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April 17, 1956 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1956-04-17

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Japanese Artist To Show Woodcuts

3et an interview from a Jap-
se woodcut artist who does not
lerstand a word of English!l
'hese were my instructions.
,s I made my waj up the steps
the Union to interview Kiyoshi:
to about his demonstration of,
dcut prints to be given at the I
seum of Art Galleries at the
mni Hall, tomorrow, I met, by
tunate coincidence, an inter-

Foremost Woodcut Artist
Kiyoshi Saito is today among ?
e most important Japanese
oodcut artists. The simplicity'
f design of these prints is typi- r:.
ally Oriental, but textural varie-
r and the rich, somber color are Daily-Peter song
.oser to modern Western art. BUDDHA
He uses a technique in which ... Japanese Woodcut
eparate parts of the block are
>vered with different colors, and to rub 'back and forth over the
ae entire print made from the print.
ne block, American Artists Interested
His main purpose for this ex- American artists are interested
ibit is to show the difference be- in learning how this method is
veen the American method of put to use.
aking prints and his. When asked if modern art had
In America, rollers are used in had any. influence on his style,
rinting, while in Japan baren Kiyoshi Saito replied that it could
re used. not have been any influence, as
Baren are round disks about he has no interest for abstract
ye inches in diameter covered art.
ith thin bamboo. These are used He has developed this style of
Iraffic Surveys Will Cover
tutos Passing Through AA

art by himself, as he has never
had any teachers in the subject.
Having grown up under the influ-
ence of the artists, Munch, Gau-
guin, and Rudon, he believes that.
they may have been the only ih-
fluence on his style.
Doesn't Like Traditional
He uses the woodcut print type
of art, but he has no intention of
carrying on the traditional Japa-
nese art, as he never did care for
the traditional style.
The main difference between his
art and Western art is that one
is done with a brush, and his with
He feels he can express some-;
thing that cannot be expressed
by brush; there is a certain inner
feeling to his woodcut art.
He says his style is "searching
for something in darkness." ~
State Dept. Sponsor
Saito arrived in this country at.
Washington, D.C., on January 11 of{
this year.
He toured the country at the ex-,
pense of the state department,
traveling to New Orleans, Texas,
Denver, New York, and finally1
back to Washington, D.C.
He is now sponsored by the Asia
Before returning to his own'
country, he plans to stop off in
Seattle,. where he will pick up'
paintings of Japanese-Americans
to display back in Japan.
By this, he hopes to help es-
tablish friendly relationships be-
tween Japan and America.
Film on the method of wood-
cuts will be shown before the de-:
monstration at 3:30 p.m. in Audi-'
torium B, Angell Hall.I

High School
Clubs Hold
The annual state convention of
38 Michigan high school Retail
and Office clubs will be held at
the University today.
James A. Lewis, University vice-
president in charge of student af-
fairs will welcome the 700 repre-
sentatives during the morning's
L. T. White, manager of the
business research and education
department of Cities Service Pe-
troleum Co. will address the repre-
sentatives on "Why American
Business is Good" during the
morning session.
The afternoon program will
feature a demonstration of some
electronic marvels of the future.
The students are representatives
of high schools such as Jackson,
Flint, Midland and Muskegon
which have a cooperative occu-
pation program. This program
combines a general high school
study course and work in a retail
store .or office.
Herald Tribune Editor
To Speak At Rackham
The Sunday Editor of the New
York Herald Tribune, Joseph G.
Herzberg, will speak at 3 p.m. to-
day in Rackham Amphitheatre on
"The Literary Market."
Herzberg, whose storybook ca-
reer took him from copy boy to
Sunday Editor, has worked as as-
sistant to John Kieran in prepar-
ing the Information Please Al-
He has also taught journalism
at New York University.

