Sir uirnx
Latest Deadline in the State
See Page 4
VOL. LXVI, No. 133
Russian Leaders
Ae in Britain
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Londoners Cheer, Boo; Soviets
Call Themselves 'Good Neighbors'
LONDON (AP)-Soviet Russia's leaders, Nikolai Bulganin and
Nikita Khrushchev, came to Britain yesterday proclaiming them-
selves good neighbors.
British crowds greeted them with thin cheers, some boos and
spoofing curiosity.
"Welcome Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier" said a placard
hoisted by a group of youth. That got a big hand.
Officially, things were diplomatically correct.
Prime Minister Anthony Eden and Foreign Secretary Selwyn
Lloyd dined with Bulganin and Khrushchev yesterday at Claridges, the
~luxury fhotel where the Russians
GC Starts
Third Term;
Plans Laid
'Must Improve,'
Declares Adams
"Student Government Council is
now faced with a 'produce, improve
yourself' command and can no
longer rely on the 'we're just get-
ting started' crutch," Council Pres-
ident Bill Adams, '57 BAd, warned
at last night's SGC meeting.
Presenting his prospectus at the
initial meeting of the third SGC
term, Adams said, "Coordination
and follow-through must be a
part of everything we do.
Adams commented on the Uni-
versity-wide Counseling Study
Committee_ which held its first
meeting Tuesday and 'reminded
the Council that it should also
take a more active interest in
"the whole academic sphere" dur-
ing the coming term.
"Phrases like 'honor system' and
'academic freedom' should become
actions," he advised. He also sug-
gested studies and recommenda-
tions in such areas as the lecture
ban, curriculum and increasing en-
Lecture Committee
Later In the meeting during
member's time, Daily Managing
Editor Dave Baad, '56, announced
his intention to move next week
that SGC form-a student-faculty-
administration committee to look
into the area covered by the Lec-
ture Committee, which has the
power to ban speakers from ap-
pearing on campus.
Baad noted, "It is time for a
serious examination of this whole
area. Many individuals at the Uni-
versity have recently expressed
concern in favor of alternations in
the present lecture-ban policy."
The newly-elected President also
called for a program which would
enable "adequate utilization of the
University's important foreign stu-
aent segment."
"In 'short," .Adams concluded,
"SGC may and should discuss any-
thing if it concerns students, their
well-being, their rights and their
New Appointments
Vice-President Janet Neary, '58,
announced appointments to the
chairmanships of the Council's
seven major committees.
Lewis Engman, '57, will chair the
Campus Affairs. Committee, with
Ron Shorr, '58, as his associate.
The Educational and Social Wel-
fare Committee will be headed by
, Tom Sawyer, '58. Committee as-
sociate is Jim Dygert, '56.
Public Relations will be chaired
by John Wrona, '57, National and
International by Anne Woodard,
'57, Student Representation by
Don Good, '57E, and Coordinating
and Counseling by Rod Comstock,
The Finance Committee will be
headed by Treasurer Joe Collins,
'58, and will consist of Miss Neary,
Engman, Comstock and an ex-of-
ficio member who has not yet been
Collins will also be assisted in
his duties through a newly-created
Comptroller position. Kendall
Kirkbride, '58, was approved as
Comptroller for the coming term.
Senior Cass
Petitions Due
Petitioning for Senior Class Of-
fices ends tomorrow.
Candidates must have petitions
delivered to Mrs. Callahan, 1020
Administration Building, by 5 p.m.
have taken royal suites on the
first floor.
Begin Talks
There they beganminformal talks
on East-West issues. Official con-
ferences start today on such prob-
lems as German reunification, dis-
armament and the middle east.
Prime Minister Eden, a diplo-
mat from way back, was correct
and elegant' as he met Bulganin,
the goateed Soviet premier; and
roly-poly Khrushchev, the Com-
munist party boss, at London's
smoke-blackened Victoria station.
He voiced a desire for serious
talks with the Russians on inter-
national problems.
Bulganin, beaming broadly, re-
plied through an interpreter. He
extended greetings and. declared
"the Soviet government seeks to
have friendly relations with Brit-
ain as well as the United States,
France and other countries."
Take London Tour
Later, Bulganin and Khrushchev
took the "mile run" tour around
London's traditional sights.
Police motorcycle outriders pre-
ceded them. Their every move
took place inside a police security
net described as the greatest in
British peacetime history. The
police arrested four persons, in-
cluding a French journalist, on
minor charges.
During their 10-day visit, the
two Russians, among other things,
will see British atomic installa-
tions. They also will take tea with
Queen Elizabeth II at Windsor
Eden invited the Russian lead-
ers to Britain at the time of the
Geneva summit conference last
The British crowd reaction to
their arrival was a high-spirited
carnival atmosphere at some
places, but the genefal attitude
seems to be one of curiosity with
the sporting arena razzberry as
an undertone.
