SUNDAY, APRIL 15, 1959
-111 S'
Compliments of
Preketes" Sugar Bowl
109-111 South Main
Ann Arbor
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Watch for SNOW
presented by DELTA PHI EPSILON
Friday, April 20:
Parade-Streets of Ann Ar-
bor-3 :30 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Booths and Carnival - Yost
Fieldhouse--7 p.m. to 1 -a.m.
Saturday, April 21:
Kiddy Carnival - Yost field
area-11 a.m. to 5 pm.
Booths and Carnival - Yost
Fieldhouse-7 p.m. to 1- a.m.
i II
I. ,
We wish to thank these merchants who have contributed
merchandise, services, and money to the 1956 Michigras
Mr. Michiclef
i .
Sundaes, Blu Beer, Sis
sauce, nuts, cherries and even ice
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-The Michigras Central Committee
Anderson Paint and Varnish Co.
Ann Arbor Implement Co.
Ann Arbor Clothing Store
Ann Arbor News
A &P Food Store
Allenel Restaurant
American Auto Accessories
Arcade Barber Shop
Armen Cleaners
Gold Bond Cleaners
Goodyea rs
Goodhew Floral Co.
Greene's Cleaners & Dyers
Grey & McDougall
Grinnel Bros. Music Co.
Grostic's Gas Station
Armstrong Smorgasbord
Artificial Ice Co.
Balfour Co.
Ball Office Supply Co.
Band Box Cleaners
Barth* Tailors
Bay's Arcade Jewelry Shop
Bee Nickel's Shop
Beneficial Finance Co.
Benz Motors Co.
Bermuda Cafe
Berry Patch
Betsy Ross Shop
Blue Wig Beauty Shop
Brackley Studio
Brown Jug Coffee Shop.
Buick Service Co.
Burr, Patterson & Auld
Business Machine Co.
Cahow Drug Co.
Calkins - Fletcher Drug Store
Camelet Brothers
Campus Brothers Campus Bootery
Campus inn Restaurant
Campus Smoke Shop
Capitol Cleaners and Shoe Repair
Caravan Token Shop
Carlson Pharmacy
Chatterbox Restaurant
Chelsea Flower Shop
Chester E. Roberts V
Clark's Market
Craft Press
Collin 's
College Shoe Repair
Conlin & Weatherbee
Cousin's Shop
Daisy Market
Haller's Jewelry
Helen Marie Beauty Salon
Herb Estes Co.
Hertler Bros.
Hirth Bros. Dairy
Home Made Ice Cream Parlor
Howell's Gas Station
Hume's Paint & Wallpaper
Hunter's Gas Station
Huron & Division Service
India Art Shop
Jacobson's Beauty Salon
Jefferson Market
Jenks Jeweler
Judson's Filling Station
Jumbo Burger-Dairy Queen
Kay-Jay Shop
Kenmore Restaurant
Kessel's Fashion Shop7
Klager's Hatcheries
S.S. Kresge's (State St.)
S.S. Kresge's (Main St.)
Kuohn's Smart Shop
Kurtis Exterminating
Kyer Model Laundry
Lee's Barber Shop
Leidy Gifts
Liberty Music Shop
Louise Flowers and Gifts
Lovely Lady Beauty Salon
Lyon's Barber Shop
Mademoiselle Shop
Main Groceries & Meats
Marie's Beauty Salon
Marilyn Shoppe.
Marshall's Drug Store
Master Furriers
Mast's Shoes
Marti Walker, Inc.
Maynard Battery & Auto Shop
McDonald Ice Cream Co.
Men's Toggery
Mesnard Gulf Service
Metzger's Restaurant
Michigan Serving Center
Michigan Theatre
Midwest Furniture
Miller's Dairy Farm, Store
Montgomery Ward &Co.
Moray's Jewelers
Mt. Vernon Shop
Muehlig & Lanphear Hardware
Muir's Cut Rate Drugs
Music Center
Naylor Motor Sales
O'Grady's Barber Shop
Old German Restaurant
Overbeck Book Store
The Paint Pot
Palmer Studio
Parrot Restaurant
Pittsburg Plate Glass Co.
Pretzel Bell
Purchase Camera
Pure High Speed Service
Quality Bakery
Quality Meat Market
R & S Shoe Store
Rabideau''s Food Market
Ramsay Printers
Rapid Shoe Repair
Rentschler Meat Market
Ritz Beauty Salon
Round Table Cafe
Saffell & Bush
Sam's Store
Saunder's Exceptional Farming
Schlandered & Sons
Sears Roebuck & Co
Seyfried Jewelers (StateSt.)
