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April 18, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-04-18

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Latest Deadline in the State

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Board Approves
Dorm Rent Hike
Regents Must Give Final Approval;
Group Will Study Rent Increases
Residence Halls Board of Governors yesterday gave "pro forma
approval" to the proposed $20-a-year raise in room and board rates
in the Residence Halls.
In its final statement, the Board said it "does not feel that
it can take responsibility for the announced decision but since
Regent's By-Laws require the Board's approval it is pro forma only."
At the same time, the Board stated it "would plan to institute
an appropriate study committee composed of students, faculty and
administration to consider the entire area of room and board in-,
creases in the Residence Halls."
The proposed rent hike must still go before the Regents for final
approval Friday.
Board Adopts List of Statements
All seven statements were adopted by the Board, along with an

After citing the reasons for and
against recognizing Communist
China, Prof. Marshall M. Knap-
pen, of the political science de-
partment, concluded last night
that the United States should
grant recognition to Red China as
soon as possible.
Speaking at Ann Arbor High
School before the Ann Arbor Citi-
zen's Committee on Foreign Pol-
icy, Prof. Knappen outlined the
historical prerequisite that a gov-
ernment can be recognized only if
it comes to power by constitutional
He then pointed out deviations
from this principle, including the
United States'" finally recognition
of Russia in 1933.
Offering reasons for recognizing
Red China, Knappen said that
"The communist government has
had control of China for seven
years and our non-recognition of
this fact has not destroyed it.
Strain In Relation
He also discussed the strain in
relations with out allies which has
resulted from our refusal to grant
As a final reason for recognizing
the Communist government was
the possibility of separating them
from the Russian communists and
that "we should leave the door
open to. them." He thought that
recognition was worth the "50-50"
gamble that the Chinese would
follow Tito's footsteps.
Presenting both positions to the
Committee, Knappen also related
the arguments for opposing the
reognition of the communists.
Not Elected
He said that the communist
regime was not elected and there-
fore was not constitutionally legi-
timate; they have not fulfilled
their obligations to the free world
by releasing their civilian prison-
In addition they still standcon-
demned by the UN for aggressive
actions in Korea and if we recog-
nize them, it would be almost im-
possible to keep them out of the
United Nations.
Continuing, he mentioned the
blow that would be struck at the
morale of our allies in Free Asia.
"But, speaking as a social scien-
tist," Prof. Knappen said that the
time has come to set aside our
emotional feelings and realistically
recognize Red China.
Following Prof. Knappen's talk,
the first of the Town Talk series, a
discussion was held by the Foreign
Policy Committee. Next week,
Professor John Dawson of the Law
School will speak on the Arab-
Israel problem,
Jfudge Payne
Dies at 58
Washtenaw C o u n t yProbate
Judge Jay H. Payne died yester-
day, following a heart attack Sat-
Judge Payne, 58, well known
in state judicial circles, had served
as Justice of the Peace in Ann
Arbor from 1929 to 1942, became
the city's first municipal judge at
that time and became probate
judge in 1949. He was a Univer-
sity graduate.
Dr. Leo A. Knolls said he had

'amendment by former IHC Presi-
dent Tom $leha, '56, adding the
provision for the study committee.
Also brought to the attention of
the Residence Halls Governors
yesterday were the IHC and As-
sembly' resolutions opposing the
board and room increases.
Prof. Laing's proposed "state-
ments of views," finally adopted
by a 7 to 2 vote, with Prof. Rob-
ert F. Haugh, of the department
of English, and Dean of Women
Deborah Bacon dissenting, read
in part:
Clarification Needed
".. .. That clarification is nec-
essary in the Regents' By-Laws so
that ultimate authority over rate
making is related to responsibility
for the decision.
"That there is an inherent
danger to the concept of resident-
ial living at Michigan because of
the self-liquidating character of
financing which limits the Board's
discretion and freedom of action.
"That a realistic appraisal of
the situation would indicate a
strong possibility of a repetition
of the present courte because of
the spiral character of the price
situation unless some alternative
method of financing can be
Board Not Consulted
"That the present declared and
projected increase was formulated
without reference to the Board
though the Board recognizes,
"after the fact," that existing con-
ditions may have dictated the in-
"That in the light of these
statements the Board does not feel
that it can take responsibility for
the announced-decision but since
the Regents' By-Laws require the
Board's approval it is pro forma