Jeering mingled with cheering
at Victoria Station.
Helped: Nixon
NEW YORK (I')--Vice-President
Richard Nixon, who seldom has
had a good word for the Demo-
crats, yesterday credited them with
helping achieve "America's .great
He still gave Republicans the
chief credit, adding, "I think I
can state that the philosophy of
government in Washington for
the last three years has been the
most important single factor in
producing the good times we en-
joy today."
Til * 1 ib
Todayand tomorrow, the aj1-
powerful Michiclef, official sym-
bol of the 1956 Michigras, will
perform the feat divine-he will
d i s m i s s certain University
classes chosen at random.
Classes all day long will be
susceptibleto the Michiclef's
powers, but those in which the
Michiclef finds the strongest
Michigras spirit will be dis-
Hits News
venson accused the Eisenhower
administration yesterday of what
he called "needless suppression of
public information."
"And this manipulation,'' Stev-
enson said, "is revealed as having
been in an attempt to cover up
some administration blunder or to
put a good face on a bad situation
for partisan political advantage."
"The reason for this is not just
the concern of the present admin-
istration about the security of the
country, but concern about the
security of the political party now
in office," the Democratic presi-
dential candidate said.
Stevenson, lobking fit and tan
after a four-day rest in Southern
Pines, N.C., made the statement
in a luncheon address before a
large gathering of newsmen and
guests at the Pittsburgh Press
Club, the first of several speaking
engagements in Pennsylvania.
Later, at a question-and-answer
session, the former Illinois gover-
nor said he did not hold President
Eisenhower personally responsible
except "he-Eisenhower-as chief
executive is responsible for his
"Very early in this administra-
tion, a high official, C. D. Jackson,
said, 'We're going to merchandise
the living hell out of the Eisen-
hower administration,"' Steven-
son said in his speech.
- M
Cole Praised
For Conduct
Southern judge yesterday imposed
maximum jail sentences on four
White Citizens Council members
arrested following the attack on
Negro singer Nat "King'" Cole.
The judge said they could have
caused "untold tragedy."'
Recorders Court Judge Ralph
E. Parker commended Cole for his
conduct "at the scene of the dis-
turbance and since then." He said
the Alabama-born Negro had re-
'spected Southern traditions in a
way to "earn respect of his white
Three Anniston,;Ala., men were
convicted of conspiracy to commit
assault and battery and related
charges, and were sentenced to
180 days in jail and fined $100
each plus court costs. They are
Mike Fox, 36; E. L. Vinson, 25;
and Orliss Wade Clevenger, 18.
They were accused of rushing
Cole as he sang at a concert in
the Municipal Auditorium April
_7 '?7 /l- ----
Whip Irish
In 5-2 Win
Big First Inning
Stops Notre Dame
A flurry of first inning hits
producing three runs plus excellent
pitching sparked Michigan to a 5-2
victory over Notre Dame in yester-
day's 35 degree weather at Ferry
The few fans who did sit through
the cold saw one of Michigan's
best games as far as pitching goes.
Hurlers Bill Thurston and Don
Poloskey, who split up the game,
had the Notre Dame hitters under
control throughout the contest.
The Irish got only five scattered
hits and two unearned runs.
Excellent Control
' Thurston, who worked the first
five innings and received credit for
the win, showed excellent control
and deception. He walked one
man and only once was he hit
hard, a double over the left field-
er's head in the second inning.
Although he struck no one out, he
was almost always ahead of every
batter, making them wary at the
Poloskey, pitching the last four
frames, had an excellent sharp-
breaking curve which was contin-
ually finding the. corners of the
plate. After allowing two hits at
the start of his stint, Poloskey bore
down for the remainder 7f the
game and the Irish got no more.
Michigan jumped off to an early
lead in the first inning, and due
to sharp defense and the fine
mound work, were never caught.'
Moby Benedict led off the inning
with a walk. Bruce Fox then slam-
med a double down the left field
line, sending Benedict to third.
Freak Triple
Howie Tommelein continued the
hitting with a freak triple which
bounded over the left fielder's head
and rolled to the fence in deep left
center field. This drove in two
After Ken Tippery and Steve
Boros had popped out, Notre
Dame'd pitcher, Tom Bujnowski,
walked Al Sigman on four straight
pitches. Bob Sealby then proceed-
ed to single to right driving in
Tommelein and sending Sigman to
second. Gene Snider grounded out
to end theuinning and the scoring
at three runs.
, Notre Dame came back with a
run in the second inning on an
'error by Fox and a long double.
They scored again in the sixth in
practically the same fashion. Bene-
dict muffed a grounder off the bat
of Bujnowski, and two successive
singles sent the runner home.
