.I USSR STRATEGY SHOWN IN H-BOMB STATEMENT See Page 4 Y Latest Deadline in the State :4Ia ii4 q p 41 CLOUDY AND COOL VOL. LXVI, No. 139 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1956 SIX PAGElS - -- U Nixon Aide Subpoenaed By Senators Group To Study Army Contracts WASHINGTON (P) - Senators investigating Army contracts yes- terday issued a subpoena for law- yer Murray Chotiner to appear for questioning next Wednesday. Chairman John McClellan, (D- Ark) of the Senate Investigations subcommittee, signed the subpoena after Samuel Kravitz and his son, Herman, Atlantic City clothing manufacturers, had invoked the Fifth Amendment in refusing to discuss their hiring of Chotiner as a lawyer for Herman Kravitz in 1953. Chotiner, who was Vice Presi- dent Nixon's 1952 national cam- paign manager, was retained by the Kravtzes at a time when Her- man Kravitz was facing federal charges of misappropriating gov- ernment goods. Robert F. Kennedy, the subcom- mittee's chief counsel, told report- ers he was sending the subpoena to the U.S. marshal at Los Angeles by air mail to be served on Choti- ner. 'Fifth Amendment Invoked The Kravitzes also invoked the "ifth Amendment when asked whether they had made "payoffs". to government officials in connec- tion with military uniform con- tracts their company received in the early 1950s. The subcommittee had told Chotiner he would be subpoenaed if he didn't 'appear willingly. In Los Angeles, Chotiner said he had informed McClellan last night "that the press of legal busi- ness requires my attentionein California through May 2." The subcommittee heard testi- nwmny :Tuesday that Chotiner re- ceived a $5,000 fee In 1953 for representing Herman Kravitz, a key figure in its search for pos- sible graft and corruption in the handling of military uniform con-j tracts.. SGC Board Posts ~Open to Students Petitioning has now opened for membership on four Student Gov- ernmental Council committees. All students of the University are eligible to petition for the groups which include the Cinema Guild Board, Human Relations Board, Housing Study Committee, and Calendar Study Committee. Through committee work such as this, students may gain exten- sive knowledge of campus affairs while working in an administra- tive capacity. Four openings of one year dura- tion are available on the Cinema1 Guild Board. The total board, which includes eight students,a meets weekly to select and publi- cize movies to be shown and to interview and select organizations which wish to sponsor the movies. The Human Relations Board which meets to investigate ands take action against discrimination1 in the campus area, offers studentsf valuable experience in the field of human relations. There are four one year and three one-half year positions open. The Calendar Study Co1pmittee was recently formed by SGC. It will study the new University Cal- endar and later make recommen- dations for possible improvement.. The Housing Study Committee, which acts as an advisory board on the problems of student housing, has two one year positions open. Petitions are available in the Office of Student Affairs, 1020 Administration Building, and must be submitted by May 1. Traffic Poll In Pro gress The traffic survey, currently con- ducted jointly by the city of Ann Arbor and the University, yester- day centered its operations on Washtenaw. In the hour between 7 and 8 a.m. approximately 1000 cars passed. Of these. about 200 were Court Threatens Alabama Lines Montgomery Bus Company Warned To Abide by Segregation Laws MONTGOMERY, Ala. (P)-Montgomery City Lines yesterday faced the threat of court action to revoke its franchise unless it backs away from its newly announced policy of racial integration. The City Commission declared the bus company will have to abide by city and state segregation laws if it continues to do business here. Meanwhile, there was still no report of race mixing on the buses despite the company's integration order. Most Negroes were still boycotting the bus line as they have for five months. Those who did ride took seats in the rear. Hinting at a court suit to break the recently renewed 10-year bus "franchise, Mayor W. A. Gayle said President Rejects Plan To Halt H - Bomb Worldwide Atomic Code Made Public Educatio'n Faults Cited, ByTeacher, By GERALD DeMAAGD Students today do not get enough reading, writing, and arith- metic Prof. William Kelly Joyce said before the Michigan Crib Pre-law Society last night. Prof. Joyce, instructor in con- tract and criminal law at the University of Detroit said that freshman college students today are not trained in logistic writ- ing or how to think in terms of a syllogism. "When we get them in law school we have to start all over again," he said. "Students don't get enough writing in high school today. They are never given in- centives to express their own thoughts." We are too credit-concious to- day Joyce noted. He claimed that 60% of the students during their first two years at college are worried about. how many credits they have. "What you have in your head is what you are going to sell for your existence, not a diploma on the wall," he said. Engineering is not an education. Engineers are the most uneducated educated men in the world he said. The. professor pointed out 'that engineers that go into. law school have