Cornin form
By Soviets
IJed To Promote
VIENNA, Austria (I)-Commu-
nist authorities announced yes-
terday they have disslved the
Cominform, the Red information
bureau founded after World War
II with the aim of propoting
world communis n.
Once used by Joseph Stalin in
fights against the American Mar-
shall Plan and Yugoslavia's Pres-
ident Tito, the nine-nation agency
hasn't amounted to much in recent
Its major effort has centered on
turhing outfrom plush headquar-
ters in Bucharest,- Romania, A
drab newspaper called "For a
Lasting Peace, For a People's
Western diplomats - said the
Communist party members would
continue to follow the Soviet line
and the reported dissolution would
have no practical effect. United
States State Department experts
in Washington called it a cheap
gesture by the Soviet leadership
tp court'good will.
The action was reported taken
at a hastily summoned conference
of European Communist repre-
sentatives in Budapest, Hungary,
apparently to appease Yugoslavia,
whose delegation was expelled
from the Cominfor in the Stalin-
Tito feud of 1948.
Civil Rights
By President
1 t"691
WASHINGTON WP) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower bore down
last night on civil rights-but not
the Democrats-in a speech sum-
moning the GOP to an election
year "crusade" on behalf of "people
and principles."
A half dozen times, in one form
or another, Pres. Eisenhower spoke
up for equal opportunities for all
people regardless of race or creed,
or declared that the GOP "sets up
no walls of birth or creed or
This was an address to a GOP
campaign strategy conference that
brought party leaders from over
the nation. In effect, it was the
opening gun of Eisenhower's own
re-election campaign. _
But there was little thunder in
the excerpts of the address re-
leased in advance by the White
House. For the Democrats there
were only kind words, which cred-
ited them with sharing the GOP
loyalty to the country, devotion
and human dignity, and insistence
on national security and the wel-
fare of the people.
The only difference, Pres. Eisen-
hower said, is in methods, tradi-
tions and philosophy which govern
the pursuit of national objectives.
Pres. Eisenhower opened up by
declaring that the upcoming cam-
paign is concerned with "those
things which count for most -
people and principles." And he
closed on a similar note by urging
the GOP to build and stand on a
record "unimpeachable in its con-
cern for people and principles"




Leaders out
To Salvage
Farm Bill
WASHINGTON (P)-Republican
leaders in Congress set out yes-
terday to salvage the soil bank sec-
tion of the vetoed farm bill.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
rejected the bill Monday as "bad"
legislation but said Congress would
still give the farmers some extra
money this year by enacting a
separate soil bank measure.
As the GOP leaders went to
work on his idea, the Agriculture
Department announced this year's
cotton crop will be supported at
levels reflecting about 87 per cent
of parity.
Pres. Eisenhower has estimated
the farmers could collect up to 500
million dollars this summer and
fall if Congress would go along
with the soil bank and authorize
advance payments to growers who
agree to withdraw acreage from
the production of crops already
in surplus.
After a White House strategy
meeting Tuesday morning, Rep.
Joseph Martin (R-Mass) the
House minority leader, told re-
porters the House could pass the
soil bank in a single day if the
Democrats would cooperate.
But key Democrats in Congress
were reported to be cool to the
President's suggestion. They were
represented as loath to give ' the
administration something it wants
in the way of agricultural legis-
lation without getting the price
supports they want.
By Union
To laCouncl
Nine men were appointed last
night to the Union's Executive
Council and assigned committee
They are: Administration-
Charles Krisler, '58, a Zeta Beta
Tau from Highland Park, Ill.;
Campus Relations-Roger Dalton,
'58E, a Theta Xi from Detroit;
Dance-Joe Sherman, '58, a Phi
Gamma Delta from East Lansing;
Personnel-Tony Trittipo, '58, a
Sigma Alpha Epsilon from Wil-
mette, Ill.; Public Relations-Don
Young, '58, a Phi Gamma Delta
from East Lansing; Publicity-
Tim Felisky, '57E, a resident of
Hayden House from Albion;
Special Events-Art Gaudi, '58,
a Delta Sigma Phi from Dearborn;
Student Services-Duane La Mor-
eaux, '58E, a resident of Strauss
House from Ann Arbor; and Uni-
versity Affairs-Fred Wilton, '58E,
a resident of Van 'yne House
from Bridgeton, N.J.

-Daily-Bill Van" Osterhout
MANAGING EDITOR DAVID BAAD, '56, (standing) presides over the second annual all-staff ban-
quet of The Michigan Daily last night at the Union. Before approximately 140 members of The
Daily editorial, sports, women's and business staffs, University President Harlan H. Hatcher and
Regent Eugene B. Power gave informal speeches. Daily Magazine Editor Debra Durchslag, '56, pre-
sented writing awards to members of The Daily. In first place selections were Tammy Morrison, '58,
for feature writing; Peter Eckstein, '58, for news writing; James Elsman, '58, for editorial writing;
and David Marlin, '59, for reviewing. David Silver,1'57, Robert Ward and Stuart Jaffe were awarded
for special service on the business staff.
Editor Decries Poor .Presls Writing



ii Conflict

SGC Marks


Third Term
Today will officially mark the
opening of the third term of Stu-
dent Government Council.
The executive committee will
announce appointments of chair-
manships to the major council
committees and a perspective for
the coming term.
Also on the agenda are reports
on the elections study committee,
the activities booklet, early regis-
tration passes, and counseling
The meeting, at 7:30 p.m. in the
Cave Room of the League, will be
presided over by newly elected
president, Bill Adams, '57 BAd.

