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February 15, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-02-15

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.Ait ga
Latest Deadline in the State


(See rage 4)




Party Boss Alters
Co1mmunist Plan
Says War Not Inevitable, Soviets
May Win By Parliamentary Means
MOSCOW ()-Nikita S. Khrushchev rewrote two major points
of the Communist creed yesterday.
He said war is not inevitable and that Red revolutions may be
achieved in some cases by parliamentary means.
The stocky Communist party boss made these revisions of tradi-
tional Marxist-Leninist theory in a confident, six-hour speech before
the 20th Congress of the Soviet Communist party in the Kremlin's
Grand Palace.
'No Fatal Inevitability of War'
Khrushchev recalled the Marxist-Leninist premise that wars are
inevitable while imperialism evists, but declared that under conditions

No Change
In .Russian
Creed Seen
Two professors in-the politica
science department tended to min-
imize the importance of the doc-
trines laid down by Nikita Khrush-
chev yesterday at the Soviet Com-
munist Party Congress.
Prof. Henry L. Bretton's reac-
tion to newspaper accounts of th
speech was that "it does not con-
stitute a break with the past."
The idea that Communists
could gain, control in weaker
countries through parliamentary
means "seems to be in accord with
Marxist dogma,"he explained.
'fIf one considers the inevitable
consequences of the attainment
of majorities by Communist-dir-
ected blocs, it becomes clear that
the revolutionary objectives are
not at all repudiated."
Such majorities would "inevit-
ably lead to the establishment of
C ommun is t dictatorships. The
Communist usually represents the
only well-organized and ideologi-
cally best-equipped element" in a
parliamentary alliance, Prof. Bret-
ton added.
Such means of obtaining control
are not new to the Communist
dogma. Marx spoke of "winning
the battle of democracy," he said
In. the world today, Prof. Bret-
ton continued, Cdmmunist vic-
tories through elections are a
theoretical possibility in all un-
derveloped or economically un-
stable countries.
"Given a certain deterioration
in the economic situation in the
Western world, I can even see the
creation of such a majority in the
French and even the Italian par-
Prof. Frank Grace also failed to
see any "radical departure" from
traditional Communist doctrine in
the Khrushchev speech.
Stalin couldn't rest until victory
for Communism was complete, he
said. "However the means could
have been varied according to
time, place and circumstance."
Lenin did not completely sub-
scribe to the theory that war is
inevitabl between capitalism and
communism either.
His writings teach, Prof. Grace
explained, that "in the final stages
of capitalist imperialism, the cap-
italist nations would tear each
other apart. I judge Khrushchev is
saying essentially the same thing."
There is nothing in his speech
to suggest, he added, that the "ul-
timate goal" of Communist dom-
ination has been abandoned. How-
ever, when enough can be "taken
over by 'parliamentary' means,
then war is unneccesary."
p Kauper Says
UMty Needed
In High Court
Greater unity and consistency
on the part of the Supreme Court
in deciding civil rights questions is
needed, Prof. Paul G. Kauper said
"No one can doubt that the
moral force of the court's decision
in the school segregation cases was
enhanced by the unanimity of the
decision and by the relative sim-
plicity and straight forwardness of
the Chief Justice's opinion," he

today "there is no fatal inevit-
ability of war." Western diplomats
noted he had the courage to come
right out with it and give his reas-
"The Socialist Communist camp
is invincible," he declared. Today's
conditions, by his account, reflect
a weakening of the position of the
Western Powers in the East, a de-
cline in the United States' post-
war economic boom and a sharp-
I ening of rivalries among the capit-
alist nations.
In modifying the other point of
the creed, he said Communists
may be able to take over some
nations without the traditional
"revolutionary class struggle."
Stresses Parliamentary Means
Apparently referring to popular
front alliances, he said this could
be achieved by the working class
"in a number of capitalist and
former colonial countries" by the
jrwinning of stable parliamentary
"Of course in countries where
capitalism is still strong and where
it controls an enormous military
and police machine," Khrushchev
said, "the serious resistance of the
reactionary forces is inevitable.
There the transition to socialism
to communism will proceed amid
conditions of an acute revolution-
ary class struggle."
Khrushchev said the Russians
must be vigilant and keep up with
the West in armaments, but want
to be friends with the West. He
made a direct bid for American
Pianist Hess
To Perform
At Hill Today
Marking her 25th annual North
American tour, consecutive except
for the years of World War II,
Dame Myra Hess will appear at
8:3.0 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
1 The pianist was born in London
and began her musical education
at the Guildhall School of Music
and later won a scholarship at the
Royal Academy of Music, where
she came under the guidance of
Tobias Matthay.
Miss Hess made her debut at
Queens Hall, London, at the age of
17. She continued giving recitals,
often appearing with the London
String Quartet and other ensem-
Tours to Holland and other parts
of the continent led to her appear-
ances in most of the important
European music centers.
In 1922 she made her first tour
of the United States and Canada.
Her success was immediate and
since her first tour Miss Hess has
been a favorite soloist in this coun-
try, appearing often with the New
York Philharmonic Symphony and
other American orchestras.
In 1941, King George VI con-
ferred on her the Order of the
British Empire, the feminine
equivalent to a knighthood, carry-
ing the title "Dame." In the same
year, she was awarded the Gold
Medal of the Royal Philharmonic
Society. Seven English universities.
have awarded het honorary de-
grees, and Queen Wilhelmina of
the Netherlands has decorated
Miss Hess.
Since World War II she has
continued her international career,
playing in Great Britain, on the
Continent, and about three months
of every season in the United
Tickets may be obtained at the
offices of the University Musical
Society in Burton Tower.
DT 4 Tn Prenmt

