I I THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1956 ct INEDfla BUSINESS SERVICES TYPING-Theses, term papers, etc. Rea- sonable rates, prompt service. 830 South Main, NO 8-7590. )44J Editorial Service I General and Technical Editing, proofreading, indexing, translations. Experienced. Reply with phone number to Box 18D. We will call you. )47J RICHARD MADDY - VIOLINMAKER. Fine, old certified instruments anq bows. 310 S. State. NO 2-5962. )31J New Atlas Tires 6.70x15, $15.95; 6.00x16, $13.95; 760x15, $19.95 (exchange price plus tax) Hickey's Service Station Cor. N. Main & Catherine. NO 8-7717 )42J SMITH'S FLOOR COVERINGS 205 N. Main 207 E. Washington Headquarters in Ann Arbor for: Armstrong linoleum and tile NO 3-8321 NO 2-9418 Complete floor coverings shops Mohawk and Bigelow carpets Guaranteed installation or "do-it-yourself." )36J FOR SALE ZEISS CONTAFLEX Cameron 1955 Mod- el Now $175 ($200 when new) Ph. NO 3-0521-Ext. 222. ) 183B AM-FM RADIO PHONOGRAPH Table Model. ' Collaro 3-Speed Automatic Changer $55. GE oscillating fan $10. Call NO 2-9556. )181B NEW SPAULDING Top Flight Woods and Irons. Phone NO 2-8095. )182B 2% x 3% BUSCH press camera, f/4.5 lens, 1/400 shutter, 6 film holders, film pk adpter, filters, Heiland gun, box case. A good deal! I am desperate for 125 bucks. Call 3-4145, ext. P22. )175B JAZZ RECORDS half price. Wasserman, NO 3-4145, Ext. N-43. )170B ELECTRIC ORGAN for responsible par- ty, take over low monthly payments, can be seen in this locality. Write Credit Manager, box 5152, Southfield Station, Det., Mich. BOY'S full size middleweight bicycle, red and white, goon condition. Call NO 2-4119 from 3:30-8:00 P.M. )172B ARMY, NAVY type oxfords--$6.88, sox 39c, shorts 69c, military supplies. Sam's Store, 122 E. Washington. )123B ROOMS FOR RENT BARTON HILLS-Large carpetedrand panelled room with dressing room, private bath and private entrance for 1 or 2 men. May exchange service for rent. Call NO 3-4594 after 6 P.M. for appointment. )41D LARGE SINGLE ROOM. Male student. $7.50 week. 716 N. 5th Avenue. NO 3- 6957. )40D USED CARS CADI LLAC 1953 Convertible, canary yellow, white top only 6 mos. old. White wall tires, ra- dio, heater, windshield washers, tinted glass. All power equipment, except for brakes. Good mechanical condi- tion. $2,400. Phone NO 2-1589. )150N 1949 LINCOLN COSMOPOLITAN, radio, heater, seat covers. Excellent shape. Must sell. $275. NO 3-6400. )149N 1952 PLYMOUTH 4 door sedan, heater, seat covers, excellent confdition. NO 2-9853 evenings only. )138N OUR LOW OVERHEAD saves you money l 50 new and used cars to choose from. Come out today to the BIG NEW lot at 3345 Washtenaw. Fitzgerald LINCOLN - MERCURY Phone NO 3-4197 Open evenings till 8 1941 FORD Club coupe, good tires, no rust, runs perfectly. $95. 1952 CHEVROLET 2-door, grey, real clean and lcw mileage, $445. 1953 WILLYS hardtop, 2-tone paint, ra- dio, heater, overdriye, 20,000 miles, white-wall tires and like new, $745. 1950 PLYMOUTH Stationwagon, radio, heater, in excellent condition, $445. Jim White Chevrolet, Inc. Ashley 'at Liberty, First at Washington Phone NO 2-5000 or NO 3-6495 )130N PERSONAL $4 BUYS one year of Life, Esquire, or Sports Ill. from Student Periodical, NO 2-3061. )154F "GABE." Meet Betsy Barbour and Allen Rumsey at "JAZZ GOES TO HEAV- EN." Irving. )149F CONVERT your. double-breasted suit to a new single-breasted model. $15. Double-breasted tuxedos converted to single-breastedp, $18, or new silk shawl collar, $25. Write to Michaels Tailor- ing Co., 1425 Broadway, Detroit, Michi- gan, for free details or phone VOodward 3-5776. )118F BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MAKE MONEY SPARE TIME 7 to 10 hrs. weekly nets to $200.00 month, Possibly full time work. Man or wom- an from this area to service new De Lux Vending Mach. Route. One who can qualify as to honesty and ability will be interviewed locally. Car and $600.00 cash investment necessary, ful- ly secured. Write P.O. box 7047, Min- neapolis 11, Minn. )1981 HELP WANTED WANTED-Registered Nurse for Chil- dren's camp June 17th through Labor Day weekend. Salary, board and room. Week end off from 1 P.M. Saturday to 3 P.M. Sunday. Irish Hills 4rea, 35 miles from Ann Arbor on Wamplers Lake. Contact Mr. Edwin LeButt, Judson Collins Methodist Camp. Phone ONsted 71-F-3 Collect, after 6 P.M. . )115H COOKS HELP WANTED. 