.11 . Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 wForward, Crusaders!" A hen Opinions Are Free, Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. c iv . - , x . : BOOK REVIEW: 'Revolt of Moderates' Offers Political Insight SAM LUBELL'S analysis of the American political scene, Revolt of The Moderates, is a book well-named. The "moderates" are those who in bleaker days generally casted their ballots for the New Deal and include the following: new residents of suburbia in all parts of the country, entrenched commercial elements in the South, better-off farmers who want to consolidate their hold on the land, and prosperous factory workers for whom the memory of the depression has been '}' ;i NESDAY, APRIL 25, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: DICK SNYDEt New Discovery In The 14th Amendment 0 (The following article is a reprint from Arthur Krock's columnm in the New York Times.) ON ANOTHER expedition among the clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment the Supreme Court today, by a vote of 5 to 4, discovered a wholly new effect of the mandates for "due process" and "equal protection." The latter is the same clause in which the court, in 1954, also, but unanimously, found a new meaning: that racial segregation in the state public schools was unconstitutional. The ruling today was that, on a plea of in- digence, defendants in non-capital criminal cases who for purposes of appealdemand fron a state a stenographic transcript of the trial wherein they were convicted must be furnished with a free copy by the state. In Illinois, whence this case arose, such copies are furnished gratis to defendants under death sentence, but in non-capital cases (these defendants were convicted of armed robbery) the transcript must be paid for. The issue, said the majority, was simply that of the poor vs. the rich. And Magna Charta (1215 A. D.) was only one of the authorities cited. The opinion by Justice Black (in which he. was joined by the Chief Justice, Justices Doug- las and Clark, and by Justice Frankfurter sepa- rately) pulled out all the stops on the organ of equal rights and human compassion. The dissenters (Justices Burton, Reed and Minton, and Harlan separately), in their analy- sis of the constitutional basis of the finding, agreed this was noble music but did not change the fact that the majority had subordinated the Federal system and ancient state authority to an ethical and socioligical concept... "As I view this case," wrote Justice Harlan, "it contains none of the elements hitherto re- garded as essential to justify action by this Court under the Fourteenth Amendment. In truth what we have here is but the failure of Illinois to adopt as promptly as other states a desirable reform in its criminal procedure. Whatever might be said were this a procedure in the Federal courts, regard for our system of federalism requires such as this be left to the states. * ** I think it is beyond the province of this Court to tell Illinois that it must provide - such procedures." THE MAJORITY noted that it was not in- structing Illinois "to purchase a stenogra- pher's transcript in every case where a defend- ant cannot buy it: the (State) Supreme Court may find other means of affording . adequate and effective appellate review of indigent de- fendants." But, retorted the dissenters, "the constitu- tional question should not be decided without knowing the circumstances underlying the *** allegation of need. Indigence, the only under- lying 'fact' alleged, did not in itself necessarily preclude (the convicted robbers) from prepar- ing a narrative bill of exceptions. * * * Who can say that if we knew the facts we might not have before us a much narrower constitutional question than the one decided today? * * * "A decision having such wide impact should not be made on a record as obcure as this,. especially when there are ready means at hand to have clarified the issue sought to be pre-, sented."" The majority, however, in a familiar line-up where abstractions about the "underprivileged" are concerned, found it enough to know that the convicted robbers said they were too poor to buy the transcript, and that the state, under its statute, declined to make them a gift of it. Since counsel for Illinois conceded that a tran- script was necessary for the defendants "to get adequate appellate review" of alleged trial er- rors, and since their request was made prompt- ly and the Illinois courts did not deny review on the group of insufficient allegations of trial errors--- "We must, therefore, assume for the purposes of this decision (said the ma- jority) that errors were committed in the trial which would merit reversal, but that the petitioners could not get appellate review of those errors solely because they were too poor to buy a stenographic transcript." "To sanction such a ruthless