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April 15, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-04-15

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Brownson Murray, '57, and Chuck Sharp, '57, were appointed to
the two top 'Ensian positions yesterday and David Kessel, Grad.,
was re-appointed Managing Editor of the Gargoyle.
The Board in Control of Student Publications also appointed Nor-
man Schubert, '57, and Robert Maitland to senior positions in Gar-
goyle magazine.
Murray, the new Managing Editor of the Michiganensian, is a
20-year-old economics major from Bloomfield Hills, Mich. He is a
member of Phi Eta Sigma, scholastic honorary for freshman.
To Retain High Standards
The new editor said that he plans to retain the traditional high
standards of the University's year-book.
"We are attempting to produce a book which will present an
accurate picture of Michigan life," he said.
The new Business Manager of the 'Ensian, Chuck Sharp, is a
member of Sphinx honorary society and was in the J-Hop Central
Committee. Sharp is 20 years old and is a native of Detroit. He is a
pre-law student majoring in economics, and is a member of Phi
Gamma Delta and Phi Eta Sigma.
David Kessel, who was also Managing Editor of Gargoyle last
year, is a biological chemistry major, The 25-year-old student hails
from Monroe, Mich., and claims membership in the Eastern Div-
Ision of "The Hammer and Coffin Society," which he explains is an
honorary humor magazine organization. He is also a member of the
faculty in the bio-chemistry department.
Kessel stressed the point that, he will';welcome new people on
Gargoyle, both in its art and editorial staffs.
Norman Schubert comes from Peoria, Ill., and is an economics
major. He is 21 years old and a member of Phi Eta Sigma and Zeta
Beta Tau.

He indicated that he had detailed plans for the campus humor
magazine on the business end.
"Watch for big things next year," he said.
Maitland New Art Editor
Robert Maitland, who plans to enter graduate school here next
year, is the new Art Editor. His major field is painting and the 23-
year-old is native of Jackson, Michigan.
Like Kessel, Maitland is also a member of the Eastern Division
of the Hammer and Coffin Society.
In further appointments to the 'Ensian, the Board in Control
of Student Publications named Glen Carlson, '57E, Bill Bohnsock,
'57BAd, Susan Michner and Judy Gamble, '58, to the business staff.
Kathie Norman, '57, and Diana Cook, '58, were also named to
the 'Ensian editorial staff.
Glen Carlson, a 20-year-old major in industrial engineering,
was named as the new General Sales Manager. He is a member of
Sigma Chi and comes from Bloomfield Hills, Mich.
Bohnsack Appointed Advertising Manager
Bill Bohnsack was appointed Advertising Manager, Bohnsack
is 21 years old and is rushing chairman of Phi Delta Theta. His
home is Park Ridge, Ill.
Susan Michner was named the new Office Manager.
Judy Gamble was chosen as Accounts Manager. Miss Gamble is
19 years old and from East Grand Rapids, Mich. 'She is an English
major and is a member of Kappa Delta and the Choral Union.
Kathie Norman, 19 years old, was appointed the new Copy
Editor. Although in the literary college, she is a music major.
Diana Cook was chosen the new Layout Editor. The 20-year-
old history major is a member of Delta Delta Delta, the Scroll and
the J-Hop Committee.
Photographs of Glen Carlson, Judy Gamble, Kathie Norman
and Diana Cook will be found on page 11.,

-Daily-John Hirtzel
CHUCK SHARP (left), new,'Ensian Business Manager, congratu-
lates Brownson Murray, new Managing Editor.,

-Daily-John Hirtz
NEW GARGOYLE APPOINTMENTS are (left to right) Norma
Schubert, Business Manager, David Kessel, Managing Edito
and Robert Maitland, Art Editor.