WINNIPEG, Man. (P)-For a
joke, Zygmunt Radzidkowski
dressed up as a woman, applied
lipstick and went promenading
with his friend, Alexander Bos-
A jealous girl frient of Bosni
they met on the street threw a
punch at the "girl friend," the
"girl friend" swung back and
soon there was a triangle prob-
lem in court. Radzidkowski was
fined $25.
PFolio .Pill
May .Be
It is not inconceivable that
someday a pill will replace vaccine
in combating polio.
University medical researchers,
led by Dr. Thomas Francis, Jr.,
evaluator of Salk polio vaccine, are
investigating the possibility of us-
ing chemicals instead of vaccine.
The Board of Regents recently
received a grant of $286,944 from
the National Foundation for In-
fantile Paralysis to enable Dr.
Francis and his associates to con-
tinue their study.
Research has already demon-
strated that certain chemicals can
effectively prevent polio in mon-
Although University researchers
say that many chemicals are
known to exist which destroy the
polio virus, they point out that
one of the big problems now is to
find chemicals which will not in-
jure the people to whom they are
given as well as the virus they
Dr. Francis said yesterday that
a considerably different approach
is involved in studying antipolio
drugs than in working with vac-.
Vaccines build up antibodies in
the human body which act against
the deadly viruses while the drugs
would themselves do the job.
Although research is still in the
early stages, Dr. Francis said re-
searchers might visualize use of
antipolio drugs in the same man-
ner iodine is used in salt and
fluoride in water.
Another possibility pointed out
by Dr. Francis was the use of anti-
polio drugs in the form of peni-
cillin-like treatments to prevent or
limit infection.
The Virus Laboratory, where
studies are being carried out, is
in the epidemiology department of
the School of Public Health.
Plans now call for trying chem-
ical compounds in experiemental
animals to gather more detailed
evidence of their usefulness.
Gargoyle, Ensian
To Hold Meetings
Tryout meetings for Gargoyle
and the Michiganensian business
staff are being held today and
Those interested in writing and
drawing for Gargoyle are request-
ed to attend tomorrow's 4:30 p.m.
meeting on the first floor of the
Student Publications Bldg.
Freshmen and sophomores in-
terested in gaining experience
in promotion, advertising, office
management and sales techniques
may inquire about the 'Ensian's
general tryout program from 3 to
5 p.m. today and tomorrow on the
second floor of the building.




By the Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Sen. Walter
George (D-Ga.) yesterday invited
"any senator or any other person,
with any evidence of improper
pressure from either side of the
gas bill to come forward and
state the facts."
No one immediately stepped for-
ward, but the day brought new de-
velopments in the situation which
grew out of the offer of a $2,500'
campaign contribution to Sen.
Francis Case (R-S.D.) from at-
torneys for an oil firm.
TUSCALOOSA, Ala.-A student-
faculty group yesterday urged the
University of Alabama to re-admit
its first Negro student without
further legal action.
Petitions circulated on the cam-
pus said the "exclusion of Miss
Autherine Lucy from classes which
resulted from mob violence should
be terminated."
* *
WASHINGTON-A storm blew
up Tuesday over Vice President
Richard Nixon's assertion that "a
great Republican chief justice" led
the Supreme Court in outlawing
school segregation.
Northern Democrats accused
Nixon of dragging the Supreme
Court into politics; some Southern
Democrats seized on the vice pres-
ident's remarks as evidence the
court's decision against racial seg-
regation was politically motivated.
* * *
President George Meany said yes-
terday that Adlai Stevenson's plan
for going slow inbenforcing de-
segregation of public schools is
Meany said he was "in complete
disagreement" with Stevenson's
recently expressed views and felt
"that Mr. Stevenson is running
away" from the school desegrega-
tion question.
* * *
SEATTLE-Adlai Stevenson yes-
terday warned that communism
has embarked on a new offensive
"for which our government is un-
The offensive, he said in a
speeech prepared for a $25-a-plate
state Democratic party dinner,
"has been in the making since Ko-
rea and the death of Stalin."
"With many government depart-
ments' with conflicting ideas in-
volved, our government is unpre-
pared structurally and it is divid-
ed philosophically between those
who favor and those who oppose
more liberal policies."
* * *
DETROIT - Michigan Republi-
can leaders expressed regret at
Mayor Albert E. Cobo's decision
today not to yield to their pleas
to run for governor this year.
The Republicans had hoped that
Detroit's three-term mayor, a
vote-getter in a Democratic
stronghold, would accept a draft
as the party's nominee for Gov-

