Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "It Was An Illinois License-700,0 And Something" hen Opinions Are Free, Trutb Will Preva1i" C) Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must -be noted in all reprints. kTURDAY, APRIL 14, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: MARY LEE DINGLER Student Inrtegrty Praised, But Procetor'~ Remains AT LYDIA MENDELSSOHN: G&S Society Sparldes In 'The Mikado' TO THE AVOWED Gilbert and Sullivan devotee, it doesn't much matter who puts on a performance of a G&S operetta-results can be delightful whether performed in an eighth grade auditorium or by the D'Oyly Carte troupe itself. Last night, happily, the University G&S Society hit a mark nearing the professional with its sparkling performance of "The Mikado." Parodying weak spots of nineteenth century British society through a Japanese medium, "The Mikado" ranks traditionally among the best of the team's wbrks. Gilbert's lyrics are at their contagious best, and Sullivan's music follows suit nicely. Justice is done to both in the local performance, except for an easy pitfall-enunciation occasionally slurred. The Society is in high gear, with only an initial awkwardness of the men's chorus (which future performances doubtless will iron out) detracting from a standard otherwise maintained. Both choruses function in duly obsequious and mock-Oriental fashioi, and the or- chestra is more than adequate. Leading roles are all handled capably, but particular credit is due I. r STUDENT INTEGRITY, bitterly attacked in this month's McCall's magazine, is being upheld in some quarters. Faculty members and University administra- tors have flatly disagreed with McCall's charges that cheaters outnumber honest students. In fact, taking issue with the magazine, several literary college instructors and Asst. Dean James H. Robertson said they thought instances of cheating were relatively few. In light of this attitude the complex list of rules found in the recently circulated literary college booklet "Information and Regulations Governing the Conduct of Undergraduate Courses" and designed to insure honesty seem unnecessary. The rules express a philosophy one would not expect from an administration that accepted student integrity. If, as Dean Robertson and a number of fac- ulty members seem to believe, cheating is not a major problem, then why promulgate a list of rules that discomforts the honest student in its attempt to prevent dishonesty? There is, in the remarks of Dean Robertson, a challenge to Student Government Council-it is a challenge the Council would be wise to accept. ASKED ABOUT the possibility of initiating an honor system in the Literary College similar to that employed by the School of Engineering, Dean Robertson indicated the initiative must be taken by the students. He is unquestionably right. An honor system not accepted by students would of course fail. The logical body from which an honor system should spring is the students. It is true, as Dean Robertson remarked, that they must understand and accept the respon- sibilities of an honor system. A mature, intelli- gent study body should jump at the chance to do away with the traditional concept of proc- toring. And Dean Robertson's comments seem to Imply that if students are willing to accept this responsibility (and it is a grave one), the literary college administration would not be adverse to instituting an honor system. Student Government Council would be per- forming an invaluable service to the campus community if it appointed a study committee as a preliminary step towards the goal of replacing proctoring with honor in all undergraduate colleges at the University. -LEE MARKS w 2? Cf y2 ~i) I, (J$46ofb-. Subtle Segregation (. THE ISSUE of segregation has been played up daily in the entire country's newspapers, while the northern papers seem to be playing havoc with the deep South's refusal to accept the Supreme Court's 1954 decision ruling against segregation in schools supported by public funds. "Segregation in the schools is both unconstitutional and undemocratic," the papers declare. They center the issue around the fact that a few of the states refuse to integrate' their schools and base their criticisms of the South on this foundation. It's easy for the North to complacently criticize the Deep South merely because their schools are integrated. However even in the North, the problem of segregation still exists. True, there are few out and out Jim Crow practices here-that Would be too obvious. Negroes are allowed to ride in the front of buses and go to the same theatres with the whites, but in most cases are refused services in "re- spectable" restaurants, hotels, taverns and swimming pools. Northerners use the more subtle tactics of simply ignoring the Negroes- ignoring the slums in which they live in the middle of their big cities and being oblivious to the poor jobs and working conditions which are handed down to the Negroes. The North can be proud of its integrated schools, but it should direct some of the cru- §ading spirit at many of the "despicable" con- ditions that exist in our own cities as well as aiming it elsewhere. --DONNA HANSON WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Luce Bows to White House By DREW PEARSONy..