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April 20, 1956 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1956-04-20

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Bleha Views Campus Politics
Tom Bleha sat back in his chair,
ilting it back toward the wall,
,nd lifted his long legs to the
orner of his desk in the Inter-
[ouse Council's offices on the . .
bird floor of the Union. -
"The most important thing in-
tudent government as a whole,"
fleha said, lighting his ever-pres-
n$ cigarette, "is that you get to:
ee where everything fits into the i4

Western Reserve Professor
Terms Salinger Tantalizing'

&.---. G.
As IHC president for the pst
year, Bleha has served on Student
Government Council and Resi-
dence gHalls Board of Governors in
addition to other IHC duties.
"There are problems that come
up every day," he continued, "but
it's important to see the long
range viewpoint, the Big Picture."
Bleha Orates
Statements like these are not
unusual coming from the tall ex-
president of IHC. He is well known
in student government circles for
his long and philosophic oration.
Bleha is also known for his deep
and serious interest in student
government, particularly in the
IHC and the Residence Halls and
their problems.
But there have been other ac-
tivities-"I was in the Air Force
ROTC Marching Band for a year
and a half," Bleha chuckled. "That
was very funny.a
"And I just about drowned play-
ing water polo for the house one
night," he addedreferring to Kel-
sey House in South Quadrangle.
However, Blehas number one
interest is government and poli-
tics He plans to enter the political
"I even hoped to campaign for
Wayne Morse in Oregon this sum-
mer," he confided, taking another
puff from his cigarette. "But that
just didn't work out.
I spent last summer in Wash-
ington meeting legislative assist-
ants and doing work in the Library
of Congress," he continue.
"Just the stimulus of Washing-
ton itself was really something."
As a souvenir, -Bleha's South
Quad room has several color post-
cards of Washington sites hanging
on its walls. There's also a scene
of Bleha's home town in northern
"Charlevoix the beautiful," Bleha
exclaimed. "Population 2,00 in
the winter and 10,000 in the sum-
mer. It's a resort town."
Recalls Mother's Letter
Thinking of his home, Blea re-
called a letter his mother wrote
him shortly after-last week's IHC
elections. "The last line," he said,
flicking the ashes from his cigar-
ette, "was, 'Get out of town.
There's nothing you can do to help
your new officers more!'"
This brought the tall blond back
to the subject of student govern-
ment and the campus political
"One of my big concerns is the
lack of political training on cam-
pus. Campus politics are on the
He expanded further on the
point. "An undergraduate educa-
tion has got to be much more than
Just growing up. It's the time for
increasing your tastes an learn-
ing your interests.
'Tool for Living'
"The undergraduate career," he
went on, "is a tool for living. You
can go overboard in activities, but
what you've got to get out, of it is
tools for living."
Bleha thought a while longer.
The smoke from his mouth dis-
solved in the air. "The only thing
I wish is that when people come
out of an undergraduate educa-
tion, they would attempt to see the
Big Picture."
With his participation in st-
dent government and his political
aspirations, Bleha would logically
be a politipal science concentrate.
"And a solid Democrat!" he in-
Bleha cites two professors who
have made great impressions on
him. Referring to Prof. Frank
Grace, of the political science de
partment, Bleha said, "It's just the
field-the way he presents it He's
a challenge to your thinking."
Bleha crushed out his cigarette.
Then he reflected on the courses
he took from Prof. Arthur M. East-
man, bf the English department.
"I think I gained from him just
the importance of the academic
realm in general."