See IRISH, Page 3
Beckett Says
No Excuses
To Be Used
Director of University Health
Service, Dr. Morley Beckett has
announced that the. medical ex-
cuse system at the Outpatient
Clinic will no longer be used.
Instead, a new method which
will emphasize the instructor-stu-
dent relationship has been devised.
Now, a student who misses a
class as a result of a visit to the
Outpatient Clinic will be expected
to clear up his absence personally
with his instructor.
If the student misses a number
of classes due to medical treat-
Su pported
-Daily-Peter So
MICHIGRAS PLANS NEAR COMPLETION-With excitement runningshigh as the hour ,of M
gras draws near, final plans are beginning to fall into place. Members of a Haydn and Prescott s
booth chorus line practice amidst competing noises of hammering, sawing and music from a pi
address system in Yost Field House. Theme of the show booth will be Michigras Mission. Michi
booths will be open to the public from 7 p.m. to 1 a.m. tomorrow and Saturday. Preliminary jud
fok- the show booths will take place from 8 p.m. to midnight today, with final judging scheduled
7 p.m. to 1 a.m. tomorrow evening. Results of both the preliminary and final judging will no
announced until Saturday evening, when University President Harlan H. Hatcher will award trop
to the winning show, refreshment and skill booths. The Michigras parade will begin at 3:301
tomorrow at the corner of Detroit St. and Fifth Ave. Parade entries will wind their way through
business district of Ann Arbor and continue on down State St., through the campus section. F
a vantage point in front of the Union, the judges will base their decisions on originality, quality
effectiveness of presentation.
BRoth Parties
To Continue
Farm Fight
Senators Meet
To Push Soil Bill
refused yesterday to override
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's
veto of the farm bill, and plans
for any other farm relief legisla-
tion this year entered a state of
Democratic leaders, who ac-
knowledged in advance that they
were merely going through the
motions, failed to get even a
simple majority on their motion
to override.
The roll call ,vote was 202 to
override and 211 against. This left
ong the leadership 74 votes short of
Ichi- the two-thirds majority needed to
show pass the omnibus measure over
ublic the President's objections.
igras Vote Killed Bill
for The vote definitely killed the
r be bill; no Senate action on the vetp
*t be will be taken in vi w of the House
shies vote.
p.m. ."This is the end of it," said
the Rep. H. D. Cooley (D-C), refer-
From ring to prospects of any general
and farm legislation at this session of
Congress. Rep. Cooley is chair.
man of the powerful House Agri-
culture Committee.
Republicans and other Demo-
cratic leaders, however, indicated
they would continue to struggle
with the politically important farm
issue and might come up with
something to help the farmers be-
defeat fore Congress adjourns in mid-
1 good summer.
Soil Bank Bill
told a Sen. G. D. Aiken (R-Vt), senior
- Republican on the Senate Agricul-
Sena- ture Committee, announced yes-
vernor terday that more than 40 sen-
ators, including three democrats,
ielmed were joining in an effort to enact
n only the separate soil bank bill re-
otes in quested by President Eisenhower.
He said 'the legislation would
include the President's suggestion
iations that farmers be advanced up to
for a 500 million dollars this year if
they contract to withdraw acreage
ter the next yeah from the production of
eaceful crops now in surplus supply.
4~mid Royal
A tmosphere
MONTE CARLO {P)-N e w 1 y
married in Monaco's ancient war-
rior castle, Prince Rainier III and
Princess Grace took their first
night out as man and wife at a
flashy.ballet gala.
Today they will be married fin-
ally as Roman Catholics in the
Ten hours after their civil wed-
ding Wednesday under an 8,000-
candlepower floodlit glare in the
red-gold Throne Room, they drove
in the evening to Monaco's ornate
opera house in their wedding gift
In the opera house, richly
dressed spectators stood, bowed
and applauded as the couple en-
tered the royal box, high 'above
the audience. The Prince and
Princess bowed back.
The civil wedding ceremony
Wednesday was brief and digni-
Despite the exhausting bustle of
wedding preparations since her ar-
rival here a bare week ago, Grace
still could smile radiantly at her
guests, beam into the glaring
camera lights and almost laugh
at her tense new husband.
National Roundup
By The Associated Press
SAN JOSE, Calif.-Offering "no alibis, no excuses," for
in New Jersey, Senator Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn.) carried on it
spirits yesterday his hard-driving California primary campaign.
I've got no alibis, no regrets, no excuses,"^ Sen. Kefauver
crowd outside Hayward City Hall.
"Somebody has to lose in these primaries," the Tennessee
tor said. "If I had to lose, I'm glad it was to a fine fellow like Go
Robert B. Meyner."
<Governor Meyner's uncomitted organization slate overwb
Sen. Kefauver's in the New Jersey voting. Sen. Kefauver wo
one delegate with one-half vote of New Jersey's total of 36 vC
the Democratic National Convention.