$ IN THIS CORNER: 'Ruffians' of the Press By MURRY FRYMER Fortune Magazine, published by Ike's close friend, Henry Luce of Time, Life and Fortune, has been having a secret hassle with the White House over an article on the National Security Council. In the end, Fortune bowed to White House "censorship," stopped the presses, and yanked the article out of its April issue. Since sev- eral thousand copies already had been run off, it cost the Luce pub- lishing empire quite a little money. Involved was no breach of se- curity, but about a hundred small changes in text. These altered specific details about National Se- curity Council meetings so that the working of the Council, which the Fortune article described, were more general. The changes were not ordered by the President, and he knew nothing about them. They were actually ordered because White House aides were afraid the Pres- ident would get sore when he saw the article in print. They knew he was quick to lose his temper over publication of anything about the inside working of;the Security Council over which' he presides, along with Vice President Nixon, Secretary of State Dulles, Secre- tary of Defense Wilson, and other top-ranking Cabinet advisers. * * * THE ARTICLE also showed the tremendous new power given to the Council, power to make decis- ions which in previous adminis- trations have been made by the President as Commander-in-Chief. Most significant aspect of the incident was that the Luce or- ganization, though violating no security, was willing to stop the presses and make the heavy ex- penditure involved in revamping the entire April issue. The Luce publications have be- come the virtual house organs of the Eisenhower Administration. In addition to Mrs. Luce who serves as U. S. Ambassador to Italy, For- tune publisher C. D. Jackson'once served as psychological warfare adviser on the White House staff, while Emmett Hughes, Ike's best ghost writer during his first year in the White House, has now re- joined the Luce publications. Recently, in his talks with Prime Minister St. Laurent of Canada, President Eisenhower put the Canadian magazine tax against American publications first on the agenda for discussion. * * * IT WAS overlooked by new men, but a top Republican spokesman made some startlingly frank re- marks the other day about Ike's decision. to run again. Minnesota's intense, influen- tial Congressman Walter Judd, a physician, told the GOP women's club in his district that the Presi- dent had agreed to run at the risk of his health. "I know better than most, I think, how the President would like to be rid of this burden . , Judd declared. "We must, of course, forgee small things . . . just as this man (Eisenhower) puts them aside and walks to his doom, to his death." * * * INTIMATES say Vice President Nixon spent the Easter vacation "charting his course," as President Eisenhower hack advised. Nixon went into seclusion to reflect on his political future. White House aides are urging President Eisenhower to sign the Farm Bill and get rid of Secretary of Agriculture Benson in one master political stroke. Benson has called the bill "unacceptable." This means he would be honor- bound to resign if Ike signed it. The Democrats will raise another clamor for Benson's resignation. But secretly, they hope he won't quit. The farm issue is the best issue the Democrats have left. The Republicans' $300,000 ad- vertising campaign for flexible farm supports may have backfired. All the advertising referred to the Eisenhower farm program. Prev- iously, the farmers had thought of it as the Benson farm program. Now many of them are blaming Ike. (Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) SOMEONE YEARS BACK introduced the term "gentlemen of the press" as a title which he hoped would elevate the public opinion of the journalism profession. However, the journalism profession these days is in need of more than a term to con- vince the public. They could use a full scale public relations department. The ;recent displays on the part of news- papermen and photographers covering the Grace Kelly-Prince Ranier extravaganza have been lamentable indeed. In the first place, it is questionable whether a movie queen's mar- riage to the prince of a gambling casino is quite the story the newspapers think it is. Nevertheless the papers have chosen to give