J. D. Salinger, of "Catcher in the
Rye" fame, is hardly recognized in
today's literary circles, Prof. David
L. Stevenson of Western Reserve
remarked in a lecture yesterday in
Auditorium B.
Attributing Salinger's " non-rec-
ognition to his failure to produce
more than one novel and about a
dozen short stories, Prof. Steven-
son added, "And he has also never
been an artist in residence in a
summer session.
Impossible To Identify
"It's almost impossible to iden-
tify Salinger, even to compare him
with any of his contemporaries,"
Prof. Stevenson said. "He's tanta-
lizing, but has never been criticized,
except briefly in the Saturday
Prof. Stevenson went on to say
that Salinger evades the Freudian,
as in Shirley Jackson, is not clini-
cal like Tennessee Williams, and is
not a war novelist like James
Jones who wrote "From Here to
Stressing the fact that Salinger
is "almost wholly, a New Yorker
writer," Prof. Stevenson brought
in E. B. White and James Thur-
ber, "who set the tone of the New
Yorker magazine with their ironic'
thrustings on men and manners
and their calculatingly indetermi-
nate way as to where commitment
Vivancy Limited

are like the closet scene between
Hamlet and his mother with the
rest of the play left out."
His characters seem to be in a
"flight from love," Prof. Steven-
son said, and always lack security
in the realization of the "futility"
in their lives, as in "Uncle Wiggily
in Connecticut" or "A Perfect Day
for Bananafish."
Depicts Characters
"But," Prof. Stevenson com-
mented, "Salinger's gift for de-
picting characters through dia-
logue, gesture and bodily move-
ment is nearly unparalleled."
Prof. Stevenson said that al-
though Salinger is "primarily a
New Yorker writer," he has com-
mitted himself to a certain theme
in "A Perfect Day for Banana-
fish" since the main character in
that story is also present in "Down
a. the Dinghy" and a recent novel-
ette "Raise the Roofbeams, Car-
Ending his speech, Prof. Steven-
son remarked, "This is not a com-
mitment we usually expect from

-Daily-Sam- Ching
s.. She said, "Get out of town"

a New Yorker writer. It's a
that Salinger might move'
greater fictional density and;


But now, with activities in stu-
dent government nearing an end,
Bleha is "looking forward to study-
Final Exam
His last undergraduate exam, he
pointed out, falls on his 21st birth-
day in June.
The future? Bleha aspires a
political career preceeded by law
school. But first he wants to take
a year of special studies at Union

Theplogical Seminary, in the field
of Christianity's relation to society
and the state-a Christian ap-
proach to politics.
Bleha was back on the tools for
living. "Somewhere you must
search for that aspect that is go-
ing to put meaning in your life,"
he said.
"I've found my meaning, I think,
in religion. But of course you can
never live up to that."
Bleha lit another cigarette.

The immediacy and vivancy of.
Salinger is somewhat limited, Prof.;
Stevenson commented, and the;
content of his sentences is "thin'
compared to Faulkner's.
"You might say Salinger's stories

Group To Meet
The Ann Arbor Playreading
Group, sponsored by the Dramatic
Arts Center, will read Sam and
Bella Spewack's "Boy Meets Girl"
at 8 p.m. today at the Masonic
There is no charge for admis-
sion. New members are welcome.

Prof. Mead
Blasts U.S.
(Continued from Page 1)
Americans are able to live with
the standards for which Europeans
used to laugh at us for not at-
"Advertising today is the agen-
cy that is helping the people to
upgrade themselves," she con-
"The 'upgrading' is good-it's
really awfully good," she said with
peculiar emphasis. "It used to be
called 'mobility,' then it wasn't so
New Consumer Culture
"We have built up within the
last 25 years a tremendous amount
of self-consciousness. Our young
people read Time and Life to find
out what they're thinking this
week. This is the new consumer
"We have no heroes, no saints."
She said that individuals deter-
mine their behavior by examining
surveys describing what their be-
havior "should" be.
"Madison Avenue never knows
whether it's really Madison Ave-
nue, the dountry's conception of
Madison Avenue, or Madison Ave-
nue's conception of the country's
conception of Madison Avenue."
Previous speakers in the confer-
ence had included C. D. Jackson,
editorial director of Time, Inc.;
Edward Stanley, public service
program manager of NBC; and
Fred D. Thompson, advertising
manager of Readers Digest.
Self-Improvement Foremost
Jackson referred to "our vast
classless, open society and our, still
surging economy" which puts "the
idea of self-improvement" fore-
most in the public's attention.
Stanley suggested that modern
television's chief aim is "not to
sell things" but "to communicate
facts and ideas . . . the vigorous
and increasingly exciting pattern
of television is infinitely superior
(to other countries), rich and
widely varied."
Thompson said that the Digest's
advertising staff aims toward "the
same standards of integrity, taste
and reliability that editors main-
tain in their department of publi-
Other speakers at the all-day
conference stressed that "you can-
not talk down to this new con-
sumer," that peopl. are interested
in advertising, and that adver-
tisements must be honest.
The Advertising Conference was
sponsored by the architecture
college, the department of Jour-
nalism and the business adminis-
tration school. Prof. Donald B.
Gooch of the architecture college
was chairman.
City Market
Farm Fresh
Poultry and Eggs

