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April 13, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-04-13

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gat Altgan ail
Sixty-Sixth Year

"Woodman, Spare That Tree"

hen Opinions Are Free,
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

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RIDAY, APRIL 13, 1956


Quad Student Unfairly Bears
Cost of Residence Halls

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OR THE THIRD TIME in the last four years,
students living in University Residence Halls
ay be hit with another raise in room and
>ard rates, this time for the purpose of meet-
g increases in the payroll of full-time Resi-
mece Hall employes.
It is the student who lives in the Residence
ails who is forced to bear the costs of the
hole Residence Hall system, while at the same
me, for example, the University's athletic de-
irtment continues on its building spree,
>ending money lavishly for a gigantic new
ress box with dining rooms, for new athletic
uildings and for the whole athletic program
. general.
'HE QUADRANGLE resident is not paying
for room and board alone; he never has got-
n off so easily. The student who lives in the
esidence Halls is financing the building of
w housing units and at the same time, in
me cases, paying offdthe bond-issues on the
ready-constructed housing units.
The quadrangle resident is not paying for
onomic living quarters; he is being penalized
r remaining in the Residence Hall after his
ligation to live there as a freshman has been
At this time, more. than $150 a year, per
dividual, goes to pay off bond issues and at
e same time is financing -future housing units.
1 the past, room and board increases have not
>ne toward improving conditions in the build-
gs, but have gone to meet rising costs and
pay off past expenses.
For some time, administration officials, and
rticularly the Residence Halls Board of Gov-
nors, have been concerned about the negative
titude toward Residence Hall living on the
rt of the students.

IT SHOULD be very evident to these persons
why the student is unhappy with dormitory
living when he is unfairly financing the whole
system, while the University is continuing with
its archaic policy that the Residence Halls must
be self-supporting businesses.
There can be only one solution to this prob-
lem. The University should find another way
for the Residence Halls to earn an income.
The student, more and more, is finding it ex-
tremely difficult to support the whole Residence
Hall system.
RAISING THE TUITION rates has often been
suggested, but this again conflicts with the
University's backward policy of refusing to give,
any financial support to living units. Certainly
a tuition raise would spread Residence Halls
costs over all the students, the majority of
whom have lived in the Halls at one time or
Or, perhaps a solution could be found that
would make the luxurious athletic program
not just important to the campus, but also use-
ful. Couldn't the University Residence Halls
be subsidized in part by these money-making
sports? Of course, this action would require a
change in Regents' By-laws, but it should at
least be considered.
THESE SOLUTIONS may or may not be work-
able, but they must be considered and dis-
cussed. The present system of nearly annual
room and board increases is unfair to the
dormitory resident.
However, the individual does have some voice
-through the Inter-House Council. Some day
next week this group will meet in special session.
to discuss the proposed raise: It will be up to?
IHC to attempt to find a solution to the prob-
lem and to represent true student feeling to the



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Firm Thumbs Nose at Laws

Who CastsThe First Stone?

'Carousel' Highly
Entertaining Musical
T HE SCREEN VERSION of Rodgers and Hammerstein's "Carousel"
is an entertaining and interesting musical film. The entertain-
ment is supplied by some of the Broadway composers' most imagina-
tive and durable music, lively dances, and several engaging perform-
ances; and the interest may be attributed largely to the technical prob-
lems of translating a stage work to the screen.
First, "Carousel," like most Rodgers and Hammerstein" musicals,
is about as gooey and sticky as warm fudge. In the theater, audiences
can eat large amounts of this fudge without developing stomache aches.
On the screen, under the magnifing CinemaScope 55 lens, the goo often
seems thicker.
Second, Henry King, who directed the picture, and Phoebe and
Henry Ephron, who wrote the screenplay, have tried to do more than
photograph a stage musical. Without extensive rewriting, no one has
ever been very successful in creating the metamorphasis that trans-