IHC Must Oppose Rate Hike
Until Other Means Exhausted
scee Page 4


Latest Deadline in the State





UN Leader'
Says Jaunt
Makes Surprise
Journey To Gaza
By The Associated Press
"CAIRO-United Nations Secre-
r tary General Dag Hammarskj old
left Cairo yesterday with the opti-
mistic statement that he had a-
complished "what I came to do."
Before leaving Cairo, Hammar-
skjold again talked with Egyptian
Premier Gamal Abdel Nasser for
30 minutes and with Foreign Min-
ister Mahmoud Fawzi for more
than an hour.'
In his five-day stay in Cairo
the Secretary General obtained
from both the Egyptians and Is-
raelis pledges to refrain from hos-
tile acts except in defense, and
was reported to be working out
technical details for a withdrawal
ofnforces from the demarcation
Tours Gaza Strip
Then Hammarskjold took a sur-
prise ride by automobile through1
the bristling Gaza Strip border to
Gaza on his circuit of Middle East
capitals to, close the damper on
war-provoking incidents.
A focal point of dozens of bloody
border incidents since 1948, Gaza
lies in the coastal strip held by
Egypt, 30 miles long and six miles
He set out on the automobile
ride for a close look at the de-
marcation line and the country-
side of southern Israel which was
the scene earlier this week of a
series of Arab commando raids in
which Israeli authorities reported
14 Israelis killed and 32 wounded.
Meets Israeli Leaders
Hammarskjold arrived at Lydda
Airport between Tel Aviv and Je-
rusalem about four hours after
leaving Gaza and met Israeli gov-
ernment representatives.
After a short conference his
plane picked him up at Lydda Air-
port and he hopped off for Beirut,
the capital of Lebanon, for 'a
weekend of staff work at the sec-
retariat he has set up there for the
month-long mission ordered by
the UN Security Council. He
planned to return to Jerusalem
early next week for conferences
with Israeli leaders.
Before leaving Gaza he told
newsmen he had received a com-
plete briefing on the bombrdment
of that refugee-crowde city by
Israeli artillery and mortars on
April 5.
The incident, one of the most
serious in a chain of such inci-
dents, was set off, the Israelis said,
by repeated attacks on their border
settlements and patrols.
To Dedicate
School Today
Open house will be held today
fromm 1 520 n m i in Annr Ans

Consul Denies
India Neutral
"India has not taken a neutral position on any fundamental
issue," hri M. Gopala Menon, Consul General of India, said last
night at Lane Hall.
The diplonat, speaking at the annual dinner of the India Stu-
dents Association, stated that 'India has always thrown its weight
on the side of peace and followed a world approach.
"There is no country in the world which is closer to the United
States in its faith in man and belief in liberty," Menon said. "De-
spite the failing of our foreign policy, this has always been its
main direction."
Former Secretary General of the Indian delegation to the
United Nations, Menon illustrated this aspect of Indian policy by

Go On Sale
Bicycle license sales begin to-
morrow morning at the City Clerk's
The )deadline is April 30 for
purchasing the licenses, at fifty
cents each. They will serve as
identificatioii when a bicycle is
recovered after theft.
Only the actual owner may
apply for the license and must
furnish the make, color aind serial
number on the application form.
Owners under 21 must have their
application signed by their parent
or guardian, or a legally respons-
ible person, over 21.- Out of town
students may get their forms
stamped at the Office of Student
Affairs in the Administration
Bike owners will be required to
comply with the Ann Arbor Bi-
cycle ordinance, part of which
provides that bike operators com-
ply with the same traffic regu-
lations imposed on other vehicles.