12-14 hrs. per week. Assisting in preparation and serving in exchange for meals, snacks, and house privileges. Apply Mrs. Ed- wards, Nelson International House, 915 Oakland. NO 3-8506. )114H WANTED for exceptionally fine North- ern Michigan Co-educational Child- rens Camp. 5 Senior Counselors, Male or Female, 2 riding instructors, 2 waterfront and boating specialists. Write to Camp Petosega, 18696, Santa Rosa, Detroit 21, Michigan. )134H MIDDLE-AGED reliable man for per- manent janitor work, call NO 2-9020. ) 110H YOUNG LADY for full time work at soda fountain. No evenings or Sun- days. Swift's Drug Store. 340 S. State, NO 2-0534. )105H STUDENT ORGANIZATION is interest- ed in finding a non-student woman with business procedure to work aft- ernoons from 3 to 5, and Sat. morn- ings 9 to 12. Phone NO 2-5514 between 5 and 6 P.M. only. Ask for Fred Shel- don. )98H WANTED-Cab drivers. full or part time. Apply 113 S. Ashley. Ann A-bor Yellow and Checker Cab Company. Phone NO 8-9382. )70H SPORTS Hi, Mr. & Mrs. Golfer Visit Michigan's most well stocked Pro shop. Anything and everything for the golfer! Beginner's sets, 2 woods, 5 Irons, nice bag, $79 value $57.50; shag balls (repainted) $2 doz. Add to your present set with some of my wide se- lection of single clubs, woods, irons and putters, utility clubs. Extra spe- cial caddy carts $17.95. BOB APPLEGATE'S Golf & Gift Mart Located at Municipal Golf Course Phone NO 8-9230 )20th MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE now open for playing. 1519 Fuller Road. )21S FOR RENT FURNISHED apartment, private en- trance, stove, refrigerator, automatic washer and dryer. 4 blocks from cam- pus for summer and/or following school year. $125 per month to stu- dent. NO 3-6967. 707 East Kingsley. )58C LARGE 3 room apartment in couples- co-op. $66 per month including utili- ties. Must have child-some mainte- nance work required. Call NO 3-3619. )590 4-ROOM APARTMENT, bath, study and utility. Fireplace. Use of full base- ment. Downtown location. $100.00 per month. NO 5-5686 between 6 and 8 P.M. Also furniture bargains.. )57C APT. for married couple or women stu- dents. Available May 1 to Sept. 1 Call NO 3-3463. )560 5-ROOM FURNISHED apartment. For adults, garage. June 15-Sept. 15. Call after 6 P.M. NO 2-8361. )550 I, -Y ;' Ai 1 I I At F pThe Love Story of A Princess M-G-M presents n CINEMASCOPE and COLOR GRACE KELLY - ALEC GUINNESS LOUIS JOURDAN C "THE SWAN" with w - AGNES MOOREHEAD "*JESSIE ROYCE LANDIS BRIAN AHERNE. LE 0G. CARROLL ESTELLE WI NWOOD." VAN DYKE PARKS NEXT ATTRACTION at the STATE Theatre Read Daily Classifieds . """ - 1 DIAL 2-3136 "Fine drama filmed with realism and compassion. Susan Hayward superb. An immensely impressive production." -ROSE PELSWICK N.Y. JOURNAL-AMERICAN 4 When your big theme rates "A" And you're feeling real gay To top off the day'-have a CAMEL! M.&taLs ~xtree4I(eL SPORTS FACTS EAST LANSING, MICH., May 28, 1915-Gorgeous George Sisler, the greatest baseball player in Wolverine history, put on a one-man show here this afternoon as he pitched and batted Michigan to an 8-1 triumph over a bewildered Michigan Agricultural College nine. SISLER FIRED a masterful two-hitter at the Aggies as he fanned ten and walked five MAC batters. The performance came on the heels of George's brilliant 2-0 win over Cornell nine days ago, when he allowed the Big Reds only a single hit and fanned eleven. THE WIN partially atoned for the defeat suffered in Ann Arbor ot the hands of the Aggies on May 12, when Blake Miller held the Wolverines to three hits in turning in a 3-1 MAC victory. ALONG WITH SISLER'S brilliant -pitching, the Michigan attack was sparked by Waltz's four hits, Sisler's four, and Brandell's three. First baseman Maltby got two for four. AS FOR THE MAJOR league scouts in the stands that day, they could be heard arguing among themselves. None of them doubts that George.is major league material. But about half of them think he will become a great pitcher and the other half believe his future lies as a batter. NOTE: Both groups of scouts were right. In his first major league pitching appearance, George Sisler out-dueled the immortal Walter I1 k I I I - - - ---- - - - - - - I I