consequence," wrote Justice Frankfurter, "inevitably resulting from a money hurdle erected by the state, would justify a latter-day Anatole France" to expand his ironic comment that the law "for- bids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges," etc. But, observed Justice Burton, while supply of free transcript to the poor by Illinois would be as desirable as it is in the states where this is done, "it is one thing for Congres and this Court to prescribe such procedure for the Fed- eral courts, and quite another * * * to hold that the Constitution of the United States has prescribed it for all state courts * * * Why then fix bail at any reasonable sum if a poor man can't make it?" The present Supreme Court, in further Four- teenth Amendment discoveries, may hold that unconstitutional also., ' ;: . ! i ' 9 - . Q L . 10 11 WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Investigating larkley Taxes By DREW PEARSON fading-together new affiliates of middle-class America. The "revolt" indicates not a settled change of sides to the Re- publican coalition, but only a fall- ing out, a turning away from the Democratic. The revolting mod- erates stretch across the whole country, arching over sectional and occupational differences, and suffer from political insomnia. Which political bed to sleep in they have not decided. Projecting trends in voting, es- pecially since 1952, Lubell con- cludes the Democratic Party can no longer be considered the na- tion's normal majority party. Some of the reasons for this Lubell spells out in his provocative ear- lier book, The Future of American Politics. What the moderates seek is to give effective voice and force to their basic conservativism. Their "revolt" must be put down as a transitional movement rather than as a solution of our political cri- sis. The battle against extremism and the past-American thought must liberate itself from the divid- ing symbols of the Roosevelt era -cannot be won so long as the moderates remain , "above both parties" and neglect their role in party realignment. - * * * FOR LUBELL. President Eisen- hower is not an embodinent of the theory that "great men make his- tory." The role assigned Ike was that of a substitute for the re- alignment the parties have not been able to manage; his has been a performance in which the play has been more significant than the star. Each party's chances are care- fully, statistically explored in terms of thethree main issues that divide the country-foreign poli- cy, racial and religious tolerance, and economic status. The GOP's internal split is over foreign poli- cy. Disillusionment over foreign aidwas used as a weapon against the New Deal's economic appeal and unless the Republicans remain victorious, Lubell submits, a re- vival of,"isolationism," particular- ly in the midwest, can be expected. Meanwhile, each party is utiliz- ing often different claims to win the moderate, pivotal "new middle class" elements. Revolt of the Moderates is a most exciting book. That it can be challenged is apparent; Lub- ell seldom equivocates. One might note that his thesis is tenuous, his methodology suspect, his defini- tions obscure, and his use of vot- ing statistics, while frequently in- genious, appears sometimes con- trived. But in net merit the book com- raends itself highly. Lubell's pro- files of prominent political figures -Eisenhower, Nixon, Humphrey, McCarthy, Thurmond-are spark- ling and persuasive. His scholarly analysis of the incompatibilities between business-as-usual and the national interest is charged with good sense. His educated asser- tion that flexible price supports have divided farmers against one another is most convincing. - In short, one emight draft a strong case against the vagaries of his central thesis, but it would be difficult to attack the book on grounds that it lacks insight, ori- ginality, daring, and a most re- freshing and provocative blend of interpretations., -William McIntyre INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Khrushchev Fist a Reminder SENATOR Alben Barkley, the venerable Veep, is now 79 years old. He was born just 12 years after the end of the Civil War, and he has served his country in the House of Representatives be- ginning just before the First World War, and as Senator and Vice President. Because of his age and because he underwent a cataract opera- tion, Barkley cannot see well. No one, however, would have known it as they watched him speak al- most impromptu at the Woodrow Wilson dinner last week. Though he had a written text before him and though he generally followed that text, Barkley's memory is such that he did not have to read it. However, while he was refer- ring to "government of money for money and by money," suggesting that "massive retaliation" had be- come "massive confusion" and ask- ing Secretary Dulles whether "agonizing