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April 20, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-04-20

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'today is Michiday.
The 1956 Michigras balloon, long foreshadowed by skits, posters,
ticket hawksers and a Michiclef will burst open today. Out will pour
floats, celebrities, rides, shows, refreshments and skill booths.
"Tempos Through Time" will begin at 3:30 p.m. today when
some 80 parade units assemble at the intersection of Detroit and 5th
Streets. The floats, marching bands, new automobiles and "novelty
units"-clowns, horses, giraffe heads and an old-fashioned calliope--
will then begin their three mile, hour-and-one-half trek through the
streets of Ann Arbor.
Art and Football
Judges for the 40 student-sponsored floats in the parade were
announced yesterday. Assistant Dean of Men William Zerman will
represent the Universty and Mayor William Brown, Jr., the city. From
Detroit will come Elizabeth Payne of the Institute of Arts and Jug
Girard of the Lions football team. And from New York, as special
guest of Michigras, will come Carole Bennett, professional singer.
Judges of. the 11 marching bands entered will be Prof. Maynard
Klein and Prof. Joseph Maddy of the music school.
With time out for dinner's sake Michigras will resume again from
7 p.m. to 1 a.m., turning part of the University's huge athletic plant
into a colorful, noisy and fast-moving Midway. In Yost Fieldhouse
35 booths, most of them sponsored individually or jointly by housing
groups, will compete for the "Grasgoer's" tickets with shows, skill
contests and refreshments.
Spin, Fly and Tilt
And outside, 16 rides, with such intriguing names as "Flyoplane,"
"Spineroo" and "Tiltawhirl," will make the carnival atmosphere of
the 1956 Michigras complete.

Between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. tomorrow, Michigras will shower its
wonders o nthe children (ages six to sixteen) of Ann Arbor in a
special Kiddly Carnival. And tomorrow evening booths and rides
will again be open for the final round of Michigras.
But Michigras itself lay in the future for General Co-Chairman
Paula Strong. '56, yesterday.
"You can't even walk two steps," she said on her way to the
fleldhouse, "without something happening Michigraswise."
She didn't even twitch when she passed a co-ed coming from
the fleldhouse with a convincing dagger going in one ear and out the
"We've been on TV a lot this week. We beat the Ann Arbor
Civic Theater the other day-i.e. in Charades."
Asked about Michiclef, she said he had been dismissing several
classes. His name is Larry Fried. Pressed on the matter, she ad-
mitted, "There are a few others who do it too, but we're only men-
tioning the one. We want the kiddies to believe that-just like Santa
Claus-there's only one Michiclef."
Gone For the Wind
An independent with a straw hat planted squarely on his head
and a handlebar mustache drawn carefully on his face passed by,
carrying a hammer and ladder. "They even wear their Michigras
hats while they work. Isn't that amazing?"
Driving back to the Union she pointed out the window and
frowned. "People aren't wearing their hats at this point. I'm con-
cerned. Oh, well, it's probably too windy."
The judges stand was finished. But "that, that, that banner.
It's not on the Union anymore." Another victim of the wind, the
Michigras banner hung limp from the building.
"Well, goodbye." She waved. "And notice all the landmarks on
your way to The Daily."

-Daily-John Hirtzel
THEY WEREN'T DOING THE MAMBO-Dancing girls for Col-
legiate Sorosis-Sigma Nu booth warm up for the big two nights of
Michigras in Yost Fleldhouse last night. Whatever the name of
the dance was, it didn't seem to bother the spectators.

-Daily-John Hirtzel
GUNG HO STUDENTS-Students at fleldhouse raise theater
marquee for Evans Scholars "Michivision." A few grunts and
groans and it was up, for two days only.

Two Talks At
Advertising Conference
see rage 4

Latest Deadline in the State





New Egypt-Israel
Truce Reached
JERUSAt M (P)-Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold of the
United Nations announced yesterday Egypt and Israel had put into
effect a new and unconditional cease-fire on their strife-torn border.
It was his first big accomplishment on a two-week-old Middle
East peace mission for the Security Council. He said both govern-
ments told him they had ordered their forces not to shoot across or
pass over the armistice demarcation line after 6 p.m. Wednesday.
Fire in Self-Defense
Both sides agreed to the cease-fire more than a week ago but

Constitu tion
A new constitution was reviewed
yesterday by the South Quad-
rangle studios of WCBN.
The constitution, presented to.
the staff members of South Quad's
WCBN Station Manager Noralea
Paselk, '57, features a definition
of the studio's purposes.
According to Article 1, the pur-
pose of the studio is "to provide
radio entertainment and news to
students in the residence halls."
The secondary purpose listed in
the proposed constitution is "to
provide experience in/ radio work
for qualified and interested stu-
According to Miss Paselk, this
is a reversal of the previous aims
of the South Quad studio, which
stressed the experience gained by
the individual in radio work.
M i s s Paselk explained the
change as a part of the proposed
constitution's purpose in allowing
for WCBN's expansion in the Uni-
Further changes in the consti-
tution would allow the Station
Manager to take office four weeks
before the end of the semester in
which he is elected.
Other provisions attempt to
eliminate "overlapping duties" of
offices, establish simpler means
for removing incapable person-
nel, and provide for a representa-
tive in the studio from the South
Quadrangle Council.
Visitor's Night
Tonight at 8 p.m. the University
Astronomy department will hold
a Visitor's Night, which will be
open to the public, adults and
children, without charge.
The speaker of the evening will
be Professor D. B. McLaughlin, of
the Astronomy dept., who will de-
liver a 20 to 30 minute talk on
"The Planet Mars."
The group will meet in Rm. 2003
Angell Hall for Prof. McLaughlin's
talk, and later move to the As-
tronomy laboratory on the fifth
floor, where there will be a num-