Orelating an incident which oc-
cured at the United Nations when
the North Koreans invaded South
The United States had initiated
a resolution proposing that all
nations unite to resist agression
and had called the Security Coun-
cil to vote on it.
. The Indian delegation, Menon
said, having no official orders
from New Delhi, nevertheless sup-
ported the resolution on the basis
of their past policy. "They re-
ceived Nehru's blessing the next
Rep. Warner
Critically Ill
Rep. Joseph E. Warner, 86, the
Republican dean of the State'
House , of Representatives, re-
mained in critical condition last
night at Ypsilanti's Beyer Mem-
orial hospital.
The veteran legislator had suf-
fered a heart relapse and was ad-
mitted to the hospital Friday.
A family spokesman said the
Ypsilanti resident has not been
feeling well for the past two
months. He was hospitalized pre-
viously in February, 1954, and in

James Stewart of Hardinll.,
says he has a point dog that
hunts quail in the autumn and
mushrooms in the spring.
"It's a funny thing about how
he works," he said. "In the fall
when the quail and pheasant
are being hunted, he makes a
point with his tail sticking out.
In the spring, when he is point-
ing mushrooms, he Just makes
a point and wags his tai back
and forth."
"You can believe it or not,"
Stewart said yesterday.
Loc al1,Man
in Ypsilanti
The body of a prominent Ypsi-
lanti dentist and a four-time mem-
ber of the Ypsilanti Board of Edu-
cation was found at 4:45 p.m.
Friday after extensive dragging
Dr. Lawrence Perry, father of
former Michigan football star
Lowell Perry, had been despondent
because of ill health, friends and
relatives told police.
Shortly after recovery of the
body, a .15-year-old girl called
Ypsilanti police saying that she
had seen a man of Dr. Perry's
description jump from the Spring
St. bridge about 7:30 p.m. Wednes-
Dr. Perry was suffering from
cancer of the throat, but recent
checkups indicated that his' con-
dition was improving.
Dr. Perry was president-elect of
the Washtenaw County Dental So-
ciety, president of the Negro Busi-
ness and Professional League, first
commander of the American Le-
gion Post No. 408 and active in Boy
Scout work.
Ypsilanti public schools will be
closed Monday in his honor.




Baseball Squad Downs Titans 8-1

A five run burst in the fifth
Inning combined with, two-hit
pitching on the part of five Michi-
gan hurlers aided in giving the
Wolverines an 8-1 decision over
the University of Detroit at Ferry
Field yesterday.
Glenn Girardin started the game
for Michigan and pitched three
hitless, scoreless innings. Ed West-
wood replaced Girardin in the
fourth, making his initial appear-
ance this year on the'mound. He
was tagged for one of the two hits,
a single, and was responsible for
the one run scored by the Titans.
In the fifth inning, coach Ray
Fisher sent Jim Clark into pitch.
Clark faced only the minimum six
batters in his two inning stint,
looking very fast and exhibiting
excellent control. He was given
credit for the Wolverine victory,
his second win this year.
Winding up Fisher's parade of
Milk Prices
To Increase
Washtenaw county retail milk
prices will take a 11/2 cent a quart
jump tomorrow, John Wurster,
sales manager of the Cloverleaf
Dairy announced today.
The increase raises the price of
both regular and homogenized
milk at 24 cents per quart.

-Daily-Hal Leeds
MICHIGAN'S THIRD BASEMAN Steve Boros puts tag on De-,
troit's John Knittel in the first inning of yesterday's game.



pitchers were Mark Ferrilli, who
pitched the 'seventh and eighth
innings giving up one hit, and
Dean Finkbeiner, who retired the
Titans in order in the ninth. U. of
D.'s Fred Crissey was the loser.
At the end of four innings the
game was tied at 1-1 and looked
as though it would develop into a
tight pitchers battle. The Titan's
Crissey began to tire in the fifth,
howpver, and Michigan's hitters
began to find the range.
Michigan came up with four
straight hits, however, producing