The University Drama Season Is
often so surrounded by the glam-
our of big name stars that it is
difficult to imagine what the
people who work on the other side
of the footlights are like.
One of the most important of
these people is Lucille Upham, who
defines her job as "making the
curtain go up. It's sort of general
management. I handle expense
accounts, hire stage crews, corre-
late shows, sell tickets and do
Between answering her busy
phone and conferring with James
Murnan, manager of Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre, Mrs. Upham re-
called her career at the University.
Recalls Career
She first became interested in
the Drama Season when she work-
ed with Mrs. W. D. Henderson, who
was. instrumental in the building
of the League theater wing. "I was
with her," she said, "when we sent
a cablegram to Mr. Mendelssohn,
who was then in Paris, asking for
money. So you see, I've been sort
of in it from the beginning."
Previous to the building of Lydia
Mendelssohn, she did publicity and
sales for shows held by Mrs. Hen-
derson's son in Waterman Gym-
Mrs. Upham, energetc, bustling
woman, was born in Illinois, but
his spent most of her life in
Michigan. She graduated from
Michigan State Normal College in
Ypsilanti with a major in history
and English; then came to the
University for graduate work.
Outstanding Impressions
One of the outstanding impres-
sions of her work has been how
different actors are from their
sterotypes. She has never en-
countered temperament such as
the public envisions. "It's wonder-
ful how thoughtful and kind they
are," she said. "Temperament
seldom enters the picture."
A thrilling experience when "The
Fourposter" opened here prior to
its New York run. On the same
day, Elmer Rice, Betty Field, Jose
Ferrer and Burgess Meredith de-
scended upon Ann Arbor to take
part in and watch the first rehear-
Ferrer was so impressed with an
art exhibit being held in the lobby
that he bought two of the pic-

"And I still tingle when I think
of the curtain going down on Nazi-
mova's # performance in Ibsen';
"ghosts." It was so well received
t t our production of it toured
the United States," she said.
Outside Interests
Mrs. Upham's outside interests
are reading, theater, ballet and
gardening. "But I don't have much
time for gardening now," she
Mrs. Upham feels that one of
the advantages of the Season is
the opportunity that students have


Other Side of Footlights
Revealed by Chief Organizer






THE Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for vhich the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in by
2 p.m. Friday.
FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1956
General Notices
Board and Room Payments:, Payments
for board and room for the second half
of the spring semester are to be made
in all League Houses by Sat., April 21.
All Seniors who will be graduating in
June should be measured for caps and
gowns at Moe's Sport Shop on East
University, at their' earliest possible
Short Course in Computer Operation.
If there is sufficient interest, a series
of six introductory lectures on the pro-
gramming and operation of the IBM
Type 650 Electronic Computer will be
given by the Statistical Research Labor-
atory, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Mon.,
Tues., Fri., starting Mon., April 23.
Contact Mrs. Brando at Ext. 2942. April
23, 429 Mason Hall; April 24, 429 Mason
Hall; April 27, 429 Mason Hall; April 30,
225 Angell Hall; May 1, 429 Mason Hal;
May 4, 429 Mason Hall.
Student Government Council. Sum-
mary of action taken, mettiig of April
Minutes of April 11, 13.
Committee appointments - Campus
Affairs: Lewis Engman, Chairman, Ron
Shorr, Associate; Public Relations: John
Wrona; Educational and Social Wel-
fare: Tom Sawyer, Chairman; Jim Dy-
gert, Associate; National and Interna-
tional: Anne Woodard; Student Repre-
sentation: Don Good; Coordinating and
Counselling:. Rod Comstock; Finance:
Joe Collins, Janet Neary, Rod Comstcok,
Lewis Engman; Comptroller: Kendall
Gothic Film Society was authorized
to admit guests to non-museum (of
Modern Art) showings at the established
price, in exception to the policy adopted
March 23, 1955 naming Cinema Guild
as the noly student organization au-
thorized to present a regular program of
motion pictures for an admission fee,
with the provision that Student Gov-
ernment Council shall review Gothic
Film Society's schedule of films each
year before the year's operations are
Greek Week: May 14, Picnic at Ferry
Field, Bridge Tournament, League, 8
p.m.; May 15: Panhellenic Workshop,
Tea, Fraternity presidents' banquet;
May 16: Panhellenic Workshop, Frater-
nity-Sorority presidents' retreat, Fresh
Air Camp Exchange dinners, 6-8 p.m.,
Variety Jazz Conecrt, 8-10 p.m., Sigma

