THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1956 TERJIEWED ON THE RUN: Berliner Likes S GC, Campus Women By DICK SNYDER p. Hank Berliner headed for the Big House following his class in English Constitutional History. a On the way, he wondered whatfh3 he should say for his Daily profile. The problem was soon solved as:.a his fraternity brothers began toa razz the outgoing Student Gov- a ernment Council president witha such nicknames as "campus lead- er," "woman killer" and "captain." The latter title was explainedf when one of tthe brothers asked a Berliner why he didn't put him onr the water polo team. ;+ Berliner left the question un- X answered, but sat up enthusiasti- cally to explain that he hoped to * coach the Sigma Chi "polo" team to its third victory and retire the ... trophy.y 'Think of It' HANK B! "How can we miss? Weve got a rush for m three squads and each of them averages way over 1,000 pounds. car on the way to his apartment,t Think of it. Combined we weigh "the only place in town with nudes more than one-and-a-half tons!" on the ceiling. Water polo disetlssion stopped "It's good to have those guys with the topic of dates and Ber- razzing me. It prevents me frome lier's self-admittedly "careful" taking myself too seriously. That,1 description of Michigan women as by the way, is a common tendencyt "under-rated." of student leaders. "Why you lyin' sack of -. Why "There are a lot of varyingl don't you go into politics? Whada- opinions on the role and attitude ya mean, the freshmen women?" of students. But there is an in- Berliner laughed a little, then creasing tendency toward a gov- stretched out on the living room, erning of our own affairs and a sofa to present his views. "The sharing in those responsibilitiest coeds here are under-rated. As and activities which transcend stu-t men get older, they tend to appre- dent affairs in particular." ciate more than physical attrac- 'Students Do Count', tion. The Michigan woman has a Yesterday, the serious-minded, deeper and more sensitive charac-3 ter than the general college pre-law senior presented his views woman" rto the Faculty Senate, "a high Indentallyon ofhis etprivilege as well as a sign that Incidentaly, one of pe students do count for something." peeves is the tendency of the While driving to the apartment sexes to become alike in the way to prepare for the speech, Ber- they dress 'I can't stand pink liner reviewed what he would say shirts, ruffled shirts or bermuda to the faculty members and tried shorts. ' to the faut embers " antredo "Women have lost a lot of femi- to shake a fear of "what some of minity in the acquisition of their are giving me C's will Independence. Politics and ro- say" Bndepavenoe. owitcomendi- Berliner believes that the de- manae have somehow become di- velopment of the educational com- vorced.'' munity is contingent upon the 'Is That Folksy?' contribution of all parts of the But this opinion has not dimmed community, particularly students. Berliner's future plans. "The most "Teachers should know how their Important thing I'm looking for- students are reacting to how and ward to is getting married-is that what they teach." 'folksy enough?-and then possib- He also expresses a hope that ly going into government." in the future students will become' The topic drifted from the raz- more cognizant of the problems ping of his brothers to subjects confronting the University and' more serious as the scene shifted education in general. "Perhaps it's from the fraternity to Berliner's gotten to sound a little trite, but today's students are tomorrow's G T . 1leaders. rou o Hold "This means allowing students a more active role in academic Debate fairs. Students also should be Engineconcerned with curriculum and teaching philosophy. Activities Alpha chapter of Sigma Rho, should be consistent and copat- Tau, engineering speaking society ible with the University's obec- at the University, 'will debate against Beta chapter of the society from The Detroit Institute ofQuintet to Play Technology at 8 p.m. today in Room 3205, East Engineering. The Woodwind Quintet under Topic will be: "Resolved: Th the auspices of the music school gas turbine should replace the pis- will perform at 8:30 p.m., today, in ton engine in automobiles." Rackham Lecture Hall. Debating on the Michigan team Members of the group include will be Wallace Ardussi, '57E, Jorge Florian Mueller, oboe; Clyde A. Boehringer, '59E, Brian Moriarty, Carpenter, French horn; Prof. Nel- '57E, and Don Patterson, '57E. son Hauenstein, flute; Lewis H. Judges of the contest will be Cooper, bassoon; and Prof. Albert Professors Wayne Kraft and John Luconi, clarinet, all of the. music G. Young, both of the Engineering school. College, in addition to a third un- The concert is open to the pub- announced judge. lic without charge. -Daily-Peter Song ERLINER auch-needed time tives. They should have the same goals." As far as his own academic life goes, Berliner maintains a 2.8 av- erage. He is sorry, though, that he hasn't been able "to live up to the potential" and his good fresh- man academic standing which got him in Phi Eta Sigma honorary. He points out that half of the courses he is taking this year are in unrelated fields and require no prerequisites. He has been par- ticularly interested in courses taught by Profs. Angell, Eisenberg and Maurer in sociology, fine arts and journalism. He has "taken on an increasing regard for history and philosophy" toward his senior year "since these aspects of any educational area call upon the student to challenge his previous beliefs, to accept them more strongly or to throw them1 away." Berliner put on a Brubeck record on reaching the apartment, ex-' plaining he likes almost all kinds' of music, progressive jazz es- pecially.' 