MIDST ALL THE FUROR over integration in
Southern schools, it might be fruitful to
take a look at the racist situation in the North.
Last week, a demonstration worthy of the
white-sheeted Ku Klux Klan took place, not
in the South, but 40 miles from Ann Arbor.
In 'Detroit, 69 year-old retired bodyguard John
Rouse and his family were the victims.
Rouse, his wife, daughter and two grand-
sons moved into a new house on Robson Ave-
nue. Fired-up Detroit racists hurled ; stones
through their front windows, and, a muttering
group of 500 demonstrators milled around out-
side the house.
THE BEWILDERED Rouse family didn't quite
understand what it was all about. Rouse
insisted that the rumor that the family was
Negro was untrue; that he was half Cherokee,
half French Canadian, and that his wife was
of Scotch-Irish descent.
The mob wasn'tinterested in what he had
to say. He was visited by representatives of
the neighborhood improvement association andr

persuaded to sell the house. Rouse had no in-
terest in being a pioneer if his pioneering wasf
likely to make trouble for his grandchildren,
Alfred, 10 and Paul, 7. Negroes, or people re-
sembling Negroes, are not welcome on pure
and unsullied Robson Avenue.
The Detroit demonstration unpleasantly
echoes a similar case in Cicero, a suburb of
Chicago. Approximately three years ago, a
Negro and his family were, through mob vio-
lence, forced to move out of a housing devel-
opment there. It seems that Negroes are not
welcome in Cicero either.
ONE OF THE MOST humane and gentle men
who ever lived, once said, "Let he who is
without sin cast the first stone."
Hiding its own dirty linen, the North has
been demanding integration in the South. With-
out intending to advocate segregation. it might
be suggested that the North do some washing
of its own before attending to any one else's

ONE AMAZING feature of they
income-tax fixing of the big
Texas Brown and Root Contract-
ing Firm is that they are still
getting some of the biggest gov-
ernment contracts,'including cur-
rent construction of U.S. air and
naval bases in Spain.
Yet all U.S. officials have to do
is look at Treasury and Labor De-
partment records to see how this
giant contracting firm has thumb-,
ed its nose at the same govern-
ment from which it still gets lush
Obviously it must have friends
in high places. One close friend
has been Sen. Lyndon Johnson of
Texas, who has received heavy
campaign contributions from Her-
man and George Brown.
Here is the official record of
Brown and Root operations, tak-
en from a Senate Labor Commit-
tee report, on the manner in which
Brown and Root has, violated the
Davis-Bacon Act. This requires
companies with government con-
tracts to pay minimum wages pre-
vailing in that area.
* * *
"WHERE BROWN and Root have
a direct hand in a project," states
the Senate report, "it has been
embroiled in labor difficulties and

violations of the contract and spe-
cifications that touch upon work-
ing conditions."
Continuing in detail, the Sen-
ate Labor Committee charged
Brown and Root with violating the
law while working on the Bull
Shoals Dam in Arkansas: first, by
hiring carpenters and paying them
only apprentice wages; second, by
switching part of their work to the
Flippen Materials Co., so it could
avoid paying Davis-Bacon mini-
mum wages.
"The apprentice setup by Brown
and Root was a racket which gave
Brown and Root all the benefits,"
summarized the Senate report.
"Brown and Root could have paid
these men the going carpenter's
rate, but. it adopted a cheap poli-
cy of so-called apprentice service."
The records of the National La-
bor Relations Board also show that
Brown and Root has twice been
challenged for unfair labor prac-
tices or for strike-breaking.
WHEN THE OIL Workers Un-
ion went on strike against the
Celanese Corp., at Bishop, Texas,
July 26, 1948, Celanese officials
hired Brown and Root to come in
with what amounted to strike-
breakers to maintain and operate

the plant. They eventually broke
the strike. Later, Celanese was
forced to come before the NLRB
on a charge of refusing to nego-
Again the labor board found
Brown and Root guilty of violat-
ing the Taft-Hartley Act in an
action brought by the Tri-,States
Building Council. After Brown and
Root refused to rehire 300 work-
ers, tht NLRB ordered that back
salaries be paid. However, the
case has dragged out on appeal,
and the $80,000 owed to the men
still hasn't been paid,
general contractor like Brown and
Root which has shown such wan-
ton disregard of working condi-
tions, classification, wage rates,
etc., on work being performed by
the United States government,"
concluded the Senate report.
"This firm should not be presently
employed on a federal project."
It was after this, however, that
Brown and Root and its associat-
ed contractors were given the big-
gest government contract of all
--to build U.S. air and naval bases
in Spain. The contract was award-
ed without competitive bi i by the
Eisenhower Administration.
(Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.).