Alpha Epsilon Mud Bowl; May 17: IFC
Sing, Hill Auditorium, 7:30 p.m; May
18, Housemothers' Tea, 5 p.m., League.,
IFC Ball, 9-1; Modified Fund Drive,
benefit Olympic Games.
May 10: International Fashion Show,
Union Ballroom, 7 p.m.; May 10, Inter-
national Festival Tea, Union Ballroom
and Terrace; May 11, Portrayal of Mar-
riages Around the World, Kellogg Aud.;
May 13, International movies, buffet
supper, Lane Hall.
Meetings May 2, 9, 23 will be held in
the Michigan Union April 25, May 16 in
the Michigan League.
Prof. Fredericsk Logan, Chairman of
the Department of Art Education, Uni-
versity of Wisconsin, Fri., April 20 at
4:15 p.m. in the Architecture Audi-
torium, auspices of the Dept of Art.
"Degrees of Illiteracy in Art."
Astronomy Department Visitors' Night.
Fri., April 20, 8 p.m., Room 2003 Angell
Hall. Dr. D. B. McLaughlin will talk on
"The Planet Mars." After the talk the
Student Observatory on the fifth floor
of Angell Hall will be open for inspec-
tion and for telescopic observationseof
the Moon, Venus, and Jupiter. Child-
ren welcomed, but must be accompan-
ied by adults.
Student Recital: Doris Bengtsson,
violinist, will present a recital in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the
Bachelor of Music degree at 4:15 p.m.
Sun., April 22, in Aud. A, Angell Hall.
A pupil of Emil'Raab, Miss Bengtsson
will play compositions by Veracini,
Copland, Bach and Brahms. Open to,
the general public.
Composer's Forum, 8:30 p.m., Mon.,
April 23, in Aud. A, Angell Hall. Com-
positions by Roland Trogan, Nelson
Howe, Judith Vander, Yalcin Yuregir
nad Fred Coulter, performed by School
of Music students Mary Mattfeld, and
Elizabeth Fischer, contraltos, Jerry
Lawrenc, bass; Jane Stoltz, Carl Willi-
ams, violins; George Papich, 'viola;
Cynthia Kren, cello; Rolf Legband, clar-
inet; Jerome Neff, percussion; Wesley
True and Avo Somer, piano. Open to
the public without charge.
Academic Notices
Law School Admission Test: Candi-
dates taking the Law School'Admission
Test on April 21 are requested to report
to Room 100, Hutchins Hall at 8:45
a.m. Sat.
Engineering Underclassmen: A limit-
ed supply of "Career" and "Engineering