it exhausting coverage; front page lead play, not to mention the countless "exclusive" ar- tieles by some of America's leading keyhole reporters. Even the recurring war threats in the Middle East have been crowded off the front page in many newspapers, or limited enough to give the royal couple their full due. Even in methods of coverage the newspaper- men have gone overboard. Close to three hundred reporters, photographers and what- have-you were on hand when the fashionable Grace took off for Monaco last week on board the 'Constitution.' The press conference soon{ turned into a riot as the photographers and writers fought to get a ring side seat with an "anything goes" attitude. RECNST REPORTS from Monaco (and there are thousands of them daily) tell the story of a human roadblock thrown up by photog- raphers to stop a car in which Ranier and Grace were riding. One quick-witted Frenchman even threw himself prostrate in front of the auto to insure its stopping. Unfortunately the car did 4top and the Editorial Staff' flashbulbs popped. But an angry Prince Ranier has barred most photographers and reporters from the actual wedding ceremony. All these incidents point up a sad state of affairs for American, perhaps the world's, newspaper readers. Certainly there is some interest in such a storybook type romance, just as there was when Rita Hayworth took her Ali, and again when she left him, and again when she chose Dick Haymes, and again when she left him, and so on. But much of this interest is manufactured in some headline-frustrated managing editor's mind intent on dragging public taste down to his own level. Just recently the newspapers fought a legal case to allow photographers into the court- rooms during trials. New flash-less cameras came to their aid and the case has been all but won. The papers used their editorial pages to win public sympathy to their side and in most cases succeeded. BUT THERE IS going to be little sympathy from the public if the newspaper industry continues to flaunt its irresponsibility and sen- sationalism under the hoax that freedom of the press as an end need pay no attention to methods. In this age of "agonizing reappraisals," one is definitely due in this field of newspaper ethics and responsibility. New' Books at the Library Alexander, Lloyd-My Five Tigers; .N.Y., Crowell, 1956. Baldwin, James-Notes of a Native Son; Bos- ton, Beacon Press, 1956. Bemis, Samuel-John Quincy Adams and the Union; N.Y., Alfred A. Knopf, 1956. Caidin, Martin-The Long Night; N.Y., Dodd, Mead, & Co., 1956. Cloete, Rehna-The Nylon Safari; Boston, Houghton & Mifflin Co., 1956. Fontaine, Robert-Hello to Springtime; N.Y., Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1956. Foote, Horton-The Chase; N.Y., Rhinehart & Co., 1956. Foote, Horton-Harrison, Texas; Eight Tele- vision Plays; N.Y., Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1956. Foster, Harris-The Look of the Old West; N.Y., Viking Press, 1956. Gold, Herbert-The Man Who Was Not With It; Boston, Atlantic-Little, Brown, 1956. Jack, Homer (ed)-The Ganidhi Reader: A Source Book of His Life and Writings; Bloom- ington, Indiana U. Press, 1956. Karp, David-All Honorable Men; N.Y., Al- four cast members. David Newman getic Lord High -Executioner, flourishing a versatile voice and an innate comic tendency. His scenes with Alice Dutcher, the venerable Katishp (who is, as she announces, an "acquired taste") provide the operetta's brightest moments. Miss Dutcher puts nearly all that can be put into the role of the Mikado's un- loved daughter-in-law-elect. Oth- er happy moments come with Joan Holmberg's clear interpretation of Yum-Yum, although the role is somewhat limited. Gershom Morn- ingstar makes a vivacious and in- teresting Pish-Tush. Thelma Kavanau's settings, al- though simple, are in fine taste, and in the second act blend with skillful lighting for particularly apt effects. -Jane Howard AT THE ORPHEUM: Julie Saves 'Camera' JOHN VAN DRUTEN, whose speciality is the light situa- tion comedy spiced by a discreet use of sex, has turned out a slightly more sophisticated version of "The Moon Is Blue"-type of entertain- ment. "I Am A Camera" is a domestic comedy advanced a few stages by the addition of a foreign setting, the slight mention of a political situation, and a "serious" young man for a hero. However, none of these details are considered at any great length. They are there to provide atmosphere for another fairy tale-where the heroine al- ways serves breakfast in a black- lace evening gown and throws her fur -boa around the neck of the nearest statue. These gay, bright little comedies, in which most of the characters seem to be saying "delightful" most of the time, are good for an evening of entertainment and gen- erally provide a few catch lines to be repeated the next day. In