ROOM RAISE UNFAIR TO STUDENT See Page 4 :YI r Latest Deadline in the State Datit (AI FAIR, COOLER VOL. LXVI, No. 128 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1956 SIX PAGES I -Daily-Vern Soden NEW OFFICERS-Members of the newly-elected Inter-House Council are, left to right, seated: Ad- ministrative Vice-President Drake Duane, President Robert Warrick, Executive Vice-President Charles Straayer, and, standing left to right, Recording Secretary Jane Long, Corresponding Secre- tary Reed Kenworthey, and Treasurer Stan Rock. WkH Egypt's Jets Stage Battle With Israel Both Countries Claim Successes JERUSALEM 01P)-Israeli and Egyptian jet planes battled high over the Holy Land. Israel claimed one and possibly two enemy planes shot down. Egypt said one Israeli plane was blasted from the skies in this first aerial combat of 1956. Jet Crashes One Egyptian jet crashed 20 miles inside Israel, an Israeli mil- itary spokesman said. The pilot, Mohammed Latif, was quoted as saying his plane was on a patrol mission. He was taken to a hos- pital with head and leg injuries. A search was organized in Is- rael's southern desert for a second Egyptian plane reported hit. Is- raelis close to the border said they saw four Egyptian planes fly north and only. two return. The dogfight raged over Israel's Negeb Desert. Both nations had just promised to forego force ex- cept in self-defense. The pledges were made to United Nations Sec- retary General Dag Hammarskjold in Cairo on his mission for peace in the Middle East. Hopes Brighten Despite the air battle, reports from Cairo said hopes for Ham- marskjold's mission brightened a bit. The semi-official Egyptian News Agency reported Israel had agreed in principle to pull back forces from the frontier by 500 meters -slightly less than a third of a mile. This was one prime point pro- posed by the United Nations Se- curity Council last week when it asked Hammarskjold to undertake the mission. U. S. Watches The United States, first to sug- gest that Hammarskjold come to the Middle East, _was watching developments. President Dwight D. Eisenhower has isent personal messages to Egyptian and Israeli leaders, pre- sumably urging restraint. This was announced at his vacation head- quarters at Augusta, Ga. Pres. Eisenhower dealt particu- larly with his statement Monday firmly supporting Hammarskjold's mission. That statement said the United States, "in accordance with its responsibilities under the charter of the United Nations, will observe its commitments within constitu- tional means to oppose any ag- gression." Ask For 2 Residence .') Friday,1 3th Well-informed sources re- ported yesterday growing un- rest among ghouls, gnomes, bugbears and nixies. According to the reports, the "little people" are planning an intensive campaign for today ,to reinstill terror and anxiety during Friday the Thirteenth. The demons will level spells, witchcraft and necromancy against all who disregard to- day's taboos. SGC Vote On, Officers Slated Today Student Government Council will today officially launch its second year of operation with elec- tion of officers at 3:15 p.m. in the League. Outgoing Council President Hank' Berliner, '56, will preside at the open elections. There are now five candidates running for three Executive Com- mittee positions, but under SGC's plans nominations must be made from the floor and defeated cand- idates in one post will be able to step down to run for another office. So f present Treasurer Bill Adams, '57 BAd., is unopposed for the office of President. Rod Com- stock, '56E, Janet Neary, '58 and Tom Sawyer, '58, are in the race for Vice-President, and Joe Col- lins is the sole candidate for Treasurer. Borid News Roundup By The Associated Press ent -Daily-Vern Soden A GUY, A GIRL AND SPRING By JIM BOW Robert Warrick, '57E, was elect- ed President of the .Iter-House Council on the third ballot yester- day. Warrick, president of East Quad, ran on a platform which stressed the importance of the individual U. S. Justice T11o .Judge, Law Cases United States Supreme Court Justice Tom C. Clark will sit as presiding judge for the final round of the 31st annual Henry M. Campbell competition at the Uni- versity Law School, Case Club president Roger G. Kidston, Spec. L. said yesterday. The competition will be at 2:15 p.m. today in Rm. 100, Hutchins Hall in the