mits the objective distance and
confined space of the theater into
the predominantly visual images
and movement of the screen.
* * *
"CAROUSEL" never quite solves
the problem, especially when it re-
lies too heavily on bulky dialogue
that seldom develops, when it re-
duces musical numbers like "When
the Children Are Asleep" to sec-
ondary importance, where they
previously were an integrated part
of the whole, or when it uses box
shots to record stagey sequences
like the "If I Loved You" duet.
Other times-in Billy's "Solil-
oquy" and Rod Alexander's newly
choreographed "June Is Bustin's
Out All Over"number-the camera
becomes more than a newsreel
record: and when it does, the ef-
fect is beautiful and exciting.
* *
"CAROUSEL" is the story of
a marrage between a New Eng-
land factory girl, Julie (Shirley
Jones), and a shiftless carnival
barker, Billy (Gordon MacRae),
that eventually leads to tragedy.
MacRae play Billy just right and
proves he is the screen's best sing-
ing actor. Miss Jones, who has a
haunting beauty and a pleasant
soprano voice, does not come out
nearly so well. Her immaturity and
inexperience are evident in the
big emotion scenes where Director
King can only bring out a disturb-
ed passivity.
* * *
AMONG THE supporting play-
ers, Barbara Ruick is outstanding
as a vivacious and comic Carrie.
And in the memorable "Louise's
Ballet," adapted from Agnes De-
Mille's o r i g i n a choreography,;
Susan Luckey and Jacques D'Am-
boise provide the screen with some
of its freshest and most spirited
"Carousel" has its faults, but its
delights come frequently enough
to bring new excitment to the
nearly-defunct musical screen.
-Ernest Theodossin
Rolls On
some people how the Rock 'n
Roll craze got started in the first
place, but once it did, a Canadian
forest fire was nothing in com-
In "Rock Around the Clock,"
Johnny Johnston gives a partial
answer. The public is always look-
ing for something new, he says,
some sort of a unique sound. Well,
the public got its unique sound all
is Hollywood's attempt to cash in
on the craze. It stars most of the
"top" Rock 'n Roll performers and
is a sort of jamboree loosely woven
through the barest hint of plot.
Johnston plays an out-of-work
band manager who accidentally
stumbles on Bill Haley and his
Comets, and, convinced that they
are just what the public needs,
attempts to get them bookings.
The Comets' rise to stardom (or
cometdom, as the case maybe) is
impeded by Johnston's ex-girl-
friend, manager of the top booking
agency in New York, who still
hasna yen for Johnston and wants
to make him crawl. She's really a
terribly nasty species of female,
but all her plots and plans back-
fire, because the music-loving pub-

tic knows what it wants.
Sandwiched in between all this
subtle cloak-and-dagger stuff is
what the public wants, performed
by Hanley et Comets, the Platters,
Tony Martinez, Freddie Bell (and
Bellboys) and Alan Freed. The
high school set, regrettably, will
probably love it.
* * *
BUT WHAT MAKES them love
it is a problem for the sociologists
to unravel. The lyrics are asinine
(Giddyup, Giddyup, Ding Dong,
repeated no less than 50,000 times),
the music nonexistent (it consists
of the same melodic line played
over and over), the musicians'poor