Seyfried Jewelers (Main St.)
Sherwin-Williams Co.
Shipman' s
Slater's Book Store
Smartest Hosiery Shop
Smith's Floor Coverings
Super Service Filling Station
Staeb & Huss %
Stanger Furniture Co.
State Drug Store
Stein & Goetz
Stein Cleaners
Stofflet News Co.
Stoll Bicycle Motor Sales
Students' Bicycle Shop
Sugar Bowl
Swift Drug Store
Swiss Garment Cleaners
Sylvia Studio of Dancing
Symons Bros.
Taggart Service
Tice's Men's Shop
Thompson & Struble
Thom McAn Shoe Store
Thrasher & Co.
Twentieth Century Recreation
Ulrich's Bookstore
United Cigar Store Agency
University Drugs
University Flower Shop
University Laundromat
U of M Barbers
University Spudnut Shop
Van Boven Inc.
Varsity Flower Shop
"Yo' goin' to Michigras."
"Yo"' may or may not be go-
ing to Michigra§, but if .you're
not, it won't be the fault of Sue
Rutledge and Art Gaudi and their
Michigras publicity committee.
Their schedule of publicity
events almost covers one wall of
the Michigras office, and it in-
cludes stunts, balloons, press re-
leases, sidewalk signs and even a
Of most recent memory were
last night's stunts in two local
movie houses. In one a chorus
line of can-can girls advised pat-
rons to go to the "Gras."
In another a woman in black
was chased across the stage by the
bearer of a long dagger. The scene
was followed by a prolonged shriek
offstage, after which publicity com-
mittee members carried a sign
across the stage reading "She was
dying to go to Michigras."
A long groan followed.
Michigras fever has gone be-
yond the campus community. Milk
delivery trucks will be carrying
appropriate (for Michigras, that
is) signs. Florists, jewelry stores
and shoe repair shops will also
carry displays. The theme in the
latter case is: "Don't go barefoot
to Michigras."
It's Michigras weekend at a lo-
cal pub, with blue (yet) beer to
lend a "carnival atmosphere."
And a local ice cream parlor is
featuring this week a "Michi-
gras sundae"-bananas, chocolate
32 cents.
Stunts on the diagonal have at-
tracted much attention. Last week
a group of "Okies" and "Arabs"
pitched their tent near the center
of campus life and explained their
presence with a sign "We're wait-
ing for Michigras."
Reports have not been revealed
whether or not they're still wait-
The Michigras straw hat sale
was also one of the projects of
the publicity committee. Almost
600 hats were sold in six hours,
and the black market has report-
edly bid up the original price of
one dollar. Meanwhile the cam-
pus scene has been brightened or
disrupted, depending on one's
point of view, by gay blades in
their new "straws."
News releasesballoons and
handbills have been sent to Mi-
chigan high and elementary
schools; marching bands and sing-
ers have toured housing units ex-
tolling Michigras, and signs have
been placed on dinneretables and
in remarkably prominent spots in
Bags containing dry cleaning,
meal tickets in residence halls, and
the public address system at Wil-
low Run Airport are all being uti-
lized by the committee to spread
the gospel.
But the walking, talking, living,
breathing symbol of the 1956 Mi-
chigras will be the Michiclef. This
strange creature will end the aca-
demic spirit of next week when on
Thursday and Friday he goes from
classroom to classroom dismissing
students while professors stand by
After all, there's nothing they
can do to anything as well-estab-
lished and well-loved as Michigras
and the traditions that comprise
Believe In
A Dialogue
"So you don't believe in Michi-
clef, eh?"
"Nope, I don't fall for any o'
that Mickey Mouse-Santa, the
Easter bunny, none o' them."
"We're gonna book ya Joe. We've
got no choice. You're an atheiclef
plain and simple. Lock him up Ser-
gant-Joe College, for not believ-
ing in Michiclef."
"Hold on flatfoot. Who's, whats
"It's a symbol pal-a symbol of
fun-fun with a purpose."
"Whoa, whoa, co! I'm college
educated. I don't believe n any-
thing I can't feel an' see. L et's be,
rational cop. Life is logic man -
material, not abstract."
"Michiclef isn't material Joe.
Those who believe in him, experi-
ence him not by logic, but by heart.
He symbolizes Michigras weekend,
you know. He symbolizes the theme
of the carnival-"Tempos Through
Time." He's music; he's fun; he's
camaraderie; he's philanthropy.