reappraisal" had not become "all agony," an intensive investigation was being conduct- ed by the Eisenhower Administra- tion of Senator Barkley's income taxes. * * * INTERNAL REVENUE agents have been visiting Barkley's lec- ture agents, looking over their books and checking on every lec- ture fee ever received by the elder statesman of Kentucky. Barkley has no private income or law firm. He has been depen- dent solely upon his Senate salary and his lecture fees. And for many years his first wife, an in- valid, required a day and night nurse. So Barkley made both ends meet by speaking. It is obvious from the attitude of the Internal Revenue agents probing Barkley's taxes that they don't relish their job. They are carrying but an assignment given them from up above. Senator Barkley has told his lecture agents to open up their books and show the agents everything they want to see. * * * PRESIDENT EISENHOWER sat at the'right of the presiding offi- cer at the American Society of Newspaper Editors dinner while the Raymond Clapper Memorial Awards were given to deserving newsmen. The awards were hand- ed out by Robert K. Walsh, who first announced that honorable mention went to William H. Law- rence of the New York Times for his series of articles exposing the conflict of interest of Harold Tal- bott, that led to his resignation as Eisenhower's Secretary of the Air Force. There was heavy applause, President Eisenhower, however, did not applaud. * * * THE MOST politically promis- ing member of the Roosevelt fam- ily sold his birthright the other day for a mess of pottage. Specifically, Franklin D. Roose- velt Jr., sold his political future for a $60,000 fee as a partner with a registered agent for Dictator Franco of Spain and Dictator Tru- jillo of the Dominican Republic. But he has now become a part- ner of Charles Patrick Clark, long the $75,000-a-year agent for Dic- tator Franco; latterly also the lobbyist for Trujillo. Inside fact is that' Clark was having a hard time holding this juicy lobbying plum. So in order to win liberal support, Clark reached out and embraced FDR, Jr.-for $60,000 a year. * * * SHORTLY AFTERWARD, op- ponents of the Dominican dicta- torship in New York City an- nounced they would picket the big Democratic dinner in the Com- modore Hotel presided over by young Roosevelt. The picketing was to be in protest against the disappearance of Columbia Uni- versity Professor Dr. Jesus de Ga- lindez, Dominican exile and ene- my of Trujillo, in New York on March 12-a disapipearance still unsolved but generally attributed to Dominican government agents.' The picket threat looked as if it might seriously embarrass the Democratic dinner, when Carmine di Sapio, shrewd head of Tam- many, stepped in. He held a meet- ing with Dominican exiles, pointed out that if they went ahead with their plans they would be hurting some of their best friends, Gover- nor Averell Harriman of New York and Mayor Robert Wagner, who had fought dictatorships all their lives and who were to be at the dinner. So the Dominicans, who by this .time had been joined by Spanish exiles, called off the protest against FDR, Jr. (Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN THE Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sentin TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for the Sunday edition must be in by 2 p.m. Friday. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 1956 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 54 General Notices Regents' Meeting: May 24, 25 and 26. Communications for consideration at thismeeting must be in the President's hands by May 16. Phi Beta Kappa: Annual Initiation Banquet, Mon., April 30, at 6:30 p.m., Michigan Union Ball Room. Dean Mar- ten ten Hoor, University of Alabama, "Il be the speaker. Members of other snapters are cordially invited. Resera- tinos should be made with the Secre- tary, Hazel M. Losh, by Sat. arfternoon. Agenda, Student Government Council, April 25, 1956. Minutes of the previous meeting. Officers' reports: President; Vice- President, Ex-officio appointments; Treasurer. Education and Social welfare: Aca- demic Freedom Week, May 21-25, 1956. Student Representation: Recoi. mendations-Honors Convocation Com- nmittee-Good. National and International - Mock United Nations Convention, report - Woodard. Coordinating and Counselling: Fine Arts Club, requests recognition; Stu- dents, for Stevenson, requests recogni- tion; Scroll, revised constitution; Themia- requests permission to affil- ate with Zeta Tau Alpha, reactivating Alpha Gamma chapter. Administrative Wing report - Don Good. Old business. New business: Motion re Lecture Committee. Members and constituents time. Adjourn. The following persons will please pick up their May Festival Usher tickets at Hill Auditorium Box Office on Wed., April 25 from 5 to 6 p.m. Charles van Atta, Joseph Berman, Priscilla