University Law School. The court's decision and awards will be announced at the Case Club banquet to be held at 6:30 p.m. today in the Union. Serving as associate justices on the bench of the moot court will be Henry M. Butzel, former chief justice of Michigan; the Hon. J. Edward Lumbard, of the United States Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit; the Hon. Thomas F. McAllister, of the United States Court of Appeals for the 6th Cir- cuit; and Prof. S. Chesterfield Op- penheim, of the University Law School. Climaxes Various Contests The final participants who will appear before Justice Clark cli- maxing two years of elimination contests are Richard H. Benson, '56L and Charles B. Renfrew, '561, on the appellants team opposing Richard B. Madden, '56L and Nor- man E. Garr, 156L on the appellee's team. This year's Case Club compe- tition concerns anti-trust litiga- tion against the mythical Marvel Corporation as to its dealer ar- rangements in violation of the * Clayton and Sherman acts. The Case Clubs are an extra- curricular activity of the Univer- sity Law School managed by stu- dents under faculty supervision. Club Purpose The clubs are designed to give + future lawyers a chance to be- come familiar with courtroom pro- cedure. About 90 percent of the Fresh- man law students enter the con- tests. There are.seveal different clubs each headed by a Senior Judge. The first-year member prepares and argues ,two cases, one within his own club in the fall and one as a representative of his club in the spring. Second-year mem- bers participate in one case in the Fall, and the top sixteen then en- ter into an elimination contest for the Henry M. Campbell competi- tion. The transcript of record for this year's competition was preared in the residence halls and closer ties with the administration. " Charles M. Straayer, '57, War-l rick's closest opponent for the presidency, was elected to the of- fice of Executive Vice-President of the Council. 1 Duane Elected Drake Duane, '58, received the majority vote for Administrative Vice-President over Jim Childs, '57, the incumbent. The other three candidates for the presidency were Robin Olli- vier, '57E, dropped on the first ballot; Childs, dropped on the second ballot; and Straayer, who lost to Warrick on the third bal- lot. The remaining three officers of1 the new Council were all elected by acclamation. They were Reed Kenworthey, '57 Ed, Corresponding Secretary;' Jane Long, '57, Recording Secre- tary; and Stan Rock, '59, Treas- urer. Warrick's Platform In his platform for the presi- dency, Warrick emphasized that in the IHC, "the ultimate should be the individual." Warrick stressed that the IHC should not allow all campus ac- tivities to detract from the effect- iveness of the Council's duties to those in the residence halls. In review of the IHC's past year, outgoing President Tom Bleha, '56, cited "a growing interest in the students and in their part in the residence halls by the Board of Governors." Bleha Comments Bleha discussed the IHC struc-+ ture study program, pointing out! that a revisedorganization isrnot the only answer that will clear up all problems. He emphasized closer personal. contacts on the Council as an im- portant point in improving effi- ciency and effectiveness of the IHC. For the new presidential office, Warrick has gained experience as president of East Quad, president of Strauss House, and scholarship chairman of the IHC. He has also been chairman of the East Quad Scholarship Com- mittee, and is a member of Tri- angle and East Quad Quadrants. Wheare Talks To0 Rpundtable Prof. Kenneth Wheare of All Soul's College at Oxford University, Great Britain, spoke before the Political Science Roundtable last night on "The Decline of the Leg- islature." The British political expert ques- tioned whether legislative power has actually declined, remarking, "It almost gives pleasure for most people to say legislatures are going downhill. "But I don't want to believe this, I don't want to think legislatures are on the way down," Wheare said, and admonished persons indulging in such "gruesome pleasure." He said he suspected that behind "all this- talk of the decline of the legislature, there is an assumption of a Golden Age" when parliamen- tary bodies had great authority and their debates commanded wide attention throughout