Job Directory" publications are avail-
able free to underclassment on a "first
come, first served" basis at the Engi-
neering Placement Office, Room 347,
West Engineering Building. Both pub-
lications contain, valuable reference in-
formation on a large variety of engi-
neering employers.
Psychology Colloquium: Dr. Koji Sato
of Kyoto University, Japan will speak
on "Psychology in Japan." Fri., April
20. 4:15 p.m. in 429 Mason Hall.
History 126 will meet today at 11:00
a.m. as scheduled.
Astronomical Colloquium. Prof. Fred
T. Haddock will speak on "Radio Spec-
tra of Radio Sources" Fri., April 20,
4:15 p.m., The Observatory.
Doctoral Examination for Bernard
Zemel, Chemistry; thesis: "An Investi-
gation of the Chemistry of the Chloro-
aquochromium (III) Ions in Acid
Media," Fri., April 20, 3003 Chemistry
Bldg., at 1:00 p.m. Chairman, P. J.
Events Today
3rd Laboratory Playbill, presented by
the Department of Speech, 8 p.m.
Thurs. and Fri., April 19 and 20. In-
cluded on the playbill are O'Neill's
"Ile," and Maeterlinck's "The Intruder."
All setas are reserved at 35c each.,
Placement Notices
The Following Schools have notified
us of vacancies on their teaching staff
for the 1956-57 school year.
Hale, Mich. - Teacher needs: Senior
High School Science; Homemaking;
Shop and Math.
Hanover, Mich.-Teacher needs: High
School Band/Vocal (high school and
elementary). .
Homer, Mich. - Teacher needs: Ele-
mentary-6th grade (man preferred).
Boyne Falls, Mich. - Teacher needs:
Elementary (Kindergarten); M4ath.
Leonard, Mich. - Teacher needs:
Elementary (Kindergarten, 1st grade);
Peck, Mich.-Teacher needs: Band/
Inst. Music/Social Studies; Home Ec./
Lake Forest, Illinois - Teacher needs:
Elementary (1st, 2nd and 6th); Junior
High Math/Science or Math/English
Klamath Falls, Ore. - Teacher needs:
Elementary (Grades 1 to 8); Music
(Vocal-Elementary); Girls Physical -Ed.,
Bel Air, Maryland - Teacher needs:
Elementary; Speech Therapists; In-
strumental Music; Physical Ed.; Junior
High Core; Senior High Science; Com-
mercial; Vocal Music; Industrial Arts;

Graphic Arts; Art; Home Ec.; Librarian.
Cody, Wyoming - Teacher needs:
Elementary; Junior High English; Senior
High English; Home Ec.; Commerce
(typing/shorthand); Band; Vocal Music;
Latin/English; American History.
For additional information contact
the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
ministration Building. NO 3-1511, Ext.
Representatives from the following
will be at the Engrg. School:
Fri., April 27:
Clinto Machine Co., Clinton, Mich.--
all levels in Mech. and Ind. for Sum-
mer and Regular Research, Devel., and'
Design. U.S. citizen.
Mon., April 30:
Sunbeam Corp., Chicago, Ill. - B.S.
In all Engrg., Management and Chem-
istry majors for Summer and Itegular
Research, Devel., Design, and Prod. U.S.
. For appointments, contact the Engrg.
Placement Office, 347 W.E., Ext. 2182.
U.S. Civil Service announces exams
for employment in Ill., Mich., and Wis.
for Acctg., Auditors, other Business and
Econ. fields, Engrg. and Scientific posi-
tions, CSlerical and Stenographic posi-
tios, and Inspection and Management.
New York State Civil Service announ-
ces exams to be held June 23, 1956 for
Sr. Scientist (Pathology), Museum Work,
Economics Research Assessment Work,
and Civil Engrg. The positions of
Civil E. and Sr. Scientist are open to
any qualified citizen of the U.S. Appli-
cations accepted up to May 25, 1956.
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., Ext. 371.

-Daily-Ven Soen
- the other side of the footlights
to work with and supplement the
She thinks that the upcoming
Drama Season will be an outstand-
ing one. "We're all ready to go
we've been working on this since
February 1," she said.
"And," she concluded, "we' ex-
pect to continue the same type=of
season that has become so iden-
tified with Ann Arbor."
Logan To Speak
Prof. Frederick Logan, Univer-
sity of Wisconsin department of
Art Education chairman, will dis-
cuss "Degrees of Illiteracy in Art,"
at 4:15 p.m. today in the Architec-
ture Auditorium.


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