(continued from page4)
Student Recital. Mary Ellen Ecert
pianist, recital in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the Bachelor of
Music degree at 8:30 p.m. Sun., Apri 15,
in Aud. A, Angell Hall. Miss tckert is
a pupil of Helen Titus. Compositionsi
by Scarlatti, Beethoven, Ravel and
Chopin. Open to the general public.
Student Recital. George Papich,
violist, assisted by Theodore Johnson,
violinist, and David Tice, pianist, re-
cital at 8:30 p.m. Mon., April, 18, in
Aud. A, Angell Hall. A pupil of Robert
Courte, Papich will perform composti
tions by Mozart, Wilson, and Brahm.
Open to the general public.
Academic Notices
Admission Test for Graduate Study in
Business: Candidates taking the Ad-
mission Test for Graduate Study in
Business on April 14 are requested to
report to Room 140, Business Adminis-
tration at 8:45 a.rn. Saturday.
All students planning to meet the
Directed Teaching requirement for the
Secondary School Teaching Certificate
during the Fall Semester 1956, must
file their applications in Room 320,
University High School before the end
of the present semester.
Anyone falling to make application
will seriously jeopardize his chances for
securing an assignment.
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for dropping courses
without record will be Fri., April 13.
A course may be dropped only with the
permission of the classifier after con-
ference with the instructor.
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for removal of incom-
pletes will be Fr., April 13. Petitions
for extension of time must be o file
in the Secretary's Offie on or before
Friday, April 13.
Doctoral Examination for Dennis R-
gan, Education; thesis: "A Study of
the Effects of Exercise on the Genesis
and Growth of Tumors in a Mammary
Tumor Bearing Strain of Mice," Fri.,
April 13, East Council Room, Rackham
Bldg.,at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, P. A.
Doctoral Examination foi Eugene
Boyner Turner, Physics; thesis: "The
Production of Very High Temperatures
in the Shock Tube with an Application
to the Study of Spectral Line Broaden-
ing," Fri., April 13, 2038 Randan Labor-
atory, at 2:15 p.m. Co-Chairmen; Otto
Laporte and L. H. Aller.
Placement Notices
The Los Angeles City School System
is currently scheduling its April teacher
recruitment trip. As a convenience to
teachers in the East and Middle West
who are considering coming to Califor-
nia, our representatives will be avail-
able for interviews in the following
1. Denver, at the Hotel Cosmopolitan,
April 10 and 11.
2. Chicago, at the Conrad Hilton
Hotel, Michigan Boulevard, 7th to 8th
streets; April 13, 14, 15 and 16.
3. Detroit, at the Statler Hotel, Wash.
ington Blvd. and Grand Circus Park;
April 18 and 19.
4. Columbus, at the Deshler-Hilton
Hotel, Bond and High Streets; April 21
and 22.
5. New York City, at the Statler
Hotel, 7th Avenue at 33rd Street; April
26, 27, 28 and 29.
Mr. Baldwin, Personnel Administrator
from our school system, will be par-
ticularly interested in meeting those
who will be finishing their teacher
traning this school year although ex-
perienced teachers who will be avail-
able in Sept. 1956 may also arrange
for appointments at this time. The
California general secondary teaching
credential requires one full year beyond
the bachelor's degree; however, pro-
visional credentials can be secured for
those who have not yet completed the
full year but are otherwise qualified.
Definite commitment for employment
can be made to qualified applicants.
1. There is an active need for ele-
mentary teachers, all grades; 'high school
teachers in industrial arts, mathematics,
scienee, English, social studies, business
education, homemaking, and girls' phy-
sical education.
2. Provisional credentials may be re-
quested for those who have not com-
pleted the full year of graduate work
for the regular California general sec-
ondary credential.
3. We would prefer to limit these in-

terviews to candidates under forty
years of age.
4. Candidates who plan to appear for
an interview should bring with them a.
sealed copy of recommendations from
the placement office. If time permits.
the placement office may send these
recommendation to H. W. Baldwin at
the appropriate address on the itiner-
ary as shown.
5. On arrival, candidates should call
Mr. Baldwin and arrange a definite
time for interview.
For additional information please








Evolution in Spain

Jordan Involved in Tug of War

Associated Press News Analyst
THERE CAME A TIME in World War II when
Cordell Hull, irritated by the relationship
of the Franco government in Spain to the Axis
powers, said "Those who are not with us are
against us."
But Franco kept on leaning toward the Axis
without actually falling off the fence. If the
Germans had won and stayed on in France, he
was in a position to play ball with them. When
the Allies won, he was in bad odor.
One of the first things the United Nations
did was to ostracize Franco Spain. Franco
kept plowing his own row. He began to slough
off some of the worst aspects of totalitarian-
ism. Prices were lower than in most war rav-
aged countries, and an especial effort was made
to' please foreign visitors. He began to get a
better press.
Editorial Staff
Dave Baad, Managing Editor
Murry Frymer Jim Dygert