(Continued from Page 4) t Please apply at the Personnel Office, field, Mass. - men for Management For appointments contact the Bureau
Room 3012 Administration Building. Trainings of Appointments. 3528 Admin. Bldg.,
Mathemtics olloquum: Tes., Aril IEd Schuster and Co., Milwaukee, Wis.Ex.31
Mathematics Colloquium: Tues.. Apri PERSONNEL INTEVIEWS: men and women in LS&A, BusAd., Ext. 371.
Geor, Livesa willsp.eao n 11 A. . d Representatives from the following Econ., Mktg., Psych. and Home Ec. for
George Livesam wl seas oF d will be at the Engrg. School: Junior Executive Training Program in PERSONNEL REQUEST:
Points of a Homoty Class of Map- Mon., April 23: Department Store. Jewish Community Centers of Chi-
. Standard Oil Co., Mg. Dept., Whiting, Radio Corp. of America, Camden, N. cago, Ill., is interested in candidates foi
Ind.-Jrs. in Civil, Mech., Che.E., Elect., J.-men with B.S. or M.S. for Training the Group Worker and Group Work
and Metal. for Summer Design and Program in Personnel. Plants in several Aide positions. Requires major in Social
Seminar in Conflict Resolution (Prob- Const. states. Sciences, Educ. or Recreation with some
lems in the Integration of the Social Mon., Tues., April 23, 24: Wed., April 18: group leadership experience and an
Sciences, Economics 353) in the Con- Signal Corps Center, signal Corps Rike Kumler Co., department store), interest in Social Work as a career.
ference room, 3063, of the Children's Labs., Ft. Monmouth, N.J.-all levels ix Dayton, Ohio-men and women for After one year of employment the work.
Psychiatric Hospital Tues., April 17, at Elect., Mech. and Engrg. Physics R0 Executive Training Program. er may be eligible for a scholarship
3 p.m. Dr. Robert O. Blood will speak Research, Devel., and Design. U.S. citi Sun Oil Co., work in Mich., Ohio, grant for two years of professional edu-
on "Conflict Resolution in the Family." zens. Ind., and 111.-men in BusAd., LS&A, cation in Social Group . Work at an
Tues., April 24: Econ. and Mktg. for Petroleum Market- accredited school of social work.
Civil Aeronautics Admin., Kansas Cit3 ing. For further information contact the
Sociology Colloquium: Prof. Kenneth Mo.-B.S. and M.S. in Aero., Civil, Elect., Thurs., April 19: Bureau of Appointments, 3c28 Admin
Boulding of the Economics Department and Mech. for Research, Devel., Const Mich. Dept. of Public Health-men in Bldg Ext. 371.
will speak on, "Should There be a U.S. citizens. Soc. Science, BusAd., Public Health. and
Discipline Midway Between Economics American Motors Corp., Plastics Div., Biology for Training as lay epidemi-
and Sociology?" on Wed., April 18 at Milwaukee, Wis.-B.S. in Ch.E., Elect., ologists with career opportunities as
4:10 p.m. in the Michigan League. The Ind., Mech., and Eng, Mech. for De- Public Health Administrators.rhatCHIC LWK
room will be posted in the League. Open velopment and Production. Wayne Co. Bureau of Social Aid-o
lecture. Tues., Ived., April 24, 25: men~ and women for Social Work,.nLais'hirsvin
'LyleEe- -all levels in Elect., Mech., Civil, gradt. U.S. State Dept.-men and women for Ld1es' haWir stling
Doctoral Examination for * Lyle Eg- uating in June, for Design and Const. positions in the Foreign Service. These try
gleston- Craine, Conservation; thesis: Tues., Wed., Thurs., April 24, 25, 26: interviews will be group sessions. The
"The Muskingum Watershed Conserv- General Motors Corp., Detroit, Michi- next Foreign Service Exam will be
ancy District; An Appraisal of a Water- gan--all levels in all programs for given on June 25, 1956, and applica-
Fontanna. Mason & Hanger-Silas Mason Co., Inc., men for the Buying Department.
Burlington, Iowa-B.S. and M.S. in
j Che.E., Ind., and Mech. for Summer
Events Today anRguagerl s MDesign, and Prod.
.1 Thurs., April 26:
Free Films. "The Enchanted City: Mich. Bell Telephone Co., within
Petra" and "Arabian Bazaar." 4th floot Mich.-Jrs. and Srs., in Engrg., Math.
23. 3:00 and 4:00 p.m., including S,' and Physics for Summer Employment.
and Sun., with extra showing Wed. at For appointments contact the Engrg, ks n ss
12:30. Placement Office, 357 W.E., Ext. 2182.
Representatives from the following
Placem ent Notices will be at the Bureau of Appointments:
Lawn obs aailale fo studnts.Tues., April 17:an o ly/
Massachusetts Idemnity Co., Spring-
The patient recovered, but the budget didn't,
reaches all 5 cell-layers
A Here's the FIRST cleansing method that reaches all five of
the skin's cell-layers. Soaps and creams clean only the top
Revlon's new 'Clean and Clear'- the deep, deep cleans-
ing liquid-is milder than cream, but greaseless! SEE how
You can't always prevent sickness. But you can help dirt, heavy makeup, even indelible lipstick are softened,
prevent sickness from driving you into debt. For then lifted out, leaving your skin glowing, dewy-fresh as
information about our Sickness and Accident plans- NEVER before! Try it tonight! 1.25 plus tax.
WILLIAM A. CLOSE See "skin"Inyour Encyclopedia
O -461Revlon's new deep, deep cleansing liquidI
a mutual life insurance company
North Central Home Office
Minneapolis, Minn. I e ~ a r
R eadnDa plsMT hiCa i f9eds STATE AT NORTH UNIVESIT$
Re-a DaiyVCass ified


The University and the City of
Ann Arbor will attempt to deter-
mine the destihation of motor ve-
hibles approaching or entering the
city during the next two weeks.
The . survey will be conducted
under the direction of Lloyd B.
Reid, Traffic Engineering Consult-
ant of Detroit.
With the cooperation of the.
Ann Arbor Police Department, the
County Sheriff's Department, and
the State Police, one-fifth of the
vehicles will be stopped as they
approach Ann Arbor.
The drivers will be asked a series
of questions tq determine if the
vehicle is to enter the city or is
merely passing through.
Questions' asked will include:
Where did you start this trip?
Are you stopping in Ann Ar-
Where in Ann Arbor?
Are you leaving Ann Arbor to-
Where are you going after leav-
ing Ann Arbor?
By what route will you leave
Ann Arbor?
The data compiled from this
survey and others to follow will
make it possible to plot major
traffic movements and judge the
ability of present traffic facili-
ties to accommodate them.

The interviews will be conduct-
ed by students from the Engineer-
ing College specializing in traffic
engineering work.
Stanley Cool, '56E, will direct the
The interviewers have stressed
the importance of public coopera-
tion to the success of the survey.


Detroit Gets
New School

A new school of practical nurs-
Ing will open in Detroit this fall.
Known as the Shapero School
of Nursing, it will be affiliated
with Sinai Hospital.
The school will be open to ap-
plicants who have completed the
10th grade in high school and are
now between 18,and 50 years old.
Training will be given men and
Practical nurses, the only kind
the school will graduate, differ
from registered nurses in the num-
ber of functions they are allowed
to perform.
They generally work as mem-
bers of a nursing group under the
supervision of a registered nurse.

Congregational and Disciples Guild:
Mid-week tea, today, 4:30 p.m., Guild
Deutscher verein: Professor Pott wlil
speak, tonight, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 3G,
Union.,There will be a newsreel, re-
freshments, and singing.
* * *
Episcopal Student Foundation: In-
quirer's Class on "The Bible andOther
Religions," tonight, 7:30 p.m., Canter-
bury House.
Fraternity Buyer's Association: Peti-
tions for President, Secretary, and 5
open positions are due by noon today,
.n the LFC Office, 3B Union. Petitioners
must be house repiesentatives to the
Stewards Gconcil.
* * s
Gilbert and Sullivan Society: Re-
cording session for orchestra, chorus
and principals; also, an announcement
of final plans for the road show, Apri
18, 7:00 p.m., Hill Auditorium.
Billet Foundation: Try-outs for the
second one-act play, tonight, 8:30 p.m.,

ton Notices
Inter-Arts Union: Plays, scores, balh
lets and poetry for consideration e
performance in the Student Arts Fes-
tival this May are being accepted.
Manuscripts should be turned in to the
Generation Office in the Publications
Building by Friday, April 20.
* s s f
'Undergraduate Mathematics Club:
Professor Burks will speak on "Ma-
,nines, Puzzles, and Math. Truths,"
tonight, 7:30 p.m., 3021 Angell Hall:
WCBN-EQ: There will be a staff
meeting f'r all members of the station
on Wed., AprL i in the Quad Coux
cl Room at 5:15 p.m. This is an im-
portant meeting and all should make
an effort to attend.
s* s
Westminister Student Fellowship:
Cabinet Lunch, April 18, 12:00 noon,
Michigan League.
Open House, "Question Box" discus-
sion, today, 4:00 p.m., Presbyterian
Student Center.
Seminar, April 18, 4:10 p.m., Michigan
vespers, April 18, 7:15 p.m., Presby-
terian Student Center.






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