this one we have Sally Bowles saying "My sex appeal is always adequate." But they are generally the pink cotton-candy type of en- tertainment: very nice to look at, but too sweet to take for very long. * * * WHAT SAVES "I Am A Camera" from'fallingino the cotton-candy class is a talented young lady named Julie Farris who has al- ready distinguished herself as Frankie in Carson McCullers "Member of the Wedding" and, as Joan of Arc in Jean Anoulih's "The Lark." Julie Harris not only makes the fairy tale seem real, she makes it look important, and this last quality seems to be absent in most of the Van Druten com edies. As Sally Bowles, an Eng- lish girl living in Berlin pre- sumably to brighten the lives of lesser mortals, she wraps up the audience in her charm. She is a heroine who can do anything and get away with it. She drinks Prarie Oysters (an egg with Worcestershire sauce ... "it makes everything wonderful") in the morning and champagne cock- tails in the evening, and can still arch her eyebrows with perfect naivete. Her throaty laugh, her extravagent gestures, her green finger-nails are all part of a wonderful world, and as the film ends to the accompaniment of one last laugh, you feel a little sorry to leave it.' * -* * ALL THIS, of course, is very unlike Christopher Isherwood's "Berlin Stories" from which the episode of Sally Bowles was taken. Those who are familiar with the Isherwood version may wince a little at the liberal adaptation. The Sally Bowles of "Berline Stories" had a certain wistful sadness to her that does not fit well in fairy tales. And of course the movie version ends in general happiness for all, while Isherwood's Sally floated off the page like the un- real Berlin she represented. But DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN THE Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m the day preceding publication. Notices for the Sunday edition must be in by 2 p.m. Friday. SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 1956 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 45 General Notices Blue Cross Group Hospitalization, Medical and Surgical Service Programs for staff members will be open from April 9 through April 20, for new appli- cations, and changes in contracts now in effect. Staff members who wish to enroll or% change their coverage to in- clude surgical and medical services should make such changes in the Per- sonnel Office, Room 3012 Administration Building. New applications and changes will be effective June 5, with the first payroll deduction on May 31. After April 20, no new applications or changes can be accepted until Oct. 1956, Phi Beta Kappa. Annual meeting, Mon., April 16, 4:15 p.m., Room 200 Angell Hall. Election of new members. Sigma Delta Pi (Spanish Honor Soci- ety). Initiation of new members, East Conference Room, Rackham Building, Sat., April 14, 7:30 p.m. All members of the Society urged to attend. The University of Michigan Marching Band will participate in the Michigras parade Fri., April 20. All members who will participate are requested to register with the Secretary at Harris Hall before Wed. nooi, April 18, and to obtain their uniforms from the equipment room according to the following sched- ule: Mon., April 16: 11:00 a.m., 3:00 p.m., 7:15 p.m.; Tues., April 17, 9:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m., 2:00 p.m., 3:00 p.m., 7:15 p.m. Residence Hall Scholarship: Women students wishing to apply for a'Resi- dence Hall Scholarship for the aca- demic year 1956-57 for Helen Newberry Residence may do so through the Office of the Dean of Women. Applications close Mon., April 23. Student ar4dy living in this residence hall and thos wishing to live there next fall may ap- ply. Qualifications will be considered on the basis of academic standing (minimum 2.5 cumulative average), need, and contribution to group living. Residence Hall Scholarship: Women students wishing to apply fora Resi- dence Hall Scholarship for the academa year 1956-57 for Betsy Barbour may do so through the Office of the Dean of Women. Applications close Mon., April 23. Students already living in this residence and those incoming seniors who will be living there next fal may apply. Qualifications will be considered on the basis of academic standing (min- imum 2.5 cumulative- average), need, and contribution to group living. Academic Notices Seniors: College of L.S&A., and, Schools of - Busines Administration, Education, Music, and Public Health. Tentative lists of seniors for June grad- uation have feen posted on the bulle- tin board in the first floor lobby, Administration Building. Any changes therefrom should be requested of the Recorder at Office of Registration and Records window Number A, 1513 Ad- ministration Building. Placement Notices Lawn jobs available for students. Please apply at the Personnel Office, Room 3012 Administration Building. SUMMER PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS: Ross Smith of the Theatre Depart- ment of. Purdue University will be at Room 3B, Michigan Union from 1 to 4:45 p.m., Sat., April 14. PERSONNEL REQUESTS: Southwest Lumber Mills, Inc., Phoe- nix, Ariz.