* THE 1MICIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, APRIL 13. 1954 LITERARY MAGAZINE: Artesian Features Local Talents ~bEL~flHEt.r J By RENE GNAM The second issue of Artesian Magazine features the work of 28 local contributors. A year ago, Editor Kenneth A. Ratliff introduced the literary magazine to creative writing class- es in the Ann Arbor Public Schools Adult Education program. Since its inception Artesian's main purpose has been to provide an outlet for creative work pro- duced in the Washtenaw County area. The current issue, replete with representation from the creative arts, contains four fiction articles. The April-May issue also fea- tures four expository articles, cov- ering Victor Herbert, Rudolph Valentino, Ann Arbor theatre his- tory and the Ann Arbor Civic Symphony Orchestra. Michigan Daily Reviewer Culver Eisenbeis heads the theatre sectioi with three reviews: Ann Arbor Civic Theatre, Dramatic Arts Cen- ter, and Ypsilanti Players. Dial NO 2-2513 WHAT A BALL ! The whole movie story of Rock'n Roll! COLUMBIA PICTURES presents BILL HALEY AND HIS COMETS I THE Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for the Sunday edition must be in by 2 p.m. Friday. FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1956 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 44 General Notices Blue Cross Group Hospitalization, Medical and Surgical Service Programs for staff members will be open from April 9 through April 20, for new appli- cations, and changes in contracts now in effect. Staff members who wish to enroll or change their coverage to in- clude surgical and medical services should make such changes in the Per- sonnel Office, Room 3012 Administration Building. New applications and changes will be effective June 5, with the first payroll deduction on May 31. After April 20, no new applications or changes can be accepted until Oct. 1956. May Festival Tickets for single con- certs, are on sale at the offices of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower at $3.50, $3.00, $2.50, $2.00 and $1.50 each. Fresh Air Camp Tag Days are April 12 and 13. Will University personnel please make their contributions in the buckets. There will be no mail solicita- tion this year except for a few major donors. Phi Beta Kappa. Annual "neeting, Mon., April 16, 4:15 p.m., Room 2003 Angell Hall. Election of new members. Sigma Delta Pi (Spanish Honor Soci- ety). Initiation of new members, East Conference Room, Rackham Building, Sat., April 14, 7:30 p.m. Student Government Council: Sum- mary of action taken at -meeting of March 21, 1956. APPROVED: Minutes meeting of March 21. Expenditure for Student Government Council pins. Appointment of David Baad and Jeannette Grimm to the Counselling Study Committee, with Alicia' Tarrant as alternate. Re-appointment of Dick Good as chairman of the Student Activities Building committee. April 27, 28, Frosh Weekend, plans and budget; May 2, Le Cercle Francais, 50th Annual French Play, "Le Bour- gois Gentilhomme." Interim action: March 24, Arab Club,f movie, Rackham Amphitheater; April 10-14, India Students Association, ex- hibit, Lane Hall; April 20-21, Michigras plans., The following motions on items re- ferred by the Board in Review: (1) President's voting privilege. That the Chair possesses the right to vote in any matter which he chooses by virtue of his membership in the Coun- cil as a duly elected member. (It was the consensus that the Chair should announce his intent to vote on an issue prior to the actual vote.) (2) That a simple majority vote shall govern all Student Government decision on substantive issues as pro- vided in Robert's Rules of Order Re- vised. (3) That speaking privileges before' the