to be made over just like the rest of the students. "Your life is governed by a clock in law school," Prof. Joyce told the pre-law students. It is necessary to read 30 hrs. a week he noted. Rabbi T o Talk At Lane Hall Rabbi Dr Leon Fram will speak on "Liberal Judaism and Its Func- tion in Current Jewish Life," to- day at 8 p.m. in Lane Hall. Rabbi 'ram lectures at college campuses under the auspices of the Jewish Chautauqua Society, an organization which dissemi- nates authentic information con- cerning Judaism. He has been a spiritual leader of Temple Israel in Detroit since 1941. He previously occupied a pulpit in Chicago and for 15 years was associate rabbi of Temple Beth El in Detroit where he founded and was director of the Jewish Community Council of Detroit. the contract can be canceled W'if one party breaks the law." But it would take court action, the Mayor explained, since the franchise itself says nothing about segregation. Said Police Commissioner Clyde. Sellers: "If the bus company operates in Montgomery, it will, have to operate under Montgomery and Alabama laws." Statutes Called Valid The commission contends city and state segregation statutes are still valid despite a federal court ruling in South Carolina and the Supreme Court's decision. A spokesman for National City Lines Inc., of Chicago which owns the company, said this morning his concern doesn't plan to change its orders for desegregation in Montgomery and other Southern cities. Vice President B. W. Franklin also told reporters the company would stand behind any Montgom- ery bus driver who is arrested for permitting integration on his bus, Sellers has threatened arrests. Franklin's statement was made at a news conference before the discosure came later in the day that government attorneys in Washington are divided in their opinion on what the Supreme Court actually ruled Monday. They said the court might have ruled all bus segregation invalid, the first interpretation given to the decision, or that it may have merely dismissed an appeal on the grounds that thecase hadn't been finally determined in the lower courts. Farm Fiht To Be Waged WASHINGTON (P)-Rep. Cooley (D-NC) said last night House Democrats will launch a new' fight in Congress to get farmers the equivalent of 90 per cent of parity for the crops this year. House Democratic leaders gave approval to proposals for direct{ payments to farmers, a variation of the "Fair Deal" Brannan Plan of the Truman administration. President Eisenhower vetoed an omnibus farm bill last week be- cause it provided for rigid govern-1 ment price supports at 90 per cent of parity for major crops. The ad- ministration favors a sliding scale] running from 75 to 90 per cent. The new development came ast Democrats in the House side-j tracked soil bank proposals and moved toward a new version of farm legislation which would in- clude the administration's soil] bank plus direct price support pay-] ments to farmers. Fall Meeting To Nations' Official Seek Okay contest Today is the deadline for en- tries in the Union photo con- test. Prof. Philip Davis and Prof. David Reider of the architec- ture and design school will judge the entries in four cate- gories-travel, campus, home ton "and sports. All student amateur photographers may en- ter. Prizes, to be awarded Sun- day, are an Argus C-3 camera and second prize of a strobe light. Pictures may be five by seven or eight by ten inches. UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (P)- A worldwide atomic code to breathe life into President Dwight D. Eisenhower's atoms-for-peace plan was made public yesterday. The United States is working for full approval of the program at a huge conference to be convened here around Sept. 24. President Eisenhower broached the idea of using atoms for peace- ful purpooses in his speech to the UN Assembly on Dec. 8, 1953. He is expected here to make the opening address at the world con- ference next fall. The Americans hope the code will be signed at the end of that conference and will be in operation in 1957. Program Approved The United States, Russia and 10 other countries approved the program last Wednesday after weeks of secret negotiations. It would create an international, atomic energy agency to see that peaceful nations around the globe share benefits of the atomic age. It contains provisions barring war-like use of atomic material pooled with the agency and cre- ates an inspection system to make this certain. Despite the unusual agreement among the 12 countries on the broad outlines of the code, a fight looms in the conference next fall on Red China. The U.S. chief delegate, Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., yesterday urged the UN Economic and Social Council to begin immediately a program of studies on economic aspects of atomic energy develop- ment. He said there should be one place where pioneer economic; thinking is centered. Lodge. is backing a resolution calling for Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold to prepare reports on the use of atomic energy in e o n o m i c development. Positions Now' Open For SBX Petitioning has opened for posi- [tions as committee chairmen oft the Student Book Exchange. Five students will be chosen af- ter the Tuesday deadline to fill1 five chairmanships and serve onF the Exchange