the nation. Ice Cream,'Cords Are Welcome Spring Signs' By ALLAN STILLWAGON They're off! Coats, ice cream trucks, and the morning line at local tracks. The diak is thronged with oyster raincoats and baby blue cord. There's no doubt. It's here. It's Spring. It's Spring. It's Spring. Bathing Suits Adopted Pagan sun - worshippers have shed shorts and adopted bathing suits. It will soon be difficult to tell the returned Floridians from the local proletariat. One affiliated woman was more than slightly af- fected by the exposure and climbed up a fire .escape to bask on the roof of her house. Croci and dogs magically ap- peared in droves from nowhere Nl SSto p Testing H-Bombs. Scroll Takes to everywhere. Daffs threatened to bloom along the front of New- berry. German instructors blos- somed out with violets stolen from the "front lawn" of Tappan Hall. East Quad was at its most co- coperative. People were cooper-. ating all over the place. "It's your turn," said a brunette to her other half. She passed their community apple to him to take a bite. One lonely one consoled him- self. "Young hearts never break, they just bend a little." Tag Day Unwilling philanthropists con- ducted a more vigorous battle than usual, evading buckets of pink tags. Mysterious red hearts appeared on the sidewalks and caused Eng- lish honors to muse, "Surely this is not without meaning." The empty League fountain looked out of place. Comments on the situation varied: "It's great! It's tremend- ous! It's beautiful! It's terrific!" Study Difficult "It's cruddy, I can't study." 5 Sceptics who doubted the cal- endar a few weeks ago have no claim now. In the late afternoon the skies darkened and fortold the final sign of Spring. The Ann Arbor monsoon season will soon begin. To Hold Exercises WASHINGTON (P)-The United States disclosed yesterday that the 6th Fleet Marines will hold "rou- tine" landing exercises in a few weeks at Crete, on the fringe of the troubled Middle East. ike Flails Increase Would Meet *gh Payroll IHC To Hold Special Meeting By VERNON NAHRGANG A proposal by the University Financial Office to increase room and board rates in the Residence Halls $20 a year was announced yesterday by former Inter-House Council President Tom Bleha, '56.- The recommended increase would meet the higher payroll for full- time employees and would cover the amount required for board for the three additional days in next year's revised school calendar year. Bleha explained that the pro- posal would be presented to the Residence Halls Board of Go- -- nors Tuesday and then to the Re- gents at their meeting next Fri- day. Special Meeting Slated IHC plans to hold a special meeting early next week to discuss the proposed room and board raise. A report from the Financial Office ofpthe University, distrib- uted to IHC members, pointed out that the payroll increase amounted to $16.15, and the three days of board to $6, totalling $22.15. How- ever, the proposed increase is only $20. Increased payroll costs apply only to full-time employes of the Residence Halls, and therefore does not include students, whos considered part-time workers. 102% Over 1939 Rates The Financial Office report fur- ther points out that with this new increase, men's rates would be 102 per cent higher than 1939 rates for a comparable room. "Operational expense," the re- port continues, ". . . has increased from 94 per cent for supplies to 195% for Salaries and Wages over the 1939 rate expense. "The cost of Social Security and increased costs of University Serv- ices, such as laundry, plant main- tenance, etc., because. of salary in- creases in these departments will be absorbed by the Residence Halls. Costs Not Reflected "These additional costs of opera- tion are not reflected in the pro- posed rate increase." Sudden announc~ment of the; proposal yesterday, with plans to take it to the Board of Governors and Regents next week, caused consternation among IH Cmem- bers. "This hinged by and large on the State Legislature appropriation which was just completed," Bleha explained. "Until then, the Finan- cial Office didn't know for sure what their operating costs would be."' 1M1C First Notified Bleha also lauded the fact that the IHC was the first to hear of the proposal. He speculated on four steps that the IHC could take in regard to the proposal: fight it, approve it