He'll be wafting from every corner
of Yost Fieldhouse, above the mid-
way, and into many hearts"
"Really, cop! You bring tearsto,
my eyes. They have names for
cases like yours, you know. And I
suppose he's 'shapedlike a musical
clef, got on striped trousers, a T-
shirt, straw hat, and an :orange
polka dotted pink bow tie."
"Exactly, Joe, you do have some
"Don't jump to conclusions, dad.
fell me though, I want to know
arhy your little cosmic cuss is going
to do all his happy-making at the
Michigras? I want to know why."
"He does it for fun's sake-just
to make you feel all good inside.
And you should be happy, because
the profits you leave the Michigras
will be delivered by Michiclef for
someone else's happiness. Kids
from busted-up an' tacky homes
will get some sunshine at the Fresh
Air Camp because of him. Crippled
kids will be helped by Michibucks
through the Michigan Association
for Retarded Children. He'll send
"M'-bucks around the globe
through World University Service,
and the Women's Swimming pool
will get a share also. Think of it."
"If you're leveling, this Michi-
clef bit is OK, but what a fabulous
story, fabulous, real fabulous."
"Joe, I think I booked you wrong.
You're not an atheiclef, just an
agnosticlef. I'm going to let you
go to Michiras, because of your
ignorance of the law, but whether,
or not you have fun or not will
depend on your obeying the law-
the' law that true joy, and fun
come through the heart in such
varied forms as Easter bunnies atd
Poster Group
Still At Work
Pink and orange are the colors,
Michiclef is the symbol, harleuin
diamonds are the pattern, and
many are the posters.
Barbara McNaught, and her
poster committee have 'covered
the campus with posters they've
designed and art work done for
other committees. Window dis-
plays in stores, mobiles in Uni-
versity buildings and stores, "ste-
on" signs on: the backs of steps
^to housing units, and banners ga--
lore are all products of her com-
SMichibucks' Can Be Traded
'For Prizes At Carnival
Daniel's Jewelry & Co.
De Lux Drapery & Shade
Deluxe Pastry Shop,
Dey Photography Studio
Dick's Record Shop
Douglas Harris Jeweler
Dugout Cafeteria
Ehnis & Son
Ernst Electric Shop
Feiner Glass & Paint.
Fiegel's Men's Clothing Store
Fischer Hardware Co.
Fleming Equipment Co.
Fletcher Mack Drug Co.
Follett's Book Store
Fox Tent & Awning Co.
Gage Linen Shop
Gee Super Service
General Electric Shop
General Electric Store
George's Place
Gill Lumber Co.
Glen-Ann Shoppe
Varsity Laundry
Virginian Restaurant
Vogue Beauty Shop
Vogue Drapery
Wahr s Bookstore (M
Wahr's University Bo
Wagner & Co.
Warren Radio Sales
Michigras would mean naught
without the pride of having won
a prize at one of the many skill
The prize committee, co-chair-
manned by Carol Sparkie, '57, and
Don Young, '58, has amassed a
wide and varied assortment of
prizes ranging from stuffed ani-
mals to household appliances. Most
of the prizes were donated by Ann
Arbor merchants with a few novel-
ties bought from Detroit firms.
The process of winning one of
these prizes is very simple. All one
has to do is to excel at one of the
"skill" booths and he or she will
be presented with a "Michibuck"
Aain St.)
certificate instead of individual
The awards may be redeemed by.
presenting these Michibucks at the
prize booth in the center pf the
field house.
Anhadded attraction to the
prizes' booth will be grab bags
which will contain certificates for
such items as hair cuts, movies and
full meals.
If students are interested In
"higher stakes," there will be four
grand prizes, consisting of a man's
and a woman's watch, a woman's
dress and a man's suit.
The winners of the grand prizes
Iwill be. selected on the basis of a
drawing while the accumulation
of 20 Michibucks allows a person
to submit his name for the draw-
The Ann Arbor Merchants As-
sociation has donated money to-
ward the 31 trophies which will be
awarded to the winning Michigras
booths and floats.
I Have you seen our
Fish Market
Washington Home Appliance
Western Auto Supply Co.
Wild & Co.
Wilkinson Luggage Shop
Willard's Footwear
Wikel Drug Co.
Woolworth Co. (Main St.)
Yarncraft Shop
Your Garden Center
Victor Vaughn
Delta Tau Delta
Michigras Window?
Fountain Pens
Greeting Cards "fl
Stationery a
Office Supplies ojf-
U -
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