Council be provided, as the issue arises, under conditions determined in the Council at that time. ACCEPTED: Report of results of election, March 27, 28 as presented by John Walper; Elections Committee chairman; Little Symphony constitution. POSTPONED: Consideration of requests for recog- nition from Fine Arts Club and from Students for Stevenson pending clari- fication of constitutions. DELEGATED: Responsibility for distribution of early registration passes to the Michigan Union for the fall semester, 1956, Lectures University Lecture in Psychology. "Ex- perimentally Induced Paralysis and Theories of Behavior." Prof. Richard L. Solomon, Harvard University. Fri., April 13, 4:15 p.m., ,Angell, Aud. B. Concerts Student Recital. Mary Elizabeth Nim- richter, senior majoring in String In- struments, public recital at 4:15 p.m. Sun., April 15, in Aud. A, Angell Hall, in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the Bachelor of Music degree. Miss Nimrichter studies violin with (Continued on Page 4) There are alsodthree full-page tributions in fiction, verse, es- photographic studies, says, articles, art, cartooning, The magazine is supported only travelogue and photography, as through retail sales and a sub- well as letters to the editor. scription campaign is being laun- Local writers are also urged to ched this week by its present submit manuscripts of general in- contributors. terest of historical Washtenaw Editor Ratliff will honor con- County. FDAILY ,OFFICIAL BULLETIN1 PERSONAL HOW TO SELL YOUR MANUSCRIPTS New, copyrighted, 4000 word booklet gives expert advice. Only 40c. Box 143, Flatbush P.O. Station, Bklyn. 26, New York. )132F SPORTS ILLUSTRATED at 8c a copy-- the price of a newspaper! Student Periodical, NO 2-3061. )131F CONVERT your double-breasted suit to a new single-breasted model. $15. Double-breasted tuxedos converted to single-breasted, $18, or new silk shawl collar, $25. Write to Michaels Tailor- ing Co., 1425 Broadway, Detroit, Michi- gan, for free details or phone WOodward 3-5776. )118F KELP WANTED' STUDENT ORGANIZATION is interest- ed in finding a non-student woman. with business procedure to work aft- ernoons from 3 to 5, and Sat. morn- ings 9 to 12. Phone NO 2-5514 between 5 and 6 P.M. only. Ask for Fred Shel- don. )98H WANTED-Cab drivers. full or part time. Apply 113 S. Ashley. Ann A-bor Yellow and Checker Cab Company. Phone NO 8-9382. )70B FOR SALE ROYAL PORTABLE Typewriter, $40, ex- cellent condition, 225 Adams, W.Q. )174B WOMAN'S sheared beaver coat, size 10- 12. Several wool skirts, and cashmere sweaters. One man's navy blue cash- mere top coat, size 40. Phone Belle- ville, OX 7782, ) 173B BOY'S FULL SIZE middleweight bicy- cle, red and white, gooa condition. Call NO 2-4119 from 3:30-8:00 P.M. )172B 3% z OCTAVE MARIMBA, excellent ocn- dition, stainless steel resonator. Must sell immediately. HA 6-5300 after 6 P.M. )171B USED CARS TERhIFIC '53 Dodge, one owner, 4-door Gyromatic, Radio & Heater. Call NO 3-8140 after 6 P.M. )146N 1952 PLYMOUTH 4 door sedan, heater, seat covers, excellent condition. NO 2-9853 evenings only. )138N OUR LOEWD OVERHEAD saves you money! 50 new and used cars to choose from. Come out today to the BIG NEW lot at 3345 Washtenaw. Fitzgerald LINCOLN - MERCURY Phone NO 3-4197 Open evenings till 8 1941 FORD Club coupe, good tires, no rust, runs perfectly, $95. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MAKE MONEY SPARE TIME 7 to 10 hrs. weekly nets to $200.00 month. Possibly full time work. Man or wom- an from this area to service new De Lux Vending Mach. Route. One who can qualify as to honesty and ability will be interviewed locally. Ckr and $600.00 cash investment necessary, ful- ly secured. Write P.O. box 7047, Min- neapolis 11, Minn. )198 LOST AND FOUND LOST, April 12th between Alice Lloyd and Chem. Bldg. Gruen ladies' watch, yellow gold, chipped crystal, narrow gold band. Reward. 