Bickford, Louis J. Brown, Charles H. Croninger, Ronald DeBouver, Sonya Douglas, Mary Elmore, none Engle, Irving N. Ennis, June Feenstra. Dr. L. Feenstra, Shirley Forrest, Ste- phen Fox, Roger Halley, Teresa Holtrop, Carl D. Johnson, Nina Katz, Kathy Lindsay, Kathryn C. Lucas, Mary E. Moreland, Arthur C. Markendorf. . Barbara Marriott, Jeanne Nagle, Patri- cia J. Ray, Donald Ridley, Ann Rust, Arthur Schwartz, Elaine Schwartz. Donald Seltz, Donald West, Marlies West, Arthur C. Wolfe, Shirley P. Wolfe, Ronald Zollar. Lectures Chemistry Department Lecture. Dr. Joseph L. Warnell, "A Study of the Oxidation of Indene with Ozone" at 4:00 p.m., April 25 in Room 1300. Research Seminar of the Mental Health Research Institute. Dr. Gerald S. Blum, associate!. professor of psy- chology, will speak on "Conceptual Scheme for a Psychoanalytic Behavior Theory," April 26, 1:30-3:30 p.m., Con- ference Room, Children's Psychiatric Hospital. Concerts Wolverine Band, Raymond Young, Conductor, at 8:15 tonight, April 25, In the Michigan Union Ballroom. Open to the general public. Student Recital: Kathleen Rush, soprano, 8:30 this evening, in Aud. A, Angell Hall, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Music degree. A pupil of Chase Baromeo; compositions by Purcell, Haydn, Mozart, Schubert, Schumann, Bizet, Milhaud. Poulenc; open to the public. Academic Notices Doctoral Preliminary Examinations for students in education. All applicants for the doctorate who are planning to take the May Preliminary Examinations in Education, May 24, 25 and 26, 1956, must file their names with the Chair- man of Advisers to Graduate Students, 4019 University High, School Building, not later than May 1, 1956. Application for English Honors Cur- riculum: Meeting for students interested In entering the English Honors Curricu- lum that begins next Fall on Thurs., April 26 at 4 p.m. in 1412 Mason Hall. Sophomore students are particularly in- vited, but freshmen interested in the program are also welcome. Juniors in Physical Therapy Curricu- lum: Important meeting of all Juniors accepted for the senior year of the Physical Therapy Curriculum at 7:15 p.m,. Thurs., April 26 in the Physical Therapy Classroom, Room 1142, Uni- versity Hospital. Physical- Analytical- Inorganic Chem- istry Seminar, Thurs., April 26, 7:30 p.m., Romo 3005 Chemistry Building. Prof. R. K. McAlpine will speak on "The Auto-oxidation of Iodine in Alkaline Solution." , y 4 1 I A :x '{ A' ;; By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Aualyst THE REACTION of Nikita Khrushchev to his cool reception in Britain is a reminder of the dangers of trying to do business with a dictatorship. Though Khrushchev may not be a dictator, the red-faced, shouting, angry man who made his threats in Birmingham, England, Monday is top man of the Soviet "collective" dictator- ship, and of international communism. As such, he is powerful after a fashion not attained by heads of democratic governments, and therefore more dangerous. "We have seen fists shaken at us," said Khrushchev of the British reception. "Never shake your fist at a Russian." Then he shook a figurative fist with n atomic guided missile in it, capable, he said, of hitting every point in the world." IT WAS A DRAMATIC reminder of one of the fundamentally disheartening things about all the talk of peace. There exists in the Soviet Union a small group of men-perhaps even one man-who, deliberately or in a rage, with- out consulting the wishes of the Russian people, can give a signal at any moment which would plunge the world into inconceivable horror. All the talk of world settlements, all he talk of disarmament, all thought of co-existence with security, fades like a mirage as long as this fact exists. Editorial Stafff Coupled with repeated emphasis on the Sovi- .et determination to establish their Communist hierarchy over all other nations, this fact pre- sents the West with an insoluble situation. Such situations in the past have never failed to produce wars. Despite current estimates that the danger of war is not immediately pressing, it seems inevitable that if this situation con- tinues it will produce war eventually. The depth of Khrushchev's irritation cannot be traced entirely to the repulses he and Bul- ganin have received from British crowds. These men are tough and practical. So are British workers, who are familiar with the workings of the Russian-sponsored World Federation of Trade Unions. The workers have seen first hand the efforts of the WFTU to disrupt Brit- ish production and British business, which means disruption of the prosperity they have enjoyed -so briefly in the past 25 years. The motivation of the workers is clear. The Russian leaders, on the other hand, are more perturbed about the failure of their of- ficial mission, which was to buy strategic goods and create friction between Britain and the