Then the Russians, who have so often acted
in such a way as to cause what they didn't
want to cause, began to reveal their true in-
ternational objectives. They had supported
the losers in the Spanish civil war, and they
hated Franco.
THAT MADE HIM look better to others. As
the cold war developed and plans for the
defense of Western Europe began to take shape,
the United States began to woo Franco, who
occupied a strategic back area.
Britain and France remained snobbish to-
ward him. But they were at least passive while
the United States made a military aid-for-
bases deal with Spain, and sponsored her en-
try into the UiN.
Now Spain has come forward with celerity
to help ease the colonial situation in North Af-
rica, agreeing to give Spanish Morocco the
same terms for autonomy which the French
Moroccans had exacted from France only
through bloody rebellion.
It would be wrong to assume that either pow-
er is granting complete independence. The
French call it "independence within interde-
pendence," which will depend upon ultimate
working arrangements for its success or failure.
NE RTHELESS, it marks a turn of the
Spanish wheel toward assumption of politi-
cal responsibility in her relations with the free
world, and, a vast change from the days when
Secretary Hull was so irritated.
Because the United States was the first of
the Western nations to admit the possibility
of doing business with postrevolutionary Spain,
and because Spain is repaying a large propor-
tion of the mutual aid money advanced her, an
atmosphere of sound cooperation is growing.


ERUSALEM, Jordan Sector ()
-- Here on the edge of the
volcano there is an unnatural'calm
like the lull before the summer
"Israel has humiliated the Arabs
again," leading Arabs are saying,
"but we must wait. We are not
strong enough yet.
There is clearly a feeling among
leading Jordanians that time is
running out for Israel.
"Why did they attack in the
Gaza strip?" one Arab leader asked
me. "It was because Israel is
desperate. She knows we are get-
ting stronger every day. She must
provoke us to action that will bring
western intervention and freeze
the status quo so she will be safe.
But we will not fall for this trick."
* * *
YET THE situation here is full
of danger. Passions among the
half million Arab refugees in Jor-
dan run higher with each report
of an Israeli attack.
This confused little nation has
been, thrust suddenly to the fore-
front of Middle East power poli-
tics. The entire western defense
position is linked up with its fu-
ture. That is why pressures bear
so heavily on the shoulders of the
young King Hussein who would
rather think about dual carbure
tors, jet planes and thrills than
politics. But the threat to Hus-
sein's throne is implicit in today's
Jordan has become the prize of

refugees here. They are asking
loudly why Nasser is not using his
shiny new Communist arms.
Jordan today has a million and
half people.' A third of these are
refugees from Israel. Another third
are of that part of Palestine an-

terrific pressure from other Arab
states to break all ties with Britain
and the West.
* *
TODAY THIS kingdom-depend-
ent on Britain for its economic and
military survival-typifies the fer-
ment of the whole Arab world.
Young Hussein considers he has
a mission. It is an almost impos-
sible mission. He still hopes he
can help lay the foundation. of,
Arab unity in this part of the
world and is making earnest ges-
tures toward Syria. But circum-
stances are against him.
The price for even a semblance
of unity with the Syrians and
Egyptians is to break with Britain.
Hussein is western-oriented and
Britain is connected with the
Baghdad Pact, Jordan is linked in
a pact with Iraq - thus Jordan
willy-nilly has a link with the
Baghdad Treaty, the target of im-
mense propaganda by the Egypt-
Saudi Arabian-Syria bloc. And the
seething Palestine situation adds
up to even more trouble.
* * *
Nasser complicates the situation
here. He has been a hero since
the arms deal. Informed opinion
here is that Israel attacks are aim-
ed at calling Nasser's bluff and
shooting him off his white horse
as Arab liberator.
Trimming Nasser down will not
help Hussein. It is bound to breed
disillusionment and anger among




Editorial Director City Editor
David Kaplan ........................ Feature
Debra Durchslag ..................... Magazine
Jane Howard .......................... Associate
Louise Tyqr .......................... Associate
Phil Douglis . ................... Sports
Alan Esenberg..............Associate Sports
Jack Horwitz ................. Associate Sports
Mary Hellthaler ......................,Women's
Elaine Edmonds............Associate Women's



A chess game for the man
on the white horse

John Hirtzel ...................... Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Dick Alstrom ....................Business Manager
Bob Ilgenfritz--------------Associate Buiness Manag~er

nexed by Jordanian King Abdullah
in the Arab-Israel War and what

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