2251 Alice Lloyd. )160A TRANSPORTATION AVIS RENT-A-CAR or truck for local or long distance use.rReasonable daily, weekly or hourly rates. Nye Motor Sales, Inc., 210 W. Washington St. NO 3-4156. )15S WANTED - Someone to share driving from New York City on Thursday, April 19 and return on April 22. If you know of anyone, call 327 Mosher. )556G BUSINESS SERVICES CHILD CARE and Baby Sitting. Com- petent very experienced male student taking new clients throughout Spring Semester. For information call or write 213 Hinsdale, E.Q., NO 2-4591. )43J RE-WEAVING. Burns, tears, moth holes rewoven. Let us save your clothes. Weave Bac Shop, 224 Nickels Arcade, )30J SMITH'S FLOOR COVERINGS 205 N. Main 207 E. Washington Headquarters in Ann Arbor for: Armstrong linoleum and tile NO 3-8321 NO 2-9418 Complete floor coverings shops Mohawk and Bigelow carpets Guaranteed installation or "do-it-yourself." )36J New Atlas Tires 6.70x15, $15.95; 6.00x16, $13.95; 760x15, $19.95 (exchange price plus tax) Hickey's Service Station 1952 CHEVROLET 2-door, grey, clean and low mileage, $445. real 1953 WILLYS hardtop, 2-tone paint, ra- dio, heater, overdrive, 20,000 miles, white-wall tires and like new, $745. 1950 PLYMOUTH Stationwagon, radio, heater, in excellent condition, $445. Jim White Chevrolet, Inc. Ashley at Liberty, First at Washington Phone NO 2-5000 or NO 3-6495 )130N MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRIC ORGAN for responsible par- ty, take over low monthly payments, can be seen in this locality. Write Credit Manager, box 5152, Southfield Station, Det., Mich. )8M MEN'S ENG. BIKE, $25; 12" T.V. $29. MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE now open NO 3-2569. )168B for playing. 1519 Fuller Road. )7M TWO 30" wide cots with springs & new mattress-$30 each. NO 3-6158. )167B ANGEL FISH - only 50c each. Univ. Aquarium, 328 E. Liberty, Phone NO 3- 0224. )169B MEN'S BIKE-used one season - $30. Complete summer and winter formal wear-size 39. Sobel NO 5-5165. 913 E. Huron. )166B ARMY, NAVY type oxfords-$6.88, sox 39c, shorts 69c, military supplies. Sam's Store, 122 E. Washington. )12'B3 ROOMS FOR RENT DOUBLE Sleeping Rooms for two men. Phone NO 8-0565 or NO 3-0913. )38D WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED APARTMENT for married couple from June 15 to August 15. Call NO 2-3776 around 6 P.M. Ask for Jim. )18L FOR RENT FAIRLY NEW basement suite for 2 or 3 men students, school year 1956-57, graduate students or responsible un- dergraduate students. Semi-private entrance, private bath. Available also for summer school. NO 2-3618, 1615 Morton. )540 FOR SUMMER modern 312 room apart- ment. Private bath, cabinet kitchens. Call NO 2-8453, 12-1 or after 6. )53C , Cor. N. Main & Catherine. NO 8-7717 )42J RICHARD MADDY - VIOLINMAKER, Fine, old certified instruments and bows. 310 S. State. NO 2-5962. )31J Read and Use Daily Classifieds. THE PLATTERS ERNIE FREEMAN COMBO TONY MARTINEZ AND HIS BAND ' - I FREDDIE BELL AND HIS BELLBOYS Ill' AuN FREED JOHNNY JOHNSTON AuX TALTON SI U lam/ 4 N r 9$ z I I I z I 4.® Today at 7 and 9 LAWECE OIVIER EXTRA "MAMBO MADNESS" Man It's the Wildest I "QUEENS OF BEAUTY" Color Cartoon J L I I .1 Saturday at 7 and 9 Sunday at 8 only D;O IN 7,7 P 7AT INTER-ARTS UNION is accepting PLAYS BALLETS ART SCORES POETRY A ,+t New RCA Victor "Save-On-Records" Coupon Book brings sensational savings to record lovers! '*I I III III 1 III Bonus coupons, each this album home release, to owners of a $ 3 S value. They otner two r ree ... ...: , _ n______