Joseph G. Herzberg, the Sunday
editor of the New York Herald
Tribune, denounced the modern
"despair of the printed word" in
a lecture yesterday at Rackham
Speaking on the "Literary Mar-
ket," Herzberg accused newspaper
editors of a failure to respond to
the nation's growing literacy.
"Editors," he said, "have been
hypnotized by the glare of the
television screen." Instead of com-
bating television's challenge to
newspapers by emphasizing news,
Poor Unions
Hurt French
French labor unions place em-
ployers in an intriging position.
"In France, the employer is not
supposed to know to what union
an employe belongs," Pierre Fran-
cois Villandre, memter of a group
of French union, management and
university representatives touring
the United States commented yea-s
Unlike the United States where
labor in the industrial field is rep-
resented by two main unions,
France has a 'pluralism of unions'.
And they represent an amazingly
small portion of the total working
force. Of a total working force
of 21 million, France's four labor
unions admit an approximatel
membership of only 3% million.
"But these figures are actually
just estimations," Michel Jobert
explained. "French unionĀ§ never
reveal authentic membership fig-
ures," he said, "and employes
never tell their union affiliation
to their employers."
In the United States for five
weeks under the sponsorship of
the Department of Labor, Vil-
landre and Jobert are among a
group of eight representatives of
French industries who visited the
University yesterday to study its
program in industrial relations.
The overall' objective of this
group is to study the specialized
training offered by certain Ameri-
can universities in the social
sciences bearing on industrial re-
Industrial Relations
"In France," Villandre said, "em-
ployers of middle and. small sized
businesses do not realize that in-
dustrial relations must be handled
by specially trained people."

he said, the papers are meeting
the challenge by imitation.
They are devoting more and
more space to the feature type of
material that appears on televi-
sion. "The news magazines made
a feature of news," he pointed
out: "This is the one feature the
newspapers sacrificed."
However, Herzberg offered four
suggestions for meeting the tele-
vision and motion picture chal-
1. Newspapers should intensify
their research towards more effi-
cient production. Rising costs
should not be used as an excuse for
lowering the quality of the press.
Last. year, he asserted, newspapers
only devoted 0.0 17per cent of their
revenues to research.
Standing Still
2. "Newspapers have been blind
to the possibilities in the develop-
ing fields of art, music an books,".
he said.
"The concert hall is no longer on.
the periphery of the public inter-
est." More concerts are held in
America now than anywhere else
in the world. Schoenberg, Berg
and Bartok are not remote to the
public any longer.
He emphasized the fact that
concerts exceed baseball in popu-
larity. Thirty-five mllion people
attended classical concerts last
year as contrasted with only 15'
million at baseball games.
Yet, he noted, the papers con-
tinue to place concerts back be-
hind the women's pages.
Hollywood and the broadcast-
ing companies are beginning to
capitalize on the public's rising
taste with such productions as
"Marty" and the Sadler-Wells

3. "Newspapers should promote,
their most promotable product:
the Printed Word."
4. The papers must respect the
education of its readers. "One
quarter of the population is en-
gaged in some sort of education."
He went on to estimate that with-
in eight years, 40 per cent of the
college age population would be
going to college, as contrasted with
the present 31 per cent.
Warns EC
On Liquor
Because of a law passed March
1st, any man who loans out identi-
fication for the purchase of in-
toxicating beverages is 'st as
liable to fine as the n who
uses the ID, John Bingley, As-
sistant Dean of Men, told frater-
nity presidents last night at a
Fraternity Presidents' Assembly
meeting at the Phi Gamma Delta
The law assumes that a person
should have control of his identi-
ficatio at all times; Dean Bingley
contined. The common excuse ,"I
found it on his desk," holds no
Dean Bingley also requested two
things pertaining to fraternity
seranades. He hoped that they
wouldn't be too long, "because
about three or four in the morning
the neighbors complain," and that
they don't sing chapter songs on
the way back to the house for the
same reason.