'Can't Stand Hillbilly' "One thing I can't stand, though, is hillbilly stuff. It's not deep." Asked about his stand on rock 'n roll, he replied, "Well, maybe it's a notch above hillbilly. Music should be expressive." On his way to shave, Berliner also criticized people most for a "lack of sensitivity. People should look beyond the surface and see real things. They should look at other people, ideas and considera- tions in their true lights." He also commented that "there is often a tendency for college students to take into government and business moral and ethical standards which are different from those in their day-to-day lives. This is wrong." Reflecting on his past year as the first president of SGC, Ber- liner said one of his greatest ex- periences at the University was the way in which the Council handled spring rushing. There was faith in SGC and SGC justi- fied that faith." Laughing at some of the things he had said during his interview, the second-generation Washing- tonian ("not blue-blooded") drove back to campus for his speech saying only, "Anyway, like sun- tans and old soldiers, campus leaders fade away." Drill Team Edged Out By Detroit By a one point margin, Michigana lost first place Saturday in the third annual State of Michigan ROTC Drill Team Championshipj Competition. University of Detroit Rifles, win- ning the exhibition drill by a 12- point margin, overcame Michigan's 11-point lead gained in the straight drill competition and totalled 1,322 points to Michigan's 1,321. Also competing in the meet were Western Michigan College's Per- shing Rifles, Wayne University's Air Force ROTC Drill Team and Michigan State Normal College's Army ROTC Drill Team. Winner was determined by com- bining the scores received in the two competitions, straight drill and exhibition drill. In the individual competition preceding the team events, Robert Gove of Western Michigan College took top honors while second place was won by Laurence VanOrsdale of Michigan State Normal. In the University of Toledo Invi- tational Drill Mee, held a week ago, Michigan also placed second. Michigan appeared ror the first time last Saturday in new exhibi- tion drill uniforms of khaki with blue helmets and scarves, and white belts and puttees. Gargoyle Meeting Gargoyle, the campus humor magazine, will hold its last major staff meeting of the semester at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in its offices at the Student Publications Build- ing. By RICHARD TAUB The first visual proof of the existence of a large prehistoric moose in the state of Michigan has recently been acquired by the Uni- versity Museum of Paleontology. The object, an antler about two feet long, places the large animal in the Pleistocene period, about 7 to 9 thousand years ago. Experts had long suspected that such a creature had once lived in the state for evidence had pre- viously been found of its existence in New York, Ohio, and Indiana. Most people unearthing such a find would have no idea of its importance, and according to Prof. Claude W. Hibbard, curator of vertebrate at the museum, it is highly conceivable that many people working on the land have come across these things and just thought that they were unim- portant old bones. In fact, this is exactly happened with the antler. Two brothers, spreading what marl TWO FOOT ANTLER: Acquire Proof of Prehistoric Moose ARCHITECTURE AUDITORIUM LE CTURE: ,Kaufman Describes PDesign, Citrca 1900 By ED GERULDSEN function as well and exists as tion of what existed before the Edgar Kaufmann, noted authority something more than merely an change began. In each following Sales Begin For Technic, A special issue of the Michigan Technic featuring the Interna- tional Geophysical Year goes on sale today. The engineering college maga- zine describes man-made satellites, polar expeditions, rocket develop- ments and meteorology. In addition, the Technic has a science fiction story, a profile on the world-famous guided missle expert, Dr. Wernher von Braun, and other features. Because of the special issue, the magazine expanded to 80 pages this month. Students are advised to buy their copies early since recent issues have been sold out within the first two days. The Technics will be sold at the Engine Arch, West Engineering Building and East Hall. Business Talk Slated Today Methods of increasing sales and reducing sales costs through self service and self education is the discussion topic of the Merchan- dising Conference being held today in the Union. Professor Edgar H. Gault, of the business administration school, will speak on "The Future of the Small Retailer." The Conference is sponsored by the University School of Adminis- tration in cooperation with the Michigan Retailers Association and the Michigan Retail Hardware As- sociation. on their farm, found the antler and assumed it was just a rem- nant of a large animal which lived in that area a few hundred years ago. Since there have been no moose in the south-western part of the state for a long time, the antler was displayed as a curiosity and picked up by a local paper. The marl, which contained the antler, was dredged from the bot- tom of a pond. Since the break was clean, it is obvious that the animal must have shed it by the water, which is still the current habit of moose. Probably because it was hit by the shovel during dredging, an- other section of the antler was also broken. "The brothers searched the area carefully, but could find no other clues to the animal," Pro- fessor Hibbard said. A friend of Prof. Hibbard, real- izing that the find might be of some importance, immediately mailed him the clipping. "I immediately recognized the antler as that belonging to the giant mooselike Cervalces. The beam, the section of the ntler which is