planning board. Thei positions are paying ones. Petitions, which ask the appli- cant to state his ideas and quali-1 fications, are available in the1 Union student offices. Next fall's exchange will be giv-c en a regular room in the Union.i Manager Dick Mayer, '57BAd, hopes to increase this year's grossx sales of approximately $8,000. SGC Brings A ttention To Freedom By TOM BLUES Academic freedom, a potential force, at Michigan, will be the theme of Academic Freedom Week, proclaimed last night by Student Government Council to be observ- ed, beginning May 21 through May 25. Jim Dygert, '56BAd, former Daily city editor, commented, "Because of the apathy concerning the con- cept of freedomi merely as a right to be accepted rather than as an instrument to be used to our ad- vantage, it is our duty to empha- size the positive aspect of academic freedom." During the meeting SGC ap- pointed the new ex-officio mem- bers to advisory positions on the several, committees. Roy Lave; '57E, was appointed to Coordina- tion and Counseling, Tim Leedy, '57BAd, to Campus Affairs and Sue Arnold, '57Ed, to Education and Social Welfare. Other positions went to Jean Scruggs, '58 and Carol DeBruin, '57Ed, Public Relations, Bob War- rick, '57E, National and Interna- tional Affairs and Dick Snyder, '57, Finance. The Council also appointed Janet Winkelhaus, '57, Adminis- trative Wing Coordinator. Miss Winkelhaus has previously served on the Public Relations committee. Council members unanimously approved the recognition of Zeta Tau Alpha, national sorority. Themia, recently instituted local sorority, is reactivating the Alpha Gamma chapter which went off campus some time ago. In other council action the Elec- tions Committee was instituted as a regular committee of SGC mak- ing it a full rather than a part time organization. A motion to delegate funds from last semester's homecoming dance to the newly formed athletic board was postponed after some debate on the subject. The athletic board, not yet recognized by the Council, is comprised of the sailing club, rifle team, chess team and skiing club. --Daily--Sam uing IHC-SPONSORED Faculty Symposium held in South Quad last night (left to right): Prof. Kenneth E. Boulding of the Economics Department, Prof. William B. Willcox of the History Department, Ribbin Ollivier, '57, President of South Quadrangle, and Prof. Charles L. Stevenson, of the Department of Philosophy. 'xistenwuce of. God' Talk Heard By 400 By BOB BALL Because our conceptions of God vary so much and have so little in common, what we call our "belief in God" is largely an emotional' expression, Professor Charles L. Stevenson of the Philosophy Depart- ment stated last night in the second of three IHC-sponsored faculty symposiums. Speaking before a crowd estimated at 400 at South Quadrangle on the "Existence of God" were Prof. Stevenson, Prof. Kenneth E. Boulding of the Economics Department, and Prof. William B. Willcox of the History Department. Continuing his point, Prof. Stevenson said that the unsophisticated person, seeing Michaelangelo's painting on the roof of the Sistine Chapel, might picture God as a white-haired old man with a flowing beard. "But many," he went on, "picture Him as a force as opposed to a more human conception. Tests, Ike Refuses To Invite Red Leaders Denies U.S. Slow In Guided Missiles WASHINGTON W) - President Dwight D. Eisenhower turned thumbs down yesterday on any idea of inviting Soviet leaders to the United States and rejected Adlai E. Stevenson's proposal for halting hydrogen bomb tests. President Eisenhower also voiced a conviction this country is "some- where around the limit" of maxi- mum effort in trying to develop a long-range guided missile; a field in which Stevenson has accused the administration of being "dan- gerously dilatory." At a news'conference, President Eisenhower also declared that: 1. He sees "no logical reason" for cutting taxes now, that it would not be to the good interests of America," since in this time of high incomes the government must be run without going into debt or it never will be. 2. He would "have to be con- vinced" it would be useful for him to attend a heads of state meeting to try to calm explosive unest in the Middle East. As always, though, ,he said he would meet anybody practically anywhere if he thought this would promote peace and be in keeping with America's dignity and self- respect. Democrats are "perfectly right" in making him, rather than members. of his Cabinet, a target for election-year attacks. "I am the head of the administration," he said, "and I have been shot .at before." 