-Daily-Bill van Osterhout
ARTIST'S SKETCH-The new women's dormitory, Residence Halls' "Project 87," as approved by
the Regents, is seen here from the front. Ledges between windows, as pictured, have not definitely
been decided upon.
A rchitects Working on 'Project 87'



Architects are now starting on
working drawings of University
Residence Halls' "Project 87,"'
Francis C. Shiel, Service Enter-
prises Manager reported yesterday.
"Project 87" is a new women's
dormitory, the model and prelimi-
nary drawings of which were ap-
proved by the Regents at their
recent meeting.
' According to schedule, Shiel told
the Residence Halls Board of Gov-
ernors at its meeting yesterday,'
the University will be ready to take
contract bids on the new dormi-
tory by August.
However, Shiel stressed, plans
are still in a elementary state and
subject to revision at any time.
Council Gets
Room Offer
The Board of Education has of-
fered the Ann Arbor City Coun-
cil school space in which to hold
its future meetings.
Alderman Norman J. Randall,
speaking recently to the Board of
Education, said the offer was
"gratefully received" and he cited
the Jones School as "the best"
location. Randall's report emerged.
from the recent joint Board of
Education-City Council committee
which investigated space condi-
tions at City Hall.
"The crowded conditions under
which we expect our staff and em-
ployees to work are appalling,"
Randall complained. Later he said
that a new City Hall was needed.
Randall finally suggested that
Mayor William E. Brown appoint
a committee to make "recommen-
dations and arrangements" with
the Board of Education and the

"Project 87," to be located on
North Campus, i composed of two
long, narrow buildings connected
in the center.
Built on sloping terrain, the pro-
ject, like South Quadrangle, has
more floors in some sections than
in others. The structure will be
divided into nine houses, each
house accomodating from 100 to1
165 women.
Total number of women planned
for in the dormitory is 1150. They
will be living in double rooms.
Room sizes in the building's
four to six floors are smaller than
in any of the other previously built
Another feature of "Project 87"
is the shade ledges running around
the building between floors. These,
however, have not been decided
upon permanently and may be
dropped if their cost is too high.
Shiel also reported at the Resi-
dence Halls' Governors meeting,
that the women have moved into
newly completed Couzens Hall, in
spite of mechanical difficulties
that have kept the new residents
from having meals there..
Wiring in the kitchens and re-
frigeration problems have kept
numerous workers busy for several
days now, but the women will be
eating there today.
Choir Seeks Men
Prof. Maynard Klein, Director
of University Choirs, has issued an
urgent plea for tenors and basses
to join the University Choir.
Rehearsals will be held at 7 p.m.'
today in Aud. A of Angell Hall.
For its first performance on this
campus, the University Choir will
present Berlioz's "R e q u i e m",
March 27. Rehearsals will be held
weekly until the performance.

The Board of Governors decided
yesterday to change their meeting
schedule from once a month to
once weekly in order to take care
of the growing amount of work
on their agendas.
Most of the meeting was occu-
pied with a review of the admit-
tance and placement procedures
for residents in the dormitories,
This discussion was brought
about by Student Goyernment
Council's Human Relations Board
recommendation to the Governors
that they state "that 'race', 're-
ligion and ethnic background are
irrelevant critera in roommate
placement in the dormitories."
While no action was taken, the
board members talked at length
with students about possible dis-
crimination and standard practi-
ces in roommate placement.
New Driving
'Rule Praised
By Students
Relaxation of the University's
driving 'ban on students 21 years
of age and older has been a fav-
orite topic of conversation for the
last two days.
Consensus of opinion is that the
change is all for' the good-but
why couldn't they have done it
One student, who preferred to
remain anonymous, said, "Twenty-
one is just a magical number.
When you get to be 21, you get to
drink, to drive, and everything.
You'd think the whole world
changed when you became 21."
Several men, mostly juniors who
will be 21 in time for their senior
years, were talking of next sem-
ester and making plans for what
they will do with their cars on
While students dream, however,
work on the driving study com-
mittee continues with an eye to-
ward greater, stricter enforcement
of the driving ban.
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs, James A. Lewis, declined to
give any details of the plan for
driving ban enforcement yesterday.
He explained that the commit-
tee's work is as yet incomplete and
that its final recommendatoins will
be presented to the Student Gov-
ernment Council in the near fut-
At the present time, only one
man, the University security offi-
cer, has the power to enforce the
present driving ban, which will re-
main in effect until Sept. 1.
Ann Arbor police, -however,
watch the parking lots for viola-

GOP Chief
Still Gives
No Decision'
Scheduled To Make
Plans Known Mar. 1
WASHINGTON' (')-A medical
jury yesterday found President
Dwight D. Eisenhower physically
fit for a second term in the White
Its verdict -brought fresh pre-
dictions from GOP leaders that
the President would run again, and
stocks shot up on the San Fran-
cisco and Los Angeles exchanges,
which were still open when the
news broke.
Dr. Paul Dudley White, the
President's chief heart consultant,
reported he and five other physi-
cians had told President Eisen-
hover he "should be able to carry
on an active life" in the presi-
dency "for another 5 to 10 years."
Still Ike's Decision
But it is still up to the Presi-
dent to decide if he will lead the
Republican party through another
presidential campaign this year
or retire to the peace and quiet of
his Gettysburg, Pa., farm.
The medical report was good
news to those who want President
Eisenhower to run for reelection.
"It sounds to me like they've
given him the green light," said.
Sen. George Aiken (R-Vt.), one
of the original Eisenhower men.
Democrats expressed pleasure at
the President's recovery but doubt
that he is strong enough to carry
on for another five years.
"There's a great deal of differ-
ence between carrying on the full
load of the presidency and just
staying in the White House," com-
mented Sen. John Sparkman (D-
Ala.), the Democratic vice presi-
dential nominee in 1952. "When
he weighs everything, I still be-
lieve he won't run."
President Eisenhower has said
he probably will rely more on how
he feels than on what the doctors
tell him. He leaves today for a
week's vacation on Secretary of
the Treasury George Humphreys
plantation near Thomasville, Ga.
He may make his second term de-
cision there.
March 1 Deadline
At any rate, the President has
indicated he will announce his
politicalplans about March 1. He
has said he doesn't intend to dilly-
dally over the question.
All the doctors concurred in the
statement that President Eisen-
hower should, be able to carry on
in the White House for another 5
to 10 years. But White, who
served as one of the spokesmen,
would not say specifically he re-
commended that the Prqsident
seek reelection.
North Campus
May Include
Fraternity Row
The question of what effect the
construction of' North Campus
would have on fraternities was de-
bated for more than an hour at
Fraternity President's Assembly
last night.
One member felt all fraternities
may be forced to move to a "Fra-
ternity Row" on the new campus
which would involve a cost of
$200,000 to $300,000 for each fra-
But at the end of discussion, the
Assembly felt rather that "Frater-

nity Row" was there only if they
wanted to take advantage of it
and there would be no compulsion
for them to move against their
Bob Weinbaum, '56, president of
FPA, felt that houses will eventu-
ally move to the new campus of
their own accord because there is
no room for expansion on the'
present campus.
Another fraternity -preident

Senior Editors Hunt For Aspiring Journalists

Today and tomorrow are red-letter days for students with journa-
listic ambitions and a need for broadened horizons.
Daily tryout meetings are open to people intrigued by news
coverage, contact with the campus' most unique personalities and the
chance to work with one of the nation's most outstanding college
Ambitions concerning The Daily can be channeled along four
lines. Tryout meetings for the Editorial, Sports and Women's staffs
are scheduled for 4:15 p.m. today and 7:15 p.m. tomorrow. Business
staff tryouts will meet at 7:15 p.m. today and 4:15 p.m. tomorrow.
Meetings in Student Publications Bldg.
Prospective tryouts need attend only one of the meetings, all to
be held in the Conference Room of the Student Publications Bldg. at
420 Maynard St.
A $500,000 plant awaits new paily staffers, who will have access
to a modern rotary press, four linotype machines and a photo en-
graver, among other up-to-date pieces of equipment. Business staff
recruits will find that The Daily is a $120,000 a year proposition.

IM - M,

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