connected to the skull, of the present moose is about three inches, this one was at least eight." As quickly as possible Prof. Hibbard took off to Berrien Springs, where the brothers, Ed and Will Pude, live. Donated to 'U' "However, the Pudells are ex- cellent hunters and wanted to add the antler to their already large collection. I finally convinced them of its value and they donated it to the University on the condition that we make a plaster model, which we would send them. Work on the cast is now underway." Prof. Hibbard had to make the trip as quickly as;possible. "All large museums have clipping serv-j Green To Give Elasticity Talk Prof. A. E. Green, expert on ap- plied mathematics at the Univer- sity of Durham, England, will speak at 4:10 p.m. tomorrow in room 2003, Angell Hall. Topic of his lecture will be "Summary of Work in Finite Elas- ticity." Prof. Green is at present a visit- ing professor connected with Engi- neering Mechanics and Mathe- matics at Brown University. ices. The Chicago museum receives their clippings every week and any museum would have been glad to get this." The Cervalces roamed the state about the same time as the Ameri- can Mastodon inhabited the area. Prof. Walcott Praises Court Bias Decision (Continued from Page 1) and Washington, D.C., have al- ready obeyed the Court ruling, he explained, and Texas, Oklahoma and Arizona have started desegre- gating in schools and universities. 'Trouble Spots Small' "The trouble spots are small," he continued, "and they usually have heavy concentrations of Negroes." "However," Prof. Walcott ex- plained, "it-has been the intent of the Supreme Court that the States should have time to work out their ,own problems. Some of these re- gions are going to lag behind oth- ers, some perhaps as much as 20 years," he warned. Should desegregatin be left to voluntary action, or is pressure de- fensible? "We can't legislate mor- als or social attitudes," he empha- sized, "they mature in a society, They depend, to an extent, on lo- cal mores, but some kind of elas- tic pressure is necessary." Decision Represents Protest "People in a society," 'he philo- sophized, "have a responsibility for making their opinions, their indignations known; and for ren- dering their protests against abuses. It seems to me," he con- tinued, "that that is what this Court decision represents." "It is the people of the nation speaking their objection to abuses we cannot tolerate .forever," he said, "and I think it's a good thing for the people in stubborn areas to discover that the majority of the Anerican people are not Will- ing to tolerate their discrimina- tory practices." "I feel quite hopeful about the problem," he concluded. "I am not at all alarmed that it has been forced upon the national con- sciousness. We will now be able to make new assumptions regard- ing the possibility of living to- gether." "I S. A I i 4 . .b 1 r in the field of industrial design, yesterday addressed a near-tapa- city audience in the architecture auditorium in a lecture entitled "Design, Circa 1900." His talk, sponsored by the art department of the College of Ar- chitecture and Design, dealt with a movement in art and design, called "the new art," which first became prominent around the turn of the century. This new movement was a tran- sition from generally unattractive conglomerates of lines and figures in designs to what we now call functional beauty. Describes Functional Design Functional beauty, Kaufman said, is a form which expresses that which the artist wishes to express, but which serves a useful art form. This idea of combining beauty with purpose, which first became prominent in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, is the factor behind current trends in architec- ture and design, where the "new art" seems to have reached a peak of popularity. Kaufmann illustrated his talk with slides picturing the work of prominent men in the field-art- ists from Italy, France, Germany, and the United States between 1865 and the turn of the century. In this way he showed his listeners the successive stages in the de- velepmnent and use of functional beauty in art and design. Uses Slides The first slide was an illustra- slide progress was noted in the use of the new concept and the trend toward what is now called modern design, which, though thought of as something strictly modern, really had its inception around 1900. To further explain what the "new art" was striving to accom-, plish, Kaufmann cited three goals of an artist under the influence of the new movement in the latter 19th century: (1) organic, natural, design, (2) logic of structure and use, and (3) strict adherance to. the basic line of utility. Kaufmann, widely known and respected in his field, is a visiting lecturer at MIT, and is currently writing the article on architecture and design which is to appear in the Encyclopedia Brittanica. c. 'a AUTO ON GREASE RACK Daniel Au U. of Hawaii LUCKY DROODLES!J I WHAT'S THIS? For solution see paragraph below; .4, .4 Are you selecting dinnerware, crystal, your silver pattern, or stainless steel? We probably have just what you'd like. Patterns in dinnerware from $4.25 a place setting JOHN LEID Y 537 East Liberty 0 NO 8-6779 '4i\ti i. 4 ti44+ i"i'S f' a NAUGHTY GHOST STANDING IN CORNER Robin Maier Penn State NEEDLE WITH SOMETHING IN EYE Richard Silbert Columbia SOMEBODY'S OFF HER ROCKER in the Droodle above- and for a darned good reason. The Droodle's titled: Whistler's Mother out shopping for Luckies. From where she sits, Luckies always taste better. That's be- cause they're made of fine tobacco-mild, good-tasting tobacco that's TOASTED to taste even better. Rise to the occasion yourself- light up a Lucky. You'll say it's the best- tasting cigarette youever2smoked tatgciarte