4had reserved the right toy fire in
Hammarskjoldheld two private
meetings with Israeli Premier Da-
vid Ben-Gurion yesterday on how
to maintain the cease-fire. This
made six such conferences be-
tween the two since Tuesday.
Hammarskjold had conferred
with Egyptian Premier Gamal Ab-
del Nasser in Cairo and with Leb-
anese officials in Beirut before
coming here. He will return today,
to his Beirut temporary head-
His assignment is to secure
compliance with the 1949 armi-
stice agreements of Israel with
Egypt; Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.
and reduce tensions along the de-
marcation lines fixed by those
agreements. He is to report to the
Council by May 4.
Automatics Used
Shortly before the cease-fire an-
nouncement, an Egyptian military
spokesman in Cairo said an Israeli
patrol fired with automatic
weapons for 15 minutes yesterday
morning on an Egyptian post near
Deir el Ballah in Egypt's Gaza
The strip's frontier was the
scene of major clashes two weeks
ago. The spokesman said Egypt
suffered no casualties yesterday,
did not fire back but complained
to the Egypt-Israel-UN Mixed Ar-
mistice Commission that Israel
had violated the armistice.
Sources in Cairo close to the
UN said Hammarskjold's next
big job would be to perpetuate the
Egyptian-Israeli cease-fire.
Eliminate Friction
He aims to do this, they ex-
plained, first by eliminating points
of friction and second by setting
up a system whereby UN observ-
ers might unquestionably identify
the guilty party in any violation.
Two things he hopes to achieve,
they said, are a pullback of troops
from the frontier and an increase
in the number of observers.
The border around the Gaza
strip flared up April 4, the very
day the Security Council voted
unanimously at UN headquarters
to send Hammarskjold on his trip.
Three Israeli soldiers were killed.
The following day, 64 Arabs
were killed and 102 wounded, by
Egyptian count, in an artillery ex-
change in which the Gaza city
marketplace was hit.
'White Elephants'
A truck from Detroit Goodwill

Promises Moral,
Material Support
TEHRAN, Iran (M)-The United
States promised Thursday to give
both moral and material support
to the five-nation Baghdad Alli-
ance created to protect the Mid-
dle East from possible Commu-
nist aggression.
This undertaking, announced by
US Undersecretary of State Loy
Henderson, appeared to tie the
United States as closely as pos-
sible to the pact without actually
signing and ratifying the Bagh-
dad Treaty.
Henderson made his announce-
ment at the close of the four-day
conference here of Ministers- of
the Baghdad Pact governments-
Britain, Turkey, Iraq, Iran and
Pakistan. He was the chief U.S.
observer at the meeting.
Egypt leads a bloc of Arab na-
tions which has denounced the
Alliance and objected especially
to membership of .Iraq, the only
Arab nation among the five. Dele-
gates of other pact nations have
assumed Washington holds back
from full membership because it
seeks to avoid offending Egypt and
Saudi Arabia. However, they re-
gard the US participation an-
nounced by Henderson as a defi-
nite rebuff to leaders of those
In case of rain, the parade
will be postponed until 10:30
a.m. tomorrow, Libby Garland,
parade co-chairman, announc-
She said ,that housing units
will be notified at noon today
if the parade is to be postponed.
They will be told where and
when to assemble tomorrow.


Billion For Soil Bank Plan

Walt Kelly
To Indicate

P Start
Pogo is coming to Ann Arbor.
More specifically, Pogo's cre-
ator, Walt Kelly, will be in Ann
Arbor to lecture at 10 a.m. in
Rackham Auditorium, in the an-
nual Sigma Delta Chi-sponsored
Michigan Interscholastic Press
Association Convention.
Kelly has indicated he will tell
how he found Pogo. Pogo claims
HE found Kelly.
Regardless of who found whom,
Kelly is going to disregard Pogo's
oft-insistent pleas and tell the
truth about the comic oppossum.
The lecture is appropriately en-
titled "Inside Pogo."
Pogo's Origin
Pogo originated as a spear car-
rier in a Kelly comic book feature
in 1943. at the same time as the
New York Star was featuring Kel-
ly Art.
The comic book eventually fold-
ed-reason: "It didn't have no ac-
tion in it. Nobody shot nobody. It
was full of mice in red and blue
But Pogo reappeared two years
later, this time as main character
in a Star comic strip.
When the Star folded, Kelly
tried to peddle Pogo to several
comic syndicates. All refused him
until he looked up the Hall Syndi-
At any rate, we overheard the
following conversation on campus.
Pogo was being discussed by two
"I go Pogo-you go Pogo?"
"Sure, I go Pogo - everybody
goes Pogo."