Holds Little Hope, For Hammarskjold's Success

five runs which seemed to smother
all U. of D. hopes.
Howie Tommelein started off
the chain with a double driving
in both Clark and Benedict. Ken
Tippery then singled, sending
Tommelein home. Steve Boros and
Al Sigman singled to account for
Reaction's Vary/%
T0 Proposed
:Rent Increase
Quadrangle residents were both
apathetic and strongly concerned
yesterday with regard to the re-
cently announced proposal for a
$20 increase in Residence Halls
room and board irates.
In South Quadrangle, several
houses planned general house
meetings for this evening to try to
find new ideas and determine stu-
dent feeling before tomorrow's In-
ter-House Council special meeting.
In West Quadrangle, a student
officer was sure that nothing fur-
ther could be done with the pro-
posed increase.
"Personally," he said, "I thought
we covered everything at the IHC
meeting last year, and I even talk-
ed with the (Residence Halls)
Board of Governors. I don't think
that we could possibly come up
with anything new."
One liouse was holding floor
meetings in order to get the men
together and try to come up with

Benson Says
'Av Bad Bill
Senators Seek
Further Study
AUGUSTA, Ga. (1P')- Secretary
of Agriculture Ezra T. Benson yes-
terday called the politically explb-
sive farm measure "a bad bill" but
said President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower still was undecided whether
to sign or veto it.
The White House said, mean-
while, the President will announce
a decision regarding the bill early
this week, possibly tomorrow.
At a news conference after a
long meeting with President Eis-
enhower, Secretary Benson said
he felt the, President "is nearing
his decision," but; added:
'Difficult Decision'
"I am quite sure it has not been
made in his own mind yet. It is
a very difficult decision to make."
Earlier this week the President
said he did not think the bill
measured up to the standards of
good legislation. But he had said
still earlier that he would not in-
sist on perfection if he could get
farm legislation he considered
generally good.
President Eisenhower will end
a week's working vacation here to-
day and fly back to Washington.
He plans to confer with Benson
at the White House tomorrow
morning. The chief executive's
decision on the farm bill could
be announced after that.
Seek 'Serious Consideration'
Fifteen Republican senators who
voted for the farm bill delayed
yesterday a request for a personal
conference with President Eisen-
hower on the reported assurance
their views will get "serious con-
sideration" before any veto deci-
The fifteen include seven farm
state Republicans running again
this year who want to apeal to
the President against a veto that
would cut their administration
ties on the farm issue.
Union Co-ed Show
Petitions Available
Petitioning closes Friday for the
five new offices open for women
in the administration of the
Union's new co-ed show.

Isaac Daniel Unna, Israel's
Vice-Consul in Chicago, admitted
at Hillel Foundation yesterday
that he was not "overly optimistic"
about United Nations Secretary
G e n e r a 1 Dag Hammarskjold's
peace-seeking trip to the Middle
Unna, appearing at the Founda-
tion to address the Independence
Day celebration, advised that,
"Any UN peace mission can't tackle
the basic problem as long as a
member of the UN talks of solving
the dispute by the process of
obliterating another member."
He was referring to an editorial
in Ghoumarya, Premier Gamal Ab-
,del Nasser's newspaper mouthpiece

prepared to pay compensation for
Arab property left behind. We will
not give up any property that we
now have."
"The Egyptians are exploiting
the situation of the refugees to
create a sterile political contro-
versy," charged the Vice-Consul.
He felt that Nasser didn't want
the refugee problem to be solved.
Unna clarified, "An Arab told
me that the refugees are a monu-
ment of shame to Egypt, and that
monument can't be removed until
the cause of the shame-the state
of Israel-is removed."
He noted that the UN had a
special department to care for the
refugees, but, said Unna, "The
Arab states have been intransi-

He said the danger of war would
be less if the Israelis were given
arms to offset recent Arab acqui-
Egypt's Nasser got the fine-
tooth comb treatment from Unna.
"By destroying Israel, Nasser
thinks he can establish himself as
undisputed leader of the Arab
world," the former British Army
officer claimed. "Nasser, more
than anyone, holds the power over
peace and war. Whenever there
is bloodshed in North Africa,
Central and Eastern Africa, the
Sudan or Israel, Nasser is behind
it with radio broadcasts and arms
Two Problems
In summing up, Unna disting-


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