United States in that and as many other ways as possible. Having found a good many suckers in their Asiatic tours, they have now run up against a different sort of customer, one they don't know how to handle. New Books at the Library Carr, Archie-The Windward Road; N.Y., Knopf, 1956. Coates, Robert-The Farther Shore; N.Y., Harcourt-Brace, 1955. Cronquist, Mabel-Bianca; N.Y., Putnam's Sons, 1956. Fink, David-N.Y., Simon & Schuster, 1956. Franklin, Frieda-Road Inland; N.Y., Crow- ell, 1956. Gallant, Marvis-The Other Paris; Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1956. Gilbert, Edwin-Native Stone; N.Y., Double- day, 1956. Johnson, Wendell-Your Most Enchanted Listener; N.Y., Harper & Bros., 1956. Labin, Suzanne-The Secret of Democracy; N.Y., Vanguard, 1956. O'Neal, Cothburn--The Very Young Mrs. Poe; N.Y., Crown Publishers, 1956. .,,r TnhmA.4-1,ehn a TI'1, R.og _ ,$ I THE CHURCH IN THE SOUTH: Seminaries Can Eliminate Segregated Church A This is the second in a series of twoI articles explaining what the church is doing to combat segregation in the South. By REV. DUANE L. DAY THE SOUTHERN Baptist Con- vention is the dominant reli- gious group throughout the South- ern states. In fourteen Southern states the SBC claims close to eight million members. To fully understand the attitude of the SBC toward the problem of racial segregation it is necessary to understand something of the history of Baptist work in the United States. During the first half of the nineteenth century, Baptist Churches in the U.S. were loosely tied together in associations. Though every individual Baptist Church technically was a power unto itself, the need for inter- church fellowship was recognized. Accordingly, such agencies as the American Baptist Publication So-' ciety, the American Baptist For- eign Mission Society, the Ameri- can Baptist Home Mission Society were organized. But approximate- is now known as the American Baptist Convention. Partially as a result of the North-South split, and partially out of the desire to develop Ne- gro Church leaders, an organiza- tion which has come to be known as the National Baptist Conven- tion, was established to minister to Negro Baptists. Some years later a split over leadership in the NBC occurred, and a Second Na- tional Baptist Convention, popu- larly known as the unincorporated convention, was formed. These two Negro Baptist bodies are very strong indeed. The for- mer numbering something over four million; the latter over two and a half million adherents. I AM A MINISTER of the Ameri- can Baptist Convention, a deno- mination which has its ministry in the 34 Northern states, so the comments that I make about the' attitude of Baptist Churches in the South toward segregation are com- ments about a denomination oth- er than my own. By and large, Baptist church life in the South is segregated. That is, Negro Baptists are minis- +mpra+ toby. n of ta TTinr-a some years ago admitted Negro students to its student body. * . * * WITH OUR BAPTIST form of organization, namely with the ul- timate authority vested in the lo- cal congregation, there is'no hier- archical body which can force Bap- tist Churches to racially integrate. So long as individual Baptist Churches insist upon remaining segregated, they will remain segre- gated. It is in the seminaries where the most important strides forwards can be taken in elimi- nating the segregated church. If seminaries fearlessly teach the principles of the Christian faith-the brotherhood of man, the equality of man before God, love for fellow man, etc.-and if they make clear the implications of these doctrines to the seminary students, then there is hope that in a future generation segregation in the churches will have com- pletely died out. Because of our Baptist form of church government, the influence exerted by a local minister is very great indeed. Today many South- ern Baptist ministers are standing squarely on the principle of racial 1 I 14 A DAVE BAAD, Managing Editor MURRY FRYMER JIM DYGERT Editorial Director City Editor DEBRA DURCHSLAG ................ Magazine DAVID KAPLAN ....,.................. Feature: JANE HOWARD ...................... Associate LOUISE TYOR .................. Associate. PHIL DOUGLIS .... ........ Sports ALAN EISENBERG ............ Associate Sports JACK HORWITZ.............. Associate Sports MARY HELLTHALER .,.......Women's ELAINE EDMONDS ......... Associate Women's Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor REV. DUANE L. DAY . implications of the Christian gospel" racial prejudice is unworthy of a Christian. It is a peculiar fact of South- ern religious life, however, that one can uphold racial segregation and still helieehimself ton17)pim- 01 JOHN HIRTZEL............. ..... Chief Photographer Business Staff DICK ALSTROM ..................Business Manager BOB ILGENFRITZ ...... Associate Businesq Manager