Offers Joint..
Of Problem
Pledges Support
Of UN Program
MOSCOW (M, -The Soviet Union
yesterday urged Israel and the
Arab states to settle their con-
flict and offered to join other
nations seeking peaceful solution
of unsettled problems in the MidL
die East.
At the same time, it pledged
support of a United Nations pro.
gram "to find ways and means
of strengthening peace in the area
of Palestine."
The declaration by the Soviet
Foreign Ministry appeared to dash
any Arab hopes for automatic
Russian support against Israel, ab
though it denounced interference
in Arab internal affairs and, "the
notorious Baghdad Pact" spon-
sored by the West and unpopular
in most Arab states.
Middle East
Release of this statement on the
eve of an official visit to Britain
by Soviet Premier Nikolai Bul-
ganin and Communist party Sec-
retary Nikita Khrushchev indi-
cated the Soviet leaders are ready
-perhaps eager-to discuss the
Middle East crisis with British
The Foreign Ministry statement
on the Middle East, praised "the
actions of Britain and France
which facilitated the solution of
the urgent Near East problems by
recognizing the independence and
sovereignty" of Middle Eastern
states. It spoke glowingly of the
"principles of peaceful Asian-
African conference at Bandung,
Indonesia, last year.
The declaration called "exacer-
bation of the Arab-Israeli con-
flict" one of the most dangerous
Middle East developments and
asserted, "one cannot fail to see
that certain circles of some states,
not interested in consolidating in-
ternational peace, are striving to
make use of the Arab-Israel con-
flict for their aggressive aims." 1b
claimed some countries are being
set against others to create Middle
East tension.
Pearson Says
Saudi Arabia{
To, Get Troops-
WASHINGTON-Though it has
been denied officially, and though
the orders may be changed, there
is no question but that an alert
has been sent to the 2nd Armored
Division in Germany to prepare to
sail for Saudi Arabia in 30 days.
Simultaneously, an order was
sent to the 3rd Armored Division
at Fort Knox, Ky., to prepare to
move at once to Germany to re-
place the' 2nd Armored Division.
The 3rd Armored originally had
been scheduled to leave for Ger-
many on August 15.
It was also arranged that the
British would support the 2nd
Armored Division with airborne
Beyond these bare orders, the
military men who received them

have no knowledge as to what their
mission will be i* the Near East
or whether the orders will be
It is speculated, however, that
United States strategy, if the
orders stand, will be to protect
American citizens in Saudi Arabia,
where some five to six thousand
Americans are employed by the
Arbian-American Oil Company,
If located at the American col-
ony in Dhahran, the 2nd Armored
would be in a 'strategic location
to intervene to prevent hostilities


IHC Begins Work on Revised Structure

(EDITOR'S NOTE-The following
is the first in a series of three articles
explaining the proposals to change
the structure of the Inter-House
"We the Residents of the Men's
Residence Halls of the University
of Michigan, in order to more ef-
fectively represent our opin-
ions ..."
Thus begins the preamble to the
proposed Inter-House Council con-
stitution, presented by the IHC
Structure Study Committee last
The proposed constitution is a
part of several recommendations
made by the committee to the IHC,
the Quadrangles, and the individ-
ual Houses.
Summingup the aims of the in-

The proposed constitution begins
with an Article defining the pur-
pose of the IHC which, according
to the Study Structure Committee,
is "to serve mainly as an infor-
mation agency for improving the
programs of the individual houses
and quadrangles."
All Power In Presidium
Article II reads, "All legislative
power granted to the IHC shall be
vested in the IHC Presidium.
"The membership and voting
rights in the Presidium shall be
as follows: the President of each
House in"the Men's Residence
Halls shall be a member of the
Presidium and ohall have one
- According to the Constitution
Rationale, issued by the Structure
Committee as a supplement to the

One major objectioq,, expressed
by members of the present IHC,
is the fact that a House President
would be too overburdened with
the work of running his own House
and attending Quadrangle council
meetings to also attend the Pre-
sidium meeting.
To meet this objection, the com-
mittee has proposed that the Quad-
rangle and Council meetings be
staggered for every other week,
,making it necessary for the Presi-
dent to attend one meeting a week
instead of two.
Minimize Duplication
The committee feels that if the
House Presidents serve on the
policy-making bodies of both gov-
ernments above the House level
that "a duplication of effort will
be at a minimum."

Music Editor Cites Chopin
As 'Passionate' Composer,

The 19th century composer
Fredrick Chopin was a great com-
poser, one of the most passionate
the world has ever known, Matteo
Glinski, music editor of the Vati-
can newspaper "L'Osservatore
Romeno," said yesterday.
Speaking in Rackham Assembly
Hall, he reported the results of his
investigation into, the secret life
of Chopin.
"The inner self we could not
find in his letters we can find in
his music," Glinski said.
We should not dwell on the com-

been a basic infinite relation be-
tween art and religion.
"If art is interpreted as it
should be it becomes synonomous
with religion," he said. Glinski,
cited a friend of the composer as
saying "Chopin opened his heart
to music as others do to prayer."
Chopin's music shows the nat-
ural charm of his personality in-
fluenced by medieval style he said,
but he made no pretense in serving
the forms of liturgy. Glinski point-
ed out the Nocture No. 3, Opus 37
as a work similar to a chorale.
The Nocturne in G minor, Opus

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