* * , .*e
WASHINGTON-The United States, Russia and 10 other n
yesterday reached agreement on the text of a basic charter
proposed international atomic energy agency.
, The proposed agency would be designed to promote and fost
use of atomic energy for power, medical research and other pe
The draft charter will be presented for further considerat
a general international conference on peaceful uses of ,the atom
held at United Nations headquarters in New York in September
NEWARK, N.J.-Governor Robert B. Meyner, a dark
possibility for the Democratic presidential or vice-presidential
nation, emerged yesterday as the party's real winner in New J
President Dwight D. Eisenhower rolled to victory on th
publican side over token opposition and was assured of ther
38 delegate votes.
Gov. Meyner led an unpledged slate of .Democratic conv
delegates that administered a smashing defeat to Senator
Kefauver (D-Tenn.), a presidential hopeful and a consistent th
organization Democrats.
ion at
to be
ersey 's
e Re-
orn to
1 ntra rtayom ut pens,
Study Recommends Executive Control
ment the physician will notify the
Dean of his school or college. The (EDITOR'S NOTE-The Following is
D ytn wfhillhpl o ltolg.the the second in a series of three articles pattern of the recommended con-
new system will apply only to the explaining the proposals to change stitution, would, consist of four
Outpatient Clinic and excuses will the structure of the Inter-House members. One of these members
still be written for students who council.) would be the Chairman, appointed
miss classes because of confine- by the- Executive Board on the
ment in the infirmary. By JIM BOW recommendation of the Adminis-
Dr. Beckett pointed out that the One of the major changes in the tfative Vice-President.
written excuse system which work- Inter-House Council constitution, The Administrative Vice-Presi-
ed out in the majority of cases proposed by the structure study dent would then direct the opera-
had one big flaw because, "It did committee, is the recommended tion of all the committees.
not provide any means to distin- committee organization. Other members of a committee
quish between students with real According to the proposed con- would be Chairmen of the corre-
health problems, and the few who stitution, the Standing Commit- sponding committee on the quad-
were taking advantage of the ex- tees-Social, Scholarship, House, rangle level. There would be three
cuse to beat around their class and Publicity-will be directed by of these Chairmen on the IHC
responsibilities." the IHC Executive Board, unless committee, one from each quad-
Dr. Beckett said the change had otherwise decided by a two-thirds rangle.
been discussed with the Health vote of the Presidium, the legisla- The quadrangle committees, one
Service Advisory Committee and tive body. step below the IHC level, would be
at the Deans' conference. By making the committees re- organized in the same manner,
He expressed the opinion that sponsible to the Executive Board with House Chairmen of commit-
the new honor system would al- instead of the legislative body, as tees serving under the Quadrangle
low the student to reflect a'more is in the present organization, the Chairman.
mature attitude toward his own Structure Study Committee feels In its Constitution Rationale,
health and toward his class ab- that a waste of time and effort the Study Committee's supplement
carrying out activities on both
The Study Committee explains
the proposed committee structure
as being of a "conference nature."
The committee feels that this is
in accordance with the general
purpose of the IHC, which, accord-
ing to the committee, is "the self-
educational processes involved in
the mutual exchange of ideas."
Another important change in
the proposed constitution concerns
the Judicial Council, or Judiciary
-the latter name was adopted in
order to coincide with the name
for the quadrangle judicial bodies.
Defines Powers
The recommended constitution
defines certain powers of the Ju-
diciary which are not explained in
the present constitution and ad-
ditional powers have been granted
in the impeachments of IHC offi-
cers and members of the proposed
Objects to Provision
President Eisenhower sent the
farm bill back to the House with-
out his signature Monday, declar-
ing "it would do harm to ev
agricultural region of the country
and also to the interests of the
consumers." He objected particu-
larly to its provisions for high,
rigid price supports for basic crops.
A total of 189. Democrats and
48 Republicans voted for the bill
when it passed the House on a
237-181 roll call aweek ago. The
opposition was made up of 146
Republicans and 35 Democrats.
Wednesdays test found only 20
Republicans voting with 182 Dem-
ocrats to override. A total of 173
Republcians and 38 Democrats
voted to sustain the veto.
There is no point in the Senate
voting on the issue now, since a
two - thirds iajority of b o t h
branches of Congress is necessary
to override it.
Just before the voting started,
Rep. Cooley announced that Presi-
dent Eisenhower's alternate pro-
posal for a soil bank program this
I year also was "a dead duck."
Request Study
On Annexation
The East Ann Arbor City Coun-
cil has taken steps to determine
the possibility and feasibility of
annexation to the city pf Ann Ar-
The City Council has charged
the city's administration with the
responsibility for preparing a pe-
tition proposing the annexation
which will'be circulated among