has quietly banned the
shipment of luxury cars to Indo-
china. The reason: Rich natives
were driving around in big Cadil-
lacs while the poor were still starv-
ing. This was so bad for the
people's morale that American ad-
visers recommended halting auto-
mobile imports to Indochina, ex-
cept strictly for relief and reha-
bilitation work.
Dictator Franco of Spain has of-
fered his good offices to help the
West settle its troubles with the
Arab world. The offer was de-
livered personally to President
Eisenhower by Spanish Foreign
Minister Don Alberto Artajo, who
pointed out that Spain has close
ties with' the Arab leaders, par-
ticularly since he granted inde-
pendence to Spanish Morocco.
The Navy has reliable intelli-
gence that Russia now has the
world's largest underwater Navy
=-over 400 submarines. Russia is

also building new submarines at
the rate of 85 a year. Yet the
admirals are so busy feuding with
the air force over air power that
they have neglected our anti-sub-
marine defenses. Sub chasers and
other anti-sub weapons are still
far down the Navy's priority list.
TWO STANCH Democratic lib-
erals, Senators Morse and Mur-
ray, had a heated, off-the-record
row over the downstream benefits
bill which benefits the private,
"There is nothing you could
have done to undermine me more
than to vote out a'bill that's No.
1 on the list of the private utili-
ties," Wayne Morse bluntly told
his old friend, Jim Murray of
Montana. "You ought to be the
Senator from Montana and' vote
your convictions, not the convic-
tions of other people."
Senator Morse, who is fighting
a tough re-election battle in Ore-
gon, had canceled an engagement
to introduce Senator Kefauver in
Oregon, and rush back to Wash-
ington when he heard that Mur-
ray had voted for the downstream
benefits bill.
* * *
eral Government, if locating a
dam below a private utility dam
would pay the utility for the- cost
of storing up water and steady-
ing the flow of the stream above.
Morse contends that federal
damsites are the property of the
United States anyway and that
private utilities should not be com-
pensated for the privilege of gen-
erating water power from federal
(Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)



To The Editor



Medical Teams Serve Vietnamese

Daily Staff Writer
ONE OF THE finest examples of.
humanitarianism and Christian
charity in recent times has been
taking place for more than a year
in the newly-founded nation of
South Vietnam.
Known as Operations Brother-
hood, a program of medical aid
has been) undertaken by scores of
doctors and nurses from the
neighboring Philippine Islands
who have volunteered their serv-
ices for this work.
The mission of the operation is
to render medical aid to two
groups primarily-those refugees
from North Vietnam who fled be-
fore the coming of the Communist
Vietminh, and the people who live
in the areas of South Vietnam
which were under Vietminh guer-
rilla control prior to the Geneva
Conference in 1954.
* * *
THE 1954 Geneva agreement
provided that with the cessa-
tion of hostilities throughout In-
do-China, combatants would be
withdrawn from those areas which

on Vietnam's housing, economic
and medical facilities.
In addition, the people who had
lived under Communist domination
for' so long needed tangible evi-
dence that the new government of
the Republic could be of benefit
to them.
IT WAS INTO this situation that
the Filipinos jumped with Op-
erations Brotherhood. Medical
teams began operating in and
around Saigon, the capital, serving
the .refugees. In the outlying dis-
tricts of Camau in the southwest,
and Quang Tri, near the 17th
parallel partition line.
Brotherhood teams followed
closely behind the troops of the
Vietnamese National Army as they
reoccupied the formerly guerrilla
Due to the huge numbers of
people needing attention, treat-
ment has had to be limited to
serum injections, prescribing of
antiseptics, and minor surgery.
But as the vast majority of af-
lictions are infections, skin diseas-
es, and injuries from occupational
hazards, the Filipinos have been

came accustomed to the Filipirio
medicos and discovered that this
was not a hoax but a true aid pro-
gram, attitudes changed unbeliev-
According tc the Brotherhood
personnel, the first change came
as the patients smiled and ex-
pressed their thanks for the help
received. Later; the Vietnamese
began bringing in gifts such as
fruit and appeared to be much
more trustful and appreciative of
the efforts made on their behalf.
Perhaps the best single incident
indicating the devotion of the Fili-
pinos to their mission occurred
during the outbreaks of violence
in March and April of 1955, when
the Binh Xuyen, an outlaw sect,
rebelled against the government.
From the very beginning of the
fighting, which took place largely
within the confines of the city of
Saigon and its twin city of
Cholon, the Brotherhood medical
tears were up in the front lines
administering to the wounded.
This heroic action was well above
the call of duty as the fight was
not of their concern.

Scholarship Lacking? . .
To the Editor:
Harvard University I heard
nothing but high praise of the
University of Michigan in general,
and the Law School in particular.
When I enrolled in the Law School
=eighteen months ago, therefore, I
had high hopes of associating
with a group of students, who, like
myself, applied themselves dili-
gently to their studies.
Little did I realize the disap-
pointment that was in stare for
me! During that first fall the
conversation between classes' and
at lunch was not about the law,
but whether Kramer would hit a
home run in Saturday's game, or,
indeed, almost any other topic
except the law.
I soon realized that often stu-
dents would come to class without
having read the assigned cases.
This is simply inexcusable if a
person is serious about his studies.
I have often heard students tell
their friends that they were ill
because they had spent the pre-
vious night at the "Flame" or the
"VFW," which I take it are two
local taverns.
These are but a few of the ex-
amples which I could give of the
lack of serious scholarship in the
Law School..I have not made many
acquaintances outside of the Law
School, but my observation of
several Business Administration
students leads me to believe that
the situation is equally bad
throughout the University.
Realizing, as I do, that my views
on this situation are not widely
shared, I would never have con-
sidered writing this letter but for
a recent development which cries
for correction.
A so-called "honoTary" society

What is objectionable is the hor-
ribly bad taste of the posters which
are currently filling the walls of
Hutchins Hall. These allegedly
"humorous" posters bear pictures
of persons resembling various fac-
ulty members in very unflattering
poses with captions suggesting that
the faculty will be attending next
week"s baachanalia. What the
persons responsible for this out-
rageous display do not seem to
realize is that such posters are
extremely disrespectful of what is
probably the greatest collection of
legal minds in the country.
One of the marks of the great
Ivy League schools which distin-
guishes them is the great respect
which the student body shows to
the faculty. I would like to sug-
gest that if the students at Michi-
gan desire to imitate those schools
they would do better to begin by
showing a little more of such re-
spect rather than by changing the
cut and color of their clothing.
-Jerome K. Walsh, Jr., '57L
Generation . .
To the Editor:
April 24, stated quite clearly the
need for the continuation of Gen-
eration. However, it did not seem
emphatic enough in the light of
losing the one and only literary
magazine on this campus. A sus-
pending of publication would not
only be a betrayal of faith to
those who have put so much con-
centrated effort into making Gen-
eration the excellent magazine
which it is, but would also bring
disgrace down upon the heads of
the student body and facutly who
would be blamed for the downfall
through their non-support. Whe-
ther Generation is a paying, busi-
nac,,li u r n f, ;,. l Aa nn4' ecwam



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