-Student Training, Program for men with a degree in Engrg. or Forestry and interested in Lumber Industry Sales Work or Operations. U.S. Public ,health Service offers op- portunities for traineesfor the position of Health Program Representative. Men from 21-30 years and with a B.A. (major does not necessarily need to be science) are eligible. American Phenolic Corp., Chicago, Ill., is looking for college graduates who are interested in entering the Sales field. Nationwide Food Service, Inc., Chi- cago, Ill., offers a Management Training Program to college graduates. Business Research Corp., Chicago, Ill., is looking for an Assistant Wage and Salary Administrator for a utility A, 4 r *. lk ;vl cavorts magnificently as the apolo- A ( 4 TALKING ON TELEVISION: Dearie, Remember Georgeous George. By LARRY EINHORN Daily Television Writer "If you remember John L. Sulli- van and the Sousa Band (oh my wasn't the music grand) then dearie you're much older than I". But you don't necessarily have to be that old to remember the good old days of television-the era around the late '40's. At that time television was still in the incubator stage. The mo- tion picture industry had declar- ed cold war on TV. Wrestling, boxing, kinescope recordings, Hop- along Cassidy, puppets and old time movies constituted the bulk of a local station's half-day pro- gramming. During this period three tele- vision stations in Chicago were televising the same major league (technically the Cubs are consid- ered to be a major league team) baseball game. During the after- noon televiewers were fascinated with a program entitled "Multi- scope News" which was merely news flashing across the screen in a ticket-tape fashion. In t h e mornings television was presenting its first spectacular-the test pat- tern. * * * THE NATION-WIDE coaxial cable had just been completed. vision. Some of the earlier shows of this type have since seen their demise, but proved to be a spring- board for the stars of the new medium. Such a show was the "big show" of the now almost defunct DuMont network, the first and only major TV program to be sponsored by the Druggists of America. Jerry Lester was the first emcee of this program. After leaving the show he went to NBC where he starred in the very popular "Broadway Open House." He was replaced by Jackie Gleason, who is new employed by General Motors. Jack Carter replaced Gleason and went on to become a top TV comic until recently, leaving television in lieu of a lead in "Mr. Wonderful", the Sammy Davis Jr. Broadway show. Feel- ing that they had developed enough TV material the Druggists dropped the show and never re- entered the TV scene.' * -* * The ARROW Shirt Co. present- ed a program on Thursday nights whose original star was Phil Silv- ers. Silvers did not succeed on that show and left television until his very successful return last fall. Silvers was replaced by Herb Shriner who also was dropped "The Morey Amsterdam Show" had in its cast a crazy waiter by the name of Newton, who was really Art Carney. Newton be- came Norton, gave up being a gar- con in lieu of the New York sew- ers and is now employed by Gen- eral Motors. * * * ONE OF THE foils of Bob and Ray on their oft-replaced TV shows was Audrey Meadows who now is one-half of the "Honey- mooners." The other half of the "Honey- mooners", after leaving the drug- store show became the TV ver- sion of Chester A. Riley until William Bendix stepped in to play the part he had created on radio. And the "Honeymooners" idea was adopted from a portion of an earlier TV variety program which starred Frances Langford and Lew Parker. Many of the early TV shows are now almost completely forgotten even though it has just been five or six years since they were the rage. Like "This Is Show Business", "Lucky Pup", "Candid Camera", "Q. E. D.", "Bob Emery's Small Fry Club", "The Roberta Quin- lan Show" and "The Morton Downey Show". k. DAVE BAAD, Managing Editor MURRY FRYMER JIM DYGERT Editorial Directdr City Editor DEBRA DURCHSLAO .............. Magazine DAVID KAPLAN ....................... Feature JANE HOWARD . .............,...... Associate LOUISE TYOR ....................... Associate PHIL DOUGLIS ..................... Sports ALAN EISENBERG .,;......... Associate Sports JACK HORWITZ .............. Associate Sports MARY HELLT 3ALER . ,...... Women's BLAINE EDMONDS ......... Associate Women's 'I' Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor 'V JOHN HIRTZEL..................Chief Photographer Business Staff