with recommendations, tacitly ap- prove, or do nothing. Bleha then suggested that the council elimi- nate all but the "approve it with recommendations" move. Lambda Ci to Hold Meet The local Lambda Chi Alpha chapter will be host to the annual convention of the fraternity's re- gional organization this weekend. Twenty chapters will be repre- sented by delegations ranging from one man to ten. All will be stay- ing at the local chapter house. Discussions of chapter organiza- tion will be featured in the meet- ings which will be held at the Union. Also at the Union will be a din- ner Saturday night which is plan- ned as one of the highlights of the conclave. Attending it will be sev- eral University officials as well as Chopin Misunderstood,' Editor Of Vatican Says of Composer "Chopin is one of the most mysterious and misunderstood of the great 19th Century men," Mattio Glinski said yesterday. In the first of three lectures devoted to "Some New Aspects of Chopin" the music editor of the Vatican daily newspaper expressed his beliefs about the character of the great composer. "There are great outbursts of despair throughout his music that cannot be explained by Chopin's illness. Those who maintain that he Qwas physically abnormal com- Gilbert and Sullivan Society To Present 'Mikado' Today mit a grave error. To -understand the man it is absolutly indispens- ible to look into the depths of his soul," Glinski said. Studied Biographical Material Glinski submitted all of the bio- graphical material that he could obtain to a microscopic investi- gation. It became apparent to him that the composer's illnesses could not help but affect his personality, but that they had not the slighest effect on his music. Biographers have continued to spread the story of a composer "chaste and pure as a maiden's bed" according to Glinski. This is a conception as inaccurate as that of Chopin as a non-religious per- sonality. He cited examples from recently discovered letters and journals to prove the point. "The period in which he lived could be called a collective re- ligious complex, but the composer himself was very close to the church. His servant told of nights spent in prayer and cries of "O God, God have mercy upon me," Glinski said. Additional Comments Other documents declare the sensuality of the artist, Glinski WASHINGTON -- Atomic En- ergy Commissioner Thomas E. Murray said yesterday the United States ought to stop testing big H-bombs, regardless of what Rus- sia does. "We should not wait for the' establishment of an international control agency," he told a Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee which is studying various disarm- ament proposals. * * * Farmi Bill .. . WASHINGTON - Democratic leaders and two of the three major farm organizations turned the pressure on President Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday to sign a farm bill he doesn't like. Praise for the legislation, which cleared both houses of Congress Wednesday, came from Adlai Ste- venson and Senator Estes Kefau- ver of Tennessee, the t o leading candidates for the Iemocratic presidential nomination. * * * Slaps Back.... AUGUST, Ga. - A White House official slapped back at for- mer President Harry S. Truman yesterday for calling President Dwight D. Eisenhower a "do- nothing" chief executive guilty of "political betrayal." Senior Society Taps 24 Coeds Voicing their traditional song, Senior Society, independent senior women's honorary, tapped 25 new members last night. Selected on the basis of leader- ship and scholastic eligibility, the new members may be recognized today by the white collars andf blue bows they will be wearing. , The following were chosen: 20 Members Traditional strains of "Out of the night comes the sound of voices" were heard in sorority houses all over campus last night as Scroll honorary society tapped 20 new members. Chosen forbthe affiliated senior women's honorary, on basis of leadership and scholarship,Cwere Diana Cook, Carol DeBruin, Chris- ta Eckhard, Erika Erskine, Gwynne fFinkelman, Gail Goldstein and, Char Haller. Also tapped were Betty Jean Kafka, Shirley Lawson, Kathy Luhn, Nancy MacDonald, 'Sally Miller, Mary Nolen, Virginia Rob- ertson, Peggy Ross, Mary Rupp, Carole Sparkie, Judy Tatham, Sal- ly Wilkinson and Anne Woodard. Hatcher, Brown Donate To 'U' Fresh Air Camp * -.: