4 NUINDAY, APRIL 15, 1959 THE MCMGAN DAILY lAGZ ATM 4 SUNDAY, APRIL 15, 1956 TEE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGI NUll Fieldhouse Floorplan Key To Booth Location: Skill, Show, Refreshment 1.) Lot an Grin-SHOW--Kappa Kappa Gamma and Lambda Chi Alpha. 2.) Goin' Ape-SHOW-Alpha Gamma Delta and Sigma Alpha Epsilon.. -.) Ye Olde Wig Shoppe-SKILL-Delta Sigma Phi and Tyler. 6 4.) Beta Burlesque-SHOW-Alpha Delta Pi and Beta Theta Pi. S.) Illuminate Your A-Rate-SKILL-Hobbs and Sigma Alpha Mu. 8.) Join the Anvil Chorus-SKILL-Stockwell and Alpha Epsilon P1. 7.)Nutcracker Sweeties-SHOW-Chi Omega and Alpha Tau Omega. 8.) SKILL-Lloyd and Couzens Hall. 9.) Slamorama-SAOW-Delta Delta Delta and Zeta Beta Tau. 10.) Showboat-SHOW-Newberry and Gomberg. 11.) Ganderama--REFRESHMENTS-Alpha Omicron Pi and Ph~i Sigma Kappa. 12.) Campus Lane-SHOW--Evans Scholars. 13.) Fisherman's Wharf-REFRESHMENTS--Delta Gamma and DeltaUpsilon. 14.) LADIES ROOM. 15.) Michlcones-REFRESHMENTS-Alpha Xi Delta and Theta Delta Chi. 16.). SKILL-Alpha Epsilon Phi and Phi Sigma Delta. 17.) Las Vegas Pie Thow-SKIIL-Pi Beta Phi and Phi Kappa Tau.- 18.) Frigid Fun-SKILL-Delta Phi Epsilon and Tau Delta Phi. 19.) Michicones--REFRESHMENTS-(see No. 15.) 20.) MEN'S ROOM. 21). The Wurthless (or Orphan) Theater-SHOW-Phi Kappa Psi. 22.) Dinasaou Dump-REFRESHMENT-Michigan Dames As- sociation.' 23.) Golden Garter-SKILL--Victor Vaughn and Delta Tau Delta. 24.) Institute of Barberology-SKILL--Alpha Chi Omega and Phi Delta Theta. 25). Drink n Sing Inn--REFRESHMENTS-Kappa Delta and Chi Phi. 26.) Your Picture on the Alpha Delta Phi Matterhorn-SKILL- Alethia and Alpha Delta Phi. 27.) Cadaveria -SHOW-Kappa Alpha Theta and Sigma Chi. 28.) Fee Fee Saloon-REFRESHMENTS-Alpha Phi and Phi Gamma Delta. 29.) SKILL-Mosher Hall and Williams., 30.) Love Through The Ages-SHOW-Gamma Phi Beta and Theta Xi. 31.) Jazz Goes to Heaven-SHOW-Betsy Barbour and Allen- Rumsey. 32.) The Michigras Mission-SHOW-Hayden and Prescott. 33.) Rope Ladder-SKILL-Huber. 34.) Shoot the Moon-SKILL-Angell and Taylor. 34.) Animal Party-SKILIL-Pi Lamda Phi. 36.) Berm>da.Ball--REFRESHMENTS--Sigma Kappa and Chi Psi. Balcony) Casaloma--REFRESHMENTS-Sorosis and Sigma Nu. Ten Rides Will Complete 'Gras Carnival Atmosphere Competition Attracts 34 Concessions One of the highlights of the Michigras weekend will be the thirty four booths-shows, skill contests- and. refreshments-spon- sored by housing units and organi- zations. Yost Fieldhouse will probably be. packed Friday and Saturday nights as housing units and organi- zations compete for trophies in all three categories., University President Harlan H. Hatcher will make the presenta- tions Saturday night of twelve, awards-amountingto as many, as twenty four trophies, to in- clude each winning housing group. Three of the awards will go to the booth in each category selling the most tickets. Nine awards-first second and third places in each classification' -will be Judged as follows: Pub- lic appeal-30%, Originality-30%, General appearance--20%,"Carni- val spirit"-10%, and Effective- ness of title--10%. The judges for the booths will be Student Government Council secretary Ruth Calahan, Assist- ant Dean of Women Elizabeth Leslie; Assistant Dean of the lit- erary college James Robertson, Prof. Gerald Dykstra of the busi- ness administration school, Prof. Lionel Laing of the political sci- ence 'department, Prof. Marvin Eisenberg of the fine arts depart- ment and Assistant to the Direc- tor of University Relations James Shortt. Chairmen Workhorses Of Carnival By JANET REARICK "Our job lasts 24 hours a day- including weekends," says Paula Strong, '56, of her job and that of Barney Helzberg, '56BAd, as gen- eral co-chairmen of the 1956 Mi- chigras. Helzberg and Miss Strong make most of the big decisions of the Michigras Central Committee and act as co-ordinators for the big event. They are working extensively with advisors Marie Hartwig and Maurice Rinkel. Sue Stickels, '57, Secretary of the Central Committee, coordin- ates committee secretaries, and keeps her eye on the office. Jerry Mohrig, '57, Finance Chairman, works with Rinkel and has charge of requisitions. Moh- rig also checks rebates after Mi- chigras is over. Lynn Garver, '57, and Charles Wood, '56E, are Booth Chairmen for the carnival. James Barger, 157E, in addition to handling. concessions. Friday and Saturday evenings, is in charge of the kiddies' carnival. Barger heads the group plan- ning Saturday afternoon outdoor refreshments and carnival rides. Rose Perlberg, '58, and Virginia Robertson, '57, are in charge of Michigan Daily Publicity for the event. The I)ecorations chairmen, Jan Northway, '56DH, and Tom Platt, '57E, will handle all the decora- tions at the fieldhouse. Parade Chairmen Libby Gar- land, '56SM, and Bill Miller, '57, see that everything about the pa- rade-floats, special attractions, and bands-runs smoothly. Barbara McNaught, '57A&D, is Poster Chairman and is head of all Michigras posters, banners; and window displays. Prize Chairmen Carole Sparkie, '57, and Don Young, '57, will be in charge of the prizes at. the fieldhouse to be given in exchange for "michibucks" won at skill booths. Peggy Ross, '57Ed and David Wills, Program Chairmen, will be in charge of souvenir programs at the fieidhouse. Ordering for and supplying the eight refreshment booths are the job of Refreshment Committee Chairmen Mary Rupp, '57Ed, and Lee Stern, '56E. Ticket pre-sales, admissions, and concession tickets will be handled by Joanne Marsh, '58, and Bruce Boss, '57. Sue Ruthledge, '58, and Art Gaudi, '58, Publicity Chairmen, are in charge of stunts, news re- leases, and radio and TV cover- age. It is their job, also, to have the "Michiclef" dismiss classes on Fri- day, April 20. By BILL HANEY Though Michigras General Co- chairmen vary in sizes and per- sonalities from year to year they almost invariably have one feat- ure in common: problems. However this year Paula Strong, '56 and Barney Helzberg, '56BAd, are striving to be execeptions. "We've been telling each other' all year long how many problems we have," Miss Strong admitted, "but when we stop to think of the great jobs done by the commit- tee chairmen and everybody work- ing on Michigras we have to ad- mit we don't have much to worry about." One remaining cause of concern to the ambitious pair is the weath- er. "Even that has been okayed by the weather bureau," Helzberg said, "and to mnake sure, we have a guarantee from the Regents." The Co-Chairmen are confident the '56 Michigras will be "the best ever." In fact, Helzberg says the entire campus has so enthusiasti- r i A TOAST to Michigras-Barney Helzberg (beer) and Paula Strong (milk) drink to the 1956 Carnival at local pub. Miss Strong, Helzberg Carefree -Through It All, V_______________________ cally accepted Michigras this year "it is no longer an extra-curricular activity to work on it." The only students who are not called upon to work on booths or floats for the housing groups in which they live are those who are already busy working on one of the Michigras committees, Helz- berg explained. When Helzberg came up to Ann Arbor from Kansas City in 1952 to visit the campus he was so im- pressed by the spectacle of Michi- gras he decided to come to Michi- gan for his college education. Helz- berg started working in Michigras immediately and was program co- chairman two years ago. Miss Strong asserts, "Michigras is the biggest single weapon to de- stroy the myth that Michigan is just a fine school with no spirit." "Students don't get tired of it as they might if it were held every year and its 54 year tradition is therefore marked with great en- thusiasm." I "Where Michigan meet* to EAT .and RELAX Q2 CLARK'S TEA ROOM3 217 South Observatory Call NO 3-8682 for quiek deivery every evening after 8 P.M. As soon as the wheel S istopped, and you see Dame Fortune has knocked just pick up a pie, aim now 'tween each eye. For you'll find ere you're done, the fun has just begun. PI BETA PHI and PHI KAPPA TAU 4 WELCOME YOU I A 1 'f / K/ \ C~ l/ 1 + .' K/ \: Y . YBR E A K F A S Tq LUN,6CHES AND Fountain Service BETSY ROSS SHOP 13-15 NICKELS ARCADE m' USED S Attend Michigras 5Z 95 and up II Compliments of the NOW EVERYONE CAN AFFORD A BIKE! Campus Bike & Hobby 514 E. William CalJ NO 2-0035 CHATT'R, 3Box Wild's Welcomes Michigras 800 South.State NO 8-9349 III L Ten rides-the- largest number in Michigras history-will be feat- ured on the carnival "midway" be- tween 7 p.m. and 1, a.m. Friday and Saturday nights. According to Jim Barger, '57E, concessions chairman, "some dump you upside down and some swing you around so fast you get thrown all over." All this "violent mo- tion," he said reassuringly, is for Saturday a Kiddy Carnival will C101P. SUEY and other CHINESE FOODS gpen. the rides only for children between the ages of six and six- teen. Ann Arbor. television per- fun. The rides will. be held di- rectly north of Yost fieldhouse. Between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. on sonality Jean Lausch and a num- ber of clowns will participate in the Kiddy Carnival. Four special "kiddy" rides have been obtained-a train, a boat, little automobiles and small-sized fire-engines. For the bigger folks -there'll be a ferris wheel, a merry- go-round, as well as a "Spineroo" -a vertical octupus, like a ferris wheel but with cages which also, revolve during the ride. The "Rockoplane" is a horizon- tal octupus, also with revolving cages, the "Flyoplane consists of small airplanes attached to cables with rudder steering, and the "Tiltawhirl" is a rocket ship. de- vice with a circular path, which goes, according to Barger, "to beat the band." 4 . cer NUTCRACKER SWEETIES PICTURE S red for of MICHIGRAS Spyingl! GOOD AMERICAN FOOD Food to take out } at the Will be cherished long after your college days are over! Will you be ready to take pictures of the beautiful Michigras floats and booths? Do you need film for your camera? PURCHASE is your answer. Stop in and let PURCHASE 'S LANTERN GARDEN 613 East Liberty COMPLIMENT MICHIGRAS 4. {i 4 with DINNER at ®R solve your problems. First a foot, then an ankle - a knee, then a thigh Put them together - of course, an AEPhi PURCHASE carries a complete tine of cam- eras. Delicious STEAK, CHICKEN, SEAFOOD DINNERS Your Favorite BEER, WINE, and CHAMPAGNE New colors I New features i All-new Drizzler Jacket by Outdoorsmen made Drizzler the world's biggest selling jacket! Silicone-finished, shrugs off wind, rain, spots, stains! 1 n- ...ekluv nin.u+ toa r..-Y. -..ter '~ta..s From "form to accuracy," test your l)/1 ~ M -A 1 skill and i One-day photo service is a Sun unli ew n Puruph as. TA E yo'ureye I: 11 Ill 11