4. Vice President Nixon has given him no "answer that I would consider final and definite" as to whether Nixon would like second place on the GOP ticket again this year. Nixon was unavailable for reaction. Politics and foreign affairs-pretty much dominated the news confer- ence. Statement Evaluation The tee-off point was a, reuest for 'an evaluation of a statement by Societ leader, Nikita Khrush- chev in London that Russia soon may have guided missiles, with hydrogen war pieads, capable of hitting any point in the world. The President said he knew of no reason why the Russians "should be making misstatements in this field" and he certainly wasn't accusing them of it. Prof. Bloomer Seeks Place On City Board Prof. H. Harlan Bloomer of the speech department was the first person to announce his candidcy for a position on the Ann Arbor Boarcl of Education yesterday. In announcing his candidacy Dr. Bloomer said: "I have long been an admirer of the Ann Arbor school system and standards which it maintains. I am interested in assisting the community in the further development of the sound planning for the future education- al needs and in meeting the prob- lems which surround the selection and employment of a strong teach- ing staff." Prof. Bloomer is director of the clinic of the Institute for Human Adjustment, and heads the speech correction services in the out-pa- tient clinic of University Hospital. Last year he attended the White House Conference on Education as president of American Speech and Hearing Association. Requirements for nominees for the three-year position include be- ing a registered elector and owning property in the school district. Prof. Bloomer received his bach- elor's degree from the University NEW YORK CENTRAL VICE-PRESIDENT DEEGAN: Cites Benefits of Automation in Railroad Industry By ED GERULDSEN Thomas J. Deegan, Jr., Vice' President (Staff) of the New York Central Railroad System, last night' addressed the Second Michigan Railroad Management Seminar at its Railroad Night dinner in the Union. His topic was "The Human Re- lations of Automation" and its application to the railroad indus- try. In his speech, Mr. Deegan stressed the great need for auto- mation in the railroad industry, and the many benefits and im- provements that its advent would bring about, both to the railroads and to their customers. Railroads Will Benefit He stated that the railroads, rather than 130 separate arteries (the Class I railroads) and a mul- titude of short feeder and termi- nal lines. "The third reason," said Dee- gan, "springs from the size and complexity of railroad operations." 'Giant Strides' Automation, he declared, will make possible giant strides to- ward overcoming the technologi- cal lag from which ,the railroads suffer,, a lag which has dangerously threatened their prosperity. "It could have been said until very recently that the survival of our industry over the previous quarter of a century was more in spite of than because of the way it was run," Deegan stated. "The intrinsic economy of railroad op- erations provided the cushion to protect and sistain usduring thon 1 1 When interpretations appear to be so varied, their nature must be emotional. Believes God Exists Concluding his remarks, Prof. Stevenson said, "I believe God exists, but I wish I could say it more warmly." Prof. Wilcox, who opened the symposium, . suggested that the subject of discussion be approach- ed from the viewpoint of the agnostic or the atheist. Historically, he pointed out, we know that a person by the name of Jesus did exist. But if he did exist, who was he? The fact that he became a major historical phenomenon in a matter of a few centuries agrees with the gospelsthat he was far more than man. "Christ was very real to those who wrote about Him. emotions," he said. Belief Gained By Experience "Belief in God is gained by ex- perience in a relationship with Christ, originally by means of the Bible," Prof. Willcox summarized. According to Prof. Boulding, God has revealed himself as a judge. A more religious person thus has a higher sense of ideals and higher standards. Our inner life is a large, important areas in our actions, and its existence points to the existence of God. London Talks End Somberly LONDON (A)-Soviet and Brit- ish leaders ended their London talks in a somber mood last night. But there were indications both sides will hail the conference as a limited success toward easing world tension. A 31-word British communique rang down the curtain on fur- ther bargaining: "The final stage of the Anglo- Soviet disicussions was completed this afternoon. The results will be announed after the return f fthe New Trend In Teaching Recognized Commenting on the trend to employ assistant teachers in to- day's schools, Prof. Claude A. Eggertsen of the School of Edu- cation indicated that the public will insist on the employment of qualified instructors. "The use of assistants," he said, "may well prove to be a first and necessary stage in the trend to- ward proper recognition and pay- ment of teachers." Prof. Eggertsen's researches into the history of the movement in England and the United States have established him as one of the leading authorities in the field. He states that even in the 19th century, people were debating the use of teaching assistants. The movement evolved' directly from the need to educate the chil- dren of the nation's expanding in- dustrial cities without excessive cost. "The plan was promoted by hu- manitarians,dphilanthropists and political leaders of the time, not merely because there were too few teachers, but possibly because they hoped to forestall the demands for a more costly common public school by providing a gaudy but- cheap organization," he said. Although the system eventually died out because of the attitude of the middle and poorer classes, it did make a significant contribu- tion to American education. The educator pointed out that these assistant teacher schools were di- rectly responsible for free public schools in this country. Dems To Pick