-Courtesty of University News Service
ATTENDING ADVERTISING CONFERENCE yesterday were (left to right) University president
Harlan Hatcher; Conference Chairman, Prof. Donald Gooch; Anthropologist Margaret Mead; Luce-
paperman C. D. Jackson; and Prof. Reuel Denney of the University of Chicago Department of Social

FI3A Gains
New House*


Buyers AssociationI

Margaret Mead Angers
Ad Conference Optimists
Prof. Margaret Mead struck a discordant note at the University's
1956 annual Advertising Conference here yesterday.
Speakers at the conference of some of America's leading adver-
tising men praised modern advertising for its fundamental respect
for the people, its upgrading of popular culture and its remarkable
vitality-but Prof. Mead dissented from the general optimistic tone.
"You have a feedback system and you don't know where it's go-
ing," she said. She explained that modern Americans, with the help
of advertising, have abandoned -

B enson Calls
Farm Action
'Gold Brick'
Operation Needs
New Legislation
Appropriations Committee voted
$1,200,000,000 for a soil bank prow
gram yesterday but Secretary of
Agriculture Ezra Benson called it
a "gold brick" that can't be used
to help farmers. .
"They put the cart before the
horse," Benson said. "Appropriat-
ing $1,200,000,000 for the soil bank
recommended by the President
without giving us the authority to
spend it for the soil bank certain-
ly won't help our farmers."
"Obviously," he added, "appro-
priating money that can't be spent
won't give our farmers the soil
bank they want.
Needs New Legislation
Benson issued his f statement
after testifying before the Senate
Agriculture Committee that "we
cannot put the soil bank program
into operation without new legis-
"The President called for a
comprehensive soil bank program
for farmers including several hun-
dred million dollars for advance
payments this year," he said. "The
House committee action does not
authorize this. So the proposed
appropriation turns out to be a
gold brick."
Action in the Appropriations
Committee came with a rush and
was the latest move in a confused
struggle over farm relief program
in this important election year.
Big Fund Favored
The committee voted 36-7 in
favor of the big fund for "acreage
reserve and soil conservation pay-
It was not immediately explain-
ed how the committee expected
the Agriculture Department to put
the program into operation on a
broad scale this year, since many
Southern crops have already been
planted and seeding is under way
in the North. Presumably many
farmers would. have to plow up
some of their .plantings in order
to benefit.
The soil bank plan was 'the only
major administration recommen-
dation in the farm bill President
Dwight D. Eisenhower vetoed
Monday. It contemplated pay-
ments un to $ a year

gained its fortieth member last
night: Theta Delta Chi.
The board of directors also voted
to initiate a deposit account sys-
tem on May 1. Arrangements will
be made .with each house for pay-



IHC Committee Suggests Changes'

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following
is the third in a series of f ur articles
explaining the proposals change
the structure of the Inter-House
In addition to its work on the
proposed constitution, the Inter-
House Council u Structure Study
Committee has made several
recommendations concerning the
Quadrangles and the Houses.
The first of these recommenda-
tions was a proposal to include
Victor Vaughan and Fletcher
Houses in the IHC, "at such time

plied in the Study Committee's
constitution, when it stated that
the House Presidents would serve
on both quad and IHC levels of
government in order that "a dupli-
cation of effort will be at a mini-
The same people servmg on both
bodies would be aware of, and
could prevent actions of. a dupli-
cating nature on the two levels of
above-the-house government."
The Study Committee suggested
that the additional representative
handle most of the Quadrangle
committee responsibilities, leaving

Tuesdays commencing the first
Tuesday of each semester."
On the alternate weeks, then,
the IHC would meet, so that the
burden of above-the-house level
meetings for a. House President
should be limited to one each
Related to this recommendation
was the proposal that "the duties
of the Quadrangle President should
be lightened."
Shift Duties
The Study Committee suggested
that some of the Quadrangle Pres-
ident's duties be shifted to the
Vice-President or other officers so

modeling themselves after heroes
and ideals and become reflexive."
Dozen Walk Out
About a dozen of the advertising
men walked out during the an-
thropologist's speech.
Comments such as "She ought
to stick to her own subject," "Hor-
rible stuff," and "She seems aw-
fully simple," were heard from the
advertising men.
Prof. Mead pointed out that in
the other speeches no one had
mentioned the atom bomb or the
modern shift of power.
"What they talked about was
taste: the way in which more
See PROF., Page 6
Brown Criticized
Mayor William E. Brown, Jr.,
was blasted yesterday by John W.

IHC's Faculty
Topic: 'God'
"The Existence of God?" will be
the topic of Inter-House Council's
second of a faculty symposium
series, it was announced yesterday.
Prof. Kenneth E. Boulding, of
the economics department, Prof.
Charles L. Stevenson, of the philo-
sophy department and Prof. Wil-
liam B. Willcox, of the history de-
partment will take part in the
discussion, scheduled for 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, in Dining Room One,
South Quad.
At the conclusion of the sym-

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